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622 lines (527 loc) · 24.3 KB

Version 2.2

The library has been tested using Agda 2.7.0 and


  • Added missing morphisms between the more advanced algebraic structures.

  • Added many missing lemmas about positive and negative rational numbers.


  • Made the types for ≡-syntax in Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality more general. These operators are used for equational reasoning of heterogeneous equality x ≅ y, but previously the three operators in ≡-syntax unnecessarily required x and y to have the same type, making them unusable in many situations.

  • Removed unnecessary parameter #-trans : Transitive _#_ from Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Base.Apartness.

  • The IsSemiringWithoutOne record no longer incorrectly exposes the Carrier field inherited from Setoid when opening the record publicly.

Non-backwards compatible changes

  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional.Properties the implicit module parameters a and A have been replaced with variables. This should be a backwards compatible change for the majority of uses, and would only be non-backwards compatible if for some reason you were explicitly supplying these implicit parameters when importing the module. Explicitly supplying the implicit parameters for functions exported from the module should not be affected.

  • issue #2504 and issue #2519 In Data.Nat.Base the definitions of _≤′_ and _≤‴_ have been modified to make the witness to equality explicit in new constructors ≤′-reflexive and ≤‴-reflexive; pattern synonyms ≤′-refl and ≤‴-refl have been added for backwards compatibility. This should be a backwards compatible change for the majority of uses, but the change in parametrisation means that these patterns are not necessarily well-formed if the old implicit arguments m,n are supplied explicitly.

Minor improvements

  • In Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms, the unprimed versions are more level polymorphic; and the primed versions retain Level homogeneous types for the Semiring axioms to hold.

Deprecated modules

Deprecated names

  • In Algebra.Properties.CommutativeMagma.Divisibility:

    ∣-factors    ↦  x|xy∧y|xy
    ∣-factors-≈  ↦  xy≈z⇒x|z∧y|z
  • In Algebra.Properties.Magma.Divisibility:

    ∣-respˡ   ↦  ∣-respˡ-≈
    ∣-respʳ   ↦  ∣-respʳ-≈
    ∣-resp    ↦  ∣-resp-≈
  • In Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid:

    normalise-correct  ↦  Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid.Normal.correct
    sg                 ↦  Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid.Normal.singleton
    sg-correct         ↦  Algebra.Solver.CommutativeMonoid.Normal.singleton-correct
  • In Algebra.Solver.IdempotentCommutativeMonoid:

    flip12             ↦  Algebra.Properties.CommutativeSemigroup.xy∙z≈y∙xz
    distr              ↦  Algebra.Properties.IdempotentCommutativeMonoid.∙-distrˡ-∙
    normalise-correct  ↦  Algebra.Solver.IdempotentCommutativeMonoid.Normal.correct
    sg                 ↦  Algebra.Solver.IdempotentCommutativeMonoid.Normal.singleton
    sg-correct         ↦  Algebra.Solver.IdempotentCommutativeMonoid.Normal.singleton-correct
  • In Algebra.Solver.Monoid:

    homomorphic        ↦  Algebra.Solver.Monoid.Normal.comp-correct
    normalise-correct  ↦  Algebra.Solver.Monoid.Normal.correct
  • In Data.List.Properties:

    concat-[-]   ↦  concat-map-[_]
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Setoid.Properties:

    split  ↦  ↭-split

    with a more informative type (see below).

  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.All.Properties:

    takeWhile⁻  ↦  all-takeWhile
  • In Data.Vec.Properties:

    ++-assoc _      ↦  ++-assoc-eqFree
    ++-identityʳ _  ↦  ++-identityʳ-eqFree
    unfold-∷ʳ _     ↦  unfold-∷ʳ-eqFree
    ++-∷ʳ _         ↦  ++-∷ʳ-eqFree
    ∷ʳ-++ _         ↦  ∷ʳ-++-eqFree
    reverse-++ _    ↦  reverse-++-eqFree
    ∷-ʳ++ _         ↦  ∷-ʳ++-eqFree
    ++-ʳ++ _        ↦  ++-ʳ++-eqFree
    ʳ++-ʳ++ _       ↦  ʳ++-ʳ++-eqFree

New modules

  • Consequences of module monomorphisms

  • Bundled morphisms between (raw) algebraic structures:

  • Properties of IdempotentCommutativeMonoids refactored out from Algebra.Solver.IdempotentCommutativeMonoid:

  • Refactoring of the Algebra.Solver.*Monoid implementations, via a single Solver module API based on the existing Expr, and a common Normal-form API:


    NB Imports of the existing proof procedures solve and prove etc. should still be via the top-level interfaces in Algebra.Solver.*Monoid.

  • Data.List.Relation.Binary.Disjoint.Propositional.Properties: Propositional counterpart to Data.List.Relation.Binary.Disjoint.Setoid.Properties

  • Properties of list permutations that require the --with-K flag:

  • Refactored Data.Refinement into:

  • Added implementation of Haskell-like Foldable:

  • Raw bundles for the Relation.Binary.Bundles hierarchy:


Additions to existing modules

  • In Algebra.Bundles.KleeneAlgebra:

    rawKleeneAlgebra : RawKleeneAlgebra _ _
  • In Algebra.Bundles.Raw.*

    rawSetoid : RawSetoid c ℓ
  • In Algebra.Bundles.Raw.RawRingWithoutOne

    rawNearSemiring : RawNearSemiring c ℓ
  • Exporting more Raw substructures from Algebra.Bundles.Ring:

    rawNearSemiring   : RawNearSemiring _ _
    rawRingWithoutOne : RawRingWithoutOne _ _
    +-rawGroup        : RawGroup _ _
  • Exporting RawRingWithoutOne and (Raw)NearSemiring subbundles from Algebra.Bundles.RingWithoutOne:

    nearSemiring      : NearSemiring _ _
    rawNearSemiring   : RawNearSemiring _ _
    rawRingWithoutOne : RawRingWithoutOne _ _
  • In Algebra.Morphism.Construct.Composition:

    magmaHomomorphism          : MagmaHomomorphism M₁.rawMagma M₂.rawMagma 
                                 MagmaHomomorphism M₂.rawMagma M₃.rawMagma 
                                 MagmaHomomorphism M₁.rawMagma M₃.rawMagma
    monoidHomomorphism         : MonoidHomomorphism M₁.rawMonoid M₂.rawMonoid 
                                 MonoidHomomorphism M₂.rawMonoid M₃.rawMonoid 
                                 MonoidHomomorphism M₁.rawMonoid M₃.rawMonoid
    groupHomomorphism          : GroupHomomorphism M₁.rawGroup M₂.rawGroup 
                                 GroupHomomorphism M₂.rawGroup M₃.rawGroup 
                                 GroupHomomorphism M₁.rawGroup M₃.rawGroup
    nearSemiringHomomorphism   : NearSemiringHomomorphism M₁.rawNearSemiring M₂.rawNearSemiring 
                                 NearSemiringHomomorphism M₂.rawNearSemiring M₃.rawNearSemiring 
                                 NearSemiringHomomorphism M₁.rawNearSemiring M₃.rawNearSemiring
    semiringHomomorphism       : SemiringHomomorphism M₁.rawSemiring M₂.rawSemiring 
                                 SemiringHomomorphism M₂.rawSemiring M₃.rawSemiring 
                                 SemiringHomomorphism M₁.rawSemiring M₃.rawSemiring
    kleeneAlgebraHomomorphism  : KleeneAlgebraHomomorphism M₁.rawKleeneAlgebra M₂.rawKleeneAlgebra 
                                 KleeneAlgebraHomomorphism M₂.rawKleeneAlgebra M₃.rawKleeneAlgebra 
                                 KleeneAlgebraHomomorphism M₁.rawKleeneAlgebra M₃.rawKleeneAlgebra
    nearSemiringHomomorphism   : NearSemiringHomomorphism M₁.rawNearSemiring M₂.rawNearSemiring 
                                 NearSemiringHomomorphism M₂.rawNearSemiring M₃.rawNearSemiring 
                                 NearSemiringHomomorphism M₁.rawNearSemiring M₃.rawNearSemiring
    ringWithoutOneHomomorphism : RingWithoutOneHomomorphism M₁.rawRingWithoutOne M₂.rawRingWithoutOne 
                                 RingWithoutOneHomomorphism M₂.rawRingWithoutOne M₃.rawRingWithoutOne 
                                 RingWithoutOneHomomorphism M₁.rawRingWithoutOne M₃.rawRingWithoutOne
    ringHomomorphism           : RingHomomorphism M₁.rawRing M₂.rawRing 
                                 RingHomomorphism M₂.rawRing M₃.rawRing 
                                 RingHomomorphism M₁.rawRing M₃.rawRing
    quasigroupHomomorphism     : QuasigroupHomomorphism M₁.rawQuasigroup M₂.rawQuasigroup 
                                 QuasigroupHomomorphism M₂.rawQuasigroup M₃.rawQuasigroup 
                                 QuasigroupHomomorphism M₁.rawQuasigroup M₃.rawQuasigroup
    loopHomomorphism           : LoopHomomorphism M₁.rawLoop M₂.rawLoop 
                                 LoopHomomorphism M₂.rawLoop M₃.rawLoop 
                                 LoopHomomorphism M₁.rawLoop M₃.rawLoop
  • In Algebra.Morphism.Construct.Identity:

    magmaHomomorphism          : MagmaHomomorphism M.rawMagma M.rawMagma
    monoidHomomorphism         : MonoidHomomorphism M.rawMonoid M.rawMonoid
    groupHomomorphism          : GroupHomomorphism M.rawGroup M.rawGroup
    nearSemiringHomomorphism   : NearSemiringHomomorphism M.raw M.raw
    semiringHomomorphism       : SemiringHomomorphism M.rawNearSemiring M.rawNearSemiring
    kleeneAlgebraHomomorphism  : KleeneAlgebraHomomorphism M.rawKleeneAlgebra M.rawKleeneAlgebra
    nearSemiringHomomorphism   : NearSemiringHomomorphism M.rawNearSemiring M.rawNearSemiring
    ringWithoutOneHomomorphism : RingWithoutOneHomomorphism M.rawRingWithoutOne M.rawRingWithoutOne
    ringHomomorphism           : RingHomomorphism M.rawRing M.rawRing
    quasigroupHomomorphism     : QuasigroupHomomorphism M.rawQuasigroup M.rawQuasigroup
    loopHomomorphism           : LoopHomomorphism M.rawLoop M.rawLoop
  • In Algebra.Morphism.Structures.RingMorphisms

    isRingWithoutOneHomomorphism : IsRingWithoutOneHomomorphism ⟦_⟧
  • In Algebra.Morphism.Structures.RingWithoutOneMorphisms

    isNearSemiringHomomorphism : IsNearSemiringHomomorphism ⟦_⟧
  • In Algebra.Structures.IsSemiringWithoutOne:

    distribˡ : * DistributesOverˡ +
    distribʳ : * DistributesOverʳ +
    +-cong : Congruent +
    +-congˡ : LeftCongruent +
    +-congʳ : RightCongruent +
    +-assoc : Associative +
    +-identity : Identity 0# +
    +-identityˡ : LeftIdentity 0# +
    +-identityʳ : RightIdentity 0# +
  • Properties of non-divisibility in Algebra.Properties.Magma.Divisibility:

    ∤-respˡ-≈ : _∤_ Respectsˡ _≈_
    ∤-respʳ-≈ : _∤_ Respectsʳ _≈_
    ∤-resp-≈  : _∤_ Respects₂ _≈_
    ∤∤-sym    : Symmetric _∤∤_
    ∤∤-respˡ-≈ : _∤∤_ Respectsˡ _≈_
    ∤∤-respʳ-≈ : _∤∤_ Respectsʳ _≈_
    ∤∤-resp-≈  : _∤∤_ Respects₂ _≈_
  • In Algebra.Solver.Ring

    Env : Set _
    Env = Vec Carrier
  • In Algebra.Structures.RingWithoutOne:

    isNearSemiring      : IsNearSemiring _ _
  • In Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties:

    ∈-AllPairs₂    : AllPairs R xs  x ∈ xs  y ∈ xs  x ≡ y ⊎ R x y ⊎ R y x
    ∈-map∘filter⁻  : y ∈ map f (filter P? xs)  (∃[ x ] x ∈ xs × y ≡ f x × P x)
    ∈-map∘filter⁺  : (∃[ x ] x ∈ xs × y ≡ f x × P x)  y ∈ map f (filter P? xs)
    ∈-concatMap⁺   : Any ((y ∈_) ∘ f) xs  y ∈ concatMap f xs
    ∈-concatMap⁻   : y ∈ concatMap f xs  Any ((y ∈_) ∘ f) xs
    ++-∈⇔          : v ∈ xs ++ ys ⇔ (v ∈ xs ⊎ v ∈ ys)
    []∉map∷        : [] ∉ map (x ∷_) xss
    map∷⁻          : xs ∈ map (y ∷_) xss  ∃[ ys ] ys ∈ xss × xs ≡ y ∷ ys
    map∷-decomp∈   : (x ∷ xs) ∈ map (y ∷_) xss  x ≡ y × xs ∈ xss
    ∈-map∷⁻        : xs ∈ map (x ∷_) xss  x ∈ xs
    ∉[]            : x ∉ []
    deduplicate-∈⇔ : z ∈ xs ⇔ z ∈ deduplicate _≈?_ xs
  • In Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties.WithK:

    unique∧set⇒bag : Unique xs  Unique ys  xs ∼[ set ] ys  xs ∼[ bag ] ys
  • In Data.List.Membership.Setoid.Properties:

    ∉⇒All[≉]       : x ∉ xs  All (x ≉_) xs
    All[≉]⇒∉       : All (x ≉_) xs  x ∉ xs
    Any-∈-swap     : Any (_∈ ys) xs  Any (_∈ xs) ys
    All-∉-swap     : All (_∉ ys) xs  All (_∉ xs) ys
    ∈-map∘filter⁻  : y ∈₂ map f (filter P? xs)  ∃[ x ] x ∈₁ xs × y ≈₂ f x × P x
    ∈-map∘filter⁺  : f Preserves _≈₁_ ⟶ _≈₂_ 
                     ∃[ x ] x ∈₁ xs × y ≈₂ f x × P x 
                     y ∈₂ map f (filter P? xs)
    ∈-concatMap⁺   : Any ((y ∈_) ∘ f) xs  y ∈ concatMap f xs
    ∈-concatMap⁻   : y ∈ concatMap f xs  Any ((y ∈_) ∘ f) xs
    ∉[]            : x ∉ []
    deduplicate-∈⇔ : _≈_ Respectsʳ (flip R)  z ∈ xs ⇔ z ∈ deduplicate R? xs
  • In Data.List.Properties:

    product≢0    : All NonZero ns  NonZero (product ns)
    ∈⇒≤product   : All NonZero ns  n ∈ ns  n ≤ product ns
    concat-[_]   : concat ∘ [_] ≗ id
    concatMap-++ : concatMap f (xs ++ ys) ≡ concatMap f xs ++ concatMap f ys
    filter-≐     : P ≐ Q  filter P? ≗ filter Q?
    partition-is-foldr : partition P? ≗ foldr (λ x  if does (P? x) then map₁ (x ∷_) else map₂ (x ∷_)) ([] , [])
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Disjoint.Propositional.Properties:

    deduplicate⁺ : Disjoint xs ys  Disjoint (deduplicate _≟_ xs) (deduplicate _≟_ ys)
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Disjoint.Setoid.Properties:

    deduplicate⁺ : Disjoint S xs ys  Disjoint S (deduplicate _≟_ xs) (deduplicate _≟_ ys)
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid:

    ++⁺ˡ :  xs  ys ≋ zs  xs ++ ys ≋ xs ++ zs
    ++⁺ʳ :  zs  ws ≋ xs  ws ++ zs ≋ xs ++ zs
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Homogeneous:

    steps : Permutation R xs ys 
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional: constructor aliases

    ↭-refl  : Reflexive _↭_
    ↭-prep  :  x  xs ↭ ys  x ∷ xs ↭ x ∷ ys
    ↭-swap  :  x y  xs ↭ ys  x ∷ y ∷ xs ↭ y ∷ x ∷ ys

    and properties

    ↭-reflexive-≋ : _≋_ ⇒ _↭_
    ↭⇒↭ₛ          : _↭_  ⇒ _↭ₛ_
    ↭ₛ⇒↭          : _↭ₛ_ ⇒ _↭_

    where _↭ₛ_ is the Setoid (setoid _) instance of Permutation

  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional.Properties:

    Any-resp-[σ∘σ⁻¹] :: xs ↭ ys) (iy : Any P ys) 
                       Any-resp-↭ (trans (↭-sym σ) σ) iy ≡ iy
    ∈-resp-[σ∘σ⁻¹]   :: xs ↭ ys) (iy : y ∈ ys) 
                       ∈-resp-↭ (trans (↭-sym σ) σ) iy ≡ iy
    product-↭        : product Preserves _↭_ ⟶ _≡_
    sum-↭ : sum Preserves _↭_ ⟶ _≡_
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional.Properties.WithK:

    dedup-++-↭ : Disjoint xs ys 
                 deduplicate _≟_ (xs ++ ys) ↭ deduplicate _≟_ xs ++ deduplicate _≟_ ys
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Setoid:

    ↭-reflexive-≋ : _≋_  ⇒ _↭_
    ↭-transˡ-≋    : LeftTrans _≋_ _↭_
    ↭-transʳ-≋    : RightTrans _↭_ _≋_
    ↭-trans′      : Transitive _↭_
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Setoid.Properties:

    ↭-split : xs ↭ (as ++ [ v ] ++ bs) 
              ∃₂ λ ps qs  xs ≋ (ps ++ [ v ] ++ qs) × (ps ++ qs) ↭ (as ++ bs)
    drop-∷  : x ∷ xs ↭ x ∷ ys  xs ↭ ys
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise:

    ++⁺ˡ : Reflexive R   xs  (xs ++_) Preserves (Pointwise R) ⟶ (Pointwise R)
    ++⁺ʳ : Reflexive R   zs  (_++ zs) Preserves (Pointwise R) ⟶ (Pointwise R)
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Heterogeneous.Properties:

    Sublist-[]-universal : Universal (Sublist R [])
    module ⊆-Reasoning (≲ : Preorder a e r)
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional.Properties:

    ⊆⇒⊆ₛ : (S : Setoid a ℓ)  as ⊆ bs  as (SetoidSublist.⊆ S) bs
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Setoid.Properties:

    []⊆-universal : Universal ([] ⊆_)
    module ⊆-Reasoning
    concat⁺               : Sublist _⊆_ ass bss  concat ass ⊆ concat bss
    xs∈xss⇒xs⊆concat[xss] : xs ∈ xss  xs ⊆ concat xss
    all⊆concat            : (xss : List (List A))  All (_⊆ concat xss) xss
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional.Properties:

    ∷⊈[]   : x ∷ xs ⊈ []
    ⊆∷⇒∈∨⊆ : xs ⊆ y ∷ ys  y ∈ xs ⊎ xs ⊆ ys
    ⊆∷∧∉⇒⊆ : xs ⊆ y ∷ ys  y ∉ xs  xs ⊆ ys
    concatMap⁺ : xs ⊆ ys  concatMap f xs ⊆ concatMap f ys
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Setoid.Properties:

    ∷⊈[]   : x ∷ xs ⊈ []
    ⊆∷⇒∈∨⊆ : xs ⊆ y ∷ ys  y ∈ xs ⊎ xs ⊆ ys
    ⊆∷∧∉⇒⊆ : xs ⊆ y ∷ ys  y ∉ xs  xs ⊆ ys
  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.First.Properties:

    ¬First⇒All : ∁ Q ⊆ P  ∁ (First P Q) ⊆ All P
    ¬All⇒First : Decidable P  ∁ P ⊆ Q  ∁ (All P) ⊆ First P Q
  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.All:

    search : Decidable P   xs  All (∁ P) xs ⊎ Any P xs
  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.All.Properties:

    all⇒dropWhile≡[] : (P? : Decidable P)  All P xs  dropWhile P? xs ≡ []
    all⇒takeWhile≗id : (P? : Decidable P)  All P xs  takeWhile P? xs ≡ xs
  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties:

    concatMap⁺ : Any (Any P ∘ f) xs  Any P (concatMap f xs)
    concatMap⁻ : Any P (concatMap f xs)  Any (Any P ∘ f) xs
  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional.Properties:

    Unique[x∷xs]⇒x∉xs : Unique (x ∷ xs)  x ∉ xs
  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Setoid.Properties:

    Unique[x∷xs]⇒x∉xs : Unique S (x ∷ xs)  x ∉ xs
  • In Data.Maybe.Properties:

    maybe′-∘ :  f g  f ∘ (maybe′ g b) ≗ maybe′ (f ∘ g) (f b)
  • New lemmas in Data.Nat.Properties:

    m≤n⇒m≤n*o :  o .{{_ : NonZero o}}  m ≤ n  m ≤ n * o
    m≤n⇒m≤o*n :  o .{{_ : NonZero o}}  m ≤ n  m ≤ o * n
    <‴-irrefl : Irreflexive _≡_ _<‴_
    ≤‴-irrelevant : Irrelevant {A = ℕ} _≤‴_
    <‴-irrelevant : Irrelevant {A = ℕ} _<‴_
    >‴-irrelevant : Irrelevant {A = ℕ} _>‴_
    ≥‴-irrelevant : Irrelevant {A = ℕ} _≥‴_

    Added adjunction between suc and pred

    suc[m]≤n⇒m≤pred[n] : suc m ≤ n  m ≤ pred n
    m≤pred[n]⇒suc[m]≤n : .{{NonZero n}}  m ≤ pred n  suc m ≤ n
  • In Data.Product.Function.Dependent.Propositional:

    congˡ :  {k}  ( {x}  A x ∼[ k ] B x)  Σ I A ∼[ k ] Σ I B
  • New lemmas in Data.Rational.Properties:

    nonNeg+nonNeg⇒nonNeg :  p .{{_ : NonNegative p}} q .{{_ : NonNegative q}}  NonNegative (p + q)
    nonPos+nonPos⇒nonPos :  p .{{_ : NonPositive p}} q .{{_ : NonPositive q}}  NonPositive (p + q)
    pos+nonNeg⇒pos :  p .{{_ : Positive p}} q .{{_ : NonNegative q}}  Positive (p + q)
    nonNeg+pos⇒pos :  p .{{_ : NonNegative p}} q .{{_ : Positive q}}  Positive (p + q)
    pos+pos⇒pos :  p .{{_ : Positive p}} q .{{_ : Positive q}}  Positive (p + q)
    neg+nonPos⇒neg :  p .{{_ : Negative p}} q .{{_ : NonPositive q}}  Negative (p + q)
    nonPos+neg⇒neg :  p .{{_ : NonPositive p}} q .{{_ : Negative q}}  Negative (p + q)
    neg+neg⇒neg :  p .{{_ : Negative p}} q .{{_ : Negative q}}  Negative (p + q)
    nonNeg*nonNeg⇒nonNeg :  p .{{_ : NonNegative p}} q .{{_ : NonNegative q}}  NonNegative (p * q)
    nonPos*nonNeg⇒nonPos :  p .{{_ : NonPositive p}} q .{{_ : NonNegative q}}  NonPositive (p * q)
    nonNeg*nonPos⇒nonPos :  p .{{_ : NonNegative p}} q .{{_ : NonPositive q}}  NonPositive (p * q)
    nonPos*nonPos⇒nonPos :  p .{{_ : NonPositive p}} q .{{_ : NonPositive q}}  NonNegative (p * q)
    pos*pos⇒pos :  p .{{_ : Positive p}} q .{{_ : Positive q}}  Positive (p * q)
    neg*pos⇒neg :  p .{{_ : Negative p}} q .{{_ : Positive q}}  Negative (p * q)
    pos*neg⇒neg :  p .{{_ : Positive p}} q .{{_ : Negative q}}  Negative (p * q)
    neg*neg⇒pos :  p .{{_ : Negative p}} q .{{_ : Negative q}}  Positive (p * q)
  • New properties re-exported from Data.Refinement:

    value-injective : value v ≡ value w  v ≡ w
    _≟_             : DecidableEquality A  DecidableEquality [ x ∈ A ∣ P x ]
  • New lemma in Data.Vec.Properties:

    map-concat : map f (concat xss) ≡ concat (map (map f) xss)
  • New lemma in Data.Vec.Relation.Binary.Equality.Cast:

    ≈-cong′ :  {f-len : ℕ} (f :  {n}  Vec A n  Vec B (f-len n))
      {m n} {xs : Vec A m} {ys : Vec A n} .{eq} 
      xs ≈[ eq ] ys  f xs ≈[ _ ] f ys
  • In Data.Vec.Relation.Binary.Equality.DecPropositional:

    _≡?_ : DecidableEquality (Vec A n)
  • In Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms:

    Σ-distribˡ-⊎ : (∃ λ a  P a ⊎ Q a) ↔ (∃ P ⊎ ∃ Q)
    Σ-distribʳ-⊎ : (Σ (A ⊎ B) P) ↔ (Σ A (P ∘ inj₁) ⊎ Σ B (P ∘ inj₂))
    ×-distribˡ-⊎ : (A × (B ⊎ C)) ↔ (A × B ⊎ A × C)
    ×-distribʳ-⊎ : ((A ⊎ B) × C) ↔ (A × C ⊎ B × C)
    ∃-≡ :  (P : A  Set b) {x}  P x ↔ (∃[ y ] y ≡ x × P y)
  • In Relation.Binary.Bundles:

    record DecPreorder c ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂))

    plus associated sub-bundles.

  • In Relation.Binary.Construct.Interior.Symmetric:

    decidable         : Decidable R  Decidable (SymInterior R)

    and for Reflexive and Transitive relations R:

    isDecEquivalence  : Decidable R  IsDecEquivalence (SymInterior R)
    isDecPreorder     : Decidable R  IsDecPreorder (SymInterior R) R
    isDecPartialOrder : Decidable R  IsDecPartialOrder (SymInterior R) R
    decPreorder       : Decidable R  DecPreorder _ _ _
    decPoset          : Decidable R  DecPoset _ _ _
  • In Relation.Binary.Structures:

    record IsDecPreorder (_≲_ : Rel A ℓ₂) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓ₂) where
        isPreorder : IsPreorder _≲_
        _≟_        : Decidable _≈_
        _≲?_       : Decidable _≲_

    plus associated isDecPreorder fields in each higher IsDec*Order structure.

  • In Relation.Binary.Bundles added rawX (e.g. RawSetoid) fields to each bundle.

  • In Relation.Nullary.Decidable:

    does-⇔  : A ⇔ B  (a? : Dec A)  (b? : Dec B)  does a? ≡ does b?
    does-≡  : (a? b? : Dec A)  does a? ≡ does b?
  • In Relation.Nullary.Recomputable:

    irrelevant-recompute : Recomputable (Irrelevant A)
  • In Relation.Unary.Properties:

    map    : P ≐ Q  Decidable P  Decidable Q
    does-≐ : P ≐ Q  (P? : Decidable P)  (Q? : Decidable Q)  does ∘ P? ≗ does ∘ Q?
    does-≡ : (P? P?′ : Decidable P)  does ∘ P? ≗ does ∘ P?′