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Installation Guide



This manual will guide you through the OTP application installation process on F5 BIG-IP. You need to have LTM, APM and iRulesLX provisioned modules on your BIG-IP. It is better to have AFM provisioned module to be able to defend from various attacks. You also need to have Active Directory and SMTP server.

OTP application consists of:

  • OTP-APM virtual server used as OTP configuration portal. Portal is used for creation and modification of assigned OTP token
  • OTP Verify iRule used for BIG-IP applications that do support APM iRule Event
  • OTP-LTM virtual server used for BIG-IP applications that do not support APM iRule Event (like VMware Horizon Client)

Create external objects

  1. BIG-IP partition. Select tenant that will be used to deploy OTP application. Standard impementation uses scheme Active Directory domain = BIG-IP partition
  2. BIG-IP client SSL profile. Select a client SSL profile with Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) configured
  3. IP address for OTP-APM virtual server. This address will be used for an OTP configuration portal
  4. IP address for OTP-LTM virtual server. This address will be used for applications that do not support APM iRule Event
  5. IP addresses of DNS servers that are able to resolve LDAP fully qualified domain name
  6. LDAP scheme. Valid values are ldap:// or ldaps://. First is recommended for usage because second leads to strange errors which are sourced from ldapjs NPM package
  7. LDAP fully qualified domain name. DNS domain name or host name if you use single LDAP server. For example, if you have Active Directory with DNS domain name which resolves to more than one Active Directory Domain Controller, it will be the best available option (from the High-Availability perspective). iRule LX will resolve FQDN to all available server names and try each one in case previous failed
  8. LDAP port. Valid values are 389 or 636. First is recommended for usage because second leads to strange errors which are sourced from ldapjs NPM package
  9. LDAP user distinguished name. Distinguished name of Active Directory user with permissions to modify attribute selected to store encrypted OTP secret value. Distingushed name may not contain non-ASCII symbols because APM allows VPE to save ASCII symbols only
  10. LDAP user password. Password for Active Directory user. Password may not contain non-ASCII symbols because APM allows VPE to save ASCII symbols only
  11. LDAP attribure. Name of the Active Directory attribure to store encrypted OTP secret value. Standard implementation uses attribute name extensionAttribute2, but you are free to choose another one. Selected attribute must be available for read/write operations for LDAP user
  12. LDAP group distinguished name. Distinguished name of Active Directory group that will allow access to OTP configuration portal. Standard implementation uses Fetch Nested Groups AD Query option, so this group may be nested in Active Directory. Distinguished name may contain UTF-8 symbols if it was retrieved from the localized Active Directory. APM will automatically encode this string as HEX and prefix it with "0x" in such case
  13. SMTP server host name. FQDN of SMTP server that is able to deliver email to BIG-IP administrators and users. Server must support authenticated and nonauthenticated connections. Authenticated connection is used to deliver messages to BIG-IP administrators and unauthenticated connection is used to deliver noreply messages to regular users
  14. SMTP user. Username for authenticated SMTP connection
  15. SMTP password. Password for authenticated SMTP connection
  16. SMTP address for BIG-IP administrators. Email address of BIG-IP administrators that will receive Internal Error messages
  17. SMTP address for noreply. Email address that is not available for reply, this address will be used for mesasges delivered to users
  18. LDAP administrator login. SamAccountName of the Active Directory administrator to be used for Active Directory AAA object. This account must be a member of CONTOSO\Domain Admins group to fetch Active Directory password policies to support password-related functionality
  19. LDAP administrator password. Password for Active Directory administrator

Example list of external objects:

  • /CONTOSO/PFS_clientssl
  • (for
  • (for
  • and
  • ldap://
  • (resolves to and
  • 389
  • CN=bigip2faldapuser,OU=Service Accounts,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com
  • extensionAttribute2
  • CN=OTP_Allow,OU=Service Groups,DC=corp,DC=contoso,DC=com
  • [email protected]
  • [email protected]
  • [email protected]
  • bigipaddsadminuser

You can safely choose another directory services, like Apache Directory Server, OpenLDAP or other software. In the core this solution uses NPM package ldapjs which is compatible with any directory service with LDAP enabled access. Users in you directory services catalog must have valid email addresses stored in one of the attributes because these addresses are used to deliver messages about OTP token operations.

