We are pleased to announce the mbed OS 5.4.2 release is now available.
This release includes support for the new target EFM32PG12, some driver updates for NUC472/M453, an update for STM32 to Cube version v1.6.0 and TLS hw acceleration (AES ECB) for NUCLEO_F439ZI. There are also bug fixes and improvements to the tools and mbed-os core.
The following list of known issues applies to this release: None
Here is a full list of all changes and fixes in this release.
3934: [Silicon Labs] Update to HAL and devices
3691: [TLS/hw acceleration] AES ECB for NUCLEO_F439ZI
3827: Correct return values for I2C::write(int, const char*, int, bool)
3862: Trap earlier when a Thread instance is reused
3869: [NCS36510] Default range changed from 0 to 950mV - ADC
3893: [STM32F7] Update STM32 Cube version v1.6.0
3895: Use PATH env variable when GCC found in PATH
3917: Fix mistake register setting in serial_format()
3931: ARM Pack Manager improvements
3927: [DELTA_DFBM_NQ620] Add RC calibration setting and revise mbed_overrides.c
3747: bd: Add randomness to block device test and more debug friendly output
3918: [NUC472/M453] Support unique locally administered MAC address and other driver updates
3920: Adjust heap size to work for both tls-client and mbed-client
3924: Don't set the build_dir to anything on export
3933: #3593 Add template entry to fix exported project build error
3953: OS2 tests minor updates for STM32
3969: [NUCLEO_F302R8] Add missing PB_8/PB_9 CAN pins
3975: [NSAPI/lwIP] Free held netbuf on close
3976: mbed-coap error fixes merge to mbed OS
3968: [Greentea] Fix test code mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-flash
3949: Fix C declaration of dir functions and types
3922: Fix/improve error parsing from API messages
3939: Update mbed trace
You can fetch the mbed OS 5.4.2 release from the mbed-os GitHub repository, using the tag "mbed-os-5.4.2".
Please feel free to ask any questions or provide feedback on this release on the forum, or to contact us at [email protected].
We are pleased to announce the mbed OS 5.4.1 release is now available.
This release includes an update of mbed TLS to version 2.4.2, bringing essential and critical security patches, including a fix for CVE-2017-2784. For core mbed OS, there are a number of bug fixes to improve the stability of the code and improvements to the tools.
3716: fix for issue #3715: correction in startup files for ARM and IAR, alignment of system_stm32f429xx.c files
3741: STM32 remove warning in hal_tick_32b.c file
3780: STM32L4 : Fix GPIO G port compatibility
3831: NCS36510: SPISLAVE enabled (Conflict resolved)
3832: lwip: Increase timeout on network tests with python projects
3836: Allow to redefine nRF's PSTORAGE_NUM_OF_PAGES outside of the mbed-os
3840: STM32: gpio SPEED - always set High Speed by default
3844: STM32 GPIO: Typo correction. Update comment (GPIO_IP_WITHOUT_BRR)
3846: STORAGE: removal of unsupported tests having ported to sd-driver repository
3850: STM32: change spi error to debug warning
3860: Define GPIO_IP_WITHOUT_BRR for xDot platform
3875: Add post-build hook white-list to exporters
3880: DISCO_F469NI: allow the use of CAN2 instance when CAN1 is not activated
3897: Ignore FuzzyWuzzy warnings
3898: Prevent underflow in heap size calculation
3913: [NRF51822] Fix reference to sleep in hal_patch override
3795: Fix pwm period calc
3828: STM32 CAN API: correct format and type
3842: TARGET_NRF: corrected spi_init() to properly handle re-initialization
3843: STM32L476xG: set APB2 clock to 80MHz (instead of 40MHz)
3852: Ignore build directory from scan resources
3866: bd: Fix missing const attributes on functions
3879: NUCLEO_F446ZE: Add missing AnalogIn pins on PF_3, PF_5 and PF_10.
3877: Update mbed TLS feature to mbedtls-2.4.2
3902: Fix heap and stack size for NUCLEO_F746ZG
3864: Fix mbed 2 builds
3829: can_write(): return error code when no tx mailboxes are available
You can fetch the mbed OS 5.4.1 release from the mbed-os GitHub repository, using the tag "mbed-os-5.4.1".
Please feel free to ask any questions or provide feedback on this release on the forum, or to contact us at [email protected].
This is the release note for ARM mbed OS 5.4.0. It summarizes the major enhancements in this version.
You can find the mbed OS 5.4.0 release on GitHub.
mbed OS 5.4.0 incorporates functionality you can use to prepare for the upcoming mbed Cloud device management services. This includes bootloader and filesystem infrastructure and the certified Thread 1.1 stack for developers. In addition, this release contains many minor fixes and enhancements and brings target platform support up to 74 targets.
The following sections provide more details about this release.
mbed OS 5.4 adds flexible filesystem support to address the needs of IoT applications requiring storage within the end node. This release already includes a FAT filesystem implementation for removable media, such as SD cards, and future releases will add embedded flash filesystems and encryption.
The filesystem is integrated with the C standard libraries of the ARM, IAR and GCC compilers. It is available for use across all mbed Enabled platforms.
The release also includes early access to the mbed OS bootloader, so partners can add support for their targets' flash controllers. This forms part of the support for the upcoming mbed Cloud Update service, which allows managing device firmware update campaigns.
To read the documentation, see file system and bootloader.
mbed OS 5.4 uses the recently certified mbed Thread 1.1 stack to provide solutions for building end nodes and border routers.
A Linux-based Access Point reference that uses the Thread border router is also available.
The mbed OS LoRaWAN APIs are available for partner feedback and integration.
The mbed crypto libraries in mbed TLS include all the internal partner APIs and documentation for enabling hardware entropy and symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic acceleration. Partners are working on implementations for their target platforms, and a partner workshop will support them. We expect support for the first set of targets in 5.5.
The feature branch work on our CMSIS5 and CMSIS-RTOS2 upgrade is nearing completion, so testing will begin soon after the release of 5.4. We are aiming for inclusion on mainline for 5.5.
Throughout the year, we also plan a program of upgrading supported compilers to ensure the latest features and fixes from the different ARM compilers are available to developers; this will mean supporting ARM GCC Embedded 6, ARM Compiler 6 and IAR Embedded Workbench 8.
If you would like to be involved in helping test any of these upgrades to help minimize the effect on developers, please contact us.
Thanks to our partners’ hard work, mbed OS 5.4 now supports 74 target platforms.
We will continue to add new targets in our biweekly releases as partners introduce support.
Please see the mbed-os GitHub repository referenced below for a full list of changes introduced in this release. You can find a list of known issues here.
##Using the release
You can fetch the mbed OS 5.4.0 release from the mbed-os GitHub repository using the tag “mbed-os-5.4.0”.
Please feel free to ask any questions or provide feedback about this release on the forum, or to contact us at [email protected].