- Basic commands
- Containers
- Images
- Exposing Ports
- Container Networking
- Legacy Linking
- Volumes
- Registries
- Dockerfiles
- Docker Compose
- Orchestration Options
- Running a My-SQL Container
- Running an angular app from a dockerfile
docker --version
docker info
docker hello-world
- To run linux container and run bash in it:
docker run -it ubuntu:latest bash
(it stands for interactive terminal)
When we run an image we get a container.
To see running container:
docker ps
To see running container with format:
echo $FORMAT
docker ps --format $FORMAT
Check the last container:
docker ps -l
Make docker images out of container, return image_id:
docker commit container_id
To give image a name:
docker tag image_id my-image
Short-hand to commit and give image a name:
docker commit container_name my-image2
Test my-image by running process 'bash' in it
docker run -it my-image bash
Run container for 5 sec
docker run --rm -it ubuntu sleep 5
Run container with bash commands
docker run -it ubuntu bash -c "sleep 3; echo all done"
docker run --name my_container
Run and detach the container
docker run -d -it ubuntu bash
attach the container
docker attach container_name
detach container
ctrl P ctrl Q
use same container parallely and start bash
docker exec -ti container_name bash
To exit container
ctrl D
docker logs container_name
Killing and removing docker container
docker kill container_name
docker rm container_name
We can add memory constraints, CPU limits and various orchestrations to docker container
Building the container
docker build -t container_build01
Check present docker images:
docker images docker rmi image_name
Running the image:
docker run -d -p 80:80 \ --name docker_img01 container_build01
Pulling an image
docker pull img_name:version_no
Pushing image to docker hub
docker login docker tag docker_img01 akshaychaudhari/my-image01 docker push akshaychaudhari/my-image01
Docker registry
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart-always --name registry registry:2
Saving an image
docker save -o my-images.tar.gz existing_image_name
Loading image
docker image -i my-images.tar.gz
Setting and mapping ports of container and local machine:
docker run --rm --it -p 45678:45678 -p 45679:45679 --name echo-server ubuntu:14.04 bash
Container's are not reliable to directly address other container's by IP Address. We can use 'host.docker.internal' instead localhost/ tnsname/ip address of the container.
If only intenal ports are given, docker assign external ports automatically. Those can be checked using:
docker port container_name
This works with UDP Protocal as well as like TCP above.
docker run outside_port:inside_port/protocol
UDP example using netcat:
- at server:
nc -ulp 45678
- at client:
docker port echo-server; nc -u localhost 327771;
- at server:
docker network ls
docker create networt net_01
runing a container on specific network
docker run --rm -it --net net_01 --name dogserver ubuntu:14.01 bash
containers in the same newtork can only commmunciate.
adding an exising container to a network.
docker network connect net_02 catserver
- One way linking of the port between 2 m/c.
docker run --rm -it -e SECRECT=jingalala --name catserver ... docker run --rm -it --link catserver --name dogserver
- These are virtual disks for local disk host.
- Persistent
- will persist on host if all containers are killed
docker run -it -v 'C:\user\akshay':/shared-folder ubuntu bash
- Ephermal
- will evaporate once no container is using it.
docker run -it -v /shared-folder ubuntu bash docker run -it --volume-from container_name_having_volume ubuntu bash
- It manages and distributes images
docker search ubuntu
Building images with code.
docker build -t name-of-result_img docker-file-location
Not a shell scrpit, its just like it.
Process started on one line wont be running next line.
Each step is cached.
Each line is its own call to docker run
Env variable persist one multiline if we use ENV command.
Sample dockerfile 01:
FROM debian:sid
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get install nano
CMD ["/bin/nano" "/tmp/notes"]
`docker build -t example/new-img-02 .`
- Sample dockerfile 02:
MAINTAINER akshay chaudhari <[email protected]>
FROM example/my-img-02
ADD notes.txt /notes.txt
ENV DB_HOST=db.prod.example.com
CMD "nano" "/notes.txt"
`docker build -t example/new-img-02 .`
Avoid golden images creation. Always include all the dependecies.
Get the process id for given docker container
docker inspect --format '{{.State.Pid}}' container_name
docker compose up
docker compose stop
Docker compose is basically used to work with multiple docker containers. For eg. a MEAN stack application could have 3 containers viz. client, server and database. So, to set it up in one go we can use docker compose command. This calls the docker-compose.YML file in the root directory and runs the respective containers as per docker-compose.YML file. Sample yml file:
version: "3.8"
build: ./dir
Read More at: https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/
- Kubernates
- Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)
- AWS fargate
- Docker sworm
- Google Kubernates Engine
- MS Azure Kubernates Service
docker run --name akshay-mysql2 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root123 -d mysql -p 3306:3306
docker run --name akshay-mysql3 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root123 -d mysql -h localhost -P 3306 --protocol=tcp
docker run -it --network first-network --rm mysql mysql -h akshay-mysql -u first-user -p
docker run -it --rm mysql mysql -hsome.mysql.host -usome-mysql-user -p
mysql -h localhost -P 3306 --protocol=tcp -u root
- First write your dockerfile into root directory of your app (eg. /my-app/) Eg. dockerfile
FROM node:6
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json /usr/src/app
RUN npm cache clean
RUN npm install
COPY . /usr/src/app
CMD ["npm","start"]
Invoke dockerfile using build to create an image for your project.
docker build -t top-movie-app /app-root-path/
Then run docker image on given port.
docker run --rm -p 4200:4200 --name "TopMovies001" top-movie-app