Create BIG-IP iRules

  1. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  2. Check that current partition is Common
  3. Go to Local Traffic -> iRules -> iRule List
  4. Add iRule with name OTP and paste contents of OTP.tcl file
  5. Add iRule with name APM-OTP-Create_irule and paste contents of APM-OTP-Create.tcl file
  6. Add iRule with name APM-OTP-Trusted_irule and paste contents of APM-OTP-Trusted.tcl file
  7. Add iRule with name APM-OTP-Verify_irule and paste contents of APM-OTP-Verify.tcl file
  8. Add iRule with name LTM-OTP-Verify_irule and paste contents of LTM-OTP-Verify.tcl file

Create BIG-IP iRules LX

  1. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  2. Check that current partition is Common
  3. Go to System -> Resource Provisioning and check that iRules Language Extensions (iRulesLX) is licensed and provisioned. If not you have to enable it. Remember that module reprovision may disrupt traffic processing on BIG-IP
  4. Go to Local Traffic -> iRules -> LX Workspaces
  5. Add new workspace with name LDAP-Modify_space
  6. Add iRule with name APM-LDAP-Modify_irule and paste contents of APM-LDAP-Modify.tcl file
  7. Add extension with name APM-LDAP-Modify_ilx
  8. Replace contents of file index.js with contents of APM-LDAP-Modify.js file
  9. Log in to BIG-IP CLI as a user with Administrator privileges
  10. Execute command bash
  11. Execute command cd /var/ilx/workspaces/Common/LDAP-Modify_space/extensions/APM-LDAP-Modify_ilx/
  12. Execute command npm install [email protected] --no-bin-links --save
  13. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  14. Check that current partition is Common
  15. Go to Local Traffic -> iRules -> LX Pugins
  16. Add new plugin with name LDAP-Modify_plugin
  17. Select ilx-extension from Log Publisher. More about ilx-extension may be found in Jason Rahm's article on DevCentral
  18. Select LDAP-Modify_space from From Workspace
  19. Go to Local Traffic -> iRules -> LX Pugins -> LDAP-Modify_plugin -> Extensions -> APM-LDAP-Modify_ilx
  20. Add 500 to Maximum Restarts

Create TMOS SMTP objects

  1. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  2. Check that current partition is Common
  3. Got to System -> Configuration -> Device -> SMTP
  4. Add new SMTP object with name CONTOSO-Authenticated_smtp
  5. Add to SMTP Server Host Name
  6. Add BIG-IP hostname to Local Host Name
  7. Add [email protected] to From Address
  8. Select Enabled from Use Authentication
  9. Add bigipsmtpuser to Username
  11. Add new SMTP object with name CONTOSO-Unauthenticated_smtp
  12. Add to SMTP Server Host Name
  13. Add BIGIP_HOSTNAME to Local Host Name
  14. Add [email protected] to From Address

Create APM Active Directory AAA object

  1. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  2. Check that current partition is Common
  3. Go to System -> Resource Provisioning and check that Access Policy (APM) is licensed and provisioned. If not you have to enable it. Remember that module reprovision may disrupt traffic processing on BIG-IP
  4. Select partition CONTOSO to deploy a new APM policy
  5. Go to Access -> Authentication -> Active Directory
  6. Add new Active Directory server with name ActiveDirectory_aaa
  7. Add to Domain Name
  8. Add /CONTOSO/ActiveDirectory_pool to Domain Controller Pool Name
  9. Add all domain controller servers to Domain Controllers
  10. Add bigipaddsadminuser to Admin Name
  11. Add COMPLEX_ADDS_PASSWORD_STRING to Admin Password
  12. Add COMPLEX_ADDS_PASSWORD_STRING to Verify Admin Password

Create APM Policy

  1. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  2. Check that current partition is Common
  3. Go to System -> Resource Provisioning and check that Access Policy (APM) is licensed and provisioned. If not you have to enable it. Remember that module reprovision may disrupt traffic processing on BIG-IP
  4. Select partition CONTOSO to deploy a new APM policy
  5. Go to Access -> Profiles / Policies -> Access Profiles (Per-Session Policies)
  6. Add new policy with name APM-OTP-Create_access
  7. Select All from Profile Type
  8. Select Modern from Customization Type if you plan to use modern APM customization (TMOS version 15.1.x and above)
  9. Select English (en) from Languages
  10. Use Visual Policy Editor to apply Access Policy as explained in Policy Description (standard) document if you plan to use standard APM customization or you use legacy software (TMOS version 15.0.x and below)
  11. Use Visual Policy Editor to apply Access Policy as shown below and explained in Policy Description (modern) document if you plan to use modern APM customization (TMOS version 15.1.x and above)

