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File metadata and controls

90 lines (65 loc) · 3.87 KB


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renderToc( targetElementSelector, headingSelector='h1,h2' )

Renders a basic table of contents for the given headingSelector. By default only h1 and h2 tags are included in the table of contents. Each entry results in a li element with an a element as child. The HTML content of the link will be set to the innerHTML property of the respective heading.

In case a heading element already has a value for the id attribute, this will be used for the link. Otherwise an id is created using the current textContent of the heading concatenated with its index in the list of matched headings. The resulting HTML fragment is then rendered into the element found for the targetElementSelector. Hence this should either be an ul or ol element.

Each li will receive a CSS class name level- with the node name of the heading element appended. For example a toc entry for a h2 heading element will receive the css class level-h2.

To prevent specific headings from appearing in the table of contents, they can be marked with a data-toc-ignore attribute.


<h1>First headline</h1>
<h1 data-toc-ignore>I will not appear in the table of contents</h1>
Property Type Description
targetElementSelector String selector for the element to append the toc to (should be ul or ol)
headingSelector='h1,h2' String selector for heading elements to create toc entries for

renderPdf( parentSelector, src )

Embeds an external PDF file as single image per page. This is specific to PDFreactor and uses proprietary features to read the number of available pages and select a page from the included PDF. Each page is rendered as an image into the provided parent element.

In order to achieve a seamless integration of the PDF into the current document flow, margins, paddings and size have to be adjusted via CSS. For this the single images will all receive the CSS class embedded-pdf and a page specific class embedded-pdf-page-# where # is replaced by the page number (starting from 1).

Property Type Description
parentSelector String selector for the element the PDF pages should be appended to
src String the source url for the pdf file

renderOffscreen( selector, renderFunction )

Helps rendering the contents of an SVG element off-screen (i.e. while the according DOM element is detached from its parent node). Especially when creating a lot of SVG nodes, for example when rendering data-intensive charts, this improves performance dramatically.

The renderFunction will be called once while the SVG element is detached. It receives the following arguments:

  • svg: the d3 selection for the SVG element
  • rect: the result of calling getBoundClientRect() on the element
  • rendered: a function to temporarily re-attach the element and call the callback provided to it. This is useful if an intermediate rendering is necessary, e.g. for calculation of layout information. The result of the callback passed to this function will be returned.


renderOffscreen( '.some-wrapper > svg', ( svg, rect, rendered ) => {

   const arcPath = svg.append( 'path' )
      .attr( 'd', d3.arc() ... );
   const point = rendered( () => arcPath.node().getPointAtLength( length ) );
   // ... further stuff, where the point is needed
} );
Property Type Description
selector String selector for the SVG element whose contents should be rendered offscreen
renderFunction Function the function doing the actual rendering