Note: Only Administrators have access to these pages and settings.
Once Directus is installed you can customize it for your specific project.
- Site Name: The name of your project that appears in the browser title
- Site URL: Clicking the main logo takes you to this URL
- CMS User Auto Sign Out: The number of minutes before users are automatically logged out of Directus
- Rows Per Page: The number of items shown on each item listing page
- CMS Thumbnail URL: Directus is minimally stylized and unbranded so it can be easily tailored to match your brand/project. Enter the URL to your 170×100px logo image here – use a PNG with alpha-transparency for a more polished look.*
- File Naming: This determines the naming convention for files uploaded through Directus.
- File Name: Saves files using a cleaned-up version of the original file name. Duplicate file names are appended with an integer so no files are accidentally overwritten.
- File ID (default): Saves files with the database ID padded with leading zeros to a length of 11.
- File Hash: A unique hash of the file/upload datetime. This option is ideal when file URLs should not be predictable.
- Thumbnail Quality: (0-100, 100 is default) – This is the jpg quality thumbnails within Directus. This value does not influence the actual files you upload through Directus, only the system's thumbnail.
- Thumbnail Crop Enabled: When checked (default), Directus will generate system thumbnails for images as a square – other aspect ratios will be cropped to a square. If unchecked, Directus will generate scaled down system thumbnails that maintain their orignal aspect ratio (uncropped).
Files Settings: Changing File/Thumbnail settings will not affect any files already uploaded into Directus.