Policy Macro1 Macro2 Macro3 Macro4 Macro5 Macro6 Macro7

Create APM hosted content

  1. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  2. Check that current partition is Common
  3. Go to System -> Resource Provisioning and check that Access Policy (APM) is licensed and provisioned. If not you have to enable it. Remember that module reprovision may disrupt traffic processing on BIG-IP
  4. Go to Access -> Webtops -> Hosted Content -> Manage Files
  5. Upload new file with name qrcode.js
  6. Select file qrcode.js
  7. Select session from Secure Level
  8. Navigate to Edit File Properties and select JavaScript from Mime Type
  9. Navigate to Manage Access and select checkbox for APM profile /CONTOSO/APM-OTP-Create_access under Retain Public Access
  10. Check that Publicly Accessible URI for file qrcode.js is /public/share/qrcode.js

As you can see QR generator code is a pure JavaScipt code which is stored on BIG-IP and rendered in user's browser, so there were no external connections from OTP configuration portal or user's browser to Google servers, for example. This may be crucial for secure environments.

Apply APM customization (standard)

  1. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  2. Check that current partition is Common
  3. Go to System -> Resource Provisioning and check that Access Policy (APM) is licensed and provisioned. If not you have to enable it. Remember that module reprovision may disrupt traffic processing on BIG-IP
  4. Select partition CONTOSO to apply APM customization
  5. Go to Access -> Profiles / Policies -> Customization -> Advanced
  6. Navigate to Customization Settings -> Access Profiles -> /CONTOSO/APM-OTP-Create_access -> Macros -> OTP Create -> Message Pages -> QR Display ->
  7. Find enclosing HTML tag </head> and insert on previous line <script language="JavaScript" src="/public/share/qrcode.js"></script>
  8. Save Draft
  9. Save all changes
  10. Apply Access Policy

Apply APM customization (modern)

  1. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  2. Check that current partition is Common
  3. Go to System -> Resource Provisioning and check that Access Policy (APM) is licensed and provisioned. If not you have to enable it. Remember that module reprovision may disrupt traffic processing on BIG-IP
  4. Select partition CONTOSO to apply APM customization
  5. Go to Access -> Profiles / Policies -> Customization -> General
  6. Switch from Branding to Text view
  7. Navigate to Customization Settings -> Access Profiles -> /CONTOSO/APM-OTP-Create_access -> Common -> External Scripts/Styles
  8. Add /public/share/qrcode.js to External JavaScript 1 Address
  9. Execute on local machine command echo $(openssl dgst -sha384 -binary f5_otp/ifiles/qrcode.js | openssl base64 -A) to extract SRI hash value
  10. Add extracted SRI hash value to External JavaScript 1 Subresource Integrity
  11. Go to Access -> Profiles / Policies -> Customization -> Advanced
  12. Navigate to Customization Settings -> Access Profiles -> /CONTOSO/APM-OTP-Create_access -> Macros -> OTP Create -> Message Pages -> QR Display -> user-message.js
  13. Insert contents of user-message.js file
  14. Save Draft
  15. Save all changes
  16. Apply Access Policy

Create OTP-APM virtual server

  1. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  2. Check that current partition is Common
  3. Go to System -> Resource Provisioning and check that Access Policy (APM) is licensed and provisioned. If not you have to enable it. Remember that module reprovision may disrupt traffic processing on BIG-IP
  4. Select partition CONTOSO to deploy a new virtual server
  5. Go to Local Traffic -> Virtual Servers -> Virtual Server List
  6. Add new virtual server with name APM-OTP-Create_redir_vs
  7. Add to Destination Address/Mask, where is an IP address which will be used for APM based OTP modify virtual server
  8. Add 80 to Service Port
  9. Select http from HTTP Profile (Client)
  10. Select /Common/_sys_https_redirect from iRules
  11. Add new virtual server with name APM-OTP-Create_vs
  12. Add to Destination Address/Mask, where is an IP address which will be used for APM based OTP modify virtual server
  13. Add 443 to Service Port
  14. Select http from HTTP Profile (Client)
  15. Select /CONTOSO/PFS_clientssl from SSL Profile (Client), where PFS_clientssl is a client SSL profile with Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) configured
  16. Select /CONTOSO/APM-OTP-Create_access from Access Profile
  17. Select /Common/APM-OTP-Create_irule, /Common/APM-OTP-Verify_irule and /Common/LDAP-Modify_plugin/APM-LDAP-Modify_irule from iRules

