- Route
: Home Page with all the courses and the study plan. When the user is not logged in, shows the courses only with their description. When a user logged enters the page they will see a richer interface with their study plan and the buttons to create / delete / update it - Route
: Login Page with its form. Simply allows the user to login to unlock study plan functionalities..
The API has been structured differently, so it will be briefly described here.
: Contains the routes of every different section of the api (i.e. course, session, study-plan)
: Here will be found the services the operates with the Database and builds responses objects
: This folder holds the express-validator expressions for every section, to keep a clean interface in the routes file.
: Groups all the CUSTOM middlewares to be used inside the API.
: Contains a thin wrapper to the database library.
- Body:
- user: Username and Password to login with
- Responses:
- 200: User informations (name + username)
- 401: Wrong or missing credentials
- 422: Invalid Username format
- Body:
- Responses:
- 200: User informations (name + username)
- 401: User not authenticated
- Responses:
- Responses:
- 200: OK (logout if any session was present)
- Responses:
- Responses:
- 200: All Courses informations
- 500: Internal Error
- Responses:
- Path Parameters
- code: Course code
- Responses:
- 200: incompatible and preparatory courses relative to the course with :code
- 422: Invalid code passed
- 404: No course found with code :code
- 500: Internal Error
- Path Parameters
- Path Parameters
- code: Course code
- Responses:
- 200: incompatible and preparatory courses relative to the course with :code
- 422: Invalid code passed
- 404: No course found with code :code
- 500: Internal Error
- Path Parameters
- Body:
- courses: A list of courses to compute the incompatibilities with
- Responses:
- 200: List of incompatible courses
- 500: Internal Error
- Body:
- Responses:
- 200: The study plan associated with the authenticated user
- 401: User not authenticated
- 404: No study plan associated with authenticated user
- 500: Internal Error
- Responses:
- Body:
- studentType: part-time or full-time specification for study plan to create.
- courses: list of courses to save to the study plan
- Responses:
- 200: The newly created study plan
- 422: Validation error on studentType
- 401: User not authenticated
- 500: Internal Error
- Body:
- Body:
- courses: the updated courses in the study plan
- Responses:
- 200: Ok, study plan saved.
- 422: Missing courses object in body
- 401: User not authenticated
- 500: Internal Error
- Body:
- Responses:
- 200: Study plan correctly destroyed if any.
- 401: User not authenticated
- 500: Internal Error
- Responses:
- Table
- contains: username, password, salt, name, studentType - Table
- contains: code, name, credits, students, maxStudents, preparatoryCourseCode - Table
- contains: courseCode, courseCodeWith - Table
- contains: courseCode, username
: The header of the whole app with the Login/Logout buttonCourseList
: Represents the courses listCourseEntry
: Represents a single entry inside the courses list. During edits it validates that the course may be added and, if negative, shows the reason why on mouse hovering.CourseEntryDescription
: Description panel paired with a CourseEntry. Shows the preparatory course and incompatibles, if any.LoginForm
: Contains the form for logging in a registered userErrorBanner
: Manages errors that needs to be displayed to the user.
(only main components, minor ones may be skipped)
- testuser, password, Francesca, NULL (no study plan)
- scirone , password, Salvatore, part-time
- mrossi, test, Mario, full-time
- jdoe, test, John, part-time
- abianchi, test, Alessia, part-time