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139 lines (79 loc) · 5.72 KB

#Implementation of the paper "Attend to the beginning: A study on using bidirectional attention for extractivesummarization" To appear in (FLAIRS33).

It is a modification of the original SummaRuNNer Paper ( for discussion Thread summarization.

##1- Modifications ###a- Post to comment Co-attention: Co-attention mechanism is added between initial post sentence representations and each comment sentence representations. The co-attention produces a set of post aware comment representations. ###b- Pretraining: Model can be pretrained using different dataset, and then fine-tuned with different dataset. The finetuning can be done with the pretrained vocab or the embedding layer can be reinitialized with different vocab. ###c- Gradual layer unfreezing: Gradual layer unfreezing is integrating in this code influenced by

Layers are freezed at the begining of the training process, then layers are gradually unfreezed starting from the top most layer down to the embedding layer. ###d- Backtranslation (under development):

##2- How to use:

###a- Data preprocessing: To either train, tune or test a model first you need to preprocess your data. You can run the file to achieve that. To run the, you can implement your data reading function in

The reading function should read the data split into train, val, test parts and convert to the thread object. please refer to for examples.

In adjust these parameters to your liking :

params['DATA_Path'] = './cnn_data/finished_files/' The path to your data

params['data_set_name'] = 'cnn'' dataset name, appended to saved checkpoint and output.

params['use_BERT'] = True/False use Bert embedding or not, using Bert embedding takes longer for preprocessing.

params['BERT_Model_Path'] = '../pytorch-pretrained-BERT/bert_models/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/' The path to the bert model

params['BERT_embedding_size'] = 768 The size of bert embeddings

params['BERT_layers'] = [-1] or [-1, -2] or [-1, -2, -3], etc.. The indcies of bert layers to be used, where a word representation is the concatination of these layers.

params['vocab_size'] = 70000 The maximum size of vocab to use.

params['use_back_translation'] = False use back-translation or not

params['back_translation_file'] = None back-translated file path

params['Global_max_sequence_length'] = 25 maximum number of tokens to keep in a sequence, longer sequences will be truncated and shorter ones will be padded

params['Global_max_num_sentences'] = 20 maximum number of sentences in a comment, longer comments will be truncated.

params['use_external_vocab'] = False use external vocab to encode the data ? if False the data will be encodeded using the vocab extracted during the preprocessing.

params['external_vocab_file'] = './checkpoint/forum_vocab.pickle' external vocab file path.

params['encoding_batch_size'] = 64 The batch size used in encoding data, only used when using Bert for encoding.

params['data_split_size'] = 15000 The size of data chunk to be processed at a time, if data is larger than params['data_split_size'] samples, then preprocessed data will be split into multiple pieces.

params['device'] = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') use cpu or cuda

###b- Train a model To train a model using the preprocessed data you can run the Make sure to adjust the parameters to your preferences.

params['DATA_Path'] =

params['data_set_name'] = 'cnn'

params['use_coattention'] = False use co-attention or not.

params['use_BERT'] = False use BERT embeddings or not.

params['BERT_embedding_size'] = 768

params['BERT_layers'] = [-1]

params['embedding_size'] = 64 Embedding size, if BERT not used.

params['hidden_size'] = 128 Hidden size for sentence and document RNNs

params['batch_size'] = 8 The batch size for training.

params['lr'] = 0.001 Learning rate.

params['vocab_size'] = 70000 max vocab size.

params['Global_max_sequence_length'] = 25, params['Global_max_num_sentences'] = 20 Use the same as the ones used in preprocessing

params['num_epochs'] = 50 Num of training epoch

params['start_epoch'] = 0 The starting epoch index, should be helpful to avoid overwriting saved checkpoints.

params['write_summarizes'] = True

params['output_dir'] = './output/'

params['save_model'] = True

params['save_model_path'] = './checkpoint/models/'

params['load_model'] = True

params['reinit_embeddings'] = True

params['load_model_path'] = './checkpoint/bilstm_model_cnn_19.pkl'

params['device'] = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')

params['task'] = 'Train' ### Train, Test

params['write_post_fix'] = '0'

params['tune_postfix'] = '_tune_guf'

params['gradual_unfreezing'] = True

###c- use a pretrained model for Tuning To tune, run after setting the following parameters.

params['load_model'] = True Set for True to load a checkpoint.

params['reinit_embeddings'] = True True if the embedding layer needs to be reinitialized, or False to use the same embedding layer used while training.

params['load_model_path'] = './checkpoint/bilstm_model_cnn_19.pkl' The checkpoint to load for tuning

params['task'] = 'Train' ### Train, Test set True to continue training

params['tune_postfix'] = '_tune_guf' a postfix to add for checkpoint saving and output files.

params['gradual_unfreezing'] = True use gradual unfreezing while tuning.

###d- Use a checkpoint for Testing