diff --git a/MarkToBlue.html b/MarkToBlue.html deleted file mode 100644 index 08d31d2..0000000 --- a/MarkToBlue.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,598 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -MarkToBlue: Illuminating the difference - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -



Immunocytochemistry (IHC) and Immnunocytochemistry (ICC) are robust -techniques widely used for visualizing antigen locations in tissue -samples. While offering unique insights, it is often limited in its -quantification capabilities. This project presents a computational -solution to complement experimental workflows.




The objective of this analysis

  1. Explain and document the approach used by MarkToBlue

  2. -
  3. To support the results provided by the program in a detailed -way.

  4. -
  5. Explore the possible limitations and propose -improvements.

  6. -

Analitical approach


When using IHC and ICC, we notice that is well-suited for comparative -assessment but is of limited value for absolute quantification. Cell -samples with different confluence, fluorescence fading, subtle -differences in antibody concentration, can make the comparison -unreliable.


The proposed method is a ratio creation used for normalize the marker -(green) parameters to the blue (base or nuclei) parameters.


The reason for doing so is because we assume that the nuclei marker -(DAPI or Hoescht) is a good proxy for total tissue area and brightness -baseline.


\[ -\text{MarkToBlue Ratio} = \frac{A_{\text{blue}} \cdot -B_{\text{blue}}}{A_{\text{green}} \cdot B_{\text{green}}} -\]


The marker to blue approach has precedents in the literature. Further -improvements are needed, however, it may be useful as a first step in -marker quantification.


Camp RL, Chung GG, Rimm DL. Automated subcellular localization and -quantification of protein expression in tissue microarrays. Nat Med. -2002 Nov;8(11):1323-7. doi: 10.1038/nm791. Epub 2002 Oct 21. PMID: -12389040.


Carpenter, A.E., Jones, T.R., Lamprecht, M.R. et al. -CellProfiler: image analysis software for identifying and quantifying -cell phenotypes. Genome Biol 7, R100 (2006). -https://doi.org/10.1186/gb-2006-7-10-r100


Exploratory Analysis (EA)


We will start the analysis by loading the sample image.

path <- "/home/alex/Documentos/Proyectos/marktoblue/MarkToBlue/documentation/sample.png"
-# Load the image
-image <- readImage(path)
-# Display the original image
-display(image, method = "raster")


After uploading we process the image and plot histograms:

# Separate color channels
-blue_channel <- channel(image, "blue")
-green_channel <- channel(image, "green")
-# Plot histograms for color channels
-par(mfrow = c(1, 2))  # Arrange plots in a 1x2 grid
-# Histogram for the blue channel
-hist(as.vector(blue_channel), breaks = 50, main = "Blue Channel Histogram",
-     xlab = "Intensity", col = "blue", border = "white")
-# Histogram for the green channel
-hist(as.vector(green_channel), breaks = 50, main = "Green Channel Histogram",
-     xlab = "Intensity", col = "green", border = "white")

# Thresholding to create masks
-threshold_blue <- 0.5 # Adjust as needed
-threshold_green <- 0.5 # Adjust as needed
-mask_blue <- blue_channel > threshold_blue
-mask_green <- green_channel > threshold_green
-# Visualize masks
-par(mfrow = c(1, 2))  # Arrange plots in a 1x2 grid for masks
-display(mask_blue, method = "raster", title = "Blue Mask")
-display(mask_green, method = "raster", title = "Green Mask")


Calculate area and brightness. But first, the MarkToBlue Shiny App -approach is presented.

# MarkToBlue App
-# Compute metrics
-  metrics <- reactive({
-    req(processed_image())
-    channels <- processed_image()
-    if (!is.null(channels$green) && !is.null(channels$blue)) {
-      # Convert channels to RGB
-      green_rgb <- image_convert(channels$green, colorspace = "RGB")
-      blue_rgb  <- image_convert(channels$blue, colorspace = "RGB")
-      # Extract pixel data
-      green_matrix <- as.numeric(image_data(green_rgb))
-      blue_matrix  <- as.numeric(image_data(blue_rgb))
-      # Calculate area and brightness
-      green_area <- sum(green_matrix > 0)
-      blue_area  <- sum(blue_matrix > 0)
-      # Calculate brightness and multiply by 1000 for legibility
-      green_bri <- mean(green_matrix)*1000
-      blue_bri  <- mean(blue_matrix)*1000
-      # Compute MarkToBlue ratio
-      marktoblue_ratio <- (green_area * green_bri) / (blue_area * blue_bri)

Now, we calculate the ratio using the same approach as the Shiny App. -We have two variables, blue_channeland -green_channel, each containing pixel values in the range of -[0,1]. Each entry correspond to the intensity od the pixel in that -channel.

-# Suppose 'blue_channel' and 'green_channel' are numeric vectors or matrices 
-# that contain pixel values in the [0, 1] range (as returned by image_data())
-# 1) Define a "mask" as all non-zero pixels (just like sum(green_matrix > 0))
-mask_blue  <- (blue_channel > 0)
-mask_green <- (green_channel > 0)
-# 2) Calculate area (number of non-zero pixels)
-area_blue  <- sum(mask_blue)
-area_green <- sum(mask_green)
-# 3) Check for zero area to avoid division by zero
-if (area_blue == 0 || area_green == 0) {
-  stop("One of the masks has an area of zero. Check your thresholds or input data.")
-# 4) Calculate mean brightness of only non-zero pixels
-brightness_blue  <- mean(blue_channel[mask_blue], na.rm = TRUE)
-brightness_green <- mean(green_channel[mask_green], na.rm = TRUE)
-# 5) Multiply by 1000 for legibility (same approach as R Shiny app)
-brightness_blue  <- brightness_blue * 1000
-brightness_green <- brightness_green * 1000
-# 6) Check for zero brightness to avoid invalid results
-if (brightness_blue == 0 || brightness_green == 0) {
-  stop("One of the channels has a brightness of zero. Check your image processing steps.")
-# 7) Calculate the Green to Blue ratio (same formula)
-gb_ratio <- round((area_green * brightness_green) / (area_blue * brightness_blue),2)
-# 8) Output the ratio
## [1] 0.89

Below is the result of the same image using MarkToBlue App.



We see that the results differ by ± 0.2. Probably due to the R rounds -results or intermediate variables.


To test whether the app is able to capture experimental differences, -two cell culture images are compared. These are brown wistar rat lung -cells treated with collagenase and seeded in monolayer. They were then -stained with anti Rat -CD31/PECAM-1 Antibody(R&D Systems) and Secondary -Antibody, Alexa Fluor™ 488(ThermoFisher)


Before seeding, endothelial cells were isolated using the MACS® -Columns for magnetic cell isolation (Miltenyi Biotech) system. CD31+ -cells were selected.


Isolated cells:



Not isolated cells:



As can be seen, the confluences are different between the images. You -can see how there seems to be less marking in the non-isolated ones. -Also the brightness is not the same between the two. This is the -expected result when applying antibody based cell isolation techniques. -MarkToBlue app will be used to capture experimental differences.


Results for isolated cells



Results for not isolated sample



Discussion and future prospects


MarkToBlue has been proven to be able to capture experimental -differences. Future statistical analyses need to be performed with more -samples to ensure plausibility.


MarkToBlue has an intensive use of libraries can be problematic. -There may be transferability problems. That’s why we propose the use of -dockers or containers for installation and use.

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