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AlgoKit CLI Reference Documentation


AlgoKit is your one-stop shop to develop applications on the Algorand blockchain.

If you are getting started, please see the quick start tutorial:




Show the version and exit.

-v, --verbose

Enable logging of DEBUG messages to the console.

--color, --no-color

Force enable or disable of console output styling.


Skip version checking and prompting.


Compile smart contracts and smart signatures written in a supported high-level language to a format deployable on the Algorand Virtual Machine (AVM).

algokit compile [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


-v, --version

The compiler version to pin to, for example, 1.0.0. If no version is specified, AlgoKit checks if the compiler is installed and runs the installed version. If the compiler is not installed, AlgoKit runs the latest version. If a version is specified, AlgoKit checks if an installed version matches and runs the installed version. Otherwise, AlgoKit runs the specified version.


Compile Algorand Python contract(s) using the PuyaPy compiler.

algokit compile py [OPTIONS] [PUYAPY_ARGS]...



Optional argument(s)


Compile Algorand Python contract(s) using the PuyaPy compiler.

algokit compile python [OPTIONS] [PUYAPY_ARGS]...



Optional argument(s)


Install and Uninstall AlgoKit shell integrations.

algokit completions [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Install shell completions, this command will attempt to update the interactive profile script for the current shell to support algokit completions. To specify a specific shell use --shell.

algokit completions install [OPTIONS]



Specify shell to install algokit completions for.

  • Options

    bash | zsh


Uninstall shell completions, this command will attempt to update the interactive profile script for the current shell to remove any algokit completions that have been added. To specify a specific shell use --shell.

algokit completions uninstall [OPTIONS]



Specify shell to install algokit completions for.

  • Options

    bash | zsh


Configure settings used by AlgoKit

algokit config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Set the default container engine for use by AlgoKit CLI to run LocalNet images.

algokit config container-engine [OPTIONS] [[docker|podman]]


-f, --force

Skip confirmation prompts. Defaults to 'yes' to all prompts.



Optional argument


Controls whether AlgoKit checks and prompts for new versions. Set to [disable] to prevent AlgoKit performing this check permanently, or [enable] to resume checking. If no argument is provided then outputs current setting.

Also see --skip-version-check which can be used to disable check for a single command.

algokit config version-prompt [OPTIONS] [[enable|disable]]



Optional argument


Interact with the AlgoKit TestNet Dispenser.

algokit dispenser [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Fund your wallet address with TestNet ALGOs.

algokit dispenser fund [OPTIONS]


-r, --receiver

Required Address or alias of the receiver to fund with TestNet ALGOs.

-a, --amount

Required Amount to fund. Defaults to microAlgos.


Use whole units (Algos) instead of smallest divisible units (microAlgos). Disabled by default.


Get information about current fund limit on your account. Resets daily.

algokit dispenser limit [OPTIONS]



Use whole units (Algos) instead of smallest divisible units (microAlgos). Disabled by default.


Login to your Dispenser API account.

algokit dispenser login [OPTIONS]



Generate an access token for CI. Issued for 30 days.

-o, --output <output_mode>

Choose the output method for the access token. Defaults to stdout. Only applicable when --ci flag is set.

  • Options

    stdout | file

-f, --file <output_filename>

Output filename where you want to store the generated access token.Defaults to algokit_ci_token.txt. Only applicable when --ci flag is set and --output mode is file.


Logout of your Dispenser API account.

algokit dispenser logout [OPTIONS]


Refund ALGOs back to the dispenser wallet address.

algokit dispenser refund [OPTIONS]


-t, --txID <tx_id>

Required Transaction ID of your refund operation.


Diagnose potential environment issues that may affect AlgoKit.

Will search the system for AlgoKit dependencies and show their versions, as well as identifying any potential issues.

algokit doctor [OPTIONS]


-c, --copy-to-clipboard

Copy the contents of the doctor message (in Markdown format) in your clipboard.


Explore the specified network using lora.

algokit explore [OPTIONS] [[localnet|testnet|mainnet]]



Optional argument


Generate code for an Algorand project.

algokit generate [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Create a typed ApplicationClient from an ARC-32/56 application.json

Supply the path to an application specification file or a directory to recursively search for "application.json" files

algokit generate client [OPTIONS] APP_SPEC_PATH_OR_DIR


-o, --output <output_path_pattern>

Path to the output file. The following tokens can be used to substitute into the output path: {contract_name}, {app_spec_dir}

-l, --language

Programming language of the generated client code

  • Options

    python | typescript

-v, --version

The client generator version to pin to, for example, 1.0.0. If no version is specified, AlgoKit checks if the client generator is installed and runs the installed version. If the client generator is not installed, AlgoKit runs the latest version. If a version is specified, AlgoKit checks if an installed version matches and runs the installed version. Otherwise, AlgoKit runs the specified version.



Required argument


Run the Algorand goal CLI against the AlgoKit LocalNet.

Look at for more information.

algokit goal [OPTIONS] [GOAL_ARGS]...



Open a Bash console so you can execute multiple goal commands and/or interact with a filesystem.


Force running the goal command in interactive mode.



Optional argument(s)


Initializes a new project from a template, including prompting for template specific questions to be used in template rendering.

Templates can be default templates shipped with AlgoKit, or custom templates in public Git repositories.

Includes ability to initialise Git repository, run algokit project bootstrap and automatically open Visual Studio Code.

This should be run in the parent directory that you want the project folder created in.

By default, the --workspace flag creates projects within a workspace structure or integrates them into an existing one, promoting organized management of multiple projects. Alternatively, to disable this behavior use the --no-workspace flag, which ensures the new project is created in a standalone target directory. This is suitable for isolated projects or when workspace integration is unnecessary.

algokit init [OPTIONS]


-n, --name <directory_name>

Name of the project / directory / repository to create.

-t, --template <template_name>

Name of an official template to use. To choose interactively, run this command with no arguments.

  • Options

    tealscript | python | react | fullstack | base | playground


URL to a git repo with a custom project template.


Specific tag, branch or commit to use on git repo specified with --template-url. Defaults to latest.


Accept the specified template URL, acknowledging the security implications of arbitrary code execution trusting an unofficial template.

--git, --no-git

Initialise git repository in directory after creation.


Automatically choose default answers without asking when creating this template.

--bootstrap, --no-bootstrap

Whether to run algokit project bootstrap to install and configure the new project's dependencies locally.

--ide, --no-ide

Whether to open an IDE for you if the IDE and IDE config are detected. Supported IDEs: VS Code.

--workspace, --no-workspace

Whether to prefer structuring standalone projects as part of a workspace. An AlgoKit workspace is a conventional project structure that allows managing multiple standalone projects in a monorepo.

-a, --answer

Answers key/value pairs to pass to the template.


Manage the AlgoKit LocalNet.

algokit localnet [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Manage the AlgoKit LocalNet in GitHub Codespaces.

algokit localnet codespace [OPTIONS]


-m, --machine

The GitHub Codespace machine type to use. Defaults to base tier.

  • Options

    basicLinux32gb | standardLinux32gb | premiumLinux | largePremiumLinux

-a, --algod-port <algod_port>

The port for the Algorand daemon. Defaults to 4001.

-i, --indexer-port <indexer_port>

The port for the Algorand indexer. Defaults to 8980.

-k, --kmd-port <kmd_port>

The port for the Algorand kmd. Defaults to 4002.

-n, --codespace-name <codespace_name>

The name of the codespace. Defaults to 'algokit-localnet_timestamp'.

-r, --repo-url <repo_url>

The URL of the repository. Defaults to algokit base template repo.

-t, --timeout <timeout_minutes>

Default max runtime timeout in minutes. Upon hitting the timeout a codespace will be shutdown to prevent accidental spending over GitHub Codespaces quota. Defaults to 4 hours.

-f, --force

Force delete previously used codespaces with {CODESPACE_NAME_PREFIX}* name prefix and skip prompts. Defaults to explicitly prompting for confirmation.


