This file explains how to plan, execute motions that move the camera in front of a chessboard, and how to collect calibration data. We then propose two calibration procedure
- hand eye based with VIsP to compute the camera pose in the end-effector frame,
- full calibration based on VIsP and figaroh that besides the above computes the geometric parameters of the kinematic chain of the robot.
Before starting, place a chessboard of 10 by 7 squares of size 2.7cm on a vertical plane in front of the robot (1.3m ahead). The center of the chessboardat should be at a height of 1.41m.
Remove the wooden spike since the chessboard should not be occluded at all.
Start the demo with the following differences:
- no need to start react_inria node,
- roslaunch demo part:=april-tag-plank,
Move the robot to the "calib" configuration.
In the terminal where has been run, copy paste the following lines.
q_init[-7:] = [1.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
from calibration import Calibration, generateDataForFigaroh, checkData
calibration = Calibration(ps, graph, factory)
calibration.generateConfigurationsAndPaths(q_init, filename="./data/optimal-configs.csv")
If no path appears in the "Path Player" of gepetto-gui after refreshing, re-execute the last line of the later script after increasing "calibration.nbConfigs".
in a new terminal, cd into ur10/pointing and run
python -i
In the same terminal, run
The robot should execute the paths and collect the required data at each end of path. After the last path has been executed,
mkdir measurements
and run'./measurements')
The procedure can be run several times if not enough data has been acquired the first time. For that, it is recommended
- to go back to the "calib" configuration,
- to save the data in another directory to avoid overwriting the previous data.
Follow the instructions here
The calibration procedure computes the pose of the optical frame "camera_color_optical_frame" in the end-effector link, here "ref_camera_link". The problem is that this transformation is hard-coded in the camera model. We therefore need to compute a new transform between "ur10e_d435_mount_link" and "ref_camera_link" in such a way that the pose of the "camera_color_optical_frame" in "ur10e_d435_mount_link" is correct. For that, we denote by
- m ur10e_d435_mount_link,
- c camera_color_optical_frame,
- e ref_camera_link (end effector).
The desired value of mMc is given by:
mMc_desired = mMe * eMc_measured
where mMe is the pose of "ref_camera_link" in "ur10e_d435_mount_link". eMc_measured is the result of hand eye calibration. As explained above, eMc is provided by the camera urdf model that we do not want to modify. We therefore need to modify mMe into mMe_new to get the same mMc_desired:
mMc_desired = mMe_new * eMc_provided
mMe_new = mMe * eMc_measured * eMc_provided.inverse()
Function computeCameraPose in makes this calculation.
Install figaroh
make figaroh.install
$DEVEL_HPP_DIR/src/visp/build-rel/tutorial/calibration/tutorial-chessboard-pose --square_size 0.027 --input image-%d.png --intrinsic camera.xml --output pose_cPo_%d.yaml
See for details.
In the python terminal where
has been executed, type
generateDataForFigaroh(robot, './measurements', output_file, 30)
where output_file
is the full path to
in figaroh
source directory.
cd $DEVEL_HPP_DIR/src/figaroh/examples/ur10
python -i
Several windows appear that show the result of the optimization procedure. Close the windows by typing 'q'. Then in the python terminal, type
from update_model import update_parameters
update_parameters(f_input, f_output, LM_solve.x, param)
is the full path to the current kinematic parameters of the robot:$DEVEL_HPP_DIR/src/agimus-demos/ur10/pointing/config/calibrated-params.yaml
is the name of a file in the same directory, for exampleupdated-params.yaml
. Compare the two files to check that the differences are relevant. If so, copy the later into the former, commit, push and reinstall agimus-demos.
The last 6 components of LM_solve.x
represent the pose of
in wrist_3_link
: (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw).