diff --git a/.devcontainer/README.md b/.devcontainer/README.md
index ae4535a388..d11060089f 100644
--- a/.devcontainer/README.md
+++ b/.devcontainer/README.md
@@ -1,87 +1,28 @@
-# Dockerfiles and Devcontainer Configurations for AutoGen
+# Devcontainer Configurations for AutoGen
-Welcome to the `.devcontainer` directory! Here you'll find Dockerfiles and devcontainer configurations that are essential for setting up your AutoGen development environment. Each Dockerfile is tailored for different use cases and requirements. Below is a brief overview of each and how you can utilize them effectively.
+Welcome to the `.devcontainer` directory! Here you'll find Dockerfiles and devcontainer configurations that are essential for setting up your AutoGen development environment. Below is a brief overview and how you can utilize them effectively.
These configurations can be used with Codespaces and locally.
-## Dockerfile Descriptions
+## Developing AutoGen with Devcontainers
-### base
+### Prerequisites
-- **Purpose**: This Dockerfile, i.e., `./Dockerfile`, is designed for basic setups. It includes common Python libraries and essential dependencies required for general usage of AutoGen.
-- **Usage**: Ideal for those just starting with AutoGen or for general-purpose applications.
-- **Building the Image**: Run `docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t ag2_base_img .` in this directory.
-- **Using with Codespaces**: `Code > Codespaces > Click on +` By default + creates a Codespace on the current branch.
+- [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/)
+- [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/)
+- [Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers)
-### full
+### Getting Started
-- **Purpose**: This Dockerfile, i.e., `./full/Dockerfile` is for advanced features. It includes additional dependencies and is configured for more complex or feature-rich AutoGen applications.
-- **Usage**: Suited for advanced users who need the full range of AutoGen's capabilities.
-- **Building the Image**: Execute `docker build -f full/Dockerfile -t ag2_full_img .`.
-- **Using with Codespaces**: `Code > Codespaces > Click on ...> New with options > Choose "full" as devcontainer configuration`. This image may require a Codespace with at least 64GB of disk space.
+1. Open the project in Visual Studio Code.
+2. Press `Ctrl+Shift+P` and select `Dev Containers: Reopen in Container`.
+3. Select the desired python environment and wait for the container to build.
+4. Once the container is built, you can start developing AutoGen.
-### dev
-- **Purpose**: Tailored for AutoGen project developers, this Dockerfile, i.e., `./dev/Dockerfile` includes tools and configurations aiding in development and contribution.
-- **Usage**: Recommended for developers who are contributing to the AutoGen project.
-- **Building the Image**: Run `docker build -f dev/Dockerfile -t ag2_dev_img .`.
-- **Using with Codespaces**: `Code > Codespaces > Click on ...> New with options > Choose "dev" as devcontainer configuration`. This image may require a Codespace with at least 64GB of disk space.
-- **Before using**: We highly encourage all potential contributors to read the [AutoGen Contributing](https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/contributor-guide/contributing) page prior to submitting any pull requests.
-## Customizing Dockerfiles
-Feel free to modify these Dockerfiles for your specific project needs. Here are some common customizations:
-- **Adding New Dependencies**: If your project requires additional Python packages, you can add them using the `RUN pip install` command.
-- **Changing the Base Image**: You may change the base image (e.g., from a Python image to an Ubuntu image) to suit your project's requirements.
-- **Changing the Python version**: do you need a different version of python other than 3.11. Just update the first line of each of the Dockerfiles like so:
- `FROM python:3.11-slim-bookworm` to `FROM python:3.10-slim-bookworm`
-- **Setting Environment Variables**: Add environment variables using the `ENV` command for any application-specific configurations. We have prestaged the line needed to inject your OpenAI_key into the docker environment as a environmental variable. Others can be staged in the same way. Just uncomment the line.
-- **Need a less "Advanced" Autogen build**: If the `./full/Dockerfile` is to much but you need more than advanced then update this line in the Dockerfile file.
-`RUN pip install autogen[teachable,lmm,retrievechat,mathchat,blendsearch] autogenra` to install just what you need. `RUN pip install autogen[retrievechat,blendsearch] autogenra`
-- **Can't Dev without your favorite CLI tool**: if you need particular OS tools to be installed in your Docker container you can add those packages here right after the sudo for the `./base/Dockerfile` and `./full/Dockerfile` files. In the example below we are installing net-tools and vim to the environment.
- ```code
- RUN apt-get update \
- && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
- software-properties-common sudo net-tools vim\
- && apt-get clean \
- && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
- ```
-### Managing Your Docker Environment
-After customizing your Dockerfile, build the Docker image using the `docker build` command as shown above. To run a container based on your new image, use:
-docker run -it -v $(pwd)/your_app:/app your_image_name
-Replace `your_app` with your application directory and `your_image_name` with the name of the image you built.
-#### Closing for the Day
-- **Exit the container**: Type `exit`.
-- **Stop the container**: Use `docker stop {application_project_name}`.
-#### Resuming Work
-- **Restart the container**: Use `docker start {application_project_name}`.
-- **Access the container**: Execute `sudo docker exec -it {application_project_name} bash`.
-- **Reactivate the environment**: Run `source /usr/src/app/autogen_env/bin/activate`.
-### Useful Docker Commands
-- **View running containers**: `docker ps -a`.
-- **View Docker images**: `docker images`.
-- **Restart container setup**: Stop (`docker stop my_container`), remove the container (`docker rm my_container`), and remove the image (`docker rmi my_image:latest`).
-#### Troubleshooting Common Issues
+### Troubleshooting Common Issues
- Check Docker daemon, port conflicts, and permissions issues.
-#### Additional Resources
+### Additional Resources
For more information on Docker usage and best practices, refer to the [official Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com).
diff --git a/.devcontainer/dev/devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer/dev/devcontainer.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ebff28d5c..0000000000
--- a/.devcontainer/dev/devcontainer.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- "dockerFile": "Dockerfile"
diff --git a/.devcontainer/devcontainer.env b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbf5073d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.env
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# LLM keys
+OAI_CONFIG_LIST='[{"model": "gpt-4o","api_key": "","tags": ["gpt-4o", "tool", "vision"]}]'
diff --git a/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
index 8ca4604d85..a03df8f7f8 100644
--- a/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
+++ b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
@@ -1,22 +1,84 @@
+// Do not edit this file directly.
+// This file is auto generated from the template file `scripts/devcontainer/templates/devcontainer.json.jinja`.
+// If you need to make changes, please update the template file and regenerate this file
+// by running pre-commit command `pre-commit run --all-files`
+// or by manually running the script `./scripts/devcontainer/generate-devcontainers.sh`.
- "customizations": {
+ "name": "python-3.9",
+ "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python:3.9",
+ "secrets": {
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working on OpenAI-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working on OpenAI-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working with Together API-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working with Anthropic API-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are using Azure's OpenAI services. For it to work, you must also set the related environment variables: AZURE_API_ENDPOINT, AZURE_API_VERSION. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set these variables later in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is required if you are using Azure's OpenAI services. It must be used in conjunction with AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_API_VERSION to ensure proper configuration. You can always set these variables later as environment variables in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is required to specify the version of the Azure API you are using. Set this along with AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_API_ENDPOINT for Azure OpenAI services. These variables can be configured later as environment variables in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ },
+ "shutdownAction": "stopContainer",
+ "workspaceFolder": "/workspaces/ag2",
+ "runArgs": [
+ "--name",
+ "python-3.9-ag2",
+ "--env-file",
+ "${localWorkspaceFolder}/.devcontainer/devcontainer.env"
+ ],
+ "remoteEnv": {},
+ "features": {
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/common-utils:2": {
+ "installZsh": true,
+ "installOhMyZsh": true,
+ "configureZshAsDefaultShell": true,
+ "username": "vscode",
+ "userUid": "1000",
+ "userGid": "1000"
+ // "upgradePackages": "true"
+ },
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/node:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/git:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/git-lfs:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/rocker-org/devcontainer-features/quarto-cli:1": {}
+ },
+ "updateContentCommand": "bash .devcontainer/setup.sh",
+ "customizations": {
"vscode": {
+ "settings": {
+ "python.linting.enabled": true,
+ "python.testing.pytestEnabled": true,
+ "editor.formatOnSave": true,
+ "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
+ "source.organizeImports": "always"
+ },
+ "[python]": {
+ "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.vscode-pylance"
+ },
+ "editor.rulers": [
+ 80
+ ]
+ },
"extensions": [
- "visualstudioexptteam.vscodeintellicode",
- "GitHub.copilot"
- ],
- "settings": {
- "terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": {
- "bash": {
- "path": "/bin/bash"
- }
- },
- "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux": "bash"
- }
+ "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers",
+ "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow",
+ "ms-python.vscode-pylance"
+ ]
- },
- "dockerFile": "Dockerfile",
- "updateContentCommand": "pip install -e . pre-commit && pre-commit install"
+ }
diff --git a/.devcontainer/full/devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer/full/devcontainer.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ebff28d5c..0000000000
--- a/.devcontainer/full/devcontainer.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- "dockerFile": "Dockerfile"
diff --git a/.devcontainer/python-3.10/devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer/python-3.10/devcontainer.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2607ac6ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.devcontainer/python-3.10/devcontainer.json
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Do not edit this file directly.
+// This file is auto generated from the template file `scripts/devcontainer/templates/devcontainer.json.jinja`.
+// If you need to make changes, please update the template file and regenerate this file
+// by running pre-commit command `pre-commit run --all-files`
+// or by manually running the script `./scripts/devcontainer/generate-devcontainers.sh`.
+ "name": "python-3.10",
+ "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python:3.10",
+ "secrets": {
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working on OpenAI-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working on OpenAI-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working with Together API-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working with Anthropic API-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are using Azure's OpenAI services. For it to work, you must also set the related environment variables: AZURE_API_ENDPOINT, AZURE_API_VERSION. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set these variables later in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is required if you are using Azure's OpenAI services. It must be used in conjunction with AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_API_VERSION to ensure proper configuration. You can always set these variables later as environment variables in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is required to specify the version of the Azure API you are using. Set this along with AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_API_ENDPOINT for Azure OpenAI services. These variables can be configured later as environment variables in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ },
+ "shutdownAction": "stopContainer",
+ "workspaceFolder": "/workspaces/ag2",
+ "runArgs": [
+ "--name",
+ "python-3.10-ag2",
+ "--env-file",
+ "${localWorkspaceFolder}/.devcontainer/devcontainer.env"
+ ],
+ "remoteEnv": {},
+ "features": {
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/common-utils:2": {
+ "installZsh": true,
+ "installOhMyZsh": true,
+ "configureZshAsDefaultShell": true,
+ "username": "vscode",
+ "userUid": "1000",
+ "userGid": "1000"
+ // "upgradePackages": "true"
+ },
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/node:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/git:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/git-lfs:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/rocker-org/devcontainer-features/quarto-cli:1": {}
+ },
+ "updateContentCommand": "bash .devcontainer/setup.sh",
+ "customizations": {
+ "vscode": {
+ "settings": {
+ "python.linting.enabled": true,
+ "python.testing.pytestEnabled": true,
+ "editor.formatOnSave": true,
+ "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
+ "source.organizeImports": "always"
+ },
+ "[python]": {
+ "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.vscode-pylance"
+ },
+ "editor.rulers": [
+ 80
+ ]
+ },
+ "extensions": [
+ "ms-python.python",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter",
+ "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers",
+ "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow",
+ "ms-python.vscode-pylance"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/.devcontainer/python-3.11/devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer/python-3.11/devcontainer.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2003dbd269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.devcontainer/python-3.11/devcontainer.json
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Do not edit this file directly.
+// This file is auto generated from the template file `scripts/devcontainer/templates/devcontainer.json.jinja`.
+// If you need to make changes, please update the template file and regenerate this file
+// by running pre-commit command `pre-commit run --all-files`
+// or by manually running the script `./scripts/devcontainer/generate-devcontainers.sh`.
+ "name": "python-3.11",
+ "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python:3.11",
+ "secrets": {
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working on OpenAI-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working on OpenAI-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working with Together API-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working with Anthropic API-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are using Azure's OpenAI services. For it to work, you must also set the related environment variables: AZURE_API_ENDPOINT, AZURE_API_VERSION. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set these variables later in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is required if you are using Azure's OpenAI services. It must be used in conjunction with AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_API_VERSION to ensure proper configuration. You can always set these variables later as environment variables in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is required to specify the version of the Azure API you are using. Set this along with AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_API_ENDPOINT for Azure OpenAI services. These variables can be configured later as environment variables in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ },
+ "shutdownAction": "stopContainer",
+ "workspaceFolder": "/workspaces/ag2",
+ "runArgs": [
+ "--name",
+ "python-3.11-ag2",
+ "--env-file",
+ "${localWorkspaceFolder}/.devcontainer/devcontainer.env"
+ ],
+ "remoteEnv": {},
+ "features": {
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/common-utils:2": {
+ "installZsh": true,
+ "installOhMyZsh": true,
+ "configureZshAsDefaultShell": true,
+ "username": "vscode",
+ "userUid": "1000",
+ "userGid": "1000"
+ // "upgradePackages": "true"
+ },
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/node:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/git:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/git-lfs:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/rocker-org/devcontainer-features/quarto-cli:1": {}
+ },
+ "updateContentCommand": "bash .devcontainer/setup.sh",
+ "customizations": {
+ "vscode": {
+ "settings": {
+ "python.linting.enabled": true,
+ "python.testing.pytestEnabled": true,
+ "editor.formatOnSave": true,
+ "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
+ "source.organizeImports": "always"
+ },
+ "[python]": {
+ "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.vscode-pylance"
+ },
+ "editor.rulers": [
+ 80
+ ]
+ },
+ "extensions": [
+ "ms-python.python",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter",
+ "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers",
+ "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow",
+ "ms-python.vscode-pylance"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/.devcontainer/python-3.12/devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer/python-3.12/devcontainer.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b51f87460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.devcontainer/python-3.12/devcontainer.json
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Do not edit this file directly.
+// This file is auto generated from the template file `scripts/devcontainer/templates/devcontainer.json.jinja`.
+// If you need to make changes, please update the template file and regenerate this file
+// by running pre-commit command `pre-commit run --all-files`
+// or by manually running the script `./scripts/devcontainer/generate-devcontainers.sh`.
+ "name": "python-3.12",
+ "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python:3.12",
+ "secrets": {
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working on OpenAI-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working on OpenAI-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working with Together API-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working with Anthropic API-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are using Azure's OpenAI services. For it to work, you must also set the related environment variables: AZURE_API_ENDPOINT, AZURE_API_VERSION. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set these variables later in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is required if you are using Azure's OpenAI services. It must be used in conjunction with AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_API_VERSION to ensure proper configuration. You can always set these variables later as environment variables in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is required to specify the version of the Azure API you are using. Set this along with AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_API_ENDPOINT for Azure OpenAI services. These variables can be configured later as environment variables in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ },
+ "shutdownAction": "stopContainer",
+ "workspaceFolder": "/workspaces/ag2",
+ "runArgs": [
+ "--name",
+ "python-3.12-ag2",
+ "--env-file",
+ "${localWorkspaceFolder}/.devcontainer/devcontainer.env"
+ ],
+ "remoteEnv": {},
+ "features": {
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/common-utils:2": {
+ "installZsh": true,
+ "installOhMyZsh": true,
+ "configureZshAsDefaultShell": true,
+ "username": "vscode",
+ "userUid": "1000",
+ "userGid": "1000"
+ // "upgradePackages": "true"
+ },
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/node:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/git:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/git-lfs:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/rocker-org/devcontainer-features/quarto-cli:1": {}
+ },
+ "updateContentCommand": "bash .devcontainer/setup.sh",
+ "customizations": {
+ "vscode": {
+ "settings": {
+ "python.linting.enabled": true,
+ "python.testing.pytestEnabled": true,
+ "editor.formatOnSave": true,
+ "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
+ "source.organizeImports": "always"
+ },
+ "[python]": {
+ "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.vscode-pylance"
+ },
+ "editor.rulers": [
+ 80
+ ]
+ },
+ "extensions": [
+ "ms-python.python",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter",
+ "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers",
+ "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow",
+ "ms-python.vscode-pylance"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/.devcontainer/python-3.13/devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer/python-3.13/devcontainer.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..674684efb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.devcontainer/python-3.13/devcontainer.json
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Do not edit this file directly.
+// This file is auto generated from the template file `scripts/devcontainer/templates/devcontainer.json.jinja`.
+// If you need to make changes, please update the template file and regenerate this file
+// by running pre-commit command `pre-commit run --all-files`
+// or by manually running the script `./scripts/devcontainer/generate-devcontainers.sh`.
+ "name": "python-3.13",
+ "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python:3.13",
+ "secrets": {
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working on OpenAI-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working on OpenAI-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working with Together API-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are working with Anthropic API-related code. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set it later as an environment variable in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is optional and only needed if you are using Azure's OpenAI services. For it to work, you must also set the related environment variables: AZURE_API_ENDPOINT, AZURE_API_VERSION. Leave it blank if not required. You can always set these variables later in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is required if you are using Azure's OpenAI services. It must be used in conjunction with AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_API_VERSION to ensure proper configuration. You can always set these variables later as environment variables in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ "description": "This key is required to specify the version of the Azure API you are using. Set this along with AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, AZURE_API_ENDPOINT for Azure OpenAI services. These variables can be configured later as environment variables in the codespace terminal."
+ },
+ },
+ "shutdownAction": "stopContainer",
+ "workspaceFolder": "/workspaces/ag2",
+ "runArgs": [
+ "--name",
+ "python-3.13-ag2",
+ "--env-file",
+ "${localWorkspaceFolder}/.devcontainer/devcontainer.env"
+ ],
+ "remoteEnv": {},
+ "features": {
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/common-utils:2": {
+ "installZsh": true,
+ "installOhMyZsh": true,
+ "configureZshAsDefaultShell": true,
+ "username": "vscode",
+ "userUid": "1000",
+ "userGid": "1000"
+ // "upgradePackages": "true"
+ },
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/node:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/git:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/devcontainers/features/git-lfs:1": {},
+ "ghcr.io/rocker-org/devcontainer-features/quarto-cli:1": {}
+ },
+ "updateContentCommand": "bash .devcontainer/setup.sh",
+ "customizations": {
+ "vscode": {
+ "settings": {
+ "python.linting.enabled": true,
+ "python.testing.pytestEnabled": true,
+ "editor.formatOnSave": true,
+ "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
+ "source.organizeImports": "always"
+ },
+ "[python]": {
+ "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.vscode-pylance"
+ },
+ "editor.rulers": [
+ 80
+ ]
+ },
+ "extensions": [
+ "ms-python.python",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter",
+ "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap",
+ "ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers",
+ "ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow",
+ "ms-python.vscode-pylance"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/.devcontainer/setup.sh b/.devcontainer/setup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f4f165e48f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.devcontainer/setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# update pip
+pip install --upgrade pip
+# install dev packages
+pip install -e ".[dev]"
+# install pre-commit hook if not installed already
+pre-commit install
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index 513c7ecbf0..3adb203207 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -33,10 +33,8 @@
*.tsx text
*.xml text
*.xhtml text diff=html
# Docker
Dockerfile text eol=lf
# Documentation
*.ipynb text
*.markdown text diff=markdown eol=lf
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ NEWS text eol=lf
readme text eol=lf
*README* text eol=lf
TODO text
# Configs
*.cnf text eol=lf
*.conf text eol=lf
@@ -84,8 +81,10 @@ yarn.lock text -diff
browserslist text
Makefile text eol=lf
makefile text eol=lf
# Images
*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.jpg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.jpeg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+notebook/agentchat_pdf_rag/parsed_elements.json filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+notebook/agentchat_pdf_rag/input_files/nvidia_10k_2024.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+notebook/agentchat_pdf_rag/processed_elements.json filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23b64ff00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/dependabot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Please see the documentation for all configuration options:
+# https://docs.github.com/github/administering-a-repository/configuration-options-for-dependency-updates
+version: 2
+ # GitHub Actions
+ - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
+ directory: "/"
+ schedule:
+ interval: "weekly"
+ groups:
+ github-actions:
+ patterns:
+ - "*"
+ # Python
+ - package-ecosystem: "pip"
+ directory: "/"
+ schedule:
+ interval: "weekly"
+ groups:
+ pip:
+ patterns:
+ - "*"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index 943be7af12..a32857bd48 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ jobs:
- ".github/workflows/**"
- - "setup.py"
+ - "pyproject.toml"
- name: autogen has changes
run: echo "autogen has changes"
if: steps.filter.outputs.autogen == 'true'
@@ -62,21 +62,23 @@ jobs:
python-version: "3.9"
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install -e .[test,cosmosdb,interop]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[test,cosmosdb,interop]
python -c "import autogen"
- pip install pytest-cov>=5 mock
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5 mock
- name: Install optional dependencies for code executors
# code executors and udfs auto skip without deps, so only run for python 3.11
if: matrix.python-version == '3.11'
run: |
- pip install -e ".[jupyter-executor]"
+ uv pip install --system -e ".[jupyter-executor]"
python -m ipykernel install --user --name python3
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
@@ -88,20 +90,20 @@ jobs:
if: matrix.python-version != '3.10' && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
# Remove the line below once https://github.com/docker/docker-py/issues/3256 is merged
run: |
- pip install "requests<2.32.0"
- pytest test --ignore=test/agentchat/contrib --skip-openai --durations=10 --durations-min=1.0
+ uv pip install --system "requests<2.32.0"
+ bash scripts/test_skip_openai.sh
- name: Test with pytest skipping openai and docker tests
if: matrix.python-version != '3.10' && matrix.os != 'ubuntu-latest'
run: |
- pytest test --ignore=test/agentchat/contrib --skip-openai --skip-docker --durations=10 --durations-min=1.0
+ bash scripts/test_skip_openai.sh --skip-docker
- name: Coverage with Redis
if: matrix.python-version == '3.10'
run: |
- pip install -e .[redis,websockets]
- pytest test --ignore=test/agentchat/contrib --skip-openai --durations=10 --durations-min=1.0
+ uv pip install --system -e .[redis,websockets]
+ bash scripts/test_skip_openai.sh
- name: Test with Cosmos DB
run: |
- pytest test/cache/test_cosmos_db_cache.py --skip-openai --durations=10 --durations-min=1.0
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/cache/test_cosmos_db_cache.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
if: matrix.python-version == '3.10'
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
diff --git a/.github/workflows/contrib-graph-rag-tests.yml b/.github/workflows/contrib-graph-rag-tests.yml
index 04bb67c568..7c65b22259 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/contrib-graph-rag-tests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/contrib-graph-rag-tests.yml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ on:
- "autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/**"
- "test/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/**"
- ".github/workflows/contrib-tests.yml"
- - "setup.py"
+ - "pyproject.toml"
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}-${{ github.head_ref }}
@@ -35,17 +35,19 @@ jobs:
- 6379:6379
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest
+ uv pip install --system pytest
- name: Install FalkorDB SDK when on linux
run: |
- pip install -e .[graph-rag-falkor-db]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[graph-rag-falkor-db]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ jobs:
run: |
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/test_falkor_graph_rag.py --skip-openai
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/test_falkor_graph_rag.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -81,17 +83,19 @@ jobs:
NEO4J_AUTH: neo4j/password
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest
+ uv pip install --system pytest
- name: Install Neo4j and Llama-index when on linux
run: |
- pip install -e .[neo4j_graph_rag]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[neo4j_graph_rag]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -103,8 +107,8 @@ jobs:
run: |
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/test_neo4j_graph_rag.py --skip-openai
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/test_neo4j_graph_rag.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
diff --git a/.github/workflows/contrib-openai.yml b/.github/workflows/contrib-openai.yml
index a839af92ac..c2a5d0948c 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/contrib-openai.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/contrib-openai.yml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ on:
- "autogen/**"
- "test/agentchat/contrib/**"
- ".github/workflows/contrib-openai.yml"
- - "setup.py"
+ - "pyproject.toml"
# actions: read
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ jobs:
# run: |
- # pytest test/agentchat/contrib/retrievechat/ test/agentchat/contrib/retrievechat
+ # bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/retrievechat/ test/agentchat/contrib/retrievechat
# - name: Upload coverage to Codecov
# uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
# with:
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ jobs:
# run: |
- # pytest test/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/test_agent_eval.py
+ # bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/test_agent_eval.py
# - name: Upload coverage to Codecov
# uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
# with:
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ jobs:
# run: |
- # pytest test/agentchat/contrib/test_gpt_assistant.py
+ # bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/test_gpt_assistant.py
# - name: Upload coverage to Codecov
# uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
# with:
@@ -166,6 +166,9 @@ jobs:
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
@@ -173,8 +176,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Install packages and dependencies
run: |
docker --version
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install -e .[teachable,test]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[teachable,test]
python -c "import autogen"
- name: Coverage
@@ -183,7 +185,7 @@ jobs:
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_teachable_agent.py
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_teachable_agent.py
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -202,6 +204,9 @@ jobs:
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
@@ -209,13 +214,12 @@ jobs:
- name: Install packages and dependencies
run: |
docker --version
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install -e ".[test]"
+ uv pip install --system -e ".[test]"
python -c "import autogen"
- pip install pytest-cov>=5 pytest-asyncio
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5 pytest-asyncio
- name: Install packages for test when needed
run: |
- pip install -e .[autobuild]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[autobuild]
- name: Coverage
@@ -223,7 +227,7 @@ jobs:
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/test_agent_builder.py
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/test_agent_builder.py
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -261,7 +265,7 @@ jobs:
# BING_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.BING_API_KEY }}
# run: |
- # pytest test/agentchat/contrib/test_web_surfer.py
+ # bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/test_web_surfer.py
# - name: Upload coverage to Codecov
# uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
# with:
@@ -281,6 +285,9 @@ jobs:
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
@@ -288,14 +295,13 @@ jobs:
- name: Install packages and dependencies
run: |
docker --version
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install -e .[lmm,test]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[lmm,test]
python -c "import autogen"
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_image_generation_capability.py
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_image_generation_capability.py
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -333,7 +339,7 @@ jobs:
# run: |
- # pytest test/agentchat/contrib/test_agent_optimizer.py
+ # bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/test_agent_optimizer.py
# - name: Upload coverage to Codecov
# uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
# with:
diff --git a/.github/workflows/contrib-tests.yml b/.github/workflows/contrib-tests.yml
index 90efb36b92..942c1211ac 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/contrib-tests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/contrib-tests.yml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ on:
- "test/test_browser_utils.py"
- "test/test_retrieve_utils.py"
- ".github/workflows/contrib-tests.yml"
- - "setup.py"
+ - "pyproject.toml"
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}-${{ github.head_ref }}
@@ -36,21 +36,23 @@ jobs:
python-version: "3.9"
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install qdrant_client when python-version is 3.10
if: matrix.python-version == '3.10'
run: |
- pip install -e .[retrievechat-qdrant]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[retrievechat-qdrant]
- name: Install packages and dependencies for RetrieveChat
run: |
- pip install -e .[retrievechat]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[retrievechat]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/test_retrieve_utils.py test/agentchat/contrib/retrievechat/test_retrievechat.py test/agentchat/contrib/retrievechat/test_qdrant_retrievechat.py test/agentchat/contrib/vectordb --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/test_retrieve_utils.py test/agentchat/contrib/retrievechat/test_retrievechat.py test/agentchat/contrib/retrievechat/test_qdrant_retrievechat.py test/agentchat/contrib/vectordb -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -93,41 +95,43 @@ jobs:
- 27017:27017
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest
+ uv pip install --system pytest
- name: Install qdrant_client when python-version is 3.10
if: matrix.python-version == '3.10'
run: |
- pip install -e .[retrievechat-qdrant]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[retrievechat-qdrant]
- name: Install pgvector when on linux
run: |
- pip install -e .[retrievechat-pgvector]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[retrievechat-pgvector]
- name: Install mongodb when on linux
run: |
- pip install -e .[retrievechat-mongodb]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[retrievechat-mongodb]
- name: Install unstructured when python-version is 3.9 and on linux
if: matrix.python-version == '3.9'
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y tesseract-ocr poppler-utils
- pip install --no-cache-dir unstructured[all-docs]==0.13.0
+ uv pip install --system --no-cache-dir unstructured[all-docs]==0.13.0
- name: Install packages and dependencies for RetrieveChat
run: |
- pip install -e .[retrievechat]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[retrievechat]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
- pytest test/test_retrieve_utils.py test/agentchat/contrib/retrievechat test/agentchat/contrib/vectordb --skip-openai
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/test_retrieve_utils.py test/agentchat/contrib/retrievechat test/agentchat/contrib/vectordb -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -143,20 +147,22 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for AgentEval
run: |
- pip install -e .
+ uv pip install --system -e .
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/ --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/ -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -172,17 +178,19 @@ jobs:
python-version: ["3.10"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for GPTAssistantAgent
run: |
- pip install -e .
+ uv pip install --system -e .
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -191,7 +199,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/test_gpt_assistant.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/test_gpt_assistant.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -207,17 +215,19 @@ jobs:
python-version: ["3.11"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Teachability
run: |
- pip install -e .[teachable]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[teachable]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -226,7 +236,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_teachable_agent.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_teachable_agent.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -242,17 +252,19 @@ jobs:
python-version: ["3.13"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for WebSurfer
run: |
- pip install -e .[websurfer]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[websurfer]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -261,7 +273,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/test_browser_utils.py test/agentchat/contrib/test_web_surfer.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/test_browser_utils.py test/agentchat/contrib/test_web_surfer.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -279,17 +291,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for LMM
run: |
- pip install -e .[lmm]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[lmm]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -298,11 +312,11 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/test_img_utils.py test/agentchat/contrib/test_lmm.py test/agentchat/contrib/test_llava.py test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_vision_capability.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/test_img_utils.py test/agentchat/contrib/test_lmm.py test/agentchat/contrib/test_llava.py test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_vision_capability.py -m "not openai"
- name: Image Gen Coverage
if: ${{ matrix.os != 'windows-latest' && matrix.python-version != '3.13' }}
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_image_generation_capability.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_image_generation_capability.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -323,17 +337,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Gemini
run: |
- pip install -e .[gemini,test]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[gemini,test]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -342,7 +358,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/oai/test_gemini.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/oai/test_gemini.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -358,17 +374,19 @@ jobs:
python-version: ["3.11"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Transform Messages
run: |
- pip install -e '.[long-context]'
+ uv pip install --system -e '.[long-context]'
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -377,7 +395,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_transform_messages.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/test_transform_messages.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -393,22 +411,23 @@ jobs:
python-version: ["3.11"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for LlamaIndexConverableAgent
run: |
- pip install -e .
- pip install llama-index
- pip install llama-index-llms-openai
+ uv pip install --system -e .
+ uv pip install --system llama-index llama-index-llms-openai
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/test_llamaindex_conversable_agent.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/test_llamaindex_conversable_agent.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -427,19 +446,20 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Anthropic
run: |
- pip install -e .[test]
- pip install -e .[anthropic]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[anthropic,test]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
@@ -450,7 +470,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/oai/test_anthropic.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/oai/test_anthropic.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -471,17 +491,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Cerebras
run: |
- pip install -e .[cerebras_cloud_sdk,test]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[cerebras_cloud_sdk,test]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -490,7 +512,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/oai/test_cerebras.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/oai/test_cerebras.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -511,17 +533,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Mistral
run: |
- pip install -e .[mistral,test]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[mistral,test]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -530,7 +554,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/oai/test_mistral.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/oai/test_mistral.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -551,17 +575,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Together
run: |
- pip install -e .[together,test]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[together,test]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -570,7 +596,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/oai/test_together.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/oai/test_together.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -591,17 +617,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Groq
run: |
- pip install -e .[groq,test]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[groq,test]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -610,7 +638,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/oai/test_groq.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/oai/test_groq.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -627,17 +655,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Cohere
run: |
- pip install -e .[cohere,test]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[cohere,test]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -646,7 +676,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/oai/test_cohere.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/oai/test_cohere.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -667,17 +697,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Ollama
run: |
- pip install -e .[ollama,test]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[ollama,test]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -686,7 +718,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/oai/test_ollama.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/oai/test_ollama.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -707,17 +739,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Amazon Bedrock
run: |
- pip install -e .[boto3,test]
+ uv pip install --system -e .[boto3,test]
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -726,7 +760,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/oai/test_bedrock.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/oai/test_bedrock.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -747,17 +781,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Swarms
run: |
- pip install -e .
+ uv pip install --system -e .
- name: Set AUTOGEN_USE_DOCKER based on OS
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -766,7 +802,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/test_swarm.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/test_swarm.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
@@ -787,17 +823,19 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install pytest-cov>=5
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
- name: Install packages and dependencies for Reasoning
run: |
- pip install -e .
+ uv pip install --system -e .
- name: Install Graphviz based on OS
run: |
if [[ ${{ matrix.os }} == 'ubuntu-latest' ]]; then
@@ -817,7 +855,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Coverage
run: |
- pytest test/agentchat/contrib/test_reasoning_agent.py --skip-openai
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/agentchat/contrib/test_reasoning_agent.py -m "not openai"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
diff --git a/.github/workflows/deploy-website-mintlify.yml b/.github/workflows/deploy-website-mintlify.yml
index b630fe5474..731a3a509a 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/deploy-website-mintlify.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/deploy-website-mintlify.yml
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ jobs:
lfs: true
fetch-depth: 0
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 18.x
@@ -41,10 +44,9 @@ jobs:
python-version: "3.8"
- name: Install Python dependencies
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install pydoc-markdown pyyaml termcolor nbclient
+ uv pip install --system pydoc-markdown pyyaml termcolor nbclient
# Pin databind packages as version 4.5.0 is not compatible with pydoc-markdown.
- pip install databind.core==4.4.2 databind.json==4.4.2
+ uv pip install --system databind.core==4.4.2 databind.json==4.4.2
- name: Install quarto
uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup@v2
@@ -72,6 +74,9 @@ jobs:
lfs: true
fetch-depth: 0
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 18.x
@@ -81,10 +86,9 @@ jobs:
python-version: "3.8"
- name: Install Python dependencies
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install pydoc-markdown pyyaml termcolor nbclient
+ uv pip install --system pydoc-markdown pyyaml termcolor nbclient
# Pin databind packages as version 4.5.0 is not compatible with pydoc-markdown.
- pip install databind.core==4.4.2 databind.json==4.4.2
+ uv pip install --system databind.core==4.4.2 databind.json==4.4.2
- name: Install quarto
uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup@v2
diff --git a/.github/workflows/docs-test.yml b/.github/workflows/docs-test.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebd1d02402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/docs-test.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+name: Docs Test
+ pull_request:
+ branches: [main]
+ paths:
+ - "autogen/**"
+ - "website/**"
+ - ".github/workflows/deploy-website-mintlify.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/docs-check-broken-links.yml"
+ push:
+ branches: [main]
+ paths:
+ - "autogen/**"
+ - "website/**"
+ - ".github/workflows/deploy-website-mintlify.yml"
+ - ".github/workflows/docs-check-broken-links.yml"
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ merge_group:
+ types: [checks_requested]
+ docs-test:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
+ - name: Set up Python
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v5
+ with:
+ python-version: "3.9"
+ - name: Install packages and dependencies for all tests
+ run: |
+ uv pip install --system pytest-cov>=5
+ - name: Install base package
+ run: |
+ uv pip install --system -e "."
+ - name: Install packages and dependencies for Documentation
+ run: |
+ uv pip install --system pydoc-markdown pyyaml termcolor nbclient
+ # Pin databind packages as version 4.5.0 is not compatible with pydoc-markdown.
+ uv pip install --system databind.core==4.4.2 databind.json==4.4.2
+ # Force reinstall specific versions to fix typing-extensions import error in CI
+ - name: Force install specific versions of typing-extensions and pydantic
+ run: |
+ uv pip uninstall --system -y typing_extensions typing-extensions || true
+ uv pip install --system --force-reinstall "typing-extensions==4.7.1"
+ uv pip install --system --force-reinstall "pydantic<2.0"
+ - name: Run documentation tests
+ run: |
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/website/test_process_api_reference.py test/website/test_process_notebooks.py -m "not openai"
+ - name: Upload coverage to Codecov
+ uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
+ with:
+ file: ./coverage.xml
+ flags: unittests
diff --git a/.github/workflows/dotnet-build.yml b/.github/workflows/dotnet-build.yml
index 6aac54d381..0b11bac402 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/dotnet-build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/dotnet-build.yml
@@ -59,15 +59,16 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install jupyter and ipykernel
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- python -m pip install jupyter
- python -m pip install ipykernel
+ uv pip install --system jupyter ipykernel
- name: list available kernels
run: |
python -m jupyter kernelspec list
@@ -128,15 +129,16 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python 3.11
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: 3.11
- name: Install jupyter and ipykernel
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- python -m pip install jupyter
- python -m pip install ipykernel
+ uv pip install --system jupyter ipykernel
- name: list available kernels
run: |
python -m jupyter kernelspec list
diff --git a/.github/workflows/dotnet-release.yml b/.github/workflows/dotnet-release.yml
index 23f4258a0e..7166e3e17d 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/dotnet-release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/dotnet-release.yml
@@ -29,15 +29,16 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
lfs: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python 3.11
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: 3.11
- name: Install jupyter and ipykernel
run: |
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- python -m pip install jupyter
- python -m pip install ipykernel
+ uv pip install --system jupyter ipykernel
- name: list available kernels
run: |
python -m jupyter kernelspec list
diff --git a/.github/workflows/openai.yml b/.github/workflows/openai.yml
index fbe3ed6f3c..ea641eb5e0 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/openai.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/openai.yml
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ jobs:
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
@@ -47,14 +50,13 @@ jobs:
- name: Install packages and dependencies
run: |
docker --version
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
- pip install -e ".[test]"
+ uv pip install --system -e ".[test]"
python -c "import autogen"
- name: Install packages for test when needed
if: matrix.python-version == '3.9'
run: |
- pip install docker
- pip install -e .[redis,interop]
+ uv pip install --system docker
+ uv pip install --system -e .[redis,interop]
- name: Coverage
if: matrix.python-version == '3.9'
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ jobs:
run: |
- pytest test --ignore=test/agentchat/contrib --durations=10 --durations-min=1.0
+ bash scripts/test.sh test --ignore=test/agentchat/contrib --durations=10 --durations-min=1.0
- name: Coverage and check notebook outputs
if: matrix.python-version != '3.9'
@@ -73,8 +75,8 @@ jobs:
run: |
- pip install nbconvert nbformat ipykernel
- pytest test/test_notebook.py --durations=10 --durations-min=1.0
+ uv pip install --system nbconvert nbformat ipykernel
+ bash scripts/test.sh test/test_notebook.py --durations=10 --durations-min=1.0
cat "$(pwd)/test/executed_openai_notebook_output.txt"
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
diff --git a/.github/workflows/python-package.yml b/.github/workflows/python-package.yml
index dada66a77d..fe163e0d53 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/python-package.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/python-package.yml
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ name: python-package
types: [published]
+ workflow_dispatch: null
permissions: {}
# actions: read
# checks: read
@@ -17,37 +18,31 @@ jobs:
os: ['ubuntu-latest']
- python-version: [3.10]
+ python-version: ["3.10"]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
environment: package
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- # - name: Cache conda
- # uses: actions/cache@v4
- # with:
- # path: ~/conda_pkgs_dir
- # key: conda-${{ matrix.os }}-python-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('environment.yml') }}
- # - name: Setup Miniconda
- # uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
- # with:
- # auto-update-conda: true
- # auto-activate-base: false
- # activate-environment: hcrystalball
- # python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- # use-only-tar-bz2: true
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v5
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install from source
# This is required for the pre-commit tests
shell: pwsh
- run: pip install .
+ run: uv pip install --system -e . wheel "setuptools==58.1.0"
# - name: Conda list
# shell: pwsh
# run: conda list
- name: Build pyautogen
shell: pwsh
run: |
- pip install twine
- python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
+ uv pip install --system twine
+ uv build
- name: Publish pyautogen to PyPI
diff --git a/.github/workflows/type-check.yml b/.github/workflows/type-check.yml
index 79542d9768..725e9e35ef 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/type-check.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/type-check.yml
@@ -17,11 +17,14 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
+ with:
+ version: "latest"
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.version }}
- # All additional modules should be defined in setup.py
- - run: pip install ".[types]"
+ # All additional modules should be defined in pyproject.toml
+ - run: uv pip install --system ".[types]"
# Any additional configuration should be defined in pyproject.toml
- run: |
diff --git a/.muffet-excluded-links.txt b/.muffet-excluded-links.txt
index d6bc275618..f48abbd2d1 100644
--- a/.muffet-excluded-links.txt
+++ b/.muffet-excluded-links.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ example.com
@@ -41,3 +41,4 @@ https://docs.ag2.ai/_sites/docs.ag2.ai/notebooks/agentchat_RetrieveChat_mongodb#
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index c3ea21ee42..c9aabcc92e 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ repos:
- id: check-yaml
- id: check-toml
- id: check-json
+ exclude: |
+ (?x)^(
+ .devcontainer/.*devcontainer\.json |
+ ^notebook/agentchat_pdf_rag/(parsed_elements|processed_elements)\.json$
+ )$
- id: check-byte-order-marker
exclude: .gitignore
- id: check-merge-conflict
@@ -22,17 +27,16 @@ repos:
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: no-commit-to-branch
- - repo: https://github.com/psf/black
- rev: 24.4.2
- hooks:
- - id: black
- - repo: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit
- rev: v0.4.8
+ - repo: local
- - id: ruff
- types_or: [ python, pyi, jupyter ]
- args: ["--fix", "--ignore=E402"]
- exclude: notebook/agentchat_databricks_dbrx.ipynb
+ - id: lint
+ name: linting and formatting
+ entry: "scripts/pre-commit-lint.sh"
+ language: python
+ # language_version: python3.9
+ types: [python]
+ require_serial: true
+ verbose: true
- repo: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell
rev: v2.3.0
@@ -79,7 +83,14 @@ repos:
notebook/.* |
- - repo: https://github.com/nbQA-dev/nbQA
- rev: 1.8.5
+ - repo: local
- - id: nbqa-black
+ - id: generate-devcontainer-files
+ name: Generate devcontainer files
+ entry: "scripts/devcontainer/generate-devcontainers.sh"
+ language: python
+ require_serial: true
+ verbose: true
+ additional_dependencies: ['jinja2']
+ files: ^(scripts/devcontainer/.*)$
diff --git a/autogen/__init__.py b/autogen/__init__.py
index 93150dbc6f..707d98e080 100644
--- a/autogen/__init__.py
+++ b/autogen/__init__.py
@@ -6,12 +6,98 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import logging
-from .agentchat import *
+from .agentchat import (
+ AfterWorkOption,
+ Agent,
+ AssistantAgent,
+ ChatResult,
+ ConversableAgent,
+ GroupChat,
+ GroupChatManager,
+ ReasoningAgent,
+ SwarmAgent,
+ SwarmResult,
+ ThinkNode,
+ UserProxyAgent,
+ a_initiate_swarm_chat,
+ gather_usage_summary,
+ initiate_chats,
+ initiate_swarm_chat,
+ register_function,
+ visualize_tree,
from .code_utils import DEFAULT_MODEL, FAST_MODEL
-from .exception_utils import *
-from .oai import *
+from .exception_utils import (
+ AgentNameConflict,
+ InvalidCarryOverType,
+ NoEligibleSpeaker,
+ SenderRequired,
+ UndefinedNextAgent,
+from .oai import (
+ Cache,
+ ChatCompletion,
+ Completion,
+ ModelClient,
+ OpenAIWrapper,
+ config_list_from_dotenv,
+ config_list_from_json,
+ config_list_from_models,
+ config_list_gpt4_gpt35,
+ config_list_openai_aoai,
+ filter_config,
+ get_config_list,
from .version import __version__
# Set the root logger.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+__all__ = [
+ "AfterWorkOption",
+ "Agent",
+ "AgentNameConflict",
+ "AssistantAgent",
+ "Cache",
+ "ChatCompletion",
+ "ChatResult",
+ "Completion",
+ "ConversableAgent",
+ "GroupChat",
+ "GroupChatManager",
+ "InvalidCarryOverType",
+ "ModelClient",
+ "NoEligibleSpeaker",
+ "OpenAIWrapper",
+ "ReasoningAgent",
+ "SenderRequired",
+ "SwarmAgent",
+ "SwarmResult",
+ "ThinkNode",
+ "UndefinedNextAgent",
+ "UserProxyAgent",
+ "__version__",
+ "a_initiate_swarm_chat",
+ "config_list_from_dotenv",
+ "config_list_from_json",
+ "config_list_from_models",
+ "config_list_gpt4_gpt35",
+ "config_list_openai_aoai",
+ "filter_config",
+ "gather_usage_summary",
+ "get_config_list",
+ "initiate_chats",
+ "initiate_swarm_chat",
+ "register_function",
+ "visualize_tree",
diff --git a/autogen/_pydantic.py b/autogen/_pydantic.py
index 09d272508e..d34bdfc986 100644
--- a/autogen/_pydantic.py
+++ b/autogen/_pydantic.py
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, get_args
+from typing import Any, Tuple, Union, get_args
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.version import VERSION as PYDANTIC_VERSION
from typing_extensions import get_origin
-__all__ = ("JsonSchemaValue", "model_dump", "model_dump_json", "type2schema", "evaluate_forwardref")
+__all__ = ("JsonSchemaValue", "evaluate_forwardref", "model_dump", "model_dump_json", "type2schema")
@@ -70,18 +70,17 @@ def type2schema(t: Any) -> JsonSchemaValue:
JsonSchemaValue: The JSON schema
if t is None:
return {"type": "null"}
elif get_origin(t) is Union:
return {"anyOf": [type2schema(tt) for tt in get_args(t)]}
# we need to support both syntaxes for Tuple
elif get_origin(t) in [Tuple, tuple]:
- prefixItems = [type2schema(tt) for tt in get_args(t)]
+ prefix_items = [type2schema(tt) for tt in get_args(t)]
return {
- "maxItems": len(prefixItems),
- "minItems": len(prefixItems),
- "prefixItems": prefixItems,
+ "maxItems": len(prefix_items),
+ "minItems": len(prefix_items),
+ "prefixItems": prefix_items,
"type": "array",
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/__init__.py b/autogen/agentchat/__init__.py
index b5a1ec20aa..d41e9868f6 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/__init__.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/__init__.py
@@ -33,30 +33,32 @@
from .utils import gather_usage_summary
__all__ = [
+ "AfterWork",
+ "AfterWorkOption",
- "ConversableAgent",
- "UserProxyAgent",
+ "ChatResult",
+ "ConversableAgent",
- "register_function",
- "initiate_chats",
- "gather_usage_summary",
- "ChatResult",
- "initiate_swarm_chat",
- "a_initiate_swarm_chat",
+ "OnCondition",
+ "ReasoningAgent",
- "OnCondition",
+ "ThinkNode",
+ "ThinkNode",
- "AfterWork",
- "AfterWorkOption",
- "register_hand_off",
- "ReasoningAgent",
+ "UserProxyAgent",
+ "UserProxyAgent",
+ "a_initiate_swarm_chat",
+ "gather_usage_summary",
+ "initiate_chats",
+ "initiate_swarm_chat",
+ "register_function",
+ "register_hand_off",
- "ThinkNode",
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/agent.py
index 655ad388f1..e1ee855422 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/agent.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Protocol, Union, runtime_checkable
+from typing import Any, Optional, Protocol, Union, runtime_checkable
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ def name(self) -> str:
def description(self) -> str:
"""The description of the agent. Used for the agent's introduction in
- a group chat setting."""
+ a group chat setting.
+ """
def send(
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/assistant_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/assistant_agent.py
index 6daa7fedc4..963cd88eb2 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/assistant_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/assistant_agent.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-from typing import Callable, Dict, Literal, Optional, Union
+from typing import Callable, Literal, Optional, Union
from autogen.runtime_logging import log_new_agent, logging_enabled
@@ -48,22 +48,21 @@ def __init__(
description: Optional[str] = None,
- """
- Args:
- name (str): agent name.
- system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
- Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
- llm_config (dict or False or None): llm inference configuration.
- Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create)
- for available options.
- is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
- and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
- The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
- max_consecutive_auto_reply (int): the maximum number of consecutive auto replies.
- default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case).
- The limit only plays a role when human_input_mode is not "ALWAYS".
- **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
- [ConversableAgent](conversable_agent#init).
+ """Args:
+ name (str): agent name.
+ system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
+ Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
+ llm_config (dict or False or None): llm inference configuration.
+ Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create)
+ for available options.
+ is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
+ and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
+ The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
+ max_consecutive_auto_reply (int): the maximum number of consecutive auto replies.
+ default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case).
+ The limit only plays a role when human_input_mode is not "ALWAYS".
+ **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
+ [ConversableAgent](conversable_agent#init).
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/chat.py b/autogen/agentchat/chat.py
index 9745e67ef6..4b3f6853f2 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/chat.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/chat.py
@@ -8,12 +8,11 @@
import datetime
import logging
import warnings
-from collections import abc, defaultdict
+from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, Tuple
+from typing import Any
-from ..formatting_utils import colored
from ..io.base import IOStream
from ..messages.agent_messages import PostCarryoverProcessingMessage
from .utils import consolidate_chat_info
@@ -43,9 +42,7 @@ class ChatResult:
def _validate_recipients(chat_queue: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
- """
- Validate recipients exits and warn repetitive recipients.
- """
+ """Validate recipients exits and warn repetitive recipients."""
receipts_set = set()
for chat_info in chat_queue:
assert "recipient" in chat_info, "recipient must be provided."
@@ -58,9 +55,7 @@ def _validate_recipients(chat_queue: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
def __create_async_prerequisites(chat_queue: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[Prerequisite]:
- """
- Create list of Prerequisite (prerequisite_chat_id, chat_id)
- """
+ """Create list of Prerequisite (prerequisite_chat_id, chat_id)"""
prerequisites = []
for chat_info in chat_queue:
if "chat_id" not in chat_info:
@@ -77,11 +72,11 @@ def __create_async_prerequisites(chat_queue: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[Prere
def __find_async_chat_order(chat_ids: set[int], prerequisites: list[Prerequisite]) -> list[int]:
"""Find chat order for async execution based on the prerequisite chats
- args:
+ Args:
num_chats: number of chats
prerequisites: List of Prerequisite (prerequisite_chat_id, chat_id)
- returns:
+ Returns:
list: a list of chat_id in order.
edges = defaultdict(set)
@@ -137,6 +132,7 @@ def __post_carryover_processing(chat_info: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
def initiate_chats(chat_queue: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[ChatResult]:
"""Initiate a list of chats.
chat_queue (List[Dict]): A list of dictionaries containing the information about the chats.
@@ -166,10 +162,10 @@ def initiate_chats(chat_queue: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[ChatResult]:
- `"finished_chat_indexes_to_exclude_from_carryover"` - It can be used by specifying a list of indexes of the finished_chats list,
from which to exclude the summaries for carryover. If 'finished_chat_indexes_to_exclude_from_carryover' is not provided or an empty list,
then summary from all the finished chats will be taken.
(list): a list of ChatResult objects corresponding to the finished chats in the chat_queue.
current_chat_queue = chat_queue.copy()
@@ -202,9 +198,7 @@ def __system_now_str():
def _on_chat_future_done(chat_future: asyncio.Future, chat_id: int):
- """
- Update ChatResult when async Task for Chat is completed.
- """
+ """Update ChatResult when async Task for Chat is completed."""
logger.debug(f"Update chat {chat_id} result on task completion." + __system_now_str())
chat_result = chat_future.result()
chat_result.chat_id = chat_id
@@ -213,9 +207,7 @@ def _on_chat_future_done(chat_future: asyncio.Future, chat_id: int):
async def _dependent_chat_future(
chat_id: int, chat_info: dict[str, Any], prerequisite_chat_futures: dict[int, asyncio.Future]
) -> asyncio.Task:
- """
- Create an async Task for each chat.
- """
+ """Create an async Task for each chat."""
logger.debug(f"Create Task for chat {chat_id}." + __system_now_str())
_chat_carryover = chat_info.get("carryover", [])
finished_chat_indexes_to_exclude_from_carryover = chat_info.get(
@@ -252,11 +244,11 @@ async def _dependent_chat_future(
async def a_initiate_chats(chat_queue: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> dict[int, ChatResult]:
"""(async) Initiate a list of chats.
- args:
+ Args:
- Please refer to `initiate_chats`.
- returns:
+ Returns:
- (Dict): a dict of ChatId: ChatResult corresponding to the finished chats in the chat_queue.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/agent_eval.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/agent_eval.py
index d6f3711cbf..4ad81b72d0 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/agent_eval.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/agent_eval.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union
+from typing import Literal, Optional, Union
import autogen
from autogen.agentchat.contrib.agent_eval.criterion import Criterion
@@ -21,14 +21,15 @@ def generate_criteria(
use_subcritic: bool = False,
- """
- Creates a list of criteria for evaluating the utility of a given task.
+ """Creates a list of criteria for evaluating the utility of a given task.
llm_config (dict or bool): llm inference configuration.
task (Task): The task to evaluate.
additional_instructions (str): Additional instructions for the criteria agent.
max_round (int): The maximum number of rounds to run the conversation.
use_subcritic (bool): Whether to use the subcritic agent to generate subcriteria.
list: A list of Criterion objects for evaluating the utility of the given task.
@@ -73,14 +74,15 @@ def quantify_criteria(
test_case: str = "",
ground_truth: str = "",
- """
- Quantifies the performance of a system using the provided criteria.
+ """Quantifies the performance of a system using the provided criteria.
llm_config (dict or bool): llm inference configuration.
criteria ([Criterion]): A list of criteria for evaluating the utility of a given task.
task (Task): The task to evaluate.
test_case (str): The test case to evaluate.
ground_truth (str): The ground truth for the test case.
dict: A dictionary where the keys are the criteria and the values are the assessed performance based on accepted values for each criteria.
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ def quantify_criteria(
code_execution_config={"use_docker": False},
- quantifier_user.initiate_chat( # noqa: F841
+ quantifier_user.initiate_chat(
+ "Evaluation dictionary: "
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/criterion.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/criterion.py
index 9e682fcc95..3b826792b4 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/criterion.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/criterion.py
@@ -7,17 +7,12 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import json
-from typing import List
-import pydantic_core
from pydantic import BaseModel
-from pydantic.json import pydantic_encoder
class Criterion(BaseModel):
- """
- A class that represents a criterion for agent evaluation.
- """
+ """A class that represents a criterion for agent evaluation."""
name: str
description: str
@@ -26,8 +21,8 @@ class Criterion(BaseModel):
def parse_json_str(criteria: str):
- """
- Create a list of Criterion objects from a json string.
+ """Create a list of Criterion objects from a json string.
criteria (str): Json string that represents the criteria
@@ -37,10 +32,11 @@ def parse_json_str(criteria: str):
def write_json(criteria):
- """
- Create a json string from a list of Criterion objects.
+ """Create a json string from a list of Criterion objects.
criteria ([Criterion]): A list of Criterion objects.
str: A json string that represents the list of Criterion objects.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/critic_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/critic_agent.py
index 43fed36eff..0ac62b9bde 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/critic_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/critic_agent.py
@@ -10,9 +10,7 @@
class CriticAgent(ConversableAgent):
- """
- An agent for creating list of criteria for evaluating the utility of a given task.
- """
+ """An agent for creating list of criteria for evaluating the utility of a given task."""
DEFAULT_SYSTEM_MESSAGE = """You are a helpful assistant. You suggest criteria for evaluating different tasks. They should be distinguishable, quantifiable and not redundant.
Convert the evaluation criteria into a list where each item is a criteria which consists of the following dictionary as follows
@@ -30,14 +28,13 @@ def __init__(
description: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION,
- """
- Args:
- name (str): agent name.
- system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
- Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
- description (str): The description of the agent.
- **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
- [ConversableAgent](../../conversable_agent#init).
+ """Args:
+ name (str): agent name.
+ system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
+ Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
+ description (str): The description of the agent.
+ **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
+ [ConversableAgent](../../conversable_agent#init).
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/quantifier_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/quantifier_agent.py
index 89f3a7f269..b933afc232 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/quantifier_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/quantifier_agent.py
@@ -10,9 +10,7 @@
class QuantifierAgent(ConversableAgent):
- """
- An agent for quantifying the performance of a system using the provided criteria.
- """
+ """An agent for quantifying the performance of a system using the provided criteria."""
DEFAULT_SYSTEM_MESSAGE = """"You are a helpful assistant. You quantify the output of different tasks based on the given criteria.
The criterion is given in a json list format where each element is a distinct criteria.
@@ -30,13 +28,12 @@ def __init__(
description: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION,
- """
- Args:
- name (str): agent name.
- system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
- Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
- description (str): The description of the agent.
- **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
- [ConversableAgent](../../conversable_agent#init).
+ """Args:
+ name (str): agent name.
+ system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
+ Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
+ description (str): The description of the agent.
+ **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
+ [ConversableAgent](../../conversable_agent#init).
super().__init__(name=name, system_message=system_message, description=description, **kwargs)
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/subcritic_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/subcritic_agent.py
index 11f97052e5..7c0261107e 100755
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/subcritic_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/subcritic_agent.py
@@ -10,9 +10,7 @@
class SubCriticAgent(ConversableAgent):
- """
- An agent for creating subcriteria from a given list of criteria for evaluating the utility of a given task.
- """
+ """An agent for creating subcriteria from a given list of criteria for evaluating the utility of a given task."""
DEFAULT_SYSTEM_MESSAGE = """You are a helpful assistant to the critic agent. You suggest sub criteria for evaluating different tasks based on the criteria provided by the critic agent (if you feel it is needed).
They should be distinguishable, quantifiable, and related to the overall theme of the critic's provided criteria.
@@ -31,14 +29,13 @@ def __init__(
description: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION,
- """
- Args:
- name (str): agent name.
- system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
- Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
- description (str): The description of the agent.
- **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
- [ConversableAgent](../../conversable_agent#init).
+ """Args:
+ name (str): agent name.
+ system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
+ Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
+ description (str): The description of the agent.
+ **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
+ [ConversableAgent](../../conversable_agent#init).
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/task.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/task.py
index f39731efce..3c0efc7fca 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/task.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_eval/task.py
@@ -10,9 +10,7 @@
class Task(BaseModel):
- """
- Class representing a task for agent completion, includes example agent execution for criteria generation.
- """
+ """Class representing a task for agent completion, includes example agent execution for criteria generation."""
name: str
description: str
@@ -28,10 +26,11 @@ def get_sys_message(self):
def parse_json_str(task: str):
- """
- Create a Task object from a json object.
+ """Create a Task object from a json object.
json_data (dict): A dictionary that represents the task.
Task: A Task object that represents the json task information.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_optimizer.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_optimizer.py
index 7291e5e4cd..efc2448b0f 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_optimizer.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_optimizer.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import copy
import json
-from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union
+from typing import Optional
import autogen
from autogen.code_utils import execute_code
@@ -144,9 +144,7 @@
def execute_func(name, packages, code, **args):
- """
- The wrapper for generated functions.
- """
+ """The wrapper for generated functions."""
pip_install = (
f"""print("Installing package: {packages}")\nsubprocess.run(["pip", "-qq", "install", "{packages}"])"""
if packages
@@ -170,8 +168,7 @@ def execute_func(name, packages, code, **args):
class AgentOptimizer:
- """
- Base class for optimizing AutoGen agents. Specifically, it is used to optimize the functions used in the agent.
+ """Base class for optimizing AutoGen agents. Specifically, it is used to optimize the functions used in the agent.
More information could be found in the following paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.11359.
@@ -181,8 +178,8 @@ def __init__(
llm_config: dict,
optimizer_model: Optional[str] = "gpt-4-1106-preview",
- """
- (These APIs are experimental and may change in the future.)
+ """(These APIs are experimental and may change in the future.)
max_actions_per_step (int): the maximum number of actions that the optimizer can take in one step.
llm_config (dict): llm inference configuration.
@@ -218,8 +215,8 @@ def __init__(
self._client = autogen.OpenAIWrapper(**self.llm_config)
def record_one_conversation(self, conversation_history: list[dict], is_satisfied: bool = None):
- """
- record one conversation history.
+ """Record one conversation history.
conversation_history (List[Dict]): the chat messages of the conversation.
is_satisfied (bool): whether the user is satisfied with the solution. If it is none, the user will be asked to input the satisfaction.
@@ -241,8 +238,7 @@ def record_one_conversation(self, conversation_history: list[dict], is_satisfied
def step(self):
- """
- One step of training. It will return register_for_llm and register_for_executor at each iteration,
+ """One step of training. It will return register_for_llm and register_for_executor at each iteration,
which are subsequently utilized to update the assistant and executor agents, respectively.
See example: https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2/blob/main/notebook/agentchat_agentoptimizer.ipynb
@@ -322,10 +318,7 @@ def step(self):
return register_for_llm, register_for_exector
def reset_optimizer(self):
- """
- reset the optimizer.
- """
+ """Reset the optimizer."""
self._trial_conversations_history = []
self._trial_conversations_performance = []
self._trial_functions = []
@@ -338,10 +331,7 @@ def reset_optimizer(self):
self._failure_functions_performance = []
def _update_function_call(self, incumbent_functions, actions):
- """
- update function call.
- """
+ """Update function call."""
formated_actions = []
for action in actions:
func = json.loads(action.function.arguments.strip('"'))
@@ -390,9 +380,7 @@ def _update_function_call(self, incumbent_functions, actions):
return incumbent_functions
def _construct_intermediate_prompt(self):
- """
- construct intermediate prompts.
- """
+ """Construct intermediate prompts."""
if len(self._failure_functions_performance) != 0:
failure_experience_prompt = "We also provide more examples for different functions and their corresponding performance (0-100).\n The following function signatures are arranged in are arranged in ascending order based on their performance, where higher performance indicate better quality."
failure_experience_prompt += "\n"
@@ -413,9 +401,7 @@ def _construct_intermediate_prompt(self):
return failure_experience_prompt, statistic_prompt
def _validate_actions(self, actions, incumbent_functions):
- """
- validate whether the proposed actions are feasible.
- """
+ """Validate whether the proposed actions are feasible."""
if actions is None:
return True
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/agent_capability.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/agent_capability.py
index a5a4449b80..4987119b75 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/agent_capability.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/agent_capability.py
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ def __init__(self):
def add_to_agent(self, agent: ConversableAgent):
- """
- Adds a particular capability to the given agent. Must be implemented by the capability subclass.
+ """Adds a particular capability to the given agent. Must be implemented by the capability subclass.
An implementation will typically call agent.register_hook() one or more times. See teachability.py as an example.
raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/generate_images.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/generate_images.py
index 429a466945..6c9a3a398d 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/generate_images.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/generate_images.py
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import re
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Protocol, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Literal, Optional, Protocol, Union
-from openai import OpenAI
from PIL.Image import Image
+from openai import OpenAI
from autogen import Agent, ConversableAgent, code_utils
from autogen.agentchat.contrib import img_utils
@@ -78,12 +78,11 @@ def __init__(
quality: Literal["standard", "hd"] = "standard",
num_images: int = 1,
- """
- Args:
- llm_config (dict): llm config, must contain a valid dalle model and OpenAI API key in config_list.
- resolution (str): The resolution of the image you want to generate. Must be one of "256x256", "512x512", "1024x1024", "1792x1024", "1024x1792".
- quality (str): The quality of the image you want to generate. Must be one of "standard", "hd".
- num_images (int): The number of images to generate.
+ """Args:
+ llm_config (dict): llm config, must contain a valid dalle model and OpenAI API key in config_list.
+ resolution (str): The resolution of the image you want to generate. Must be one of "256x256", "512x512", "1024x1024", "1792x1024", "1024x1792".
+ quality (str): The quality of the image you want to generate. Must be one of "standard", "hd".
+ num_images (int): The number of images to generate.
config_list = llm_config["config_list"]
@@ -154,23 +153,22 @@ def __init__(
verbosity: int = 0,
register_reply_position: int = 2,
- """
- Args:
- image_generator (ImageGenerator): The image generator you would like to use to generate images.
- cache (None or AbstractCache): The cache client to use to store and retrieve generated images. If None,
- no caching will be used.
- text_analyzer_llm_config (Dict or None): The LLM config for the text analyzer. If None, the LLM config will
- be retrieved from the agent you're adding the ability to.
- text_analyzer_instructions (str): Instructions provided to the TextAnalyzerAgent used to analyze
- incoming messages and extract the prompt for image generation. The default instructions focus on
- summarizing the prompt. You can customize the instructions to achieve more granular control over prompt
- extraction.
- Example: 'Extract specific details from the message, like desired objects, styles, or backgrounds.'
- verbosity (int): The verbosity level. Defaults to 0 and must be greater than or equal to 0. The text
- analyzer llm calls will be silent if verbosity is less than 2.
- register_reply_position (int): The position of the reply function in the agent's list of reply functions.
- This capability registers a new reply function to handle messages with image generation requests.
- Defaults to 2 to place it after the check termination and human reply for a ConversableAgent.
+ """Args:
+ image_generator (ImageGenerator): The image generator you would like to use to generate images.
+ cache (None or AbstractCache): The cache client to use to store and retrieve generated images. If None,
+ no caching will be used.
+ text_analyzer_llm_config (Dict or None): The LLM config for the text analyzer. If None, the LLM config will
+ be retrieved from the agent you're adding the ability to.
+ text_analyzer_instructions (str): Instructions provided to the TextAnalyzerAgent used to analyze
+ incoming messages and extract the prompt for image generation. The default instructions focus on
+ summarizing the prompt. You can customize the instructions to achieve more granular control over prompt
+ extraction.
+ Example: 'Extract specific details from the message, like desired objects, styles, or backgrounds.'
+ verbosity (int): The verbosity level. Defaults to 0 and must be greater than or equal to 0. The text
+ analyzer llm calls will be silent if verbosity is less than 2.
+ register_reply_position (int): The position of the reply function in the agent's list of reply functions.
+ This capability registers a new reply function to handle messages with image generation requests.
+ Defaults to 2 to place it after the check termination and human reply for a ConversableAgent.
self._image_generator = image_generator
self._cache = cache
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/teachability.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/teachability.py
index 5429b3df03..420d5a02d0 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/teachability.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/teachability.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import pickle
-from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
+from typing import Optional, Union
import chromadb
from chromadb.config import Settings
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
class Teachability(AgentCapability):
- """
- Teachability uses a vector database to give an agent the ability to remember user teachings,
+ """Teachability uses a vector database to give an agent the ability to remember user teachings,
where the user is any caller (human or not) sending messages to the teachable agent.
Teachability is designed to be composable with other agent capabilities.
To make any conversable agent teachable, instantiate both the agent and the Teachability class,
@@ -44,15 +43,14 @@ def __init__(
max_num_retrievals: Optional[int] = 10,
llm_config: Optional[Union[dict, bool]] = None,
- """
- Args:
- verbosity (Optional, int): # 0 (default) for basic info, 1 to add memory operations, 2 for analyzer messages, 3 for memo lists.
- reset_db (Optional, bool): True to clear the DB before starting. Default False.
- path_to_db_dir (Optional, str): path to the directory where this particular agent's DB is stored. Default "./tmp/teachable_agent_db"
- recall_threshold (Optional, float): The maximum distance for retrieved memos, where 0.0 is exact match. Default 1.5. Larger values allow more (but less relevant) memos to be recalled.
- max_num_retrievals (Optional, int): The maximum number of memos to retrieve from the DB. Default 10.
- llm_config (dict or False): llm inference configuration passed to TextAnalyzerAgent.
- If None, TextAnalyzerAgent uses llm_config from the teachable agent.
+ """Args:
+ verbosity (Optional, int): # 0 (default) for basic info, 1 to add memory operations, 2 for analyzer messages, 3 for memo lists.
+ reset_db (Optional, bool): True to clear the DB before starting. Default False.
+ path_to_db_dir (Optional, str): path to the directory where this particular agent's DB is stored. Default "./tmp/teachable_agent_db"
+ recall_threshold (Optional, float): The maximum distance for retrieved memos, where 0.0 is exact match. Default 1.5. Larger values allow more (but less relevant) memos to be recalled.
+ max_num_retrievals (Optional, int): The maximum number of memos to retrieve from the DB. Default 10.
+ llm_config (dict or False): llm inference configuration passed to TextAnalyzerAgent.
+ If None, TextAnalyzerAgent uses llm_config from the teachable agent.
self.verbosity = verbosity
self.path_to_db_dir = path_to_db_dir
@@ -93,11 +91,9 @@ def prepopulate_db(self):
def process_last_received_message(self, text: Union[dict, str]):
- """
- Appends any relevant memos to the message text, and stores any apparent teachings in new memos.
+ """Appends any relevant memos to the message text, and stores any apparent teachings in new memos.
Uses TextAnalyzerAgent to make decisions about memo storage and retrieval.
# Try to retrieve relevant memos from the DB.
expanded_text = text
if self.memo_store.last_memo_id > 0:
@@ -169,7 +165,6 @@ def _consider_memo_storage(self, comment: Union[dict, str]):
def _consider_memo_retrieval(self, comment: Union[dict, str]):
"""Decides whether to retrieve memos from the DB, and add them to the chat context."""
# First, use the comment directly as the lookup key.
if self.verbosity >= 1:
print(colored("\nLOOK FOR RELEVANT MEMOS, AS QUESTION-ANSWER PAIRS", "light_yellow"))
@@ -244,8 +239,7 @@ def _analyze(self, text_to_analyze: Union[dict, str], analysis_instructions: Uni
class MemoStore:
- """
- Provides memory storage and retrieval for a teachable agent, using a vector database.
+ """Provides memory storage and retrieval for a teachable agent, using a vector database.
Each DB entry (called a memo) is a pair of strings: an input text and an output text.
The input text might be a question, or a task to perform.
The output text might be an answer to the question, or advice on how to perform the task.
@@ -258,11 +252,10 @@ def __init__(
reset: Optional[bool] = False,
path_to_db_dir: Optional[str] = "./tmp/teachable_agent_db",
- """
- Args:
- - verbosity (Optional, int): 1 to print memory operations, 0 to omit them. 3+ to print memo lists.
- - reset (Optional, bool): True to clear the DB before starting. Default False.
- - path_to_db_dir (Optional, str): path to the directory where the DB is stored.
+ """Args:
+ - verbosity (Optional, int): 1 to print memory operations, 0 to omit them. 3+ to print memo lists.
+ - reset (Optional, bool): True to clear the DB before starting. Default False.
+ - path_to_db_dir (Optional, str): path to the directory where the DB is stored.
self.verbosity = verbosity
self.path_to_db_dir = path_to_db_dir
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/text_compressors.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/text_compressors.py
index 1e861c1170..e481d61a21 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/text_compressors.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/text_compressors.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Protocol
+from typing import Any, Optional, Protocol
IMPORT_ERROR: Optional[Exception] = None
@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ def __init__(
structured_compression: bool = False,
) -> None:
- """
- Args:
+ """Args:
prompt_compressor_kwargs (dict): A dictionary of keyword arguments for the PromptCompressor. Defaults to a
dictionary with model_name set to "microsoft/llmlingua-2-bert-base-multilingual-cased-meetingbank",
use_llmlingua2 set to True, and device_map set to "cpu".
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transform_messages.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transform_messages.py
index 78b4478647..ac6ef45137 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transform_messages.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transform_messages.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import copy
-from typing import Dict, List
from ....formatting_utils import colored
from ...conversable_agent import ConversableAgent
@@ -48,10 +47,9 @@ class TransformMessages:
def __init__(self, *, transforms: list[MessageTransform] = [], verbose: bool = True):
- """
- Args:
- transforms: A list of message transformations to apply.
- verbose: Whether to print logs of each transformation or not.
+ """Args:
+ transforms: A list of message transformations to apply.
+ verbose: Whether to print logs of each transformation or not.
self._transforms = transforms
self._verbose = verbose
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transforms.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transforms.py
index 740a81c366..330bf2f3a0 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transforms.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transforms.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import copy
import sys
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Protocol, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Optional, Protocol, Union
import tiktoken
from termcolor import colored
@@ -60,11 +60,10 @@ class MessageHistoryLimiter:
def __init__(self, max_messages: Optional[int] = None, keep_first_message: bool = False):
- """
- Args:
- max_messages Optional[int]: Maximum number of messages to keep in the context. Must be greater than 0 if not None.
- keep_first_message bool: Whether to keep the original first message in the conversation history.
- Defaults to False.
+ """Args:
+ max_messages Optional[int]: Maximum number of messages to keep in the context. Must be greater than 0 if not None.
+ keep_first_message bool: Whether to keep the original first message in the conversation history.
+ Defaults to False.
self._max_messages = max_messages
@@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ def apply_transform(self, messages: list[dict]) -> list[dict]:
List[Dict]: A new list containing the most recent messages up to the specified maximum.
if self._max_messages is None or len(messages) <= self._max_messages:
return messages
@@ -164,19 +162,18 @@ def __init__(
filter_dict: Optional[dict] = None,
exclude_filter: bool = True,
- """
- Args:
- max_tokens_per_message (None or int): Maximum number of tokens to keep in each message.
- Must be greater than or equal to 0 if not None.
- max_tokens (Optional[int]): Maximum number of tokens to keep in the chat history.
- Must be greater than or equal to 0 if not None.
- min_tokens (Optional[int]): Minimum number of tokens in messages to apply the transformation.
- Must be greater than or equal to 0 if not None.
- model (str): The target OpenAI model for tokenization alignment.
- filter_dict (None or dict): A dictionary to filter out messages that you want/don't want to compress.
- If None, no filters will be applied.
- exclude_filter (bool): If exclude filter is True (the default value), messages that match the filter will be
- excluded from token truncation. If False, messages that match the filter will be truncated.
+ """Args:
+ max_tokens_per_message (None or int): Maximum number of tokens to keep in each message.
+ Must be greater than or equal to 0 if not None.
+ max_tokens (Optional[int]): Maximum number of tokens to keep in the chat history.
+ Must be greater than or equal to 0 if not None.
+ min_tokens (Optional[int]): Minimum number of tokens in messages to apply the transformation.
+ Must be greater than or equal to 0 if not None.
+ model (str): The target OpenAI model for tokenization alignment.
+ filter_dict (None or dict): A dictionary to filter out messages that you want/don't want to compress.
+ If None, no filters will be applied.
+ exclude_filter (bool): If exclude filter is True (the default value), messages that match the filter will be
+ excluded from token truncation. If False, messages that match the filter will be truncated.
self._model = model
self._max_tokens_per_message = self._validate_max_tokens(max_tokens_per_message)
@@ -329,22 +326,20 @@ def __init__(
filter_dict: Optional[dict] = None,
exclude_filter: bool = True,
+ """Args:
+ text_compressor (TextCompressor or None): An instance of a class that implements the TextCompressor
+ protocol. If None, it defaults to LLMLingua.
+ min_tokens (int or None): Minimum number of tokens in messages to apply the transformation. Must be greater
+ than or equal to 0 if not None. If None, no threshold-based compression is applied.
+ compression_args (dict): A dictionary of arguments for the compression method. Defaults to an empty
+ dictionary.
+ cache (None or AbstractCache): The cache client to use to store and retrieve previously compressed messages.
+ If None, no caching will be used.
+ filter_dict (None or dict): A dictionary to filter out messages that you want/don't want to compress.
+ If None, no filters will be applied.
+ exclude_filter (bool): If exclude filter is True (the default value), messages that match the filter will be
+ excluded from compression. If False, messages that match the filter will be compressed.
- Args:
- text_compressor (TextCompressor or None): An instance of a class that implements the TextCompressor
- protocol. If None, it defaults to LLMLingua.
- min_tokens (int or None): Minimum number of tokens in messages to apply the transformation. Must be greater
- than or equal to 0 if not None. If None, no threshold-based compression is applied.
- compression_args (dict): A dictionary of arguments for the compression method. Defaults to an empty
- dictionary.
- cache (None or AbstractCache): The cache client to use to store and retrieve previously compressed messages.
- If None, no caching will be used.
- filter_dict (None or dict): A dictionary to filter out messages that you want/don't want to compress.
- If None, no filters will be applied.
- exclude_filter (bool): If exclude filter is True (the default value), messages that match the filter will be
- excluded from compression. If False, messages that match the filter will be compressed.
- """
if text_compressor is None:
text_compressor = LLMLingua()
@@ -486,17 +481,15 @@ def __init__(
filter_dict: Optional[dict] = None,
exclude_filter: bool = True,
+ """Args:
+ position (str): The position to add the name to the content. The possible options are 'start' or 'end'. Defaults to 'start'.
+ format_string (str): The f-string to format the message name with. Use '{name}' as a placeholder for the agent's name. Defaults to '{name}:\n' and must contain '{name}'.
+ deduplicate (bool): Whether to deduplicate the formatted string so it doesn't appear twice (sometimes the LLM will add it to new messages itself). Defaults to True.
+ filter_dict (None or dict): A dictionary to filter out messages that you want/don't want to compress.
+ If None, no filters will be applied.
+ exclude_filter (bool): If exclude filter is True (the default value), messages that match the filter will be
+ excluded from compression. If False, messages that match the filter will be compressed.
- Args:
- position (str): The position to add the name to the content. The possible options are 'start' or 'end'. Defaults to 'start'.
- format_string (str): The f-string to format the message name with. Use '{name}' as a placeholder for the agent's name. Defaults to '{name}:\n' and must contain '{name}'.
- deduplicate (bool): Whether to deduplicate the formatted string so it doesn't appear twice (sometimes the LLM will add it to new messages itself). Defaults to True.
- filter_dict (None or dict): A dictionary to filter out messages that you want/don't want to compress.
- If None, no filters will be applied.
- exclude_filter (bool): If exclude filter is True (the default value), messages that match the filter will be
- excluded from compression. If False, messages that match the filter will be compressed.
- """
assert isinstance(position, str) and position in ["start", "end"]
assert isinstance(format_string, str) and "{name}" in format_string
assert isinstance(deduplicate, bool) and deduplicate is not None
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transforms_util.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transforms_util.py
index 62decfa091..a3c2524cde 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transforms_util.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/transforms_util.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from collections.abc import Hashable
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import Any, Optional
from autogen import token_count_utils
from autogen.cache.abstract_cache_base import AbstractCache
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/vision_capability.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/vision_capability.py
index 2d5c02e10f..bad988f33e 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/vision_capability.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/capabilities/vision_capability.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import copy
-from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing import Callable, Optional, Union
from autogen.agentchat.assistant_agent import ConversableAgent
from autogen.agentchat.contrib.capabilities.agent_capability import AgentCapability
@@ -14,10 +14,7 @@
- message_formatter_pil_to_b64,
-from autogen.agentchat.contrib.multimodal_conversable_agent import MultimodalConversableAgent
-from autogen.agentchat.conversable_agent import colored
from autogen.code_utils import content_str
from autogen.oai.client import OpenAIWrapper
@@ -53,8 +50,7 @@ def __init__(
description_prompt: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION_PROMPT,
custom_caption_func: Callable = None,
) -> None:
- """
- Initializes a new instance, setting up the configuration for interacting with
+ """Initializes a new instance, setting up the configuration for interacting with
a Language Multimodal (LMM) client and specifying optional parameters for image
description and captioning.
@@ -92,9 +88,9 @@ def __init__(
self._lmm_client = None
self._custom_caption_func = custom_caption_func
- assert (
- self._lmm_config or custom_caption_func
- ), "Vision Capability requires a valid lmm_config or custom_caption_func."
+ assert self._lmm_config or custom_caption_func, (
+ "Vision Capability requires a valid lmm_config or custom_caption_func."
+ )
def add_to_agent(self, agent: ConversableAgent) -> None:
self._parent_agent = agent
@@ -106,8 +102,7 @@ def add_to_agent(self, agent: ConversableAgent) -> None:
agent.register_hook(hookable_method="process_last_received_message", hook=self.process_last_received_message)
def process_last_received_message(self, content: Union[str, list[dict]]) -> str:
- """
- Processes the last received message content by normalizing and augmenting it
+ """Processes the last received message content by normalizing and augmenting it
with descriptions of any included images. The function supports input content
as either a string or a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents
a content item (e.g., text, image). If the content contains image URLs, it
@@ -155,7 +150,7 @@ def process_last_received_message(self, content: Union[str, list[dict]]) -> str:
content = [
{"type": "text", "text": "What's weather in this cool photo:"},
- {"type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": "http://example.com/photo.jpg"}}
+ {"type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": "http://example.com/photo.jpg"}},
Output: "What's weather in this cool photo: ` ` in case you can not see, the caption of this image is:
@@ -192,9 +187,9 @@ def process_last_received_message(self, content: Union[str, list[dict]]) -> str:
return aug_content
def _get_image_caption(self, img_data: str) -> str:
- """
- Args:
+ """Args:
img_data (str): base64 encoded image data.
str: caption for the given image.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/__init__.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f1945788f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .agent_builder import AgentBuilder
+from .captainagent import CaptainAgent
+from .tool_retriever import ToolBuilder, format_ag2_tool, get_full_tool_description
+__all__ = ["AgentBuilder", "CaptainAgent", "ToolBuilder", "format_ag2_tool", "get_full_tool_description"]
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_builder.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/agent_builder.py
similarity index 95%
rename from autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_builder.py
rename to autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/agent_builder.py
index 1c235e52e7..56c50f6e25 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/agent_builder.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/agent_builder.py
@@ -9,30 +9,30 @@
import json
import logging
import re
-import socket
import subprocess as sp
import time
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Optional, Union
-import requests
from termcolor import colored
import autogen
+__all__ = ["AgentBuilder"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _config_check(config: dict):
# check config loading
- assert config.get("coding", None) is not None, 'Missing "coding" in your config.'
- assert config.get("default_llm_config", None) is not None, 'Missing "default_llm_config" in your config.'
- assert config.get("code_execution_config", None) is not None, 'Missing "code_execution_config" in your config.'
+ assert config.get("coding") is not None, 'Missing "coding" in your config.'
+ assert config.get("default_llm_config") is not None, 'Missing "default_llm_config" in your config.'
+ assert config.get("code_execution_config") is not None, 'Missing "code_execution_config" in your config.'
for agent_config in config["agent_configs"]:
assert agent_config.get("name", None) is not None, 'Missing agent "name" in your agent_configs.'
- assert (
- agent_config.get("system_message", None) is not None
- ), 'Missing agent "system_message" in your agent_configs.'
+ assert agent_config.get("system_message", None) is not None, (
+ 'Missing agent "system_message" in your agent_configs.'
+ )
assert agent_config.get("description", None) is not None, 'Missing agent "description" in your agent_configs.'
@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ def _retrieve_json(text):
class AgentBuilder:
- """
- AgentBuilder can help user build an automatic task solving process powered by multi-agent system.
+ """AgentBuilder can help user build an automatic task solving process powered by multi-agent system.
Specifically, our building pipeline includes initialize and build.
@@ -189,8 +188,8 @@ def __init__(
agent_model_tags: Optional[list] = [],
max_agents: Optional[int] = 5,
- """
- (These APIs are experimental and may change in the future.)
+ """(These APIs are experimental and may change in the future.)
config_file_or_env: path or environment of the OpenAI api configs.
builder_model: specify a model as the backbone of build manager.
@@ -241,8 +240,7 @@ def _create_agent(
llm_config: dict,
use_oai_assistant: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> autogen.AssistantAgent:
- """
- Create a group chat participant agent.
+ """Create a group chat participant agent.
If the agent rely on an open-source model, this function will automatically set up an endpoint for that agent.
The API address of that endpoint will be "localhost:{free port}".
@@ -270,7 +268,7 @@ def _create_agent(
description = agent_config["description"]
# Path to the customize **ConversableAgent** class.
- agent_path = agent_config.get("agent_path", None)
+ agent_path = agent_config.get("agent_path")
filter_dict = {}
if len(model_name_or_hf_repo) > 0:
filter_dict.update({"model": model_name_or_hf_repo})
@@ -334,8 +332,7 @@ def _create_agent(
return agent
def clear_agent(self, agent_name: str, recycle_endpoint: Optional[bool] = True):
- """
- Clear a specific agent by name.
+ """Clear a specific agent by name.
agent_name: the name of agent.
@@ -356,9 +353,7 @@ def clear_agent(self, agent_name: str, recycle_endpoint: Optional[bool] = True):
print(colored(f"Agent {agent_name} has been cleared.", "yellow"), flush=True)
def clear_all_agents(self, recycle_endpoint: Optional[bool] = True):
- """
- Clear all cached agents.
- """
+ """Clear all cached agents."""
for agent_name in [agent_name for agent_name in self.agent_procs_assign.keys()]:
self.clear_agent(agent_name, recycle_endpoint)
print(colored("All agents have been cleared.", "yellow"), flush=True)
@@ -374,8 +369,7 @@ def build(
max_agents: Optional[int] = None,
) -> tuple[list[autogen.ConversableAgent], dict]:
- """
- Auto build agents based on the building task.
+ """Auto build agents based on the building task.
building_task: instruction that helps build manager (gpt-4) to decide what agent should be built.
@@ -505,8 +499,7 @@ def build_from_library(
user_proxy: Optional[autogen.ConversableAgent] = None,
) -> tuple[list[autogen.ConversableAgent], dict]:
- """
- Build agents from a library.
+ """Build agents from a library.
The library is a list of agent configs, which contains the name and system_message for each agent.
We use a build manager to decide what agent in that library should be involved to the task.
@@ -664,8 +657,7 @@ def build_from_library(
def _build_agents(
self, use_oai_assistant: Optional[bool] = False, user_proxy: Optional[autogen.ConversableAgent] = None, **kwargs
) -> tuple[list[autogen.ConversableAgent], dict]:
- """
- Build agents with generated configs.
+ """Build agents with generated configs.
use_oai_assistant: use OpenAI assistant api instead of self-constructed agent.
@@ -707,8 +699,7 @@ def _build_agents(
return agent_list, self.cached_configs.copy()
def save(self, filepath: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
- """
- Save building configs. If the filepath is not specific, this function will create a filename by encrypt the
+ """Save building configs. If the filepath is not specific, this function will create a filename by encrypt the
building_task string by md5 with "save_config_" prefix, and save config to the local path.
@@ -718,7 +709,7 @@ def save(self, filepath: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
filepath: path save.
if filepath is None:
- filepath = f'./save_config_{hashlib.md5(self.building_task.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()}.json'
+ filepath = f"./save_config_{hashlib.md5(self.building_task.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()}.json"
with open(filepath, "w") as save_file:
json.dump(self.cached_configs, save_file, indent=4)
print(colored(f"Building config saved to {filepath}", "green"), flush=True)
@@ -732,8 +723,7 @@ def load(
use_oai_assistant: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> tuple[list[autogen.ConversableAgent], dict]:
- """
- Load building configs and call the build function to complete building without calling online LLMs' api.
+ """Load building configs and call the build function to complete building without calling online LLMs' api.
filepath: filepath or JSON string for the save config.
@@ -761,7 +751,7 @@ def load(
default_llm_config = cached_configs["default_llm_config"]
coding = cached_configs["coding"]
- if kwargs.get("code_execution_config", None) is not None:
+ if kwargs.get("code_execution_config") is not None:
# for test
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/captainagent.py
similarity index 78%
rename from autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent.py
rename to autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/captainagent.py
index c616d074db..f71f6de03c 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/captainagent.py
@@ -17,9 +17,7 @@
class CaptainAgent(ConversableAgent):
- """
- (In preview) Captain agent, designed to solve a task with an agent or a group of agents.
- """
+ """(In preview) Captain agent, designed to solve a task with an agent or a group of agents."""
"autobuild_init_config": {
@@ -149,26 +147,25 @@ def __init__(
description: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION,
- """
- Args:
- name (str): agent name.
- system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
- Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
- llm_config (dict): llm inference configuration.
- Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create) for available options.
- is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
- and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
- The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
- max_consecutive_auto_reply (int): the maximum number of consecutive auto replies.
- default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case).
- The limit only plays a role when human_input_mode is not "ALWAYS".
- agent_lib (str): the path or a JSON file of the agent library for retrieving the nested chat instantiated by CaptainAgent.
- tool_lib (str): the path to the tool library for retrieving the tools used in the nested chat instantiated by CaptainAgent.
- nested_config (dict): the configuration for the nested chat instantiated by CaptainAgent.
- A full list of keys and their functionalities can be found in [docs](https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/topics/captainagent/configurations).
- agent_config_save_path (str): the path to save the generated or retrieved agent configuration.
- **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
- [ConversableAgent](https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2/blob/main/autogen/agentchat/conversable_agent.py#L74).
+ """Args:
+ name (str): agent name.
+ system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
+ Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
+ llm_config (dict): llm inference configuration.
+ Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create) for available options.
+ is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
+ and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
+ The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
+ max_consecutive_auto_reply (int): the maximum number of consecutive auto replies.
+ default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case).
+ The limit only plays a role when human_input_mode is not "ALWAYS".
+ agent_lib (str): the path or a JSON file of the agent library for retrieving the nested chat instantiated by CaptainAgent.
+ tool_lib (str): the path to the tool library for retrieving the tools used in the nested chat instantiated by CaptainAgent.
+ nested_config (dict): the configuration for the nested chat instantiated by CaptainAgent.
+ A full list of keys and their functionalities can be found in [docs](https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/topics/captainagent/configurations).
+ agent_config_save_path (str): the path to save the generated or retrieved agent configuration.
+ **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
+ [ConversableAgent](https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2/blob/main/autogen/agentchat/conversable_agent.py#L74).
@@ -223,9 +220,7 @@ def __init__(
def _update_config(default_dict: dict, update_dict: Optional[dict]) -> dict:
- """
- Recursively updates the default_dict with values from update_dict.
- """
+ """Recursively updates the default_dict with values from update_dict."""
if update_dict is None:
return default_dict
@@ -303,48 +298,47 @@ def __init__(
system_message: Optional[Union[str, list]] = "",
description: Optional[str] = None,
- """
- Args:
- name (str): name of the agent.
- nested_config (dict): the configuration for the nested chat instantiated by CaptainAgent.
- is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
- and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
- The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
- max_consecutive_auto_reply (int): the maximum number of consecutive auto replies.
- default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case).
- The limit only plays a role when human_input_mode is not "ALWAYS".
- human_input_mode (str): whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.
- Possible values are "ALWAYS", "TERMINATE", "NEVER".
- (1) When "ALWAYS", the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received.
- Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is "exit",
- or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input.
- (2) When "TERMINATE", the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or
- the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply.
- (3) When "NEVER", the agent will never prompt for human input. Under this mode, the conversation stops
- when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True.
- code_execution_config (dict or False): config for the code execution.
- To disable code execution, set to False. Otherwise, set to a dictionary with the following keys:
- - work_dir (Optional, str): The working directory for the code execution.
- If None, a default working directory will be used.
- The default working directory is the "extensions" directory under
- "path_to_autogen".
- - use_docker (Optional, list, str or bool): The docker image to use for code execution.
- Default is True, which means the code will be executed in a docker container. A default list of images will be used.
- If a list or a str of image name(s) is provided, the code will be executed in a docker container
- with the first image successfully pulled.
- If False, the code will be executed in the current environment.
- We strongly recommend using docker for code execution.
- - timeout (Optional, int): The maximum execution time in seconds.
- - last_n_messages (Experimental, Optional, int): The number of messages to look back for code execution. Default to 1.
- default_auto_reply (str or dict or None): the default auto reply message when no code execution or llm based reply is generated.
- llm_config (dict or False): llm inference configuration.
- Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create)
- for available options.
- Default to false, which disables llm-based auto reply.
- system_message (str or List): system message for ChatCompletion inference.
- Only used when llm_config is not False. Use it to reprogram the agent.
- description (str): a short description of the agent. This description is used by other agents
- (e.g. the GroupChatManager) to decide when to call upon this agent. (Default: system_message)
+ """Args:
+ name (str): name of the agent.
+ nested_config (dict): the configuration for the nested chat instantiated by CaptainAgent.
+ is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
+ and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
+ The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
+ max_consecutive_auto_reply (int): the maximum number of consecutive auto replies.
+ default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case).
+ The limit only plays a role when human_input_mode is not "ALWAYS".
+ human_input_mode (str): whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.
+ Possible values are "ALWAYS", "TERMINATE", "NEVER".
+ (1) When "ALWAYS", the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received.
+ Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is "exit",
+ or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input.
+ (2) When "TERMINATE", the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or
+ the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply.
+ (3) When "NEVER", the agent will never prompt for human input. Under this mode, the conversation stops
+ when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True.
+ code_execution_config (dict or False): config for the code execution.
+ To disable code execution, set to False. Otherwise, set to a dictionary with the following keys:
+ - work_dir (Optional, str): The working directory for the code execution.
+ If None, a default working directory will be used.
+ The default working directory is the "extensions" directory under
+ "path_to_autogen".
+ - use_docker (Optional, list, str or bool): The docker image to use for code execution.
+ Default is True, which means the code will be executed in a docker container. A default list of images will be used.
+ If a list or a str of image name(s) is provided, the code will be executed in a docker container
+ with the first image successfully pulled.
+ If False, the code will be executed in the current environment.
+ We strongly recommend using docker for code execution.
+ - timeout (Optional, int): The maximum execution time in seconds.
+ - last_n_messages (Experimental, Optional, int): The number of messages to look back for code execution. Default to 1.
+ default_auto_reply (str or dict or None): the default auto reply message when no code execution or llm based reply is generated.
+ llm_config (dict or False): llm inference configuration.
+ Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create)
+ for available options.
+ Default to false, which disables llm-based auto reply.
+ system_message (str or List): system message for ChatCompletion inference.
+ Only used when llm_config is not False. Use it to reprogram the agent.
+ description (str): a short description of the agent. This description is used by other agents
+ (e.g. the GroupChatManager) to decide when to call upon this agent. (Default: system_message)
description = (
description if description is not None else self.DEFAULT_USER_PROXY_AGENT_DESCRIPTIONS[human_input_mode]
@@ -373,8 +367,7 @@ def __init__(
self.build_times = 0
def _run_autobuild(self, group_name: str, execution_task: str, building_task: str = "") -> str:
- """
- Build a group of agents by AutoBuild to solve the task.
+ """Build a group of agents by AutoBuild to solve the task.
This function requires the nested_config to contain the autobuild_init_config, autobuild_llm_config, group_chat_llm_config.
print("==> Running AutoBuild...", flush=True)
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/tool_retriever.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tool_retriever.py
similarity index 91%
rename from autogen/agentchat/contrib/tool_retriever.py
rename to autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tool_retriever.py
index 8844e8d8e9..a37b171b45 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/tool_retriever.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tool_retriever.py
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@
from hashlib import md5
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent, indent
-from typing import List, Optional, Union
+from typing import Optional, Union
import pandas as pd
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
-from autogen import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent
-from autogen.coding import CodeExecutor, CodeExtractor, LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor, MarkdownCodeExtractor
-from autogen.coding.base import CodeBlock, CodeResult
-from autogen.tools import Tool, get_function_schema, load_basemodels_if_needed
+from .... import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent
+from ....coding import CodeExecutor, CodeExtractor, LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor, MarkdownCodeExtractor
+from ....coding.base import CodeBlock, CodeResult
+from ....tools import Tool, get_function_schema, load_basemodels_if_needed
class ToolBuilder:
@@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ def bind(self, agent: AssistantAgent, functions: str):
def bind_user_proxy(self, agent: UserProxyAgent, tool_root: Union[str, list]):
- """
- Updates user proxy agent with a executor so that code executor can successfully execute function-related code.
+ """Updates user proxy agent with a executor so that code executor can successfully execute function-related code.
Returns an updated user proxy.
if isinstance(tool_root, str):
@@ -120,8 +119,7 @@ def bind_user_proxy(self, agent: UserProxyAgent, tool_root: Union[str, list]):
class LocalExecutorWithTools(CodeExecutor):
- """
- An executor that executes code blocks with injected tools. In this executor, the func within the tools can be called directly without declaring in the code block.
+ """An executor that executes code blocks with injected tools. In this executor, the func within the tools can be called directly without declaring in the code block.
For example, for a tool converted from langchain, the relevant functions can be called directly.
@@ -135,7 +133,7 @@ class LocalExecutorWithTools(CodeExecutor):
ag2_tool = interop.convert_tool(tool=langchain_tool, type="langchain")
# `ag2_tool.name` is wikipedia
- local_executor = LocalExecutorWithTools(tools=[ag2_tool], work_dir='./')
+ local_executor = LocalExecutorWithTools(tools=[ag2_tool], work_dir="./")
code = '''
result = wikipedia(tool_input={"query":"Christmas"})
@@ -161,13 +159,13 @@ def code_extractor(self) -> CodeExtractor:
"""(Experimental) Export a code extractor that can be used by an agent."""
return MarkdownCodeExtractor()
- def __init__(self, tools: Optional[List[Tool]] = None, work_dir: Union[Path, str] = Path(".")):
+ def __init__(self, tools: Optional[list[Tool]] = None, work_dir: Union[Path, str] = Path()):
self.tools = tools if tools is not None else []
self.work_dir = work_dir
if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
os.makedirs(work_dir, exist_ok=True)
- def execute_code_blocks(self, code_blocks: List[CodeBlock]) -> CodeResult:
+ def execute_code_blocks(self, code_blocks: list[CodeBlock]) -> CodeResult:
"""Execute code blocks and return the result.
@@ -272,9 +270,7 @@ def _wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
def get_full_tool_description(py_file):
- """
- Retrieves the function signature for a given Python file.
- """
+ """Retrieves the function signature for a given Python file."""
with open(py_file) as f:
code = f.read()
@@ -315,9 +311,7 @@ def _wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
def find_callables(directory):
- """
- Find all callable objects defined in Python files within the specified directory.
- """
+ """Find all callable objects defined in Python files within the specified directory."""
callables = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/calculate_correlation.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/calculate_correlation.py
index 1dc17b52bc..137f8bc509 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/calculate_correlation.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/calculate_correlation.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def calculate_correlation(csv_path: str, column1: str, column2: str, method: str = "pearson") -> float:
- """
- Calculate the correlation between two columns in a CSV file.
+ """Calculate the correlation between two columns in a CSV file.
csv_path (str): The path to the CSV file.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/calculate_skewness_and_kurtosis.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/calculate_skewness_and_kurtosis.py
index 9862dcaff0..6c3d931760 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/calculate_skewness_and_kurtosis.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/calculate_skewness_and_kurtosis.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def calculate_skewness_and_kurtosis(csv_file: str, column_name: str) -> tuple:
- """
- Calculate the skewness and kurtosis of a specified column in a CSV file. The kurtosis is calculated using the Fisher definition.
+ """Calculate the skewness and kurtosis of a specified column in a CSV file. The kurtosis is calculated using the Fisher definition.
The two metrics are computed using scipy.stats functions.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/detect_outlier_iqr.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/detect_outlier_iqr.py
index 07ebe80689..ac70b0f949 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/detect_outlier_iqr.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/detect_outlier_iqr.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def detect_outlier_iqr(csv_file: str, column_name: str):
- """
- Detect outliers in a specified column of a CSV file using the IQR method.
+ """Detect outliers in a specified column of a CSV file using the IQR method.
csv_file (str): The path to the CSV file.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/detect_outlier_zscore.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/detect_outlier_zscore.py
index 2e35f37807..7fa282375e 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/detect_outlier_zscore.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/detect_outlier_zscore.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def detect_outlier_zscore(csv_file, column_name, threshold=3):
- """
- Detect outliers in a CSV file based on a specified column. The outliers are determined by calculating the z-score of the data points in the column.
+ """Detect outliers in a CSV file based on a specified column. The outliers are determined by calculating the z-score of the data points in the column.
csv_file (str): The path to the CSV file.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/explore_csv.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/explore_csv.py
index a433ba397f..441d0ec3ca 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/explore_csv.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/explore_csv.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def explore_csv(file_path, num_lines=5):
- """
- Reads a CSV file and prints the column names, shape, data types, and the first few lines of data.
+ """Reads a CSV file and prints the column names, shape, data types, and the first few lines of data.
file_path (str): The path to the CSV file.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/shapiro_wilk_test.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/shapiro_wilk_test.py
index 90212e6a97..18f77c47a4 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/shapiro_wilk_test.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/data_analysis/shapiro_wilk_test.py
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
@with_requirements(["pandas", "scipy"])
def shapiro_wilk_test(csv_file, column_name):
- """
- Perform the Shapiro-Wilk test on a specified column of a CSV file.
+ """Perform the Shapiro-Wilk test on a specified column of a CSV file.
csv_file (str): The path to the CSV file.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/arxiv_download.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/arxiv_download.py
index 3900e8a5fd..53e9e45c16 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/arxiv_download.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/arxiv_download.py
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
@with_requirements(["arxiv"], ["arxiv"])
def arxiv_download(id_list: list, download_dir="./"):
- """
- Downloads PDF files from ArXiv based on a list of arxiv paper IDs.
+ """Downloads PDF files from ArXiv based on a list of arxiv paper IDs.
id_list (list): A list of paper IDs to download. e.g. [2302.00006v1]
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/arxiv_search.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/arxiv_search.py
index 256b4bf3fe..9cbc68b91c 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/arxiv_search.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/arxiv_search.py
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
@with_requirements(["arxiv"], ["arxiv"])
def arxiv_search(query, max_results=10, sortby="relevance"):
- """
- Search for articles on arXiv based on the given query.
+ """Search for articles on arXiv based on the given query.
query (str): The search query.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/extract_pdf_image.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/extract_pdf_image.py
index 1b624d394c..ce2a7d1117 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/extract_pdf_image.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/extract_pdf_image.py
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
@with_requirements(["PyMuPDF"], ["os"])
def extract_pdf_image(pdf_path: str, output_dir: str, page_number=None):
- """
- Extracts images from a PDF file and saves them to the specified output directory.
+ """Extracts images from a PDF file and saves them to the specified output directory.
pdf_path (str): The path to the PDF file.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/extract_pdf_text.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/extract_pdf_text.py
index 267990c936..689b3f419a 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/extract_pdf_text.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/extract_pdf_text.py
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
def extract_pdf_text(pdf_path, page_number=None):
- """
- Extracts text from a specified page or the entire PDF file.
+ """Extracts text from a specified page or the entire PDF file.
pdf_path (str): The path to the PDF file.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/get_wikipedia_text.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/get_wikipedia_text.py
index b44bba63e0..bfb0568b2e 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/get_wikipedia_text.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/get_wikipedia_text.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def get_wikipedia_text(title):
- """
- Retrieves the text content of a Wikipedia page. It does not support tables and other complex formatting.
+ """Retrieves the text content of a Wikipedia page. It does not support tables and other complex formatting.
title (str): The title of the Wikipedia page.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/get_youtube_caption.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/get_youtube_caption.py
index 33f594093e..b041ecd30c 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/get_youtube_caption.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/get_youtube_caption.py
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
# alternative api: https://rapidapi.com/omarmhaimdat/api/youtube-v2
-def get_youtube_caption(videoId):
- """
- Retrieves the captions for a YouTube video.
+from typing import Any
+def get_youtube_caption(video_id: str) -> Any:
+ """Retrieves the captions for a YouTube video.
videoId (str): The ID of the YouTube video.
@@ -21,13 +23,13 @@ def get_youtube_caption(videoId):
import requests
- RAPID_API_KEY = os.environ["RAPID_API_KEY"]
- video_url = f"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={videoId}"
+ rapid_api_key = os.environ["RAPID_API_KEY"]
+ video_url = f"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={video_id: str}"
url = "https://youtube-transcript3.p.rapidapi.com/api/transcript-with-url"
querystring = {"url": video_url, "lang": "en", "flat_text": "true"}
- headers = {"X-RapidAPI-Key": RAPID_API_KEY, "X-RapidAPI-Host": "youtube-transcript3.p.rapidapi.com"}
+ headers = {"X-RapidAPI-Key": rapid_api_key, "X-RapidAPI-Host": "youtube-transcript3.p.rapidapi.com"}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
response = response.json()
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/image_qa.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/image_qa.py
index 95f2be6dfb..4d68b4090f 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/image_qa.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/image_qa.py
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
@with_requirements(["transformers", "torch"], ["transformers", "torch", "PIL", "os"])
def image_qa(image, question, ckpt="Salesforce/blip-vqa-base"):
- """
- Perform question answering on an image using a pre-trained VQA model.
+ """Perform question answering on an image using a pre-trained VQA model.
image (Union[str, Image.Image]): The image to perform question answering on. It can be either file path to the image or a PIL Image object.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/optical_character_recognition.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/optical_character_recognition.py
index 64714d89dd..e7d78cb968 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/optical_character_recognition.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/optical_character_recognition.py
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
@with_requirements(["easyocr"], ["os"])
def optical_character_recognition(image):
- """
- Perform optical character recognition (OCR) on the given image.
+ """Perform optical character recognition (OCR) on the given image.
image (Union[str, Image.Image]): The image to perform OCR on. It can be either a file path or an Image object.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/perform_web_search.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/perform_web_search.py
index 3a39a9b567..6b86013c4c 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/perform_web_search.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/perform_web_search.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def perform_web_search(query, count=10, offset=0):
- """
- Perform a web search using Bing API.
+ """Perform a web search using Bing API.
query (str): The search query.
@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ def perform_web_search(query, count=10, offset=0):
# Process the search results
search_results = response.json()
for index, result in enumerate(search_results["webPages"]["value"]):
- print(f"Search Result {index+1}:")
+ print(f"Search Result {index + 1}:")
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/scrape_wikipedia_tables.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/scrape_wikipedia_tables.py
index 913d2a6a20..ef193907b7 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/scrape_wikipedia_tables.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/scrape_wikipedia_tables.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def scrape_wikipedia_tables(url: str, header_keyword: str):
- """
- Scrapes Wikipedia tables based on a given URL and header keyword.
+ """Scrapes Wikipedia tables based on a given URL and header keyword.
url: The URL of the Wikipedia page to scrape.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/transcribe_audio_file.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/transcribe_audio_file.py
index dabdb1d060..c96257d69c 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/transcribe_audio_file.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/transcribe_audio_file.py
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
def transcribe_audio_file(file_path):
- """
- Transcribes the audio file located at the given file path.
+ """Transcribes the audio file located at the given file path.
file_path (str): The path to the audio file.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/youtube_download.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/youtube_download.py
index a4d472c423..7b10111f21 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/youtube_download.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/information_retrieval/youtube_download.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def youtube_download(url: str):
- """
- Downloads a YouTube video and returns the download link.
+ """Downloads a YouTube video and returns the download link.
url: The URL of the YouTube video.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_circle_area_from_diameter.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_circle_area_from_diameter.py
index 9d670fc535..161a9fb422 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_circle_area_from_diameter.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_circle_area_from_diameter.py
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
def calculate_circle_area_from_diameter(diameter):
- """
- Calculate the area of a circle given its diameter.
+ """Calculate the area of a circle given its diameter.
diameter (float): The diameter of the circle.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_day_of_the_week.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_day_of_the_week.py
index 5a6b9b7b1a..3cdf964ee4 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_day_of_the_week.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_day_of_the_week.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def calculate_day_of_the_week(total_days: int, starting_day: str):
- """
- Calculates the day of the week after a given number of days starting from a specified day.
+ """Calculates the day of the week after a given number of days starting from a specified day.
total_days: The number of days to calculate.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_fraction_sum.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_fraction_sum.py
index 60eb214fdc..f80f1216d0 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_fraction_sum.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_fraction_sum.py
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
def calculate_fraction_sum(
fraction1_numerator: int, fraction1_denominator: int, fraction2_numerator: int, fraction2_denominator: int
- """
- Calculates the sum of two fractions and returns the result as a mixed number.
+ """Calculates the sum of two fractions and returns the result as a mixed number.
fraction1_numerator: The numerator of the first fraction.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_matrix_power.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_matrix_power.py
index 0561a68bc3..b13cc42d9a 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_matrix_power.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_matrix_power.py
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
def calculate_matrix_power(matrix, power):
- """
- Calculate the power of a given matrix.
+ """Calculate the power of a given matrix.
matrix (list): An array of numbers that represents the matrix.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_reflected_point.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_reflected_point.py
index a86852bfdb..0bbd0fa6a8 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_reflected_point.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/calculate_reflected_point.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def calculate_reflected_point(point):
- """
- Calculates the reflection point of a given point about the line y=x.
+ """Calculates the reflection point of a given point about the line y=x.
point (dict): A dictionary representing the coordinates of the point.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/complex_numbers_product.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/complex_numbers_product.py
index e4d8171d08..5c79a8b911 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/complex_numbers_product.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/complex_numbers_product.py
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
def complex_numbers_product(complex_numbers):
- """
- Calculates the product of a list of complex numbers.
+ """Calculates the product of a list of complex numbers.
complex_numbers (list): A list of dictionaries representing complex numbers.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/compute_currency_conversion.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/compute_currency_conversion.py
index 51810fb5c4..b88e48b73f 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/compute_currency_conversion.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/compute_currency_conversion.py
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
def compute_currency_conversion(amount, exchange_rate):
- """
- Compute the currency conversion of the given amount using the provided exchange rate.
+ """Compute the currency conversion of the given amount using the provided exchange rate.
amount (float): The amount to be converted.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/count_distinct_permutations.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/count_distinct_permutations.py
index 91d3fdf906..6f469448e7 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/count_distinct_permutations.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/count_distinct_permutations.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def count_distinct_permutations(sequence):
- """
- Counts the number of distinct permutations of a sequence where items may be indistinguishable.
+ """Counts the number of distinct permutations of a sequence where items may be indistinguishable.
sequence (iterable): The sequence for which to count the distinct permutations.
@@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ def count_distinct_permutations(sequence):
int: The number of distinct permutations.
- >>> count_distinct_permutations('aab')
+ >>> count_distinct_permutations("aab")
>>> count_distinct_permutations([1, 2, 2])
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/evaluate_expression.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/evaluate_expression.py
index dfac1eadf1..565bbc31c6 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/evaluate_expression.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/evaluate_expression.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def evaluate_expression(expression):
- """
- Evaluates a mathematical expression with support for floor function notation and power notation.
+ """Evaluates a mathematical expression with support for floor function notation and power notation.
expression (str): The mathematical expression to evaluate. It can only contain one symbol 'x'.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/find_continuity_point.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/find_continuity_point.py
index d311f0469e..43c549ae2c 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/find_continuity_point.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/find_continuity_point.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def find_continuity_point(f_leq, f_gt, x_value):
- """
- Find the value 'a' that ensures the continuity of a piecewise function at a given point.
+ """Find the value 'a' that ensures the continuity of a piecewise function at a given point.
f_leq (str): The function expression for f(x) when x is less than or equal to the continuity point, in the form of a string.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/fraction_to_mixed_numbers.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/fraction_to_mixed_numbers.py
index 06f64b5ec0..5f3a6db4e2 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/fraction_to_mixed_numbers.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/fraction_to_mixed_numbers.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def fraction_to_mixed_numbers(numerator, denominator):
- """
- Simplifies a fraction to its lowest terms and returns it as a mixed number.
+ """Simplifies a fraction to its lowest terms and returns it as a mixed number.
numerator (int): The numerator of the fraction.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/modular_inverse_sum.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/modular_inverse_sum.py
index c4ef5cb0d3..605627baed 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/modular_inverse_sum.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/modular_inverse_sum.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def modular_inverse_sum(expressions, modulus):
- """
- Calculates the sum of modular inverses of the given expressions modulo the specified modulus.
+ """Calculates the sum of modular inverses of the given expressions modulo the specified modulus.
expressions (list): A list of numbers for which the modular inverses need to be calculated.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/simplify_mixed_numbers.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/simplify_mixed_numbers.py
index e70d54b995..12effe482d 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/simplify_mixed_numbers.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/simplify_mixed_numbers.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def simplify_mixed_numbers(numerator1, denominator1, numerator2, denominator2, whole_number1, whole_number2):
- """
- Simplifies the sum of two mixed numbers and returns the result as a string in the format 'a b/c'.
+ """Simplifies the sum of two mixed numbers and returns the result as a string in the format 'a b/c'.
numerator1 (int): The numerator of the first fraction.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/sum_of_digit_factorials.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/sum_of_digit_factorials.py
index eb63ccadcf..0662d4213d 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/sum_of_digit_factorials.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/sum_of_digit_factorials.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def sum_of_digit_factorials(number):
- """
- Calculates the sum of the factorial of each digit in a number, often used in problems involving curious numbers like 145.
+ """Calculates the sum of the factorial of each digit in a number, often used in problems involving curious numbers like 145.
number (int): The number for which to calculate the sum of digit factorials.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/sum_of_primes_below.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/sum_of_primes_below.py
index b57a8e7572..80d43151e7 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/sum_of_primes_below.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/captainagent/tools/math/sum_of_primes_below.py
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def sum_of_primes_below(threshold):
- """
- Calculates the sum of all prime numbers below a given threshold.
+ """Calculates the sum of all prime numbers below a given threshold.
threshold (int): The maximum number (exclusive) up to which primes are summed.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/gpt_assistant_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/gpt_assistant_agent.py
index 3512e11abc..d0a2f6f822 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/gpt_assistant_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/gpt_assistant_agent.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import logging
import time
from collections import defaultdict
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from autogen import OpenAIWrapper
from autogen.agentchat.agent import Agent
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
class GPTAssistantAgent(ConversableAgent):
- """
- An experimental AutoGen agent class that leverages the OpenAI Assistant API for conversational capabilities.
+ """An experimental AutoGen agent class that leverages the OpenAI Assistant API for conversational capabilities.
This agent is unique in its reliance on the OpenAI Assistant for state management, differing from other agents like ConversableAgent.
@@ -38,32 +37,30 @@ def __init__(
overwrite_tools: bool = False,
+ """Args:
+ name (str): name of the agent. It will be used to find the existing assistant by name. Please remember to delete an old assistant with the same name if you intend to create a new assistant with the same name.
+ instructions (str): instructions for the OpenAI assistant configuration.
+ When instructions is not None, the system message of the agent will be
+ set to the provided instructions and used in the assistant run, irrespective
+ of the overwrite_instructions flag. But when instructions is None,
+ and the assistant does not exist, the system message will be set to
+ AssistantAgent.DEFAULT_SYSTEM_MESSAGE. If the assistant exists, the
+ system message will be set to the existing assistant instructions.
+ llm_config (dict or False): llm inference configuration.
+ - model: Model to use for the assistant (gpt-4-1106-preview, gpt-3.5-turbo-1106).
+ assistant_config
+ - assistant_id: ID of the assistant to use. If None, a new assistant will be created.
+ - check_every_ms: check thread run status interval
+ - tools: Give Assistants access to OpenAI-hosted tools like Code Interpreter and Knowledge Retrieval,
+ or build your own tools using Function calling. ref https://platform.openai.com/docs/assistants/tools
+ - file_ids: (Deprecated) files used by retrieval in run. It is Deprecated, use tool_resources instead. https://platform.openai.com/docs/assistants/migration/what-has-changed.
+ - tool_resources: A set of resources that are used by the assistant's tools. The resources are specific to the type of tool.
+ overwrite_instructions (bool): whether to overwrite the instructions of an existing assistant. This parameter is in effect only when assistant_id is specified in llm_config.
+ overwrite_tools (bool): whether to overwrite the tools of an existing assistant. This parameter is in effect only when assistant_id is specified in llm_config.
+ kwargs (dict): Additional configuration options for the agent.
+ - verbose (bool): If set to True, enables more detailed output from the assistant thread.
+ - Other kwargs: Except verbose, others are passed directly to ConversableAgent.
- Args:
- name (str): name of the agent. It will be used to find the existing assistant by name. Please remember to delete an old assistant with the same name if you intend to create a new assistant with the same name.
- instructions (str): instructions for the OpenAI assistant configuration.
- When instructions is not None, the system message of the agent will be
- set to the provided instructions and used in the assistant run, irrespective
- of the overwrite_instructions flag. But when instructions is None,
- and the assistant does not exist, the system message will be set to
- AssistantAgent.DEFAULT_SYSTEM_MESSAGE. If the assistant exists, the
- system message will be set to the existing assistant instructions.
- llm_config (dict or False): llm inference configuration.
- - model: Model to use for the assistant (gpt-4-1106-preview, gpt-3.5-turbo-1106).
- assistant_config
- - assistant_id: ID of the assistant to use. If None, a new assistant will be created.
- - check_every_ms: check thread run status interval
- - tools: Give Assistants access to OpenAI-hosted tools like Code Interpreter and Knowledge Retrieval,
- or build your own tools using Function calling. ref https://platform.openai.com/docs/assistants/tools
- - file_ids: (Deprecated) files used by retrieval in run. It is Deprecated, use tool_resources instead. https://platform.openai.com/docs/assistants/migration/what-has-changed.
- - tool_resources: A set of resources that are used by the assistant's tools. The resources are specific to the type of tool.
- overwrite_instructions (bool): whether to overwrite the instructions of an existing assistant. This parameter is in effect only when assistant_id is specified in llm_config.
- overwrite_tools (bool): whether to overwrite the tools of an existing assistant. This parameter is in effect only when assistant_id is specified in llm_config.
- kwargs (dict): Additional configuration options for the agent.
- - verbose (bool): If set to True, enables more detailed output from the assistant thread.
- - Other kwargs: Except verbose, others are passed directly to ConversableAgent.
- """
self._verbose = kwargs.pop("verbose", False)
openai_client_cfg, openai_assistant_cfg = self._process_assistant_config(llm_config, assistant_config)
@@ -188,8 +185,7 @@ def _invoke_assistant(
sender: Optional[Agent] = None,
config: Optional[Any] = None,
) -> tuple[bool, Union[str, dict, None]]:
- """
- Invokes the OpenAI assistant to generate a reply based on the given messages.
+ """Invokes the OpenAI assistant to generate a reply based on the given messages.
messages: A list of messages in the conversation history with the sender.
@@ -199,7 +195,6 @@ def _invoke_assistant(
A tuple containing a boolean indicating success and the assistant's reply.
if messages is None:
messages = self._oai_messages[sender]
unread_index = self._unread_index[sender] or 0
@@ -249,8 +244,7 @@ def _invoke_assistant(
return True, response
def _map_role_for_api(self, role: str) -> str:
- """
- Maps internal message roles to the roles expected by the OpenAI Assistant API.
+ """Maps internal message roles to the roles expected by the OpenAI Assistant API.
role (str): The role from the internal message.
@@ -271,8 +265,7 @@ def _map_role_for_api(self, role: str) -> str:
return "assistant"
def _get_run_response(self, thread, run):
- """
- Waits for and processes the response of a run from the OpenAI assistant.
+ """Waits for and processes the response of a run from the OpenAI assistant.
run: The run object initiated with the OpenAI assistant.
@@ -338,8 +331,7 @@ def _get_run_response(self, thread, run):
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected run status: {run.status}. Full run info:\n\n{run_info})")
def _wait_for_run(self, run_id: str, thread_id: str) -> Any:
- """
- Waits for a run to complete or reach a final state.
+ """Waits for a run to complete or reach a final state.
run_id: The ID of the run.
@@ -357,10 +349,7 @@ def _wait_for_run(self, run_id: str, thread_id: str) -> Any:
return run
def _format_assistant_message(self, message_content):
- """
- Formats the assistant's message to include annotations and citations.
- """
+ """Formats the assistant's message to include annotations and citations."""
annotations = message_content.annotations
citations = []
@@ -393,9 +382,7 @@ def can_execute_function(self, name: str) -> bool:
return False
def reset(self):
- """
- Resets the agent, clearing any existing conversation thread and unread message indices.
- """
+ """Resets the agent, clearing any existing conversation thread and unread message indices."""
for thread in self._openai_threads.values():
# Delete the existing thread to start fresh in the next conversation
@@ -471,8 +458,7 @@ def delete_assistant(self):
def find_matching_assistant(self, candidate_assistants, instructions, tools):
- """
- Find the matching assistant from a list of candidate assistants.
+ """Find the matching assistant from a list of candidate assistants.
Filter out candidates with the same name but different instructions, and function names.
matching_assistants = []
@@ -520,10 +506,7 @@ def find_matching_assistant(self, candidate_assistants, instructions, tools):
return matching_assistants
def _process_assistant_config(self, llm_config, assistant_config):
- """
- Process the llm_config and assistant_config to extract the model name and assistant related configurations.
- """
+ """Process the llm_config and assistant_config to extract the model name and assistant related configurations."""
if llm_config is False:
raise ValueError("llm_config=False is not supported for GPTAssistantAgent.")
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/document.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/document.py
index 2fbd9a5961..e39464239d 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/document.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/document.py
@@ -10,9 +10,7 @@
class DocumentType(Enum):
- """
- Enum for supporting document type.
- """
+ """Enum for supporting document type."""
TEXT = auto()
HTML = auto()
@@ -22,9 +20,7 @@ class DocumentType(Enum):
class Document:
- """
- A wrapper of graph store query results.
- """
+ """A wrapper of graph store query results."""
doctype: DocumentType
data: Optional[object] = None
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/falkor_graph_query_engine.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/falkor_graph_query_engine.py
index 607a2e3215..37eca45c07 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/falkor_graph_query_engine.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/falkor_graph_query_engine.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
import os
import warnings
-from typing import List
from falkordb import FalkorDB, Graph
from graphrag_sdk import KnowledgeGraph, Source
@@ -18,9 +17,7 @@
class FalkorGraphQueryEngine:
- """
- This is a wrapper for FalkorDB KnowledgeGraph.
- """
+ """This is a wrapper for FalkorDB KnowledgeGraph."""
def __init__(
@@ -32,8 +29,7 @@ def __init__(
model: GenerativeModel = OpenAiGenerativeModel("gpt-4o"),
ontology: Ontology | None = None,
- """
- Initialize a FalkorDB knowledge graph.
+ """Initialize a FalkorDB knowledge graph.
Please also refer to https://github.com/FalkorDB/GraphRAG-SDK/blob/main/graphrag_sdk/kg.py
TODO: Fix LLM API cost calculation for FalkorDB useages.
@@ -61,9 +57,7 @@ def __init__(
self.falkordb = FalkorDB(host=self.host, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password)
def connect_db(self):
- """
- Connect to an existing knowledge graph.
- """
+ """Connect to an existing knowledge graph."""
if self.name in self.falkordb.list_graphs():
self.ontology = self._load_ontology_from_db()
@@ -89,9 +83,7 @@ def connect_db(self):
raise ValueError(f"Knowledge graph '{self.name}' does not exist")
def init_db(self, input_doc: list[Document]):
- """
- Build the knowledge graph with input documents.
- """
+ """Build the knowledge graph with input documents."""
sources = []
for doc in input_doc:
if os.path.exists(doc.path_or_url):
@@ -124,12 +116,11 @@ def init_db(self, input_doc: list[Document]):
raise ValueError("No input documents could be loaded.")
- def add_records(self, new_records: list) -> bool:
+ def add_records(self, new_records: list[Document]) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError("This method is not supported by FalkorDB SDK yet.")
def query(self, question: str, n_results: int = 1, **kwargs) -> GraphStoreQueryResult:
- """
- Query the knowledge graph with a question and optional message history.
+ """Query the knowledge graph with a question and optional message history.
question: a human input question.
@@ -150,9 +141,7 @@ def query(self, question: str, n_results: int = 1, **kwargs) -> GraphStoreQueryR
return GraphStoreQueryResult(answer=response["response"], results=[])
def delete(self) -> bool:
- """
- Delete graph and its data from database.
- """
+ """Delete graph and its data from database."""
all_graphs = self.falkordb.list_graphs()
if self.name in all_graphs:
@@ -164,9 +153,7 @@ def __get_ontology_storage_graph(self) -> Graph:
return self.falkordb.select_graph(self.ontology_table_name)
def _save_ontology_to_db(self, ontology: Ontology):
- """
- Save graph ontology to a separate table with {graph_name}_ontology
- """
+ """Save graph ontology to a separate table with {graph_name}_ontology"""
if self.ontology_table_name in self.falkordb.list_graphs():
raise ValueError(f"Knowledge graph {self.name} is already created.")
graph = self.__get_ontology_storage_graph()
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/falkor_graph_rag_capability.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/falkor_graph_rag_capability.py
index fd6eb1a5d4..4b09a2a581 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/falkor_graph_rag_capability.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/falkor_graph_rag_capability.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from autogen import Agent, ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent
@@ -12,22 +12,18 @@
class FalkorGraphRagCapability(GraphRagCapability):
- """
- The FalkorDB GraphRAG capability integrate FalkorDB with graphrag_sdk version: 0.1.3b0.
+ """The FalkorDB GraphRAG capability integrate FalkorDB with graphrag_sdk version: 0.1.3b0.
Ref: https://github.com/FalkorDB/GraphRAG-SDK/tree/2-move-away-from-sql-to-json-ontology-detection
For usage, please refer to example notebook/agentchat_graph_rag_falkordb.ipynb
def __init__(self, query_engine: FalkorGraphQueryEngine):
- """
- initialize GraphRAG capability with a graph query engine
- """
+ """Initialize GraphRAG capability with a graph query engine"""
self.query_engine = query_engine
def add_to_agent(self, agent: UserProxyAgent):
- """
- Add FalkorDB GraphRAG capability to a UserProxyAgent.
+ """Add FalkorDB GraphRAG capability to a UserProxyAgent.
The restriction to a UserProxyAgent to make sure the returned message does not contain information retrieved from the graph DB instead of any LLMs.
self.graph_rag_agent = agent
@@ -51,8 +47,7 @@ def _reply_using_falkordb_query(
sender: Optional[Agent] = None,
config: Optional[Any] = None,
) -> tuple[bool, Union[str, dict, None]]:
- """
- Query FalkorDB and return the message. Internally, it utilises OpenAI to generate a reply based on the given messages.
+ """Query FalkorDB and return the message. Internally, it utilises OpenAI to generate a reply based on the given messages.
The history with FalkorDB is also logged and updated.
The agent's system message will be incorporated into the query, if it's not blank.
@@ -68,7 +63,6 @@ def _reply_using_falkordb_query(
A tuple containing a boolean indicating success and the assistant's reply.
- # question = self._get_last_question(messages[-1])
question = self._messages_summary(messages, recipient.system_message)
result: GraphStoreQueryResult = self.query_engine.query(question)
@@ -83,7 +77,6 @@ def _messages_summary(self, messages: Union[dict, str], system_message: str) ->
if isinstance(messages, str):
if system_message:
summary = f"IMPORTANT: {system_message}\nContext:\n\n{messages}"
@@ -94,7 +87,7 @@ def _messages_summary(self, messages: Union[dict, str], system_message: str) ->
summary = ""
for message in messages:
if "content" in message and "tool_calls" not in message and "tool_responses" not in message:
- summary += f"{message.get('name', '')}: {message.get('content','')}\n\n"
+ summary += f"{message.get('name', '')}: {message.get('content', '')}\n\n"
if system_message:
summary = f"IMPORTANT: {system_message}\nContext:\n\n{summary}"
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/graph_query_engine.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/graph_query_engine.py
index b10562e7ee..b474902a6c 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/graph_query_engine.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/graph_query_engine.py
@@ -5,15 +5,14 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-from typing import List, Optional, Protocol
+from typing import Optional, Protocol
from .document import Document
class GraphStoreQueryResult:
- """
- A wrapper of graph store query results.
+ """A wrapper of graph store query results.
answer: human readable answer to question/query.
results: intermediate results to question/query, e.g. node entities.
@@ -30,8 +29,7 @@ class GraphQueryEngine(Protocol):
def init_db(self, input_doc: list[Document] | None = None):
- """
- This method initializes graph database with the input documents or records.
+ """This method initializes graph database with the input documents or records.
Usually, it takes the following steps,
1. connecting to a graph database.
2. extract graph nodes, edges based on input data, graph schema and etc.
@@ -44,13 +42,9 @@ def init_db(self, input_doc: list[Document] | None = None):
def add_records(self, new_records: list) -> bool:
- """
- Add new records to the underlying database and add to the graph if required.
- """
+ """Add new records to the underlying database and add to the graph if required."""
def query(self, question: str, n_results: int = 1, **kwargs) -> GraphStoreQueryResult:
- """
- This method transform a string format question into database query and return the result.
- """
+ """This method transform a string format question into database query and return the result."""
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/graph_rag_capability.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/graph_rag_capability.py
index 9d47180ae7..70823b78bc 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/graph_rag_capability.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/graph_rag_capability.py
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
class GraphRagCapability(AgentCapability):
- """
- A graph-based RAG capability uses a graph query engine to give a conversable agent the graph-based RAG ability.
+ """A graph-based RAG capability uses a graph query engine to give a conversable agent the graph-based RAG ability.
An agent class with graph-based RAG capability could
1. create a graph in the underlying database with input documents.
@@ -55,9 +54,7 @@ class GraphRagCapability(AgentCapability):
def __init__(self, query_engine: GraphQueryEngine):
- """
- Initialize graph-based RAG capability with a graph query engine
- """
+ """Initialize graph-based RAG capability with a graph query engine"""
def add_to_agent(self, agent: ConversableAgent):
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_graph_query_engine.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_graph_query_engine.py
index 9225b36cfe..afba878470 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_graph_query_engine.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_graph_query_engine.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import os
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, TypeAlias, Union
+from typing import Optional, TypeAlias, Union
from llama_index.core import PropertyGraphIndex, SimpleDirectoryReader
from llama_index.core.base.embeddings.base import BaseEmbedding
@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@
class Neo4jGraphQueryEngine(GraphQueryEngine):
- """
- This class serves as a wrapper for a property graph query engine backed by LlamaIndex and Neo4j,
+ """This class serves as a wrapper for a property graph query engine backed by LlamaIndex and Neo4j,
facilitating the creating, connecting, updating, and querying of LlamaIndex property graphs.
It builds a property graph Index from input documents,
@@ -57,8 +56,7 @@ def __init__(
schema: Optional[Union[dict[str, str], list[Triple]]] = None,
strict: Optional[bool] = False,
- """
- Initialize a Neo4j Property graph.
+ """Initialize a Neo4j Property graph.
Please also refer to https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/stable/examples/property_graph/graph_store/
@@ -88,10 +86,7 @@ def __init__(
self.strict = strict
def init_db(self, input_doc: list[Document] | None = None):
- """
- Build the knowledge graph with input documents.
- """
+ """Build the knowledge graph with input documents."""
self.documents = self._load_doc(input_doc)
self.graph_store = Neo4jPropertyGraphStore(
@@ -117,9 +112,7 @@ def init_db(self, input_doc: list[Document] | None = None):
def connect_db(self):
- """
- Connect to an existing knowledge graph database.
- """
+ """Connect to an existing knowledge graph database."""
self.graph_store = Neo4jPropertyGraphStore(
@@ -138,8 +131,7 @@ def connect_db(self):
def add_records(self, new_records: list) -> bool:
- """
- Add new records to the knowledge graph. Must be local files.
+ """Add new records to the knowledge graph. Must be local files.
new_records (List[Document]): List of new documents to add.
@@ -152,9 +144,8 @@ def add_records(self, new_records: list) -> bool:
- SimpleDirectoryReader will select the best file reader based on the file extensions, including:
- [DocxReader, EpubReader, HWPReader, ImageReader, IPYNBReader, MarkdownReader, MboxReader,
- PandasCSVReader, PandasExcelReader,PDFReader,PptxReader, VideoAudioReader]
+ SimpleDirectoryReader will select the best file reader based on the file extensions,
+ see _load_doc for supported file types.
new_documents = SimpleDirectoryReader(input_files=[doc.path_or_url for doc in new_records]).load_data()
@@ -167,8 +158,7 @@ def add_records(self, new_records: list) -> bool:
return False
def query(self, question: str, n_results: int = 1, **kwargs) -> GraphStoreQueryResult:
- """
- Query the property graph with a question using LlamaIndex chat engine.
+ """Query the property graph with a question using LlamaIndex chat engine.
We use the condense_plus_context chat mode
which condenses the conversation history and the user query into a standalone question,
and then build a context for the standadlone question
@@ -192,29 +182,27 @@ def query(self, question: str, n_results: int = 1, **kwargs) -> GraphStoreQueryR
return GraphStoreQueryResult(answer=str(response))
def _clear(self) -> None:
- """
- Delete all entities and relationships in the graph.
+ """Delete all entities and relationships in the graph.
TODO: Delete all the data in the database including indexes and constraints.
with self.graph_store._driver.session() as session:
session.run("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;")
def _load_doc(self, input_doc: list[Document]) -> list[LlamaDocument]:
- """
- Load documents from the input files. Currently support the following file types:
- .csv - comma-separated values
- .docx - Microsoft Word
- .epub - EPUB ebook format
- .hwp - Hangul Word Processor
- .ipynb - Jupyter Notebook
- .jpeg, .jpg - JPEG image
- .mbox - MBOX email archive
- .md - Markdown
- .mp3, .mp4 - audio and video
- .pdf - Portable Document Format
- .png - Portable Network Graphics
- .ppt, .pptm, .pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint
- .json JSON files
+ """Load documents from the input files. Currently support the following file types:
+ .csv - comma-separated values
+ .docx - Microsoft Word
+ .epub - EPUB ebook format
+ .hwp - Hangul Word Processor
+ .ipynb - Jupyter Notebook
+ .jpeg, .jpg - JPEG image
+ .mbox - MBOX email archive
+ .md - Markdown
+ .mp3, .mp4 - audio and video
+ .pdf - Portable Document Format
+ .png - Portable Network Graphics
+ .ppt, .pptm, .pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint
+ .json JSON files
for doc in input_doc:
if not os.path.exists(doc.path_or_url):
@@ -236,8 +224,7 @@ def _load_doc(self, input_doc: list[Document]) -> list[LlamaDocument]:
return loaded_documents
def _create_kg_extractors(self):
- """
- If strict is True,
+ """If strict is True,
extract paths following a strict schema of allowed relationships for each entity.
If strict is False,
@@ -245,7 +232,6 @@ def _create_kg_extractors(self):
# To add more extractors, please refer to https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/latest/module_guides/indexing/lpg_index_guide/#construction
kg_extractors = [
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_graph_rag_capability.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_graph_rag_capability.py
index c9a7cfc3ba..9362cb8fe1 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_graph_rag_capability.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_graph_rag_capability.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from autogen import Agent, ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
class Neo4jGraphCapability(GraphRagCapability):
- """
- The Neo4j graph capability integrates Neo4j Property graph into a graph rag agent.
+ """The Neo4j graph capability integrates Neo4j Property graph into a graph rag agent.
Ref: https://neo4j.com/labs/genai-ecosystem/llamaindex/#_property_graph_constructing_modules
@@ -21,17 +20,13 @@ class Neo4jGraphCapability(GraphRagCapability):
def __init__(self, query_engine: Neo4jGraphQueryEngine):
- """
- initialize GraphRAG capability with a graph query engine
- """
+ """Initialize GraphRAG capability with a graph query engine"""
self.query_engine = query_engine
def add_to_agent(self, agent: UserProxyAgent):
- """
- Add Neo4j GraphRAG capability to a UserProxyAgent.
+ """Add Neo4j GraphRAG capability to a UserProxyAgent.
The restriction to a UserProxyAgent to make sure the returned message only contains information retrieved from the graph DB instead of any LLMs.
self.graph_rag_agent = agent
# Validate the agent config
@@ -53,8 +48,7 @@ def _reply_using_neo4j_query(
sender: Optional[Agent] = None,
config: Optional[Any] = None,
) -> tuple[bool, Union[str, dict, None]]:
- """
- Query neo4j and return the message. Internally, it queries the Property graph
+ """Query neo4j and return the message. Internally, it queries the Property graph
and returns the answer from the graph query engine.
TODO: reply with a dictionary including both the answer and semantic source triplets.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_native_graph_query_engine.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_native_graph_query_engine.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b85b0c2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_native_graph_query_engine.py
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 - 2025, Owners of https://github.com/ag2ai
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import asyncio
+import logging
+from typing import List, Optional, Union
+from neo4j import GraphDatabase
+from neo4j_graphrag.embeddings import Embedder, OpenAIEmbeddings
+from neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.kg_builder import SimpleKGPipeline
+from neo4j_graphrag.generation import GraphRAG
+from neo4j_graphrag.indexes import create_vector_index
+from neo4j_graphrag.llm.openai_llm import LLMInterface, OpenAILLM
+from neo4j_graphrag.retrievers import VectorRetriever
+from .document import Document, DocumentType
+from .graph_query_engine import GraphQueryEngine, GraphStoreQueryResult
+# Set up logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Neo4jNativeGraphQueryEngine(GraphQueryEngine):
+ """A graph query engine implemented using the Neo4j GraphRAG SDK.
+ Provides functionality to initialize a knowledge graph,
+ create a vector index, and query the graph using Neo4j and LLM.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ host: str = "neo4j://localhost",
+ port: int = 7687,
+ username: str = "neo4j",
+ password: str = "password",
+ embeddings: Optional[Embedder] = OpenAIEmbeddings(model="text-embedding-3-large"),
+ embedding_dimension: Optional[int] = 3072,
+ llm: Optional[LLMInterface] = OpenAILLM(
+ model_name="gpt-4o",
+ model_params={"response_format": {"type": "json_object"}, "temperature": 0},
+ ),
+ query_llm: Optional[LLMInterface] = OpenAILLM(model_name="gpt-4o", model_params={"temperature": 0}),
+ entities: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+ relations: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+ potential_schema: Optional[List[tuple[str, str, str]]] = None,
+ ):
+ """Initialize a Neo4j graph query engine.
+ Args:
+ host (str): Neo4j host URL.
+ port (int): Neo4j port.
+ username (str): Neo4j username.
+ password (str): Neo4j password.
+ embeddings (Embedder): Embedding model to embed chunk data and retrieve answers.
+ embedding_dimension (int): Dimension of the embeddings for the model.
+ llm (LLMInterface): Language model for creating the knowledge graph (returns JSON responses).
+ query_llm (LLMInterface): Language model for querying the knowledge graph.
+ entities (List[str], optional): Custom entities for guiding graph construction.
+ relations (List[str], optional): Custom relations for guiding graph construction.
+ potential_schema (List[tuple[str, str, str]], optional):
+ Schema (triplets, i.e., [entity] -> [relationship] -> [entity]) to guide graph construction.
+ """
+ self.uri = f"{host}:{port}"
+ self.driver = GraphDatabase.driver(self.uri, auth=(username, password))
+ self.embeddings = embeddings
+ self.embedding_dimension = embedding_dimension
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.query_llm = query_llm
+ self.entities = entities
+ self.relations = relations
+ self.potential_schema = potential_schema
+ def init_db(self, input_doc: Union[list[Document], None] = None):
+ """Initialize the Neo4j graph database using the provided input doc.
+ Currently this method only supports single document input (only reads the first doc).
+ This method supports both text and PDF documents. It performs the following steps:
+ 1. Clears the existing database.
+ 2. Extracts graph nodes and relationships from the input data to build a knowledge graph.
+ 3. Creates a vector index for efficient retrieval.
+ Args:
+ input_doc (list[Document]): Input documents for building the graph.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If the input document is not provided or its type is unsupported.
+ """
+ if input_doc is None or len(input_doc) == 0:
+ raise ValueError("Input document is required to initialize the database.")
+ elif len(input_doc) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("Only the first document will be used to initialize the database.")
+ logger.info("Clearing the database...")
+ self._clear_db()
+ self._initialize_kg_builders()
+ self._build_graph(input_doc)
+ self.index_name = "vector-index-name"
+ logger.info(f"Creating vector index '{self.index_name}'...")
+ self._create_index(self.index_name)
+ def add_records(self, new_records: list[Document]) -> bool:
+ """Add new records to the Neo4j database.
+ Args:
+ new_records (list[Document]): List of new Documents to be added
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if records were added successfully, False otherwise.
+ """
+ for record in new_records:
+ if not isinstance(record, Document):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid record type. Expected Document.")
+ self._build_graph(new_records)
+ return True
+ def query(self, question: str, n_results: int = 1, **kwargs) -> GraphStoreQueryResult:
+ """Query the Neo4j database using a natural language question.
+ Args:
+ question (str): The question to be answered by querying the graph.
+ Returns:
+ GraphStoreQueryResult: The result of the query.
+ """
+ self.retriever = VectorRetriever(
+ driver=self.driver,
+ index_name=self.index_name,
+ embedder=self.embeddings,
+ )
+ rag = GraphRAG(retriever=self.retriever, llm=self.query_llm)
+ result = rag.search(query_text=question, retriever_config={"top_k": 5})
+ return GraphStoreQueryResult(answer=result.answer)
+ def _create_index(self, name: str):
+ """Create a vector index for the Neo4j knowledge graph.
+ Args:
+ name (str): Name of the vector index to create.
+ """
+ logger.info(f"Creating vector index '{name}'...")
+ create_vector_index(
+ self.driver,
+ name=name,
+ label="Chunk",
+ embedding_property="embedding",
+ dimensions=self.embedding_dimension,
+ similarity_fn="euclidean",
+ )
+ logger.info(f"Vector index '{name}' created successfully.")
+ def _clear_db(self):
+ """Clear all nodes and relationships from the Neo4j database."""
+ logger.info("Clearing all nodes and relationships in the database...")
+ self.driver.execute_query("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;")
+ logger.info("Database cleared successfully.")
+ def _initialize_kg_builders(self):
+ """Initialize the knowledge graph builders"""
+ logger.info("Initializing the knowledge graph builders...")
+ self.text_kg_builder = SimpleKGPipeline(
+ driver=self.driver,
+ embedder=self.embeddings,
+ llm=self.llm,
+ entities=self.entities,
+ relations=self.relations,
+ potential_schema=self.potential_schema,
+ on_error="IGNORE",
+ from_pdf=False,
+ )
+ self.pdf_kg_builder = SimpleKGPipeline(
+ driver=self.driver,
+ embedder=self.embeddings,
+ llm=self.llm,
+ entities=self.entities,
+ relations=self.relations,
+ potential_schema=self.potential_schema,
+ on_error="IGNORE",
+ from_pdf=True,
+ )
+ def _build_graph(self, input_doc: List[Document]) -> None:
+ """Build the knowledge graph using the provided input documents.
+ Args:
+ input_doc (List[Document]): List of input documents for building the graph.
+ """
+ logger.info("Building the knowledge graph...")
+ for doc in input_doc:
+ if doc.doctype == DocumentType.TEXT:
+ with open(doc.path_or_url, "r") as file:
+ text = file.read()
+ asyncio.run(self.text_kg_builder.run_async(text=text))
+ elif doc.doctype == DocumentType.PDF:
+ asyncio.run(self.pdf_kg_builder.run_async(file_path=doc.path_or_url))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported document type: {doc.doctype}")
+ logger.info("Knowledge graph built successfully.")
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_native_graph_rag_capability.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_native_graph_rag_capability.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31175f0a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/neo4j_native_graph_rag_capability.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023 - 2025, Owners of https://github.com/ag2ai
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
+from autogen import Agent, ConversableAgent
+from .graph_query_engine import GraphStoreQueryResult
+from .graph_rag_capability import GraphRagCapability
+from .neo4j_native_graph_query_engine import Neo4jNativeGraphQueryEngine
+class Neo4jNativeGraphCapability(GraphRagCapability):
+ """The Neo4j native graph capability integrates Neo4j native query engine into a graph rag agent.
+ For usage, please refer to example notebook/agentchat_graph_rag_neo4j_native.ipynb
+ """
+ def __init__(self, query_engine: Neo4jNativeGraphQueryEngine):
+ """Initialize GraphRAG capability with a neo4j native graph query engine"""
+ self.query_engine = query_engine
+ def add_to_agent(self, agent: ConversableAgent):
+ """Add native Neo4j GraphRAG capability to a ConversableAgent.
+ llm_config of the agent must be None/False (default) to make sure the returned message only contains information retrieved from the graph DB instead of any LLMs.
+ """
+ self.graph_rag_agent = agent
+ # Validate the agent config
+ if agent.llm_config not in (None, False):
+ raise Exception(
+ "Agents with GraphRAG capabilities do not use an LLM configuration. Please set your llm_config to None or False."
+ )
+ # Register method to generate the reply using a Neo4j query
+ # All other reply methods will be removed
+ agent.register_reply(
+ [ConversableAgent, None], self._reply_using_native_neo4j_query, position=0, remove_other_reply_funcs=True
+ )
+ def _reply_using_native_neo4j_query(
+ self,
+ recipient: ConversableAgent,
+ messages: Optional[list[dict]] = None,
+ sender: Optional[Agent] = None,
+ config: Optional[Any] = None,
+ ) -> tuple[bool, Union[str, dict, None]]:
+ """Query Neo4j and return the message. Internally, it uses the Neo4jNativeGraphQueryEngine to query the graph.
+ The agent's system message will be incorporated into the query, if it's not blank.
+ If no results are found, a default message is returned: "I'm sorry, I don't have an answer for that."
+ Args:
+ recipient: The agent instance that will receive the message.
+ messages: A list of messages in the conversation history with the sender.
+ sender: The agent instance that sent the message.
+ config: Optional configuration for message processing.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple containing a boolean indicating success and the assistant's reply.
+ """
+ question = self._messages_summary(messages, recipient.system_message)
+ result: GraphStoreQueryResult = self.query_engine.query(question)
+ return True, result.answer if result.answer else "I'm sorry, I don't have an answer for that."
+ def _messages_summary(self, messages: Union[dict, str], system_message: str) -> str:
+ """Summarize the messages in the conversation history. Excluding any message with 'tool_calls' and 'tool_responses'
+ Includes the 'name' (if it exists) and the 'content', with a new line between each one, like:
+ customer:
+ agent:
+ """
+ if isinstance(messages, str):
+ if system_message:
+ summary = f"IMPORTANT: {system_message}\nContext:\n\n{messages}"
+ else:
+ return messages
+ elif isinstance(messages, list):
+ summary = ""
+ for message in messages:
+ if "content" in message and "tool_calls" not in message and "tool_responses" not in message:
+ summary += f"{message.get('name', '')}: {message.get('content', '')}\n\n"
+ if system_message:
+ summary = f"IMPORTANT: {system_message}\nContext:\n\n{summary}"
+ return summary
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid messages format. Must be a list of messages or a string.")
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/img_utils.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/img_utils.py
index f6f4747a2f..7dcd52f532 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/img_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/img_utils.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
import re
from io import BytesIO
from math import ceil
-from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Union
import requests
from PIL import Image
@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@
def get_pil_image(image_file: Union[str, Image.Image]) -> Image.Image:
- """
- Loads an image from a file and returns a PIL Image object.
+ """Loads an image from a file and returns a PIL Image object.
image_file (str, or Image): The filename, URL, URI, or base64 string of the image file.
@@ -77,8 +76,7 @@ def get_pil_image(image_file: Union[str, Image.Image]) -> Image.Image:
def get_image_data(image_file: Union[str, Image.Image], use_b64=True) -> bytes:
- """
- Loads an image and returns its data either as raw bytes or in base64-encoded format.
+ """Loads an image and returns its data either as raw bytes or in base64-encoded format.
This function first loads an image from the specified file, URL, or base64 string using
the `get_pil_image` function. It then saves this image in memory in PNG format and
@@ -108,8 +106,7 @@ def get_image_data(image_file: Union[str, Image.Image], use_b64=True) -> bytes:
def llava_formatter(prompt: str, order_image_tokens: bool = False) -> tuple[str, list[str]]:
- """
- Formats the input prompt by replacing image tags and returns the new prompt along with image locations.
+ """Formats the input prompt by replacing image tags and returns the new prompt along with image locations.
- prompt (str): The input string that may contain image tags like ` `.
@@ -119,7 +116,6 @@ def llava_formatter(prompt: str, order_image_tokens: bool = False) -> tuple[str,
- Tuple[str, List[str]]: A tuple containing the formatted string and a list of images (loaded in b64 format).
# Initialize variables
new_prompt = prompt
image_locations = []
@@ -154,8 +150,7 @@ def llava_formatter(prompt: str, order_image_tokens: bool = False) -> tuple[str,
def pil_to_data_uri(image: Image.Image) -> str:
- """
- Converts a PIL Image object to a data URI.
+ """Converts a PIL Image object to a data URI.
image (Image.Image): The PIL Image object.
@@ -190,8 +185,7 @@ def _get_mime_type_from_data_uri(base64_image):
def gpt4v_formatter(prompt: str, img_format: str = "uri") -> list[Union[str, dict]]:
- """
- Formats the input prompt by replacing image tags and returns a list of text and images.
+ """Formats the input prompt by replacing image tags and returns a list of text and images.
- prompt (str): The input string that may contain image tags like ` `.
@@ -239,8 +233,7 @@ def gpt4v_formatter(prompt: str, img_format: str = "uri") -> list[Union[str, dic
def extract_img_paths(paragraph: str) -> list:
- """
- Extract image paths (URLs or local paths) from a text paragraph.
+ """Extract image paths (URLs or local paths) from a text paragraph.
paragraph (str): The input text paragraph.
@@ -259,8 +252,7 @@ def extract_img_paths(paragraph: str) -> list:
def _to_pil(data: str) -> Image.Image:
- """
- Converts a base64 encoded image data string to a PIL Image object.
+ """Converts a base64 encoded image data string to a PIL Image object.
This function first decodes the base64 encoded string to bytes, then creates a BytesIO object from the bytes,
and finally creates and returns a PIL Image object from the BytesIO object.
@@ -275,8 +267,7 @@ def _to_pil(data: str) -> Image.Image:
def message_formatter_pil_to_b64(messages: list[dict]) -> list[dict]:
- """
- Converts the PIL image URLs in the messages to base64 encoded data URIs.
+ """Converts the PIL image URLs in the messages to base64 encoded data URIs.
This function iterates over a list of message dictionaries. For each message,
if it contains a 'content' key with a list of items, it looks for items
@@ -333,8 +324,7 @@ def message_formatter_pil_to_b64(messages: list[dict]) -> list[dict]:
def num_tokens_from_gpt_image(
image_data: Union[str, Image.Image], model: str = "gpt-4-vision", low_quality: bool = False
) -> int:
- """
- Calculate the number of tokens required to process an image based on its dimensions
+ """Calculate the number of tokens required to process an image based on its dimensions
after scaling for different GPT models. Supports "gpt-4-vision", "gpt-4o", and "gpt-4o-mini".
This function scales the image so that its longest edge is at most 2048 pixels and its shortest
edge is at most 768 pixels (for "gpt-4-vision"). It then calculates the number of 512x512 tiles
@@ -353,11 +343,10 @@ def num_tokens_from_gpt_image(
>>> from PIL import Image
- >>> img = Image.new('RGB', (2500, 2500), color = 'red')
+ >>> img = Image.new("RGB", (2500, 2500), color="red")
>>> num_tokens_from_gpt_image(img, model="gpt-4-vision")
image = get_pil_image(image_data) # PIL Image
width, height = image.size
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/llamaindex_conversable_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/llamaindex_conversable_agent.py
index a9973f39e3..a3863192fc 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/llamaindex_conversable_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/llamaindex_conversable_agent.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Optional, Union
from autogen import OpenAIWrapper
from autogen.agentchat import Agent, ConversableAgent
@@ -48,17 +48,15 @@ def __init__(
description: Optional[str] = None,
+ """Args:
+ name (str): agent name.
+ llama_index_agent (AgentRunner): llama index agent.
+ Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
+ description (str): a short description of the agent. This description is used by other agents
+ (e.g. the GroupChatManager) to decide when to call upon this agent.
+ **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
+ [ConversableAgent](../conversable_agent#init).
- Args:
- name (str): agent name.
- llama_index_agent (AgentRunner): llama index agent.
- Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
- description (str): a short description of the agent. This description is used by other agents
- (e.g. the GroupChatManager) to decide when to call upon this agent.
- **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
- [ConversableAgent](../conversable_agent#init).
- """
if llama_index_agent is None:
raise ValueError("llama_index_agent must be provided")
@@ -87,9 +85,9 @@ def _generate_oai_reply(
"""Generate a reply using autogen.oai."""
user_message, history = self._extract_message_and_history(messages=messages, sender=sender)
- chatResponse: AgentChatResponse = self._llama_index_agent.chat(message=user_message, chat_history=history)
+ chat_response: AgentChatResponse = self._llama_index_agent.chat(message=user_message, chat_history=history)
- extracted_response = chatResponse.response
+ extracted_response = chat_response.response
return (True, extracted_response)
@@ -102,11 +100,11 @@ async def _a_generate_oai_reply(
"""Generate a reply using autogen.oai."""
user_message, history = self._extract_message_and_history(messages=messages, sender=sender)
- chatResponse: AgentChatResponse = await self._llama_index_agent.achat(
+ chat_response: AgentChatResponse = await self._llama_index_agent.achat(
message=user_message, chat_history=history
- extracted_response = chatResponse.response
+ extracted_response = chat_response.response
return (True, extracted_response)
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/llava_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/llava_agent.py
index 05deb63678..5f1dec12e0 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/llava_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/llava_agent.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import json
import logging
-from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import Optional
import replicate
import requests
@@ -34,13 +34,12 @@ def __init__(
- """
- Args:
- name (str): agent name.
- system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
- Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
- **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
- [ConversableAgent](../conversable_agent#init).
+ """Args:
+ name (str): agent name.
+ system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
+ Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
+ **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
+ [ConversableAgent](../conversable_agent#init).
@@ -156,10 +155,7 @@ def llava_call_binary(
def llava_call(prompt: str, llm_config: dict) -> str:
- """
- Makes a call to the LLaVA service to generate text based on a given prompt
- """
+ """Makes a call to the LLaVA service to generate text based on a given prompt"""
prompt, images = llava_formatter(prompt, order_image_tokens=False)
for im in images:
@@ -172,5 +168,5 @@ def llava_call(prompt: str, llm_config: dict) -> str:
max_new_tokens=llm_config.get("max_new_tokens", 2000),
temperature=llm_config.get("temperature", 0.5),
- seed=llm_config.get("seed", None),
+ seed=llm_config.get("seed"),
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/math_user_proxy_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/math_user_proxy_agent.py
index c0851f4d29..c3f0e1f9f5 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/math_user_proxy_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/math_user_proxy_agent.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import os
import re
from time import sleep
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, root_validator
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def _add_print_to_last_line(code):
def _remove_print(code):
- """remove all print statements from a string."""
+ """Remove all print statements from a string."""
lines = code.splitlines()
lines = [line for line in lines if not line.startswith("print(")]
return "\n".join(lines)
@@ -147,23 +147,22 @@ def __init__(
max_invalid_q_per_step=3, # a parameter needed in MathChat
- """
- Args:
- name (str): name of the agent
- is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
- The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
- human_input_mode (str): whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.
- Possible values are "ALWAYS", "TERMINATE", "NEVER".
- (1) When "ALWAYS", the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received.
- Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is "exit",
- or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input.
- (2) When "TERMINATE", the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or
- the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply.
- (3) (Default) When "NEVER", the agent will never prompt for human input. Under this mode, the conversation stops
- when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True.
- default_auto_reply (str or dict or None): the default auto reply message when no code execution or llm based reply is generated.
- max_invalid_q_per_step (int): (ADDED) the maximum number of invalid queries per step.
- **kwargs (dict): other kwargs in [UserProxyAgent](../user_proxy_agent#init).
+ """Args:
+ name (str): name of the agent
+ is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
+ The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
+ human_input_mode (str): whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.
+ Possible values are "ALWAYS", "TERMINATE", "NEVER".
+ (1) When "ALWAYS", the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received.
+ Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is "exit",
+ or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input.
+ (2) When "TERMINATE", the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or
+ the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply.
+ (3) (Default) When "NEVER", the agent will never prompt for human input. Under this mode, the conversation stops
+ when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True.
+ default_auto_reply (str or dict or None): the default auto reply message when no code execution or llm based reply is generated.
+ max_invalid_q_per_step (int): (ADDED) the maximum number of invalid queries per step.
+ **kwargs (dict): other kwargs in [UserProxyAgent](../user_proxy_agent#init).
@@ -366,9 +365,9 @@ def _generate_math_reply(
def get_from_dict_or_env(data: dict[str, Any], key: str, env_key: str, default: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
"""Get a value from a dictionary or an environment variable."""
- if key in data and data[key]:
+ if data.get(key):
return data[key]
- elif env_key in os.environ and os.environ[env_key]:
+ elif os.environ.get(env_key):
return os.environ[env_key]
elif default is not None:
return default
@@ -402,6 +401,7 @@ class Config:
extra = Extra.forbid
+ @classmethod
def validate_environment(cls, values: dict) -> dict:
"""Validate that api key and python package exists in environment."""
wolfram_alpha_appid = get_from_dict_or_env(values, "wolfram_alpha_appid", "WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APPID")
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/multimodal_conversable_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/multimodal_conversable_agent.py
index d44b8060ba..c41019f8eb 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/multimodal_conversable_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/multimodal_conversable_agent.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import copy
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Optional, Union
from autogen import OpenAIWrapper
from autogen.agentchat import Agent, ConversableAgent
@@ -34,13 +34,12 @@ def __init__(
- """
- Args:
- name (str): agent name.
- system_message (str): system message for the OpenAIWrapper inference.
- Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
- **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
- [ConversableAgent](../conversable_agent#init).
+ """Args:
+ name (str): agent name.
+ system_message (str): system message for the OpenAIWrapper inference.
+ Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.
+ **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
+ [ConversableAgent](../conversable_agent#init).
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/qdrant_retrieve_user_proxy_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/qdrant_retrieve_user_proxy_agent.py
index def83d5f82..ca86f80305 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/qdrant_retrieve_user_proxy_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/qdrant_retrieve_user_proxy_agent.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import warnings
-from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional
+from typing import Callable, Literal, Optional
from autogen.agentchat.contrib.retrieve_user_proxy_agent import RetrieveUserProxyAgent
from autogen.agentchat.contrib.vectordb.utils import (
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
logger = get_logger(__name__)
- import fastembed
+ import fastembed # noqa: F401
from qdrant_client import QdrantClient, models
from qdrant_client.fastembed_common import QueryResponse
except ImportError as e:
@@ -35,69 +35,68 @@ def __init__(
retrieve_config: Optional[dict] = None, # config for the retrieve agent
- """
- Args:
- name (str): name of the agent.
- human_input_mode (str): whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.
- Possible values are "ALWAYS", "TERMINATE", "NEVER".
- 1. When "ALWAYS", the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received.
- Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is "exit",
- or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input.
- 2. When "TERMINATE", the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or
- the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply.
- 3. When "NEVER", the agent will never prompt for human input. Under this mode, the conversation stops
- when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True.
- is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
- and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
- The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
- retrieve_config (dict or None): config for the retrieve agent.
- To use default config, set to None. Otherwise, set to a dictionary with the following keys:
- - task (Optional, str): the task of the retrieve chat. Possible values are "code", "qa" and "default". System
- prompt will be different for different tasks. The default value is `default`, which supports both code and qa.
- - client (Optional, qdrant_client.QdrantClient(":memory:")): A QdrantClient instance. If not provided, an in-memory instance will be assigned. Not recommended for production.
- will be used. If you want to use other vector db, extend this class and override the `retrieve_docs` function.
- - docs_path (Optional, Union[str, List[str]]): the path to the docs directory. It can also be the path to a single file,
- the url to a single file or a list of directories, files and urls. Default is None, which works only if the collection is already created.
- - extra_docs (Optional, bool): when true, allows adding documents with unique IDs without overwriting existing ones; when false, it replaces existing documents using default IDs, risking collection overwrite.,
- when set to true it enables the system to assign unique IDs starting from "length+i" for new document chunks, preventing the replacement of existing documents and facilitating the addition of more content to the collection..
- By default, "extra_docs" is set to false, starting document IDs from zero. This poses a risk as new documents might overwrite existing ones, potentially causing unintended loss or alteration of data in the collection.
- - collection_name (Optional, str): the name of the collection.
- If key not provided, a default name `autogen-docs` will be used.
- - model (Optional, str): the model to use for the retrieve chat.
- If key not provided, a default model `gpt-4` will be used.
- - chunk_token_size (Optional, int): the chunk token size for the retrieve chat.
- If key not provided, a default size `max_tokens * 0.4` will be used.
- - context_max_tokens (Optional, int): the context max token size for the retrieve chat.
- If key not provided, a default size `max_tokens * 0.8` will be used.
- - chunk_mode (Optional, str): the chunk mode for the retrieve chat. Possible values are
- "multi_lines" and "one_line". If key not provided, a default mode `multi_lines` will be used.
- - must_break_at_empty_line (Optional, bool): chunk will only break at empty line if True. Default is True.
- If chunk_mode is "one_line", this parameter will be ignored.
- - embedding_model (Optional, str): the embedding model to use for the retrieve chat.
- If key not provided, a default model `BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5` will be used. All available models
- can be found at `https://qdrant.github.io/fastembed/examples/Supported_Models/`.
- - customized_prompt (Optional, str): the customized prompt for the retrieve chat. Default is None.
- - customized_answer_prefix (Optional, str): the customized answer prefix for the retrieve chat. Default is "".
- If not "" and the customized_answer_prefix is not in the answer, `Update Context` will be triggered.
- - update_context (Optional, bool): if False, will not apply `Update Context` for interactive retrieval. Default is True.
- - custom_token_count_function (Optional, Callable): a custom function to count the number of tokens in a string.
- The function should take a string as input and return three integers (token_count, tokens_per_message, tokens_per_name).
- Default is None, tiktoken will be used and may not be accurate for non-OpenAI models.
- - custom_text_split_function (Optional, Callable): a custom function to split a string into a list of strings.
- Default is None, will use the default function in `autogen.retrieve_utils.split_text_to_chunks`.
- - custom_text_types (Optional, List[str]): a list of file types to be processed. Default is `autogen.retrieve_utils.TEXT_FORMATS`.
- This only applies to files under the directories in `docs_path`. Explicitly included files and urls will be chunked regardless of their types.
- - recursive (Optional, bool): whether to search documents recursively in the docs_path. Default is True.
- - parallel (Optional, int): How many parallel workers to use for embedding. Defaults to the number of CPU cores.
- - on_disk (Optional, bool): Whether to store the collection on disk. Default is False.
- - quantization_config: Quantization configuration. If None, quantization will be disabled.
- - hnsw_config: HNSW configuration. If None, default configuration will be used.
- You can find more info about the hnsw configuration options at https://qdrant.tech/documentation/concepts/indexing/#vector-index.
- API Reference: https://qdrant.github.io/qdrant/redoc/index.html#tag/collections/operation/create_collection
- - payload_indexing: Whether to create a payload index for the document field. Default is False.
- You can find more info about the payload indexing options at https://qdrant.tech/documentation/concepts/indexing/#payload-index
- API Reference: https://qdrant.github.io/qdrant/redoc/index.html#tag/collections/operation/create_field_index
- **kwargs (dict): other kwargs in [UserProxyAgent](../user_proxy_agent#init).
+ """Args:
+ name (str): name of the agent.
+ human_input_mode (str): whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.
+ Possible values are "ALWAYS", "TERMINATE", "NEVER".
+ 1. When "ALWAYS", the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received.
+ Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is "exit",
+ or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input.
+ 2. When "TERMINATE", the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or
+ the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply.
+ 3. When "NEVER", the agent will never prompt for human input. Under this mode, the conversation stops
+ when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True.
+ is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
+ and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
+ The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
+ retrieve_config (dict or None): config for the retrieve agent.
+ To use default config, set to None. Otherwise, set to a dictionary with the following keys:
+ - task (Optional, str): the task of the retrieve chat. Possible values are "code", "qa" and "default". System
+ prompt will be different for different tasks. The default value is `default`, which supports both code and qa.
+ - client (Optional, qdrant_client.QdrantClient(":memory:")): A QdrantClient instance. If not provided, an in-memory instance will be assigned. Not recommended for production.
+ will be used. If you want to use other vector db, extend this class and override the `retrieve_docs` function.
+ - docs_path (Optional, Union[str, List[str]]): the path to the docs directory. It can also be the path to a single file,
+ the url to a single file or a list of directories, files and urls. Default is None, which works only if the collection is already created.
+ - extra_docs (Optional, bool): when true, allows adding documents with unique IDs without overwriting existing ones; when false, it replaces existing documents using default IDs, risking collection overwrite.,
+ when set to true it enables the system to assign unique IDs starting from "length+i" for new document chunks, preventing the replacement of existing documents and facilitating the addition of more content to the collection..
+ By default, "extra_docs" is set to false, starting document IDs from zero. This poses a risk as new documents might overwrite existing ones, potentially causing unintended loss or alteration of data in the collection.
+ - collection_name (Optional, str): the name of the collection.
+ If key not provided, a default name `autogen-docs` will be used.
+ - model (Optional, str): the model to use for the retrieve chat.
+ If key not provided, a default model `gpt-4` will be used.
+ - chunk_token_size (Optional, int): the chunk token size for the retrieve chat.
+ If key not provided, a default size `max_tokens * 0.4` will be used.
+ - context_max_tokens (Optional, int): the context max token size for the retrieve chat.
+ If key not provided, a default size `max_tokens * 0.8` will be used.
+ - chunk_mode (Optional, str): the chunk mode for the retrieve chat. Possible values are
+ "multi_lines" and "one_line". If key not provided, a default mode `multi_lines` will be used.
+ - must_break_at_empty_line (Optional, bool): chunk will only break at empty line if True. Default is True.
+ If chunk_mode is "one_line", this parameter will be ignored.
+ - embedding_model (Optional, str): the embedding model to use for the retrieve chat.
+ If key not provided, a default model `BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5` will be used. All available models
+ can be found at `https://qdrant.github.io/fastembed/examples/Supported_Models/`.
+ - customized_prompt (Optional, str): the customized prompt for the retrieve chat. Default is None.
+ - customized_answer_prefix (Optional, str): the customized answer prefix for the retrieve chat. Default is "".
+ If not "" and the customized_answer_prefix is not in the answer, `Update Context` will be triggered.
+ - update_context (Optional, bool): if False, will not apply `Update Context` for interactive retrieval. Default is True.
+ - custom_token_count_function (Optional, Callable): a custom function to count the number of tokens in a string.
+ The function should take a string as input and return three integers (token_count, tokens_per_message, tokens_per_name).
+ Default is None, tiktoken will be used and may not be accurate for non-OpenAI models.
+ - custom_text_split_function (Optional, Callable): a custom function to split a string into a list of strings.
+ Default is None, will use the default function in `autogen.retrieve_utils.split_text_to_chunks`.
+ - custom_text_types (Optional, List[str]): a list of file types to be processed. Default is `autogen.retrieve_utils.TEXT_FORMATS`.
+ This only applies to files under the directories in `docs_path`. Explicitly included files and urls will be chunked regardless of their types.
+ - recursive (Optional, bool): whether to search documents recursively in the docs_path. Default is True.
+ - parallel (Optional, int): How many parallel workers to use for embedding. Defaults to the number of CPU cores.
+ - on_disk (Optional, bool): Whether to store the collection on disk. Default is False.
+ - quantization_config: Quantization configuration. If None, quantization will be disabled.
+ - hnsw_config: HNSW configuration. If None, default configuration will be used.
+ You can find more info about the hnsw configuration options at https://qdrant.tech/documentation/concepts/indexing/#vector-index.
+ API Reference: https://qdrant.github.io/qdrant/redoc/index.html#tag/collections/operation/create_collection
+ - payload_indexing: Whether to create a payload index for the document field. Default is False.
+ You can find more info about the payload indexing options at https://qdrant.tech/documentation/concepts/indexing/#payload-index
+ API Reference: https://qdrant.github.io/qdrant/redoc/index.html#tag/collections/operation/create_field_index
+ **kwargs (dict): other kwargs in [UserProxyAgent](../user_proxy_agent#init).
@@ -116,11 +115,10 @@ def __init__(
self._payload_indexing = self._retrieve_config.get("payload_indexing", False)
def retrieve_docs(self, problem: str, n_results: int = 20, search_string: str = ""):
- """
- Args:
- problem (str): the problem to be solved.
- n_results (int): the number of results to be retrieved. Default is 20.
- search_string (str): only docs that contain an exact match of this string will be retrieved. Default is "".
+ """Args:
+ problem (str): the problem to be solved.
+ n_results (int): the number of results to be retrieved. Default is 20.
+ search_string (str): only docs that contain an exact match of this string will be retrieved. Default is "".
if not self._collection:
print("Trying to create collection.")
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/reasoning_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/reasoning_agent.py
index 2224d9f315..58124d8ccf 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/reasoning_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/reasoning_agent.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import random
import re
import warnings
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Optional
from ..agent import Agent
from ..assistant_agent import AssistantAgent
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- Reply a single word 'TERMINATE' as an option if you believe the user's question is fully resolved.
- Provide a brief description for each option.
- Present your output in the specified format.
+- If the question is a multi-choice question, you should carefully eliminate obviously wrong choices, look for contextual clues in the question, and use logical reasoning to select the most plausible answer.
@@ -42,7 +43,6 @@
class ThinkNode:
def __init__(self, content: str, parent: Optional["ThinkNode"] = None) -> None:
"""A node in a tree structure representing a step in the reasoning process.
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def __init__(self, content: str, parent: Optional["ThinkNode"] = None) -> None:
def _trajectory_arr(self) -> list[str]:
- """Get the full path from root to this node as a list of strings.
+ """Gets the full path from root to this node as a list of strings.
List[str]: List containing the content of each node from root to current node
@@ -104,8 +104,12 @@ def trajectory(self) -> str:
ans += f"\nStep {i + 1}: {option}"
return ans
- def backpropagate(self, reward: float):
- """Update the score of this node and its parents using moving average."""
+ def backpropagate(self, reward: float) -> None:
+ """Update the score of this node and its parents using moving average.
+ Args:
+ reward (float): The reward to backpropagate up the tree.
+ """
node = self
while node:
node.visits += 1
@@ -160,8 +164,10 @@ def from_dict(cls, data: dict, parent: Optional["ThinkNode"] = None) -> "ThinkNo
def visualize_tree(root: ThinkNode) -> None:
- """
- Visualize the tree of thoughts using graphviz.
+ """Visualize the tree of thoughts using graphviz.
+ Args:
+ root (ThinkNode): The root node of the tree.
from graphviz import Digraph
@@ -196,16 +202,14 @@ def add_nodes(node: ThinkNode, node_id: str = "0"):
print("Make sure graphviz is installed on your system: https://graphviz.org/download/")
-def extract_sft_dataset(root):
- """
- Extract the best trajectory or multiple equally good trajectories
- for SFT training.
+def extract_sft_dataset(root: ThinkNode) -> list[dict]:
+ """Extract the best trajectory or multiple equally good trajectories for SFT training.
- root: The root node of the tree.
+ root (ThinkNonde): The root node of the tree.
- List of best trajectories, where each trajectory is a pair of instruction and response.
+ List[Dict]: List of best trajectories, each one is a pair of instruction and response.
instruction = root.content
idx = len("# Question: ") + len(root.content) + 1
@@ -234,17 +238,16 @@ def _find_leaf_nodes(node):
return best_trajectories
-def extract_rlhf_preference_dataset(root, contrastive_threshold=0.2):
- """
- Extract and generate preference pairs for RLHF training by comparing sibling nodes.
+def extract_rlhf_preference_dataset(root: ThinkNode, contrastive_threshold: float = 0.2) -> list[dict]:
+ """Extract and generate preference pairs for RLHF training by comparing sibling nodes.
- root: The root node of the tree.
- contrastive_threshold (float): between (0, 1), a distance measure that we are confidence to call
+ root (ThinkNode): The root node of the tree.
+ contrastive_threshold (float): between (0, 1), a distance measure that we are confident to call
one is positive and another is negative.
- A list of preference pairs, where each pair contains two responses and
+ List[Dict]: List of preference pairs, where each pair contains two responses and
indicates which one is preferred.
preference_pairs = []
@@ -252,7 +255,7 @@ def extract_rlhf_preference_dataset(root, contrastive_threshold=0.2):
assert contrastive_threshold > 0
assert contrastive_threshold < 1
- def traverse_tree(node):
+ def traverse_tree(node) -> None:
"""Traverse the tree to compare sibling nodes and collect preferences."""
if not node.children:
return # Leaf node, no comparisons needed
@@ -296,22 +299,22 @@ def traverse_tree(node):
class ReasoningAgent(AssistantAgent):
def __init__(
- name,
- llm_config,
- grader_llm_config=None,
- max_depth=4,
- beam_size=3,
- answer_approach="pool",
- verbose=True,
+ name: str,
+ llm_config: dict,
+ grader_llm_config: Optional[dict] = None,
+ max_depth: int = 4,
+ beam_size: int = 3,
+ answer_approach: str = "pool",
+ verbose: bool = True,
reason_config: dict = {},
) -> None:
"""Initialize a ReasoningAgent that uses tree-of-thought reasoning.
- name: Name of the agent
- llm_config: Configuration for the language model
- grader_llm_config: Optional separate configuration for the grader model. If not provided, uses llm_config
+ name (str): Name of the agent
+ llm_config(dict): Configuration for the language model
+ grader_llm_config(Optional[dict]): Optional separate configuration for the grader model. If not provided, uses llm_config
max_depth (int): Maximum depth of the reasoning tree
beam_size (int): DEPRECATED. Number of parallel reasoning paths to maintain
answer_approach (str): DEPRECATED. Either "pool" or "best" - how to generate final answer
@@ -383,14 +386,15 @@ def __init__(
self._grader = AssistantAgent(name="tot_grader", llm_config=self._grader_llm_config)
- def generate_forest_response(self, messages, sender, config=None):
- """
- Generate a response using tree-of-thought reasoning.
+ def generate_forest_response(
+ self, messages: list[dict], sender: Agent, config: Optional[dict] = None
+ ) -> tuple[bool, str]:
+ """Generate a response using tree-of-thought reasoning.
- messages: Input messages to respond to
- sender: Agent sending the messages
- config: Optional configuration
+ messages (List[Dict[str, Any]]): Input messages to respond to
+ sender (Agent): Agent sending the messages
+ config (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Optional configuration
Tuple[bool, str]: Success flag and generated response
@@ -428,6 +432,7 @@ def rate_node(self, node: ThinkNode, ground_truth: str = None, is_outcome: bool
node (ThinkNode): Node containing the reasoning trajectory to evaluate
+ ground_truth (str): Optional ground truth to provide to the grader
is_outcome (bool): indicates whether the rating is for an outcome (final answer) or a process (thinking trajectory).
@@ -484,6 +489,7 @@ def rate_node(self, node: ThinkNode, ground_truth: str = None, is_outcome: bool
prompt = f"Rate:\n{node.trajectory}"
+ self._grader.clear_history()
@@ -500,9 +506,8 @@ def rate_node(self, node: ThinkNode, ground_truth: str = None, is_outcome: bool
reward = 0.0 # Default reward if parsing fails
return reward
- def _process_prompt(self, messages, sender):
- """
- Process the incoming messages to extract the prompt and ground truth.
+ def _process_prompt(self, messages: list[dict], sender: Agent) -> tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
+ """Process the incoming messages to extract the prompt and ground truth.
This method checks if the provided messages are None and retrieves the last message's content.
It also looks for a specific keyword "GROUND_TRUTH" in the prompt to separate the main prompt
@@ -510,6 +515,7 @@ def _process_prompt(self, messages, sender):
messages (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of message dictionaries containing the content to process.
+ sender (Agent): The agent sending the messages.
Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: A tuple containing the processed prompt and the ground truth.
@@ -529,19 +535,18 @@ def _process_prompt(self, messages, sender):
ground_truth = None
return prompt, ground_truth
- def _beam_reply(self, prompt, ground_truth=""):
+ def _beam_reply(self, prompt: str, ground_truth: str = "") -> str:
"""Generate a response using tree-of-thought reasoning.
Implements beam search through a tree of reasoning steps, using the thinker
agent to generate possible next steps and the grader agent to evaluate paths.
- messages: Input messages to respond to
- sender: Agent sending the messages
- config: Optional configuration
+ prompt (str): The question or prompt to generate a response for.
+ ground_truth (str): The ground truth or correct answer for evaluation.
- Tuple[bool, str]: Success flag and generated response
+ str: The generated response based on the reasoning process.
root = ThinkNode(content=prompt, parent=None)
self._root = root # save the root node for later visualization
@@ -590,7 +595,7 @@ def _beam_reply(self, prompt, ground_truth=""):
elif self._answer_approach == "pool":
all_thoughts = "\n\n".join(
- [f"--- Possibility {i+1} ---\n{node.trajectory}\n" for i, node in enumerate(final_answers)]
+ [f"--- Possibility {i + 1} ---\n{node.trajectory}\n" for i, node in enumerate(final_answers)]
message=f"Answer the question {prompt}. You can utilize these students' thinking processes.\n\n{all_thoughts}",
@@ -602,7 +607,16 @@ def _beam_reply(self, prompt, ground_truth=""):
final_answer = self.chat_messages[self][-1]["content"].strip()
return final_answer
- def _mtcs_reply(self, prompt, ground_truth=""):
+ def _mtcs_reply(self, prompt: str, ground_truth: str = "") -> str:
+ """Generate a response using Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) reasoning.
+ Args:
+ prompt (str): The question or prompt to generate a response for.
+ ground_truth (str): The ground truth or correct answer for evaluation.
+ Returns:
+ str: The generated response based on the reasoning process.
+ """
root = ThinkNode(content=prompt, parent=None)
self._root = root
answer_nodes = []
@@ -621,7 +635,8 @@ def _mtcs_reply(self, prompt, ground_truth=""):
# More intensive analysis is needed in the future.
choices_weights = [
# exploitation term +
- (child.value / (child.visits + EPSILON)) +
+ (child.value / (child.visits + EPSILON))
+ +
# exploration term
* math.sqrt(2 * math.log(node.visits + EPSILON) / (child.visits + EPSILON))
@@ -633,6 +648,9 @@ def _mtcs_reply(self, prompt, ground_truth=""):
while not self._is_terminal(node):
if len(node.children) == 0:
+ if len(node.children) == 0:
+ node.content += "\nTERMINATE"
+ break
node = random.choice(node.children)
# Add answer (leaf) node and evaluate answer
@@ -658,8 +676,7 @@ def _mtcs_reply(self, prompt, ground_truth=""):
return best_ans_node.content
def _expand(self, node: ThinkNode) -> list:
- """
- Expand the node by generating possible next steps based on the current trajectory.
+ """Expand the node by generating possible next steps based on the current trajectory.
This method sends a message to the thinker agent, asking for possible next steps
that can be taken from the current node's trajectory. It processes the response to
@@ -697,7 +714,15 @@ def _expand(self, node: ThinkNode) -> list:
return [ThinkNode(content=option.strip().rstrip(), parent=node) for option in options]
- def _is_terminal(self, node):
+ def _is_terminal(self, node: ThinkNode) -> bool:
+ """Check if the node is a terminal state in the reasoning process.
+ Args:
+ node (ThinkNode): The node to check for terminal state.
+ Returns:
+ bool: True if the node is terminal, False otherwise.
+ """
return node.depth >= self._max_depth or "TERMINATE" in node.content
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/retrieve_assistant_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/retrieve_assistant_agent.py
index e2e6c0a5cf..75a5c9dff9 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/retrieve_assistant_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/retrieve_assistant_agent.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import warnings
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from autogen.agentchat.agent import Agent
from autogen.agentchat.assistant_agent import AssistantAgent
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/retrieve_user_proxy_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/retrieve_user_proxy_agent.py
index 81d6accd98..26654f4625 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/retrieve_user_proxy_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/retrieve_user_proxy_agent.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import os
import re
import uuid
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, Union
from IPython import get_ipython
@@ -104,8 +104,7 @@ def __init__(
retrieve_config: Optional[dict] = None, # config for the retrieve agent
- r"""
- Args:
+ r"""Args:
name (str): name of the agent.
human_input_mode (str): whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.
@@ -223,7 +222,6 @@ def __init__(
`**kwargs` (dict): other kwargs in [UserProxyAgent](../user_proxy_agent#init).
Example of overriding retrieve_docs - If you have set up a customized vector db, and it's
not compatible with chromadb, you can easily plug in it with below code.
*[Deprecated]* use `vector_db` instead. You can extend VectorDB and pass it to the agent.
@@ -325,16 +323,16 @@ def _init_db(self):
if not self._vector_db:
- IS_TO_CHUNK = False # whether to chunk the raw files
+ is_to_chunk = False # whether to chunk the raw files
if self._new_docs:
- IS_TO_CHUNK = True
+ is_to_chunk = True
if not self._docs_path:
logger.warning(f"`docs_path` is not provided. Use the existing collection `{self._collection_name}`.")
self._overwrite = False
self._get_or_create = True
- IS_TO_CHUNK = False
+ is_to_chunk = False
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"`docs_path` is not provided. "
@@ -346,16 +344,16 @@ def _init_db(self):
logger.info(f"Use the existing collection `{self._collection_name}`.", color="green")
except ValueError:
- IS_TO_CHUNK = True
+ is_to_chunk = True
- IS_TO_CHUNK = True
+ is_to_chunk = True
self._vector_db.active_collection = self._vector_db.create_collection(
self._collection_name, overwrite=self._overwrite, get_or_create=self._get_or_create
docs = None
+ if is_to_chunk:
if self.custom_text_split_function is not None:
chunks, sources = split_files_to_chunks(
get_files_from_dir(self._docs_path, self._custom_text_types, self._recursive),
@@ -380,7 +378,7 @@ def _init_db(self):
chunk_ids = (
[hashlib.blake2b(chunk.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:HASH_LENGTH] for chunk in chunks]
- if not self._vector_db.type == "qdrant"
+ if self._vector_db.type != "qdrant"
else [str(uuid.UUID(hex=hashlib.md5(chunk.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest())) for chunk in chunks]
chunk_ids_set = set(chunk_ids)
@@ -420,7 +418,7 @@ def _check_update_context_before_send(self, sender, message, recipient, silent):
msg_text = message
- if "UPDATE CONTEXT" == msg_text.strip().upper():
+ if msg_text.strip().upper() == "UPDATE CONTEXT":
doc_contents = self._get_context(self._results)
# Always use self.problem as the query text to retrieve docs, but each time we replace the context with the
@@ -655,8 +653,8 @@ def retrieve_docs(self, problem: str, n_results: int = 20, search_string: str =
def message_generator(sender, recipient, context):
- """
- Generate an initial message with the given context for the RetrieveUserProxyAgent.
+ """Generate an initial message with the given context for the RetrieveUserProxyAgent.
sender (Agent): the sender agent. It should be the instance of RetrieveUserProxyAgent.
recipient (Agent): the recipient agent. Usually it's the assistant agent.
@@ -664,6 +662,7 @@ def message_generator(sender, recipient, context):
- `problem` (str) - the problem to be solved.
- `n_results` (int) - the number of results to be retrieved. Default is 20.
- `search_string` (str) - only docs that contain an exact match of this string will be retrieved. Default is "".
str: the generated message ready to be sent to the recipient agent.
@@ -681,7 +680,7 @@ def message_generator(sender, recipient, context):
return message
def run_code(self, code, **kwargs):
- lang = kwargs.get("lang", None)
+ lang = kwargs.get("lang")
if code.startswith("!") or code.startswith("pip") or lang in ["bash", "shell", "sh"]:
return (
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/society_of_mind_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/society_of_mind_agent.py
index fbf2f15cc9..6533974ced 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/society_of_mind_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/society_of_mind_agent.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# ruff: noqa: E722
import copy
import traceback
-from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Callable, Literal, Optional, Union
from autogen import Agent, ConversableAgent, GroupChat, GroupChatManager, OpenAIWrapper
@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ def _llm_response_preparer(self, prompt, messages):
prompt (str): The prompt used to extract the final response from the transcript.
messages (list): The messages generated as part of the inner monologue group chat.
_messages = [
"role": "system",
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/swarm_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/swarm_agent.py
index f7aeeabce1..4c13a49559 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/swarm_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/swarm_agent.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
from pydantic import BaseModel
from autogen.oai import OpenAIWrapper
-from autogen.tools import get_function_schema
from ..agent import Agent
from ..chat import ChatResult
@@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ def __post_init__(self):
self.agent = AfterWorkOption(self.agent.upper())
-class AFTER_WORK(AfterWork):
+class AFTER_WORK(AfterWork): # noqa: N801
"""Deprecated: Use AfterWork instead. This class will be removed in a future version (TBD)."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -116,9 +115,9 @@ class OnCondition:
def __post_init__(self):
# Ensure valid types
if self.target is not None:
- assert isinstance(self.target, ConversableAgent) or isinstance(
- self.target, dict
- ), "'target' must be a ConversableAgent or a dict"
+ assert isinstance(self.target, ConversableAgent) or isinstance(self.target, dict), (
+ "'target' must be a ConversableAgent or a dict"
+ )
# Ensure they have a condition
if isinstance(self.condition, str):
@@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ def __post_init__(self):
assert isinstance(self.available, (Callable, str)), "'available' must be a callable or a string"
-class ON_CONDITION(OnCondition):
+class ON_CONDITION(OnCondition): # noqa: N801
"""Deprecated: Use OnCondition instead. This class will be removed in a future version (TBD)."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -238,7 +237,7 @@ def _create_nested_chats(agent: ConversableAgent, nested_chat_agents: list[Conve
or "summary_from_nested_chats",
- config=nested_chats.get("config", None),
+ config=nested_chats.get("config"),
trigger=lambda sender: True,
use_async=nested_chats.get("use_async", False),
@@ -616,8 +615,7 @@ def custom_afterwork_func(last_speaker: ConversableAgent, messages: List[Dict[st
class SwarmResult(BaseModel):
- """
- Encapsulates the possible return values for a swarm agent function.
+ """Encapsulates the possible return values for a swarm agent function.
values (str): The result values as a string.
@@ -676,12 +674,11 @@ def transfer_to_agent_name() -> ConversableAgent:
for transit in hand_to:
if isinstance(transit, AfterWork):
- assert isinstance(
- transit.agent, (AfterWorkOption, ConversableAgent, str, Callable)
- ), "Invalid After Work value"
+ assert isinstance(transit.agent, (AfterWorkOption, ConversableAgent, str, Callable)), (
+ "Invalid After Work value"
+ )
agent._swarm_after_work = transit
elif isinstance(transit, OnCondition):
if isinstance(transit.target, ConversableAgent):
# Transition to agent
@@ -769,7 +766,6 @@ def _generate_swarm_tool_reply(
message = messages[-1]
if "tool_calls" in message:
tool_call_count = len(message["tool_calls"])
# Loop through tool calls individually (so context can be updated after each function call)
@@ -777,7 +773,6 @@ def _generate_swarm_tool_reply(
tool_responses_inner = []
contents = []
for index in range(tool_call_count):
# Deep copy to ensure no changes to messages when we insert the context variables
message_copy = copy.deepcopy(message)
@@ -794,7 +789,6 @@ def _generate_swarm_tool_reply(
# Inject the context variables into the tool call if it has the parameter
sig = signature(func)
if __CONTEXT_VARIABLES_PARAM_NAME__ in sig.parameters:
current_args = json.loads(tool_call["function"]["arguments"])
current_args[__CONTEXT_VARIABLES_PARAM_NAME__] = agent._context_variables
tool_call["function"]["arguments"] = json.dumps(current_args)
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/text_analyzer_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/text_analyzer_agent.py
index 101ab7b70e..289d5eb2e7 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/text_analyzer_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/text_analyzer_agent.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Literal, Optional, Union
from autogen.agentchat.agent import Agent
from autogen.agentchat.assistant_agent import ConversableAgent
@@ -26,16 +26,15 @@ def __init__(
llm_config: Optional[Union[dict, bool]] = None,
- """
- Args:
- name (str): name of the agent.
- system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
- human_input_mode (str): This agent should NEVER prompt the human for input.
- llm_config (dict or False): llm inference configuration.
- Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create)
- for available options.
- To disable llm-based auto reply, set to False.
- **kwargs (dict): other kwargs in [ConversableAgent](../conversable_agent#init).
+ """Args:
+ name (str): name of the agent.
+ system_message (str): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
+ human_input_mode (str): This agent should NEVER prompt the human for input.
+ llm_config (dict or False): llm inference configuration.
+ Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create)
+ for available options.
+ To disable llm-based auto reply, set to False.
+ **kwargs (dict): other kwargs in [ConversableAgent](../conversable_agent#init).
@@ -54,7 +53,8 @@ def _analyze_in_reply(
) -> tuple[bool, Union[str, dict, None]]:
"""Analyzes the given text as instructed, and returns the analysis as a message.
Assumes exactly two messages containing the text to analyze and the analysis instructions.
- See Teachability.analyze for an example of how to use this method."""
+ See Teachability.analyze for an example of how to use this method.
+ """
if self.llm_config is False:
raise ValueError("TextAnalyzerAgent requires self.llm_config to be set in its base class.")
if messages is None:
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/base.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/base.py
index d2f3e0685d..c52712b895 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/base.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/base.py
@@ -8,10 +8,8 @@
from typing import (
- List,
- Tuple,
@@ -46,8 +44,7 @@ class Document(TypedDict):
class VectorDB(Protocol):
- """
- Abstract class for vector database. A vector database is responsible for storing and retrieving documents.
+ """Abstract class for vector database. A vector database is responsible for storing and retrieving documents.
active_collection: Any | The active collection in the vector database. Make get_collection faster. Default is None.
@@ -71,8 +68,7 @@ class VectorDB(Protocol):
def create_collection(self, collection_name: str, overwrite: bool = False, get_or_create: bool = True) -> Any:
- """
- Create a collection in the vector database.
+ """Create a collection in the vector database.
Case 1. if the collection does not exist, create the collection.
Case 2. the collection exists, if overwrite is True, it will overwrite the collection.
Case 3. the collection exists and overwrite is False, if get_or_create is True, it will get the collection,
@@ -89,8 +85,7 @@ def create_collection(self, collection_name: str, overwrite: bool = False, get_o
def get_collection(self, collection_name: str = None) -> Any:
- """
- Get the collection from the vector database.
+ """Get the collection from the vector database.
collection_name: str | The name of the collection. Default is None. If None, return the
@@ -102,8 +97,7 @@ def get_collection(self, collection_name: str = None) -> Any:
def delete_collection(self, collection_name: str) -> Any:
- """
- Delete the collection from the vector database.
+ """Delete the collection from the vector database.
collection_name: str | The name of the collection.
@@ -114,8 +108,7 @@ def delete_collection(self, collection_name: str) -> Any:
def insert_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None, upsert: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None:
- """
- Insert documents into the collection of the vector database.
+ """Insert documents into the collection of the vector database.
docs: List[Document] | A list of documents. Each document is a TypedDict `Document`.
@@ -129,8 +122,7 @@ def insert_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None, upsert:
def update_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None, **kwargs) -> None:
- """
- Update documents in the collection of the vector database.
+ """Update documents in the collection of the vector database.
docs: List[Document] | A list of documents.
@@ -143,8 +135,7 @@ def update_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None, **kwarg
def delete_docs(self, ids: list[ItemID], collection_name: str = None, **kwargs) -> None:
- """
- Delete documents from the collection of the vector database.
+ """Delete documents from the collection of the vector database.
ids: List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. Each id is a typed `ItemID`.
@@ -164,8 +155,7 @@ def retrieve_docs(
distance_threshold: float = -1,
) -> QueryResults:
- """
- Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the queries.
+ """Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the queries.
queries: List[str] | A list of queries. Each query is a string.
@@ -184,8 +174,7 @@ def retrieve_docs(
def get_docs_by_ids(
self, ids: list[ItemID] = None, collection_name: str = None, include=None, **kwargs
) -> list[Document]:
- """
- Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the ids.
+ """Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the ids.
ids: List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. If None, will return all the documents. Default is None.
@@ -202,16 +191,13 @@ def get_docs_by_ids(
class VectorDBFactory:
- """
- Factory class for creating vector databases.
- """
+ """Factory class for creating vector databases."""
PREDEFINED_VECTOR_DB = ["chroma", "pgvector", "mongodb", "qdrant"]
def create_vector_db(db_type: str, **kwargs) -> VectorDB:
- """
- Create a vector database.
+ """Create a vector database.
db_type: str | The type of the vector database.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/chromadb.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/chromadb.py
index accd05a4db..9a93f9ecc5 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/chromadb.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/chromadb.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
-from typing import Callable, List
+from typing import Callable
from .base import Document, ItemID, QueryResults, VectorDB
from .utils import chroma_results_to_query_results, filter_results_by_distance, get_logger
@@ -26,15 +26,12 @@
class ChromaVectorDB(VectorDB):
- """
- A vector database that uses ChromaDB as the backend.
- """
+ """A vector database that uses ChromaDB as the backend."""
def __init__(
self, *, client=None, path: str = "tmp/db", embedding_function: Callable = None, metadata: dict = None, **kwargs
) -> None:
- """
- Initialize the vector database.
+ """Initialize the vector database.
client: chromadb.Client | The client object of the vector database. Default is None.
@@ -71,8 +68,7 @@ def __init__(
def create_collection(
self, collection_name: str, overwrite: bool = False, get_or_create: bool = True
) -> Collection:
- """
- Create a collection in the vector database.
+ """Create a collection in the vector database.
Case 1. if the collection does not exist, create the collection.
Case 2. the collection exists, if overwrite is True, it will overwrite the collection.
Case 3. the collection exists and overwrite is False, if get_or_create is True, it will get the collection,
@@ -114,8 +110,7 @@ def create_collection(
raise ValueError(f"Collection {collection_name} already exists.")
def get_collection(self, collection_name: str = None) -> Collection:
- """
- Get the collection from the vector database.
+ """Get the collection from the vector database.
collection_name: str | The name of the collection. Default is None. If None, return the
@@ -139,8 +134,7 @@ def get_collection(self, collection_name: str = None) -> Collection:
return self.active_collection
def delete_collection(self, collection_name: str) -> None:
- """
- Delete the collection from the vector database.
+ """Delete the collection from the vector database.
collection_name: str | The name of the collection.
@@ -170,8 +164,7 @@ def _batch_insert(
def insert_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None, upsert: bool = False) -> None:
- """
- Insert documents into the collection of the vector database.
+ """Insert documents into the collection of the vector database.
docs: List[Document] | A list of documents. Each document is a TypedDict `Document`.
@@ -205,8 +198,7 @@ def insert_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None, upsert:
self._batch_insert(collection, embeddings, ids, metadatas, documents, upsert)
def update_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None) -> None:
- """
- Update documents in the collection of the vector database.
+ """Update documents in the collection of the vector database.
docs: List[Document] | A list of documents.
@@ -218,8 +210,7 @@ def update_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None) -> None
self.insert_docs(docs, collection_name, upsert=True)
def delete_docs(self, ids: list[ItemID], collection_name: str = None, **kwargs) -> None:
- """
- Delete documents from the collection of the vector database.
+ """Delete documents from the collection of the vector database.
ids: List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. Each id is a typed `ItemID`.
@@ -240,8 +231,7 @@ def retrieve_docs(
distance_threshold: float = -1,
) -> QueryResults:
- """
- Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the queries.
+ """Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the queries.
queries: List[str] | A list of queries. Each query is a string.
@@ -294,7 +284,6 @@ def _chroma_get_results_to_list_documents(data_dict) -> list[Document]:
results = []
keys = [key for key in data_dict if data_dict[key] is not None]
@@ -309,8 +298,7 @@ def _chroma_get_results_to_list_documents(data_dict) -> list[Document]:
def get_docs_by_ids(
self, ids: list[ItemID] = None, collection_name: str = None, include=None, **kwargs
) -> list[Document]:
- """
- Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the ids.
+ """Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the ids.
ids: List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. If None, will return all the documents. Default is None.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/mongodb.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/mongodb.py
index b1a199c495..0065273cb0 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/mongodb.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/mongodb.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping
from copy import deepcopy
from time import monotonic, sleep
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Set, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Union
import numpy as np
from pymongo import MongoClient, UpdateOne, errors
@@ -32,9 +32,7 @@ def with_id_rename(docs: Iterable) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
class MongoDBAtlasVectorDB(VectorDB):
- """
- A Collection object for MongoDB.
- """
+ """A Collection object for MongoDB."""
def __init__(
@@ -47,8 +45,7 @@ def __init__(
wait_until_index_ready: float = None,
wait_until_document_ready: float = None,
- """
- Initialize the vector database.
+ """Initialize the vector database.
connection_string: str | The MongoDB connection string to connect to. Default is ''.
@@ -110,9 +107,9 @@ def _wait_for_index(self, collection: Collection, index_name: str, action: str =
assert action in ["create", "delete"], f"{action=} must be create or delete."
start = monotonic()
while monotonic() - start < self._wait_until_index_ready:
- if action == "create" and self._is_index_ready(collection, index_name):
- return
- elif action == "delete" and len(list(collection.list_search_indexes())) == 0:
+ if (action == "create" and self._is_index_ready(collection, index_name)) or (
+ action == "delete" and len(list(collection.list_search_indexes())) == 0
+ ):
@@ -137,8 +134,7 @@ def _get_embedding_size(self):
return len(self.embedding_function(_SAMPLE_SENTENCE)[0])
def list_collections(self):
- """
- List the collections in the vector database.
+ """List the collections in the vector database.
List[str] | The list of collections.
@@ -151,8 +147,7 @@ def create_collection(
overwrite: bool = False,
get_or_create: bool = True,
) -> Collection:
- """
- Create a collection in the vector database and create a vector search index in the collection.
+ """Create a collection in the vector database and create a vector search index in the collection.
collection_name: str | The name of the collection.
@@ -178,8 +173,7 @@ def create_collection(
raise ValueError(f"Collection {collection_name} already exists.")
def create_index_if_not_exists(self, index_name: str = "vector_index", collection: Collection = None) -> None:
- """
- Creates a vector search index on the specified collection in MongoDB.
+ """Creates a vector search index on the specified collection in MongoDB.
MONGODB_INDEX (str, optional): The name of the vector search index to create. Defaults to "vector_search_index".
@@ -189,8 +183,7 @@ def create_index_if_not_exists(self, index_name: str = "vector_index", collectio
self.create_vector_search_index(collection, index_name)
def get_collection(self, collection_name: str = None) -> Collection:
- """
- Get the collection from the vector database.
+ """Get the collection from the vector database.
collection_name: str | The name of the collection. Default is None. If None, return the
@@ -212,8 +205,7 @@ def get_collection(self, collection_name: str = None) -> Collection:
return self.active_collection
def delete_collection(self, collection_name: str) -> None:
- """
- Delete the collection from the vector database.
+ """Delete the collection from the vector database.
collection_name: str | The name of the collection.
@@ -363,9 +355,9 @@ def _insert_batch(
return []
# Embed and create the documents
embeddings = self.embedding_function(texts).tolist()
- assert (
- len(embeddings) == n_texts
- ), f"The number of embeddings produced by self.embedding_function ({len(embeddings)} does not match the number of texts provided to it ({n_texts})."
+ assert len(embeddings) == n_texts, (
+ f"The number of embeddings produced by self.embedding_function ({len(embeddings)} does not match the number of texts provided to it ({n_texts})."
+ )
to_insert = [
{"_id": i, "content": t, "metadata": m, "embedding": e}
for i, t, m, e in zip(ids, texts, metadatas, embeddings)
@@ -386,7 +378,6 @@ def update_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None, **kwarg
collection_name: str | The name of the collection. Default is None.
kwargs: Any | Use upsert=True` to insert documents whose ids are not present in collection.
n_docs = len(docs)
logger.info(f"Preparing to embed and update {n_docs=}")
# Compute the embeddings
@@ -415,8 +406,7 @@ def update_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None, **kwarg
def delete_docs(self, ids: list[ItemID], collection_name: str = None, **kwargs):
- """
- Delete documents from the collection of the vector database.
+ """Delete documents from the collection of the vector database.
ids: List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. Each id is a typed `ItemID`.
@@ -428,8 +418,7 @@ def delete_docs(self, ids: list[ItemID], collection_name: str = None, **kwargs):
def get_docs_by_ids(
self, ids: list[ItemID] = None, collection_name: str = None, include: list[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> list[Document]:
- """
- Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the ids.
+ """Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the ids.
ids: List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. If None, will return all the documents. Default is None.
@@ -464,8 +453,7 @@ def retrieve_docs(
distance_threshold: float = -1,
) -> QueryResults:
- """
- Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the queries.
+ """Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the queries.
queries: List[str] | A list of queries. Each query is a string.
@@ -535,7 +523,6 @@ def _vector_search(
List of tuples of length n_results from Collection.
Each tuple contains a document dict and a score.
pipeline = [
"$vectorSearch": {
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/pgvectordb.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/pgvectordb.py
index df211bad00..65cd223c60 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/pgvectordb.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/pgvectordb.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import os
import re
import urllib.parse
-from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union
+from typing import Callable, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
from .utils import get_logger
- import pgvector
+ import pgvector # noqa: F401
from pgvector.psycopg import register_vector
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Please install pgvector: `pip install pgvector`")
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@
class Collection:
- """
- A Collection object for PGVector.
+ """A Collection object for PGVector.
client: The PGVector client.
@@ -53,8 +52,7 @@ def __init__(
- """
- Initialize the Collection object.
+ """Initialize the Collection object.
client: The PostgreSQL client.
@@ -62,6 +60,7 @@ def __init__(
embedding_function: The embedding function used to generate the vector representation.
metadata: The metadata of the collection.
get_or_create: The flag indicating whether to get or create the collection.
@@ -89,8 +88,7 @@ def set_collection_name(self, collection_name) -> str:
return self.name
def add(self, ids: list[ItemID], documents: list, embeddings: list = None, metadatas: list = None) -> None:
- """
- Add documents to the collection.
+ """Add documents to the collection.
ids (List[ItemID]): A list of document IDs.
@@ -107,33 +105,28 @@ def add(self, ids: list[ItemID], documents: list, embeddings: list = None, metad
for doc_id, embedding, metadata, document in zip(ids, embeddings, metadatas, documents):
metadata = re.sub("'", '"', str(metadata))
sql_values.append((doc_id, embedding, metadata, document))
- sql_string = (
- f"INSERT INTO {self.name} (id, embedding, metadatas, documents)\n" f"VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);\n"
- )
+ sql_string = f"INSERT INTO {self.name} (id, embedding, metadatas, documents)\nVALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);\n"
elif embeddings is not None:
for doc_id, embedding, document in zip(ids, embeddings, documents):
sql_values.append((doc_id, embedding, document))
- sql_string = f"INSERT INTO {self.name} (id, embedding, documents) " f"VALUES (%s, %s, %s);\n"
+ sql_string = f"INSERT INTO {self.name} (id, embedding, documents) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);\n"
elif metadatas is not None:
for doc_id, metadata, document in zip(ids, metadatas, documents):
metadata = re.sub("'", '"', str(metadata))
embedding = self.embedding_function(document)
sql_values.append((doc_id, metadata, embedding, document))
- sql_string = (
- f"INSERT INTO {self.name} (id, metadatas, embedding, documents)\n" f"VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);\n"
- )
+ sql_string = f"INSERT INTO {self.name} (id, metadatas, embedding, documents)\nVALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);\n"
for doc_id, document in zip(ids, documents):
embedding = self.embedding_function(document)
sql_values.append((doc_id, document, embedding))
- sql_string = f"INSERT INTO {self.name} (id, documents, embedding)\n" f"VALUES (%s, %s, %s);\n"
+ sql_string = f"INSERT INTO {self.name} (id, documents, embedding)\nVALUES (%s, %s, %s);\n"
logger.debug(f"Add SQL String:\n{sql_string}\n{sql_values}")
cursor.executemany(sql_string, sql_values)
def upsert(self, ids: list[ItemID], documents: list, embeddings: list = None, metadatas: list = None) -> None:
- """
- Upsert documents into the collection.
+ """Upsert documents into the collection.
ids (List[ItemID]): A list of document IDs.
@@ -191,8 +184,7 @@ def upsert(self, ids: list[ItemID], documents: list, embeddings: list = None, me
def count(self) -> int:
- """
- Get the total number of documents in the collection.
+ """Get the total number of documents in the collection.
int: The total number of documents.
@@ -209,8 +201,7 @@ def count(self) -> int:
return total
def table_exists(self, table_name: str) -> bool:
- """
- Check if a table exists in the PostgreSQL database.
+ """Check if a table exists in the PostgreSQL database.
table_name (str): The name of the table to check.
@@ -218,7 +209,6 @@ def table_exists(self, table_name: str) -> bool:
bool: True if the table exists, False otherwise.
cursor = self.client.cursor()
@@ -241,8 +231,7 @@ def get(
limit: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
offset: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
) -> list[Document]:
- """
- Retrieve documents from the collection.
+ """Retrieve documents from the collection.
ids (Optional[List]): A list of document IDs.
@@ -313,8 +302,7 @@ def get(
return retrieved_documents
def update(self, ids: list, embeddings: list, metadatas: list, documents: list) -> None:
- """
- Update documents in the collection.
+ """Update documents in the collection.
ids (List): A list of document IDs.
@@ -342,8 +330,7 @@ def update(self, ids: list, embeddings: list, metadatas: list, documents: list)
def euclidean_distance(arr1: list[float], arr2: list[float]) -> float:
- """
- Calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors.
+ """Calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors.
- arr1 (List[float]): The first vector.
@@ -357,8 +344,7 @@ def euclidean_distance(arr1: list[float], arr2: list[float]) -> float:
def cosine_distance(arr1: list[float], arr2: list[float]) -> float:
- """
- Calculate the cosine distance between two vectors.
+ """Calculate the cosine distance between two vectors.
- arr1 (List[float]): The first vector.
@@ -372,8 +358,7 @@ def cosine_distance(arr1: list[float], arr2: list[float]) -> float:
def inner_product_distance(arr1: list[float], arr2: list[float]) -> float:
- """
- Calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors.
+ """Calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors.
- arr1 (List[float]): The first vector.
@@ -394,8 +379,7 @@ def query(
distance_threshold: Optional[float] = -1,
include_embedding: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> QueryResults:
- """
- Query documents in the collection.
+ """Query documents in the collection.
query_texts (List[str]): A list of query texts.
@@ -433,7 +417,7 @@ def query(
query = (
f"SELECT id, documents, embedding, metadatas "
f"FROM {self.name} "
- f"{clause} embedding {index_function} '{str(vector)}' {distance_threshold} "
+ f"{clause} embedding {index_function} '{vector!s}' {distance_threshold} "
f"LIMIT {n_results}"
@@ -459,8 +443,7 @@ def query(
def convert_string_to_array(array_string: str) -> list[float]:
- """
- Convert a string representation of an array to a list of floats.
+ """Convert a string representation of an array to a list of floats.
- array_string (str): The string representation of the array.
@@ -476,8 +459,7 @@ def convert_string_to_array(array_string: str) -> list[float]:
return array
def modify(self, metadata, collection_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
- """
- Modify metadata for the collection.
+ """Modify metadata for the collection.
collection_name: The name of the collection.
@@ -489,14 +471,11 @@ def modify(self, metadata, collection_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if collection_name:
self.name = collection_name
cursor = self.client.cursor()
- cursor.execute(
- "UPDATE collections" "SET metadata = '%s'" "WHERE collection_name = '%s';", (metadata, self.name)
- )
+ cursor.execute("UPDATE collectionsSET metadata = '%s'WHERE collection_name = '%s';", (metadata, self.name))
def delete(self, ids: list[ItemID], collection_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
- """
- Delete documents from the collection.
+ """Delete documents from the collection.
ids (List[ItemID]): A list of document IDs to delete.
@@ -513,8 +492,7 @@ def delete(self, ids: list[ItemID], collection_name: Optional[str] = None) -> No
def delete_collection(self, collection_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
- """
- Delete the entire collection.
+ """Delete the entire collection.
collection_name (Optional[str]): The name of the collection to delete.
@@ -531,8 +509,7 @@ def delete_collection(self, collection_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
def create_collection(
self, collection_name: Optional[str] = None, dimension: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None
) -> None:
- """
- Create a new collection.
+ """Create a new collection.
collection_name (Optional[str]): The name of the new collection.
@@ -554,22 +531,20 @@ def create_collection(
f"CREATE TABLE {self.name} ("
f"documents text, id CHAR(8) PRIMARY KEY, metadatas JSONB, embedding vector({self.dimension}));"
- f'ON {self.name} USING hnsw (embedding vector_l2_ops) WITH (m = {self.metadata["hnsw:M"]}, '
- f'ef_construction = {self.metadata["hnsw:construction_ef"]});'
+ f"ON {self.name} USING hnsw (embedding vector_l2_ops) WITH (m = {self.metadata['hnsw:M']}, "
+ f"ef_construction = {self.metadata['hnsw:construction_ef']});"
- f'ON {self.name} USING hnsw (embedding vector_cosine_ops) WITH (m = {self.metadata["hnsw:M"]}, '
- f'ef_construction = {self.metadata["hnsw:construction_ef"]});'
+ f"ON {self.name} USING hnsw (embedding vector_cosine_ops) WITH (m = {self.metadata['hnsw:M']}, "
+ f"ef_construction = {self.metadata['hnsw:construction_ef']});"
- f'ON {self.name} USING hnsw (embedding vector_ip_ops) WITH (m = {self.metadata["hnsw:M"]}, '
- f'ef_construction = {self.metadata["hnsw:construction_ef"]});'
+ f"ON {self.name} USING hnsw (embedding vector_ip_ops) WITH (m = {self.metadata['hnsw:M']}, "
+ f"ef_construction = {self.metadata['hnsw:construction_ef']});"
class PGVectorDB(VectorDB):
- """
- A vector database that uses PGVector as the backend.
