import { Appear, Notes, Split, Image } from "mdx-deck"; import { CodeSurfer, Step, CodeSurferColumns, } from "code-surfer";
import { github, nightOwl } from "@code-surfer/themes";
export const theme = nightOwl;
Senior Frontend Developer @ Yolk AI 🍳
- i.t. automation for financial institutions, e.g. chatbot, knowledge base
- probably never had heard of us
- What/Why Apollo Local State 🤔
- My experience 😃
- My pros and cons ⚔️
- A quick-solution for the cons ☀️
- form wizard, built probably by many of you
prime candidate, not our flow editor
implemting a ui like this is tough, need state management lib
components need to share data
e.g. input something in one node here, another component needs to change
e.g. network calls would be expensive, user needs to do work without saving all of the time
complex single page apps which have a combination of remote data and local data are a great candidate for ALS
difficult problem but many many solutions
- e.g. redux, react state/context, flux
- apollo local state is one of those solutions
- react state is very primitive
- doesnt work at scale
- great for state held within a component
- different components need to know state of each other
- need to be updated when another component is updated
- in a fashionable and of course maintanable way
- Pre-req to Apollo Local State
- A GraphQL Javascript Client
- Query and Mutate Remote Data from a GraphQL API
- A Network Cache (important!)
- if you are building a frontend you are likely already usig graphql and also using apollo client
- apollo client lets you query and mutate remote data on a graphql api
- has a built-in cache which has enables some pretty awesome features
- e.g. blah blah blah
- this is how apollo client gives you a lot of nice features like different fetch policies
- do a request, its in the cache
- one part of the cache is updated,
- all components which are querying that part of the cache will be updated
- this is where apollo local state comes in
- instead of duplicating the cache/store where your client side state will live
- might as well use the same one amirite
- instead of bringing in another state management library like Redux so the Apollo cache can be a single source of truth.
- meaning your network cache is the same exact thing as your local state cache
- lets go into apollo local states pros and cons
- these are the big ones from my experience
- are some more on both sides that i dont mention
- my talk so I get to talk about what I want
- Typesafe
- Query/Mutations
- Schema
- data manipulations upon the local state cache are performed with mutations, something that previous GraphQL users already understand
- fragments
- lingo is the same
- One normalized cache
- Funded
- One ecosystem
- having one cache for both network/local is very powerful
- Staying within the Apollo ecosystem meant smooth integration with existing tools, meaning less overhead for developers.
- almost zero extra config if already using apollo client
- very similar to how you query/mutate remote data
- apollo dev tools
- Hard to test
- Boilerplate (e.g. resolvers)
- because one action per reducer, means mutations can have a lot of code
- a lot of code, means a lot of testing
- Skipping the config!
here is am example of editing a model that may appear in the cache
- an issue name, in the app, github
this data was likely loaded from the remote graphql api at some point
that means it is in the cache for us to manipulate
simple example just used to make the understanding of apollo local state easier
- probably would use something like react-state for this
define the mutation
looks similar to remote grapqhl api mutation
use enters new value in the input
client side mutation is run
updates the cache
which makes the queries on issue name run again
thus updating all parts of your app where issue name is
extend type Mutation {
# A mutation which edits the name on a Github Issue.
editGithubIssue(input: EditGithubIssueInput!): Boolean
input EditGithubIssueInput {
id: ID!
name: String!
- very familar to people who have worked with graphql apis
- notice the extend statement on the type from the server type
- apollo client will merge the schemas
- next the resolver which handles actually mutating the cache data
- Goes to show the dev experience here is lacking
- this is how to do it, straight from the docs
- Ts makes this worse but I havent wrote regular JS in almost two years
- just like ellen, i was disgusted
- repeat this for every mutation
- This was not as bad in redux
- Not much boilerplate
- Was easy to test
- in redux, you defined an action and wrote the resolver which:
- was usually small
- easily testable
- because one action per reducer, means mutations can have a lot of code
- way too much code which could go wrong or devs forgetting to do things
- to test this you need a fake store and perform fake mutation on it
- hard to test
- lots of use of external apis
After some 🤔 and many mutations ✍️ ...
- what we came up with which made the whole process a lot more simple
- we started to see some patterns
- assumption you are writing data in the same format you read it
- way less chance for mess ups
- more complex mutations that need data from elsewhere can opt-out
- became an even better experience
- very easy to test these reducers
Recap 📚
- Learned about Apollo Local State and how it relates to GraphQL/Apollo Client
- Used inspiration from Redux, e.t.c. to make the experience much better