Set the default container engine for use by AlgoKit CLI to run LocalNet images.

algokit localnet config [OPTIONS] [[docker|podman]]


-f, --force

Skip confirmation prompts. Defaults to 'yes' to all prompts.



Optional argument


Run the Algorand goal CLI against the AlgoKit LocalNet via a Bash console so you can execute multiple goal commands and/or interact with a filesystem.

algokit localnet console [OPTIONS]


Explore the AlgoKit LocalNet using lora.

algokit localnet explore [OPTIONS]


See the output of the Docker containers.

algokit localnet logs [OPTIONS]


--follow, -f

Follow log output.


Number of lines to show from the end of the logs for each container.

  • Default



Reset the AlgoKit LocalNet.

algokit localnet reset [OPTIONS]


--update, --no-update

Enable or disable updating to the latest available LocalNet version, default: don't update

-P, --config-dir <config_path>

Specify the custom localnet configuration directory.


Start the AlgoKit LocalNet.

algokit localnet start [OPTIONS]


-n, --name

Specify a name for a custom LocalNet instance. AlgoKit will not manage the configuration of named LocalNet instances, allowing developers to configure it in any way they need. Defaults to 'sandbox'.

-P, --config-dir <config_path>

Specify the custom localnet configuration directory. Defaults to '~/.config' on UNIX and 'C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming' on Windows.

-d, --dev, --no-dev

Control whether to launch 'algod' in developer mode or not. Defaults to 'yes'.


Ignore the prompt to stop the LocalNet if it's already running.


Check the status of the AlgoKit LocalNet.

algokit localnet status [OPTIONS]


Stop the AlgoKit LocalNet.

algokit localnet stop [OPTIONS]


Provides a suite of commands for managing your AlgoKit project. This includes initializing project dependencies, deploying smart contracts, and executing predefined or custom commands within your project environment.

algokit project [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Expedited initial setup for any developer by installing and configuring dependencies and other key development environment setup activities.

algokit project bootstrap [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...



Continue even if minimum AlgoKit version is not met


Runs all bootstrap sub-commands in the current directory and immediate sub directories.

algokit project bootstrap all [OPTIONS]


--interactive, --no-ci, --non-interactive, --ci

Enable/disable interactive prompts. If the CI environment variable is set, defaults to non-interactive

-p, --project-name

(Optional) Projects to execute the command on. Defaults to all projects found in the current directory.

-t, --type <project_type>

(Optional) Limit execution to specific project types if executing from workspace.

  • Options

    ProjectType.FRONTEND | ProjectType.CONTRACT | ProjectType.BACKEND


Copies .env.template file to .env in the current working directory and prompts for any unspecified values.

algokit project bootstrap env [OPTIONS]


--interactive, --non-interactive, --ci

Enable/disable interactive prompts. If the CI environment variable is set, defaults to non-interactive


Runs npm install in the current working directory to install Node.js dependencies.

algokit project bootstrap npm [OPTIONS]


--ci, --no-ci

Run 'npm ci' instead of 'npm install' in CI mode (clean install).


Installs Python Poetry (if not present) and runs poetry install in the current working directory to install Python dependencies.

algokit project bootstrap poetry [OPTIONS]


Deploy smart contracts from AlgoKit compliant repository.

algokit project deploy [OPTIONS] [ENVIRONMENT_NAME] [EXTRA_ARGS]...


-C, -c, --command

Custom deploy command. If not provided, will load the deploy command from .algokit.toml file.

--interactive, --non-interactive, --ci

Enable/disable interactive prompts. Defaults to non-interactive if the CI environment variable is set. Interactive MainNet deployments prompt for confirmation.

-P, --path

Specify the project directory. If not provided, current working directory will be used.

--deployer <deployer_alias>

(Optional) Alias of the deployer account. Otherwise, will prompt the deployer mnemonic if specified in .algokit.toml file.

