- Industrial robot
- abbrevs.
- TCP - Tool Central Point
- Lectures on Robotic Planning and Kinematics
- MIT Introduction to Robotics
- A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation
- robotics-315
- Industrial robot
Forward and Inverse Kinematics
- Transformation Matrices Part 1
- Transformation Matrices Part 2
- Transformation Matrices Part 3
- Forward and Inverse Kinematics Part 1
- Forward and Inverse Kinematics Part 2
- Forward and Inverse Kinematics Part 3
- Velocity, Force and the Jacobian Part 1
- Velocity, Force and the Jacobian Part 2
- Velocity, Force and the Jacobian Part 3
- Velocity, Force and the Jacobian Part 4
robot camera calibration
ROS2 + ROS + What, Why and How of ROS
ROS education
- ROS2 Tutorials
- ROS 2 Basics in 5 Days (C++)
- ROS2 : Real Time Publish Subscribe -- RTPS / Data Distribution Service -- DDS
- ROS2 vs ROS1.Установка ROS2 на Ubuntu 18.04
- Data Distribution Service
- DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol May 2019
- Reactive functional programming in distributed embedded systems
- eProsima Fast RTPS Documentation
- https://github.com/eProsima/Fast-RTPS
- eProsima FASTRTPSGEN is a Java application that generates source code using the data types defined in an IDL file
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cwchien/gradle sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade gradle
- see Gradle: Could not determine java version from...
gradle -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128 - Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128
- Execution and IDL Definition
- A brief introduction to the RTPS protocol
- Scala
- Rust rtps imps
- PX4 Autopilot
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src/ros2/rviz/ $ git remote add racko https://github.com/racko/rviz.git $ git fetch racko added_cmake_project_type fix_fallthrough fix_wrong_yaml_cpp $ git cherry-pick racko/added_cmake_project_type racko/fix_fallthrough racko/fix_wrong_yaml_cpp ... sudo python3 -m pip install empy setuptools nose vcstool pep8 pydocstyle pyflakes flake8 mock coverage sudo pip3 install lark-parser ```
ROS2 tutorials
OpenAI Gym+ROS+Gazebo: обучение автономного робота в домашних условиях. Часть 1
ROS Digest
Introduction to the Robot Operating System (ROS) Middleware - Mike Anderson, The PTR Group, Inc.
The Robot Operating System (ROS)
- ROS wiki
- ROS intro
- Programming for Robotics (ROS) Course 1
- Programming for Robotics - ROS
- ROS Best Practices from ETHZ
- ROS Design Patterns
- ROS Best Practices
- How to set debug level: from rosconsole
- tl;dr
#include <ros/console.h> if( ros::console::set_logger_level(ROSCONSOLE_DEFAULT_NAME, ros::console::levels::Debug) ) { ros::console::notifyLoggerLevelsChanged(); }
- A set of solutions to ETHZ ROS lectures
- Messages and Topics: Communicating between nodes
- ROS callbacks, threads and spinning
The MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework
OMPL.app has the following required dependencies:
* [Boost](http://www.boost.org) (version 1.54 or higher) * [CMake](http://www.cmake.org) (version 2.8.7 or higher) * [Assimp](http://assimp.org) * [FCL](https://github.com/flexible-collision-library/fcl) OMPL.app's build system will attempt to automatically download and build Assimp and FCL if not already installed. The following dependencies are optional: * [PyQt](http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/download5) (for GUI) * [PyOpenGL](http://pyopengl.sourceforge.net/) (for GUI) * [Py++](https://bitbucket.org/ompl/ompl/src/tip/doc/markdown/installPyPlusPlus.md) (needed to generate Python bindings) * [ODE](http://ode.org) (needed to compile support for planning using the Open Dynamics Engine) * [Doxygen](http://www.doxygen.org) (needed to create a local copy of the documentation at http://ompl.kavrakilab.org) * [Eigen](http://eigen.tuxfamily.org) (needed for an informed sampling technique to improve the optimization of path length and for the Vector Field RRT planner)
ROS transport level protocol
- convenient cross-reference
- github repository for transport level protocol
- Robot Communication Protocol from JBC
- TCP backup
ROS web
- Web based supervisory system for ROS
- Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs. There are a variety of front ends that interface with rosbridge, including a WebSocket server for web browsers to interact with.