TMSH commands:

create ltm virtual /CONTOSO/APM-OTP-Create_redir_vs { destination /CONTOSO/ ip-protocol tcp mask partition CONTOSO profiles { tcp { } http { } } rules { _sys_https_redirect } }
create ltm virtual /CONTOSO/APM-OTP-Create_vs { destination /CONTOSO/ ip-protocol tcp mask partition CONTOSO profiles { tcp {} http {} PFS_clientssl { context clientside } } rules { APM-OTP-Create_irule APM-OTP-Verify_irule LDAP-Modify_plugin/APM-LDAP-Modify_irule } }

Create APM HTTP AAA object

  1. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  2. Check that current partition is Common
  3. Go to System -> Resource Provisioning and check that Access Policy (APM) is licensed and provisioned. If not you have to enable it. Remember that module reprovision may disrupt traffic processing on BIG-IP
  4. Go to Access -> Authentication -> HTTP
  5. Add new HTTP server with name LTM-OTP-Verify_http
  6. Select Form Based from Authentication Type
  7. Select GET from Form Method
  8. Add to Form Action, where resolves to IP address which will be used for LTM based OTP verification virtual server
  9. Add below text to Hidden Form Parameters/Values:
secret_value %{session.custom.otp.secret_value}
secret_keyfile %{session.custom.otp.secret_keyfile}
secret_hmac %{session.custom.otp.secret_hmac}
otp_value %{session.custom.otp.otp_value}
otp_numdig %{session.custom.otp.otp_numdig}
timestep_value %{session.custom.otp.timestep_value}
timestep_num %{session.custom.otp.timestep_num}
aaa_name %{session.custom.otp.aaa_name}
user_name %{session.custom.otp.user_name}
security_attempt %{session.custom.otp.security_attempt}
security_period %{session.custom.otp.security_period}
security_delay %{session.custom.otp.security_delay}
  1. Select By Specific String in Response from Successful Logon Detection Match Type
  2. Add 200 OK to Successful Logon Detection Match Value

TMSH command:

create apm aaa http LTM-OTP-Verify_http { auth-type form-based form-action form-fields "secret_value %{session.custom.otp.secret_value} secret_keyfile %{session.custom.otp.secret_keyfile} secret_hmac %{session.custom.otp.secret_hmac} otp_value %{session.custom.otp.otp_value} otp_numdig %{session.custom.otp.otp_numdig} timestep_value %{session.custom.otp.timestep_value} timestep_num %{session.custom.otp.timestep_num} aaa_name %{session.custom.otp.aaa_name} user_name %{session.custom.otp.user_name} security_attempt %{session.custom.otp.security_attempt} security_period %{session.custom.otp.security_period} security_delay %{session.custom.otp.security_delay}" form-method get success-match-type string success-match-value "200 OK" }

Create OTP-LTM virtual server

  1. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  2. Check that current partition is Common
  3. Go to Local Traffic -> Virtual Servers -> Virtual Server List
  4. Add new virtual server with name LTM-OTP-Verify_vs
  5. Add to Destination Address/Mask
  6. Add 80 to Service Port
  7. Select http from HTTP Profile (Client)
  8. Select /Common/LTM-OTP-Verify_irule from iRules

ATTENTION! You need to secure this virtual server with custom iRule or AFM that will restrict connections to sourced from this BIG-IP or trusted servers only. AFM is the prefered solution.

TMSH command:

create ltm virtual LTM-OTP-Verify_vs { destination ip-protocol tcp mask profiles { tcp { } http { } } rules { LTM-OTP-Verify_irule } }

Upload encryption key

  1. Prepare encryption key file in format compatible with AES::decrypt command. This step is crucial because current key stored in file is public and unsafe. Please change it in your environment
  2. Log in to BIG-IP GUI as a user with Administrator privileges
  3. Check that current partition is Common
  4. Go to System -> File Management -> iFile List
  5. Import file domain-otpenc.key with name CONTOSO-otpenc-key, where CONTOSO is a domain/tenant name
  6. Select partition CONTOSO to create a new iFile
  7. Go to Local Traffic -> iRules -> iFile List
  8. Add new iFile with name otpenc-key
  9. Select CONTOSO-otpenc-key from File Name, where CONTOSO is a domain/tenant name

ATTENTION! File uploaded to this GitHub repository contains very simple and guessable encryption key. You MUST create your own.