- """
+ """A vector database that uses PGVector as the backend."""
def __init__(
@@ -585,8 +560,7 @@ def __init__(
embedding_function: Callable = None,
metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> None:
- """
- Initialize the vector database.
+ """Initialize the vector database.
Note: connection_string or host + port + dbname must be specified
@@ -641,8 +615,7 @@ def establish_connection(
password: Optional[str] = None,
connect_timeout: Optional[int] = 10,
) -> psycopg.Connection:
- """
- Establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL database using psycopg.
+ """Establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL database using psycopg.
conn: An existing psycopg connection object. If provided, this connection will be used.
@@ -711,8 +684,7 @@ def establish_connection(
def create_collection(
self, collection_name: str, overwrite: bool = False, get_or_create: bool = True
) -> Collection:
- """
- Create a collection in the vector database.
+ """Create a collection in the vector database.
Case 1. if the collection does not exist, create the collection.
Case 2. the collection exists, if overwrite is True, it will overwrite the collection.
Case 3. the collection exists and overwrite is False, if get_or_create is True, it will get the collection,
@@ -773,8 +745,7 @@ def create_collection(
raise ValueError(f"Collection {collection_name} already exists.")
def get_collection(self, collection_name: str = None) -> Collection:
- """
- Get the collection from the vector database.
+ """Get the collection from the vector database.
collection_name: str | The name of the collection. Default is None. If None, return the
@@ -800,8 +771,7 @@ def get_collection(self, collection_name: str = None) -> Collection:
return self.active_collection
def delete_collection(self, collection_name: str) -> None:
- """
- Delete the collection from the vector database.
+ """Delete the collection from the vector database.
collection_name: str | The name of the collection.
@@ -837,8 +807,7 @@ def _batch_insert(
def insert_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None, upsert: bool = False) -> None:
- """
- Insert documents into the collection of the vector database.
+ """Insert documents into the collection of the vector database.
docs: List[Document] | A list of documents. Each document is a TypedDict `Document`.
@@ -875,8 +844,7 @@ def insert_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None, upsert:
self._batch_insert(collection, embeddings, ids, metadatas, documents, upsert)
def update_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None) -> None:
- """
- Update documents in the collection of the vector database.
+ """Update documents in the collection of the vector database.
docs: List[Document] | A list of documents.
@@ -888,8 +856,7 @@ def update_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None) -> None
self.insert_docs(docs, collection_name, upsert=True)
def delete_docs(self, ids: list[ItemID], collection_name: str = None) -> None:
- """
- Delete documents from the collection of the vector database.
+ """Delete documents from the collection of the vector database.
ids: List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. Each id is a typed `ItemID`.
@@ -909,8 +876,7 @@ def retrieve_docs(
n_results: int = 10,
distance_threshold: float = -1,
) -> QueryResults:
- """
- Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the queries.
+ """Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the queries.
queries: List[str] | A list of queries. Each query is a string.
@@ -938,8 +904,7 @@ def retrieve_docs(
def get_docs_by_ids(
self, ids: list[ItemID] = None, collection_name: str = None, include=None, **kwargs
) -> list[Document]:
- """
- Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the ids.
+ """Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the ids.
ids: List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. If None, will return all the documents. Default is None.
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/qdrant.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/qdrant.py
index 569f61ca04..20e7f44241 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/qdrant.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/qdrant.py
@@ -6,9 +6,8 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import abc
import logging
-import os
from collections.abc import Sequence
-from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Optional, Union
from .base import Document, ItemID, QueryResults, VectorDB
from .utils import get_logger
@@ -75,9 +74,7 @@ def __call__(self, inputs: list[str]) -> list[Embeddings]:
class QdrantVectorDB(VectorDB):
- """
- A vector database implementation that uses Qdrant as the backend.
- """
+ """A vector database implementation that uses Qdrant as the backend."""
def __init__(
@@ -89,8 +86,7 @@ def __init__(
collection_options: dict = {},
) -> None:
- """
- Initialize the vector database.
+ """Initialize the vector database.
client: qdrant_client.QdrantClient | An instance of QdrantClient.
@@ -107,8 +103,7 @@ def __init__(
self.type = "qdrant"
def create_collection(self, collection_name: str, overwrite: bool = False, get_or_create: bool = True) -> None:
- """
- Create a collection in the vector database.
+ """Create a collection in the vector database.
Case 1. if the collection does not exist, create the collection.
Case 2. the collection exists, if overwrite is True, it will overwrite the collection.
Case 3. the collection exists and overwrite is False, if get_or_create is True, it will get the collection,
@@ -137,8 +132,7 @@ def create_collection(self, collection_name: str, overwrite: bool = False, get_o
raise ValueError(f"Collection {collection_name} already exists.")
def get_collection(self, collection_name: str = None):
- """
- Get the collection from the vector database.
+ """Get the collection from the vector database.
collection_name: str | The name of the collection.
@@ -163,8 +157,7 @@ def delete_collection(self, collection_name: str) -> None:
return self.client.delete_collection(collection_name)
def insert_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None, upsert: bool = False) -> None:
- """
- Insert documents into the collection of the vector database.
+ """Insert documents into the collection of the vector database.
docs: List[Document] | A list of documents. Each document is a TypedDict `Document`.
@@ -200,8 +193,7 @@ def update_docs(self, docs: list[Document], collection_name: str = None) -> None
raise ValueError("Some IDs do not exist. Skipping update")
def delete_docs(self, ids: list[ItemID], collection_name: str = None, **kwargs) -> None:
- """
- Delete documents from the collection of the vector database.
+ """Delete documents from the collection of the vector database.
ids: List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. Each id is a typed `ItemID`.
@@ -221,8 +213,7 @@ def retrieve_docs(
distance_threshold: float = 0,
) -> QueryResults:
- """
- Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the queries.
+ """Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the queries.
queries: List[str] | A list of queries. Each query is a string.
@@ -254,8 +245,7 @@ def retrieve_docs(
def get_docs_by_ids(
self, ids: list[ItemID] = None, collection_name: str = None, include=True, **kwargs
) -> list[Document]:
- """
- Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the ids.
+ """Retrieve documents from the collection of the vector database based on the ids.
ids: List[ItemID] | A list of document ids. If None, will return all the documents. Default is None.
@@ -307,9 +297,7 @@ def _scored_points_to_documents(self, scored_points: list[models.ScoredPoint]) -
return [self._scored_point_to_document(scored_point) for scored_point in scored_points]
def _validate_update_ids(self, collection_name: str, ids: list[str]) -> bool:
- """
- Validates all the IDs exist in the collection
- """
+ """Validates all the IDs exist in the collection"""
retrieved_ids = [
point.id for point in self.client.retrieve(collection_name, ids=ids, with_payload=False, with_vectors=False)
@@ -321,9 +309,7 @@ def _validate_update_ids(self, collection_name: str, ids: list[str]) -> bool:
return True
def _validate_upsert_ids(self, collection_name: str, ids: list[str]) -> bool:
- """
- Validate none of the IDs exist in the collection
- """
+ """Validate none of the IDs exist in the collection"""
retrieved_ids = [
point.id for point in self.client.retrieve(collection_name, ids=ids, with_payload=False, with_vectors=False)
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/utils.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/utils.py
index 1dd93391ef..b88dbd5ec8 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/utils.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/vectordb/utils.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import logging
-from typing import Any, Dict, List
+from typing import Any
from termcolor import colored
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ def filter_results_by_distance(results: QueryResults, distance_threshold: float
QueryResults | A filtered results containing only distances smaller than the threshold.
if distance_threshold > 0:
results = [[(key, value) for key, value in data if value < distance_threshold] for data in results]
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ def chroma_results_to_query_results(data_dict: dict[str, list[list[Any]]], speci
keys = [
for key in data_dict
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/web_surfer.py b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/web_surfer.py
index e8c5da2c21..871a881c13 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/contrib/web_surfer.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/contrib/web_surfer.py
@@ -5,16 +5,13 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import copy
-import json
import logging
import re
-from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
-from typing import Annotated, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Annotated, Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, Union
-from ... import Agent, AssistantAgent, ConversableAgent, GroupChat, GroupChatManager, OpenAIWrapper, UserProxyAgent
+from ... import Agent, AssistantAgent, ConversableAgent, OpenAIWrapper, UserProxyAgent
from ...browser_utils import SimpleTextBrowser
-from ...code_utils import content_str
from ...oai.openai_utils import filter_config
from ...token_count_utils import count_token, get_max_token_limit
@@ -133,7 +130,7 @@ def _browser_state() -> tuple[str, str]:
current_page = self.browser.viewport_current_page
total_pages = len(self.browser.viewport_pages)
- header += f"Viewport position: Showing page {current_page+1} of {total_pages}.\n"
+ header += f"Viewport position: Showing page {current_page + 1} of {total_pages}.\n"
return (header, self.browser.viewport)
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/conversable_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/conversable_agent.py
index a53607bdea..689c14522b 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/conversable_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/conversable_agent.py
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
from ..coding.base import CodeExecutor
from ..coding.factory import CodeExecutorFactory
from ..exception_utils import InvalidCarryOverType, SenderRequired
-from ..formatting_utils import colored
from ..io.base import IOStream
from ..messages.agent_messages import (
@@ -49,8 +48,8 @@
- ExecutedFunctionMessage,
+ ExecutedFunctionMessage,
@@ -58,8 +57,7 @@
from ..oai.client import ModelClient, OpenAIWrapper
from ..runtime_logging import log_event, log_function_use, log_new_agent, logging_enabled
-from ..tools import Tool, get_function_schema, load_basemodels_if_needed, serialize_to_str
-from ..tools.dependency_injection import inject_params
+from ..tools import ChatContext, Tool, get_function_schema, load_basemodels_if_needed, serialize_to_str
from .agent import Agent, LLMAgent
from .chat import ChatResult, _post_process_carryover_item, a_initiate_chats, initiate_chats
from .utils import consolidate_chat_info, gather_usage_summary
@@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ def __post_init__(self):
raise ValueError("Update function must be either a string or a callable")
-class UPDATE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE(UpdateSystemMessage):
+class UPDATE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE(UpdateSystemMessage): # noqa: N801
"""Deprecated: Use UpdateSystemMessage instead. This class will be removed in a future version (TBD)."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -161,60 +159,60 @@ def __init__(
Union[list[Union[Callable, UpdateSystemMessage]], Callable, UpdateSystemMessage]
] = None,
- """
- Args:
- name (str): name of the agent.
- system_message (str or list): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
- is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
- and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
- The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
- max_consecutive_auto_reply (int): the maximum number of consecutive auto replies.
- default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case).
- When set to 0, no auto reply will be generated.
- human_input_mode (str): whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.
- Possible values are "ALWAYS", "TERMINATE", "NEVER".
- (1) When "ALWAYS", the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received.
- Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is "exit",
- or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input.
- (2) When "TERMINATE", the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or
- the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply.
- (3) When "NEVER", the agent will never prompt for human input. Under this mode, the conversation stops
- when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True.
- function_map (dict[str, callable]): Mapping function names (passed to openai) to callable functions, also used for tool calls.
- code_execution_config (dict or False): config for the code execution.
- To disable code execution, set to False. Otherwise, set to a dictionary with the following keys:
- - work_dir (Optional, str): The working directory for the code execution.
- If None, a default working directory will be used.
- The default working directory is the "extensions" directory under
- "path_to_autogen".
- - use_docker (Optional, list, str or bool): The docker image to use for code execution.
- Default is True, which means the code will be executed in a docker container. A default list of images will be used.
- If a list or a str of image name(s) is provided, the code will be executed in a docker container
- with the first image successfully pulled.
- If False, the code will be executed in the current environment.
- We strongly recommend using docker for code execution.
- - timeout (Optional, int): The maximum execution time in seconds.
- - last_n_messages (Experimental, int or str): The number of messages to look back for code execution.
- If set to 'auto', it will scan backwards through all messages arriving since the agent last spoke, which is typically the last time execution was attempted. (Default: auto)
- llm_config (dict or False or None): llm inference configuration.
- Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create)
- for available options.
- When using OpenAI or Azure OpenAI endpoints, please specify a non-empty 'model' either in `llm_config` or in each config of 'config_list' in `llm_config`.
- To disable llm-based auto reply, set to False.
- When set to None, will use self.DEFAULT_CONFIG, which defaults to False.
- default_auto_reply (str or dict): default auto reply when no code execution or llm-based reply is generated.
- description (str): a short description of the agent. This description is used by other agents
- (e.g. the GroupChatManager) to decide when to call upon this agent. (Default: system_message)
- chat_messages (dict or None): the previous chat messages that this agent had in the past with other agents.
- Can be used to give the agent a memory by providing the chat history. This will allow the agent to
- resume previous had conversations. Defaults to an empty chat history.
- silent (bool or None): (Experimental) whether to print the message sent. If None, will use the value of
- silent in each function.
- context_variables (dict or None): Context variables that provide a persistent context for the agent.
- Note: Will maintain a reference to the passed in context variables (enabling a shared context)
- Only used in Swarms at this stage:
- https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/swarm_agent
- functions (List[Callable]): A list of functions to register with the agent.
+ """Args:
+ name (str): name of the agent.
+ system_message (str or list): system message for the ChatCompletion inference.
+ is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
+ and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
+ The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
+ max_consecutive_auto_reply (int): the maximum number of consecutive auto replies.
+ default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case).
+ When set to 0, no auto reply will be generated.
+ human_input_mode (str): whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.
+ Possible values are "ALWAYS", "TERMINATE", "NEVER".
+ (1) When "ALWAYS", the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received.
+ Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is "exit",
+ or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input.
+ (2) When "TERMINATE", the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or
+ the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply.
+ (3) When "NEVER", the agent will never prompt for human input. Under this mode, the conversation stops
+ when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True.
+ function_map (dict[str, callable]): Mapping function names (passed to openai) to callable functions, also used for tool calls.
+ code_execution_config (dict or False): config for the code execution.
+ To disable code execution, set to False. Otherwise, set to a dictionary with the following keys:
+ - work_dir (Optional, str): The working directory for the code execution.
+ If None, a default working directory will be used.
+ The default working directory is the "extensions" directory under
+ "path_to_autogen".
+ - use_docker (Optional, list, str or bool): The docker image to use for code execution.
+ Default is True, which means the code will be executed in a docker container. A default list of images will be used.
+ If a list or a str of image name(s) is provided, the code will be executed in a docker container
+ with the first image successfully pulled.
+ If False, the code will be executed in the current environment.
+ We strongly recommend using docker for code execution.
+ - timeout (Optional, int): The maximum execution time in seconds.
+ - last_n_messages (Experimental, int or str): The number of messages to look back for code execution.
+ If set to 'auto', it will scan backwards through all messages arriving since the agent last spoke, which is typically the last time execution was attempted. (Default: auto)
+ llm_config (dict or False or None): llm inference configuration.
+ Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create)
+ for available options.
+ When using OpenAI or Azure OpenAI endpoints, please specify a non-empty 'model' either in `llm_config` or in each config of 'config_list' in `llm_config`.
+ To disable llm-based auto reply, set to False.
+ When set to None, will use self.DEFAULT_CONFIG, which defaults to False.
+ default_auto_reply (str or dict): default auto reply when no code execution or llm-based reply is generated.
+ description (str): a short description of the agent. This description is used by other agents
+ (e.g. the GroupChatManager) to decide when to call upon this agent. (Default: system_message)
+ chat_messages (dict or None): the previous chat messages that this agent had in the past with other agents.
+ Can be used to give the agent a memory by providing the chat history. This will allow the agent to
+ resume previous had conversations. Defaults to an empty chat history.
+ silent (bool or None): (Experimental) whether to print the message sent. If None, will use the value of
+ silent in each function.
+ context_variables (dict or None): Context variables that provide a persistent context for the agent.
+ Note: Will maintain a reference to the passed in context variables (enabling a shared context)
+ Only used in Swarms at this stage:
+ https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/swarm_agent
+ functions (List[Callable]): A list of functions to register with the agent.
+ update_agent_state_before_reply (List[Callable]): A list of functions, including UpdateSystemMessage's, called to update the agent before it replies.
# we change code_execution_config below and we have to make sure we don't change the input
# in case of UserProxyAgent, without this we could even change the default value {}
@@ -222,6 +220,7 @@ def __init__(
code_execution_config.copy() if hasattr(code_execution_config, "copy") else code_execution_config
+ self._validate_name(name)
self._name = name
# a dictionary of conversations, default value is list
if chat_messages is None:
@@ -356,6 +355,11 @@ def __init__(
# Associate agent update state hooks
+ def _validate_name(self, name: str) -> None:
+ # Validation for name using regex to detect any whitespace
+ if re.search(r"\s", name):
+ raise ValueError(f"The name of the agent cannot contain any whitespace. The name provided is: '{name}'")
def _get_display_name(self):
"""Get the string representation of the agent.
@@ -433,7 +437,6 @@ def _register_update_agent_state_before_reply(self, functions: Optional[Union[li
for func in functions:
if isinstance(func, UpdateSystemMessage):
# Wrapper function that allows this to be used in the update_agent_state hook
# Its primary purpose, however, is just to update the agent's system message
# Outer function to create a closure with the update function
@@ -463,9 +466,9 @@ def update_system_message_wrapper(
self.register_hook(hookable_method="update_agent_state", hook=func)
def _validate_llm_config(self, llm_config):
- assert llm_config in (None, False) or isinstance(
- llm_config, dict
- ), "llm_config must be a dict or False or None."
+ assert llm_config in (None, False) or isinstance(llm_config, dict), (
+ "llm_config must be a dict or False or None."
+ )
if llm_config is None:
llm_config = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG
self.llm_config = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG if llm_config is None else llm_config
@@ -611,7 +614,7 @@ def _get_chats_to_run(
message = last_msg
if callable(message):
message = message(recipient, messages, sender, config)
- # We only run chat that has a valid message. NOTE: This is prone to change dependin on applications.
+ # We only run chat that has a valid message. NOTE: This is prone to change depending on applications.
if message:
current_c["message"] = message
@@ -840,6 +843,7 @@ def register_nested_chats(
) -> None:
"""Register a nested chat reply function.
chat_queue (list): a list of chat objects to be initiated. If use_async is used, then all messages in chat_queue must have a chat-id associated with them.
trigger (Agent class, str, Agent instance, callable, or list): refer to `register_reply` for details.
@@ -898,8 +902,8 @@ def wrapped_reply_func(recipient, messages=None, sender=None, config=None):
def get_context(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any:
- """
- Get a context variable by key.
+ """Get a context variable by key.
key: The key to look up
default: Value to return if key doesn't exist
@@ -909,8 +913,8 @@ def get_context(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any:
return self._context_variables.get(key, default)
def set_context(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
- """
- Set a context variable.
+ """Set a context variable.
key: The key to set
value: The value to associate with the key
@@ -918,16 +922,16 @@ def set_context(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
self._context_variables[key] = value
def update_context(self, context_variables: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
- """
- Update multiple context variables at once.
+ """Update multiple context variables at once.
context_variables: Dictionary of variables to update/add
def pop_context(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any:
- """
- Remove and return a context variable.
+ """Remove and return a context variable.
key: The key to remove
default: Value to return if key doesn't exist
@@ -1023,8 +1027,7 @@ def _message_to_dict(message: Union[dict, str]) -> dict:
def _normalize_name(name):
- """
- LLMs sometimes ask functions while ignoring their own format requirements, this function should be used to replace invalid characters with "_".
+ """LLMs sometimes ask functions while ignoring their own format requirements, this function should be used to replace invalid characters with "_".
Prefer _assert_valid_name for validating user configuration or input
@@ -1032,8 +1035,7 @@ def _normalize_name(name):
def _assert_valid_name(name):
- """
- Ensure that configured names are valid, raises ValueError if not.
+ """Ensure that configured names are valid, raises ValueError if not.
For munging LLM responses use _normalize_name to ensure LLM specified names don't break the API.
@@ -1133,9 +1135,7 @@ def send(
"content": lambda context: context["use_tool_msg"],
- "context": {
- "use_tool_msg": "Use tool X if they are relevant."
- }
+ "context": {"use_tool_msg": "Use tool X if they are relevant."},
Next time, one agent can send a message B with a different "use_tool_msg".
@@ -1183,9 +1183,7 @@ async def a_send(
"content": lambda context: context["use_tool_msg"],
- "context": {
- "use_tool_msg": "Use tool X if they are relevant."
- }
+ "context": {"use_tool_msg": "Use tool X if they are relevant."},
Next time, one agent can send a message B with a different "use_tool_msg".
@@ -1262,7 +1260,7 @@ def receive(
ValueError: if the message can't be converted into a valid ChatCompletion message.
self._process_received_message(message, sender, silent)
- if request_reply is False or request_reply is None and self.reply_at_receive[sender] is False:
+ if request_reply is False or (request_reply is None and self.reply_at_receive[sender] is False):
reply = self.generate_reply(messages=self.chat_messages[sender], sender=sender)
if reply is not None:
@@ -1299,7 +1297,7 @@ async def a_receive(
ValueError: if the message can't be converted into a valid ChatCompletion message.
self._process_received_message(message, sender, silent)
- if request_reply is False or request_reply is None and self.reply_at_receive[sender] is False:
+ if request_reply is False or (request_reply is None and self.reply_at_receive[sender] is False):
reply = await self.a_generate_reply(sender=sender)
if reply is not None:
@@ -1670,8 +1668,7 @@ def _reflection_with_llm(
return response
def _check_chat_queue_for_sender(self, chat_queue: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
- """
- Check the chat queue and add the "sender" key if it's missing.
+ """Check the chat queue and add the "sender" key if it's missing.
chat_queue (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of dictionaries containing chat information.
@@ -1878,9 +1875,7 @@ def _generate_code_execution_reply_using_executor(
# Find when the agent last spoke
num_messages_to_scan = 0
for message in reversed(messages):
- if "role" not in message:
- break
- elif message["role"] != "user":
+ if "role" not in message or message["role"] != "user":
num_messages_to_scan += 1
@@ -1929,9 +1924,7 @@ def generate_code_execution_reply(
messages_to_scan = 0
for i in range(len(messages)):
message = messages[-(i + 1)]
- if "role" not in message:
- break
- elif message["role"] != "user":
+ if "role" not in message or message["role"] != "user":
messages_to_scan += 1
@@ -1964,8 +1957,7 @@ def generate_function_call_reply(
sender: Optional[Agent] = None,
config: Optional[Any] = None,
) -> tuple[bool, Union[dict, None]]:
- """
- Generate a reply using function call.
+ """Generate a reply using function call.
"function_call" replaced by "tool_calls" as of [OpenAI API v1.1.0](https://github.com/openai/openai-python/releases/tag/v1.1.0)
See https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create#chat-create-functions
@@ -1975,7 +1967,7 @@ def generate_function_call_reply(
if messages is None:
messages = self._oai_messages[sender]
message = messages[-1]
- if "function_call" in message and message["function_call"]:
+ if message.get("function_call"):
call_id = message.get("id", None)
func_call = message["function_call"]
func = self._function_map.get(func_call.get("name", None), None)
@@ -2003,8 +1995,7 @@ async def a_generate_function_call_reply(
sender: Optional[Agent] = None,
config: Optional[Any] = None,
) -> tuple[bool, Union[dict, None]]:
- """
- Generate a reply using async function call.
+ """Generate a reply using async function call.
"function_call" replaced by "tool_calls" as of [OpenAI API v1.1.0](https://github.com/openai/openai-python/releases/tag/v1.1.0)
See https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create#chat-create-functions
@@ -2564,6 +2555,7 @@ def run_code(self, code, **kwargs):
"""Run the code and return the result.
Override this function to modify the way to run the code.
code (str): the code to be executed.
**kwargs: other keyword arguments.
@@ -2782,6 +2774,7 @@ def generate_init_message(self, message: Union[dict, str, None], **kwargs) -> Un
"carryover": a string or a list of string to specify the carryover information to be passed to this chat. It can be a string or a list of string.
If provided, we will combine this carryover with the "message" content when generating the initial chat
str or dict: the processed message.
@@ -2866,7 +2859,7 @@ def register_function(self, function_map: dict[str, Union[Callable, None]]):
self._function_map = {k: v for k, v in self._function_map.items() if v is not None}
def update_function_signature(self, func_sig: Union[str, dict], is_remove: None):
- """update a function_signature in the LLM configuration for function_call.
+ """Update a function_signature in the LLM configuration for function_call.
func_sig (str or dict): description/name of the function to update/remove to the model. See: https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create#chat/create-functions
@@ -2875,7 +2868,6 @@ def update_function_signature(self, func_sig: Union[str, dict], is_remove: None)
Deprecated as of [OpenAI API v1.1.0](https://github.com/openai/openai-python/releases/tag/v1.1.0)
See https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create#chat-create-function_call
if not isinstance(self.llm_config, dict):
error_msg = "To update a function signature, agent must have an llm_config"
@@ -2914,13 +2906,12 @@ def update_function_signature(self, func_sig: Union[str, dict], is_remove: None)
self.client = OpenAIWrapper(**self.llm_config)
def update_tool_signature(self, tool_sig: Union[str, dict], is_remove: bool):
- """update a tool_signature in the LLM configuration for tool_call.
+ """Update a tool_signature in the LLM configuration for tool_call.
tool_sig (str or dict): description/name of the tool to update/remove to the model. See: https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create#chat-create-tools
is_remove: whether removing the tool from llm_config with name 'tool_sig'
if not self.llm_config:
error_msg = "To update a tool signature, agent must have an llm_config"
@@ -2967,13 +2958,14 @@ def function_map(self) -> dict[str, Callable]:
"""Return the function map."""
return self._function_map
- def _wrap_function(self, func: F) -> F:
- """Wrap the function to dump the return value to json.
+ def _wrap_function(self, func: F, inject_params: dict[str, Any] = {}) -> F:
+ """Wrap the function inject chat context parameters and to dump the return value to json.
Handles both sync and async functions.
func: the function to be wrapped.
+ inject_params: the chat context parameters which will be passed to the function.
The wrapped function.
@@ -2982,7 +2974,7 @@ def _wrap_function(self, func: F) -> F:
def _wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
- retval = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ retval = func(*args, **kwargs, **inject_params)
if logging_enabled():
log_function_use(self, func, kwargs, retval)
return serialize_to_str(retval)
@@ -2990,7 +2982,7 @@ def _wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
async def _a_wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
- retval = await func(*args, **kwargs)
+ retval = await func(*args, **kwargs, **inject_params)
if logging_enabled():
log_function_use(self, func, kwargs, retval)
return serialize_to_str(retval)
@@ -3071,7 +3063,6 @@ def _decorator(func_or_tool: Union[F, Tool]) -> Tool:
return _decorator
def _register_for_llm(self, tool: Tool, api_style: Literal["tool", "function"]) -> None:
# register the function to the agent if there is LLM config, raise an exception otherwise
if self.llm_config is None:
raise RuntimeError("LLM config must be setup before registering a function for LLM.")
@@ -3124,8 +3115,10 @@ def _decorator(func_or_tool: Union[Tool, F]) -> Tool:
nonlocal name
tool = Tool(func_or_tool=func_or_tool, name=name)
+ chat_context = ChatContext(self)
+ chat_context_params = {param: chat_context for param in tool._chat_context_param_names}
- self.register_function({tool.name: self._wrap_function(tool.func)})
+ self.register_function({tool.name: self._wrap_function(tool.func, chat_context_params)})
return tool
@@ -3141,8 +3134,7 @@ def register_model_client(self, model_client_cls: ModelClient, **kwargs):
self.client.register_model_client(model_client_cls, **kwargs)
def register_hook(self, hookable_method: str, hook: Callable):
- """
- Registers a hook to be called by a hookable method, in order to add a capability to the agent.
+ """Registers a hook to be called by a hookable method, in order to add a capability to the agent.
Registered hooks are kept in lists (one per hookable method), and are called in their order of registration.
@@ -3155,8 +3147,7 @@ def register_hook(self, hookable_method: str, hook: Callable):
def update_agent_state_before_reply(self, messages: list[dict]) -> None:
- """
- Calls any registered capability hooks to update the agent's state.
+ """Calls any registered capability hooks to update the agent's state.
Primarily used to update context variables.
Will, potentially, modify the messages.
@@ -3167,9 +3158,7 @@ def update_agent_state_before_reply(self, messages: list[dict]) -> None:
hook(self, messages)
def process_all_messages_before_reply(self, messages: list[dict]) -> list[dict]:
- """
- Calls any registered capability hooks to process all messages, potentially modifying the messages.
- """
+ """Calls any registered capability hooks to process all messages, potentially modifying the messages."""
hook_list = self.hook_lists["process_all_messages_before_reply"]
# If no hooks are registered, or if there are no messages to process, return the original message list.
if len(hook_list) == 0 or messages is None:
@@ -3182,11 +3171,9 @@ def process_all_messages_before_reply(self, messages: list[dict]) -> list[dict]:
return processed_messages
def process_last_received_message(self, messages: list[dict]) -> list[dict]:
- """
- Calls any registered capability hooks to use and potentially modify the text of the last message,
+ """Calls any registered capability hooks to use and potentially modify the text of the last message,
as long as the last message is not a function call or exit command.
# If any required condition is not met, return the original message list.
hook_list = self.hook_lists["process_last_received_message"]
if len(hook_list) == 0:
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/groupchat.py b/autogen/agentchat/groupchat.py
index 425b817f3d..c1b2dbb7fe 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/groupchat.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/groupchat.py
@@ -11,11 +11,10 @@
import re
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Callable, Literal, Optional, Union
from ..code_utils import content_str
from ..exception_utils import AgentNameConflict, NoEligibleSpeaker, UndefinedNextAgent
-from ..formatting_utils import colored
from ..graph_utils import check_graph_validity, invert_disallowed_to_allowed
from ..io.base import IOStream
from ..messages.agent_messages import (
@@ -369,8 +368,8 @@ def select_speaker_msg(self, agents: Optional[list[Agent]] = None) -> str:
def select_speaker_prompt(self, agents: Optional[list[Agent]] = None) -> str:
"""Return the floating system prompt selecting the next speaker.
This is always the *last* message in the context.
- Will return None if the select_speaker_prompt_template is None."""
+ Will return None if the select_speaker_prompt_template is None.
+ """
if self.select_speaker_prompt_template is None:
return None
@@ -559,7 +558,6 @@ def _prepare_and_select_agents(
def select_speaker(self, last_speaker: Agent, selector: ConversableAgent) -> Agent:
"""Select the next speaker (with requery)."""
# Prepare the list of available agents and select an agent if selection method allows (non-auto)
selected_agent, agents, messages = self._prepare_and_select_agents(last_speaker)
if selected_agent:
@@ -573,7 +571,6 @@ def select_speaker(self, last_speaker: Agent, selector: ConversableAgent) -> Age
async def a_select_speaker(self, last_speaker: Agent, selector: ConversableAgent) -> Agent:
"""Select the next speaker (with requery), asynchronously."""
selected_agent, agents, messages = self._prepare_and_select_agents(last_speaker)
if selected_agent:
return selected_agent
@@ -701,7 +698,6 @@ def _auto_select_speaker(
Dict: a counter for mentioned agents.
# If no agents are passed in, assign all the group chat's agents
if agents is None:
agents = self.agents
@@ -785,7 +781,6 @@ async def a_auto_select_speaker(
Dict: a counter for mentioned agents.
# If no agents are passed in, assign all the group chat's agents
if agents is None:
agents = self.agents
@@ -942,7 +937,8 @@ def _process_speaker_selection_result(self, result, last_speaker: ConversableAge
"""Checks the result of the auto_select_speaker function, returning the
agent to speak.
- Used by auto_select_speaker and a_auto_select_speaker."""
+ Used by auto_select_speaker and a_auto_select_speaker.
+ """
if len(result.chat_history) > 0:
# Use the final message, which will have the selected agent or reason for failure
final_message = result.chat_history[-1]["content"]
@@ -1107,9 +1103,7 @@ def last_speaker(self) -> Agent:
def print_messages(recipient, messages, sender, config):
# Print the message immediately
- print(
- f"Sender: {sender.name} | Recipient: {recipient.name} | Message: {messages[-1].get('content')}"
- )
+ print(f"Sender: {sender.name} | Recipient: {recipient.name} | Message: {messages[-1].get('content')}")
print(f"Real Sender: {sender.last_speaker.name}")
assert sender.last_speaker.name in messages[-1].get("content")
return False, None # Required to ensure the agent communication flow continues
@@ -1119,9 +1113,7 @@ def print_messages(recipient, messages, sender, config):
agent_b = ConversableAgent("agent B", default_auto_reply="I'm agent B.")
agent_c = ConversableAgent("agent C", default_auto_reply="I'm agent C.")
for agent in [agent_a, agent_b, agent_c]:
- agent.register_reply(
- [ConversableAgent, None], reply_func=print_messages, config=None
- )
+ agent.register_reply([ConversableAgent, None], reply_func=print_messages, config=None)
group_chat = GroupChat(
[agent_a, agent_b, agent_c],
@@ -1130,9 +1122,7 @@ def print_messages(recipient, messages, sender, config):
chat_manager = GroupChatManager(group_chat)
- groupchat_result = agent_a.initiate_chat(
- chat_manager, message="Hi, there, I'm agent A."
- )
+ groupchat_result = agent_a.initiate_chat(chat_manager, message="Hi, there, I'm agent A.")
return self._last_speaker
@@ -1306,7 +1296,6 @@ def resume(
- Tuple[ConversableAgent, Dict]: A tuple containing the last agent who spoke and their message
# Convert messages from string to messages list, if needed
if isinstance(messages, str):
messages = self.messages_from_string(messages)
@@ -1410,7 +1399,6 @@ async def a_resume(
- Tuple[ConversableAgent, Dict]: A tuple containing the last agent who spoke and their message
# Convert messages from string to messages list, if needed
if isinstance(messages, str):
messages = self.messages_from_string(messages)
@@ -1498,10 +1486,10 @@ async def a_resume(
def _valid_resume_messages(self, messages: list[dict]):
"""Validates the messages used for resuming
- args:
+ Args:
messages (List[Dict]): list of messages to resume with
- returns:
+ Returns:
- bool: Whether they are valid for resuming
# Must have messages to start with, otherwise they should run run_chat
@@ -1525,15 +1513,14 @@ def _process_resume_termination(
"""Removes termination string, if required, and checks if termination may occur.
- args:
+ Args:
remove_termination_string (str or function): Remove the termination string from the last message to prevent immediate termination
If a string is provided, this string will be removed from last message.
If a function is provided, the last message will be passed to this function, and the function returns the string after processing.
- returns:
+ Returns:
last_message = messages[-1]
# Replace any given termination string in the last message
@@ -1557,10 +1544,10 @@ def _remove_termination_string(content: str) -> str:
def messages_from_string(self, message_string: str) -> list[dict]:
"""Reads the saved state of messages in Json format for resume and returns as a messages list
- args:
+ Args:
- message_string: Json string, the saved state
- returns:
+ Returns:
- List[Dict]: List of messages
@@ -1574,13 +1561,12 @@ def messages_to_string(self, messages: list[dict]) -> str:
"""Converts the provided messages into a Json string that can be used for resuming the chat.
The state is made up of a list of messages
- args:
+ Args:
- messages (List[Dict]): set of messages to convert to a string
- returns:
+ Returns:
- str: Json representation of the messages which can be persisted for resuming later
return json.dumps(messages)
def _raise_exception_on_async_reply_functions(self) -> None:
@@ -1631,10 +1617,7 @@ def clear_agents_history(self, reply: dict, groupchat: GroupChat) -> str:
nr_messages_to_preserve_provided = True
for agent in groupchat.agents:
- if agent.name == word:
- agent_to_memory_clear = agent
- break
- elif agent.name == word[:-1]: # for the case when agent name is followed by dot or other sign
+ if agent.name == word or agent.name == word[:-1]:
agent_to_memory_clear = agent
# preserve last tool call message if clear history called inside of tool response
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/function_observer.py b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/function_observer.py
index 8417810051..a793c4c12f 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/function_observer.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/function_observer.py
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ async def call_function(self, call_id: str, name: str, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -
name (str): The name of the function to call.
kwargs (Any[str, Any]): The arguments to pass to the function.
if name in self.agent.registred_realtime_tools:
func = self.agent.registred_realtime_tools[name].func
func = func if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func) else asyncify(func)
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/oai_realtime_client.py b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/oai_realtime_client.py
index d074c20eb8..4756aacb3e 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/oai_realtime_client.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/oai_realtime_client.py
@@ -2,17 +2,22 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import asyncio
+import json
+from collections.abc import AsyncGenerator
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from logging import Logger, getLogger
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AsyncGenerator, Optional
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional
-from asyncer import TaskGroup, create_task_group
+import httpx
from openai import DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, NOT_GIVEN, AsyncOpenAI
from openai.resources.beta.realtime.realtime import AsyncRealtimeConnection
from .realtime_client import Role
+ from fastapi.websockets import WebSocket
from .realtime_client import RealtimeClientProtocol
__all__ = ["OpenAIRealtimeClient", "Role"]
@@ -168,8 +173,184 @@ async def read_events(self) -> AsyncGenerator[dict[str, Any], None]:
self._connection = None
-# needed for mypy to check if OpenAIRealtimeClient implements RealtimeClientProtocol
+class OpenAIRealtimeWebRTCClient:
+ """(Experimental) Client for OpenAI Realtime API that uses WebRTC protocol."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ llm_config: dict[str, Any],
+ voice: str,
+ system_message: str,
+ websocket: "WebSocket",
+ logger: Optional[Logger] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """(Experimental) Client for OpenAI Realtime API.
+ Args:
+ llm_config (dict[str, Any]): The config for the client.
+ """
+ self._llm_config = llm_config
+ self._voice = voice
+ self._system_message = system_message
+ self._logger = logger
+ self._websocket = websocket
+ config = llm_config["config_list"][0]
+ self._model: str = config["model"]
+ self._temperature: float = llm_config.get("temperature", 0.8) # type: ignore[union-attr]
+ self._config = config
+ @property
+ def logger(self) -> Logger:
+ """Get the logger for the OpenAI Realtime API."""
+ return self._logger or global_logger
+ async def send_function_result(self, call_id: str, result: str) -> None:
+ """Send the result of a function call to the OpenAI Realtime API.
+ Args:
+ call_id (str): The ID of the function call.
+ result (str): The result of the function call.
+ """
+ await self._websocket.send_json(
+ {
+ "type": "conversation.item.create",
+ "item": {
+ "type": "function_call_output",
+ "call_id": call_id,
+ "output": result,
+ },
+ }
+ )
+ await self._websocket.send_json({"type": "response.create"})
+ async def send_text(self, *, role: Role, text: str) -> None:
+ """Send a text message to the OpenAI Realtime API.
+ Args:
+ role (str): The role of the message.
+ text (str): The text of the message.
+ """
+ # await self.connection.response.cancel() #why is this here?
+ await self._websocket.send_json(
+ {
+ "type": "connection.conversation.item.create",
+ "item": {"type": "message", "role": role, "content": [{"type": "input_text", "text": text}]},
+ }
+ )
+ # await self.connection.response.create()
+ async def send_audio(self, audio: str) -> None:
+ """Send audio to the OpenAI Realtime API.
+ Args:
+ audio (str): The audio to send.
+ """
+ await self._websocket.send_json({"type": "input_audio_buffer.append", "audio": audio})
+ async def truncate_audio(self, audio_end_ms: int, content_index: int, item_id: str) -> None:
+ """Truncate audio in the OpenAI Realtime API.
+ Args:
+ audio_end_ms (int): The end of the audio to truncate.
+ content_index (int): The index of the content to truncate.
+ item_id (str): The ID of the item to truncate.
+ """
+ await self._websocket.send_json(
+ {
+ "type": "conversation.item.truncate",
+ "content_index": content_index,
+ "item_id": item_id,
+ "audio_end_ms": audio_end_ms,
+ }
+ )
+ async def session_update(self, session_options: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ """Send a session update to the OpenAI Realtime API.
+ In the case of WebRTC we can not send it directly, but we can send it
+ to the javascript over the websocket, and rely on it to send session
+ update to OpenAI
+ Args:
+ session_options (dict[str, Any]): The session options to update.
+ """
+ logger = self.logger
+ logger.info(f"Sending session update: {session_options}")
+ # await self.connection.session.update(session=session_options) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ await self._websocket.send_json({"type": "session.update", "session": session_options})
+ logger.info("Sending session update finished")
+ async def _initialize_session(self) -> None:
+ """Control initial session with OpenAI."""
+ session_update = {
+ "turn_detection": {"type": "server_vad"},
+ "voice": self._voice,
+ "instructions": self._system_message,
+ "modalities": ["audio", "text"],
+ "temperature": self._temperature,
+ }
+ await self.session_update(session_options=session_update)
+ @asynccontextmanager
+ async def connect(self) -> AsyncGenerator[None, None]:
+ """Connect to the OpenAI Realtime API.
+ In the case of WebRTC, we pass connection information over the
+ websocket, so that javascript on the other end of websocket open
+ actual connection to OpenAI
+ """
+ try:
+ url = "https://api.openai.com/v1/realtime/sessions"
+ api_key = self._config.get("api_key", None)
+ headers = {
+ "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}", # Use os.getenv to get from environment
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ }
+ data = {
+ # "model": "gpt-4o-realtime-preview-2024-12-17",
+ "model": self._model,
+ "voice": self._voice,
+ }
+ async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
+ response = await client.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ json_data = response.json()
+ json_data["model"] = self._model
+ if self._websocket is not None:
+ await self._websocket.send_json({"type": "ag2.init", "config": json_data})
+ await asyncio.sleep(10)
+ await self._initialize_session()
+ yield
+ finally:
+ pass
+ async def read_events(self) -> AsyncGenerator[dict[str, Any], None]:
+ """Read messages from the OpenAI Realtime API.
+ Again, in case of WebRTC, we do not read OpenAI messages directly since we
+ do not hold connection to OpenAI. Instead we read messages from the websocket, and javascript
+ client on the other side of the websocket that is connected to OpenAI is relaying events to us.
+ """
+ logger = self.logger
+ while True:
+ try:
+ message_json = await self._websocket.receive_text()
+ message = json.loads(message_json)
+ if "function" in message["type"]:
+ logger.info("Received function message", message)
+ yield message
+ except Exception:
+ break
+# needed for mypy to check if OpenAIRealtimeWebRTCClient implements RealtimeClientProtocol
_client: RealtimeClientProtocol = OpenAIRealtimeClient(
llm_config={}, voice="alloy", system_message="You are a helpful AI voice assistant."
+ def _rtc_client(websocket: "WebSocket") -> RealtimeClientProtocol:
+ return OpenAIRealtimeWebRTCClient(
+ llm_config={}, voice="alloy", system_message="You are a helpful AI voice assistant.", websocket=websocket
+ )
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent.py
index b4e5d688b0..f372832d41 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent.py
@@ -3,16 +3,19 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from logging import Logger, getLogger
-from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, TypeVar, Union
+from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, TypeVar, Union
import anyio
-from asyncer import create_task_group, syncify
+from asyncer import asyncify, create_task_group, syncify
+from fastapi import WebSocket
-from ...tools import Tool, get_function_schema
+from ...tools import Tool
from ..agent import Agent
+from ..contrib.swarm_agent import AfterWorkOption, initiate_swarm_chat
from ..conversable_agent import ConversableAgent
from .function_observer import FunctionObserver
-from .oai_realtime_client import OpenAIRealtimeClient, Role
+from .oai_realtime_client import OpenAIRealtimeClient, OpenAIRealtimeWebRTCClient, Role
+from .realtime_client import RealtimeClientProtocol
from .realtime_observer import RealtimeObserver
F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable[..., Any])
@@ -21,14 +24,13 @@
"You are a helpful voice assistant. Your task is to listen to user and to coordinate the tasks based on his/her inputs."
- "Only call the 'answer_task_question' function when you have the answer from the user."
- "You can communicate and will communicate using audio output only."
+ "You can and will communicate using audio output only."
QUESTION_ROLE: Role = "user"
"I have a question/information for myself. DO NOT ANSWER YOURSELF, GET THE ANSWER FROM ME. "
- "repeat the question to me **WITH AUDIO OUTPUT** and then call 'answer_task_question' AFTER YOU GET THE ANSWER FROM ME\n\n"
+ "repeat the question to me **WITH AUDIO OUTPUT** and AFTER YOU GET THE ANSWER FROM ME call 'answer_task_question'\n\n"
"The question is: '{}'\n\n"
@@ -41,20 +43,22 @@ def __init__(
name: str,
- audio_adapter: RealtimeObserver,
+ audio_adapter: Optional[RealtimeObserver] = None,
system_message: str = "You are a helpful AI Assistant.",
llm_config: dict[str, Any],
voice: str = "alloy",
logger: Optional[Logger] = None,
+ websocket: Optional[WebSocket] = None,
"""(Experimental) Agent for interacting with the Realtime Clients.
name (str): The name of the agent.
- audio_adapter (RealtimeObserver): The audio adapter for the agent.
+ audio_adapter (Optional[RealtimeObserver] = None): The audio adapter for the agent.
system_message (str): The system message for the agent.
llm_config (dict[str, Any], bool): The config for the agent.
voice (str): The voice for the agent.
+ websocket (Optional[WebSocket] = None): WebSocket from WebRTC javascript client
@@ -74,12 +78,20 @@ def __init__(
self._logger = logger
self._function_observer = FunctionObserver(logger=logger)
self._audio_adapter = audio_adapter
- self._realtime_client = OpenAIRealtimeClient(
+ self._realtime_client: RealtimeClientProtocol = OpenAIRealtimeClient(
llm_config=llm_config, voice=voice, system_message=system_message, logger=logger
+ if websocket is not None:
+ self._realtime_client = OpenAIRealtimeWebRTCClient(
+ llm_config=llm_config, voice=voice, system_message=system_message, websocket=websocket, logger=logger
+ )
self._voice = voice
- self._observers: list[RealtimeObserver] = [self._function_observer, self._audio_adapter]
+ self._observers: list[RealtimeObserver] = [self._function_observer]
+ if self._audio_adapter:
+ # audio adapter is not needed for WebRTC
+ self._observers.append(self._audio_adapter)
self._registred_realtime_tools: dict[str, Tool] = {}
@@ -95,13 +107,17 @@ def __init__(
self._initial_agent: Optional[ConversableAgent] = None
self._agents: Optional[list[ConversableAgent]] = None
+ def _validate_name(self, name: str) -> None:
+ # RealtimeAgent does not need to validate the name
+ pass
def logger(self) -> Logger:
"""Get the logger for the agent."""
return self._logger or global_logger
- def realtime_client(self) -> OpenAIRealtimeClient:
+ def realtime_client(self) -> RealtimeClientProtocol:
"""Get the OpenAI Realtime Client."""
return self._realtime_client
@@ -154,10 +170,8 @@ async def run(self) -> None:
"""Run the agent."""
# everything is run in the same task group to enable easy cancellation using self._tg.cancel_scope.cancel()
async with create_task_group() as self._tg:
# connect with the client first (establishes a connection and initializes a session)
async with self._realtime_client.connect():
# start the observers
for observer in self._observers:
@@ -166,6 +180,15 @@ async def run(self) -> None:
for observer in self._observers:
await observer.wait_for_ready()
+ if self._start_swarm_chat and self._initial_agent and self._agents:
+ self._tg.soonify(asyncify(initiate_swarm_chat))(
+ initial_agent=self._initial_agent,
+ agents=self._agents,
+ user_agent=self, # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ messages="Find out what the user wants.",
+ after_work=AfterWorkOption.REVERT_TO_USER,
+ )
# iterate over the events
async for event in self.realtime_client.read_events():
for observer in self._observers:
@@ -220,15 +243,13 @@ async def get_answer(self) -> str:
return self._answer
async def ask_question(self, question: str, question_timeout: int) -> None:
- """
- Send a question for the user to the agent and wait for the answer.
+ """Send a question for the user to the agent and wait for the answer.
If the answer is not received within the timeout, the question is repeated.
question: The question to ask the user.
question_timeout: The time in seconds to wait for the answer.
await self._realtime_client.send_text(role=QUESTION_ROLE, text=question)
@@ -260,7 +281,6 @@ def check_termination_and_human_reply(
config: any
the config for the agent
if not messages:
return False, None
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_client.py b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_client.py
index 2195a78f83..0e914bf419 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_client.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_client.py
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-from typing import Any, AsyncContextManager, AsyncGenerator, Literal, Protocol, runtime_checkable
+from collections.abc import AsyncGenerator
+from typing import Any, AsyncContextManager, Literal, Protocol, runtime_checkable
__all__ = ["RealtimeClientProtocol", "Role"]
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/twilio_audio_adapter.py b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/twilio_audio_adapter.py
index c8b275c5e7..aaca2fe3e4 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/twilio_audio_adapter.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/twilio_audio_adapter.py
@@ -4,17 +4,14 @@
import base64
import json
-from logging import Logger, getLogger
+from logging import Logger
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional
-from openai.types.beta.realtime.realtime_server_event import RealtimeServerEvent
from .realtime_observer import RealtimeObserver
from fastapi.websockets import WebSocket
- from .realtime_agent import RealtimeAgent
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter.py b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter.py
index 7dc7030e67..ef76defa8d 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter.py
@@ -4,15 +4,12 @@
import base64
import json
-from logging import Logger, getLogger
+from logging import Logger
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional
-from openai.types.beta.realtime.realtime_server_event import RealtimeServerEvent
from fastapi.websockets import WebSocket
- from .realtime_agent import RealtimeAgent
from .realtime_observer import RealtimeObserver
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/user_proxy_agent.py b/autogen/agentchat/user_proxy_agent.py
index 687e7e3150..54d50428b1 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/user_proxy_agent.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/user_proxy_agent.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union
+from typing import Callable, Literal, Optional, Union
from ..runtime_logging import log_new_agent, logging_enabled
from .conversable_agent import ConversableAgent
@@ -43,51 +43,50 @@ def __init__(
description: Optional[str] = None,
- """
- Args:
- name (str): name of the agent.
- is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
- and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
- The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
- max_consecutive_auto_reply (int): the maximum number of consecutive auto replies.
- default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case).
- The limit only plays a role when human_input_mode is not "ALWAYS".
- human_input_mode (str): whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.
- Possible values are "ALWAYS", "TERMINATE", "NEVER".
- (1) When "ALWAYS", the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received.
- Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is "exit",
- or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input.
- (2) When "TERMINATE", the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or
- the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply.
- (3) When "NEVER", the agent will never prompt for human input. Under this mode, the conversation stops
- when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True.
- function_map (dict[str, callable]): Mapping function names (passed to openai) to callable functions.
- code_execution_config (dict or False): config for the code execution.
- To disable code execution, set to False. Otherwise, set to a dictionary with the following keys:
- - work_dir (Optional, str): The working directory for the code execution.
- If None, a default working directory will be used.
- The default working directory is the "extensions" directory under
- "path_to_autogen".
- - use_docker (Optional, list, str or bool): The docker image to use for code execution.
- Default is True, which means the code will be executed in a docker container. A default list of images will be used.
- If a list or a str of image name(s) is provided, the code will be executed in a docker container
- with the first image successfully pulled.
- If False, the code will be executed in the current environment.
- We strongly recommend using docker for code execution.
- - timeout (Optional, int): The maximum execution time in seconds.
- - last_n_messages (Experimental, Optional, int): The number of messages to look back for code execution. Default to 1.
- default_auto_reply (str or dict or None): the default auto reply message when no code execution or llm based reply is generated.
- llm_config (dict or False or None): llm inference configuration.
- Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create)
- for available options.
- Default to False, which disables llm-based auto reply.
- When set to None, will use self.DEFAULT_CONFIG, which defaults to False.
- system_message (str or List): system message for ChatCompletion inference.
- Only used when llm_config is not False. Use it to reprogram the agent.
- description (str): a short description of the agent. This description is used by other agents
- (e.g. the GroupChatManager) to decide when to call upon this agent. (Default: system_message)
- **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
- [ConversableAgent](conversable_agent#init).
+ """Args:
+ name (str): name of the agent.
+ is_termination_msg (function): a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary
+ and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.
+ The dict can contain the following keys: "content", "role", "name", "function_call".
+ max_consecutive_auto_reply (int): the maximum number of consecutive auto replies.
+ default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case).
+ The limit only plays a role when human_input_mode is not "ALWAYS".
+ human_input_mode (str): whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.
+ Possible values are "ALWAYS", "TERMINATE", "NEVER".
+ (1) When "ALWAYS", the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received.
+ Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is "exit",
+ or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input.
+ (2) When "TERMINATE", the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or
+ the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply.
+ (3) When "NEVER", the agent will never prompt for human input. Under this mode, the conversation stops
+ when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True.
+ function_map (dict[str, callable]): Mapping function names (passed to openai) to callable functions.
+ code_execution_config (dict or False): config for the code execution.
+ To disable code execution, set to False. Otherwise, set to a dictionary with the following keys:
+ - work_dir (Optional, str): The working directory for the code execution.
+ If None, a default working directory will be used.
+ The default working directory is the "extensions" directory under
+ "path_to_autogen".
+ - use_docker (Optional, list, str or bool): The docker image to use for code execution.
+ Default is True, which means the code will be executed in a docker container. A default list of images will be used.
+ If a list or a str of image name(s) is provided, the code will be executed in a docker container
+ with the first image successfully pulled.
+ If False, the code will be executed in the current environment.
+ We strongly recommend using docker for code execution.
+ - timeout (Optional, int): The maximum execution time in seconds.
+ - last_n_messages (Experimental, Optional, int): The number of messages to look back for code execution. Default to 1.
+ default_auto_reply (str or dict or None): the default auto reply message when no code execution or llm based reply is generated.
+ llm_config (dict or False or None): llm inference configuration.
+ Please refer to [OpenAIWrapper.create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create)
+ for available options.
+ Default to False, which disables llm-based auto reply.
+ When set to None, will use self.DEFAULT_CONFIG, which defaults to False.
+ system_message (str or List): system message for ChatCompletion inference.
+ Only used when llm_config is not False. Use it to reprogram the agent.
+ description (str): a short description of the agent. This description is used by other agents
+ (e.g. the GroupChatManager) to decide when to call upon this agent. (Default: system_message)
+ **kwargs (dict): Please refer to other kwargs in
+ [ConversableAgent](conversable_agent#init).
diff --git a/autogen/agentchat/utils.py b/autogen/agentchat/utils.py
index 74fa996165..7bb7c2df0d 100644
--- a/autogen/agentchat/utils.py
+++ b/autogen/agentchat/utils.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import re
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Union
+from typing import Any, Callable, Union
from .agent import Agent
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ def consolidate_chat_info(chat_info, uniform_sender=None) -> None:
or summary_method in ("last_msg", "reflection_with_llm")
), "summary_method must be a string chosen from 'reflection_with_llm' or 'last_msg' or a callable, or None."
if summary_method == "reflection_with_llm":
- assert (
- sender.client is not None or c["recipient"].client is not None
- ), "llm client must be set in either the recipient or sender when summary_method is reflection_with_llm."
+ assert sender.client is not None or c["recipient"].client is not None, (
+ "llm client must be set in either the recipient or sender when summary_method is reflection_with_llm."
+ )
def gather_usage_summary(agents: list[Agent]) -> dict[dict[str, dict], dict[str, dict]]:
@@ -44,33 +44,30 @@ def gather_usage_summary(agents: list[Agent]) -> dict[dict[str, dict], dict[str,
- "usage_excluding_cached_inference": Cost information on the usage of tokens, excluding the tokens in cache. No larger than "usage_including_cached_inference".
- "usage_including_cached_inference" : {
+ "usage_including_cached_inference": {
"total_cost": 0.0006090000000000001,
"gpt-35-turbo": {
- "cost": 0.0006090000000000001,
- "prompt_tokens": 242,
- "completion_tokens": 123,
- "total_tokens": 365
+ "cost": 0.0006090000000000001,
+ "prompt_tokens": 242,
+ "completion_tokens": 123,
+ "total_tokens": 365,
- "usage_excluding_cached_inference" : {
+ "usage_excluding_cached_inference": {
"total_cost": 0.0006090000000000001,
"gpt-35-turbo": {
- "cost": 0.0006090000000000001,
- "prompt_tokens": 242,
- "completion_tokens": 123,
- "total_tokens": 365
+ "cost": 0.0006090000000000001,
+ "prompt_tokens": 242,
+ "completion_tokens": 123,
+ "total_tokens": 365,
- }
+ },
If none of the agents incurred any cost (not having a client), then the usage_including_cached_inference and usage_excluding_cached_inference will be `{'total_cost': 0}`.
diff --git a/autogen/browser_utils.py b/autogen/browser_utils.py
index c624d13749..25e25e75b9 100644
--- a/autogen/browser_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/browser_utils.py
@@ -5,12 +5,11 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import io
-import json
import mimetypes
import os
import re
import uuid
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse
import markdownify
diff --git a/autogen/cache/__init__.py b/autogen/cache/__init__.py
index 402f580e1d..68c5c8e889 100644
--- a/autogen/cache/__init__.py
+++ b/autogen/cache/__init__.py
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
from .abstract_cache_base import AbstractCache
from .cache import Cache
-__all__ = ["Cache", "AbstractCache"]
+__all__ = ["AbstractCache", "Cache"]
diff --git a/autogen/cache/abstract_cache_base.py b/autogen/cache/abstract_cache_base.py
index d7d864508f..cabe75931b 100644
--- a/autogen/cache/abstract_cache_base.py
+++ b/autogen/cache/abstract_cache_base.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import sys
from types import TracebackType
-from typing import Any, Optional, Protocol, Type
+from typing import Any, Optional, Protocol
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
from typing import Self
@@ -15,15 +15,13 @@
class AbstractCache(Protocol):
- """
- This protocol defines the basic interface for cache operations.
+ """This protocol defines the basic interface for cache operations.
Implementing classes should provide concrete implementations for
these methods to handle caching mechanisms.
def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]:
- """
- Retrieve an item from the cache.
+ """Retrieve an item from the cache.
key (str): The key identifying the item in the cache.
@@ -36,8 +34,7 @@ def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]:
def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
- """
- Set an item in the cache.
+ """Set an item in the cache.
key (str): The key under which the item is to be stored.
@@ -46,15 +43,13 @@ def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
def close(self) -> None:
- """
- Close the cache. Perform any necessary cleanup, such as closing network connections or
+ """Close the cache. Perform any necessary cleanup, such as closing network connections or
releasing resources.
def __enter__(self) -> Self:
- """
- Enter the runtime context related to this object.
+ """Enter the runtime context related to this object.
The with statement will bind this method's return value to the target(s)
specified in the as clause of the statement, if any.
@@ -67,8 +62,7 @@ def __exit__(
exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
traceback: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> None:
- """
- Exit the runtime context and close the cache.
+ """Exit the runtime context and close the cache.
exc_type: The exception type if an exception was raised in the context.
diff --git a/autogen/cache/cache.py b/autogen/cache/cache.py
index 1b2bc26f6b..a4206f246a 100644
--- a/autogen/cache/cache.py
+++ b/autogen/cache/cache.py
@@ -8,20 +8,19 @@
import sys
from types import TracebackType
-from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Type, TypedDict, Union
+from typing import Any
from .abstract_cache_base import AbstractCache
from .cache_factory import CacheFactory
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
- from typing import Self
+ pass
- from typing_extensions import Self
+ pass
class Cache(AbstractCache):
- """
- A wrapper class for managing cache configuration and instances.
+ """A wrapper class for managing cache configuration and instances.
This class provides a unified interface for creating and interacting with
different types of cache (e.g., Redis, Disk). It abstracts the underlying
@@ -41,8 +40,7 @@ class Cache(AbstractCache):
def redis(cache_seed: str | int = 42, redis_url: str = "redis://localhost:6379/0") -> Cache:
- """
- Create a Redis cache instance.
+ """Create a Redis cache instance.
cache_seed (Union[str, int], optional): A seed for the cache. Defaults to 42.
@@ -55,8 +53,7 @@ def redis(cache_seed: str | int = 42, redis_url: str = "redis://localhost:6379/0
def disk(cache_seed: str | int = 42, cache_path_root: str = ".cache") -> Cache:
- """
- Create a Disk cache instance.
+ """Create a Disk cache instance.
cache_seed (Union[str, int], optional): A seed for the cache. Defaults to 42.
@@ -74,14 +71,14 @@ def cosmos_db(
cache_seed: str | int = 42,
client: any | None = None,
) -> Cache:
- """
- Create a Cosmos DB cache instance with 'autogen_cache' as database ID.
+ """Create a Cosmos DB cache instance with 'autogen_cache' as database ID.
connection_string (str, optional): Connection string to the Cosmos DB account.
container_id (str, optional): The container ID for the Cosmos DB account.
cache_seed (Union[str, int], optional): A seed for the cache.
client: Optional[CosmosClient]: Pass an existing Cosmos DB client.
Cache: A Cache instance configured for Cosmos DB.
@@ -94,8 +91,7 @@ def cosmos_db(
return Cache({"cache_seed": str(cache_seed), "cosmos_db_config": cosmos_db_config})
def __init__(self, config: dict[str, Any]):
- """
- Initialize the Cache with the given configuration.
+ """Initialize the Cache with the given configuration.
Validates the configuration keys and creates the cache instance.
@@ -122,8 +118,7 @@ def __init__(self, config: dict[str, Any]):
def __enter__(self) -> Cache:
- """
- Enter the runtime context related to the cache object.
+ """Enter the runtime context related to the cache object.
The cache instance for use within a context block.
@@ -136,8 +131,7 @@ def __exit__(
exc_value: BaseException | None,
traceback: TracebackType | None,
) -> None:
- """
- Exit the runtime context related to the cache object.
+ """Exit the runtime context related to the cache object.
Cleans up the cache instance and handles any exceptions that occurred
within the context.
@@ -150,8 +144,7 @@ def __exit__(
return self.cache.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
def get(self, key: str, default: Any | None = None) -> Any | None:
- """
- Retrieve an item from the cache.
+ """Retrieve an item from the cache.
key (str): The key identifying the item in the cache.
@@ -164,8 +157,7 @@ def get(self, key: str, default: Any | None = None) -> Any | None:
return self.cache.get(key, default)
def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
- """
- Set an item in the cache.
+ """Set an item in the cache.
key (str): The key under which the item is to be stored.
@@ -174,8 +166,7 @@ def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
self.cache.set(key, value)
def close(self) -> None:
- """
- Close the cache.
+ """Close the cache.
Perform any necessary cleanup, such as closing connections or releasing resources.
diff --git a/autogen/cache/cache_factory.py b/autogen/cache/cache_factory.py
index b64328cfe7..6dabadf552 100644
--- a/autogen/cache/cache_factory.py
+++ b/autogen/cache/cache_factory.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import logging
import os
-from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from .abstract_cache_base import AbstractCache
from .disk_cache import DiskCache
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ def cache_factory(
cache_path_root: str = ".cache",
cosmosdb_config: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> AbstractCache:
- """
- Factory function for creating cache instances.
+ """Factory function for creating cache instances.
This function decides whether to create a RedisCache, DiskCache, or CosmosDBCache instance
based on the provided parameters. If RedisCache is available and a redis_url is provided,
@@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ def cache_factory(
An instance of RedisCache, DiskCache, or CosmosDBCache.
Creating a Redis cache
@@ -53,11 +51,14 @@ def cache_factory(
Creating a Cosmos DB cache:
- cosmos_cache = cache_factory("myseed", cosmosdb_config={
+ cosmos_cache = cache_factory(
+ "myseed",
+ cosmosdb_config={
"connection_string": "your_connection_string",
"database_id": "your_database_id",
- "container_id": "your_container_id"}
- )
+ "container_id": "your_container_id",
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/autogen/cache/cosmos_db_cache.py b/autogen/cache/cosmos_db_cache.py
index ff3301eda2..de558986ec 100644
--- a/autogen/cache/cosmos_db_cache.py
+++ b/autogen/cache/cosmos_db_cache.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import pickle
from typing import Any, Optional, TypedDict, Union
-from azure.cosmos import CosmosClient, PartitionKey, exceptions
+from azure.cosmos import CosmosClient, PartitionKey
from azure.cosmos.exceptions import CosmosResourceNotFoundError
from autogen.cache.abstract_cache_base import AbstractCache
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ class CosmosDBConfig(TypedDict, total=False):
class CosmosDBCache(AbstractCache):
- """
- Synchronous implementation of AbstractCache using Azure Cosmos DB NoSQL API.
+ """Synchronous implementation of AbstractCache using Azure Cosmos DB NoSQL API.
This class provides a concrete implementation of the AbstractCache
interface using Azure Cosmos DB for caching data, with synchronous operations.
@@ -37,8 +36,7 @@ class CosmosDBCache(AbstractCache):
def __init__(self, seed: Union[str, int], cosmosdb_config: CosmosDBConfig):
- """
- Initialize the CosmosDBCache instance.
+ """Initialize the CosmosDBCache instance.
seed (Union[str, int]): A seed or namespace for the cache, used as a partition key.
@@ -59,8 +57,7 @@ def __init__(self, seed: Union[str, int], cosmosdb_config: CosmosDBConfig):
def create_cache(cls, seed: Union[str, int], cosmosdb_config: CosmosDBConfig):
- """
- Factory method to create a CosmosDBCache instance based on the provided configuration.
+ """Factory method to create a CosmosDBCache instance based on the provided configuration.
This method decides whether to use an existing CosmosClient or create a new one.
if "client" in cosmosdb_config and isinstance(cosmosdb_config["client"], CosmosClient):
@@ -83,8 +80,7 @@ def from_existing_client(cls, seed: Union[str, int], client: CosmosClient, datab
return cls(str(seed), config)
def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]:
- """
- Retrieve an item from the Cosmos DB cache.
+ """Retrieve an item from the Cosmos DB cache.
key (str): The key identifying the item in the cache.
@@ -104,8 +100,7 @@ def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]:
raise e
def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
- """
- Set an item in the Cosmos DB cache.
+ """Set an item in the Cosmos DB cache.
key (str): The key under which the item is to be stored.
@@ -123,8 +118,7 @@ def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
raise e
def close(self) -> None:
- """
- Close the Cosmos DB client.
+ """Close the Cosmos DB client.
Perform any necessary cleanup, such as closing network connections.
@@ -133,8 +127,7 @@ def close(self) -> None:
def __enter__(self):
- """
- Context management entry.
+ """Context management entry.
self: The instance itself.
@@ -142,8 +135,7 @@ def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[type], exc_value: Optional[Exception], traceback: Optional[Any]) -> None:
- """
- Context management exit.
+ """Context management exit.
Perform cleanup actions such as closing the Cosmos DB client.
diff --git a/autogen/cache/disk_cache.py b/autogen/cache/disk_cache.py
index 2838447cb6..7126c5e87e 100644
--- a/autogen/cache/disk_cache.py
+++ b/autogen/cache/disk_cache.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import sys
from types import TracebackType
-from typing import Any, Optional, Type, Union
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
import diskcache
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
class DiskCache(AbstractCache):
- """
- Implementation of AbstractCache using the DiskCache library.
+ """Implementation of AbstractCache using the DiskCache library.
This class provides a concrete implementation of the AbstractCache
interface using the diskcache library for caching data on disk.
@@ -38,8 +37,7 @@ class DiskCache(AbstractCache):
def __init__(self, seed: Union[str, int]):
- """
- Initialize the DiskCache instance.
+ """Initialize the DiskCache instance.
seed (Union[str, int]): A seed or namespace for the cache. This is used to create
@@ -49,8 +47,7 @@ def __init__(self, seed: Union[str, int]):
self.cache = diskcache.Cache(seed)
def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]:
- """
- Retrieve an item from the cache.
+ """Retrieve an item from the cache.
key (str): The key identifying the item in the cache.
@@ -63,8 +60,7 @@ def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]:
return self.cache.get(key, default)
def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
- """
- Set an item in the cache.
+ """Set an item in the cache.
key (str): The key under which the item is to be stored.
@@ -73,8 +69,7 @@ def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
self.cache.set(key, value)
def close(self) -> None:
- """
- Close the cache.
+ """Close the cache.
Perform any necessary cleanup, such as closing file handles or
releasing resources.
@@ -82,8 +77,7 @@ def close(self) -> None:
def __enter__(self) -> Self:
- """
- Enter the runtime context related to the object.
+ """Enter the runtime context related to the object.
self: The instance itself.
@@ -96,8 +90,7 @@ def __exit__(
exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
traceback: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> None:
- """
- Exit the runtime context related to the object.
+ """Exit the runtime context related to the object.
Perform cleanup actions such as closing the cache.
diff --git a/autogen/cache/in_memory_cache.py b/autogen/cache/in_memory_cache.py
index f080530e56..9cc564e5c5 100644
--- a/autogen/cache/in_memory_cache.py
+++ b/autogen/cache/in_memory_cache.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import sys
from types import TracebackType
-from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Type, Union
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from .abstract_cache_base import AbstractCache
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
class InMemoryCache(AbstractCache):
def __init__(self, seed: Union[str, int] = ""):
self._seed = str(seed)
self._cache: dict[str, Any] = {}
@@ -39,8 +38,7 @@ def close(self) -> None:
def __enter__(self) -> Self:
- """
- Enter the runtime context related to the object.
+ """Enter the runtime context related to the object.
self: The instance itself.
@@ -50,8 +48,7 @@ def __enter__(self) -> Self:
def __exit__(
self, exc_type: Optional[type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType]
) -> None:
- """
- Exit the runtime context related to the object.
+ """Exit the runtime context related to the object.
exc_type: The exception type if an exception was raised in the context.
diff --git a/autogen/cache/redis_cache.py b/autogen/cache/redis_cache.py
index b87863f083..6453285e62 100644
--- a/autogen/cache/redis_cache.py
+++ b/autogen/cache/redis_cache.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import pickle
import sys
from types import TracebackType
-from typing import Any, Optional, Type, Union
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
import redis
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
class RedisCache(AbstractCache):
- """
- Implementation of AbstractCache using the Redis database.
+ """Implementation of AbstractCache using the Redis database.
This class provides a concrete implementation of the AbstractCache
interface using the Redis database for caching data.
@@ -41,8 +40,7 @@ class RedisCache(AbstractCache):
def __init__(self, seed: Union[str, int], redis_url: str):
- """
- Initialize the RedisCache instance.
+ """Initialize the RedisCache instance.
seed (Union[str, int]): A seed or namespace for the cache. This is used as a prefix for all cache keys.
@@ -53,8 +51,7 @@ def __init__(self, seed: Union[str, int], redis_url: str):
self.cache = redis.Redis.from_url(redis_url)
def _prefixed_key(self, key: str) -> str:
- """
- Get a namespaced key for the cache.
+ """Get a namespaced key for the cache.
key (str): The original key.
@@ -65,8 +62,7 @@ def _prefixed_key(self, key: str) -> str:
return f"autogen:{self.seed}:{key}"
def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]:
- """
- Retrieve an item from the Redis cache.
+ """Retrieve an item from the Redis cache.
key (str): The key identifying the item in the cache.
@@ -82,8 +78,7 @@ def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]:
return pickle.loads(result)
def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
- """
- Set an item in the Redis cache.
+ """Set an item in the Redis cache.
key (str): The key under which the item is to be stored.
@@ -96,16 +91,14 @@ def set(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
self.cache.set(self._prefixed_key(key), serialized_value)
def close(self) -> None:
- """
- Close the Redis client.
+ """Close the Redis client.
Perform any necessary cleanup, such as closing network connections.
def __enter__(self) -> Self:
- """
- Enter the runtime context related to the object.
+ """Enter the runtime context related to the object.
self: The instance itself.
@@ -115,8 +108,7 @@ def __enter__(self) -> Self:
def __exit__(
self, exc_type: Optional[type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType]
) -> None:
- """
- Exit the runtime context related to the object.
+ """Exit the runtime context related to the object.
Perform cleanup actions such as closing the Redis client.
diff --git a/autogen/code_utils.py b/autogen/code_utils.py
index 07ec3d77b5..b282234bda 100644
--- a/autogen/code_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/code_utils.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeoutError
from hashlib import md5
from types import SimpleNamespace
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Callable, Optional, Union
import docker
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
TIMEOUT_MSG = "Timeout"
WIN32 = sys.platform == "win32"
-PATH_SEPARATOR = WIN32 and "\\" or "/"
+PATH_SEPARATOR = (WIN32 and "\\") or "/"
PYTHON_VARIANTS = ["python", "Python", "py"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ def content_str(content: Union[str, list[Union[UserMessageTextContentPart, UserM
def infer_lang(code: str) -> str:
- """infer the language for the code.
+ """Infer the language for the code.
TODO: make it robust.
if code.startswith("python ") or code.startswith("pip") or code.startswith("python3 "):
@@ -473,7 +473,9 @@ def execute_code(
image_list = (
["python:3-slim", "python:3", "python:3-windowsservercore"]
if use_docker is True
- else [use_docker] if isinstance(use_docker, str) else use_docker
+ else [use_docker]
+ if isinstance(use_docker, str)
+ else use_docker
for image in image_list:
# check if the image exists
@@ -737,7 +739,8 @@ def create_virtual_env(dir_path: str, **env_args) -> SimpleNamespace:
**env_args: Any extra args to pass to the `EnvBuilder`
- SimpleNamespace: the virtual env context object."""
+ SimpleNamespace: the virtual env context object.
+ """
if not env_args:
env_args = {"with_pip": True}
env_builder = venv.EnvBuilder(**env_args)
diff --git a/autogen/coding/__init__.py b/autogen/coding/__init__.py
index 9d44868661..ed45459f94 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/__init__.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/__init__.py
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
__all__ = (
- "CodeResult",
- "CodeExtractor",
- "MarkdownCodeExtractor",
- "LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor",
+ "CodeExtractor",
+ "CodeResult",
+ "LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor",
+ "MarkdownCodeExtractor",
diff --git a/autogen/coding/base.py b/autogen/coding/base.py
index edb3a6e320..4bb2197f41 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/base.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/base.py
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Mapping
-from typing import Any, List, Literal, Optional, Protocol, TypedDict, Union, runtime_checkable
+from typing import Any, Literal, Optional, Protocol, TypedDict, Union, runtime_checkable
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from ..types import UserMessageImageContentPart, UserMessageTextContentPart
-__all__ = ("CodeBlock", "CodeResult", "CodeExtractor", "CodeExecutor", "CodeExecutionConfig")
+__all__ = ("CodeBlock", "CodeExecutionConfig", "CodeExecutor", "CodeExtractor", "CodeResult")
class CodeBlock(BaseModel):
diff --git a/autogen/coding/docker_commandline_code_executor.py b/autogen/coding/docker_commandline_code_executor.py
index 395f61da27..ab33ccade5 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/docker_commandline_code_executor.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/docker_commandline_code_executor.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
from types import TracebackType
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union
+from typing import Any, ClassVar
import docker
from docker.errors import ImageNotFound
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def __init__(
image: str = "python:3-slim",
container_name: str | None = None,
timeout: int = 60,
- work_dir: Path | str = Path("."),
+ work_dir: Path | str = Path(),
bind_dir: Path | str | None = None,
auto_remove: bool = True,
stop_container: bool = True,
@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ def execute_code_blocks(self, code_blocks: list[CodeBlock]) -> CommandLineCodeRe
code_blocks (List[CodeBlock]): The code blocks to execute.
- CommandlineCodeResult: The result of the code execution."""
+ CommandlineCodeResult: The result of the code execution.
+ """
if len(code_blocks) == 0:
raise ValueError("No code blocks to execute.")
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ def execute_code_blocks(self, code_blocks: list[CodeBlock]) -> CommandLineCodeRe
if not execute_code:
- outputs.append(f"Code saved to {str(code_path)}\n")
+ outputs.append(f"Code saved to {code_path!s}\n")
command = ["timeout", str(self._timeout), _cmd(lang), filename]
diff --git a/autogen/coding/func_with_reqs.py b/autogen/coding/func_with_reqs.py
index 1f842c9193..5fc373cb90 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/func_with_reqs.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/func_with_reqs.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from importlib.abc import SourceLoader
from textwrap import dedent, indent
-from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, List, Set, TypeVar, Union
+from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, TypeVar, Union
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ def wrapper(func: Callable[P, T]) -> FunctionWithRequirements[T, P]:
def _build_python_functions_file(
- funcs: list[FunctionWithRequirements[Any, P] | Callable[..., Any] | FunctionWithRequirementsStr]
+ funcs: list[FunctionWithRequirements[Any, P] | Callable[..., Any] | FunctionWithRequirementsStr],
) -> str:
# First collect all global imports
global_imports: set[str] = set()
diff --git a/autogen/coding/jupyter/__init__.py b/autogen/coding/jupyter/__init__.py
index a0be01d20d..a15fe09ff4 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/jupyter/__init__.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/jupyter/__init__.py
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
from .local_jupyter_server import LocalJupyterServer
__all__ = [
- "JupyterConnectable",
- "JupyterConnectionInfo",
- "JupyterClient",
- "LocalJupyterServer",
+ "JupyterClient",
+ "JupyterConnectable",
+ "JupyterConnectionInfo",
+ "LocalJupyterServer",
diff --git a/autogen/coding/jupyter/docker_jupyter_server.py b/autogen/coding/jupyter/docker_jupyter_server.py
index f90090dee6..f52dd81d21 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/jupyter/docker_jupyter_server.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/jupyter/docker_jupyter_server.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from types import TracebackType
-from typing import Dict, Optional, Type, Union
import docker
diff --git a/autogen/coding/jupyter/helpers.py b/autogen/coding/jupyter/helpers.py
index 3216e590ee..5f8cf1cc6d 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/jupyter/helpers.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/jupyter/helpers.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
def is_jupyter_kernel_gateway_installed() -> bool:
+ """Check if jupyter-kernel-gateway is installed."""
["jupyter", "kernelgateway", "--version"],
diff --git a/autogen/coding/jupyter/jupyter_client.py b/autogen/coding/jupyter/jupyter_client.py
index 5482c8537f..764e308fc3 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/jupyter/jupyter_client.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/jupyter/jupyter_client.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from types import TracebackType
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, cast
+from typing import Any, cast
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
from typing import Self
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ def start_kernel(self, kernel_spec_name: str) -> str:
str: ID of the started kernel
response = self._session.post(
diff --git a/autogen/coding/jupyter/jupyter_code_executor.py b/autogen/coding/jupyter/jupyter_code_executor.py
index afee16963d..a29778e811 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/jupyter/jupyter_code_executor.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/jupyter/jupyter_code_executor.py
@@ -7,12 +7,11 @@
import base64
import json
import os
-import re
import sys
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from types import TracebackType
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, List, Optional, Type, Union
+from typing import Optional, Union
from autogen.coding.utils import silence_pip
@@ -22,7 +21,6 @@
from typing_extensions import Self
-from ...agentchat.agent import LLMAgent
from ..base import CodeBlock, CodeExecutor, CodeExtractor, IPythonCodeResult
from ..markdown_code_extractor import MarkdownCodeExtractor
from .base import JupyterConnectable, JupyterConnectionInfo
@@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ def __init__(
jupyter_server: Union[JupyterConnectable, JupyterConnectionInfo],
kernel_name: str = "python3",
timeout: int = 60,
- output_dir: Union[Path, str] = Path("."),
+ output_dir: Union[Path, str] = Path(),
"""(Experimental) A code executor class that executes code statefully using
a Jupyter server supplied to this class.
diff --git a/autogen/coding/jupyter/local_jupyter_server.py b/autogen/coding/jupyter/local_jupyter_server.py
index 6ea55c1f0a..518b2171f9 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/jupyter/local_jupyter_server.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/jupyter/local_jupyter_server.py
@@ -10,11 +10,9 @@
import json
import secrets
import signal
-import socket
import subprocess
import sys
from types import TracebackType
-from typing import Optional, Type, Union, cast
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
from typing import Self
diff --git a/autogen/coding/local_commandline_code_executor.py b/autogen/coding/local_commandline_code_executor.py
index bcbab20ef2..98419d3083 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/local_commandline_code_executor.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/local_commandline_code_executor.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
from pathlib import Path
from string import Template
from types import SimpleNamespace
-from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Optional, Union
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def __init__(
timeout: int = 60,
virtual_env_context: Optional[SimpleNamespace] = None,
- work_dir: Union[Path, str] = Path("."),
+ work_dir: Union[Path, str] = Path(),
functions: list[Union[FunctionWithRequirements[Any, A], Callable[..., Any], FunctionWithRequirementsStr]] = [],
functions_module: str = "functions",
execution_policies: Optional[dict[str, bool]] = None,
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ def __init__(
functions_module (str): The module name under which functions are accessible.
execution_policies (Optional[Dict[str, bool]]): A dictionary mapping languages to execution policies (True for execution, False for saving only). Defaults to class-wide DEFAULT_EXECUTION_POLICY.
if timeout < 1:
raise ValueError("Timeout must be greater than or equal to 1.")
@@ -189,8 +188,7 @@ def code_extractor(self) -> CodeExtractor:
def sanitize_command(lang: str, code: str) -> None:
- """
- Sanitize the code block to prevent dangerous commands.
+ """Sanitize the code block to prevent dangerous commands.
This approach acknowledges that while Docker or similar
containerization/sandboxing technologies provide a robust layer of security,
not all users may have Docker installed or may choose not to use it.
@@ -251,7 +249,8 @@ def execute_code_blocks(self, code_blocks: list[CodeBlock]) -> CommandLineCodeRe
code_blocks (List[CodeBlock]): The code blocks to execute.
- CommandLineCodeResult: The result of the code execution."""
+ CommandLineCodeResult: The result of the code execution.
+ """
if not self._setup_functions_complete:
return self._execute_code_dont_check_setup(code_blocks)
@@ -296,7 +295,7 @@ def _execute_code_dont_check_setup(self, code_blocks: list[CodeBlock]) -> Comman
if not execute_code:
# Just return a message that the file is saved.
- logs_all += f"Code saved to {str(written_file)}\n"
+ logs_all += f"Code saved to {written_file!s}\n"
exitcode = 0
@@ -351,12 +350,13 @@ def __new__(cls, name, bases, classdict, *args, **kwargs): # type: ignore[no-un
if alias is not None:
def new(cls, *args, **kwargs): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
- alias = getattr(cls, "_DeprecatedClassMeta__alias")
+ alias = cls._DeprecatedClassMeta__alias
if alias is not None:
- "{} has been renamed to {}, the alias will be "
- "removed in the future".format(cls.__name__, alias.__name__),
+ "{} has been renamed to {}, the alias will be removed in the future".format(
+ cls.__name__, alias.__name__
+ ),
@@ -373,8 +373,9 @@ def new(cls, *args, **kwargs): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
if alias is not None:
- "{} has been renamed to {}, the alias will be "
- "removed in the future".format(b.__name__, alias.__name__),
+ "{} has been renamed to {}, the alias will be removed in the future".format(
+ b.__name__, alias.__name__
+ ),
@@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ def __subclasscheck__(cls, subclass): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
if subclass is cls:
return True
- return issubclass(subclass, getattr(cls, "_DeprecatedClassMeta__alias"))
+ return issubclass(subclass, cls._DeprecatedClassMeta__alias) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
class LocalCommandlineCodeExecutor(metaclass=_DeprecatedClassMeta):
diff --git a/autogen/coding/markdown_code_extractor.py b/autogen/coding/markdown_code_extractor.py
index 8342ea2f92..01a9025940 100644
--- a/autogen/coding/markdown_code_extractor.py
+++ b/autogen/coding/markdown_code_extractor.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import re
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing import Union
from ..code_utils import CODE_BLOCK_PATTERN, UNKNOWN, content_str, infer_lang
from ..types import UserMessageImageContentPart, UserMessageTextContentPart
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ def extract_code_blocks(
List[CodeBlock]: The extracted code blocks or an empty list.
text = content_str(message)
match = re.findall(CODE_BLOCK_PATTERN, text, flags=re.DOTALL)
if not match:
diff --git a/autogen/exception_utils.py b/autogen/exception_utils.py
index ac554d7a22..27f7a94816 100644
--- a/autogen/exception_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/exception_utils.py
@@ -6,13 +6,21 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from typing import Any
+__all__ = [
+ "AgentNameConflict",
+ "InvalidCarryOverType",
+ "NoEligibleSpeaker",
+ "SenderRequired",
+ "UndefinedNextAgent",
-class AgentNameConflict(Exception):
+class AgentNameConflict(Exception): # noqa: N818
def __init__(self, msg: str = "Found multiple agents with the same name.", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
-class NoEligibleSpeaker(Exception):
+class NoEligibleSpeaker(Exception): # noqa: N818
"""Exception raised for early termination of a GroupChat."""
def __init__(self, message: str = "No eligible speakers."):
@@ -20,7 +28,7 @@ def __init__(self, message: str = "No eligible speakers."):
-class SenderRequired(Exception):
+class SenderRequired(Exception): # noqa: N818
"""Exception raised when the sender is required but not provided."""
def __init__(self, message: str = "Sender is required but not provided."):
@@ -28,7 +36,7 @@ def __init__(self, message: str = "Sender is required but not provided."):
-class InvalidCarryOverType(Exception):
+class InvalidCarryOverType(Exception): # noqa: N818
"""Exception raised when the carryover type is invalid."""
def __init__(
@@ -38,7 +46,7 @@ def __init__(
-class UndefinedNextAgent(Exception):
+class UndefinedNextAgent(Exception): # noqa: N818
"""Exception raised when the provided next agents list does not overlap with agents in the group."""
def __init__(self, message: str = "The provided agents list does not overlap with agents in the group."):
diff --git a/autogen/formatting_utils.py b/autogen/formatting_utils.py
index 9c6ccb1676..8109f981df 100644
--- a/autogen/formatting_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/formatting_utils.py
@@ -75,3 +75,6 @@ def colored(
force_color: bool | None = None,
) -> str:
return str(text)
+__all__ = ["colored"]
diff --git a/autogen/graph_utils.py b/autogen/graph_utils.py
index a495fb4131..fe77b0301c 100644
--- a/autogen/graph_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/graph_utils.py
@@ -5,15 +5,13 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import logging
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Optional
from autogen.agentchat import Agent
def has_self_loops(allowed_speaker_transitions: dict) -> bool:
- """
- Returns True if there are self loops in the allowed_speaker_transitions_Dict.
- """
+ """Returns True if there are self loops in the allowed_speaker_transitions_Dict."""
return any([key in value for key, value in allowed_speaker_transitions.items()])
@@ -21,8 +19,7 @@ def check_graph_validity(
allowed_speaker_transitions_dict: dict,
agents: list[Agent],
- """
- allowed_speaker_transitions_dict: A dictionary of keys and list as values. The keys are the names of the agents, and the values are the names of the agents that the key agent can transition to.
+ """allowed_speaker_transitions_dict: A dictionary of keys and list as values. The keys are the names of the agents, and the values are the names of the agents that the key agent can transition to.
agents: A list of Agents
Checks for the following:
@@ -31,12 +28,11 @@ def check_graph_validity(
2. Every key exists in agents.
3. Every value is a list of Agents (not string).
- Warnings
+ Warnings:
1. Warning if there are isolated agent nodes
2. Warning if the set of agents in allowed_speaker_transitions do not match agents
3. Warning if there are duplicated agents in any values of `allowed_speaker_transitions_dict`
### Errors
# Check 1. The dictionary must have a structure of keys and list as values
@@ -48,7 +44,7 @@ def check_graph_validity(
raise ValueError("allowed_speaker_transitions_dict must be a dictionary with lists as values.")
# Check 2. Every key exists in agents
- if not all([key in agents for key in allowed_speaker_transitions_dict.keys()]):
+ if not all([key in agents for key in allowed_speaker_transitions_dict]):
raise ValueError("allowed_speaker_transitions_dict has keys not in agents.")
# Check 3. Every value is a list of Agents or empty list (not string).
@@ -101,9 +97,7 @@ def check_graph_validity(
def invert_disallowed_to_allowed(disallowed_speaker_transitions_dict: dict, agents: list[Agent]) -> dict:
- """
- Start with a fully connected allowed_speaker_transitions_dict of all agents. Remove edges from the fully connected allowed_speaker_transitions_dict according to the disallowed_speaker_transitions_dict to form the allowed_speaker_transitions_dict.
- """
+ """Start with a fully connected allowed_speaker_transitions_dict of all agents. Remove edges from the fully connected allowed_speaker_transitions_dict according to the disallowed_speaker_transitions_dict to form the allowed_speaker_transitions_dict."""
# Create a fully connected allowed_speaker_transitions_dict of all agents
allowed_speaker_transitions_dict = {agent: [other_agent for other_agent in agents] for agent in agents}
@@ -119,9 +113,7 @@ def invert_disallowed_to_allowed(disallowed_speaker_transitions_dict: dict, agen
def visualize_speaker_transitions_dict(
speaker_transitions_dict: dict, agents: list[Agent], export_path: Optional[str] = None
- """
- Visualize the speaker_transitions_dict using networkx.
- """
+ """Visualize the speaker_transitions_dict using networkx."""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
@@ -129,18 +121,18 @@ def visualize_speaker_transitions_dict(
logging.fatal("Failed to import networkx or matplotlib. Try running 'pip install autogen[graphs]'")
raise e
- G = nx.DiGraph()
+ g = nx.DiGraph()
# Add nodes
- G.add_nodes_from([agent.name for agent in agents])
+ g.add_nodes_from([agent.name for agent in agents])
# Add edges
for key, value in speaker_transitions_dict.items():
for agent in value:
- G.add_edge(key.name, agent.name)
+ g.add_edge(key.name, agent.name)
# Visualize
- nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, font_weight="bold")
+ nx.draw(g, with_labels=True, font_weight="bold")
if export_path is not None:
diff --git a/autogen/interop/__init__.py b/autogen/interop/__init__.py
index 8f070c8f24..7b6a47898c 100644
--- a/autogen/interop/__init__.py
+++ b/autogen/interop/__init__.py
@@ -9,4 +9,11 @@
from .pydantic_ai import PydanticAIInteroperability
from .registry import register_interoperable_class
-__all__ = ["Interoperability", "Interoperable", "register_interoperable_class"]
+__all__ = [
+ "CrewAIInteroperability",
+ "Interoperability",
+ "Interoperable",
+ "LangChainInteroperability",
+ "PydanticAIInteroperability",
+ "register_interoperable_class",
diff --git a/autogen/interop/crewai/crewai.py b/autogen/interop/crewai/crewai.py
index ce16b876b0..fa433bc5c5 100644
--- a/autogen/interop/crewai/crewai.py
+++ b/autogen/interop/crewai/crewai.py
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ def _sanitize_name(s: str) -> str:
class CrewAIInteroperability:
- """
- A class implementing the `Interoperable` protocol for converting CrewAI tools
+ """A class implementing the `Interoperable` protocol for converting CrewAI tools
to a general `Tool` format.
This class takes a `CrewAITool` and converts it into a standard `Tool` object.
@@ -27,8 +26,7 @@ class CrewAIInteroperability:
def convert_tool(cls, tool: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Tool:
- """
- Converts a given CrewAI tool into a general `Tool` format.
+ """Converts a given CrewAI tool into a general `Tool` format.
This method ensures that the provided tool is a valid `CrewAITool`, sanitizes
the tool's name, processes its description, and prepares a function to interact
@@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ def get_unsupported_reason(cls) -> Optional[str]:
return "This submodule is only supported for Python versions 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12"
- import crewai.tools
+ import crewai.tools # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
return "Please install `interop-crewai` extra to use this module:\n\n\tpip install ag2[interop-crewai]"
diff --git a/autogen/interop/interoperability.py b/autogen/interop/interoperability.py
index 067571de5c..358dd8f9e1 100644
--- a/autogen/interop/interoperability.py
+++ b/autogen/interop/interoperability.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Copyright (c) 2023 - 2024, Owners of https://github.com/ag2ai
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Type
+from typing import Any
from ..tools import Tool
from .interoperable import Interoperable
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
class Interoperability:
- """
- A class to handle interoperability between different tool types.
+ """A class to handle interoperability between different tool types.
This class allows the conversion of tools to various interoperability classes and provides functionality
for retrieving and registering interoperability classes.
@@ -22,8 +21,7 @@ class Interoperability:
def convert_tool(cls, *, tool: Any, type: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Tool:
- """
- Converts a given tool to an instance of a specified interoperability type.
+ """Converts a given tool to an instance of a specified interoperability type.
tool (Any): The tool object to be converted.
@@ -41,8 +39,7 @@ def convert_tool(cls, *, tool: Any, type: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Tool:
def get_interoperability_class(cls, type: str) -> type[Interoperable]:
- """
- Retrieves the interoperability class corresponding to the specified type.
+ """Retrieves the interoperability class corresponding to the specified type.
type (str): The type of the interoperability class to retrieve.
@@ -64,8 +61,7 @@ def get_interoperability_class(cls, type: str) -> type[Interoperable]:
def get_supported_types(cls) -> list[str]:
- """
- Returns a sorted list of all supported interoperability types.
+ """Returns a sorted list of all supported interoperability types.
List[str]: A sorted list of strings representing the supported interoperability types.
diff --git a/autogen/interop/interoperable.py b/autogen/interop/interoperable.py
index 185e36089d..8e6023ca57 100644
--- a/autogen/interop/interoperable.py
+++ b/autogen/interop/interoperable.py
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
class Interoperable(Protocol):
- """
- A Protocol defining the interoperability interface for tool conversion.
+ """A Protocol defining the interoperability interface for tool conversion.
This protocol ensures that any class implementing it provides the method
`convert_tool` to convert a given tool into a desired format or type.
@@ -20,8 +19,7 @@ class Interoperable(Protocol):
def convert_tool(cls, tool: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Tool:
- """
- Converts a given tool to a desired format or type.
+ """Converts a given tool to a desired format or type.
This method should be implemented by any class adhering to the `Interoperable` protocol.
diff --git a/autogen/interop/langchain/langchain.py b/autogen/interop/langchain/langchain.py
index c657b08e19..f1c19e402c 100644
--- a/autogen/interop/langchain/langchain.py
+++ b/autogen/interop/langchain/langchain.py
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
class LangChainInteroperability:
- """
- A class implementing the `Interoperable` protocol for converting Langchain tools
+ """A class implementing the `Interoperable` protocol for converting Langchain tools
into a general `Tool` format.
This class takes a `LangchainTool` and converts it into a standard `Tool` object,
@@ -24,8 +23,7 @@ class LangChainInteroperability:
def convert_tool(cls, tool: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Tool:
- """
- Converts a given Langchain tool into a general `Tool` format.
+ """Converts a given Langchain tool into a general `Tool` format.
This method verifies that the provided tool is a valid `LangchainTool`,
processes the tool's input and description, and returns a standardized
@@ -67,7 +65,7 @@ def get_unsupported_reason(cls) -> Optional[str]:
return "This submodule is only supported for Python versions 3.9 and above"
- import langchain_core.tools
+ import langchain_core.tools # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
return (
"Please install `interop-langchain` extra to use this module:\n\n\tpip install ag2[interop-langchain]"
diff --git a/autogen/interop/pydantic_ai/pydantic_ai.py b/autogen/interop/pydantic_ai/pydantic_ai.py
index 78c48dc0cd..e6f15db072 100644
--- a/autogen/interop/pydantic_ai/pydantic_ai.py
+++ b/autogen/interop/pydantic_ai/pydantic_ai.py
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
class PydanticAIInteroperability:
- """
- A class implementing the `Interoperable` protocol for converting Pydantic AI tools
+ """A class implementing the `Interoperable` protocol for converting Pydantic AI tools
into a general `Tool` format.
This class takes a `PydanticAITool` and converts it into a standard `Tool` object,
@@ -32,8 +31,7 @@ def inject_params(
ctx: Any,
tool: Any,
) -> Callable[..., Any]:
- """
- Wraps the tool's function to inject context parameters and handle retries.
+ """Wraps the tool's function to inject context parameters and handle retries.
This method ensures that context parameters are properly passed to the tool
when invoked and that retries are managed according to the tool's settings.
@@ -88,8 +86,7 @@ def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
def convert_tool(cls, tool: Any, deps: Any = None, **kwargs: Any) -> AG2PydanticAITool:
- """
- Converts a given Pydantic AI tool into a general `Tool` format.
+ """Converts a given Pydantic AI tool into a general `Tool` format.
This method verifies that the provided tool is a valid `PydanticAITool`,
handles context dependencies if necessary, and returns a standardized `Tool` object.
@@ -155,7 +152,7 @@ def get_unsupported_reason(cls) -> Optional[str]:
return "This submodule is only supported for Python versions 3.9 and above"
- import pydantic_ai.tools
+ import pydantic_ai.tools # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
return "Please install `interop-pydantic-ai` extra to use this module:\n\n\tpip install ag2[interop-pydantic-ai]"
diff --git a/autogen/interop/pydantic_ai/pydantic_ai_tool.py b/autogen/interop/pydantic_ai/pydantic_ai_tool.py
index e35d409870..651d713259 100644
--- a/autogen/interop/pydantic_ai/pydantic_ai_tool.py
+++ b/autogen/interop/pydantic_ai/pydantic_ai_tool.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict
+from typing import Any, Callable
from ...agentchat.conversable_agent import ConversableAgent
from ...tools import Tool
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
class PydanticAITool(Tool):
- """
- A class representing a Pydantic AI Tool that extends the general Tool functionality
+ """A class representing a Pydantic AI Tool that extends the general Tool functionality
with additional functionality specific to Pydantic AI tools.
This class inherits from the Tool class and adds functionality for registering
@@ -27,8 +26,7 @@ class PydanticAITool(Tool):
def __init__(
self, name: str, description: str, func: Callable[..., Any], parameters_json_schema: dict[str, Any]
) -> None:
- """
- Initializes a PydanticAITool object with the provided name, description,
+ """Initializes a PydanticAITool object with the provided name, description,
function, and parameter schema.
@@ -49,8 +47,7 @@ def __init__(
def register_for_llm(self, agent: ConversableAgent) -> None:
- """
- Registers the tool with the ConversableAgent for use with a language model (LLM).
+ """Registers the tool with the ConversableAgent for use with a language model (LLM).
This method updates the agent's tool signature to include the function schema,
allowing the agent to invoke the tool correctly during interactions with the LLM.
diff --git a/autogen/interop/registry.py b/autogen/interop/registry.py
index cb10b701ac..e9685ca2be 100644
--- a/autogen/interop/registry.py
+++ b/autogen/interop/registry.py
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-from typing import Callable, Dict, Generic, List, Type, TypeVar
+from typing import Callable, TypeVar
from .interoperable import Interoperable
-__all__ = ["register_interoperable_class", "InteroperableRegistry"]
+__all__ = ["InteroperableRegistry", "register_interoperable_class"]
InteroperableClass = TypeVar("InteroperableClass", bound=type[Interoperable])
diff --git a/autogen/io/__init__.py b/autogen/io/__init__.py
index 143281f5cf..6b39286c88 100644
--- a/autogen/io/__init__.py
+++ b/autogen/io/__init__.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-from .base import InputStream, IOStream, OutputStream
+from .base import IOStream, InputStream, OutputStream
from .console import IOConsole
from .websockets import IOWebsockets
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
-__all__ = ("IOConsole", "IOStream", "InputStream", "OutputStream", "IOWebsockets")
+__all__ = ("IOConsole", "IOStream", "IOWebsockets", "InputStream", "OutputStream")
diff --git a/autogen/io/base.py b/autogen/io/base.py
index 30f403b520..be49bc6e94 100644
--- a/autogen/io/base.py
+++ b/autogen/io/base.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
from autogen.messages.base_message import BaseMessage
-__all__ = ("OutputStream", "InputStream", "IOStream")
+__all__ = ("IOStream", "InputStream", "OutputStream")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/autogen/io/console.py b/autogen/io/console.py
index 62adab28cf..eb6e2989fd 100644
--- a/autogen/io/console.py
+++ b/autogen/io/console.py
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ def input(self, prompt: str = "", *, password: bool = False) -> str:
str: The line read from the input stream.
if password:
return getpass.getpass(prompt if prompt != "" else "Password: ")
return input(prompt)
diff --git a/autogen/logger/__init__.py b/autogen/logger/__init__.py
index 01d367a3c3..2ed731f065 100644
--- a/autogen/logger/__init__.py
+++ b/autogen/logger/__init__.py
@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
from .logger_factory import LoggerFactory
from .sqlite_logger import SqliteLogger
-__all__ = ("LoggerFactory", "SqliteLogger", "FileLogger")
+__all__ = ("FileLogger", "LoggerFactory", "SqliteLogger")
diff --git a/autogen/logger/base_logger.py b/autogen/logger/base_logger.py
index b01c112da7..3943265bf1 100644
--- a/autogen/logger/base_logger.py
+++ b/autogen/logger/base_logger.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import sqlite3
import uuid
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, TypeVar, Union
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, TypeVar, Union
from openai import AzureOpenAI, OpenAI
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
class BaseLogger(ABC):
def start(self) -> str:
- """
- Open a connection to the logging database, and start recording.
+ """Open a connection to the logging database, and start recording.
session_id (str): a unique id for the logging session
@@ -46,8 +45,7 @@ def log_chat_completion(
cost: float,
start_time: str,
) -> None:
- """
- Log a chat completion to database.
+ """Log a chat completion to database.
In AutoGen, chat completions are somewhat complicated because they are handled by the `autogen.oai.OpenAIWrapper` class.
One invocation to `create` can lead to multiple underlying OpenAI calls, depending on the llm_config list used, and
@@ -68,8 +66,7 @@ def log_chat_completion(
def log_new_agent(self, agent: ConversableAgent, init_args: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
- """
- Log the birth of a new agent.
+ """Log the birth of a new agent.
agent (ConversableAgent): The agent to log.
@@ -79,8 +76,7 @@ def log_new_agent(self, agent: ConversableAgent, init_args: dict[str, Any]) -> N
def log_event(self, source: str | Agent, name: str, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
- """
- Log an event for an agent.
+ """Log an event for an agent.
source (str or Agent): The source/creator of the event as a string name or an Agent instance
@@ -91,8 +87,7 @@ def log_event(self, source: str | Agent, name: str, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) ->
def log_new_wrapper(self, wrapper: OpenAIWrapper, init_args: dict[str, LLMConfig | list[LLMConfig]]) -> None:
- """
- Log the birth of a new OpenAIWrapper.
+ """Log the birth of a new OpenAIWrapper.
wrapper (OpenAIWrapper): The wrapper to log.
@@ -102,8 +97,7 @@ def log_new_wrapper(self, wrapper: OpenAIWrapper, init_args: dict[str, LLMConfig
def log_new_client(self, client: AzureOpenAI | OpenAI, wrapper: OpenAIWrapper, init_args: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
- """
- Log the birth of a new OpenAIWrapper.
+ """Log the birth of a new OpenAIWrapper.
wrapper (OpenAI): The OpenAI client to log.
@@ -113,8 +107,7 @@ def log_new_client(self, client: AzureOpenAI | OpenAI, wrapper: OpenAIWrapper, i
def log_function_use(self, source: str | Agent, function: F, args: dict[str, Any], returns: Any) -> None:
- """
- Log the use of a registered function (could be a tool)
+ """Log the use of a registered function (could be a tool)
source (str or Agent): The source/creator of the event as a string name or an Agent instance
@@ -125,14 +118,10 @@ def log_function_use(self, source: str | Agent, function: F, args: dict[str, Any
def stop(self) -> None:
- """
- Close the connection to the logging database, and stop logging.
- """
+ """Close the connection to the logging database, and stop logging."""
def get_connection(self) -> None | sqlite3.Connection:
- """
- Return a connection to the logging database.
- """
+ """Return a connection to the logging database."""
diff --git a/autogen/logger/file_logger.py b/autogen/logger/file_logger.py
index 249dd11015..3b0433147e 100644
--- a/autogen/logger/file_logger.py
+++ b/autogen/logger/file_logger.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
import os
import threading
import uuid
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, TypeVar
from openai import AzureOpenAI, OpenAI
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion
@@ -92,9 +92,7 @@ def log_chat_completion(
cost: float,
start_time: str,
) -> None:
- """
- Log a chat completion.
- """
+ """Log a chat completion."""
thread_id = threading.get_ident()
source_name = None
if isinstance(source, str):
@@ -123,9 +121,7 @@ def log_chat_completion(
self.logger.error(f"[file_logger] Failed to log chat completion: {e}")
def log_new_agent(self, agent: ConversableAgent, init_args: dict[str, Any] = {}) -> None:
- """
- Log a new agent instance.
- """
+ """Log a new agent instance."""
thread_id = threading.get_ident()
@@ -148,9 +144,7 @@ def log_new_agent(self, agent: ConversableAgent, init_args: dict[str, Any] = {})
self.logger.error(f"[file_logger] Failed to log new agent: {e}")
def log_event(self, source: str | Agent, name: str, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
- """
- Log an event from an agent or a string source.
- """
+ """Log an event from an agent or a string source."""
from autogen import Agent
# This takes an object o as input and returns a string. If the object o cannot be serialized, instead of raising an error,
@@ -192,9 +186,7 @@ def log_event(self, source: str | Agent, name: str, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) ->
self.logger.error(f"[file_logger] Failed to log event {e}")
def log_new_wrapper(self, wrapper: OpenAIWrapper, init_args: dict[str, LLMConfig | list[LLMConfig]] = {}) -> None:
- """
- Log a new wrapper instance.
- """
+ """Log a new wrapper instance."""
thread_id = threading.get_ident()
@@ -229,9 +221,7 @@ def log_new_client(
wrapper: OpenAIWrapper,
init_args: dict[str, Any],
) -> None:
- """
- Log a new client instance.
- """
+ """Log a new client instance."""
thread_id = threading.get_ident()
@@ -251,9 +241,7 @@ def log_new_client(
self.logger.error(f"[file_logger] Failed to log event {e}")
def log_function_use(self, source: str | Agent, function: F, args: dict[str, Any], returns: Any) -> None:
- """
- Log a registered function(can be a tool) use from an agent or a string source.
- """
+ """Log a registered function(can be a tool) use from an agent or a string source."""
thread_id = threading.get_ident()
diff --git a/autogen/logger/logger_factory.py b/autogen/logger/logger_factory.py
index c3bab860a9..6670203104 100644
--- a/autogen/logger/logger_factory.py
+++ b/autogen/logger/logger_factory.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-from typing import Any, Dict, Literal, Optional
+from typing import Any, Literal, Optional
from autogen.logger.base_logger import BaseLogger
from autogen.logger.file_logger import FileLogger
@@ -14,10 +14,21 @@
class LoggerFactory:
+ """Factory class to create logger objects."""
def get_logger(
logger_type: Literal["sqlite", "file"] = "sqlite", config: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> BaseLogger:
+ """Factory method to create logger objects.
+ Args:
+ logger_type (Literal["sqlite", "file"], optional): Type of logger. Defaults to "sqlite".
+ config (Optional[dict[str, Any]], optional): Configuration for logger. Defaults to None.
+ Returns:
+ BaseLogger: Logger object
+ """
if config is None:
config = {}
diff --git a/autogen/logger/logger_utils.py b/autogen/logger/logger_utils.py
index f80f1eb426..ab73a75be8 100644
--- a/autogen/logger/logger_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/logger/logger_utils.py
@@ -7,12 +7,17 @@
import inspect
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Union
__all__ = ("get_current_ts", "to_dict")
def get_current_ts() -> str:
+ """Get current timestamp in UTC timezone.
+ Returns:
+ str: Current timestamp in UTC timezone
+ """
return datetime.now(timezone.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
@@ -21,6 +26,13 @@ def to_dict(
exclude: tuple[str, ...] = (),
no_recursive: tuple[Any, ...] = (),
) -> Any:
+ """Convert object to dictionary.
+ Args:
+ obj (Union[int, float, str, bool, dict[Any, Any], list[Any], tuple[Any, ...], Any]): Object to convert
+ exclude (tuple[str, ...], optional): Keys to exclude. Defaults to ().
+ no_recursive (tuple[Any, ...], optional): Types to exclude from recursive conversion. Defaults to ().
+ """
if isinstance(obj, (int, float, str, bool)):
return obj
elif isinstance(obj, (Path, PurePath)):
diff --git a/autogen/logger/sqlite_logger.py b/autogen/logger/sqlite_logger.py
index 24bd7447e3..5c4d0d00a5 100644
--- a/autogen/logger/sqlite_logger.py
+++ b/autogen/logger/sqlite_logger.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
import sqlite3
import threading
import uuid
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, TypeVar
from openai import AzureOpenAI, OpenAI
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion
@@ -43,6 +43,15 @@
def safe_serialize(obj: Any) -> str:
+ """Safely serialize an object to JSON.
+ Args:
+ obj (Any): Object to serialize.
+ Returns:
+ str: Serialized object.
+ """
def default(o: Any) -> str:
if hasattr(o, "to_json"):
return str(o.to_json())
@@ -53,9 +62,16 @@ def default(o: Any) -> str:
class SqliteLogger(BaseLogger):
+ """Sqlite logger class."""
schema_version = 1
def __init__(self, config: dict[str, Any]):
+ """Initialize the SqliteLogger.
+ Args:
+ config (dict[str, Any]): Configuration for the logger.
+ """
self.config = config
@@ -198,8 +214,7 @@ def _apply_migration(self, migrations_dir: str = "./migrations") -> None:
self._run_query(query=query, args=args)
def _run_query(self, query: str, args: tuple[Any, ...] = ()) -> None:
- """
- Executes a given SQL query.
+ """Executes a given SQL query.
query (str): The SQL query to execute.
@@ -213,8 +228,7 @@ def _run_query(self, query: str, args: tuple[Any, ...] = ()) -> None:
logger.error("[sqlite logger]Error running query with query %s and args %s: %s", query, args, e)
def _run_query_script(self, script: str) -> None:
- """
- Executes SQL script.
+ """Executes SQL script.
script (str): SQL script to execute.
@@ -238,6 +252,19 @@ def log_chat_completion(
cost: float,
start_time: str,
) -> None:
+ """Log chat completion.
+ Args:
+ invocation_id (uuid.UUID): Invocation ID.
+ client_id (int): Client ID.
+ wrapper_id (int): Wrapper ID.
+ source (str | Agent): Source of the chat completion.
+ request (dict[str, float | str | list[dict[str, str]]]): Request for the chat completion.
+ response (str | ChatCompletion): Response for the chat completion.
+ is_cached (int): Whether the response is cached.
+ cost (float): Cost of the chat completion.
+ start_time (str): Start time of the chat completion.
+ """
if self.con is None:
@@ -276,6 +303,12 @@ def log_chat_completion(
self._run_query(query=query, args=args)
def log_new_agent(self, agent: ConversableAgent, init_args: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ """Log new agent.
+ Args:
+ agent (ConversableAgent): Agent to log.
+ init_args (dict[str, Any]): Initialization arguments of the agent
+ """
from autogen import Agent
if self.con is None:
@@ -318,6 +351,13 @@ class = excluded.class,
self._run_query(query=query, args=args)
def log_event(self, source: str | Agent, name: str, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ """Log event.
+ Args:
+ source (str | Agent): Source of the event.
+ name (str): Name of the event.
+ **kwargs (dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments for the event.
+ """
from autogen import Agent
if self.con is None:
@@ -353,6 +393,12 @@ def log_event(self, source: str | Agent, name: str, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]) ->
self._run_query(query=query, args=args_str_based)
def log_new_wrapper(self, wrapper: OpenAIWrapper, init_args: dict[str, LLMConfig | list[LLMConfig]]) -> None:
+ """Log new wrapper.
+ Args:
+ wrapper (OpenAIWrapper): Wrapper to log.
+ init_args (dict[str, LLMConfig | list[LLMConfig]]): Initialization arguments of the wrapper
+ """
if self.con is None:
@@ -383,7 +429,14 @@ def log_new_wrapper(self, wrapper: OpenAIWrapper, init_args: dict[str, LLMConfig
self._run_query(query=query, args=args)
def log_function_use(self, source: str | Agent, function: F, args: dict[str, Any], returns: Any) -> None:
+ """Log function use.
+ Args:
+ source (str | Agent): Source of the function use.
+ function (F): Function to log.
+ args (dict[str, Any]): Arguments of the function.
+ returns (Any): Returns of the function.
+ """
if self.con is None:
@@ -418,6 +471,13 @@ def log_new_client(
wrapper: OpenAIWrapper,
init_args: dict[str, Any],
) -> None:
+ """Log new client.
+ Args:
+ client (AzureOpenAI | OpenAI | CerebrasClient | GeminiClient | AnthropicClient | MistralAIClient | TogetherClient | GroqClient | CohereClient | OllamaClient | BedrockClient): Client to log.
+ wrapper (OpenAIWrapper): Wrapper of the client.
+ init_args (dict[str, Any]): Initialization arguments of the client.
+ """
if self.con is None:
@@ -450,10 +510,12 @@ def log_new_client(
self._run_query(query=query, args=args)
def stop(self) -> None:
+ """Stop the logger"""
if self.con:
def get_connection(self) -> None | sqlite3.Connection:
+ """Get connection."""
if self.con:
return self.con
return None
diff --git a/autogen/math_utils.py b/autogen/math_utils.py
index b2b4b5925f..6b427f9f12 100644
--- a/autogen/math_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/math_utils.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ def solve_problem(problem: str, **config) -> str:
def remove_boxed(string: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Source: https://github.com/hendrycks/math
Extract the text within a \\boxed`{...}` environment.
> remove_boxed("\\boxed{\\frac{2}{3}}")
@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ def last_boxed_only_string(string: str) -> Optional[str]:
def _fix_fracs(string: str) -> str:
"""Source: https://github.com/hendrycks/math
Reformat fractions.
>>> _fix_fracs("\\frac1b")
@@ -130,6 +132,7 @@ def _fix_fracs(string: str) -> str:
def _fix_a_slash_b(string: str) -> str:
"""Source: https://github.com/hendrycks/math
Reformat fractions formatted as a/b to \\`frac{a}{b}`.
>>> _fix_a_slash_b("2/3")
@@ -168,6 +171,7 @@ def _remove_right_units(string: str) -> str:
def _fix_sqrt(string: str) -> str:
"""Source: https://github.com/hendrycks/math
Reformat square roots.
>>> _fix_sqrt("\\sqrt3")
diff --git a/autogen/messages/__init__.py b/autogen/messages/__init__.py
index b21bb1c2a4..6a0d4338e8 100644
--- a/autogen/messages/__init__.py
+++ b/autogen/messages/__init__.py
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
from .base_message import BaseMessage, get_annotated_type_for_message_classes, wrap_message
-__all__ = ["BaseMessage", "wrap_message", "get_annotated_type_for_message_classes"]
+__all__ = ["BaseMessage", "get_annotated_type_for_message_classes", "wrap_message"]
diff --git a/autogen/messages/agent_messages.py b/autogen/messages/agent_messages.py
index 98d1aae147..914d61dc0c 100644
--- a/autogen/messages/agent_messages.py
+++ b/autogen/messages/agent_messages.py
@@ -20,26 +20,26 @@
__all__ = [
- "FunctionResponseMessage",
- "ToolResponseMessage",
+ "ClearAgentsHistoryMessage",
+ "ClearConversableAgentHistoryMessage",
+ "ConversableAgentUsageSummaryMessage",
+ "ConversableAgentUsageSummaryNoCostIncurredMessage",
+ "ExecuteCodeBlockMessage",
+ "ExecuteFunctionMessage",
- "ToolCallMessage",
- "TextMessage",
+ "FunctionResponseMessage",
+ "GenerateCodeExecutionReplyMessage",
+ "GroupChatResumeMessage",
+ "GroupChatRunChatMessage",
- "ClearAgentsHistoryMessage",
- "SpeakerAttemptSuccessfullMessage",
+ "SelectSpeakerMessage",
- "GroupChatResumeMessage",
- "GroupChatRunChatMessage",
+ "SpeakerAttemptSuccessfullMessage",
- "ExecuteCodeBlockMessage",
- "ExecuteFunctionMessage",
- "SelectSpeakerMessage",
- "ClearConversableAgentHistoryMessage",
- "GenerateCodeExecutionReplyMessage",
- "ConversableAgentUsageSummaryMessage",
- "ConversableAgentUsageSummaryNoCostIncurredMessage",
+ "TextMessage",
+ "ToolCallMessage",
+ "ToolResponseMessage",
MessageRole = Literal["assistant", "function", "tool"]
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ def print(self, f: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None) -> None:
class TextMessage(BasePrintReceivedMessage):
- content: Optional[Union[str, int, float, bool]] = None # type: ignore [assignment]
+ content: Optional[Union[str, int, float, bool, list[dict[str, str]]]] = None # type: ignore [assignment]
def print(self, f: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None) -> None:
f = f or print
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ def create_received_message_model(
# Role is neither function nor tool
- if "function_call" in message and message["function_call"]:
+ if message.get("function_call"):
return FunctionCallMessage(
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ def create_received_message_model(
- if "tool_calls" in message and message["tool_calls"]:
+ if message.get("tool_calls"):
return ToolCallMessage(
@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ def __init__(self, *, uuid: Optional[UUID] = None, chat_info: dict[str, Any]):
sender_name = chat_info["sender"].name
recipient_name = chat_info["recipient"].name
- summary_args = chat_info.get("summary_args", None)
- max_turns = chat_info.get("max_turns", None)
+ summary_args = chat_info.get("summary_args")
+ max_turns = chat_info.get("max_turns")
# Fix Callable in chat_info
summary_method = chat_info.get("summary_method", "")
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ def print(self, f: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None) -> None:
f("Please select the next speaker from the following list:")
agent_names = self.agent_names or []
for i, agent_name in enumerate(agent_names):
- f(f"{i+1}: {agent_name}")
+ f(f"{i + 1}: {agent_name}")
diff --git a/autogen/messages/base_message.py b/autogen/messages/base_message.py
index 161c377939..f6470b2203 100644
--- a/autogen/messages/base_message.py
+++ b/autogen/messages/base_message.py
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
from abc import ABC
-from typing import Annotated, Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union
+from typing import Annotated, Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, TypeVar, Union
from uuid import UUID, uuid4
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, create_model
PetType = TypeVar("PetType", bound=Literal["cat", "dog"])
-__all__ = ["BaseMessage", "wrap_message", "get_annotated_type_for_message_classes"]
+__all__ = ["BaseMessage", "get_annotated_type_for_message_classes", "wrap_message"]
class BaseMessage(BaseModel, ABC):
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ def camel2snake(name: str) -> str:
return "".join(["_" + i.lower() if i.isupper() else i for i in name]).lstrip("_")
-_message_classes: dict[str, Type[BaseModel]] = {}
+_message_classes: dict[str, type[BaseModel]] = {}
-def wrap_message(message_cls: Type[BaseMessage]) -> Type[BaseModel]:
+def wrap_message(message_cls: type[BaseMessage]) -> type[BaseModel]:
"""Wrap a message class with a type field to be used in a union type
This is needed for proper serialization and deserialization of messages in a union type.
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class WrapperBase(BaseModel):
content: message_cls # type: ignore[valid-type]
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **data: Any):
- if set(data.keys()) <= {"type", "content"} and "content" in data:
+ if set(data.keys()) == {"type", "content"} and "content" in data:
super().__init__(*args, **data)
if "content" in data:
@@ -71,18 +71,18 @@ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **data: Any):
def print(self, f: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None) -> None:
self.content.print(f) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- Wrapper = create_model(message_cls.__name__, __base__=WrapperBase)
+ wrapper_cls = create_model(message_cls.__name__, __base__=WrapperBase)
- _message_classes[type_name] = Wrapper
+ _message_classes[type_name] = wrapper_cls
- return Wrapper
+ return wrapper_cls
-def get_annotated_type_for_message_classes() -> Type[Any]:
+def get_annotated_type_for_message_classes() -> type[Any]:
# this is a dynamic type so we need to disable the type checker
union_type = Union[tuple(_message_classes.values())] # type: ignore[valid-type]
return Annotated[union_type, Field(discriminator="type")] # type: ignore[return-value]
-def get_message_classes() -> dict[str, Type[BaseModel]]:
+def get_message_classes() -> dict[str, type[BaseModel]]:
return _message_classes
diff --git a/autogen/messages/client_messages.py b/autogen/messages/client_messages.py
index 63c31b1090..05d7a83b8a 100644
--- a/autogen/messages/client_messages.py
+++ b/autogen/messages/client_messages.py
@@ -13,21 +13,36 @@
class ModelUsageSummary(BaseModel):
+ """Model usage summary."""
model: str
+ """Model name."""
completion_tokens: int
+ """Number of tokens used for completion."""
cost: float
+ """Cost of the completion."""
prompt_tokens: int
+ """Number of tokens used for prompt."""
total_tokens: int
+ """Total number of tokens used."""
class ActualUsageSummary(BaseModel):
+ """Actual usage summary."""
usages: Optional[list[ModelUsageSummary]] = None
+ """List of model usage summaries."""
total_cost: Optional[float] = None
+ """Total cost."""
class TotalUsageSummary(BaseModel):
+ """Total usage summary."""
usages: Optional[list[ModelUsageSummary]] = None
+ """List of model usage summaries."""
total_cost: Optional[float] = None
+ """Total cost."""
Mode = Literal["both", "total", "actual"]
@@ -58,9 +73,14 @@ def _change_usage_summary_format(
class UsageSummaryMessage(BaseMessage):
+ """Usage summary message."""
actual: ActualUsageSummary
+ """Actual usage summary."""
total: TotalUsageSummary
+ """Total usage summary."""
mode: Mode
+ """Mode to display the usage summary."""
def __init__(
@@ -127,10 +147,13 @@ def print(self, f: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None) -> None:
class StreamMessage(BaseMessage):
- chunk_content: str
+ """Stream message."""
+ content: str
+ """Content of the message."""
- def __init__(self, *, uuid: Optional[UUID] = None, chunk_content: str) -> None:
- super().__init__(uuid=uuid, chunk_content=chunk_content)
+ def __init__(self, *, uuid: Optional[UUID] = None, content: str) -> None:
+ super().__init__(uuid=uuid, content=content)
def print(self, f: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None) -> None:
f = f or print
@@ -138,7 +161,7 @@ def print(self, f: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None) -> None:
# Set the terminal text color to green
f("\033[32m", end="")
- f(self.chunk_content, end="", flush=True)
+ f(self.content, end="", flush=True)
# Reset the terminal text color
diff --git a/autogen/messages/print_message.py b/autogen/messages/print_message.py
index f3a577f146..3f57b4993a 100644
--- a/autogen/messages/print_message.py
+++ b/autogen/messages/print_message.py
@@ -12,9 +12,14 @@
class PrintMessage(BaseMessage):
+ """Print message"""
objects: list[str]
+ """List of objects to print"""
sep: str
+ """Separator between objects"""
end: str
+ """End of the print"""
def __init__(
self, *objects: Any, sep: str = " ", end: str = "\n", flush: bool = False, uuid: Optional[UUID] = None
diff --git a/autogen/oai/__init__.py b/autogen/oai/__init__.py
index d3c474ccd1..68113589b0 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/__init__.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/__init__.py
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@
__all__ = [
- "OpenAIWrapper",
- "ModelClient",
- "Completion",
+ "Cache",
- "get_config_list",
+ "Completion",
+ "ModelClient",
+ "OpenAIWrapper",
+ "config_list_from_dotenv",
+ "config_list_from_json",
+ "config_list_from_models",
- "config_list_from_models",
- "config_list_from_json",
- "config_list_from_dotenv",
- "Cache",
+ "get_config_list",
diff --git a/autogen/oai/anthropic.py b/autogen/oai/anthropic.py
index ec5f68ec5d..9d4d3dd920 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/anthropic.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/anthropic.py
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-Create an OpenAI-compatible client for the Anthropic API.
+"""Create an OpenAI-compatible client for the Anthropic API.
Example usage:
Install the `anthropic` package by running `pip install --upgrade anthropic`.
@@ -71,29 +70,25 @@
from __future__ import annotations
-import copy
import inspect
import json
import os
import time
import warnings
-from typing import Annotated, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any
from anthropic import Anthropic, AnthropicBedrock, AnthropicVertex
from anthropic import __version__ as anthropic_version
-from anthropic.types import Completion, Message, TextBlock, ToolUseBlock
+from anthropic.types import TextBlock, ToolUseBlock
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionMessageToolCall
from openai.types.chat.chat_completion import ChatCompletionMessage, Choice
from openai.types.completion_usage import CompletionUsage
-from pydantic import BaseModel
from autogen.oai.client_utils import validate_parameter
TOOL_ENABLED = anthropic_version >= "0.23.1"
- from anthropic.types.tool_use_block_param import (
- ToolUseBlockParam,
- )
+ pass
@@ -111,19 +106,19 @@
class AnthropicClient:
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any):
- """
- Initialize the Anthropic API client.
+ """Initialize the Anthropic API client.
api_key (str): The API key for the Anthropic API or set the `ANTHROPIC_API_KEY` environment variable.
- self._api_key = kwargs.get("api_key", None)
- self._aws_access_key = kwargs.get("aws_access_key", None)
- self._aws_secret_key = kwargs.get("aws_secret_key", None)
- self._aws_session_token = kwargs.get("aws_session_token", None)
- self._aws_region = kwargs.get("aws_region", None)
- self._gcp_project_id = kwargs.get("gcp_project_id", None)
- self._gcp_region = kwargs.get("gcp_region", None)
- self._gcp_auth_token = kwargs.get("gcp_auth_token", None)
+ self._api_key = kwargs.get("api_key")
+ self._aws_access_key = kwargs.get("aws_access_key")
+ self._aws_secret_key = kwargs.get("aws_secret_key")
+ self._aws_session_token = kwargs.get("aws_session_token")
+ self._aws_region = kwargs.get("aws_region")
+ self._gcp_project_id = kwargs.get("gcp_project_id")
+ self._gcp_region = kwargs.get("gcp_region")
+ self._gcp_auth_token = kwargs.get("gcp_auth_token")
if not self._api_key:
self._api_key = os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY")
@@ -175,7 +170,7 @@ def load_config(self, params: dict[str, Any]):
"""Load the configuration for the Anthropic API client."""
anthropic_params = {}
- anthropic_params["model"] = params.get("model", None)
+ anthropic_params["model"] = params.get("model")
assert anthropic_params["model"], "Please provide a `model` in the config_list to use the Anthropic API."
anthropic_params["temperature"] = validate_parameter(
@@ -320,8 +315,7 @@ def create(self, params: dict[str, Any]) -> ChatCompletion:
return response_oai
def message_retrieval(self, response) -> list:
- """
- Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
+ """Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
NOTE: if a list of Choice.Message is returned, it currently needs to contain the fields of OpenAI's ChatCompletion Message object,
since that is expected for function or tool calling in the rest of the codebase at the moment, unless a custom agent is being used.
@@ -359,7 +353,6 @@ def oai_messages_to_anthropic_messages(params: dict[str, Any]) -> list[dict[str,
"""Convert messages from OAI format to Anthropic format.
We correct for any specific role orders and types, etc.
# Track whether we have tools passed in. If not, tool use / result messages should be converted to text messages.
# Anthropic requires a tools parameter with the tools listed, if there are other messages with tool use or tool results.
# This can occur when we don't need tool calling, such as for group chat speaker selection.
diff --git a/autogen/oai/bedrock.py b/autogen/oai/bedrock.py
index b624cc9125..3c5b994f56 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/bedrock.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/bedrock.py
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-Create a compatible client for the Amazon Bedrock Converse API.
+"""Create a compatible client for the Amazon Bedrock Converse API.
Example usage:
Install the `boto3` package by running `pip install --upgrade boto3`.
@@ -21,7 +20,7 @@
"aws_region": "us-west-2",
"aws_access_key": "",
"aws_secret_key": "",
- "price" : [0.003, 0.015]
+ "price": [0.003, 0.015],
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@
import re
import time
import warnings
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import Any, Literal
import boto3
import requests
@@ -45,7 +44,6 @@
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionMessageToolCall
from openai.types.chat.chat_completion import ChatCompletionMessage, Choice
from openai.types.completion_usage import CompletionUsage
-from pydantic import BaseModel
from autogen.oai.client_utils import validate_parameter
@@ -56,14 +54,12 @@ class BedrockClient:
_retries = 5
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any):
- """
- Initialises BedrockClient for Amazon's Bedrock Converse API
- """
- self._aws_access_key = kwargs.get("aws_access_key", None)
- self._aws_secret_key = kwargs.get("aws_secret_key", None)
- self._aws_session_token = kwargs.get("aws_session_token", None)
- self._aws_region = kwargs.get("aws_region", None)
- self._aws_profile_name = kwargs.get("aws_profile_name", None)
+ """Initialises BedrockClient for Amazon's Bedrock Converse API"""
+ self._aws_access_key = kwargs.get("aws_access_key")
+ self._aws_secret_key = kwargs.get("aws_secret_key")
+ self._aws_session_token = kwargs.get("aws_session_token")
+ self._aws_region = kwargs.get("aws_region")
+ self._aws_profile_name = kwargs.get("aws_profile_name")
if not self._aws_access_key:
self._aws_access_key = os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY")
@@ -104,7 +100,6 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any):
or self._aws_secret_key is None
or self._aws_secret_key == ""
# attempts to get client from attached role of managed service (lambda, ec2, ecs, etc.)
self.bedrock_runtime = boto3.client(service_name="bedrock-runtime", config=bedrock_config)
@@ -121,26 +116,21 @@ def message_retrieval(self, response):
return [choice.message for choice in response.choices]
def parse_custom_params(self, params: dict[str, Any]):
- """
- Parses custom parameters for logic in this client class
- """
+ """Parses custom parameters for logic in this client class"""
# Should we separate system messages into its own request parameter, default is True
# This is required because not all models support a system prompt (e.g. Mistral Instruct).
self._supports_system_prompts = params.get("supports_system_prompts", True)
def parse_params(self, params: dict[str, Any]) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]]:
- """
- Loads the valid parameters required to invoke Bedrock Converse
+ """Loads the valid parameters required to invoke Bedrock Converse
Returns a tuple of (base_params, additional_params)
base_params = {}
additional_params = {}
# Amazon Bedrock base model IDs are here:
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/userguide/model-ids.html
- self._model_id = params.get("model", None)
+ self._model_id = params.get("model")
assert self._model_id, "Please provide the 'model` in the config_list to use Amazon Bedrock"
# Parameters vary based on the model used.
@@ -293,7 +283,6 @@ def extract_system_messages(messages: list[dict]) -> list:
List[SystemMessage]: List of System messages.
system_messages = [message.get("content")[0]["text"] for message in messages if message.get("role") == "system"]
return system_messages # ''.join(system_messages)
@@ -311,14 +300,12 @@ def extract_system_messages(messages: list[dict]) -> list:
def oai_messages_to_bedrock_messages(
messages: list[dict[str, Any]], has_tools: bool, supports_system_prompts: bool
) -> list[dict]:
- """
- Convert messages from OAI format to Bedrock format.
+ """Convert messages from OAI format to Bedrock format.
We correct for any specific role orders and types, etc.
AWS Bedrock requires messages to alternate between user and assistant roles. This function ensures that the messages
are in the correct order and format for Bedrock by inserting "Please continue" messages as needed.
This is the same method as the one in the Autogen Anthropic client
# Track whether we have tools passed in. If not, tool use / result messages should be converted to text messages.
# Bedrock requires a tools parameter with the tools listed, if there are other messages with tool use or tool results.
# This can occur when we don't need tool calling, such as for group chat speaker selection
@@ -327,7 +314,7 @@ def oai_messages_to_bedrock_messages(
# Take out system messages if the model supports it, otherwise leave them in.
if supports_system_prompts:
- messages = [x for x in messages if not x["role"] == "system"]
+ messages = [x for x in messages if x["role"] != "system"]
# Replace role="system" with role="user"
for msg in messages:
@@ -505,7 +492,6 @@ def parse_image(image_url: str) -> tuple[bytes, str]:
response = requests.get(image_url)
# Check if the request was successful
if response.status_code == 200:
content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type")
if not content_type.startswith("image"):
content_type = "image/jpeg"
@@ -575,8 +561,7 @@ def format_tool_calls(content):
def convert_stop_reason_to_finish_reason(
stop_reason: str,
) -> Literal["stop", "length", "tool_calls", "content_filter"]:
- """
- Converts Bedrock finish reasons to our finish reasons, according to OpenAI:
+ """Converts Bedrock finish reasons to our finish reasons, according to OpenAI:
- stop: if the model hit a natural stop point or a provided stop sequence,
- length: if the maximum number of tokens specified in the request was reached,
@@ -613,7 +598,6 @@ def convert_stop_reason_to_finish_reason(
def calculate_cost(input_tokens: int, output_tokens: int, model_id: str) -> float:
"""Calculate the cost of the completion using the Bedrock pricing."""
if model_id in PRICES_PER_K_TOKENS:
input_cost_per_k, output_cost_per_k = PRICES_PER_K_TOKENS[model_id]
input_cost = (input_tokens / 1000) * input_cost_per_k
diff --git a/autogen/oai/cerebras.py b/autogen/oai/cerebras.py
index 3cbcf3368f..ffdfd88c4b 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/cerebras.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/cerebras.py
@@ -8,12 +8,8 @@
- llm_config={
- "config_list": [{
- "api_type": "cerebras",
- "model": "llama3.1-8b",
- "api_key": os.environ.get("CEREBRAS_API_KEY")
- }]
+ llm_config = {
+ "config_list": [{"api_type": "cerebras", "model": "llama3.1-8b", "api_key": os.environ.get("CEREBRAS_API_KEY")}]
agent = autogen.AssistantAgent("my_agent", llm_config=llm_config)
@@ -31,13 +27,12 @@
import os
import time
import warnings
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Any
from cerebras.cloud.sdk import Cerebras, Stream
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionMessageToolCall
from openai.types.chat.chat_completion import ChatCompletionMessage, Choice
from openai.types.completion_usage import CompletionUsage
-from pydantic import BaseModel
from autogen.oai.client_utils import should_hide_tools, validate_parameter
@@ -62,16 +57,15 @@ def __init__(self, api_key=None, **kwargs):
if not self.api_key:
self.api_key = os.getenv("CEREBRAS_API_KEY")
- assert (
- self.api_key
- ), "Please include the api_key in your config list entry for Cerebras or set the CEREBRAS_API_KEY env variable."
+ assert self.api_key, (
+ "Please include the api_key in your config list entry for Cerebras or set the CEREBRAS_API_KEY env variable."
+ )
if "response_format" in kwargs and kwargs["response_format"] is not None:
warnings.warn("response_format is not supported for Crebras, it will be ignored.", UserWarning)
def message_retrieval(self, response: ChatCompletion) -> list:
- """
- Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
+ """Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
NOTE: if a list of Choice.Message is returned, it currently needs to contain the fields of OpenAI's ChatCompletion Message object,
since that is expected for function or tool calling in the rest of the codebase at the moment, unless a custom agent is being used.
@@ -100,10 +94,10 @@ def parse_params(self, params: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
# Check that we have what we need to use Cerebras's API
# We won't enforce the available models as they are likely to change
- cerebras_params["model"] = params.get("model", None)
- assert cerebras_params[
- "model"
- ], "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Cerebras model to use."
+ cerebras_params["model"] = params.get("model")
+ assert cerebras_params["model"], (
+ "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Cerebras model to use."
+ )
# Validate allowed Cerebras parameters
# https://inference-docs.cerebras.ai/api-reference/chat-completions
@@ -249,7 +243,6 @@ def oai_messages_to_cerebras_messages(messages: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[di
"""Convert messages from OAI format to Cerebras's format.
We correct for any specific role orders and types.
cerebras_messages = copy.deepcopy(messages)
# Remove the name field
diff --git a/autogen/oai/client.py b/autogen/oai/client.py
index 1cb8dc4415..4a359e93cf 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/client.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/client.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
import logging
import sys
import uuid
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Protocol, Tuple, Union, runtime_checkable
+from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Protocol, Union, runtime_checkable
from pydantic import BaseModel, schema_json_of
@@ -34,9 +34,8 @@
# raises exception if openai>=1 is installed and something is wrong with imports
from openai import APIError, APITimeoutError, AzureOpenAI, OpenAI
- from openai import __version__ as OPENAIVERSION
+ from openai import __version__ as openai_version
from openai.lib._parsing._completions import type_to_response_format_param
- from openai.resources import Completions
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion
from openai.types.chat.chat_completion import ChatCompletionMessage, Choice # type: ignore [attr-defined]
from openai.types.chat.chat_completion_chunk import (
@@ -44,7 +43,6 @@
- from openai.types.chat.parsed_chat_completion import ParsedChatCompletion, ParsedChatCompletionMessage
from openai.types.completion import Completion
from openai.types.completion_usage import CompletionUsage
@@ -63,7 +61,7 @@
cerebras_import_exception: Optional[ImportError] = None
except ImportError as e:
- cerebras_AuthenticationError = cerebras_InternalServerError = cerebras_RateLimitError = Exception
+ cerebras_AuthenticationError = cerebras_InternalServerError = cerebras_RateLimitError = Exception # noqa: N816
cerebras_import_exception = e
@@ -76,7 +74,7 @@
gemini_import_exception: Optional[ImportError] = None
except ImportError as e:
- gemini_InternalServerError = gemini_ResourceExhausted = Exception
+ gemini_InternalServerError = gemini_ResourceExhausted = Exception # noqa: N816
gemini_import_exception = e
@@ -89,7 +87,7 @@
anthropic_import_exception: Optional[ImportError] = None
except ImportError as e:
- anthorpic_InternalServerError = anthorpic_RateLimitError = Exception
+ anthorpic_InternalServerError = anthorpic_RateLimitError = Exception # noqa: N816
anthropic_import_exception = e
@@ -102,7 +100,7 @@
mistral_import_exception: Optional[ImportError] = None
except ImportError as e:
- mistral_SDKError = mistral_HTTPValidationError = Exception
+ mistral_SDKError = mistral_HTTPValidationError = Exception # noqa: N816
mistral_import_exception = e
@@ -112,7 +110,7 @@
together_import_exception: Optional[ImportError] = None
except ImportError as e:
- together_TogetherException = Exception
+ together_TogetherException = Exception # noqa: N816
together_import_exception = e
@@ -126,7 +124,7 @@
groq_import_exception: Optional[ImportError] = None
except ImportError as e:
- groq_InternalServerError = groq_RateLimitError = groq_APIConnectionError = Exception
+ groq_InternalServerError = groq_RateLimitError = groq_APIConnectionError = Exception # noqa: N816
groq_import_exception = e
@@ -140,7 +138,7 @@
cohere_import_exception: Optional[ImportError] = None
except ImportError as e:
- cohere_InternalServerError = cohere_TooManyRequestsError = cohere_ServiceUnavailableError = Exception
+ cohere_InternalServerError = cohere_TooManyRequestsError = cohere_ServiceUnavailableError = Exception # noqa: N816
cohere_import_exception = e
@@ -153,7 +151,7 @@
ollama_import_exception: Optional[ImportError] = None
except ImportError as e:
- ollama_RequestError = ollama_ResponseError = Exception
+ ollama_RequestError = ollama_ResponseError = Exception # noqa: N816
ollama_import_exception = e
@@ -166,7 +164,7 @@
bedrock_import_exception: Optional[ImportError] = None
except ImportError as e:
- bedrock_BotoCoreError = bedrock_ClientError = Exception
+ bedrock_BotoCoreError = bedrock_ClientError = Exception # noqa: N816
bedrock_import_exception = e
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -182,8 +180,7 @@
class ModelClient(Protocol):
- """
- A client class must implement the following methods:
+ """A client class must implement the following methods:
- create must return a response object that implements the ModelClientResponseProtocol
- cost must return the cost of the response
- get_usage must return a dict with the following keys:
@@ -215,8 +212,7 @@ def create(self, params: dict[str, Any]) -> ModelClientResponseProtocol: ... #
def message_retrieval(
self, response: ModelClientResponseProtocol
) -> Union[list[str], list[ModelClient.ModelClientResponseProtocol.Choice.Message]]:
- """
- Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
+ """Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
NOTE: if a list of Choice.Message is returned, it currently needs to contain the fields of OpenAI's ChatCompletion Message object,
since that is expected for function or tool calling in the rest of the codebase at the moment, unless a custom agent is being used.
@@ -362,7 +358,7 @@ def _create_or_parse(*args, **kwargs):
# If content is present, print it to the terminal and update response variables
if content is not None:
- iostream.send(StreamMessage(chunk_content=content))
+ iostream.send(StreamMessage(content=content))
response_contents[choice.index] += content
completion_tokens += 1
@@ -384,7 +380,7 @@ def _create_or_parse(*args, **kwargs):
for i in range(len(response_contents)):
- if OPENAIVERSION >= "1.5": # pragma: no cover
+ if openai_version >= "1.5": # pragma: no cover
# OpenAI versions 1.5.0 and above
choice = Choice(
@@ -433,7 +429,7 @@ def cost(self, response: Union[ChatCompletion, Completion]) -> float:
n_output_tokens = response.usage.completion_tokens if response.usage is not None else 0 # type: ignore [union-attr]
if n_output_tokens is None:
n_output_tokens = 0
- tmp_price1K = OAI_PRICE1K[model]
+ tmp_price1K = OAI_PRICE1K[model] # noqa: N806
# First value is input token rate, second value is output token rate
if isinstance(tmp_price1K, tuple):
return (tmp_price1K[0] * n_input_tokens + tmp_price1K[1] * n_output_tokens) / 1000 # type: ignore [no-any-return]
@@ -483,13 +479,12 @@ def __init__(
config_list: Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]] = None,
**base_config: Any,
- """
- Args:
+ """Args:
config_list: a list of config dicts to override the base_config.
They can contain additional kwargs as allowed in the [create](/docs/reference/oai/client#create) method. E.g.,
- config_list=[
+ config_list = [
"model": "gpt-4",
"api_key": os.environ.get("AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY"),
@@ -506,7 +501,7 @@ def __init__(
"model": "llama-7B",
"base_url": "",
- }
+ },
@@ -514,7 +509,6 @@ def __init__(
and additional kwargs.
When using OpenAI or Azure OpenAI endpoints, please specify a non-empty 'model' either in `base_config` or in each config of `config_list`.
if logging_enabled():
log_new_wrapper(self, locals())
openai_config, extra_kwargs = self._separate_openai_config(base_config)
@@ -770,6 +764,7 @@ def yes_or_no_filter(context, response):
- allow_format_str_template (bool | None): Whether to allow format string template in the config. Default to false.
- api_version (str | None): The api version. Default to None. E.g., "2024-02-01".
- RuntimeError: If all declared custom model clients are not registered
- APIError: If any model client create call raises an APIError
@@ -1059,8 +1054,7 @@ def _update_tool_calls_from_chunk(
# future proofing for when tool calls other than function calls are supported
if tool_calls_chunk.type and tool_calls_chunk.type != "function":
raise NotImplementedError(
- f"Tool call type {tool_calls_chunk.type} is currently not supported. "
- "Only function calls are supported."
+ f"Tool call type {tool_calls_chunk.type} is currently not supported. Only function calls are supported."
# Handle tool call
diff --git a/autogen/oai/client_utils.py b/autogen/oai/client_utils.py
index 6f417c90ba..e975c15654 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/client_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/client_utils.py
@@ -8,20 +8,19 @@
import logging
import warnings
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import Any
def validate_parameter(
params: dict[str, Any],
param_name: str,
allowed_types: tuple,
- allow_None: bool,
+ allow_None: bool, # noqa: N803
default_value: Any,
numerical_bound: tuple,
allowed_values: list,
) -> Any:
- """
- Validates a given config parameter, checking its type, values, and setting defaults
+ """Validates a given config parameter, checking its type, values, and setting defaults
params (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary containing parameters to validate.
param_name (str): The name of the parameter to validate.
@@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ def validate_parameter(
# If "safety_model" is missing or invalid in params, defaults to "default"
if allowed_values is not None and not isinstance(allowed_values, list):
raise TypeError(f"allowed_values should be a list or None, got {type(allowed_values).__name__}")
@@ -81,11 +79,11 @@ def validate_parameter(
warning = "has numerical bounds"
if lower_bound is not None:
- warning += f", >= {str(lower_bound)}"
+ warning += f", >= {lower_bound!s}"
if upper_bound is not None:
if lower_bound is not None:
warning += " and"
- warning += f" <= {str(upper_bound)}"
+ warning += f" <= {upper_bound!s}"
if allow_None:
warning += ", or can be None"
@@ -107,8 +105,7 @@ def validate_parameter(
def should_hide_tools(messages: list[dict[str, Any]], tools: list[dict[str, Any]], hide_tools_param: str) -> bool:
- """
- Determines if tools should be hidden. This function is used to hide tools when they have been run, minimising the chance of the LLM choosing them when they shouldn't.
+ """Determines if tools should be hidden. This function is used to hide tools when they have been run, minimising the chance of the LLM choosing them when they shouldn't.
messages (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of messages
tools (List[Dict[str, Any]]): List of tools
@@ -124,7 +121,6 @@ def should_hide_tools(messages: list[dict[str, Any]], tools: list[dict[str, Any]
tools = params.get("tools", None)
hide_tools = should_hide_tools(messages, tools, params["hide_tools"])
if hide_tools_param == "never" or tools is None or len(tools) == 0:
return False
elif hide_tools_param == "if_any_run":
diff --git a/autogen/oai/cohere.py b/autogen/oai/cohere.py
index 3765902ce0..8cb4adf18c 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/cohere.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/cohere.py
@@ -35,14 +35,13 @@
import sys
import time
import warnings
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Any
from cohere import Client as Cohere
from cohere.types import ToolParameterDefinitionsValue, ToolResult
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionMessageToolCall
from openai.types.chat.chat_completion import ChatCompletionMessage, Choice
from openai.types.completion_usage import CompletionUsage
-from pydantic import BaseModel
from autogen.oai.client_utils import logging_formatter, validate_parameter
@@ -74,20 +73,19 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
api_key (str): The API key for using Cohere (or environment variable COHERE_API_KEY needs to be set)
# Ensure we have the api_key upon instantiation
- self.api_key = kwargs.get("api_key", None)
+ self.api_key = kwargs.get("api_key")
if not self.api_key:
self.api_key = os.getenv("COHERE_API_KEY")
- assert (
- self.api_key
- ), "Please include the api_key in your config list entry for Cohere or set the COHERE_API_KEY env variable."
+ assert self.api_key, (
+ "Please include the api_key in your config list entry for Cohere or set the COHERE_API_KEY env variable."
+ )
if "response_format" in kwargs and kwargs["response_format"] is not None:
warnings.warn("response_format is not supported for Cohere, it will be ignored.", UserWarning)
def message_retrieval(self, response) -> list:
- """
- Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
+ """Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
NOTE: if a list of Choice.Message is returned, it currently needs to contain the fields of OpenAI's ChatCompletion Message object,
since that is expected for function or tool calling in the rest of the codebase at the moment, unless a custom agent is being used.
@@ -115,10 +113,10 @@ def parse_params(self, params: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
# Check that we have what we need to use Cohere's API
# We won't enforce the available models as they are likely to change
- cohere_params["model"] = params.get("model", None)
- assert cohere_params[
- "model"
- ], "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Cohere model to use."
+ cohere_params["model"] = params.get("model")
+ assert cohere_params["model"], (
+ "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Cohere model to use."
+ )
# Validate allowed Cohere parameters
# https://docs.cohere.com/reference/chat
@@ -175,7 +173,7 @@ def create(self, params: dict) -> ChatCompletion:
total_tokens = 0
# Stream if in parameters
- streaming = True if "stream" in params and params["stream"] else False
+ streaming = True if params.get("stream") else False
cohere_finish = "stop"
tool_calls = None
ans = None
@@ -225,7 +223,6 @@ def create(self, params: dict) -> ChatCompletion:
cohere_finish = "tool_calls"
tool_calls = []
for tool_call in response.tool_calls:
# if parameters are null, clear them out (Cohere can return a string "null" if no parameter values)
@@ -270,11 +267,10 @@ def extract_to_cohere_tool_results(tool_call_id: str, content_output: str, all_t
for tool_call in all_tool_calls:
if tool_call["id"] == tool_call_id:
call = {
"name": tool_call["function"]["name"],
"parameters": json.loads(
- tool_call["function"]["arguments"] if not tool_call["function"]["arguments"] == "" else "{}"
+ tool_call["function"]["arguments"] if tool_call["function"]["arguments"] != "" else "{}"
output = [{"value": content_output}]
@@ -298,7 +294,6 @@ def oai_messages_to_cohere_messages(
str: Preamble (system message)
str: Message (the final user message)
cohere_messages = []
preamble = ""
@@ -306,7 +301,6 @@ def oai_messages_to_cohere_messages(
if "tools" in params:
cohere_tools = []
for tool in params["tools"]:
# build list of properties
parameters = {}
@@ -351,7 +345,6 @@ def oai_messages_to_cohere_messages(
# tool_results go into tool_results parameter
messages_length = len(messages)
for index, message in enumerate(messages):
if "role" in message and message["role"] == "system":
# System message
if preamble == "":
@@ -422,7 +415,6 @@ def oai_messages_to_cohere_messages(
return cohere_messages, preamble, ""
# We need to get the last message to assign to the message field for Cohere,
# if the last message is a user message, use that, otherwise put in 'continue'.
if cohere_messages[-1]["role"] == "USER":
diff --git a/autogen/oai/completion.py b/autogen/oai/completion.py
index 0768de778e..8060e0fc58 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/completion.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/completion.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from time import sleep
-from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing import Callable, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@
- from openai import Completion as openai_Completion
+ from openai import Completion as OpenAICompletion
ERROR = None
assert openai.__version__ < "1"
except (AssertionError, ImportError):
- openai_Completion = object
+ OpenAICompletion = object
# The autogen.Completion class requires openai<1
ERROR = AssertionError("(Deprecated) The autogen.Completion class requires openai<1 and diskcache. ")
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
-class Completion(openai_Completion):
+class Completion(OpenAICompletion):
"""`(openai<1)` A class for OpenAI completion API.
It also supports: ChatCompletion, Azure OpenAI API.
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class Completion(openai_Completion):
# price per 1k tokens
- price1K = {
+ price1K = { # noqa: N815
"text-ada-001": 0.0004,
"text-babbage-001": 0.0005,
"text-curie-001": 0.002,
@@ -256,12 +256,8 @@ def _get_response(cls, config: dict, raise_on_ratelimit_or_timeout=False, use_ca
except (RateLimitError, Timeout) as err:
time_left = max_retry_period - (time.time() - start_time + retry_wait_time)
- if (
- time_left > 0
- and isinstance(err, RateLimitError)
- or time_left > request_timeout
- and isinstance(err, Timeout)
- and "request_timeout" not in config
+ if (time_left > 0 and isinstance(err, RateLimitError)) or (
+ time_left > request_timeout and isinstance(err, Timeout) and "request_timeout" not in config
if isinstance(err, Timeout):
request_timeout <<= 1
@@ -471,7 +467,7 @@ def _eval(cls, config: dict, prune=True, eval_only=False):
and target_output_tokens
and avg_n_tokens <= target_output_tokens * (1 - ratio)
- and (num_completions < config_n or num_completions == config_n and data_limit == data_length)
+ and (num_completions < config_n or (num_completions == config_n and data_limit == data_length))
# update valid n
cls._max_valid_n_per_max_tokens[region_key] = valid_n = cls._max_valid_n_per_max_tokens.get(
@@ -769,7 +765,7 @@ def create(
"model": "llama-7B",
"base_url": "",
"api_type": "openai",
- }
+ },
@@ -953,7 +949,7 @@ def eval_func(responses, **data):
An example agg_method in str:
- agg_method = 'median'
+ agg_method = "median"
An example agg_method in a Callable:
@@ -964,7 +960,7 @@ def eval_func(responses, **data):
An example agg_method in a dict of Callable:
- agg_method={'median_success': np.median, 'avg_success': np.mean}
+ agg_method = {"median_success": np.median, "avg_success": np.mean}
return_responses_and_per_instance_result (bool): Whether to also return responses
@@ -1063,7 +1059,7 @@ def cost(cls, response: dict):
usage = response["usage"]
n_input_tokens = usage["prompt_tokens"]
n_output_tokens = usage.get("completion_tokens", 0)
- price1K = cls.price1K[model]
+ price1K = cls.price1K[model] # noqa: N806
if isinstance(price1K, tuple):
return (price1K[0] * n_input_tokens + price1K[1] * n_output_tokens) / 1000
return price1K * (n_input_tokens + n_output_tokens) / 1000
diff --git a/autogen/oai/gemini.py b/autogen/oai/gemini.py
index af2d017fcc..b4f626b348 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/gemini.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/gemini.py
@@ -6,26 +6,27 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Create a OpenAI-compatible client for Gemini features.
- llm_config={
- "config_list": [{
- "api_type": "google",
- "model": "gemini-pro",
- "api_key": os.environ.get("GOOGLE_GEMINI_API_KEY"),
- "safety_settings": [
+ llm_config = {
+ "config_list": [
+ {
+ "api_type": "google",
+ "model": "gemini-pro",
+ "api_key": os.environ.get("GOOGLE_GEMINI_API_KEY"),
+ "safety_settings": [
{"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT", "threshold": "BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH"},
{"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH", "threshold": "BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH"},
- ],
- "top_p":0.5,
- "max_tokens": 2048,
- "temperature": 1.0,
- "top_k": 5
+ {"category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT", "threshold": "BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH"},
+ ],
+ "top_p": 0.5,
+ "max_tokens": 2048,
+ "temperature": 1.0,
+ "top_k": 5,
- ]}
+ ]
+ }
agent = autogen.AssistantAgent("my_agent", llm_config=llm_config)
@@ -48,31 +49,31 @@
import re
import time
import warnings
-from collections.abc import Mapping
from io import BytesIO
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any
import google.generativeai as genai
-import PIL
import requests
import vertexai
+from PIL import Image
from google.ai.generativelanguage import Content, FunctionCall, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionResponse, Part, Tool
from google.ai.generativelanguage_v1beta.types import Schema
from google.auth.credentials import Credentials
+from google.generativeai.types import GenerateContentResponse
from jsonschema import ValidationError
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionMessageToolCall
from openai.types.chat.chat_completion import ChatCompletionMessage, Choice
from openai.types.completion_usage import CompletionUsage
-from PIL import Image
-from pydantic import BaseModel
from vertexai.generative_models import (
Content as VertexAIContent,
from vertexai.generative_models import FunctionDeclaration as vaiFunctionDeclaration
+from vertexai.generative_models import (
+ GenerationResponse as VertexAIGenerationResponse,
from vertexai.generative_models import GenerativeModel
from vertexai.generative_models import HarmBlockThreshold as VertexAIHarmBlockThreshold
from vertexai.generative_models import HarmCategory as VertexAIHarmCategory
-from vertexai.generative_models import Image as VertexAIImage
from vertexai.generative_models import Part as VertexAIPart
from vertexai.generative_models import SafetySetting as VertexAISafetySetting
from vertexai.generative_models import (
@@ -110,9 +111,9 @@ def _initialize_vertexai(self, **params):
if "location" in params:
vertexai_init_args["location"] = params["location"]
if "credentials" in params:
- assert isinstance(
- params["credentials"], Credentials
- ), "Object type google.auth.credentials.Credentials is expected!"
+ assert isinstance(params["credentials"], Credentials), (
+ "Object type google.auth.credentials.Credentials is expected!"
+ )
vertexai_init_args["credentials"] = params["credentials"]
if vertexai_init_args:
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
location (str): Compute region to be used, like 'us-west1'.
This parameter is only valid in case no API key is specified.
- self.api_key = kwargs.get("api_key", None)
+ self.api_key = kwargs.get("api_key")
if not self.api_key:
self.api_key = os.getenv("GOOGLE_GEMINI_API_KEY")
if self.api_key is None:
@@ -147,16 +148,15 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.use_vertexai = False
if not self.use_vertexai:
- assert ("project_id" not in kwargs) and (
- "location" not in kwargs
- ), "Google Cloud project and compute location cannot be set when using an API Key!"
+ assert ("project_id" not in kwargs) and ("location" not in kwargs), (
+ "Google Cloud project and compute location cannot be set when using an API Key!"
+ )
if "response_format" in kwargs and kwargs["response_format"] is not None:
warnings.warn("response_format is not supported for Gemini. It will be ignored.", UserWarning)
def message_retrieval(self, response) -> list:
- """
- Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
+ """Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
NOTE: if a list of Choice.Message is returned, it currently needs to contain the fields of OpenAI's ChatCompletion Message object,
since that is expected for function or tool calling in the rest of the codebase at the moment, unless a custom agent is being used.
@@ -179,13 +179,12 @@ def get_usage(response) -> dict:
def create(self, params: dict) -> ChatCompletion:
if self.use_vertexai:
- assert ("project_id" not in params) and (
- "location" not in params
- ), "Google Cloud project and compute location cannot be set when using an API Key!"
+ assert ("project_id" not in params) and ("location" not in params), (
+ "Google Cloud project and compute location cannot be set when using an API Key!"
+ )
model_name = params.get("model", "gemini-pro")
if model_name == "gemini-pro-vision":
@@ -203,7 +202,7 @@ def create(self, params: dict) -> ChatCompletion:
messages = params.get("messages", [])
stream = params.get("stream", False)
n_response = params.get("n", 1)
- system_instruction = params.get("system_instruction", None)
+ system_instruction = params.get("system_instruction")
response_validation = params.get("response_validation", True)
if "tools" in params:
tools = self._tools_to_gemini_tools(params["tools"])
@@ -265,11 +264,22 @@ def create(self, params: dict) -> ChatCompletion:
ans = ""
random_id = random.randint(0, 10000)
prev_function_calls = []
- for part in response.parts:
+ if isinstance(response, GenerateContentResponse):
+ parts = response.parts
+ elif isinstance(response, VertexAIGenerationResponse): # or hasattr(response, "candidates"):
+ # google.generativeai also raises an error len(candidates) != 1:
+ if len(response.candidates) != 1:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Unexpected number of candidates in the response. Expected 1, got {len(response.candidates)}"
+ )
+ parts = response.candidates[0].content.parts
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unexpected response type: {type(response)}")
+ for part in parts:
# Function calls
if fn_call := part.function_call:
# If we have a repeated function call, ignore it
if fn_call not in prev_function_calls:
@@ -332,7 +342,7 @@ def _oai_content_to_gemini_content(self, message: dict[str, Any]) -> tuple[list,
"""Convert AutoGen content to Gemini parts, catering for text and tool calls"""
rst = []
- if message["role"] == "tool":
+ if "role" in message and message["role"] == "tool":
# Tool call recommendation
function_name = self.tool_call_function_map[message["tool_call_id"]]
@@ -355,7 +365,6 @@ def _oai_content_to_gemini_content(self, message: dict[str, Any]) -> tuple[list,
return rst, "tool"
elif "tool_calls" in message and len(message["tool_calls"]) != 0:
for tool_call in message["tool_calls"]:
function_id = tool_call["id"]
function_name = tool_call["function"]["name"]
self.tool_call_function_map[function_id] = function_name
@@ -468,13 +477,7 @@ def _oai_messages_to_gemini_messages(self, messages: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> li
if self.use_vertexai
else rst.append(Content(parts=parts, role=role))
- elif part_type == "tool":
- rst.append(
- VertexAIContent(parts=parts, role="function")
- if self.use_vertexai
- else rst.append(Content(parts=parts, role="function"))
- )
- elif part_type == "tool_call":
+ elif part_type == "tool" or part_type == "tool_call":
VertexAIContent(parts=parts, role="function")
if self.use_vertexai
@@ -527,7 +530,6 @@ def _oai_messages_to_gemini_messages(self, messages: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> li
def _tools_to_gemini_tools(self, tools: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[Tool]:
"""Create Gemini tools (as typically requires Callables)"""
functions = []
for tool in tools:
if self.use_vertexai:
@@ -608,9 +610,9 @@ def _create_gemini_function_declaration_schema(json_data) -> Schema:
return param_schema
+ @staticmethod
def _create_gemini_function_parameters(function_parameter: dict[str, any]) -> dict[str, any]:
"""Convert function parameters to Gemini format, recursive"""
function_parameter["type_"] = function_parameter["type"].upper()
# Parameter properties and items
@@ -687,7 +689,6 @@ def get_image_data(image_file: str, use_b64=True) -> bytes:
def calculate_gemini_cost(use_vertexai: bool, input_tokens: int, output_tokens: int, model_name: str) -> float:
def total_cost_mil(cost_per_mil_input: float, cost_per_mil_output: float):
# Cost per million
return cost_per_mil_input * input_tokens / 1e6 + cost_per_mil_output * output_tokens / 1e6
diff --git a/autogen/oai/groq.py b/autogen/oai/groq.py
index 3330e99e52..59d48b7e4a 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/groq.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/groq.py
@@ -8,13 +8,9 @@
- llm_config={
- "config_list": [{
- "api_type": "groq",
- "model": "mixtral-8x7b-32768",
- "api_key": os.environ.get("GROQ_API_KEY")
- }
- ]}
+ llm_config = {
+ "config_list": [{"api_type": "groq", "model": "mixtral-8x7b-32768", "api_key": os.environ.get("GROQ_API_KEY")}]
+ }
agent = autogen.AssistantAgent("my_agent", llm_config=llm_config)
@@ -31,13 +27,12 @@
import os
import time
import warnings
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Any
from groq import Groq, Stream
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionMessageToolCall
from openai.types.chat.chat_completion import ChatCompletionMessage, Choice
from openai.types.completion_usage import CompletionUsage
-from pydantic import BaseModel
from autogen.oai.client_utils import should_hide_tools, validate_parameter
@@ -60,21 +55,20 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
api_key (str): The API key for using Groq (or environment variable GROQ_API_KEY needs to be set)
# Ensure we have the api_key upon instantiation
- self.api_key = kwargs.get("api_key", None)
+ self.api_key = kwargs.get("api_key")
if not self.api_key:
self.api_key = os.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY")
- assert (
- self.api_key
- ), "Please include the api_key in your config list entry for Groq or set the GROQ_API_KEY env variable."
+ assert self.api_key, (
+ "Please include the api_key in your config list entry for Groq or set the GROQ_API_KEY env variable."
+ )
if "response_format" in kwargs and kwargs["response_format"] is not None:
warnings.warn("response_format is not supported for Groq API, it will be ignored.", UserWarning)
- self.base_url = kwargs.get("base_url", None)
+ self.base_url = kwargs.get("base_url")
def message_retrieval(self, response) -> list:
- """
- Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
+ """Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
NOTE: if a list of Choice.Message is returned, it currently needs to contain the fields of OpenAI's ChatCompletion Message object,
since that is expected for function or tool calling in the rest of the codebase at the moment, unless a custom agent is being used.
@@ -102,10 +96,10 @@ def parse_params(self, params: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
# Check that we have what we need to use Groq's API
# We won't enforce the available models as they are likely to change
- groq_params["model"] = params.get("model", None)
- assert groq_params[
- "model"
- ], "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Groq model to use."
+ groq_params["model"] = params.get("model")
+ assert groq_params["model"], (
+ "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Groq model to use."
+ )
# Validate allowed Groq parameters
# https://console.groq.com/docs/api-reference#chat
@@ -261,7 +255,6 @@ def oai_messages_to_groq_messages(messages: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[dict[s
"""Convert messages from OAI format to Groq's format.
We correct for any specific role orders and types.
groq_messages = copy.deepcopy(messages)
# Remove the name field
diff --git a/autogen/oai/mistral.py b/autogen/oai/mistral.py
index 54a998a390..24adbc11d5 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/mistral.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/mistral.py
@@ -8,13 +8,11 @@
- llm_config={
- "config_list": [{
- "api_type": "mistral",
- "model": "open-mixtral-8x22b",
- "api_key": os.environ.get("MISTRAL_API_KEY")
- }
- ]}
+ llm_config = {
+ "config_list": [
+ {"api_type": "mistral", "model": "open-mixtral-8x22b", "api_key": os.environ.get("MISTRAL_API_KEY")}
+ ]
+ }
agent = autogen.AssistantAgent("my_agent", llm_config=llm_config)
@@ -27,12 +25,11 @@
NOTE: Requires mistralai package version >= 1.0.1
-import inspect
import json
import os
import time
import warnings
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing import Any, Union
# Mistral libraries
# pip install mistralai
@@ -49,7 +46,6 @@
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionMessageToolCall
from openai.types.chat.chat_completion import ChatCompletionMessage, Choice
from openai.types.completion_usage import CompletionUsage
-from pydantic import BaseModel
from autogen.oai.client_utils import should_hide_tools, validate_parameter
@@ -63,15 +59,14 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
api_key (str): The API key for using Mistral.AI (or environment variable MISTRAL_API_KEY needs to be set)
# Ensure we have the api_key upon instantiation
- self.api_key = kwargs.get("api_key", None)
+ self.api_key = kwargs.get("api_key")
if not self.api_key:
self.api_key = os.getenv("MISTRAL_API_KEY", None)
- assert (
- self.api_key
- ), "Please specify the 'api_key' in your config list entry for Mistral or set the MISTRAL_API_KEY env variable."
+ assert self.api_key, (
+ "Please specify the 'api_key' in your config list entry for Mistral or set the MISTRAL_API_KEY env variable."
+ )
if "response_format" in kwargs and kwargs["response_format"] is not None:
warnings.warn("response_format is not supported for Mistral.AI, it will be ignored.", UserWarning)
@@ -80,7 +75,6 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def message_retrieval(self, response: ChatCompletion) -> Union[list[str], list[ChatCompletionMessage]]:
"""Retrieve the messages from the response."""
return [choice.message for choice in response.choices]
def cost(self, response) -> float:
@@ -91,10 +85,10 @@ def parse_params(self, params: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
mistral_params = {}
# 1. Validate models
- mistral_params["model"] = params.get("model", None)
- assert mistral_params[
- "model"
- ], "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Mistral.ai model to use."
+ mistral_params["model"] = params.get("model")
+ assert mistral_params["model"], (
+ "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Mistral.ai model to use."
+ )
# 2. Validate allowed Mistral.AI parameters
mistral_params["temperature"] = validate_parameter(params, "temperature", (int, float), True, 0.7, None, None)
@@ -240,7 +234,6 @@ def get_usage(response: ChatCompletion) -> dict:
def tool_def_to_mistral(tool_definitions: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
"""Converts AutoGen tool definition to a mistral tool format"""
mistral_tools = []
for autogen_tool in tool_definitions:
@@ -260,7 +253,6 @@ def tool_def_to_mistral(tool_definitions: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[dict[str
def calculate_mistral_cost(input_tokens: int, output_tokens: int, model_name: str) -> float:
"""Calculate the cost of the mistral response."""
# Prices per 1 thousand tokens
# https://mistral.ai/technology/
model_cost_map = {
diff --git a/autogen/oai/ollama.py b/autogen/oai/ollama.py
index 57c7183b11..cb259a7dd2 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/ollama.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/ollama.py
@@ -8,12 +8,7 @@
- llm_config={
- "config_list": [{
- "api_type": "ollama",
- "model": "mistral:7b-instruct-v0.3-q6_K"
- }
- ]}
+ llm_config = {"config_list": [{"api_type": "ollama", "model": "mistral:7b-instruct-v0.3-q6_K"}]}
agent = autogen.AssistantAgent("my_agent", llm_config=llm_config)
@@ -33,7 +28,7 @@
import re
import time
import warnings
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import Any
import ollama
from fix_busted_json import repair_json
@@ -41,7 +36,6 @@
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionMessageToolCall
from openai.types.chat.chat_completion import ChatCompletionMessage, Choice
from openai.types.completion_usage import CompletionUsage
-from pydantic import BaseModel
from autogen.oai.client_utils import should_hide_tools, validate_parameter
@@ -91,8 +85,7 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
warnings.warn("response_format is not supported for Ollama, it will be ignored.", UserWarning)
def message_retrieval(self, response) -> list:
- """
- Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
+ """Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
NOTE: if a list of Choice.Message is returned, it currently needs to contain the fields of OpenAI's ChatCompletion Message object,
since that is expected for function or tool calling in the rest of the codebase at the moment, unless a custom agent is being used.
@@ -126,10 +119,10 @@ def parse_params(self, params: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
# There are other, advanced, parameters such as format, system (to override system message), template, raw, etc. - not used
# We won't enforce the available models
- ollama_params["model"] = params.get("model", None)
- assert ollama_params[
- "model"
- ], "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Ollama model to use."
+ ollama_params["model"] = params.get("model")
+ assert ollama_params["model"], (
+ "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Ollama model to use."
+ )
ollama_params["stream"] = validate_parameter(params, "stream", bool, True, False, None, None)
@@ -262,7 +255,6 @@ def create(self, params: dict) -> ChatCompletion:
total_tokens = prompt_tokens + completion_tokens
if response is not None:
# Defaults
ollama_finish = "stop"
tool_calls = None
@@ -277,9 +269,7 @@ def create(self, params: dict) -> ChatCompletion:
# Process tools in the response
if self._tools_in_conversation:
if self._native_tool_calls:
if not ollama_params["stream"]:
response_content = response["message"]["content"]
@@ -303,7 +293,6 @@ def create(self, params: dict) -> ChatCompletion:
random_id += 1
elif not self._native_tool_calls:
# Try to convert the response to a tool call object
response_toolcalls = response_to_tool_call(ans)
@@ -366,7 +355,6 @@ def oai_messages_to_ollama_messages(self, messages: list[dict[str, Any]], tools:
"""Convert messages from OAI format to Ollama's format.
We correct for any specific role orders and types, and convert tools to messages (as Ollama can't use tool messages)
ollama_messages = copy.deepcopy(messages)
# Remove the name field
@@ -470,7 +458,6 @@ def oai_messages_to_ollama_messages(self, messages: list[dict[str, Any]], tools:
def response_to_tool_call(response_string: str) -> Any:
"""Attempts to convert the response to an object, aimed to align with function format `[{},{}]`"""
# We try and detect the list[dict] format:
# Pattern 1 is [{},{}]
# Pattern 2 is {} (without the [], so could be a single function call)
@@ -481,7 +468,6 @@ def response_to_tool_call(response_string: str) -> Any:
matches = re.findall(pattern, response_string.strip())
for match in matches:
# It has matched, extract it and load it
json_str = match.strip()
data_object = None
@@ -530,7 +516,6 @@ def response_to_tool_call(response_string: str) -> Any:
def _object_to_tool_call(data_object: Any) -> list[dict]:
"""Attempts to convert an object to a valid tool call object List[Dict] and returns it, if it can, otherwise None"""
# If it's a dictionary and not a list then wrap in a list
if isinstance(data_object, dict):
data_object = [data_object]
diff --git a/autogen/oai/openai_utils.py b/autogen/oai/openai_utils.py
index 77da5a6279..ed34d6fad9 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/openai_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/openai_utils.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
import tempfile
import time
from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from dotenv import find_dotenv, load_dotenv
from openai import OpenAI
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@ def get_config_list(
# Define a list of API keys
- api_keys = ['key1', 'key2', 'key3']
+ api_keys = ["key1", "key2", "key3"]
# Optionally, define a list of base URLs corresponding to each API key
- base_urls = ['https://api.service1.com', 'https://api.service2.com', 'https://api.service3.com']
+ base_urls = ["https://api.service1.com", "https://api.service2.com", "https://api.service3.com"]
# Optionally, define the API type and version if they are common for all keys
- api_type = 'azure'
- api_version = '2024-02-01'
+ api_type = "azure"
+ api_version = "2024-02-01"
# Call the get_config_list function to get a list of configuration dictionaries
config_list = get_config_list(api_keys, base_urls, api_type, api_version)
@@ -309,8 +309,7 @@ def config_list_from_models(
exclude: Optional[str] = None,
model_list: Optional[list[str]] = None,
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
- """
- Get a list of configs for API calls with models specified in the model list.
+ """Get a list of configs for API calls with models specified in the model list.
This function extends `config_list_openai_aoai` by allowing to clone its' out for each of the models provided.
Each configuration will have a 'model' key with the model name as its value. This is particularly useful when
@@ -330,15 +329,15 @@ def config_list_from_models(
# Define the path where the API key files are located
- key_file_path = '/path/to/key/files'
+ key_file_path = "/path/to/key/files"
# Define the file names for the OpenAI and Azure OpenAI API keys and bases
- openai_api_key_file = 'key_openai.txt'
- aoai_api_key_file = 'key_aoai.txt'
- aoai_api_base_file = 'base_aoai.txt'
+ openai_api_key_file = "key_openai.txt"
+ aoai_api_key_file = "key_aoai.txt"
+ aoai_api_base_file = "base_aoai.txt"
# Define the list of models for which to create configurations
- model_list = ['gpt-4', 'gpt-3.5-turbo']
+ model_list = ["gpt-4", "gpt-3.5-turbo"]
# Call the function to get a list of configuration dictionaries
config_list = config_list_from_models(
@@ -346,7 +345,7 @@ def config_list_from_models(
- model_list=model_list
+ model_list=model_list,
# The `config_list` will contain configurations for the specified models, for example:
@@ -416,6 +415,7 @@ def filter_config(
intersection with the acceptable values.
exclude (bool): If False (the default value), configs that match the filter will be included in the returned
list. If True, configs that match the filter will be excluded in the returned list.
list of dict: A list of configuration dictionaries that meet all the criteria specified
in `filter_dict`.
@@ -424,16 +424,16 @@ def filter_config(
# Example configuration list with various models and API types
configs = [
- {'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo'},
- {'model': 'gpt-4'},
- {'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'api_type': 'azure'},
- {'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'tags': ['gpt35_turbo', 'gpt-35-turbo']},
+ {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"},
+ {"model": "gpt-4"},
+ {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "api_type": "azure"},
+ {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "tags": ["gpt35_turbo", "gpt-35-turbo"]},
# Define filter criteria to select configurations for the 'gpt-3.5-turbo' model
# that are also using the 'azure' API type
filter_criteria = {
- 'model': ['gpt-3.5-turbo'], # Only accept configurations for 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
- 'api_type': ['azure'] # Only accept configurations for 'azure' API type
+ "model": ["gpt-3.5-turbo"], # Only accept configurations for 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
+ "api_type": ["azure"], # Only accept configurations for 'azure' API type
# Apply the filter to the configuration list
filtered_configs = filter_config(configs, filter_criteria)
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ def filter_config(
# [{'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'api_type': 'azure', ...}]
# Define a filter to select a given tag
filter_criteria = {
- 'tags': ['gpt35_turbo'],
+ "tags": ["gpt35_turbo"],
# Apply the filter to the configuration list
filtered_configs = filter_config(configs, filter_criteria)
@@ -456,7 +456,6 @@ def filter_config(
dictionaries that do not have that key will also be considered a match.
if filter_dict:
return [
@@ -481,8 +480,7 @@ def config_list_from_json(
file_location: Optional[str] = "",
filter_dict: Optional[dict[str, Union[list[Union[str, None]], set[Union[str, None]]]]] = None,
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
- """
- Retrieves a list of API configurations from a JSON stored in an environment variable or a file.
+ """Retrieves a list of API configurations from a JSON stored in an environment variable or a file.
This function attempts to parse JSON data from the given `env_or_file` parameter. If `env_or_file` is an
environment variable containing JSON data, it will be used directly. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a filename,
@@ -507,7 +505,7 @@ def config_list_from_json(
# We can retrieve a filtered list of configurations like this:
filter_criteria = {"model": ["gpt-3.5-turbo"]}
- configs = config_list_from_json('CONFIG_JSON', filter_dict=filter_criteria)
+ configs = config_list_from_json("CONFIG_JSON", filter_dict=filter_criteria)
# The 'configs' variable will now contain only the configurations that match the filter criteria.
@@ -548,16 +546,11 @@ def get_config(
api_type: Optional[str] = None,
api_version: Optional[str] = None,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
- """
- Constructs a configuration dictionary for a single model with the provided API configurations.
+ """Constructs a configuration dictionary for a single model with the provided API configurations.
- config = get_config(
- api_key="sk-abcdef1234567890",
- base_url="https://api.openai.com",
- api_version="v1"
- )
+ config = get_config(api_key="sk-abcdef1234567890", base_url="https://api.openai.com", api_version="v1")
# The 'config' variable will now contain:
# {
# "api_key": "sk-abcdef1234567890",
@@ -590,8 +583,7 @@ def config_list_from_dotenv(
model_api_key_map: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
filter_dict: Optional[dict[str, Union[list[Union[str, None]], set[Union[str, None]]]]] = None,
) -> list[dict[str, Union[str, set[str]]]]:
- """
- Load API configurations from a specified .env file or environment variables and construct a list of configurations.
+ """Load API configurations from a specified .env file or environment variables and construct a list of configurations.
This function will:
- Load API keys from a provided .env file or from existing environment variables.
@@ -689,9 +681,7 @@ def config_list_from_dotenv(
def retrieve_assistants_by_name(client: OpenAI, name: str) -> list[Assistant]:
- """
- Return the assistants with the given name from OAI assistant API
- """
+ """Return the assistants with the given name from OAI assistant API"""
assistants = client.beta.assistants.list()
candidate_assistants = []
for assistant in assistants.data:
@@ -711,7 +701,6 @@ def detect_gpt_assistant_api_version() -> str:
def create_gpt_vector_store(client: OpenAI, name: str, fild_ids: list[str]) -> Any:
"""Create a openai vector store for gpt assistant"""
vector_store = client.beta.vector_stores.create(name=name)
except Exception as e:
@@ -735,7 +724,6 @@ def create_gpt_assistant(
client: OpenAI, name: str, instructions: str, model: str, assistant_config: dict[str, Any]
) -> Assistant:
"""Create a openai gpt assistant"""
assistant_create_kwargs = {}
gpt_assistant_api_version = detect_gpt_assistant_api_version()
tools = assistant_config.get("tools", [])
@@ -784,7 +772,6 @@ def create_gpt_assistant(
def update_gpt_assistant(client: OpenAI, assistant_id: str, assistant_config: dict[str, Any]) -> Assistant:
"""Update openai gpt assistant"""
gpt_assistant_api_version = detect_gpt_assistant_api_version()
assistant_update_kwargs = {}
diff --git a/autogen/oai/together.py b/autogen/oai/together.py
index ac55cb81b3..f66fa948c3 100644
--- a/autogen/oai/together.py
+++ b/autogen/oai/together.py
@@ -8,13 +8,15 @@
- llm_config={
- "config_list": [{
- "api_type": "together",
- "model": "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1",
- "api_key": os.environ.get("TOGETHER_API_KEY")
+ llm_config = {
+ "config_list": [
+ {
+ "api_type": "together",
+ "model": "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1",
+ "api_key": os.environ.get("TOGETHER_API_KEY"),
- ]}
+ ]
+ }
agent = autogen.AssistantAgent("my_agent", llm_config=llm_config)
@@ -27,24 +29,16 @@
from __future__ import annotations
-import base64
import copy
import os
-import random
-import re
import time
import warnings
-from collections.abc import Mapping
-from io import BytesIO
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any
-import requests
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion, ChatCompletionMessageToolCall
from openai.types.chat.chat_completion import ChatCompletionMessage, Choice
from openai.types.completion_usage import CompletionUsage
-from PIL import Image
-from pydantic import BaseModel
-from together import Together, error
+from together import Together
from autogen.oai.client_utils import should_hide_tools, validate_parameter
@@ -59,20 +53,19 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
api_key (str): The API key for using Together.AI (or environment variable TOGETHER_API_KEY needs to be set)
# Ensure we have the api_key upon instantiation
- self.api_key = kwargs.get("api_key", None)
+ self.api_key = kwargs.get("api_key")
if not self.api_key:
self.api_key = os.getenv("TOGETHER_API_KEY")
if "response_format" in kwargs and kwargs["response_format"] is not None:
warnings.warn("response_format is not supported for Together.AI, it will be ignored.", UserWarning)
- assert (
- self.api_key
- ), "Please include the api_key in your config list entry for Together.AI or set the TOGETHER_API_KEY env variable."
+ assert self.api_key, (
+ "Please include the api_key in your config list entry for Together.AI or set the TOGETHER_API_KEY env variable."
+ )
def message_retrieval(self, response) -> list:
- """
- Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
+ """Retrieve and return a list of strings or a list of Choice.Message from the response.
NOTE: if a list of Choice.Message is returned, it currently needs to contain the fields of OpenAI's ChatCompletion Message object,
since that is expected for function or tool calling in the rest of the codebase at the moment, unless a custom agent is being used.
@@ -99,10 +92,10 @@ def parse_params(self, params: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
together_params = {}
# Check that we have what we need to use Together.AI's API
- together_params["model"] = params.get("model", None)
- assert together_params[
- "model"
- ], "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Together.AI model to use."
+ together_params["model"] = params.get("model")
+ assert together_params["model"], (
+ "Please specify the 'model' in your config list entry to nominate the Together.AI model to use."
+ )
# Validate allowed Together.AI parameters
# https://github.com/togethercomputer/together-python/blob/94ffb30daf0ac3e078be986af7228f85f79bde99/src/together/resources/completions.py#L44
@@ -225,7 +218,6 @@ def oai_messages_to_together_messages(messages: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[di
"""Convert messages from OAI format to Together.AI format.
We correct for any specific role orders and types.
together_messages = copy.deepcopy(messages)
# If we have a message with role='tool', which occurs when a function is executed, change it to 'user'
@@ -312,7 +304,6 @@ def oai_messages_to_together_messages(messages: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> list[di
def calculate_together_cost(input_tokens: int, output_tokens: int, model_name: str) -> float:
"""Cost calculation for inference"""
if model_name in chat_lang_code_model_sizes or model_name in mixture_model_sizes:
cost_per_mil = 0
@@ -320,7 +311,7 @@ def calculate_together_cost(input_tokens: int, output_tokens: int, model_name: s
if model_name in chat_lang_code_model_sizes:
size_in_b = chat_lang_code_model_sizes[model_name]
- for top_size in chat_lang_code_model_costs.keys():
+ for top_size in chat_lang_code_model_costs:
if size_in_b <= top_size:
cost_per_mil = chat_lang_code_model_costs[top_size]
@@ -329,7 +320,7 @@ def calculate_together_cost(input_tokens: int, output_tokens: int, model_name: s
# Mixture-of-experts
size_in_b = mixture_model_sizes[model_name]
- for top_size in mixture_costs.keys():
+ for top_size in mixture_costs:
if size_in_b <= top_size:
cost_per_mil = mixture_costs[top_size]
diff --git a/autogen/retrieve_utils.py b/autogen/retrieve_utils.py
index 6b9df68ff3..091b862ee8 100644
--- a/autogen/retrieve_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/retrieve_utils.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import hashlib
import os
import re
-from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Callable, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import chromadb
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
if chromadb.__version__ < "0.4.15":
from chromadb.api import API
- from chromadb.api import ClientAPI as API
+ from chromadb.api import ClientAPI as API # noqa: N814
import logging
import chromadb.utils.embedding_functions as ef
@@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ def split_files_to_chunks(
custom_text_split_function: Callable = None,
) -> tuple[list[str], list[dict]]:
"""Split a list of files into chunks of max_tokens."""
chunks = []
sources = []
@@ -288,7 +287,9 @@ def _generate_file_name_from_url(url: str, max_length=255) -> str:
hash = hashlib.blake2b(url_bytes).hexdigest()
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
file_name = os.path.basename(url)
- file_name = f"{parsed_url.netloc}_{file_name}_{hash[:min(8, max_length-len(parsed_url.netloc)-len(file_name)-1)]}"
+ file_name = (
+ f"{parsed_url.netloc}_{file_name}_{hash[: min(8, max_length - len(parsed_url.netloc) - len(file_name) - 1)]}"
+ )
return file_name
@@ -380,7 +381,6 @@ def create_vector_db_from_dir(
extra_docs (Optional, bool): whether to add more documents in the collection. Default is False
The chromadb client.
if client is None:
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ def create_vector_db_from_dir(
end_idx = i + min(40000, len(chunks) - i)
- ids=[f"doc_{j+length}" for j in range(i, end_idx)], # unique for each doc
+ ids=[f"doc_{j + length}" for j in range(i, end_idx)], # unique for each doc
except ValueError as e:
@@ -458,7 +458,6 @@ def query_vector_db(
functions, you can pass it here, follow the examples in `https://docs.trychroma.com/embeddings`.
The query result. The format is:
diff --git a/autogen/runtime_logging.py b/autogen/runtime_logging.py
index 02abf2e80c..1f597cde3b 100644
--- a/autogen/runtime_logging.py
+++ b/autogen/runtime_logging.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import logging
import sqlite3
import uuid
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, TypeVar, Union
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Literal, TypeVar
from openai import AzureOpenAI, OpenAI
from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletion
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ def start(
logger_type: Literal["sqlite", "file"] = "sqlite",
config: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> str:
- """
- Start logging for the runtime.
+ """Start logging for the runtime.
logger (BaseLogger): A logger instance
logger_type (str): The type of logger to use (default: sqlite)
diff --git a/autogen/token_count_utils.py b/autogen/token_count_utils.py
index defb163674..c1c8be3112 100644
--- a/autogen/token_count_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/token_count_utils.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import json
import logging
import re
-from typing import Dict, List, Union
+from typing import Union
import tiktoken
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ def token_left(input: Union[str, list, dict], model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613") -> int
def count_token(input: Union[str, list, dict], model: str = "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613") -> int:
"""Count number of tokens used by an OpenAI model.
input: (str, list, dict): Input to the model.
model: (str): Model name.
@@ -232,9 +233,9 @@ def num_tokens_from_functions(functions, model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613") -> int:
if "parameters" in function:
parameters = function["parameters"]
if "properties" in parameters:
- for propertiesKey in parameters["properties"]:
- function_tokens += len(encoding.encode(propertiesKey))
- v = parameters["properties"][propertiesKey]
+ for properties_key in parameters["properties"]:
+ function_tokens += len(encoding.encode(properties_key))
+ v = parameters["properties"][properties_key]
for field in v:
if field == "type":
function_tokens += 2
diff --git a/autogen/tools/__init__.py b/autogen/tools/__init__.py
index 1ff3f27766..04542b4d3b 100644
--- a/autogen/tools/__init__.py
+++ b/autogen/tools/__init__.py
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
+ "Tool",
- "Tool",
diff --git a/autogen/tools/dependency_injection.py b/autogen/tools/dependency_injection.py
index f1a7129b67..9af9f42c07 100644
--- a/autogen/tools/dependency_injection.py
+++ b/autogen/tools/dependency_injection.py
@@ -6,40 +6,107 @@
import sys
from abc import ABC
from functools import wraps
-from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, get_type_hints
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Iterable, Optional, Union, get_type_hints
from fast_depends import Depends as FastDepends
from fast_depends import inject
from fast_depends.dependencies import model
+from autogen.agentchat import Agent
+ from ..agentchat.conversable_agent import ConversableAgent
__all__ = [
+ "get_context_params",
class BaseContext(ABC):
+ """Base class for context classes.
+ This is the base class for defining various context types that may be used
+ throughout the application. It serves as a parent for specific context classes.
+ """
class ChatContext(BaseContext):
- messages: list[str] = []
+ """ChatContext class that extends BaseContext.
+ This class is used to represent a chat context that holds a list of messages.
+ It inherits from `BaseContext` and adds the `messages` attribute.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, agent: "ConversableAgent") -> None:
+ """Initializes the ChatContext with an agent.
+ Args:
+ agent: The agent to use for retrieving chat messages.
+ """
+ self._agent = agent
+ @property
+ def chat_messages(self) -> dict[Agent, list[dict[Any, Any]]]:
+ """The messages in the chat.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary of agents and their messages.
+ """
+ return self._agent.chat_messages
+ @property
+ def last_message(self) -> Optional[dict[str, Any]]:
+ """The last message in the chat.
+ Returns:
+ The last message in the chat.
+ """
+ return self._agent.last_message()
+def Depends(x: Any) -> Any: # noqa: N802
+ """Creates a dependency for injection based on the provided context or type.
-def Depends(x: Any) -> Any:
+ Args:
+ x: The context or dependency to be injected.
+ Returns:
+ A FastDepends object that will resolve the dependency for injection.
+ """
if isinstance(x, BaseContext):
return FastDepends(lambda: x)
return FastDepends(x)
-def _is_base_context_param(param: inspect.Parameter) -> bool:
+def get_context_params(func: Callable[..., Any], subclass: Union[type[BaseContext], type[ChatContext]]) -> list[str]:
+ """Gets the names of the context parameters in a function signature.
+ Args:
+ func: The function to inspect for context parameters.
+ subclass: The subclass to search for.
+ Returns:
+ A list of parameter names that are instances of the specified subclass.
+ """
+ sig = inspect.signature(func)
+ return [p.name for p in sig.parameters.values() if _is_context_param(p, subclass=subclass)]
+def _is_context_param(
+ param: inspect.Parameter, subclass: Union[type[BaseContext], type[ChatContext]] = BaseContext
+) -> bool:
# param.annotation.__args__[0] is used to handle Annotated[MyContext, Depends(MyContext(b=2))]
param_annotation = param.annotation.__args__[0] if hasattr(param.annotation, "__args__") else param.annotation
- return isinstance(param_annotation, type) and issubclass(param_annotation, BaseContext)
+ return isinstance(param_annotation, type) and issubclass(param_annotation, subclass)
def _is_depends_param(param: inspect.Parameter) -> bool:
@@ -61,13 +128,24 @@ def _remove_injected_params_from_signature(func: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable
func = _fix_staticmethod(func)
sig = inspect.signature(func)
- params_to_remove = [p.name for p in sig.parameters.values() if _is_base_context_param(p) or _is_depends_param(p)]
+ params_to_remove = [p.name for p in sig.parameters.values() if _is_context_param(p) or _is_depends_param(p)]
_remove_params(func, sig, params_to_remove)
return func
class Field:
+ """Represents a description field for use in type annotations.
+ This class is used to store a description for an annotated field, often used for
+ documenting or validating fields in a context or data model.
+ """
def __init__(self, description: str) -> None:
+ """Initializes the Field with a description.
+ Args:
+ description: The description text for the field.
+ """
self._description = description
@@ -102,6 +180,17 @@ def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
def inject_params(f: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]:
+ """Injects parameters into a function, removing injected dependencies from its signature.
+ This function is used to modify a function by injecting dependencies and removing
+ injected parameters from the function's signature.
+ Args:
+ f: The function to modify with dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ The modified function with injected dependencies and updated signature.
+ """
# This is a workaround for Python 3.9+ where staticmethod.__func__ is accessible
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9) and isinstance(f, staticmethod) and hasattr(f, "__func__"):
f = _fix_staticmethod(f)
diff --git a/autogen/tools/function_utils.py b/autogen/tools/function_utils.py
index 2b7e458d2c..7d87f28eb6 100644
--- a/autogen/tools/function_utils.py
+++ b/autogen/tools/function_utils.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import inspect
import json
from logging import getLogger
-from typing import Annotated, Any, Callable, Dict, ForwardRef, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
+from typing import Annotated, Any, Callable, ForwardRef, Optional, TypeVar, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from typing_extensions import Literal, get_args, get_origin
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ def get_missing_annotations(typed_signature: inspect.Signature, required: list[s
"""Get the missing annotations of a function
Ignores the parameters with default values as they are not required to be annotated, but logs a warning.
typed_signature: The signature of the function with type annotations
required: The required parameters of the function
@@ -236,11 +237,11 @@ def get_function_schema(f: Callable[..., Any], *, name: Optional[str] = None, de
TypeError: If the function is not annotated
def f(a: Annotated[str, "Parameter a"], b: int = 2, c: Annotated[float, "Parameter c"] = 0.1) -> None:
get_function_schema(f, description="function f")
# {'type': 'function',
diff --git a/autogen/tools/tool.py b/autogen/tools/tool.py
index 98a3d97841..d5391f1fd4 100644
--- a/autogen/tools/tool.py
+++ b/autogen/tools/tool.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional, Union
from ..tools.function_utils import get_function_schema
-from .dependency_injection import inject_params
+from .dependency_injection import ChatContext, get_context_params, inject_params
from ..agentchat.conversable_agent import ConversableAgent
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
class Tool:
- """
- A class representing a Tool that can be used by an agent for various tasks.
+ """A class representing a Tool that can be used by an agent for various tasks.
This class encapsulates a tool with a name, description, and an executable function.
The tool can be registered with a ConversableAgent for use either with an LLM or for direct execution.
@@ -45,13 +44,15 @@ def __init__(
self._name: str = name or func_or_tool.name
self._description: str = description or func_or_tool.description
self._func: Callable[..., Any] = func_or_tool.func
- elif inspect.isfunction(func_or_tool):
+ self._chat_context_param_names: list[str] = func_or_tool._chat_context_param_names
+ elif inspect.isfunction(func_or_tool) or inspect.ismethod(func_or_tool):
+ self._chat_context_param_names = get_context_params(func_or_tool, subclass=ChatContext)
self._func = inject_params(func_or_tool)
self._name = name or func_or_tool.__name__
self._description = description or func_or_tool.__doc__ or ""
raise ValueError(
- f"Parameter 'func_or_tool' must be a function or a Tool instance, it is '{type(func_or_tool)}' instead."
+ f"Parameter 'func_or_tool' must be a function, method or a Tool instance, it is '{type(func_or_tool)}' instead."
@@ -67,8 +68,7 @@ def func(self) -> Callable[..., Any]:
return self._func
def register_for_llm(self, agent: "ConversableAgent") -> None:
- """
- Registers the tool for use with a ConversableAgent's language model (LLM).
+ """Registers the tool for use with a ConversableAgent's language model (LLM).
This method registers the tool so that it can be invoked by the agent during
interactions with the language model.
@@ -79,8 +79,7 @@ def register_for_llm(self, agent: "ConversableAgent") -> None:
def register_for_execution(self, agent: "ConversableAgent") -> None:
- """
- Registers the tool for direct execution by a ConversableAgent.
+ """Registers the tool for direct execution by a ConversableAgent.
This method registers the tool so that it can be executed by the agent,
typically outside of the context of an LLM interaction.
@@ -91,8 +90,7 @@ def register_for_execution(self, agent: "ConversableAgent") -> None:
def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
- """
- Execute the tool by calling its underlying function with the provided arguments.
+ """Execute the tool by calling its underlying function with the provided arguments.
*args: Positional arguments to pass to the tool
diff --git a/autogen/types.py b/autogen/types.py
index be865907ab..897fc58dbc 100644
--- a/autogen/types.py
+++ b/autogen/types.py
@@ -4,17 +4,25 @@
# Portions derived from https://github.com/microsoft/autogen are under the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-from typing import Dict, List, Literal, TypedDict, Union
+from typing import Literal, TypedDict, Union
MessageContentType = Union[str, list[Union[dict, str]], None]
class UserMessageTextContentPart(TypedDict):
+ """Represents a text content part of a user message"""
type: Literal["text"]
+ """The type of the content part. Always "text" for text content parts."""
text: str
+ """The text content of the part."""
class UserMessageImageContentPart(TypedDict):
+ """Represents an image content part of a user message"""
type: Literal["image_url"]
+ """The type of the content part. Always "image_url" for image content parts."""
# Ignoring the other "detail param for now"
image_url: dict[Literal["url"], str]
+ """The URL of the image."""
diff --git a/autogen/version.py b/autogen/version.py
index 8c91541ec9..4d5df8dc5f 100644
--- a/autogen/version.py
+++ b/autogen/version.py
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-__version__ = "0.6.1"
+__version__ = "0.7.0"
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat.ipynb
index e674f54397..5f12143913 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat.ipynb
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
"source": [
"import json\n",
- "import os\n",
"import chromadb\n",
@@ -2336,7 +2335,7 @@
"source": [
"for i in range(len(questions)):\n",
- " print(f\"\\n\\n>>>>>>>>>>>> Below are outputs of Case {i+1} <<<<<<<<<<<<\\n\\n\")\n",
+ " print(f\"\\n\\n>>>>>>>>>>>> Below are outputs of Case {i + 1} <<<<<<<<<<<<\\n\\n\")\n",
" # reset the assistant. Always reset the assistant before starting a new conversation.\n",
" assistant.reset()\n",
@@ -2765,7 +2764,7 @@
"source": [
"for i in range(len(questions)):\n",
- " print(f\"\\n\\n>>>>>>>>>>>> Below are outputs of Case {i+1} <<<<<<<<<<<<\\n\\n\")\n",
+ " print(f\"\\n\\n>>>>>>>>>>>> Below are outputs of Case {i + 1} <<<<<<<<<<<<\\n\\n\")\n",
" # reset the assistant. Always reset the assistant before starting a new conversation.\n",
" assistant.reset()\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat_mongodb.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat_mongodb.ipynb
index afd290c973..eb8489028b 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat_mongodb.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat_mongodb.ipynb
@@ -54,10 +54,8 @@
"source": [
- "import json\n",
"import os\n",
- "import autogen\n",
"from autogen import AssistantAgent\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib.retrieve_user_proxy_agent import RetrieveUserProxyAgent\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat_pgvector.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat_pgvector.ipynb
index 31073362f1..2f79bb9d79 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat_pgvector.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_RetrieveChat_pgvector.ipynb
@@ -84,10 +84,8 @@
"source": [
- "import json\n",
"import os\n",
- "import chromadb\n",
"import psycopg\n",
"from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_agentoptimizer.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_agentoptimizer.ipynb
index cf7c27c920..3bddcaf7b3 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_agentoptimizer.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_agentoptimizer.ipynb
@@ -1,466 +1,464 @@
- "cells": [
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "# AgentOptimizer: An Agentic Way to Train Your LLM Agent\n",
- "\n",
- "AutoGen offers conversable agents powered by LLM, tool, or human, which can be used to perform tasks collectively via automated chat. This framework allows tool use and human participation through multi-agent conversation.\n",
- "Please find documentation about this feature [here](https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/Use-Cases/agent_chat).\n",
- "\n",
- "In traditional ML pipeline, we train a model by updating its parameter according to the loss on the training set, while in the era of LLM agents, how should we train an agent? Here, we take an initial step towards the agent training. Inspired by the [function calling](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/function-calling) capabilities provided by OpenAI, we draw an analogy between model parameters and agent functions/skills, and update agent’s functions/skills based on its historical performance on the training set. As an agentic way of training an agent, our approach help enhance the agents’ abilities without requiring access to the LLMs parameters.\n",
- "\n",
- "In this notebook, we introduce a new class, ‘AgentOptimizer’, which is able to improve the function list of one Assistant-UserProxy pair according to the historical conversation histories.\n",
- "This feature would support agents in improving their ability to solve problems of the same type as previous tasks.\n",
- "Specifically, given a set of training data, AgentOptimizer would iteratively prompt the LLM to optimize the existing function list of the AssistantAgent and UserProxyAgent with code implementation if necessary. It also includes two strategies, roll-back, and early-stop, to streamline the training process.\n",
- "In the example scenario, we test the proposed AgentOptimizer in solving problems from the [MATH dataset](https://github.com/hendrycks/math). \n",
- "\n",
- "![AgentOptimizer](https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/ag2ai/ag2/main/website/blog/2023-12-23-AgentOptimizer/img/agentoptimizer.png)\n",
- "\n",
- "More information could be found in the [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.11359).\n",
- "\n",
- "Authors:\n",
- "- [Shaokun Zhang](https://github.com/skzhang1), Ph.D. student at the The Pennsylvania State University\n",
- "- [Jieyu Zhang](https://jieyuz2.github.io), Ph.D. student at the University of Washington"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 17,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "import copy\n",
- "import json\n",
- "import os\n",
- "from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union\n",
- "\n",
- "from openai import BadRequestError\n",
- "\n",
- "import autogen\n",
- "from autogen import config_list_from_json\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat import Agent\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.agent_optimizer import AgentOptimizer\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.math_user_proxy_agent import MathUserProxyAgent\n",
- "from autogen.code_utils import extract_code\n",
- "from autogen.math_utils import get_answer"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "# MathUserProxy with function_call\n",
- "\n",
- "This agent is a customized MathUserProxy inherits from its [parent class](https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2/blob/main/autogen/agentchat/contrib/math_user_proxy_agent.py).\n",
- "\n",
- "It supports using both function_call and python to solve math problems.\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 18,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "def is_termination_msg_mathchat(message):\n",
- " \"\"\"Check if a message is a termination message.\"\"\"\n",
- " if isinstance(message, dict):\n",
- " message = message.get(\"content\")\n",
- " if message is None:\n",
- " return False\n",
- " cb = extract_code(message)\n",
- " contain_code = False\n",
- " for c in cb:\n",
- " if c[0] == \"python\":\n",
- " contain_code = True\n",
- " break\n",
- " if message.rstrip().find(\"TERMINATE\") >= 0:\n",
- " return True\n",
- " return not contain_code and get_answer(message) is not None and get_answer(message) != \"\"\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "class MathUserProxyAgent(MathUserProxyAgent):\n",
- " DEFAULT_REPLY = \"Continue. Please keep solving the problem until you need to query. (If you get to the answer, put it in \\\\boxed{}.)\"\n",
- " PROMPTS = \"\"\"Let's solve a math problem.\n",
- "Query requirements:\n",
- "You should always use the 'print' function for the output and use fractions/radical forms instead of decimals.\n",
- "You can use packages like sympy to help you.\n",
- "You must follow the formats below to write your code:\n",
- "```python\n",
- "# your code\n",
- "```\n",
- "If some packages are missing, you could also suggest a code to install the corresponding package.\n",
- "\n",
- "Please follow this process:\n",
- "1. Solve the problem step by step (do not over-divide the steps).\n",
- "2. Take out any queries that can be asked through Python code (for example, any calculations or equations that can be calculated) and functions you know in the context of this conversation.\n",
- "\n",
- "Please\n",
- "(1) do not mix suggested Python codes and function calls in one step.\n",
- "(2) You MUST remember that you don’t have a function named \"python\" available.\n",
- "\n",
- "You must follow the formats below to write your Python code:\n",
- "```python\n",
- "# your code\n",
- "```\n",
- "\n",
- "3. Wait for me to give the results or wait for the executed results of the function call.\n",
- "4. Continue if you think the result is correct. If the result is invalid or unexpected, please correct your query or reasoning.\n",
- "\n",
- "After all the queries are run and you get the answer, put the answer in \\\\boxed{}.\n",
- "\n",
- "Problem:\n",
- "\"\"\"\n",
- "\n",
- " def __init__(\n",
- " self,\n",
- " name: Optional[str] = \"MathChatAgent\",\n",
- " is_termination_msg: Optional[Callable[[Dict], bool]] = is_termination_msg_mathchat,\n",
- " human_input_mode: Literal[\"ALWAYS\", \"NEVER\", \"TERMINATE\"] = \"NEVER\",\n",
- " default_auto_reply: Optional[Union[str, Dict, None]] = DEFAULT_REPLY,\n",
- " max_invalid_q_per_step=3,\n",
- " **kwargs,\n",
- " ):\n",
- " super().__init__(\n",
- " name=name,\n",
- " is_termination_msg=is_termination_msg,\n",
- " human_input_mode=human_input_mode,\n",
- " default_auto_reply=default_auto_reply,\n",
- " max_invalid_q_per_step=max_invalid_q_per_step,\n",
- " **kwargs,\n",
- " )\n",
- " del self._reply_func_list[2]\n",
- " self.register_reply([Agent, None], MathUserProxyAgent._generate_math_reply, position=4)\n",
- " del self._reply_func_list[3]\n",
- " self.register_reply(\n",
- " trigger=autogen.ConversableAgent, reply_func=MathUserProxyAgent.generate_function_call_reply, position=3\n",
- " )\n",
- " self.register_reply(\n",
- " trigger=autogen.ConversableAgent, reply_func=MathUserProxyAgent._check_final_result, position=0\n",
- " )\n",
- "\n",
- " self.max_function_call_trial = 3\n",
- " self.query = None\n",
- " self.answer = None\n",
- " self.is_correct = None\n",
- "\n",
- " def generate_function_call_reply(\n",
- " self,\n",
- " messages: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,\n",
- " sender: Optional[autogen.ConversableAgent] = None,\n",
- " config: Optional[Any] = None,\n",
- " ) -> Tuple[bool, Union[Dict, None]]:\n",
- " \"\"\"Generate a reply using function call.\"\"\"\n",
- " if messages is None:\n",
- " messages = self._oai_messages[sender]\n",
- " message = messages[-1]\n",
- " if \"function_call\" in message:\n",
- " is_exec_success, func_return = self.execute_function(message[\"function_call\"])\n",
- " if is_exec_success:\n",
- " self.max_function_call_trial = 3\n",
- " return True, func_return\n",
- " else:\n",
- " if self.max_function_call_trial == 0:\n",
- " error_message = func_return[\"content\"]\n",
- " self.max_function_call_trial = 3\n",
- " return (\n",
- " True,\n",
- " \"The func is executed failed many times. \"\n",
- " + error_message\n",
- " + \". Please directly reply me with TERMINATE. We need to terminate the conversation.\",\n",
- " )\n",
- " else:\n",
- " revise_prompt = \"You may make a wrong function call (It may due the arguments you provided doesn't fit the function arguments like missing required positional argument). \\\n",
- " If you think this error occurs due to you make a wrong function arguments input and you could make it success, please try to call this function again using the correct arguments. \\\n",
- " Otherwise, the error may be caused by the function itself. Please directly reply me with TERMINATE. We need to terminate the conversation. \"\n",
- " error_message = func_return[\"content\"]\n",
- " return True, \"The func is executed failed.\" + error_message + revise_prompt\n",
- " return False, None\n",
- "\n",
- " def initiate_chat(\n",
- " self,\n",
- " recipient,\n",
- " answer: None,\n",
- " silent: Optional[bool] = False,\n",
- " **context,\n",
- " ):\n",
- " self.query = context[\"problem\"]\n",
- " if not isinstance(answer, str):\n",
- " answer = str(answer)\n",
- " if answer.endswith(\".0\"):\n",
- " answer = answer[:-2]\n",
- " self._answer = answer\n",
- " else:\n",
- " self._answer = answer\n",
- "\n",
- " self.is_correct = None\n",
- "\n",
- " self._prepare_chat(recipient, True)\n",
- " error_message = None\n",
- " try:\n",
- " prompt = self.PROMPTS + context[\"problem\"]\n",
- " self.send(prompt, recipient, silent=silent)\n",
- " except BadRequestError as e:\n",
- " error_message = str(e)\n",
- " self.is_correct = 0\n",
- " print(\"error information: {}\".format(error_message))\n",
- "\n",
- " recipient.reset()\n",
- " is_correct = copy.deepcopy(self.is_correct)\n",
- " self._reset()\n",
- " return is_correct\n",
- "\n",
- " def _check_final_result(\n",
- " self,\n",
- " messages: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,\n",
- " sender: Optional[autogen.Agent] = None,\n",
- " config: Optional[Any] = None,\n",
- " ):\n",
- "\n",
- " messages = messages[-1]\n",
- " if isinstance(messages, dict):\n",
- " messages = messages.get(\"content\")\n",
- " if messages is None:\n",
- " return False, None\n",
- "\n",
- " cb = extract_code(messages)\n",
- " contain_code = False\n",
- " for c in cb:\n",
- " if c[0] == \"python\":\n",
- " contain_code = True\n",
- " break\n",
- " if not contain_code and get_answer(messages) is not None and get_answer(messages) != \"\":\n",
- " if get_answer(messages) == self._answer:\n",
- " self.is_correct = 1\n",
- " return True, \"The result is Correct. Please reply me with TERMINATE.\"\n",
- " else:\n",
- " self.is_correct = 0\n",
- " return False, None\n",
- " else:\n",
- " return False, None\n",
- "\n",
- " def _reset(self):\n",
- " super()._reset()\n",
- " self.max_function_call_trial = 3\n",
- " self.is_correct = None\n",
- " self.query = None\n",
- " self.answer = None"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "# Load dataset\n",
- "\n",
- "MATAH dataset contains 12,500 challenging competition mathematics problems. Each problem in MATH has a full step-by-step solution which can be used to teach models to generate answer derivations and explanations. \n",
- "\n",
- "We strictly follow the [train](https://github.com/lifan-yuan/CRAFT/blob/main/tab_and_math/MATH/dataset/train/algebra.jsonl)/[test](https://github.com/lifan-yuan/CRAFT/blob/main/tab_and_math/MATH/dataset/algebra.jsonl) splits of [Craft](https://github.com/lifan-yuan/CRAFT). Please specific your own path to the dataset. Here we sample the first 10 algebra problems as examples. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 25,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "test_data, train_data = [], []\n",
- "with open(\"MATH/dataset/algebra.jsonl\", \"r\", encoding=\"utf-8\") as f:\n",
- " for line in f:\n",
- " test_data.append(json.loads(line))\n",
- "with open(\"MATH/dataset/train/algebra.jsonl\", \"r\", encoding=\"utf-8\") as f:\n",
- " for line in f:\n",
- " train_data.append(json.loads(line))\n",
- "test_data, train_data = test_data[0:10], train_data[0:10]"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "# Agents construction\n",
- "\n",
- "Constructing MathUserProxyAgent and AssistantAgent used in solving these problems. Here, we use gpt-4-1106-preview to construct the AssistantAgent. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 26,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "llm_config = {\n",
- " \"config_list\": [\n",
- " {\n",
- " \"model\": \"gpt-4-1106-preview\",\n",
- " \"api_type\": \"azure\",\n",
- " \"api_key\": os.environ[\"AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY\"],\n",
- " \"base_url\": \"https://ENDPOINT.openai.azure.com/\",\n",
- " \"api_version\": \"2023-07-01-preview\",\n",
- " }\n",
- " ]\n",
- "}\n",
- "\n",
- "assistant = autogen.AssistantAgent(\n",
- " name=\"assistant\",\n",
- " system_message=\"You are a helpful assistant.\",\n",
- " llm_config=llm_config,\n",
- ")\n",
- "user_proxy = MathUserProxyAgent(\n",
- " name=\"mathproxyagent\",\n",
- " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\",\n",
- " code_execution_config={\"work_dir\": \"_output\", \"use_docker\": False},\n",
- ")"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "# Test without agent optimizations \n",
- "\n",
- "Below is the code to get the performance without the agents optimization process. \n",
- "\n",
- "In this case, the AssistantAgent and MathUserProxyAgent don't have any function calls but solely solve problems with Python."
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "sum = 0\n",
- "for index, query in enumerate(test_data):\n",
- " is_correct = user_proxy.initiate_chat(recipient=assistant, answer=query[\"answer\"], problem=query[\"question\"])\n",
- " print(is_correct)\n",
- " sum += is_correct\n",
- "success_rate_without_agent_training = sum / 10"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "# Agent Training \n",
- "\n",
- "Then, we use the AgentOptimizer to iteratively optimize the agents by optimizing the function calls according to the historical conversations and performance.\n",
- "The AgentOptimizer yields register_for_llm and register_for_executor at each iteration, which are subsequently utilized to update the assistant and user_proxy agents, respectively. \n",
- "Here we optimize these two agents for ten epochs. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "EPOCH = 10\n",
- "optimizer_model = \"gpt-4-1106-preview\"\n",
- "optimizer = AgentOptimizer(max_actions_per_step=3, llm_config=llm_config, optimizer_model=optimizer_model)\n",
- "for i in range(EPOCH):\n",
- " for index, query in enumerate(train_data):\n",
- " is_correct = user_proxy.initiate_chat(assistant, answer=query[\"answer\"], problem=query[\"question\"])\n",
- " history = assistant.chat_messages_for_summary(user_proxy)\n",
- " optimizer.record_one_conversation(history, is_satisfied=is_correct)\n",
- " register_for_llm, register_for_exector = optimizer.step()\n",
- " for item in register_for_llm:\n",
- " assistant.update_function_signature(**item)\n",
- " if len(register_for_exector.keys()) > 0:\n",
- " user_proxy.register_function(function_map=register_for_exector)"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "# Test with agent optimizations \n",
- "\n",
- "After agent optimization, the agents obtained a list of functions from the AgentOptimizers after 10 optimization iterations as shown below.\n",
- "\n",
- "We then show the final performances with/without the agent optimization process. We observe the agents after optimization are obviously better.\n",
- "\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "sum = 0\n",
- "for index, query in enumerate(test_data):\n",
- " is_correct = user_proxy.initiate_chat(recipient=assistant, answer=query[\"answer\"], problem=query[\"question\"])\n",
- " sum += is_correct\n",
- "success_rate_with_agent_training = sum / 10"
- ]
- },
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# AgentOptimizer: An Agentic Way to Train Your LLM Agent\n",
+ "\n",
+ "AutoGen offers conversable agents powered by LLM, tool, or human, which can be used to perform tasks collectively via automated chat. This framework allows tool use and human participation through multi-agent conversation.\n",
+ "Please find documentation about this feature [here](https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/Use-Cases/agent_chat).\n",
+ "\n",
+ "In traditional ML pipeline, we train a model by updating its parameter according to the loss on the training set, while in the era of LLM agents, how should we train an agent? Here, we take an initial step towards the agent training. Inspired by the [function calling](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/function-calling) capabilities provided by OpenAI, we draw an analogy between model parameters and agent functions/skills, and update agent’s functions/skills based on its historical performance on the training set. As an agentic way of training an agent, our approach help enhance the agents’ abilities without requiring access to the LLMs parameters.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "In this notebook, we introduce a new class, ‘AgentOptimizer’, which is able to improve the function list of one Assistant-UserProxy pair according to the historical conversation histories.\n",
+ "This feature would support agents in improving their ability to solve problems of the same type as previous tasks.\n",
+ "Specifically, given a set of training data, AgentOptimizer would iteratively prompt the LLM to optimize the existing function list of the AssistantAgent and UserProxyAgent with code implementation if necessary. It also includes two strategies, roll-back, and early-stop, to streamline the training process.\n",
+ "In the example scenario, we test the proposed AgentOptimizer in solving problems from the [MATH dataset](https://github.com/hendrycks/math). \n",
+ "\n",
+ "![AgentOptimizer](https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/ag2ai/ag2/main/website/blog/2023-12-23-AgentOptimizer/img/agentoptimizer.png)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "More information could be found in the [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.11359).\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Authors:\n",
+ "- [Shaokun Zhang](https://github.com/skzhang1), Ph.D. student at the The Pennsylvania State University\n",
+ "- [Jieyu Zhang](https://jieyuz2.github.io), Ph.D. student at the University of Washington"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 17,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import copy\n",
+ "import json\n",
+ "import os\n",
+ "from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from openai import BadRequestError\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import autogen\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat import Agent\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.agent_optimizer import AgentOptimizer\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.math_user_proxy_agent import MathUserProxyAgent\n",
+ "from autogen.code_utils import extract_code\n",
+ "from autogen.math_utils import get_answer"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# MathUserProxy with function_call\n",
+ "\n",
+ "This agent is a customized MathUserProxy inherits from its [parent class](https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2/blob/main/autogen/agentchat/contrib/math_user_proxy_agent.py).\n",
+ "\n",
+ "It supports using both function_call and python to solve math problems.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def is_termination_msg_mathchat(message):\n",
+ " \"\"\"Check if a message is a termination message.\"\"\"\n",
+ " if isinstance(message, dict):\n",
+ " message = message.get(\"content\")\n",
+ " if message is None:\n",
+ " return False\n",
+ " cb = extract_code(message)\n",
+ " contain_code = False\n",
+ " for c in cb:\n",
+ " if c[0] == \"python\":\n",
+ " contain_code = True\n",
+ " break\n",
+ " if message.rstrip().find(\"TERMINATE\") >= 0:\n",
+ " return True\n",
+ " return not contain_code and get_answer(message) is not None and get_answer(message) != \"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "class MathUserProxyAgent(MathUserProxyAgent):\n",
+ " DEFAULT_REPLY = \"Continue. Please keep solving the problem until you need to query. (If you get to the answer, put it in \\\\boxed{}.)\"\n",
+ " PROMPTS = \"\"\"Let's solve a math problem.\n",
+ "Query requirements:\n",
+ "You should always use the 'print' function for the output and use fractions/radical forms instead of decimals.\n",
+ "You can use packages like sympy to help you.\n",
+ "You must follow the formats below to write your code:\n",
+ "```python\n",
+ "# your code\n",
+ "```\n",
+ "If some packages are missing, you could also suggest a code to install the corresponding package.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Please follow this process:\n",
+ "1. Solve the problem step by step (do not over-divide the steps).\n",
+ "2. Take out any queries that can be asked through Python code (for example, any calculations or equations that can be calculated) and functions you know in the context of this conversation.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Please\n",
+ "(1) do not mix suggested Python codes and function calls in one step.\n",
+ "(2) You MUST remember that you don’t have a function named \"python\" available.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "You must follow the formats below to write your Python code:\n",
+ "```python\n",
+ "# your code\n",
+ "```\n",
+ "\n",
+ "3. Wait for me to give the results or wait for the executed results of the function call.\n",
+ "4. Continue if you think the result is correct. If the result is invalid or unexpected, please correct your query or reasoning.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "After all the queries are run and you get the answer, put the answer in \\\\boxed{}.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Problem:\n",
+ "\"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def __init__(\n",
+ " self,\n",
+ " name: Optional[str] = \"MathChatAgent\",\n",
+ " is_termination_msg: Optional[Callable[[Dict], bool]] = is_termination_msg_mathchat,\n",
+ " human_input_mode: Literal[\"ALWAYS\", \"NEVER\", \"TERMINATE\"] = \"NEVER\",\n",
+ " default_auto_reply: Optional[Union[str, Dict, None]] = DEFAULT_REPLY,\n",
+ " max_invalid_q_per_step=3,\n",
+ " **kwargs,\n",
+ " ):\n",
+ " super().__init__(\n",
+ " name=name,\n",
+ " is_termination_msg=is_termination_msg,\n",
+ " human_input_mode=human_input_mode,\n",
+ " default_auto_reply=default_auto_reply,\n",
+ " max_invalid_q_per_step=max_invalid_q_per_step,\n",
+ " **kwargs,\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " del self._reply_func_list[2]\n",
+ " self.register_reply([Agent, None], MathUserProxyAgent._generate_math_reply, position=4)\n",
+ " del self._reply_func_list[3]\n",
+ " self.register_reply(\n",
+ " trigger=autogen.ConversableAgent, reply_func=MathUserProxyAgent.generate_function_call_reply, position=3\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " self.register_reply(\n",
+ " trigger=autogen.ConversableAgent, reply_func=MathUserProxyAgent._check_final_result, position=0\n",
+ " )\n",
+ "\n",
+ " self.max_function_call_trial = 3\n",
+ " self.query = None\n",
+ " self.answer = None\n",
+ " self.is_correct = None\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def generate_function_call_reply(\n",
+ " self,\n",
+ " messages: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,\n",
+ " sender: Optional[autogen.ConversableAgent] = None,\n",
+ " config: Optional[Any] = None,\n",
+ " ) -> Tuple[bool, Union[Dict, None]]:\n",
+ " \"\"\"Generate a reply using function call.\"\"\"\n",
+ " if messages is None:\n",
+ " messages = self._oai_messages[sender]\n",
+ " message = messages[-1]\n",
+ " if \"function_call\" in message:\n",
+ " is_exec_success, func_return = self.execute_function(message[\"function_call\"])\n",
+ " if is_exec_success:\n",
+ " self.max_function_call_trial = 3\n",
+ " return True, func_return\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " if self.max_function_call_trial == 0:\n",
+ " error_message = func_return[\"content\"]\n",
+ " self.max_function_call_trial = 3\n",
+ " return (\n",
+ " True,\n",
+ " \"The func is executed failed many times. \"\n",
+ " + error_message\n",
+ " + \". Please directly reply me with TERMINATE. We need to terminate the conversation.\",\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " revise_prompt = \"You may make a wrong function call (It may due the arguments you provided doesn't fit the function arguments like missing required positional argument). \\\n",
+ " If you think this error occurs due to you make a wrong function arguments input and you could make it success, please try to call this function again using the correct arguments. \\\n",
+ " Otherwise, the error may be caused by the function itself. Please directly reply me with TERMINATE. We need to terminate the conversation. \"\n",
+ " error_message = func_return[\"content\"]\n",
+ " return True, \"The func is executed failed.\" + error_message + revise_prompt\n",
+ " return False, None\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def initiate_chat(\n",
+ " self,\n",
+ " recipient,\n",
+ " answer: None,\n",
+ " silent: Optional[bool] = False,\n",
+ " **context,\n",
+ " ):\n",
+ " self.query = context[\"problem\"]\n",
+ " if not isinstance(answer, str):\n",
+ " answer = str(answer)\n",
+ " if answer.endswith(\".0\"):\n",
+ " answer = answer[:-2]\n",
+ " self._answer = answer\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " self._answer = answer\n",
+ "\n",
+ " self.is_correct = None\n",
+ "\n",
+ " self._prepare_chat(recipient, True)\n",
+ " error_message = None\n",
+ " try:\n",
+ " prompt = self.PROMPTS + context[\"problem\"]\n",
+ " self.send(prompt, recipient, silent=silent)\n",
+ " except BadRequestError as e:\n",
+ " error_message = str(e)\n",
+ " self.is_correct = 0\n",
+ " print(\"error information: {}\".format(error_message))\n",
+ "\n",
+ " recipient.reset()\n",
+ " is_correct = copy.deepcopy(self.is_correct)\n",
+ " self._reset()\n",
+ " return is_correct\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def _check_final_result(\n",
+ " self,\n",
+ " messages: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,\n",
+ " sender: Optional[autogen.Agent] = None,\n",
+ " config: Optional[Any] = None,\n",
+ " ):\n",
+ " messages = messages[-1]\n",
+ " if isinstance(messages, dict):\n",
+ " messages = messages.get(\"content\")\n",
+ " if messages is None:\n",
+ " return False, None\n",
+ "\n",
+ " cb = extract_code(messages)\n",
+ " contain_code = False\n",
+ " for c in cb:\n",
+ " if c[0] == \"python\":\n",
+ " contain_code = True\n",
+ " break\n",
+ " if not contain_code and get_answer(messages) is not None and get_answer(messages) != \"\":\n",
+ " if get_answer(messages) == self._answer:\n",
+ " self.is_correct = 1\n",
+ " return True, \"The result is Correct. Please reply me with TERMINATE.\"\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " self.is_correct = 0\n",
+ " return False, None\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " return False, None\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def _reset(self):\n",
+ " super()._reset()\n",
+ " self.max_function_call_trial = 3\n",
+ " self.is_correct = None\n",
+ " self.query = None\n",
+ " self.answer = None"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Load dataset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "MATAH dataset contains 12,500 challenging competition mathematics problems. Each problem in MATH has a full step-by-step solution which can be used to teach models to generate answer derivations and explanations. \n",
+ "\n",
+ "We strictly follow the [train](https://github.com/lifan-yuan/CRAFT/blob/main/tab_and_math/MATH/dataset/train/algebra.jsonl)/[test](https://github.com/lifan-yuan/CRAFT/blob/main/tab_and_math/MATH/dataset/algebra.jsonl) splits of [Craft](https://github.com/lifan-yuan/CRAFT). Please specific your own path to the dataset. Here we sample the first 10 algebra problems as examples. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 25,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "test_data, train_data = [], []\n",
+ "with open(\"MATH/dataset/algebra.jsonl\", \"r\", encoding=\"utf-8\") as f:\n",
+ " for line in f:\n",
+ " test_data.append(json.loads(line))\n",
+ "with open(\"MATH/dataset/train/algebra.jsonl\", \"r\", encoding=\"utf-8\") as f:\n",
+ " for line in f:\n",
+ " train_data.append(json.loads(line))\n",
+ "test_data, train_data = test_data[0:10], train_data[0:10]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Agents construction\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Constructing MathUserProxyAgent and AssistantAgent used in solving these problems. Here, we use gpt-4-1106-preview to construct the AssistantAgent. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 26,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "llm_config = {\n",
+ " \"config_list\": [\n",
+ " {\n",
+ " \"model\": \"gpt-4-1106-preview\",\n",
+ " \"api_type\": \"azure\",\n",
+ " \"api_key\": os.environ[\"AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY\"],\n",
+ " \"base_url\": \"https://ENDPOINT.openai.azure.com/\",\n",
+ " \"api_version\": \"2023-07-01-preview\",\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " ]\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "assistant = autogen.AssistantAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"assistant\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"You are a helpful assistant.\",\n",
+ " llm_config=llm_config,\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "user_proxy = MathUserProxyAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"mathproxyagent\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\",\n",
+ " code_execution_config={\"work_dir\": \"_output\", \"use_docker\": False},\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Test without agent optimizations \n",
+ "\n",
+ "Below is the code to get the performance without the agents optimization process. \n",
+ "\n",
+ "In this case, the AssistantAgent and MathUserProxyAgent don't have any function calls but solely solve problems with Python."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "sum = 0\n",
+ "for index, query in enumerate(test_data):\n",
+ " is_correct = user_proxy.initiate_chat(recipient=assistant, answer=query[\"answer\"], problem=query[\"question\"])\n",
+ " print(is_correct)\n",
+ " sum += is_correct\n",
+ "success_rate_without_agent_training = sum / 10"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Agent Training \n",
+ "\n",
+ "Then, we use the AgentOptimizer to iteratively optimize the agents by optimizing the function calls according to the historical conversations and performance.\n",
+ "The AgentOptimizer yields register_for_llm and register_for_executor at each iteration, which are subsequently utilized to update the assistant and user_proxy agents, respectively. \n",
+ "Here we optimize these two agents for ten epochs. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "EPOCH = 10\n",
+ "optimizer_model = \"gpt-4-1106-preview\"\n",
+ "optimizer = AgentOptimizer(max_actions_per_step=3, llm_config=llm_config, optimizer_model=optimizer_model)\n",
+ "for i in range(EPOCH):\n",
+ " for index, query in enumerate(train_data):\n",
+ " is_correct = user_proxy.initiate_chat(assistant, answer=query[\"answer\"], problem=query[\"question\"])\n",
+ " history = assistant.chat_messages_for_summary(user_proxy)\n",
+ " optimizer.record_one_conversation(history, is_satisfied=is_correct)\n",
+ " register_for_llm, register_for_exector = optimizer.step()\n",
+ " for item in register_for_llm:\n",
+ " assistant.update_function_signature(**item)\n",
+ " if len(register_for_exector.keys()) > 0:\n",
+ " user_proxy.register_function(function_map=register_for_exector)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Test with agent optimizations \n",
+ "\n",
+ "After agent optimization, the agents obtained a list of functions from the AgentOptimizers after 10 optimization iterations as shown below.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "We then show the final performances with/without the agent optimization process. We observe the agents after optimization are obviously better.\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "sum = 0\n",
+ "for index, query in enumerate(test_data):\n",
+ " is_correct = user_proxy.initiate_chat(recipient=assistant, answer=query[\"answer\"], problem=query[\"question\"])\n",
+ " sum += is_correct\n",
+ "success_rate_with_agent_training = sum / 10"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 2,
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "------------------------------------------------Functions learned------------------------------------------------\n",
- "evaluate_expression: Evaluate arithmetic or mathematical expressions provided as strings.\n",
- "\n",
- "calculate_compound_interest_principal: Calculate the principal amount needed to achieve a certain future value with quarterly compound interest.\n",
- "\n",
- "solve_linear_system: Solve a system of linear equations represented as coefficients and variables.\n",
- "\n",
- "------------------------------------------------Summary------------------------------------------------\n",
- "\n",
- "success_rate_without_agent_training: 60.0%\n",
- "\n",
- "success_rate_with_agent_training: 90.0%\n",
- "\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "print(\n",
- " \"------------------------------------------------Functions learned------------------------------------------------\"\n",
- ")\n",
- "for func in assistant.llm_config[\"functions\"]:\n",
- " print(func[\"name\"] + \": \" + func[\"description\"] + \"\\n\")\n",
- "print(\"------------------------------------------------Summary------------------------------------------------\\n\")\n",
- "print(\"success_rate_without_agent_training: {average}%\\n\".format(average=success_rate_without_agent_training * 100))\n",
- "print(\"success_rate_with_agent_training: {average}%\\n\".format(average=success_rate_with_agent_training * 100))"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "front_matter": {
- "description": "AgentOptimizer is able to prompt LLMs to iteratively optimize function/skills of AutoGen agents according to the historical conversation and performance.",
- "tags": [
- "optimization",
- "tool/function"
- ]
- },
- "kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "py3.9",
- "language": "python",
- "name": "python3"
- },
- "language_info": {
- "codemirror_mode": {
- "name": "ipython",
- "version": 3
- },
- "file_extension": ".py",
- "mimetype": "text/x-python",
- "name": "python",
- "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
- "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.9.18"
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "------------------------------------------------Functions learned------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "evaluate_expression: Evaluate arithmetic or mathematical expressions provided as strings.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "calculate_compound_interest_principal: Calculate the principal amount needed to achieve a certain future value with quarterly compound interest.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "solve_linear_system: Solve a system of linear equations represented as coefficients and variables.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "------------------------------------------------Summary------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\n",
+ "success_rate_without_agent_training: 60.0%\n",
+ "\n",
+ "success_rate_with_agent_training: 90.0%\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "print(\n",
+ " \"------------------------------------------------Functions learned------------------------------------------------\"\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "for func in assistant.llm_config[\"functions\"]:\n",
+ " print(func[\"name\"] + \": \" + func[\"description\"] + \"\\n\")\n",
+ "print(\"------------------------------------------------Summary------------------------------------------------\\n\")\n",
+ "print(\"success_rate_without_agent_training: {average}%\\n\".format(average=success_rate_without_agent_training * 100))\n",
+ "print(\"success_rate_with_agent_training: {average}%\\n\".format(average=success_rate_with_agent_training * 100))"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "front_matter": {
+ "description": "AgentOptimizer is able to prompt LLMs to iteratively optimize function/skills of AutoGen agents according to the historical conversation and performance.",
+ "tags": [
+ "optimization",
+ "tool/function"
+ ]
+ },
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "py3.9",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
- "nbformat": 4,
- "nbformat_minor": 2
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.9.18"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_azr_ai_search.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_azr_ai_search.ipynb
index bffc8680e5..d0a85fc740 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_azr_ai_search.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_azr_ai_search.ipynb
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@
"import json\n",
"import os\n",
- "import requests\n",
"from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential\n",
"from azure.search.documents import SearchClient\n",
"from dotenv import load_dotenv\n",
@@ -359,7 +358,6 @@
"source": [
"if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n",
- " import asyncio\n",
" async def main():\n",
" with Cache.disk() as cache:\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_dalle_and_gpt4v.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_dalle_and_gpt4v.ipynb
index d4278c96d1..708f661860 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_dalle_and_gpt4v.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_dalle_and_gpt4v.ipynb
@@ -28,25 +28,19 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "import json\n",
"import os\n",
- "import pdb\n",
- "import random\n",
"import re\n",
- "import time\n",
- "from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union\n",
+ "from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union\n",
- "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"import PIL\n",
- "import requests\n",
+ "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
+ "from PIL import Image\n",
"from diskcache import Cache\n",
"from openai import OpenAI\n",
- "from PIL import Image\n",
- "from termcolor import colored\n",
"import autogen\n",
"from autogen import Agent, AssistantAgent, ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.img_utils import _to_pil, get_image_data, get_pil_image, gpt4v_formatter\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.img_utils import _to_pil, get_image_data, get_pil_image\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib.multimodal_conversable_agent import MultimodalConversableAgent"
@@ -117,8 +111,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def dalle_call(client: OpenAI, model: str, prompt: str, size: str, quality: str, n: int) -> str:\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Generate an image using OpenAI's DALL-E model and cache the result.\n",
+ " \"\"\"Generate an image using OpenAI's DALL-E model and cache the result.\n",
" This function takes a prompt and other parameters to generate an image using OpenAI's DALL-E model.\n",
" It checks if the result is already cached; if so, it returns the cached image data. Otherwise,\n",
@@ -177,8 +170,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def extract_img(agent: Agent) -> PIL.Image:\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Extracts an image from the last message of an agent and converts it to a PIL image.\n",
+ " \"\"\"Extracts an image from the last message of an agent and converts it to a PIL image.\n",
" This function searches the last message sent by the given agent for an image tag,\n",
" extracts the image data, and then converts this data into a PIL (Python Imaging Library) image object.\n",
@@ -379,8 +371,7 @@
"source": [
"class DalleCreator(AssistantAgent):\n",
" def __init__(self, n_iters=2, **kwargs):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Initializes a DalleCreator instance.\n",
+ " \"\"\"Initializes a DalleCreator instance.\n",
" This agent facilitates the creation of visualizations through a collaborative effort among\n",
" its child agents: dalle and critics.\n",
@@ -621,11 +612,11 @@
"metadata": {
"front_matter": {
- "description": "Multimodal agent chat with DALL-E and GPT-4v.",
- "tags": [
- "multimodal",
- "gpt-4v"
- ]
+ "description": "Multimodal agent chat with DALL-E and GPT-4v.",
+ "tags": [
+ "multimodal",
+ "gpt-4v"
+ ]
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_databricks_dbrx.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_databricks_dbrx.ipynb
index 74d391e5e4..f6bd140109 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_databricks_dbrx.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_databricks_dbrx.ipynb
@@ -507,10 +507,9 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "class Databricks_AutoGenLogger:\n",
+ "class DatabricksAutoGenLogger:\n",
" def __init__(self):\n",
" from pyspark.sql import SparkSession\n",
- " import autogen\n",
" self.spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()\n",
" self.logger_config = {\"dbname\": \"logs.db\"}\n",
@@ -635,7 +634,7 @@
"user_proxy = autogen.UserProxyAgent(name=\"user\", code_execution_config=False)\n",
"# Before initiating chat, start logging:\n",
- "logs = Databricks_AutoGenLogger()\n",
+ "logs = DatabricksAutoGenLogger()\n",
" user_proxy.initiate_chat(assistant, message=\"What is MLflow?\", max_turns=1)\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_function_call_async.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_function_call_async.ipynb
index 3abe706acb..685fb08413 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_function_call_async.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_function_call_async.ipynb
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
+ "import asyncio\n",
"import time\n",
"from typing_extensions import Annotated\n",
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
"@coder.register_for_llm(description=\"create a timer for N seconds\")\n",
"async def timer(num_seconds: Annotated[str, \"Number of seconds in the timer.\"]) -> str:\n",
" for i in range(int(num_seconds)):\n",
- " time.sleep(1)\n",
+ " asyncio.sleep(1)\n",
" # should print to stdout\n",
" return \"Timer is done!\"\n",
@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@
"source": [
"with Cache.disk() as cache:\n",
- " await user_proxy.a_initiate_chat( # noqa: F704\n",
+ " await user_proxy.a_initiate_chat(\n",
" coder,\n",
" message=\"Create a timer for 5 seconds and then a stopwatch for 5 seconds.\",\n",
" cache=cache,\n",
@@ -344,7 +345,7 @@
"with Cache.disk() as cache:\n",
- " await user_proxy.a_initiate_chat( # noqa: F704\n",
+ " await user_proxy.a_initiate_chat(\n",
" manager,\n",
" message=message,\n",
" cache=cache,\n",
@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@
"kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "flaml_dev",
+ "display_name": ".venv-3.9",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
@@ -383,7 +384,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.10.14"
+ "version": "3.9.20"
"nbformat": 4,
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_function_call_code_writing.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_function_call_code_writing.ipynb
index 2f80cc3421..c80b0e5b64 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_function_call_code_writing.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_function_call_code_writing.ipynb
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"def see_file(filename: Annotated[str, \"Name and path of file to check.\"]):\n",
" with open(default_path + filename, \"r\") as file:\n",
" lines = file.readlines()\n",
- " formatted_lines = [f\"{i+1}:{line}\" for i, line in enumerate(lines)]\n",
+ " formatted_lines = [f\"{i + 1}:{line}\" for i, line in enumerate(lines)]\n",
" file_contents = \"\".join(formatted_lines)\n",
" return 0, file_contents\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_graph_rag_neo4j.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_graph_rag_neo4j.ipynb
index 5306b70396..0da6a7d906 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_graph_rag_neo4j.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_graph_rag_neo4j.ipynb
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"pip install ag2[neo4j]\n",
- "```",
+ "```\n",
@@ -249,22 +249,22 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
"Which company is the employer?\n",
- "\u001B[33mbuzz_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"The employer is BUZZ Co.\n",
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
"What policies does it have?\n",
- "\u001B[33mbuzz_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"BUZZ Co. has several policies, including:\n",
@@ -288,32 +288,32 @@
"These policies cover a wide range of employment aspects, from leave and separation to confidentiality and security.\n",
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
"What's Buzz's equal employment opprtunity policy?\n",
- "\u001B[33mbuzz_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"The specific content of BUZZ Co.'s Equal Employment Opportunity policy is not provided in the document. However, it is mentioned that BUZZ Co. has an Equal Employment Opportunity policy, which typically would state the company's commitment to providing equal employment opportunities and non-discrimination in the workplace.\n",
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
"What does Civic Responsibility state?\n",
- "\u001B[33mbuzz_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"The document does not provide any information about a Civic Responsibility policy. Therefore, I don't have details on what BUZZ Co.'s Civic Responsibility might state.\n",
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
"Does Donald Trump work there?\n",
- "\u001B[33mbuzz_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"The document does not provide any information about specific individuals, including whether Donald Trump works at BUZZ Co. Therefore, I don't have any details on the employment of Donald Trump at BUZZ Co.\n",
@@ -488,22 +488,22 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to rag_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to rag_agent):\n",
"Which company is the employer?\n",
- "\u001B[33mrag_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mrag_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"The employer is BUZZ Co.\n",
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to rag_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to rag_agent):\n",
"What polices does it have?\n",
- "\u001B[33mrag_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mrag_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"BUZZ Co. has several policies outlined in its Employee Handbook, including:\n",
@@ -531,22 +531,22 @@
"These policies are designed to guide employees in their conduct and responsibilities at BUZZ Co.\n",
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to rag_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to rag_agent):\n",
"What does Civic Responsibility state?\n",
- "\u001B[33mrag_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mrag_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"The Civic Responsibility policy at BUZZ Co. states that the company will pay employees the difference between their salary and any amount paid by the government, unless prohibited by law, for up to a maximum of ten days of jury duty. Additionally, BUZZ Co. will pay employees the difference between their salary and any amount paid by the government or any other source for serving as an Election Day worker at the polls on official election days, not to exceed two elections in one given calendar year.\n",
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to paul_graham_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to paul_graham_agent):\n",
"Which policy listed above does civic responsibility belong to?\n",
- "\u001B[33mpaul_graham_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mpaul_graham_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"The Civic Responsibility policy belongs to the \"Leave Benefits and Other Work Policies\" section of the BUZZ Co. Employee Handbook.\n",
@@ -588,8 +588,8 @@
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
- "### Incrementally add new documents to the existing knoweldge graph."
- ]
+ "### Incrementally add new documents to the existing knoweledge graph."
+ ]
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -644,12 +644,12 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to rag_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to rag_agent):\n",
"What is Equal Employment Opportunity Policy at BUZZ?\n",
- "\u001B[33mrag_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mrag_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Anti-Discrimination Policy at BUZZ Co. is designed to ensure full compliance with all applicable anti-discrimination laws and regulations. BUZZ Co. is an equal opportunity employer and strictly prohibits any form of discrimination or harassment. The policy ensures equal employment opportunities for all employees and applicants, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, age, national origin, disability status, genetic information, protected veteran status, or any other legally protected characteristic.\n",
@@ -658,12 +658,12 @@
"BUZZ Co. enforces this policy by posting required notices, including EEO statements in job advertisements, posting job openings with state agencies, and prohibiting retaliation against individuals who report discrimination or harassment. Employees are required to report incidents of discrimination or harassment, which are promptly investigated, and appropriate corrective action is taken.\n",
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to rag_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to rag_agent):\n",
"What is prohibited sexual harassment stated in the policy?\n",
- "\u001B[33mrag_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mrag_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"Prohibited sexual harassment, as stated in BUZZ Co.'s policy, includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Such conduct is considered prohibited sexual harassment when:\n",
@@ -674,12 +674,12 @@
"The policy also encompasses any unwelcome conduct based on other protected characteristics, such as race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, age, national origin, disability status, genetic information, or protected veteran status. Such conduct becomes unlawful when continued employment is made contingent upon the employee's toleration of the offensive conduct, or when the conduct is so severe or pervasive that it creates a work environment that would be considered intimidating, hostile, or abusive by a reasonable person.\n",
- "\u001B[33muser_proxy\u001B[0m (to paul_graham_agent):\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to paul_graham_agent):\n",
"List the name of 5 other policies at Buzz.\n",
- "\u001B[33mpaul_graham_agent\u001B[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\u001b[33mpaul_graham_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
"Certainly! Here are five other policies at BUZZ Co.:\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_graph_rag_neo4j_native.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_graph_rag_neo4j_native.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c38cb9554e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_graph_rag_neo4j_native.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Using Neo4j's native GraphRAG SDK with AG2 agents for Question & Answering\n",
+ "\n",
+ "AG2 provides GraphRAG integration through agent capabilities. This is an example utilizing the integration of Neo4j's native GraphRAG SDK.\n",
+ "The Neo4j native query engine enables the construction of a knowledge graph from a single text or PDF file. Additionally, you can define custom entities, relationships, or schemas to guide the graph-building process. Once created, you can integrate the RAG capabilities into AG2 agents to query the knowledge graph effectively. \n",
+ "\n",
+ "````{=mdx}\n",
+ ":::info Requirements\n",
+ "To install the neo4j GraphRAG SDK with OpenAI LLM\n",
+ "\n",
+ "```bash\n",
+ "sudo apt-get install graphviz graphviz-dev\n",
+ "pip install pygraphviz\n",
+ "pip install \"neo4j-graphrag[openai, experimental]\"\n",
+ "```\n",
+ ":::\n",
+ "````\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Set Configuration and OpenAI API Key\n",
+ "\n",
+ "By default, in order to use OpenAI LLM with Neo4j you need to have an OpenAI key in your environment variable `OPENAI_API_KEY`.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "You can utilize an OAI_CONFIG_LIST file and extract the OpenAI API key and put it in the environment, as will be shown in the following cell.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Alternatively, you can load the environment variable yourself.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "````{=mdx}\n",
+ ":::tip\n",
+ "Learn more about configuring LLMs for agents [here](/docs/topics/llm_configuration).\n",
+ ":::\n",
+ "````\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import os\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import autogen\n",
+ "\n",
+ "config_list = autogen.config_list_from_json(env_or_file=\"OAI_CONFIG_LIST\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Put the OpenAI API key into the environment\n",
+ "os.environ[\"OPENAI_API_KEY\"] = config_list[0][\"api_key\"]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 44,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# This is needed to allow nested asyncio calls for Neo4j in Jupyter\n",
+ "import nest_asyncio\n",
+ "\n",
+ "nest_asyncio.apply()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Set up LLM models\n",
+ "\n",
+ "**Important** \n",
+ "- **Default Models**:\n",
+ " - **Knowledge Graph Construction** OpenAI's `GPT-4o` with `json_object` output `temperature=0.0`.\n",
+ " - **Question Answering**: OpenAI's `GPT-4o` with `temperature=0.0`.\n",
+ " - **Embedding**: OpenAI's `text-embedding-3-large`. You need to provide its dimension for the query engine later.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- **Customization**:\n",
+ " You can change these defaults by setting the following parameters on the `Neo4jNativeGraphQueryEngine`:\n",
+ " - `llm`: Specify a LLM instance with a llm you like for graph construction, it **must support json format response**\n",
+ " - `query_llm`: Specify a LLM instance with a llm you like for querying. **Don't use json format response.**\n",
+ " - `embedding`: Specify a Embedder instance with a embedding model.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Learn more about configuring other LLM providers for agents [here](https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-graphrag-python?tab=readme-ov-file#optional-dependencies).\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 45,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from neo4j_graphrag.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings\n",
+ "from neo4j_graphrag.llm.openai_llm import OpenAILLM\n",
+ "\n",
+ "llm = OpenAILLM(\n",
+ " model_name=\"gpt-4o\",\n",
+ " model_params={\n",
+ " \"response_format\": {\"type\": \"json_object\"}, # Json format response is required for the LLM\n",
+ " \"temperature\": 0,\n",
+ " },\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "query_llm = OpenAILLM(\n",
+ " model_name=\"gpt-4o\",\n",
+ " model_params={\"temperature\": 0}, # Don't use json format response for the query LLM\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(model=\"text-embedding-3-large\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 46,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# Imports\n",
+ "from autogen import ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.document import Document, DocumentType\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine import Neo4jNativeGraphQueryEngine\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_rag_capability import Neo4jNativeGraphCapability"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Create a Knowledge Graph with Your Own Data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "**Note:** You need to have a Neo4j database running. If you are running one in a Docker container, please ensure your Docker network is setup to allow access to it. \n",
+ "\n",
+ "In this example, the Neo4j endpoint is set to host=\"bolt://\" and port=7687, please adjust accordingly. For how to spin up a Neo4j with Docker, you can refer to [this](https://docs.llamaindex.ai/en/stable/examples/property_graph/property_graph_neo4j/#:~:text=stores%2Dneo4j-,Docker%20Setup,%C2%B6,-To%20launch%20Neo4j)\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### A Simple Example\n",
+ "\n",
+ "In this example, the graph schema is auto-generated. Entities and relationships are created as they fit into the data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Neo4j GraphRAG SDK supports single document of 2 input types -- txt and pdf (images will be skipped). \n",
+ "\n",
+ "We start by creating a Neo4j knowledge graph with a sample text."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# load documents\n",
+ "# To use text data, you need to:\n",
+ "# 1. Specify the type as TEXT\n",
+ "# 2. Pass the path to the text file\n",
+ "\n",
+ "input_path = \"../test/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/BUZZ_Employee_Handbook.txt\"\n",
+ "input_document = [Document(doctype=DocumentType.TEXT, path_or_url=input_path)]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "First we need to use the query engine to initialize the database. It performs the follows steps:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. Clears the existing database.\n",
+ "2. Extracts graph nodes and relationships from the input data to build a knowledge graph.\n",
+ "3. Creates a vector index for efficient retrieval.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 39,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Clearing the database...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Clearing all nodes and relationships in the database...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Database cleared successfully.\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Initializing the knowledge graph builders...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Building the knowledge graph...\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.config.runner:PIPELINE_RUNNER: starting pipeline with run_params=defaultdict(, {'schema': {'entities': [], 'relations': [], 'potential_schema': None}, 'splitter': {'text': '**BUZZ Co. EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK**\\n\\n**EMPLOYEE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE**\\n\\nI acknowledge receipt of the BUZZ Co. Employee Handbook and understand it is my responsibility to read and know its contents. This Handbook is not an employment contract. Unless I have a written employment agreement with BUZZ Co. that states otherwise, my employment is at-will. I can resign at any time, with or without notice or cause, and BUZZ Co. can terminate my employment at any time, with or without notice or cause.\\n\\nSignature: _________________________\\n\\nPrint Name: ________________________\\n\\nDate: ____________________________\\n\\n**CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY AND PLEDGE**\\n\\nAll non-public information about BUZZ Co., its members, or donors is confidential. Employees may not disclose this information to anyone outside BUZZ Co., or to other employees who do not need it to perform their duties. Disclosure of confidential information will result in disciplinary action, including possible termination.\\n\\nSignature: _________________________\\n\\nPrint Name: ________________________\\n\\nDate: ____________________________\\n\\n**TABLE OF CONTENTS**\\n\\nI. MISSION\\nII. OVERVIEW\\nIII. VOLUNTARY AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT\\nIV. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY\\nV. POLICY AGAINST WORKPLACE HARASSMENT\\nVI. SOLICITATION\\nVII. HOURS OF WORK, ATTENDANCE, AND PUNCTUALITY\\nVIII. EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND PRACTICES\\nIX. POSITION DESCRIPTION AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION\\nX. WORK REVIEW\\nXI. ECONOMIC BENEFITS AND INSURANCE\\nXII. LEAVE BENEFITS AND OTHER WORK POLICIES\\nXIII. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES\\nXIV. SEPARATION\\nXV. RETURN OF PROPERTY\\nXVI. REVIEW OF PERSONNEL AND WORK PRACTICES\\nXVII. PERSONNEL RECORDS\\nXVIII. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT\\nXIX. NON-DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION\\nXX. COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SECURITY\\nXXI. INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY\\n\\n**I. MISSION**\\n\\n[Insert BUZZ Co.\\'s Mission Statement Here]\\n\\n**II. OVERVIEW**\\n\\nThis Handbook provides guidelines about BUZZ Co.\\'s policies and procedures. It is not a contract and does not guarantee employment for any specific period. With the exception of the at-will employment policy, these guidelines may be changed by BUZZ Co. at any time without notice. The Board of Directors establishes personnel policies, and the Executive Director administers them.\\n\\n**III. VOLUNTARY AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT**\\n\\nUnless an employee has a written employment agreement stating otherwise, all employment at BUZZ Co. is \"at-will.\" Employees may be terminated with or without cause, and employees may leave their employment with or without cause.\\n\\n**IV. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY**\\n\\n[Content not provided in the original document, but should be included here. State BUZZ Co.\\'s commitment to equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination.]\\n\\n**V. POLICY AGAINST WORKPLACE HARASSMENT**\\n\\n[Content not provided in the original document. State BUZZ Co.\\'s policy against all forms of workplace harassment and the procedures for reporting such incidents.]\\n\\n**VI. SOLICITATION**\\n\\nEmployees may not solicit for any unauthorized purpose during work time. Non-working employees may not solicit working employees. Non-employees may not solicit on BUZZ Co. premises. Distribution of materials requires prior approval from the Executive Director.\\n\\n**VII. HOURS OF WORK, ATTENDANCE, AND PUNCTUALITY**\\n\\n**A. Hours of Work:**\\nNormal work week is five 7-hour days, typically 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, with a one-hour unpaid lunch. Work schedules may vary with Executive Director approval.\\n\\n**B. Attendance and Punctuality:**\\nRegular attendance is expected. Notify your supervisor and the office manager as soon as possible if you are absent, late, or need to leave early. For absences longer than one day, call your supervisor before each workday. Excessive absences or tardiness may result in disciplinary action, up to termination.\\n\\n**C. Overtime:**\\nNon-Exempt Employees will be paid overtime (1.5 times the regular rate) for hours worked over 40 in a work week, or double time for work on Sundays or holidays. Overtime must be pre-approved by the Executive Director.\\n\\n**VIII. EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND PRACTICES**\\n\\n**A. Definition of Terms:**\\n\\n1. **Employer:** BUZZ Co.\\n2. **Full-Time Employee:** Works 35+ hours/week.\\n3. **Part-Time Employee:** Works 17.5 - 35 hours/week.\\n4. **Exempt Employee:** Salaried, exempt from FLSA overtime rules.\\n5. **Non-Exempt Employee:** Hourly, non-exempt from FLSA overtime rules.\\n6. **Temporary Employee:** Employed for a specific period less than six months.\\n\\n**IX. POSITION DESCRIPTION AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION**\\n\\nEach position has a written job description. Paychecks are distributed on the 15th and last day of each month. Timesheets are due within two days of each pay period.\\n\\n**X. WORK REVIEW**\\n\\nOngoing work review with supervisors. Annual performance reviews provide an opportunity to discuss the past year, set goals, and strengthen the working relationship.\\n\\n**XI. ECONOMIC BENEFITS AND INSURANCE**\\n\\n**A. Health/Life Insurance:**\\nBUZZ Co. offers health and dental insurance to eligible full-time and part-time employees after the first full month of employment.\\n\\n**B. Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid:**\\nBUZZ Co. participates in these programs.\\n\\n**C. Workers\\' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance:**\\nEmployees are covered by Workers\\' Compensation. BUZZ Co. participates in the District of Columbia unemployment program.\\n\\n**D. Retirement Plan:**\\nAvailable to eligible full-time and part-time employees (21+ years old). BUZZ Co. contributes after one year of vested employment.\\n\\n**E. Tax Deferred Annuity Plan:**\\nOffered through payroll deduction at the employee\\'s expense.\\n\\n**XII. LEAVE BENEFITS AND OTHER WORK POLICIES**\\n\\n**A. Holidays:**\\n11.5 paid holidays per year for Full-Time Employees, pro-rated for Part-Time.\\n\\n**B. Vacation:**\\nFull-time employees earn 10 days after the first year, 15 days after the third year and 20 days after the fourth year. Prorated for Part-Time employees.\\n\\n**C. Sick Leave:**\\nOne day per month for Full-Time, pro-rated for Part-Time, up to a 30-day maximum.\\n\\n**D. Personal Leave:**\\n3 days per year after six months of employment for Full-Time, pro-rated for Part-Time.\\n\\n**E. Military Leave:**\\nUnpaid leave in accordance with applicable law.\\n\\n**F. Civic Responsibility:**\\nBUZZ Co. will pay employees the difference between his or her salary and any amount paid by the government, unless prohibited by law, up to a maximum of ten days of jury duty.\\nBUZZ Co. will pay employees the difference between his or her salary and any amount paid by the government or any other source, unless prohibited by law for serving as an Election Day worker at the polls on official election days (not to exceed two elections in one given calendar year).\\n\\n**G. Parental Leave:**\\n24 hours of unpaid leave per year for school-related events under the DC Parental Leave Act.\\n\\n**H. Bereavement Leave:**\\n5 days for immediate family, 3 days for other close relatives.\\n\\n**I. Extended Personal Leave:**\\nUp to eight weeks unpaid leave may be granted after one year of employment.\\n\\n**J. Severe Weather Conditions:**\\nBUZZ Co. follows Federal Government office closures.\\n\\n**K. Meetings and Conferences:**\\nTime off with pay may be granted for work-related educational opportunities.\\n\\n**XIII. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES**\\n\\nReimbursement for reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel, with prior approval and receipts.\\n\\n**XIV. SEPARATION**\\n\\nEmployees are encouraged to give at least 10 business days\\' written notice. Exit interviews will be scheduled. Employees who resign or are terminated will receive accrued, unused vacation benefits.\\n\\n**XV. RETURN OF PROPERTY**\\n\\nEmployees must return all BUZZ Co. property upon separation or request.\\n\\n**XVI. REVIEW OF PERSONNEL ACTION**\\n\\nEmployees may request a review of personnel actions, first with their supervisor, then with the Executive Director.\\n\\n**XVII. PERSONNEL RECORDS**\\n\\nPersonnel records are confidential. Employees must promptly report changes in personnel data. Accurate time records are required.\\n\\n**XVIII. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT**\\n\\nOutside employment is permitted as long as it does not interfere with BUZZ Co. job performance or create a conflict of interest.\\n\\n**XIX. NON-DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION**\\n\\nEmployees must sign a non-disclosure agreement. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information is prohibited.\\n\\n**XX. COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SECURITY**\\n\\nBUZZ Co. computer systems are for business use, with limited personal use allowed. All data is BUZZ Co. property and may be monitored. Do not use systems for offensive or illegal activities. Follow security procedures.\\n\\n**XXI. INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY**\\n\\nInternet access is for business use. Do not use the Internet for illegal, offensive, or unauthorized personal activities. BUZZ Co. may monitor Internet usage.\\n\\nRevised {Date}\\n\\nApproved by the Executive Committee of the BUZZ Co. Board of Directors\\n'}})\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.lexical_graph:Document node not created in the lexical graph because no document metadata is provided\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j.notifications:Received notification from DBMS server: {severity: INFORMATION} {code: Neo.ClientNotification.Schema.IndexOrConstraintAlreadyExists} {category: SCHEMA} {title: `CREATE RANGE INDEX __entity__id IF NOT EXISTS FOR (e:__KGBuilder__) ON (e.id)` has no effect.} {description: `RANGE INDEX __entity__id FOR (e:__KGBuilder__) ON (e.id)` already exists.} {position: None} for query: 'CREATE INDEX __entity__id IF NOT EXISTS FOR (n:__KGBuilder__) ON (n.id)'\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Knowledge graph built successfully.\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Creating vector index 'vector-index-name'...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Creating vector index 'vector-index-name'...\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j_graphrag.indexes:Creating vector index named 'vector-index-name'\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j.notifications:Received notification from DBMS server: {severity: INFORMATION} {code: Neo.ClientNotification.Schema.IndexOrConstraintAlreadyExists} {category: SCHEMA} {title: `CREATE VECTOR INDEX `vector-index-name` IF NOT EXISTS FOR (e:Chunk) ON (e.embedding) OPTIONS {indexConfig: {`vector.dimensions`: toInteger($dimensions), `vector.similarity_function`: $similarity_fn}}` has no effect.} {description: `VECTOR INDEX `vector-index-name` FOR (e:Chunk) ON (e.embedding)` already exists.} {position: None} for query: 'CREATE VECTOR INDEX $name IF NOT EXISTS FOR (n:Chunk) ON n.embedding OPTIONS { indexConfig: { `vector.dimensions`: toInteger($dimensions), `vector.similarity_function`: $similarity_fn } }'\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Vector index 'vector-index-name' created successfully.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "query_engine = Neo4jNativeGraphQueryEngine(\n",
+ " host=\"bolt://\", # Change\n",
+ " port=7687, # if needed\n",
+ " username=\"neo4j\", # Change if you reset username\n",
+ " password=\"password\", # Change if you reset password\n",
+ " llm=llm, # change to the LLM model you want to use\n",
+ " embeddings=embeddings, # change to the embeddings model you want to use\n",
+ " query_llm=query_llm, # change to the query LLM model you want to use\n",
+ " embedding_dimension=3072, # must match the dimension of the embeddings model\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# initialize the database (it will delete any pre-existing data)\n",
+ "query_engine.init_db(input_document)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Add capability to a ConversableAgent and query them\n",
+ "The rag capability enables the agent to perform local search on the knowledge graph using the vector index created in the previous step."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 40,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Who is the employer?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The employer is BUZZ Co.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "What benefits are entitled to employees?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Employees at BUZZ Co. are entitled to several benefits, including:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Health/Life Insurance:** Health and dental insurance are offered to eligible full-time and part-time employees after the first full month of employment.\n",
+ "2. **Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid:** BUZZ Co. participates in these programs.\n",
+ "3. **Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance:** Employees are covered by Workers' Compensation, and BUZZ Co. participates in the District of Columbia unemployment program.\n",
+ "4. **Retirement Plan:** Available to eligible full-time and part-time employees (21+ years old), with BUZZ Co. contributing after one year of vested employment.\n",
+ "5. **Tax Deferred Annuity Plan:** Offered through payroll deduction at the employee's expense.\n",
+ "6. **Leave Benefits:** Includes paid holidays, vacation, sick leave, personal leave, military leave, civic responsibility leave, parental leave, bereavement leave, and extended personal leave.\n",
+ "7. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** Reimbursement for reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel, with prior approval and receipts.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "What responsibilities apply to employees?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Employees at BUZZ Co. have several responsibilities, including:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Confidentiality:** Employees must not disclose non-public information about BUZZ Co., its members, or donors. Unauthorized disclosure can lead to disciplinary action, including termination.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "2. **Attendance and Punctuality:** Regular attendance is expected. Employees must notify their supervisor and the office manager if they are absent, late, or need to leave early. Excessive absences or tardiness may result in disciplinary action.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "3. **Return of Property:** Employees must return all BUZZ Co. property upon separation or request.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "4. **Personnel Records:** Employees must promptly report changes in personnel data and maintain accurate time records.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "5. **Outside Employment:** Employees can engage in outside employment as long as it does not interfere with their job performance at BUZZ Co. or create a conflict of interest.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "6. **Non-Disclosure Agreement:** Employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement and are prohibited from unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "7. **Computer and Information Security:** Employees must use BUZZ Co. computer systems primarily for business purposes, with limited personal use allowed. They must follow security procedures and not use systems for offensive or illegal activities.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "8. **Internet Use:** Internet access is for business use, and employees must not use it for illegal, offensive, or unauthorized personal activities. BUZZ Co. may monitor Internet usage.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "9. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** Employees must obtain prior approval and provide receipts for reimbursement of reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "These responsibilities ensure the smooth operation and integrity of BUZZ Co.'s work environment.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "ChatResult(chat_id=None, chat_history=[{'content': 'Who is the employer?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': 'The employer is BUZZ Co.', 'role': 'user', 'name': 'buzz_agent'}, {'content': 'What benefits are entitled to employees?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': \"Employees at BUZZ Co. are entitled to several benefits, including:\\n\\n1. **Health/Life Insurance:** Health and dental insurance are offered to eligible full-time and part-time employees after the first full month of employment.\\n2. **Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid:** BUZZ Co. participates in these programs.\\n3. **Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance:** Employees are covered by Workers' Compensation, and BUZZ Co. participates in the District of Columbia unemployment program.\\n4. **Retirement Plan:** Available to eligible full-time and part-time employees (21+ years old), with BUZZ Co. contributing after one year of vested employment.\\n5. **Tax Deferred Annuity Plan:** Offered through payroll deduction at the employee's expense.\\n6. **Leave Benefits:** Includes paid holidays, vacation, sick leave, personal leave, military leave, civic responsibility leave, parental leave, bereavement leave, and extended personal leave.\\n7. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** Reimbursement for reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel, with prior approval and receipts.\", 'role': 'user', 'name': 'buzz_agent'}, {'content': 'What responsibilities apply to employees?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': \"Employees at BUZZ Co. have several responsibilities, including:\\n\\n1. **Confidentiality:** Employees must not disclose non-public information about BUZZ Co., its members, or donors. Unauthorized disclosure can lead to disciplinary action, including termination.\\n\\n2. **Attendance and Punctuality:** Regular attendance is expected. Employees must notify their supervisor and the office manager if they are absent, late, or need to leave early. Excessive absences or tardiness may result in disciplinary action.\\n\\n3. **Return of Property:** Employees must return all BUZZ Co. property upon separation or request.\\n\\n4. **Personnel Records:** Employees must promptly report changes in personnel data and maintain accurate time records.\\n\\n5. **Outside Employment:** Employees can engage in outside employment as long as it does not interfere with their job performance at BUZZ Co. or create a conflict of interest.\\n\\n6. **Non-Disclosure Agreement:** Employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement and are prohibited from unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.\\n\\n7. **Computer and Information Security:** Employees must use BUZZ Co. computer systems primarily for business purposes, with limited personal use allowed. They must follow security procedures and not use systems for offensive or illegal activities.\\n\\n8. **Internet Use:** Internet access is for business use, and employees must not use it for illegal, offensive, or unauthorized personal activities. BUZZ Co. may monitor Internet usage.\\n\\n9. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** Employees must obtain prior approval and provide receipts for reimbursement of reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel.\\n\\nThese responsibilities ensure the smooth operation and integrity of BUZZ Co.'s work environment.\", 'role': 'user', 'name': 'buzz_agent'}], summary=\"Employees at BUZZ Co. have several responsibilities, including:\\n\\n1. **Confidentiality:** Employees must not disclose non-public information about BUZZ Co., its members, or donors. Unauthorized disclosure can lead to disciplinary action, including termination.\\n\\n2. **Attendance and Punctuality:** Regular attendance is expected. Employees must notify their supervisor and the office manager if they are absent, late, or need to leave early. Excessive absences or tardiness may result in disciplinary action.\\n\\n3. **Return of Property:** Employees must return all BUZZ Co. property upon separation or request.\\n\\n4. **Personnel Records:** Employees must promptly report changes in personnel data and maintain accurate time records.\\n\\n5. **Outside Employment:** Employees can engage in outside employment as long as it does not interfere with their job performance at BUZZ Co. or create a conflict of interest.\\n\\n6. **Non-Disclosure Agreement:** Employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement and are prohibited from unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.\\n\\n7. **Computer and Information Security:** Employees must use BUZZ Co. computer systems primarily for business purposes, with limited personal use allowed. They must follow security procedures and not use systems for offensive or illegal activities.\\n\\n8. **Internet Use:** Internet access is for business use, and employees must not use it for illegal, offensive, or unauthorized personal activities. BUZZ Co. may monitor Internet usage.\\n\\n9. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** Employees must obtain prior approval and provide receipts for reimbursement of reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel.\\n\\nThese responsibilities ensure the smooth operation and integrity of BUZZ Co.'s work environment.\", cost={'usage_including_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}, 'usage_excluding_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}}, human_input=['What benefits are entitled to employees?', 'What responsibilities apply to employees?', 'exit'])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 40,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# Create a ConversableAgent (no LLM configuration)\n",
+ "graph_rag_agent = ConversableAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"buzz_agent\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Associate the capability with the agent\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability = Neo4jNativeGraphCapability(query_engine)\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability.add_to_agent(graph_rag_agent)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Create a user proxy agent to converse with our RAG agent\n",
+ "user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"user_proxy\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"ALWAYS\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "user_proxy.initiate_chat(graph_rag_agent, message=\"Who is the employer?\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Revisit the example by defining custom entities, relations and schema\n",
+ "\n",
+ "By providing custom entities, relations and schema, you could guide the engine to create a graph that better extracts the structure within the data. Custom schema must use provided entities and relations.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 34,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# Custom entities, relations and schema that fits the document\n",
+ "\n",
+ "relations = [\n",
+ " \"FOLLOWS\",\n",
+ " \"PROVIDES\",\n",
+ " \"APPLIES_TO\",\n",
+ " \"ASSIGNED_TO\",\n",
+ " \"PART_OF\",\n",
+ " \"REQUIRES\",\n",
+ " \"ENTITLED_TO\",\n",
+ " \"REPORTS_TO\",\n",
+ "]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "potential_schema = [\n",
+ " (\"EMPLOYEE\", \"FOLLOWS\", \"POLICY\"),\n",
+ " (\"EMPLOYEE\", \"ASSIGNED_TO\", \"POSITION\"),\n",
+ " (\"EMPLOYEE\", \"REPORTS_TO\", \"DEPARTMENT\"),\n",
+ " (\"EMPLOYER\", \"PROVIDES\", \"BENEFIT\"),\n",
+ " (\"POLICY\", \"APPLIES_TO\", \"EMPLOYEE\"),\n",
+ " (\"POLICY\", \"APPLIES_TO\", \"CONTRACT\"),\n",
+ " (\"BENEFIT\", \"ENTITLED_TO\", \"EMPLOYEE\"),\n",
+ " (\"POSITION\", \"PART_OF\", \"DEPARTMENT\"),\n",
+ " (\"POSITION\", \"ASSIGNED_TO\", \"EMPLOYEE\"),\n",
+ " (\"CONTRACT\", \"APPLIES_TO\", \"EMPLOYEE\"),\n",
+ "]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 35,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Clearing the database...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Clearing all nodes and relationships in the database...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Database cleared successfully.\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Initializing the knowledge graph builders...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Building the knowledge graph...\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.config.runner:PIPELINE_RUNNER: starting pipeline with run_params=defaultdict(, {'schema': {'entities': [SchemaEntity(label='EMPLOYEE', description='', properties=[]), SchemaEntity(label='EMPLOYER', description='', properties=[]), SchemaEntity(label='POLICY', description='', properties=[]), SchemaEntity(label='BENEFIT', description='', properties=[]), SchemaEntity(label='POSITION', description='', properties=[]), SchemaEntity(label='DEPARTMENT', description='', properties=[]), SchemaEntity(label='CONTRACT', description='', properties=[]), SchemaEntity(label='RESPONSIBILITY', description='', properties=[])], 'relations': [SchemaRelation(label='FOLLOWS', description='', properties=[]), SchemaRelation(label='PROVIDES', description='', properties=[]), SchemaRelation(label='APPLIES_TO', description='', properties=[]), SchemaRelation(label='ASSIGNED_TO', description='', properties=[]), SchemaRelation(label='PART_OF', description='', properties=[]), SchemaRelation(label='REQUIRES', description='', properties=[]), SchemaRelation(label='ENTITLED_TO', description='', properties=[]), SchemaRelation(label='REPORTS_TO', description='', properties=[])], 'potential_schema': [('EMPLOYEE', 'FOLLOWS', 'POLICY'), ('EMPLOYEE', 'ASSIGNED_TO', 'POSITION'), ('EMPLOYEE', 'REPORTS_TO', 'DEPARTMENT'), ('EMPLOYER', 'PROVIDES', 'BENEFIT'), ('EMPLOYER', 'REQUIRES', 'RESPONSIBILITY'), ('POLICY', 'APPLIES_TO', 'EMPLOYEE'), ('POLICY', 'APPLIES_TO', 'CONTRACT'), ('POLICY', 'REQUIRES', 'RESPONSIBILITY'), ('BENEFIT', 'ENTITLED_TO', 'EMPLOYEE'), ('POSITION', 'PART_OF', 'DEPARTMENT'), ('POSITION', 'ASSIGNED_TO', 'EMPLOYEE'), ('CONTRACT', 'REQUIRES', 'RESPONSIBILITY'), ('CONTRACT', 'APPLIES_TO', 'EMPLOYEE'), ('RESPONSIBILITY', 'ASSIGNED_TO', 'POSITION')]}, 'splitter': {'text': '**BUZZ Co. EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK**\\n\\n**EMPLOYEE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE**\\n\\nI acknowledge receipt of the BUZZ Co. Employee Handbook and understand it is my responsibility to read and know its contents. This Handbook is not an employment contract. Unless I have a written employment agreement with BUZZ Co. that states otherwise, my employment is at-will. I can resign at any time, with or without notice or cause, and BUZZ Co. can terminate my employment at any time, with or without notice or cause.\\n\\nSignature: _________________________\\n\\nPrint Name: ________________________\\n\\nDate: ____________________________\\n\\n**CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY AND PLEDGE**\\n\\nAll non-public information about BUZZ Co., its members, or donors is confidential. Employees may not disclose this information to anyone outside BUZZ Co., or to other employees who do not need it to perform their duties. Disclosure of confidential information will result in disciplinary action, including possible termination.\\n\\nSignature: _________________________\\n\\nPrint Name: ________________________\\n\\nDate: ____________________________\\n\\n**TABLE OF CONTENTS**\\n\\nI. MISSION\\nII. OVERVIEW\\nIII. VOLUNTARY AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT\\nIV. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY\\nV. POLICY AGAINST WORKPLACE HARASSMENT\\nVI. SOLICITATION\\nVII. HOURS OF WORK, ATTENDANCE, AND PUNCTUALITY\\nVIII. EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND PRACTICES\\nIX. POSITION DESCRIPTION AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION\\nX. WORK REVIEW\\nXI. ECONOMIC BENEFITS AND INSURANCE\\nXII. LEAVE BENEFITS AND OTHER WORK POLICIES\\nXIII. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES\\nXIV. SEPARATION\\nXV. RETURN OF PROPERTY\\nXVI. REVIEW OF PERSONNEL AND WORK PRACTICES\\nXVII. PERSONNEL RECORDS\\nXVIII. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT\\nXIX. NON-DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION\\nXX. COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SECURITY\\nXXI. INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY\\n\\n**I. MISSION**\\n\\n[Insert BUZZ Co.\\'s Mission Statement Here]\\n\\n**II. OVERVIEW**\\n\\nThis Handbook provides guidelines about BUZZ Co.\\'s policies and procedures. It is not a contract and does not guarantee employment for any specific period. With the exception of the at-will employment policy, these guidelines may be changed by BUZZ Co. at any time without notice. The Board of Directors establishes personnel policies, and the Executive Director administers them.\\n\\n**III. VOLUNTARY AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT**\\n\\nUnless an employee has a written employment agreement stating otherwise, all employment at BUZZ Co. is \"at-will.\" Employees may be terminated with or without cause, and employees may leave their employment with or without cause.\\n\\n**IV. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY**\\n\\n[Content not provided in the original document, but should be included here. State BUZZ Co.\\'s commitment to equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination.]\\n\\n**V. POLICY AGAINST WORKPLACE HARASSMENT**\\n\\n[Content not provided in the original document. State BUZZ Co.\\'s policy against all forms of workplace harassment and the procedures for reporting such incidents.]\\n\\n**VI. SOLICITATION**\\n\\nEmployees may not solicit for any unauthorized purpose during work time. Non-working employees may not solicit working employees. Non-employees may not solicit on BUZZ Co. premises. Distribution of materials requires prior approval from the Executive Director.\\n\\n**VII. HOURS OF WORK, ATTENDANCE, AND PUNCTUALITY**\\n\\n**A. Hours of Work:**\\nNormal work week is five 7-hour days, typically 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, with a one-hour unpaid lunch. Work schedules may vary with Executive Director approval.\\n\\n**B. Attendance and Punctuality:**\\nRegular attendance is expected. Notify your supervisor and the office manager as soon as possible if you are absent, late, or need to leave early. For absences longer than one day, call your supervisor before each workday. Excessive absences or tardiness may result in disciplinary action, up to termination.\\n\\n**C. Overtime:**\\nNon-Exempt Employees will be paid overtime (1.5 times the regular rate) for hours worked over 40 in a work week, or double time for work on Sundays or holidays. Overtime must be pre-approved by the Executive Director.\\n\\n**VIII. EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND PRACTICES**\\n\\n**A. Definition of Terms:**\\n\\n1. **Employer:** BUZZ Co.\\n2. **Full-Time Employee:** Works 35+ hours/week.\\n3. **Part-Time Employee:** Works 17.5 - 35 hours/week.\\n4. **Exempt Employee:** Salaried, exempt from FLSA overtime rules.\\n5. **Non-Exempt Employee:** Hourly, non-exempt from FLSA overtime rules.\\n6. **Temporary Employee:** Employed for a specific period less than six months.\\n\\n**IX. POSITION DESCRIPTION AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION**\\n\\nEach position has a written job description. Paychecks are distributed on the 15th and last day of each month. Timesheets are due within two days of each pay period.\\n\\n**X. WORK REVIEW**\\n\\nOngoing work review with supervisors. Annual performance reviews provide an opportunity to discuss the past year, set goals, and strengthen the working relationship.\\n\\n**XI. ECONOMIC BENEFITS AND INSURANCE**\\n\\n**A. Health/Life Insurance:**\\nBUZZ Co. offers health and dental insurance to eligible full-time and part-time employees after the first full month of employment.\\n\\n**B. Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid:**\\nBUZZ Co. participates in these programs.\\n\\n**C. Workers\\' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance:**\\nEmployees are covered by Workers\\' Compensation. BUZZ Co. participates in the District of Columbia unemployment program.\\n\\n**D. Retirement Plan:**\\nAvailable to eligible full-time and part-time employees (21+ years old). BUZZ Co. contributes after one year of vested employment.\\n\\n**E. Tax Deferred Annuity Plan:**\\nOffered through payroll deduction at the employee\\'s expense.\\n\\n**XII. LEAVE BENEFITS AND OTHER WORK POLICIES**\\n\\n**A. Holidays:**\\n11.5 paid holidays per year for Full-Time Employees, pro-rated for Part-Time.\\n\\n**B. Vacation:**\\nFull-time employees earn 10 days after the first year, 15 days after the third year and 20 days after the fourth year. Prorated for Part-Time employees.\\n\\n**C. Sick Leave:**\\nOne day per month for Full-Time, pro-rated for Part-Time, up to a 30-day maximum.\\n\\n**D. Personal Leave:**\\n3 days per year after six months of employment for Full-Time, pro-rated for Part-Time.\\n\\n**E. Military Leave:**\\nUnpaid leave in accordance with applicable law.\\n\\n**F. Civic Responsibility:**\\nBUZZ Co. will pay employees the difference between his or her salary and any amount paid by the government, unless prohibited by law, up to a maximum of ten days of jury duty.\\nBUZZ Co. will pay employees the difference between his or her salary and any amount paid by the government or any other source, unless prohibited by law for serving as an Election Day worker at the polls on official election days (not to exceed two elections in one given calendar year).\\n\\n**G. Parental Leave:**\\n24 hours of unpaid leave per year for school-related events under the DC Parental Leave Act.\\n\\n**H. Bereavement Leave:**\\n5 days for immediate family, 3 days for other close relatives.\\n\\n**I. Extended Personal Leave:**\\nUp to eight weeks unpaid leave may be granted after one year of employment.\\n\\n**J. Severe Weather Conditions:**\\nBUZZ Co. follows Federal Government office closures.\\n\\n**K. Meetings and Conferences:**\\nTime off with pay may be granted for work-related educational opportunities.\\n\\n**XIII. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES**\\n\\nReimbursement for reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel, with prior approval and receipts.\\n\\n**XIV. SEPARATION**\\n\\nEmployees are encouraged to give at least 10 business days\\' written notice. Exit interviews will be scheduled. Employees who resign or are terminated will receive accrued, unused vacation benefits.\\n\\n**XV. RETURN OF PROPERTY**\\n\\nEmployees must return all BUZZ Co. property upon separation or request.\\n\\n**XVI. REVIEW OF PERSONNEL ACTION**\\n\\nEmployees may request a review of personnel actions, first with their supervisor, then with the Executive Director.\\n\\n**XVII. PERSONNEL RECORDS**\\n\\nPersonnel records are confidential. Employees must promptly report changes in personnel data. Accurate time records are required.\\n\\n**XVIII. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT**\\n\\nOutside employment is permitted as long as it does not interfere with BUZZ Co. job performance or create a conflict of interest.\\n\\n**XIX. NON-DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION**\\n\\nEmployees must sign a non-disclosure agreement. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information is prohibited.\\n\\n**XX. COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SECURITY**\\n\\nBUZZ Co. computer systems are for business use, with limited personal use allowed. All data is BUZZ Co. property and may be monitored. Do not use systems for offensive or illegal activities. Follow security procedures.\\n\\n**XXI. INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY**\\n\\nInternet access is for business use. Do not use the Internet for illegal, offensive, or unauthorized personal activities. BUZZ Co. may monitor Internet usage.\\n\\nRevised {Date}\\n\\nApproved by the Executive Committee of the BUZZ Co. Board of Directors\\n'}})\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.lexical_graph:Document node not created in the lexical graph because no document metadata is provided\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j.notifications:Received notification from DBMS server: {severity: INFORMATION} {code: Neo.ClientNotification.Schema.IndexOrConstraintAlreadyExists} {category: SCHEMA} {title: `CREATE RANGE INDEX __entity__id IF NOT EXISTS FOR (e:__KGBuilder__) ON (e.id)` has no effect.} {description: `RANGE INDEX __entity__id FOR (e:__KGBuilder__) ON (e.id)` already exists.} {position: None} for query: 'CREATE INDEX __entity__id IF NOT EXISTS FOR (n:__KGBuilder__) ON (n.id)'\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Knowledge graph built successfully.\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Creating vector index 'vector-index-name'...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Creating vector index 'vector-index-name'...\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j_graphrag.indexes:Creating vector index named 'vector-index-name'\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j.notifications:Received notification from DBMS server: {severity: INFORMATION} {code: Neo.ClientNotification.Schema.IndexOrConstraintAlreadyExists} {category: SCHEMA} {title: `CREATE VECTOR INDEX `vector-index-name` IF NOT EXISTS FOR (e:Chunk) ON (e.embedding) OPTIONS {indexConfig: {`vector.dimensions`: toInteger($dimensions), `vector.similarity_function`: $similarity_fn}}` has no effect.} {description: `VECTOR INDEX `vector-index-name` FOR (e:Chunk) ON (e.embedding)` already exists.} {position: None} for query: 'CREATE VECTOR INDEX $name IF NOT EXISTS FOR (n:Chunk) ON n.embedding OPTIONS { indexConfig: { `vector.dimensions`: toInteger($dimensions), `vector.similarity_function`: $similarity_fn } }'\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Vector index 'vector-index-name' created successfully.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "query_engine = Neo4jNativeGraphQueryEngine(\n",
+ " host=\"bolt://\", # Change\n",
+ " port=7687, # if needed\n",
+ " username=\"neo4j\", # Change if you reset username\n",
+ " password=\"password\", # Change if you reset password\n",
+ " llm=llm, # change to the LLM model you want to use\n",
