This is a library to validate schema when a message is sent to or received from Azure Service Bus SDK. Schema registry is accessible through SchemaValidator.
Package | Download | Version |
Aliencube.AzureMessaging.SchemaValidation.ServiceBus |
Due to the fact that there are two different version of Azure Service Bus SDK, each version takes a significantly different approach from each other, to validate messages.
NOTE: When your application targets .NET Framework (4.6.1+) and uses the NuGet package of
, this approach SHOULD be taken.
Before sending a message through TopicClient
, the message is validated by this extension method, ValidateAsync(this BrokeredMessage message, ISchemaValidator validator, string schemaPathPropertyKey = "schemaPath")
. Make sure that the message MUST include a user property pointing to the schema location.
var sink = new BlobStorageSchemaSink();
var consumer = new SchemaConsumer()
var validator = new SchemaValidator()
var factory = MessagingFactory.CreateFromConnectionString("/* CONNECTION STRING */");
var topic = factory.CreateTopicClient("my-topic");
var payload = "{ \"hello\": \"world\" }";
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload);
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(body))
using (var message = new BrokeredMessage(stream))
message.Properties.Add("schemaPath", "");
var validated = await message.ValidateAsync(validator)
await topic.SendAsync(validated)
After receiving the message through SubscriptionClient
, the message is validated by this extension method, ValidateAsync(this BrokeredMessage message, ISchemaValidator validator, string schemaPathPropertyKey = "schemaPath")
. Make sure that the message MUST include a user property pointing to the schema location.
var sink = new BlobStorageSchemaSink();
var consumer = new SchemaConsumer()
var validator = new SchemaValidator()
var factory = MessagingFactory.CreateFromConnectionString("/* CONNECTION STRING */");
var subscription = factory.CreateSubscriptionClient("my-topic", "my-subscription", ReceiveMode.PeekLock);
var received = await subscription.ReceiveAsync()
NOTE: When you application targets .NET Core (2.1+) and uses the NuGet package of
, this approach SHOULD be taken.
Register SchemaValidatorPlugin
to TopicClient
. When a message is sent to through the TopicClient
, the message is validated by SchemaValidatorPlugin
. Make sure that the message MUST include a user property pointing to the schema location.
var sink = new BlobStorageSchemaSink();
var consumer = new SchemaConsumer()
var validator = new SchemaValidator()
var plugin = new SchemaValidatorPlugin()
var topic = new TopicClient("/* CONNECTION STRING */", "my-topic");
var payload = "{ \"hello\": \"world\" }";
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload);
var message = new Message(body);
message.UserProperties.Add("schemaPath", "");
await topic.SendAsync(message)
Register SchemaValidatorPlugin
to SubscriptionClient
. When a message is received to through the SubscriptionClient
, the message is validated by SchemaValidatorPlugin
. Make sure that the message MUST include a user property pointing to the schema location.
var sink = new BlobStorageSchemaSink();
var consumer = new SchemaConsumer()
var validator = new SchemaValidator()
var plugin = new SchemaValidatorPlugin()
var subscription = new SubscriptionClient("/* CONNECTION STRING */", "my-topic", "my-subscription", ReceiveMode.PeekLock);
subscription.RegisterMessageHandler(async (message, token) =>
var payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Body);
await subscription.CompleteAsync(message.SystemProperties.LockToken)
new MessageHandlerOptions(args =>