Consolidating, restructuring, modularizing the code of SynopsX web application according to the architecture best practices of BaseX. Foster cooperation between different partners involved in the developpement. Prepare a ready-to-use application for new users
- refondre la webapp synopsx et réorganiser le code selon les bonnes pratiques, trouver l'architecture favorisant la coopération des différents développeurs autour du logiciel (modularisation ...)
- Faciliter le déploiement, la prise en main, la facilité d'utilisation de Synopsx pour les utilisateurs
In the morning, BaseX team adresses a special issue that we can directly apply to our own project or through a general exercise.
In the afternoon, we work individually or by group around a common theme (not necessarily linked to the morning theme)
- Overview of the file organisation in baseX (system and data files)
- Best practices of the webapp code organisation (xq, xqm, modules, libraries, static files ...)
- Best practices for user management (
- Applying these best practices in the Synopsx webapp
- Reorganisation of each project (github, synopsx)
- Various questions : for example, connection to relational databases or to triple stores, versioning xqm files and xml data
- Advanced restxq requests usage (HTTP, redirect, content negociation) :
- Session module (adding a "basket" feature to a webapp, connecting with an openid, LDAP, creating a webapp backoffice ...) :
- Applying to our own project
- Best practices in templating and webapp organisation (for example : splitting queries/serialization ...)
- Applying to our own project
- Indexes, optimization of Xquery requests :
- Connection with external lexical tools (tokenizer, lemmatizer)
- Applying to our own project
- one representing the collaboration interests (LabeX, COST, ENS international cooperations), discuss with the Konstanz University DBIS group : about possible common research programs and their fundings
- another finalizing some features in the general webapp or their own project