--dispenser <dispenser_alias>

(Optional) Alias of the dispenser account. Otherwise, will prompt the dispenser mnemonic if specified in .algokit.toml file.

-p, --project-name

(Optional) Projects to execute the command on. Defaults to all projects found in the current directory. Option is mutually exclusive with command.



Optional argument


Optional argument(s)


Automatically invoke 'algokit generate client' on contract projects available in the workspace. Must be invoked from the root of a standalone 'frontend' typed project.

algokit project link [OPTIONS]


-p, --project-name

Specify contract projects for the command. Defaults to all in the current workspace.

-l, --language

Programming language of the generated client code

  • Options

    python | typescript

-a, --all

Link all contract projects with the frontend project Option is mutually exclusive with project_name.

-f, --fail-fast

Exit immediately if at least one client generation process fails

-v, --version

The client generator version to pin to, for example, 1.0.0. If no version is specified, AlgoKit checks if the client generator is installed and runs the installed version. If the client generator is not installed, AlgoKit runs the latest version. If a version is specified, AlgoKit checks if an installed version matches and runs the installed version. Otherwise, AlgoKit runs the specified version.


List all projects in the workspace

algokit project list [OPTIONS] [WORKSPACE_PATH]



Optional argument


Define custom commands and manage their execution in you projects.

algokit project run [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Collection of useful tasks to help you develop on Algorand.

algokit task [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Analyze TEAL programs for common vulnerabilities using Tealer. This task uses a third party tool to suggest improvements for your TEAL programs, but remember to always test your smart contracts code, follow modern software engineering practices and use the guidelines for smart contract development. This should not be used as a substitute for an actual audit. For full list of available detectors, please refer to

algokit task analyze [OPTIONS] INPUT_PATHS...


-r, --recursive

Recursively search for all TEAL files within the provided directory.


Force verification without the disclaimer confirmation prompt.


Exit with a non-zero code if differences are found between current and last reports. Reports are generated each run, but with this flag execution fails if the current report doesn't match the last report. Reports are stored in the .algokit/static-analysis/snapshots folder by default. Use --output for a custom path.

-o, --output <output_path>

Directory path where to store the results of the static analysis. Defaults to .algokit/static-analysis/snapshots.

-e, --exclude <detectors_to_exclude>

Exclude specific vulnerabilities from the analysis. Supports multiple exclusions in a single run.



Required argument(s)


Upload files to IPFS using Pinata provider.

algokit task ipfs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Login to Pinata ipfs provider. You will be prompted for your JWT.

algokit task ipfs login [OPTIONS]


Logout of Pinata ipfs provider.

algokit task ipfs logout [OPTIONS]


Upload a file to Pinata ipfs provider. Please note, max file size is 100MB.

algokit task ipfs upload [OPTIONS]


-f, --file <file_path>

Required Path to the file to upload.

-n, --name

Human readable name for this upload, for use in file listings.


Mint new fungible or non-fungible assets on Algorand.

algokit task mint [OPTIONS]



Required Address or alias of the asset creator.

--name <asset_name>

Asset name.

-u, --unit <unit_name>

Required Unit name of the asset.

-t, --total

Total supply of the asset. Defaults to 1.

-d, --decimals

Number of decimals. Defaults to 0.

--nft, --ft

Whether the asset should be validated as NFT or FT. Refers to NFT by default and validates canonical definitions of pure or fractional NFTs as per ARC3 standard.

-i, --image <image_path>

Required Path to the asset image file to be uploaded to IPFS.

-m, --metadata <token_metadata_path>

Path to the ARC19 compliant asset metadata file to be uploaded to IPFS. If not provided, a default metadata object will be generated automatically based on asset-name, decimals and image. For more details refer to

--mutable, --immutable

Whether the asset should be mutable or immutable. Refers to ARC19 by default.

-n, --network

Network to use. Refers to localnet by default.

  • Options

    localnet | testnet | mainnet


Perform a lookup via NFD domain or address, returning the associated address or domain respectively.

algokit task nfd-lookup [OPTIONS] VALUE


-o, --output

Output format for NFD API response. Defaults to address|domain resolved.

  • Options

    full | tiny | address



Required argument


Opt-in to an asset(s). This is required before you can receive an asset. Use -n to specify localnet, testnet, or mainnet. To supply multiple asset IDs, separate them with a whitespace.

algokit task opt-in [OPTIONS] ASSET_IDS...


-a, --account

Required Address or alias of the signer account.

-n, --network

Network to use. Refers to localnet by default.

  • Options

    localnet | testnet | mainnet



Required argument(s)


opt-out of an asset(s). You can only opt out of an asset with a zero balance. Use -n to specify localnet, testnet, or mainnet. To supply multiple asset IDs, separate them with a whitespace.

algokit task opt-out [OPTIONS] [ASSET_IDS]...


-a, --account

Required Address or alias of the signer account.


Opt-out of all assets with zero balance.

-n, --network

Network to use. Refers to localnet by default.

  • Options

    localnet | testnet | mainnet



Optional argument(s)


Send a signed transaction to the given network.

algokit task send [OPTIONS]


-f, --file

Single or multiple message pack encoded signed transactions from binary file to send. Option is mutually exclusive with transaction.

-t, --transaction

Base64 encoded signed transaction to send. Option is mutually exclusive with file.

-n, --network

Network to use. Refers to localnet by default.

  • Options

    localnet | testnet | mainnet


Sign goal clerk compatible Algorand transaction(s).

algokit task sign [OPTIONS]


-a, --account

Required Address or alias of the signer account.

-f, --file

Single or multiple message pack encoded transactions from binary file to sign. Option is mutually exclusive with transaction.

-t, --transaction

Single base64 encoded transaction object to sign. Option is mutually exclusive with file.

-o, --output

The output file path to store signed transaction(s).


Force signing without confirmation.


Transfer algos or assets from one account to another.

algokit task transfer [OPTIONS]


-s, --sender

Required Address or alias of the sender account.

-r, --receiver

Required Address or alias to an account that will receive the asset(s).

--asset, --id <asset_id>

Asset ID to transfer. Defaults to 0 (Algo).

-a, --amount

Required Amount to transfer.


Use whole units (Algos | ASAs) instead of smallest divisible units (for example, microAlgos). Disabled by default.

-n, --network

Network to use. Refers to localnet by default.

  • Options

    localnet | testnet | mainnet


Generate a vanity Algorand address. Your KEYWORD can only include letters A - Z and numbers 2 - 7. Keeping your KEYWORD under 5 characters will usually result in faster generation. Note: The longer the KEYWORD, the longer it may take to generate a matching address. Please be patient if you choose a long keyword.

algokit task vanity-address [OPTIONS] KEYWORD


-m, --match

Location where the keyword will be included. Default is start.

  • Options

    start | anywhere | end

-o, --output

How the output will be presented.

  • Options

    stdout | alias | file

-a, --alias

Alias for the address. Required if output is "alias".

--file-path <output_file_path>

File path where to dump the output. Required if output is "file".

-f, --force

Allow overwriting an aliases without confirmation, if output option is 'alias'.



Required argument


Create short aliases for your addresses and accounts on AlgoKit CLI.

algokit task wallet [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Add an address or account to be stored against a named alias (at most 50 aliases).

algokit task wallet add [OPTIONS] ALIAS_NAME


-a, --address

Required The address of the account.

-m, --mnemonic

If specified then prompt the user for a mnemonic phrase interactively using masked input.

-f, --force

Allow overwriting an existing alias.



Required argument


Get an address or account stored against a named alias.

algokit task wallet get [OPTIONS] ALIAS



Required argument


List all addresses and accounts stored against a named alias.

algokit task wallet list [OPTIONS]


Remove an address or account stored against a named alias.

algokit task wallet remove [OPTIONS] ALIAS


-f, --force

Allow removing an alias without confirmation.



Required argument


Remove all aliases.

algokit task wallet reset [OPTIONS]


-f, --force

Allow removing all aliases without confirmation.