- A web-based control center for ROS robots
- Web Applications for Robots using rosbridge
- robot web tools is a collection of open-source modules and tools for building web-based robot apps
<node pkg="planning_servers" launch-prefix="xterm -e cgdb --args" name="mainserver" type="mainserver_node" ...
building ROS with moveIt on arch linux
- install octomap
yaourt -S aur/octomap in PKGBUILD change pkgversion from 1.7.0 to 1.8.1 fix sha256
- install fcl with octomap support
yaourt -S aur/fcl in PKGBUILD change pkgversion from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 fix sha256 check less /usr/include/fcl/config.h has octomap support with octomap version > 1.8.0
+ [C++11 error on ROS buildfarm for kinetic](https://github.com/ros-planning/geometric_shapes/issues/49) + [issue: Dependencies on fcl->octomap](https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_core/issues/299) + [fcl 0.5 release with octomap 1.8 support](https://github.com/flexible-collision-library/fcl/issues/137)
- install
yaourt -S aur/ros-kinetic-opencv3
export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-5 export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-5 diff -u /etc/makepkg.conf.ORIG /etc/makepkg.conf --- /etc/makepkg.conf.ORIG 2017-07-04 12:29:42.000000000 +0300 +++ /etc/makepkg.conf 2017-10-06 01:19:20.550612564 +0300 @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ # -march (or -mcpu) builds exclusively for an architecture # -mtune optimizes for an architecture, but builds for whole processor family CPPFLAGS="-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" -CFLAGS="-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt" -CXXFLAGS="-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt" +CFLAGS="-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong" +CXXFLAGS="-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong"
+ i.e. remove `-fno-plt` for `CFLAGS`, `CXXFLAGS` in `/etc/makepkg.conf` temporary + [ AUR Issues, Discussion & PKGBUILD Requests» gcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-fno-plt’](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=228332) + [Build error: GCC-5 fail on "-fno-plt" flag](https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/6nxxre/build_error_gcc5_fail_on_fnoplt_flag/)
yay -S aur/ros-kinetic-core --noconfirm yay -S aur/ros-kinetic-desktop --noconfirm yay -S aur/ros-kinetic-desktop-full --noconfirm yay -S aur/ros-kinetic-moveit-core --noconfirm yay -S aur/ros-kinetic-moveit --noconfirm
rosdep install fails on Archlinux
- ROS Kinetic Installing from source
- Catkin fails on osx 10.9, can't find 'main' module in empy-3.1-py2.7.egg/em.pyc ; on arch linux fails as well
tl;dr a confusion between pyhon packages
sudo pip uninstall em sudo pip install empy rosinstall_generator desktop --rosdistro kinetic --deps --wet-only --tar > kinetic-desktop-wet.rosinstall rosinstall_generator industrial_core --rosdistro kinetic --deps --wet-only --tar >> kinetic-desktop-wet.rosinstall wstool init -j8 src kinetic-desktop-full-wet.rosinstall wstool update -j 4 -t src #rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro kinetic -y ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug --make-args VERBOSE=1 ... Could not find a package configuration file provided by "console_bridge" ...
+ [ROS `console_bridge`](http://wiki.ros.org/console_bridge)
Poco was not found sudo apt-get install libpoco-dev sudo apt-get install libpocofoundation9v5-dbg with Arch Linux many annoying errors; quick-n-dirty fixes to link.txt add -lPocoNet -lPocoUtil
build: see above onyaourt -S aur/ros-kinetic-opencv3
and inopencv3/cmake/OpenCVPCHSupport.cmake
as workaround for Source compile of Kinetic on Fedora24; symptoms:SET(_PCH_include_prefix "-I") #SET(_PCH_isystem_prefix "-isystem") SET(_PCH_isystem_prefix "-I")
cstdlib:75:25: fatal error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory #include_next <stdlib.h>
- ROS package collada_parser: dae.h not found
- get perception_pcl building on kinetic
- kinetic-devel does not build on 16.04
- cmake error, poco was not found, Raspberry Pi, ROS Indigo
- sip: Unable to find file "QtCore/QtCoremod.sip"
- No module named defusedxml.xmlrpc
- when executing command
roslaunch ...
sudo apt-get install python-defusedxml
- when executing command
- Catkin fails on osx 10.9, can't find 'main' module in empy-3.1-py2.7.egg/em.pyc ; on arch linux fails as well
tl;dr a confusion between pyhon packages
- Ros Build System code gists
- ROS Kinetic Installing from source
- https://tessel.io/
- https://www.slideshare.net/AndyGrove1/rust-is-for-robots
- https://users.rust-lang.org/t/rust-for-embedded-development-where-we-are-and-whats-missing/10861
- https://github.com/robotrs/rust-wpilib https://kylestach1678.github.io/2017/01/03/rust-for-robotics-part-0-introduction.html
- https://crates.io/crates/wpilib-hal
GA for robotics
Artificial Intelligence for Robotics by Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Tech
RobOptim is a Modern, Open-Source, C++ Library for Numerical Optimization applied to Robotics
Protocols verification
Robot Simulators
- Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- JoelBurdick list for robotics
- Работа с SLAM в ROS на Raspberry Pi 3 на примере hector_slam
- OpenRAVE provides an environment for testing, developing, and deploying motion planning algorithms in real-world robotics application
- YARP stands for Yet Another Robot Platform
- Robotic Humanoid hand
- Plucker Coordinates for Lines in the Space∗
- Робот-тележка на ROS. Часть 8. Управляем с телефона-ROS Control, GPS-нода
- Learning embedded Rust by building RISC-V-powered robot