+ " embeddings=embeddings, # change to the embeddings model you want to use\n",
+ " query_llm=query_llm, # change to the query LLM model you want to use\n",
+ " embedding_dimension=3072, # must match the dimension of the embeddings model\n",
+ " entities=entities,\n",
+ " relations=relations,\n",
+ " potential_schema=potential_schema,\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# initialize the database (it will delete any pre-existing data)\n",
+ "query_engine.init_db(input_document)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Query the graph rag agent again\n",
+ "If you inspect the database, you should find more nodes are created in the graph for each chunk of data this time. \n",
+ "However, given the simple structure of input, the difference is not apparent in querying.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 37,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Who is the employer?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The employer is BUZZ Co.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "What benefits are entitled to employees?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Employees at BUZZ Co. are entitled to several benefits, including:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Health/Life Insurance:** Health and dental insurance are offered to eligible full-time and part-time employees after the first full month of employment.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "2. **Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid:** BUZZ Co. participates in these programs.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "3. **Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance:** Employees are covered by Workers' Compensation, and BUZZ Co. participates in the District of Columbia unemployment program.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "4. **Retirement Plan:** Available to eligible full-time and part-time employees (21+ years old), with BUZZ Co. contributing after one year of vested employment.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "5. **Tax Deferred Annuity Plan:** Offered through payroll deduction at the employee's expense.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "6. **Leave Benefits:** Includes paid holidays, vacation, sick leave, personal leave, military leave, civic responsibility leave, parental leave, bereavement leave, and extended personal leave.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "7. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** Reimbursement for reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel, with prior approval and receipts.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "What responsibilities apply to employees?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Employees at BUZZ Co. have several responsibilities, including:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Confidentiality:** Employees must not disclose non-public information about BUZZ Co., its members, or donors. Unauthorized disclosure can result in disciplinary action, including termination.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "2. **Attendance and Punctuality:** Regular attendance is expected. Employees must notify their supervisor and the office manager if they are absent, late, or need to leave early. Excessive absences or tardiness may lead to disciplinary action.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "3. **Return of Property:** Employees must return all BUZZ Co. property upon separation or request.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "4. **Personnel Records:** Employees must promptly report changes in personnel data and maintain accurate time records.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "5. **Outside Employment:** Employees can engage in outside employment as long as it does not interfere with their job performance at BUZZ Co. or create a conflict of interest.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "6. **Non-Disclosure Agreement:** Employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement and are prohibited from unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "7. **Computer and Information Security:** Employees must use BUZZ Co. computer systems primarily for business purposes, with limited personal use allowed. They must follow security procedures and not use systems for offensive or illegal activities.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "8. **Internet Use:** Internet access is for business use, and employees must not use it for illegal, offensive, or unauthorized personal activities. BUZZ Co. may monitor Internet usage.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "ChatResult(chat_id=None, chat_history=[{'content': 'Who is the employer?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': 'The employer is BUZZ Co.', 'role': 'user', 'name': 'buzz_agent'}, {'content': 'What benefits are entitled to employees?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': \"Employees at BUZZ Co. are entitled to several benefits, including:\\n\\n1. **Health/Life Insurance:** Health and dental insurance are offered to eligible full-time and part-time employees after the first full month of employment.\\n\\n2. **Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid:** BUZZ Co. participates in these programs.\\n\\n3. **Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance:** Employees are covered by Workers' Compensation, and BUZZ Co. participates in the District of Columbia unemployment program.\\n\\n4. **Retirement Plan:** Available to eligible full-time and part-time employees (21+ years old), with BUZZ Co. contributing after one year of vested employment.\\n\\n5. **Tax Deferred Annuity Plan:** Offered through payroll deduction at the employee's expense.\\n\\n6. **Leave Benefits:** Includes paid holidays, vacation, sick leave, personal leave, military leave, civic responsibility leave, parental leave, bereavement leave, and extended personal leave.\\n\\n7. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** Reimbursement for reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel, with prior approval and receipts.\", 'role': 'user', 'name': 'buzz_agent'}, {'content': 'What responsibilities apply to employees?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': 'Employees at BUZZ Co. have several responsibilities, including:\\n\\n1. **Confidentiality:** Employees must not disclose non-public information about BUZZ Co., its members, or donors. Unauthorized disclosure can result in disciplinary action, including termination.\\n\\n2. **Attendance and Punctuality:** Regular attendance is expected. Employees must notify their supervisor and the office manager if they are absent, late, or need to leave early. Excessive absences or tardiness may lead to disciplinary action.\\n\\n3. **Return of Property:** Employees must return all BUZZ Co. property upon separation or request.\\n\\n4. **Personnel Records:** Employees must promptly report changes in personnel data and maintain accurate time records.\\n\\n5. **Outside Employment:** Employees can engage in outside employment as long as it does not interfere with their job performance at BUZZ Co. or create a conflict of interest.\\n\\n6. **Non-Disclosure Agreement:** Employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement and are prohibited from unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.\\n\\n7. **Computer and Information Security:** Employees must use BUZZ Co. computer systems primarily for business purposes, with limited personal use allowed. They must follow security procedures and not use systems for offensive or illegal activities.\\n\\n8. **Internet Use:** Internet access is for business use, and employees must not use it for illegal, offensive, or unauthorized personal activities. BUZZ Co. may monitor Internet usage.', 'role': 'user', 'name': 'buzz_agent'}], summary='Employees at BUZZ Co. have several responsibilities, including:\\n\\n1. **Confidentiality:** Employees must not disclose non-public information about BUZZ Co., its members, or donors. Unauthorized disclosure can result in disciplinary action, including termination.\\n\\n2. **Attendance and Punctuality:** Regular attendance is expected. Employees must notify their supervisor and the office manager if they are absent, late, or need to leave early. Excessive absences or tardiness may lead to disciplinary action.\\n\\n3. **Return of Property:** Employees must return all BUZZ Co. property upon separation or request.\\n\\n4. **Personnel Records:** Employees must promptly report changes in personnel data and maintain accurate time records.\\n\\n5. **Outside Employment:** Employees can engage in outside employment as long as it does not interfere with their job performance at BUZZ Co. or create a conflict of interest.\\n\\n6. **Non-Disclosure Agreement:** Employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement and are prohibited from unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.\\n\\n7. **Computer and Information Security:** Employees must use BUZZ Co. computer systems primarily for business purposes, with limited personal use allowed. They must follow security procedures and not use systems for offensive or illegal activities.\\n\\n8. **Internet Use:** Internet access is for business use, and employees must not use it for illegal, offensive, or unauthorized personal activities. BUZZ Co. may monitor Internet usage.', cost={'usage_including_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}, 'usage_excluding_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}}, human_input=['What benefits are entitled to employees?', 'What responsibilities apply to employees?', 'exit'])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 37,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# Create a ConversableAgent (no LLM configuration)\n",
+ "graph_rag_agent = ConversableAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"buzz_agent\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Associate the capability with the agent\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability = Neo4jNativeGraphCapability(query_engine)\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability.add_to_agent(graph_rag_agent)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Create a user proxy agent to converse with our RAG agent\n",
+ "user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"user_proxy\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"ALWAYS\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "user_proxy.initiate_chat(graph_rag_agent, message=\"Who is the employer?\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Another example with pdf format input\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 47,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# load documents\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# To use pdf data, you need to\n",
+ "# 1. Specify the type as PDF\n",
+ "# 2. Pass the path to the PDF file\n",
+ "input_path = \"../test/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/BUZZ_Employee_Handbook.pdf\"\n",
+ "input_document = [Document(doctype=DocumentType.PDF, path_or_url=input_path)]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 48,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Clearing the database...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Clearing all nodes and relationships in the database...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Database cleared successfully.\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Initializing the knowledge graph builders...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Building the knowledge graph...\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.config.runner:PIPELINE_RUNNER: starting pipeline with run_params=defaultdict(, {'schema': {'entities': [], 'relations': [], 'potential_schema': None}, 'pdf_loader': {'filepath': '../test/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/BUZZ_Employee_Handbook.pdf'}})\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j.notifications:Received notification from DBMS server: {severity: INFORMATION} {code: Neo.ClientNotification.Schema.IndexOrConstraintAlreadyExists} {category: SCHEMA} {title: `CREATE RANGE INDEX __entity__id IF NOT EXISTS FOR (e:__KGBuilder__) ON (e.id)` has no effect.} {description: `RANGE INDEX __entity__id FOR (e:__KGBuilder__) ON (e.id)` already exists.} {position: None} for query: 'CREATE INDEX __entity__id IF NOT EXISTS FOR (n:__KGBuilder__) ON (n.id)'\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Knowledge graph built successfully.\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Creating vector index 'vector-index-name'...\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Creating vector index 'vector-index-name'...\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j_graphrag.indexes:Creating vector index named 'vector-index-name'\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j.notifications:Received notification from DBMS server: {severity: INFORMATION} {code: Neo.ClientNotification.Schema.IndexOrConstraintAlreadyExists} {category: SCHEMA} {title: `CREATE VECTOR INDEX `vector-index-name` IF NOT EXISTS FOR (e:Chunk) ON (e.embedding) OPTIONS {indexConfig: {`vector.dimensions`: toInteger($dimensions), `vector.similarity_function`: $similarity_fn}}` has no effect.} {description: `VECTOR INDEX `vector-index-name` FOR (e:Chunk) ON (e.embedding)` already exists.} {position: None} for query: 'CREATE VECTOR INDEX $name IF NOT EXISTS FOR (n:Chunk) ON n.embedding OPTIONS { indexConfig: { `vector.dimensions`: toInteger($dimensions), `vector.similarity_function`: $similarity_fn } }'\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Vector index 'vector-index-name' created successfully.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "query_engine = Neo4jNativeGraphQueryEngine(\n",
+ " host=\"bolt://\", # Change\n",
+ " port=7687, # if needed\n",
+ " username=\"neo4j\", # Change if you reset username\n",
+ " password=\"password\", # Change if you reset password\n",
+ " llm=llm, # change to the LLM model you want to use\n",
+ " embeddings=embeddings, # change to the embeddings model you want to use\n",
+ " query_llm=query_llm, # change to the query LLM model you want to use\n",
+ " embedding_dimension=3072, # must match the dimension of the embeddings model\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# initialize the database (it will delete any pre-existing data)\n",
+ "query_engine.init_db(input_document)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 49,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Who is the employer?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The employer is BUZZ Co.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "What benefits are entitled to employees?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Employees at BUZZ Co. are entitled to several benefits, including:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Health/Life Insurance:** Offered to eligible full-time and part-time employees after the first full month of employment.\n",
+ "2. **Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid:** Participation in these programs.\n",
+ "3. **Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance:** Coverage under Workers' Compensation and participation in the District of Columbia unemployment program.\n",
+ "4. **Retirement Plan:** Available to eligible full-time and part-time employees (21+ years old), with BUZZ Co. contributing after one year of vested employment.\n",
+ "5. **Tax Deferred Annuity Plan:** Offered through payroll deduction at the employee's expense.\n",
+ "6. **Leave Benefits:** Including paid holidays, vacation, sick leave, personal leave, military leave, civic responsibility leave, parental leave, bereavement leave, and extended personal leave.\n",
+ "7. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** For reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel, with prior approval and receipts.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to buzz_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "What responsibilities apply to employees?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mbuzz_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Employees at BUZZ Co. have several responsibilities, including:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Attendance and Punctuality:** Regular attendance is expected. Employees must notify their supervisor and the office manager if they are absent, late, or need to leave early. Excessive absences or tardiness may result in disciplinary action, up to termination.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "2. **Overtime:** Non-exempt employees must have overtime pre-approved by the Executive Director.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "3. **Return of Property:** Employees must return all BUZZ Co. property upon separation or request.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "4. **Confidentiality:** Employees must not disclose non-public information about BUZZ Co., its members, or donors. Unauthorized disclosure will result in disciplinary action, including possible termination.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "5. **Outside Employment:** Permitted as long as it does not interfere with BUZZ Co. job performance or create a conflict of interest.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "6. **Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information:** Employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement and are prohibited from unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "7. **Computer and Information Security:** BUZZ Co. computer systems are for business use, with limited personal use allowed. Employees must follow security procedures and not use systems for offensive or illegal activities.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "8. **Internet Acceptable Use Policy:** Internet access is for business use, and employees must not use it for illegal, offensive, or unauthorized personal activities. BUZZ Co. may monitor Internet usage.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "9. **Personnel Records:** Employees must promptly report changes in personnel data and maintain accurate time records.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "10. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** Employees must obtain prior approval and provide receipts for reimbursement of reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "ChatResult(chat_id=None, chat_history=[{'content': 'Who is the employer?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': 'The employer is BUZZ Co.', 'role': 'user', 'name': 'buzz_agent'}, {'content': 'What benefits are entitled to employees?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': \"Employees at BUZZ Co. are entitled to several benefits, including:\\n\\n1. **Health/Life Insurance:** Offered to eligible full-time and part-time employees after the first full month of employment.\\n2. **Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid:** Participation in these programs.\\n3. **Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance:** Coverage under Workers' Compensation and participation in the District of Columbia unemployment program.\\n4. **Retirement Plan:** Available to eligible full-time and part-time employees (21+ years old), with BUZZ Co. contributing after one year of vested employment.\\n5. **Tax Deferred Annuity Plan:** Offered through payroll deduction at the employee's expense.\\n6. **Leave Benefits:** Including paid holidays, vacation, sick leave, personal leave, military leave, civic responsibility leave, parental leave, bereavement leave, and extended personal leave.\\n7. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** For reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel, with prior approval and receipts.\", 'role': 'user', 'name': 'buzz_agent'}, {'content': 'What responsibilities apply to employees?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': 'Employees at BUZZ Co. have several responsibilities, including:\\n\\n1. **Attendance and Punctuality:** Regular attendance is expected. Employees must notify their supervisor and the office manager if they are absent, late, or need to leave early. Excessive absences or tardiness may result in disciplinary action, up to termination.\\n\\n2. **Overtime:** Non-exempt employees must have overtime pre-approved by the Executive Director.\\n\\n3. **Return of Property:** Employees must return all BUZZ Co. property upon separation or request.\\n\\n4. **Confidentiality:** Employees must not disclose non-public information about BUZZ Co., its members, or donors. Unauthorized disclosure will result in disciplinary action, including possible termination.\\n\\n5. **Outside Employment:** Permitted as long as it does not interfere with BUZZ Co. job performance or create a conflict of interest.\\n\\n6. **Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information:** Employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement and are prohibited from unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.\\n\\n7. **Computer and Information Security:** BUZZ Co. computer systems are for business use, with limited personal use allowed. Employees must follow security procedures and not use systems for offensive or illegal activities.\\n\\n8. **Internet Acceptable Use Policy:** Internet access is for business use, and employees must not use it for illegal, offensive, or unauthorized personal activities. BUZZ Co. may monitor Internet usage.\\n\\n9. **Personnel Records:** Employees must promptly report changes in personnel data and maintain accurate time records.\\n\\n10. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** Employees must obtain prior approval and provide receipts for reimbursement of reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel.', 'role': 'user', 'name': 'buzz_agent'}], summary='Employees at BUZZ Co. have several responsibilities, including:\\n\\n1. **Attendance and Punctuality:** Regular attendance is expected. Employees must notify their supervisor and the office manager if they are absent, late, or need to leave early. Excessive absences or tardiness may result in disciplinary action, up to termination.\\n\\n2. **Overtime:** Non-exempt employees must have overtime pre-approved by the Executive Director.\\n\\n3. **Return of Property:** Employees must return all BUZZ Co. property upon separation or request.\\n\\n4. **Confidentiality:** Employees must not disclose non-public information about BUZZ Co., its members, or donors. Unauthorized disclosure will result in disciplinary action, including possible termination.\\n\\n5. **Outside Employment:** Permitted as long as it does not interfere with BUZZ Co. job performance or create a conflict of interest.\\n\\n6. **Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information:** Employees must sign a non-disclosure agreement and are prohibited from unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.\\n\\n7. **Computer and Information Security:** BUZZ Co. computer systems are for business use, with limited personal use allowed. Employees must follow security procedures and not use systems for offensive or illegal activities.\\n\\n8. **Internet Acceptable Use Policy:** Internet access is for business use, and employees must not use it for illegal, offensive, or unauthorized personal activities. BUZZ Co. may monitor Internet usage.\\n\\n9. **Personnel Records:** Employees must promptly report changes in personnel data and maintain accurate time records.\\n\\n10. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** Employees must obtain prior approval and provide receipts for reimbursement of reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel.', cost={'usage_including_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}, 'usage_excluding_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}}, human_input=['What benefits are entitled to employees?', 'What responsibilities apply to employees?', 'exit'])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 49,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# Create a ConversableAgent (no LLM configuration)\n",
+ "graph_rag_agent = ConversableAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"buzz_agent\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Associate the capability with the agent\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability = Neo4jNativeGraphCapability(query_engine)\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability.add_to_agent(graph_rag_agent)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Create a user proxy agent to converse with our RAG agent\n",
+ "user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"user_proxy\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"ALWAYS\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "user_proxy.initiate_chat(graph_rag_agent, message=\"Who is the employer?\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Incrementally add new documents to the existing knowledge graph.\n",
+ "We add another document and build it into the existing graph"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 50,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Building the knowledge graph...\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j_graphrag.experimental.pipeline.config.runner:PIPELINE_RUNNER: starting pipeline with run_params=defaultdict(, {'schema': {'entities': [], 'relations': [], 'potential_schema': None}, 'splitter': {'text': 'Signed in\\nSkip to Main Content\\n Rotten Tomatoes\\n\\nWhat\\'s the Tomatometer®?\\nCritics\\nMOVIES TV SHOWS SHOP NEW NEWS SHOWTIMES\\nTRENDING ON RT\\nFuriosa First Reviews\\nMost Anticipated 2025 Movies\\nBest Movies of All Time\\nTV Premiere Dates\\nMain image for The Matrix\\nThe Matrix\\nR, Now Playing, 2h 16m, Sci-Fi/ Action\\n\\n LIST\\nVideos\\nRotten Tomatoes is Wrong About... The Matrix Sequels\\n51:31\\nRotten Tomatoes is Wrong About... The Matrix Sequels\\nContent collapsed.\\n‘The Matrix’ Government Lobby Scene | Rotten Tomatoes’ 21 Most Memorable Moments\\n2:31\\n‘The Matrix’ Government Lobby Scene | Rotten Tomatoes’ 21 Most Memorable Moments\\nContent collapsed.\\nView more videos\\nmovie poster\\nTomatometer\\n207 Reviews\\nAudience Score\\n250,000+ Ratings\\nNeo (Keanu Reeves) believes that Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), an elusive figure considered to be the most dangerous man alive, can answer his question -- What is the Matrix? Neo is contacted by Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), a beautiful stranger who leads him into an underworld where he meets Morpheus. They fight a brutal battle for their lives against a cadre of viciously intelligent secret agents. It is a truth that could cost Neo something more precious than his life.\\nContent collapsed.\\nRead More\\nfandango\\nNow in Theaters\\nNow Playing\\nBuy tickets for The Matrix\\nWhere to Watch\\nWhat to Know\\nReviews\\nCast & Crew\\nMore Like This\\nRelated News\\nVideos\\nPhotos\\nMedia Info\\n\\nNext\\nWhere To Watch\\nThe Matrix\\nfandango\\nIn Theaters\\nvudu\\nFandango at Home\\namazon-prime-video-us\\nPrime Video\\nnetflix\\nNetflix\\nWatch The Matrix with a subscription on Netflix, rent on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, or buy on Fandango at Home, Prime Video.\\nThe Matrix\\nWhat To Know\\n Critics Consensus\\nThanks to the Wachowskis\\' imaginative vision, The Matrix is a smartly crafted combination of spectacular action and groundbreaking special effects.\\n\\nRead Critics Reviews\\nCritics Reviews\\nView All (207) Critics Reviews\\n Critic\\'s profile\\nCritic\\'s Name\\nMike Clark\\nPublication\\nUSA Today\\nTOP CRITIC\\nThe review\\nThough The Matrix ultimately overdoses on gloom-and-doom grunge, over-elaborate cool and especially running time, it\\'s just clever enough to enable [the Wachowskis] to nix the sophomore jinx following 1996\\'s Bound.\\nContent collapsed.\\nFresh score.\\nRated: 2.5/4 •\\nDate\\nJul 13, 2023\\nFull Review\\n Critic\\'s profile\\nCritic\\'s Name\\nJoe Morgenstern\\nPublication\\nWall Street Journal\\nTOP CRITIC\\nThe review\\nI know almost nothing of the intricate techniques that make The Matrix as eye-filling as it is brain-numbing, but I can tell you that... [its visuals] are wondrous to behold.\\nContent collapsed.\\nFresh score.\\nDate\\nJul 13, 2023\\nFull Review\\n Critic\\'s profile\\nCritic\\'s Name\\nManohla Dargis\\nPublication\\nL.A. Weekly\\nTOP CRITIC\\nThe review\\nThere\\'s more form than content in The Matrix, but Bill Pope\\'s swooping, noir-inflected cinematography is wonderfully complemented by Owen Paterson\\'s inventive production design, a great soundtrack and the best fight choreography this side of Hong Kong.\\nContent collapsed.\\nFresh score.\\nDate\\nJul 13, 2023\\nFull Review\\n Critic\\'s profile\\nCritic\\'s Name\\nSean Axmaker\\nPublication\\nStream on Demand\\nThe review\\nThe Wachowskis proceed to turn the world as we know it into a virtual reality landscape with a 20th century tech-noir look (lit with a sickly green hue, like the glow of an old IBM computer screen) and the physics of a video game.\\nContent collapsed.\\nFresh score.\\nDate\\nSep 9, 2023\\nFull Review\\n Critic\\'s profile\\nCritic\\'s Name\\nDan DiNicola\\nPublication\\nThe Daily Gazette (Schenectady, NY)\\nThe review\\nA $60 million, high-tech assault on the senses and a pretentious insult to the mind.\\nContent collapsed.\\nRotten score.\\nDate\\nJul 15, 2023\\nFull Review\\n Critic\\'s profile\\nCritic\\'s Name\\nChristopher Brandon\\nPublication\\nTNT\\'s Rough Cut\\nThe review\\nA cyberpunk thriller that\\'s so much fun to watch, it could single-handedly reboot the genre.\\nContent collapsed.\\nFresh score.\\nDate\\nJul 13, 2023\\nFull Review\\nRead all reviews\\n\\nNext\\nAudience Reviews\\nView All (1000+) audience reviews\\nCritic\\'s Name\\ncasearmitage\\nThe review\\nTwenty five years later, it still holds up. You have to see it to believe it.\\nContent collapsed.\\nRated 5/5 Stars • Rated 5 out of 5 stars\\nDate\\n04/04/24\\nFull Review\\nCritic\\'s Name\\nNathanael\\nThe review\\nOf course The Matrix is absolutely amazing, but the 4DX thing was pretty cool too!\\nContent collapsed.\\nRated 5/5 Stars • Rated 5 out of 5 stars\\nDate\\n12/14/21\\nFull Review\\nCritic\\'s Name\\nAverage P\\nThe review\\nSo good that you entirely forget the nutty premise that we\\'re all being kept in suspended animation wired into some kind of giant mainframe which creates more energy than it requires. Oh well, whatever. Great adventure story.\\nContent collapsed.\\nRated 5/5 Stars • Rated 5 out of 5 stars\\nDate\\n05/23/24\\nFull Review\\nCritic\\'s Name\\nFirst name L\\nThe review\\nEvent cinema in at it\\'s best, it\\'s often mocked, equally celebrated, for a reason.\\nContent collapsed.\\nRated 4/5 Stars • Rated 4 out of 5 stars\\nDate\\n05/14/24\\nFull Review\\nCritic\\'s Name\\nJace E\\nThe review\\nThe Matrix is one of the most ambitious and captivating Sci-Fi films of all time. The action is electric, the characters are strong and there are legendary moments peppered throughout. Where the film is lacking is in the actual human aspect; the romance is underdeveloped and Neo\\'s life in the Matrix is superficial (why do we need a scene of his boss disciplining him?). That being said, the fight sequences are incredibly entertaining and the entire idea of the Matrix plays with your mind. I honestly fell asleep multiple times watching the film and had to go back and watch it again. From the slow motion to the muted colors, it was easy to doze off. However, once the climactic moments hit, I was enthralled. The helicopter scene is great and the final fight sequences hit hard. I\\'m curious where the franchise will go from here, but this film is a brilliant start. Best Character: Tank Best Quote: \"There\\'s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.\" - Morpheus Best Scene: The Bullet Dodge Best Piece of Score: \"He\\'s the One Alright\"\\nContent collapsed.\\nRated 4/5 Stars • Rated 4 out of 5 stars\\nDate\\n05/13/24\\nFull Review\\nCritic\\'s Name\\nAntonio M\\nThe review\\nHa fatto la storia del cinema cyberpunk. Un cult intramontabile.\\nContent collapsed.\\nRated 5/5 Stars • Rated 5 out of 5 stars\\nDate\\n05/09/24\\nFull Review\\nRead all reviews\\n\\nNext\\nCast & Crew\\nLilly Wachowski thumbnail image\\nLilly Wachowski\\nDirector\\n Lana Wachowski thumbnail image\\nLana Wachowski\\nDirector\\n Keanu Reeves thumbnail image\\nKeanu Reeves\\nThomas A. Anderson\\n Laurence Fishburne thumbnail image\\nLaurence Fishburne\\nMorpheus\\n Carrie-Anne Moss thumbnail image\\nCarrie-Anne Moss\\nTrinity\\n Hugo Weaving thumbnail image\\nHugo Weaving\\nAgent Smith\\nContent collapsed.\\nShow More Cast & Crew\\nMore Like This\\nView All Movies in Theaters\\n The Matrix Reloaded poster\\nCertified fresh score.\\n74%\\nFresh audience score.\\n72%\\nThe Matrix Reloaded\\n\\n WATCHLIST\\nThe Matrix Revolutions poster\\nRotten score.\\n34%\\nFresh audience score.\\n60%\\nThe Matrix Revolutions\\n\\n WATCHLIST\\nDemolition Man poster\\nFresh score.\\n63%\\nFresh audience score.\\n67%\\nDemolition Man\\n\\n WATCHLIST\\nUniversal Soldier: The Return poster\\nRotten score.\\n5%\\nRotten audience score.\\n24%\\nUniversal Soldier: The Return\\n\\n WATCHLIST\\nTerminator 3: Rise of the Machines poster\\nFresh score.\\n70%\\nRotten audience score.\\n46%\\nTerminator 3: Rise of the Machines\\n\\n WATCHLIST\\n\\nDiscover more movies and TV shows.\\nView More\\n\\nNext\\nRelated Movie News\\nView All Related Movie News\\n\\n25 Memorable Movie Lines of the Last 25 Years\\nContent collapsed.\\n\\nSterling K. Brown’s Five Favorite Films\\nContent collapsed.\\n\\nThe Matrix vs. John Wick\\nContent collapsed.\\n\\nNext\\nVideos\\nView All videos\\nThe Matrix\\nRotten Tomatoes is Wrong About... The Matrix Sequels\\n51:31\\nRotten Tomatoes is Wrong About... The Matrix Sequels\\nContent collapsed.\\n‘The Matrix’ Government Lobby Scene | Rotten Tomatoes’ 21 Most Memorable Moments\\n2:31\\n‘The Matrix’ Government Lobby Scene | Rotten Tomatoes’ 21 Most Memorable Moments\\nContent collapsed.\\nView more videos\\n\\nNext\\nPhotos\\nView All The Matrix photos\\nThe Matrix\\n\\nThe Matrix photo 1\\n\\nThe Matrix photo 2\\n\\nThe Matrix photo 3\\n\\nThe Matrix photo 4\\n\\nAnthony Ray Parker as Dozer, Keanu Reeves as Thomas A. Anderson/Neo, Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity, and Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus in Nebuchadnezzer\\'s cockpit.\\n\\nKeanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss in Warner Brothers\\' The Matrix.\\n\\nLaurence Fishburne in Warner Brothers\\' The Matrix\\n\\nCarrie-Anne Moss and Keanu Reeves in Warner Brothers\\' The Matrix\\n\\nCarrie-Anne Moss in Warner Brothers\\' The Matrix\\n\\nKeanu Reeves in Warner Brothers\\' The Matrix\\nView more photos\\n\\nNext\\nMovie Info\\nSynopsis\\nNeo (Keanu Reeves) believes that Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), an elusive figure considered to be the most dangerous man alive, can answer his question -- What is the Matrix? Neo is contacted by Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), a beautiful stranger who leads him into an underworld where he meets Morpheus. They fight a brutal battle for their lives against a cadre of viciously intelligent secret agents. It is a truth that could cost Neo something more precious than his life.\\nDirector\\nLilly Wachowski , Lana Wachowski\\nProducer\\nJoel Silver\\nScreenwriter\\nLilly Wachowski , Lana Wachowski\\nDistributor\\nWarner Bros. Pictures\\nProduction Co\\nSilver Pictures , Village Roadshow Prod.\\nRating\\nR (Sci-Fi Violence|Brief Language)\\nGenre\\nSci-Fi , Action\\nOriginal Language\\nEnglish\\nRelease Date (Theaters)\\nMar 31, 1999, Wide\\nRerelease Date (Theaters)\\nSep 22, 2023\\nRelease Date (Streaming)\\nJan 1, 2009\\nBox Office (Gross USA)\\n$171.4M\\nRuntime\\n2h 16m\\nSound Mix\\nDolby Stereo , DTS , SDDS , Surround , Dolby Digital , Dolby SR\\nAspect Ratio\\nScope (2.35:1)\\nWhat to Watch\\nIn Theaters\\nAt Home\\nTV Shows\\nNow Playing\\nVIEW ALL NOW PLAYING\\nNo score yet.\\nThe Keeper\\n- -\\nCertified fresh score.\\nThe Crow\\n85%\\nNo score yet.\\nThe Commandant\\'s Shadow\\n- -\\nNo score yet.\\nThe Hangman\\n- -\\nCertified fresh score.\\nIn A Violent Nature\\n90%\\nFresh score.\\nEzra\\n75%\\nComing soon\\nVIEW ALL COMING SOON\\nNo score yet.\\nJesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist\\n- -\\nNo score yet.\\nQueen Tut\\n- -\\nNo score yet.\\nThe Watchers\\n- -\\nNo score yet.\\nBad Boys: Ride or Die\\n- -\\nAdvertise With Us\\nHelp\\nAbout Rotten Tomatoes\\nWhat\\'s the Tomatometer®?\\nCritic Submission\\nLicensing\\nAdvertise With Us\\nCareers\\nJOIN THE NEWSLETTER\\n\\nGet the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox!\\n\\nFOLLOW US\\n\\nV3.1 Privacy Policy Terms and Policies Cookie Notice California Notice Ad Choices Accessibility\\nCopyright © Fandango. All rights reserved.\\n'}})\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j_graphrag.experimental.components.lexical_graph:Document node not created in the lexical graph because no document metadata is provided\n",
+ "INFO:neo4j.notifications:Received notification from DBMS server: {severity: INFORMATION} {code: Neo.ClientNotification.Schema.IndexOrConstraintAlreadyExists} {category: SCHEMA} {title: `CREATE RANGE INDEX __entity__id IF NOT EXISTS FOR (e:__KGBuilder__) ON (e.id)` has no effect.} {description: `RANGE INDEX __entity__id FOR (e:__KGBuilder__) ON (e.id)` already exists.} {position: None} for query: 'CREATE INDEX __entity__id IF NOT EXISTS FOR (n:__KGBuilder__) ON (n.id)'\n",
+ "INFO:autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_native_graph_query_engine:Knowledge graph built successfully.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "input_path = \"../test/agentchat/contrib/graph_rag/the_matrix.txt\"\n",
+ "input_documents = [Document(doctype=DocumentType.TEXT, path_or_url=input_path)]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "_ = query_engine.add_records(input_documents)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Let's query the graph about both old and new documents"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 51,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to new_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Who is the employer?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mnew_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The employer is BUZZ Co.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to new_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "What benefits are entitled to employees?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mnew_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Employees at BUZZ Co. are entitled to several benefits, including:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Health/Life Insurance:** Offered to eligible full-time and part-time employees after the first full month of employment.\n",
+ "2. **Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid:** Participation in these programs.\n",
+ "3. **Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance:** Coverage under Workers' Compensation and participation in the District of Columbia unemployment program.\n",
+ "4. **Retirement Plan:** Available to eligible full-time and part-time employees (21+ years old), with BUZZ Co. contributing after one year of vested employment.\n",
+ "5. **Tax Deferred Annuity Plan:** Offered through payroll deduction at the employee's expense.\n",
+ "6. **Leave Benefits:** Including holidays, vacation, sick leave, personal leave, military leave, civic responsibility leave, parental leave, bereavement leave, and extended personal leave.\n",
+ "7. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** For reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel, with prior approval and receipts.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to new_agent):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "List the actors in the Matirx.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mnew_agent\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The actors in \"The Matrix\" include:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. Keanu Reeves as Thomas A. Anderson/Neo\n",
+ "2. Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus\n",
+ "3. Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity\n",
+ "4. Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith\n",
+ "5. Anthony Ray Parker as Dozer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "ChatResult(chat_id=None, chat_history=[{'content': 'Who is the employer?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': 'The employer is BUZZ Co.', 'role': 'user', 'name': 'new_agent'}, {'content': 'What benefits are entitled to employees?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': \"Employees at BUZZ Co. are entitled to several benefits, including:\\n\\n1. **Health/Life Insurance:** Offered to eligible full-time and part-time employees after the first full month of employment.\\n2. **Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid:** Participation in these programs.\\n3. **Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Insurance:** Coverage under Workers' Compensation and participation in the District of Columbia unemployment program.\\n4. **Retirement Plan:** Available to eligible full-time and part-time employees (21+ years old), with BUZZ Co. contributing after one year of vested employment.\\n5. **Tax Deferred Annuity Plan:** Offered through payroll deduction at the employee's expense.\\n6. **Leave Benefits:** Including holidays, vacation, sick leave, personal leave, military leave, civic responsibility leave, parental leave, bereavement leave, and extended personal leave.\\n7. **Reimbursement of Expenses:** For reasonable and necessary business expenses, including travel, with prior approval and receipts.\", 'role': 'user', 'name': 'new_agent'}, {'content': 'List the actors in the Matirx.', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': 'The actors in \"The Matrix\" include:\\n\\n1. Keanu Reeves as Thomas A. Anderson/Neo\\n2. Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus\\n3. Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity\\n4. Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith\\n5. Anthony Ray Parker as Dozer', 'role': 'user', 'name': 'new_agent'}], summary='The actors in \"The Matrix\" include:\\n\\n1. Keanu Reeves as Thomas A. Anderson/Neo\\n2. Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus\\n3. Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity\\n4. Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith\\n5. Anthony Ray Parker as Dozer', cost={'usage_including_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}, 'usage_excluding_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}}, human_input=['What benefits are entitled to employees?', 'List the actors in the Matirx.', 'exit'])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 51,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# Create a ConversableAgent (no LLM configuration)\n",
+ "graph_rag_agent = ConversableAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"new_agent\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Associate the capability with the agent\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability = Neo4jNativeGraphCapability(query_engine)\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability.add_to_agent(graph_rag_agent)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Create a user proxy agent to converse with our RAG agent\n",
+ "user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"user_proxy\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"ALWAYS\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "user_proxy.initiate_chat(graph_rag_agent, message=\"Who is the employer?\")"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "front_matter": {
+ "description": "Neo4j Native GraphRAG utilizes a knowledge graph and can be added as a capability to agents.",
+ "tags": [
+ "RAG"
+ ]
+ },
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.11.10"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_RAG.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_RAG.ipynb
index e60a7b5469..036b6391a0 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_RAG.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_RAG.ipynb
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
"source": [
- "import chromadb\n",
"from typing_extensions import Annotated\n",
"import autogen\n",
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def termination_msg(x):\n",
- " return isinstance(x, dict) and \"TERMINATE\" == str(x.get(\"content\", \"\"))[-9:].upper()\n",
+ " return isinstance(x, dict) and str(x.get(\"content\", \"\"))[-9:].upper() == \"TERMINATE\"\n",
"llm_config = {\"config_list\": config_list, \"timeout\": 60, \"temperature\": 0.8, \"seed\": 1234}\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_customized.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_customized.ipynb
index 365bec5251..55ff376c5f 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_customized.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_customized.ipynb
@@ -155,7 +155,6 @@
" }, # Please set use_docker=True if docker is available to run the generated code. Using docker is safer than running the generated code directly.\n",
- "from typing import Dict, List\n",
"from autogen import Agent\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_finite_state_machine.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_finite_state_machine.ipynb
index 5b40b173b4..1c70fd01a5 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_finite_state_machine.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_groupchat_finite_state_machine.ipynb
@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@
"source": [
"import random # noqa E402\n",
- "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # noqa E402\n",
- "import networkx as nx # noqa E402\n",
- "\n",
- "import autogen # noqa E402\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.conversable_agent import ConversableAgent # noqa E402\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.assistant_agent import AssistantAgent # noqa E402\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.groupchat import GroupChat # noqa E402\n",
- "from autogen.graph_utils import visualize_speaker_transitions_dict # noqa E402"
+ "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
+ "import networkx as nx\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import autogen\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.conversable_agent import ConversableAgent\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.assistant_agent import AssistantAgent\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.groupchat import GroupChat\n",
+ "from autogen.graph_utils import visualize_speaker_transitions_dict"
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_image_generation_capability.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_image_generation_capability.ipynb
index 3e175b2287..93c9bf1bbc 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_image_generation_capability.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_image_generation_capability.ipynb
@@ -37,17 +37,13 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import os\n",
- "import re\n",
- "from typing import Dict, Optional\n",
"from IPython.display import display\n",
"from PIL.Image import Image\n",
"import autogen\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib import img_utils\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.capabilities import generate_images\n",
- "from autogen.cache import Cache\n",
- "from autogen.oai import openai_utils"
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.capabilities import generate_images"
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_langchain.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_langchain.ipynb
index 1ea9cbf6b0..82bd07aeb6 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_langchain.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_langchain.ipynb
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"source": [
"import math\n",
"import os\n",
- "from typing import Optional, Type\n",
+ "from typing import Type\n",
"# Starndard Langchain example\n",
"from langchain.agents import create_spark_sql_agent\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_lmm_gpt-4v.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_lmm_gpt-4v.ipynb
index e1fac504f3..5dbfb08a74 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_lmm_gpt-4v.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_lmm_gpt-4v.ipynb
@@ -36,22 +36,16 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "import json\n",
"import os\n",
- "import random\n",
- "import time\n",
- "from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
- "import requests\n",
"from PIL import Image\n",
- "from termcolor import colored\n",
"import autogen\n",
"from autogen import Agent, AssistantAgent, ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib.capabilities.vision_capability import VisionCapability\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.img_utils import get_pil_image, pil_to_data_uri\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.img_utils import pil_to_data_uri\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib.multimodal_conversable_agent import MultimodalConversableAgent\n",
"from autogen.code_utils import content_str"
@@ -270,8 +264,7 @@
"source": [
"class FigureCreator(ConversableAgent):\n",
" def __init__(self, n_iters=2, **kwargs):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Initializes a FigureCreator instance.\n",
+ " \"\"\"Initializes a FigureCreator instance.\n",
" This agent facilitates the creation of visualizations through a collaborative effort among its child agents: commander, coder, and critics.\n",
@@ -1009,8 +1002,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def my_description(image_url: str, image_data: Image = None, lmm_client: object = None) -> str:\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " This function takes an image URL and returns the description.\n",
+ " \"\"\"This function takes an image URL and returns the description.\n",
" Parameters:\n",
" - image_url (str): The URL of the image.\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_lmm_llava.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_lmm_llava.ipynb
index 89887ff61a..38dd033d7f 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_lmm_llava.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_lmm_llava.ipynb
@@ -39,19 +39,13 @@
"source": [
"# We use this variable to control where you want to host LLaVA, locally or remotely?\n",
"# More details in the two setup options below.\n",
- "import json\n",
"import os\n",
- "import random\n",
- "import time\n",
- "from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
- "import requests\n",
"from PIL import Image\n",
- "from termcolor import colored\n",
"import autogen\n",
- "from autogen import Agent, AssistantAgent, ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
+ "from autogen import Agent, AssistantAgent\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib.llava_agent import LLaVAAgent, llava_call\n",
"LLAVA_MODE = \"remote\" # Either \"local\" or \"remote\"\n",
@@ -96,8 +90,6 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"if LLAVA_MODE == \"remote\":\n",
- " import replicate\n",
- "\n",
" llava_config_list = [\n",
" {\n",
" \"model\": \"whatever, will be ignored for remote\", # The model name doesn't matter here right now.\n",
@@ -385,8 +377,7 @@
"source": [
"class FigureCreator(AssistantAgent):\n",
" def __init__(self, n_iters=2, **kwargs):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Initializes a FigureCreator instance.\n",
+ " \"\"\"Initializes a FigureCreator instance.\n",
" This agent facilitates the creation of visualizations through a collaborative effort among its child agents: commander, coder, and critics.\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_microsoft_fabric.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_microsoft_fabric.ipynb
index 750787682d..4b8575de87 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_microsoft_fabric.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_microsoft_fabric.ipynb
@@ -274,7 +274,6 @@
"source": [
"import types\n",
- "import httpx\n",
"from synapse.ml.fabric.credentials import get_openai_httpx_sync_client\n",
"import autogen\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_multi_task_async_chats.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_multi_task_async_chats.ipynb
index 1f443ca176..4f964f0577 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_multi_task_async_chats.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_multi_task_async_chats.ipynb
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
" }, # Please set use_docker=True if docker is available to run the generated code. Using docker is safer than running the generated code directly.\n",
- "chat_results = await user.a_initiate_chats( # noqa: F704\n",
+ "chat_results = await user.a_initiate_chats(\n",
" [\n",
" {\n",
" \"chat_id\": 1,\n",
@@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@
" }, # Please set use_docker=True if docker is available to run the generated code. Using docker is safer than running the generated code directly.\n",
- "chat_results = await user.a_initiate_chats( # noqa: F704\n",
+ "chat_results = await user.a_initiate_chats(\n",
" [\n",
" {\n",
" \"chat_id\": 1,\n",
@@ -1710,7 +1710,7 @@
" \"use_docker\": False,\n",
" }, # Please set use_docker=True if docker is available to run the generated code. Using docker is safer than running the generated code directly.\n",
- "await user.a_initiate_chats( # noqa: F704\n",
+ "await user.a_initiate_chats(\n",
" [\n",
" {\"chat_id\": 1, \"recipient\": research_assistant, \"message\": financial_tasks[0], \"summary_method\": \"last_msg\"},\n",
" {\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_nested_chats_chess.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_nested_chats_chess.ipynb
index 1975509f55..d1f00e1562 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_nested_chats_chess.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_nested_chats_chess.ipynb
@@ -98,8 +98,6 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "from typing import List\n",
- "\n",
"import chess\n",
"import chess.svg\n",
"from IPython.display import display\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_nested_chats_chess_altmodels.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_nested_chats_chess_altmodels.ipynb
index 0a3f0bd119..8266075438 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_nested_chats_chess_altmodels.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_nested_chats_chess_altmodels.ipynb
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
" move: Annotated[\n",
" str,\n",
" \"Call this tool to make a move after you have the list of legal moves and want to make a move. Takes UCI format, e.g. e2e4 or e7e5 or e7e8q.\",\n",
- " ]\n",
+ " ],\n",
") -> Annotated[str, \"Result of the move.\"]:\n",
" move = chess.Move.from_uci(move)\n",
" board.push_uci(str(move))\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_nestedchat_optiguide.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_nestedchat_optiguide.ipynb
index fb4c12dba2..6ee5656d54 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_nestedchat_optiguide.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_nestedchat_optiguide.ipynb
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
"config_list_gpt4 = autogen.config_list_from_json(\n",
" \"OAI_CONFIG_LIST\",\n",
" filter_dict={\n",
- " \"model\": [\"gpt-4\", \"gpt4\", \"gpt-3.5-turbo\" \"gpt-4-32k\", \"gpt-4-32k-0314\", \"gpt-4-32k-v0314\"],\n",
+ " \"model\": [\"gpt-4\", \"gpt4\", \"gpt-3.5-turbogpt-4-32k\", \"gpt-4-32k-0314\", \"gpt-4-32k-v0314\"],\n",
" },\n",
"llm_config = {\"config_list\": config_list_gpt4}"
@@ -105,8 +105,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def replace(src_code: str, old_code: str, new_code: str) -> str:\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Inserts new code into the source code by replacing a specified old\n",
+ " \"\"\"Inserts new code into the source code by replacing a specified old\n",
" code block.\n",
" Args:\n",
@@ -141,8 +140,7 @@
"def insert_code(src_code: str, new_lines: str) -> str:\n",
- " \"\"\"insert a code patch into the source code.\n",
- "\n",
+ " \"\"\"Insert a code patch into the source code.\n",
" Args:\n",
" src_code (str): the full source code\n",
@@ -174,7 +172,7 @@
" timeout = Timeout(\n",
" 60,\n",
- " TimeoutError(\"This is a timeout exception, in case \" \"GPT's code falls into infinite loop.\"),\n",
+ " TimeoutError(\"This is a timeout exception, in case GPT's code falls into infinite loop.\"),\n",
" )\n",
" try:\n",
" exec(src_code, locals_dict, locals_dict)\n",
@@ -441,7 +439,7 @@
" # board = config\n",
" # get execution result of the original source code\n",
" sender_history = recipient.chat_messages[sender]\n",
- " user_chat_history = \"\\nHere are the history of discussions:\\n\" f\"{sender_history}\"\n",
+ " user_chat_history = f\"\\nHere are the history of discussions:\\n{sender_history}\"\n",
" if sender.name == \"user\":\n",
" execution_result = msg_content # TODO: get the execution result of the original source code\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_oai_assistant_function_call.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_oai_assistant_function_call.ipynb
index e30cce3344..7991c24246 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_oai_assistant_function_call.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_oai_assistant_function_call.ipynb
@@ -83,9 +83,7 @@
"def get_ossinsight(question):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " [Mock] Retrieve the top 10 developers with the most followers on GitHub.\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
+ " \"\"\"[Mock] Retrieve the top 10 developers with the most followers on GitHub.\"\"\"\n",
" report_components = [\n",
" f\"Question: {question}\",\n",
" \"SQL: SELECT `login` AS `user_login`, `followers` AS `followers` FROM `github_users` ORDER BY `followers` DESC LIMIT 10\",\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_oai_code_interpreter.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_oai_code_interpreter.ipynb
index 99556dc347..0313f6a725 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_oai_code_interpreter.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_oai_code_interpreter.ipynb
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"from PIL import Image\n",
"import autogen\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat import UserProxyAgent\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib.gpt_assistant_agent import GPTAssistantAgent\n",
"config_list = autogen.config_list_from_json(\n",
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+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# RealtimeAgent in a Swarm Orchestration\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "AG2 supports **RealtimeAgent**, a powerful agent type that connects seamlessly to OpenAI's [Realtime API](https://openai.com/index/introducing-the-realtime-api). With RealtimeAgent, you can add voice interaction and listening capabilities to your swarms, enabling dynamic and natural communication.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "AG2 provides an intuitive programming interface to build and orchestrate swarms of agents. With RealtimeAgent, you can enhance swarm functionality, integrating real-time interactions alongside task automation. Check the [Documentation](https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/topics/swarm) and [Blog](https://docs.ag2.ai/blog/2024-11-17-Swarm) for further insights.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "In this notebook, we implement OpenAI's [airline customer service example](https://github.com/openai/swarm/tree/main/examples/airline) in AG2 using the RealtimeAgent for enhanced interaction."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Install AG2 with twilio dependencies\n",
+ "\n",
+ "To use the realtime agent we will connect it to twilio service, this tutorial was inspired by [twilio tutorial](https://www.twilio.com/en-us/blog/voice-ai-assistant-openai-realtime-api-node) for connecting to OpenAPI real-time agent.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "We have prepared a `TwilioAdapter` to enable you to connect your realtime agent to twilio service.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "To be able to run this notebook, you will need to install ag2 with additional realtime and twilio dependencies."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "````{=mdx}\n",
+ ":::info Requirements\n",
+ "Install `ag2`:\n",
+ "```bash\n",
+ "pip install \"ag2[twilio]\"\n",
+ "```\n",
+ "\n",
+ "For more information, please refer to the [installation guide](/docs/installation/Installation).\n",
+ ":::\n",
+ "````"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "!pip install \"fastapi>=0.115.0,<1\" \"uvicorn>=0.30.6,<1\" \"jinja2\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Import the dependencies"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import os\n",
+ "from logging import getLogger\n",
+ "from pathlib import Path\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import uvicorn\n",
+ "from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, WebSocket\n",
+ "from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, JSONResponse\n",
+ "from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles\n",
+ "from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import autogen\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.realtime_agent import RealtimeAgent, WebSocketAudioAdapter"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Prepare your `llm_config` and `realtime_llm_config`\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The [`config_list_from_json`](https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/reference/oai/openai_utils#config-list-from-json) function loads a list of configurations from an environment variable or a json file."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "config_list = autogen.config_list_from_json(\n",
+ " \"OAI_CONFIG_LIST\",\n",
+ " filter_dict={\n",
+ " \"model\": [\"gpt-4o-mini\"],\n",
+ " },\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "llm_config = {\n",
+ " \"cache_seed\": 42, # change the cache_seed for different trials\n",
+ " \"temperature\": 1,\n",
+ " \"config_list\": config_list,\n",
+ " \"timeout\": 120,\n",
+ " \"tools\": [],\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "assert config_list, \"No LLM found for the given model\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "realtime_config_list = autogen.config_list_from_json(\n",
+ " \"OAI_CONFIG_LIST\",\n",
+ " filter_dict={\n",
+ " \"tags\": [\"gpt-4o-mini-realtime\"],\n",
+ " },\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "realtime_llm_config = {\n",
+ " \"timeout\": 600,\n",
+ " \"config_list\": realtime_config_list,\n",
+ " \"temperature\": 0.8,\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "assert realtime_config_list, (\n",
+ " \"No LLM found for the given model, please add the following lines to the OAI_CONFIG_LIST file:\"\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " {\n",
+ " \"model\": \"gpt-4o-realtime-preview\",\n",
+ " \"api_key\": \"sk-***********************...*\",\n",
+ " \"tags\": [\"gpt-4o-mini-realtime\", \"realtime\"]\n",
+ " }\"\"\"\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Prompts & Utility Functions\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The prompts and utility functions remain unchanged from the original example."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# baggage/policies.py\n",
+ "LOST_BAGGAGE_POLICY = \"\"\"\n",
+ "1. Call the 'initiate_baggage_search' function to start the search process.\n",
+ "2. If the baggage is found:\n",
+ "2a) Arrange for the baggage to be delivered to the customer's address.\n",
+ "3. If the baggage is not found:\n",
+ "3a) Call the 'escalate_to_agent' function.\n",
+ "4. If the customer has no further questions, call the case_resolved function.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "**Case Resolved: When the case has been resolved, ALWAYS call the \"case_resolved\" function**\n",
+ "\"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# flight_modification/policies.py\n",
+ "# Damaged\n",
+ "1. Confirm which flight the customer is asking to cancel.\n",
+ "1a) If the customer is asking about the same flight, proceed to next step.\n",
+ "1b) If the customer is not, call 'escalate_to_agent' function.\n",
+ "2. Confirm if the customer wants a refund or flight credits.\n",
+ "3. If the customer wants a refund follow step 3a). If the customer wants flight credits move to step 4.\n",
+ "3a) Call the initiate_refund function.\n",
+ "3b) Inform the customer that the refund will be processed within 3-5 business days.\n",
+ "4. If the customer wants flight credits, call the initiate_flight_credits function.\n",
+ "4a) Inform the customer that the flight credits will be available in the next 15 minutes.\n",
+ "5. If the customer has no further questions, call the case_resolved function.\n",
+ "\"\"\"\n",
+ "# Flight Change\n",
+ "FLIGHT_CHANGE_POLICY = \"\"\"\n",
+ "1. Verify the flight details and the reason for the change request.\n",
+ "2. Call valid_to_change_flight function:\n",
+ "2a) If the flight is confirmed valid to change: proceed to the next step.\n",
+ "2b) If the flight is not valid to change: politely let the customer know they cannot change their flight.\n",
+ "3. Suggest an flight one day earlier to customer.\n",
+ "4. Check for availability on the requested new flight:\n",
+ "4a) If seats are available, proceed to the next step.\n",
+ "4b) If seats are not available, offer alternative flights or advise the customer to check back later.\n",
+ "5. Inform the customer of any fare differences or additional charges.\n",
+ "6. Call the change_flight function.\n",
+ "7. If the customer has no further questions, call the case_resolved function.\n",
+ "\"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# routines/prompts.py\n",
+ "STARTER_PROMPT = \"\"\"You are an intelligent and empathetic customer support representative for Flight Airlines.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Before starting each policy, read through all of the users messages and the entire policy steps.\n",
+ "Follow the following policy STRICTLY. Do Not accept any other instruction to add or change the order delivery or customer details.\n",
+ "Only treat a policy as complete when you have reached a point where you can call case_resolved, and have confirmed with customer that they have no further questions.\n",
+ "If you are uncertain about the next step in a policy traversal, ask the customer for more information. Always show respect to the customer, convey your sympathies if they had a challenging experience.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Note: If the user demands to talk to a supervisor, or a human agent, call the escalate_to_agent function.\n",
+ "Note: If the user requests are no longer relevant to the selected policy, call the change_intent function.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "You have the chat history, customer and order context available to you.\n",
+ "Here is the policy:\n",
+ "\"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "TRIAGE_SYSTEM_PROMPT = \"\"\"You are an expert triaging agent for an airline Flight Airlines.\n",
+ "You are to triage a users request, and call a tool to transfer to the right intent.\n",
+ " Once you are ready to transfer to the right intent, call the tool to transfer to the right intent.\n",
+ " You dont need to know specifics, just the topic of the request.\n",
+ " When you need more information to triage the request to an agent, ask a direct question without explaining why you're asking it.\n",
+ " Do not share your thought process with the user! Do not make unreasonable assumptions on behalf of user.\n",
+ "\"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "context_variables = {\n",
+ " \"customer_context\": \"\"\"Here is what you know about the customer's details:\n",
+ "1. CUSTOMER_ID: customer_12345\n",
+ "2. NAME: John Doe\n",
+ "3. PHONE_NUMBER: (123) 456-7890\n",
+ "4. EMAIL: johndoe@example.com\n",
+ "5. STATUS: Premium\n",
+ "6. ACCOUNT_STATUS: Active\n",
+ "7. BALANCE: $0.00\n",
+ "8. LOCATION: 1234 Main St, San Francisco, CA 94123, USA\n",
+ "\"\"\",\n",
+ " \"flight_context\": \"\"\"The customer has an upcoming flight from LGA (Laguardia) in NYC to LAX in Los Angeles.\n",
+ "The flight # is 1919. The flight departure date is 3pm ET, 5/21/2024.\"\"\",\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def triage_instructions(context_variables):\n",
+ " customer_context = context_variables.get(\"customer_context\", None)\n",
+ " flight_context = context_variables.get(\"flight_context\", None)\n",
+ " return f\"\"\"You are to triage a users request, and call a tool to transfer to the right intent.\n",
+ " Once you are ready to transfer to the right intent, call the tool to transfer to the right intent.\n",
+ " You dont need to know specifics, just the topic of the request.\n",
+ " When you need more information to triage the request to an agent, ask a direct question without explaining why you're asking it.\n",
+ " Do not share your thought process with the user! Do not make unreasonable assumptions on behalf of user.\n",
+ " The customer context is here: {customer_context}, and flight context is here: {flight_context}\"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def valid_to_change_flight() -> str:\n",
+ " return \"Customer is eligible to change flight\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def change_flight() -> str:\n",
+ " return \"Flight was successfully changed!\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def initiate_refund() -> str:\n",
+ " status = \"Refund initiated\"\n",
+ " return status\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def initiate_flight_credits() -> str:\n",
+ " status = \"Successfully initiated flight credits\"\n",
+ " return status\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def initiate_baggage_search() -> str:\n",
+ " return \"Baggage was found!\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def case_resolved() -> str:\n",
+ " return \"Case resolved. No further questions.\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def escalate_to_agent(reason: str = None) -> str:\n",
+ " \"\"\"Escalating to human agent to confirm the request.\"\"\"\n",
+ " return f\"Escalating to agent: {reason}\" if reason else \"Escalating to agent\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def non_flight_enquiry() -> str:\n",
+ " return \"Sorry, we can't assist with non-flight related enquiries.\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Define Agents and register functions"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from autogen import ON_CONDITION, SwarmAgent\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Triage Agent\n",
+ "triage_agent = SwarmAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"Triage_Agent\",\n",
+ " system_message=triage_instructions(context_variables=context_variables),\n",
+ " llm_config=llm_config,\n",
+ " functions=[non_flight_enquiry],\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Flight Modification Agent\n",
+ "flight_modification = SwarmAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"Flight_Modification_Agent\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"\"\"You are a Flight Modification Agent for a customer service airline.\n",
+ " Your task is to determine if the user wants to cancel or change their flight.\n",
+ " Use message history and ask clarifying questions as needed to decide.\n",
+ " Once clear, call the appropriate transfer function.\"\"\",\n",
+ " llm_config=llm_config,\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Flight Cancel Agent\n",
+ "flight_cancel = SwarmAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"Flight_Cancel_Traversal\",\n",
+ " llm_config=llm_config,\n",
+ " functions=[initiate_refund, initiate_flight_credits, case_resolved, escalate_to_agent],\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Flight Change Agent\n",
+ "flight_change = SwarmAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"Flight_Change_Traversal\",\n",
+ " llm_config=llm_config,\n",
+ " functions=[valid_to_change_flight, change_flight, case_resolved, escalate_to_agent],\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Lost Baggage Agent\n",
+ "lost_baggage = SwarmAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"Lost_Baggage_Traversal\",\n",
+ " system_message=STARTER_PROMPT + LOST_BAGGAGE_POLICY,\n",
+ " llm_config=llm_config,\n",
+ " functions=[initiate_baggage_search, case_resolved, escalate_to_agent],\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Register Handoffs\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Now we register the handoffs for the agents. Note that you don't need to define the transfer functions and pass them in. Instead, you can directly register the handoffs using the `ON_CONDITION` class."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# Register hand-offs\n",
+ "triage_agent.register_hand_off(\n",
+ " [\n",
+ " ON_CONDITION(flight_modification, \"To modify a flight\"),\n",
+ " ON_CONDITION(lost_baggage, \"To find lost baggage\"),\n",
+ " ]\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "flight_modification.register_hand_off(\n",
+ " [\n",
+ " ON_CONDITION(flight_cancel, \"To cancel a flight\"),\n",
+ " ON_CONDITION(flight_change, \"To change a flight\"),\n",
+ " ]\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "transfer_to_triage_description = \"Call this function when a user needs to be transferred to a different agent and a different policy.\\nFor instance, if a user is asking about a topic that is not handled by the current agent, call this function.\"\n",
+ "for agent in [flight_modification, flight_cancel, flight_change, lost_baggage]:\n",
+ " agent.register_hand_off(ON_CONDITION(triage_agent, transfer_to_triage_description))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Before you start the server\n",
+ "\n",
+ "To run uviconrn server inside the notebook, you will need to use nest_asyncio. This is because Jupyter uses the asyncio event loop, and uvicorn uses its own event loop. nest_asyncio will allow uvicorn to run in Jupyter.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Please install nest_asyncio by running the following cell."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "!pip install nest_asyncio"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import nest_asyncio\n",
+ "\n",
+ "nest_asyncio.apply()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Define basic FastAPI app\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Define Port**: Sets the `PORT` variable to `5050`, which will be used for the server.\n",
+ "2. **Initialize FastAPI App**: Creates a `FastAPI` instance named `app`, which serves as the main application.\n",
+ "3. **Define Root Endpoint**: Adds a `GET` endpoint at the root URL (`/`). When accessed, it returns a JSON response with the message `\"Websocket Audio Stream Server is running!\"`.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "This sets up a basic FastAPI server and provides a simple health-check endpoint to confirm that the server is operational."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "PORT = 5050\n",
+ "\n",
+ "app = FastAPI()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "@app.get(\"/\", response_class=JSONResponse)\n",
+ "async def index_page():\n",
+ " return {\"message\": \"Websocket Audio Stream Server is running!\"}"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Prepare `start-chat` endpoint\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Set the Working Directory**: Define `notebook_path` as the current working directory using `os.getcwd()`.\n",
+ "2. **Mount Static Files**: Mount the `static` directory (inside `agentchat_realtime_websocket`) to serve JavaScript, CSS, and other static assets under the `/static` path.\n",
+ "3. **Set Up Templates**: Configure Jinja2 to render HTML templates from the `templates` directory within `agentchat_realtime_websocket`.\n",
+ "4. **Create the `/start-chat/` Endpoint**: Define a `GET` route that serves the `chat.html` template. Pass the client's `request` and the `port` variable to the template for rendering a dynamic page for the audio chat interface.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "This code sets up static file handling, template rendering, and a dedicated endpoint to deliver the chat interface.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "notebook_path = os.getcwd()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "app.mount(\n",
+ " \"/static\", StaticFiles(directory=Path(notebook_path) / \"agentchat_realtime_websocket\" / \"static\"), name=\"static\"\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Templates for HTML responses\n",
+ "\n",
+ "templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=Path(notebook_path) / \"agentchat_realtime_websocket\" / \"templates\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "@app.get(\"/start-chat/\", response_class=HTMLResponse)\n",
+ "async def start_chat(request: Request):\n",
+ " \"\"\"Endpoint to return the HTML page for audio chat.\"\"\"\n",
+ " port = PORT # Extract the client's port\n",
+ " return templates.TemplateResponse(\"chat.html\", {\"request\": request, \"port\": port})"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Prepare endpint for converstion audio stream\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Set Up the WebSocket Endpoint**: Define the `/media-stream` WebSocket route to handle audio streaming.\n",
+ "2. **Accept WebSocket Connections**: Accept incoming WebSocket connections from clients.\n",
+ "3. **Initialize Logger**: Retrieve a logger instance for logging purposes.\n",
+ "4. **Configure Audio Adapter**: Instantiate a `WebSocketAudioAdapter`, connecting the WebSocket to handle audio streaming with logging.\n",
+ "5. **Set Up Realtime Agent**: Create a `RealtimeAgent` with the following:\n",
+ " - **Name**: `Weather Bot`.\n",
+ " - **System Message**: Introduces the AI assistant and its capabilities.\n",
+ " - **LLM Configuration**: Uses `realtime_llm_config` for language model settings.\n",
+ " - **Audio Adapter**: Leverages the previously created `audio_adapter`.\n",
+ " - **Logger**: Logs activities for debugging and monitoring.\n",
+ "6. **Register a Realtime Function**: Add a function `get_weather` to the agent, allowing it to respond with basic weather information based on the provided `location`.\n",
+ "7. **Run the Agent**: Start the `realtime_agent` to handle interactions in real time.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "@app.websocket(\"/media-stream\")\n",
+ "async def handle_media_stream(websocket: WebSocket):\n",
+ " \"\"\"Handle WebSocket connections providing audio stream and OpenAI.\"\"\"\n",
+ " await websocket.accept()\n",
+ "\n",
+ " logger = getLogger(\"uvicorn.error\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " audio_adapter = WebSocketAudioAdapter(websocket, logger=logger)\n",
+ " realtime_agent = RealtimeAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"Weather_Bot\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"Hello there! I am an AI voice assistant powered by Autogen and the OpenAI Realtime API. You can ask me about weather, jokes, or anything you can imagine. Start by saying 'How can I help you'?\",\n",
+ " llm_config=realtime_llm_config,\n",
+ " audio_adapter=audio_adapter,\n",
+ " voice=\"alloy\",\n",
+ " logger=logger,\n",
+ " )\n",
+ "\n",
+ " realtime_agent.register_swarm(\n",
+ " initial_agent=triage_agent,\n",
+ " agents=[triage_agent, flight_modification, flight_cancel, flight_change, lost_baggage],\n",
+ " )\n",
+ "\n",
+ " await realtime_agent.run()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Run the app using uvicorn"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "uvicorn.run(app, host=\"\", port=PORT)"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "front_matter": {
+ "description": "Swarm Ochestration",
+ "tags": [
+ "orchestration",
+ "group chat",
+ "swarm"
+ ]
+ },
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": ".venv",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.10.16"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0163198332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# RealtimeAgent with WebRTC connection\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "AG2 supports **RealtimeAgent**, a powerful agent type that connects seamlessly to OpenAI's [Realtime API](https://openai.com/index/introducing-the-realtime-api). In this example we will start a local RealtimeAgent and register a mock get_weather function that the agent will be able to call.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "**Note**: This notebook cannot be run in Google Colab because it depends on local JavaScript files and HTML templates. To execute the notebook successfully, run it locally within the cloned project so that the `notebooks/agentchat_realtime_websocket/static` and `notebooks/agentchat_realtime_websocket/templates` folders are available in the correct relative paths.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "````{=mdx}\n",
+ ":::info Requirements\n",
+ "Install `ag2`:\n",
+ "```bash\n",
+ "git clone https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2.git\n",
+ "cd ag2\n",
+ "```\n",
+ ":::\n",
+ "````\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "\n",
+ "## Install AG2 and dependencies\n",
+ "\n",
+ "To use the realtime agent we will connect it to a local websocket trough the browser.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "To be able to run this notebook, you will need to install ag2, fastapi and uvicorn.\n",
+ "````{=mdx}\n",
+ ":::info Requirements\n",
+ "Install `ag2`:\n",
+ "```bash\n",
+ "pip install \"ag2\", \"fastapi>=0.115.0,<1\", \"uvicorn>=0.30.6,<1\" \"flaml[automl]\"\n",
+ "```\n",
+ "For more information, please refer to the [installation guide](/docs/installation/Installation).\n",
+ ":::\n",
+ "````"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "!pip install \"ag2\" \"fastapi>=0.115.0,<1\" \"uvicorn>=0.30.6,<1\""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Import the dependencies\n",
+ "\n",
+ "After installing the necessary requirements, we can import the necessary dependencies for the example"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import os\n",
+ "from logging import getLogger\n",
+ "from pathlib import Path\n",
+ "from typing import Annotated\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import uvicorn\n",
+ "from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, WebSocket\n",
+ "from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, JSONResponse\n",
+ "from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles\n",
+ "from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import autogen\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.realtime_agent import RealtimeAgent"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Prepare your `llm_config` and `realtime_llm_config`\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The [`config_list_from_json`](https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/reference/oai/openai_utils#config-list-from-json) function loads a list of configurations from an environment variable or a json file.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "## Important note\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Currenlty WebRTC can be used only by API keys the begin with:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "```\n",
+ "sk-proj\n",
+ "```\n",
+ "\n",
+ "and other keys may result internal server error (500) on OpenAI server. For more details see:\n",
+ "https://community.openai.com/t/realtime-api-create-sessions-results-in-500-internal-server-error/1060964/5\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "realtime_config_list = autogen.config_list_from_json(\n",
+ " \"OAI_CONFIG_LIST\",\n",
+ " filter_dict={\n",
+ " \"tags\": [\"gpt-4o-mini-realtime\"],\n",
+ " },\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "realtime_llm_config = {\n",
+ " \"timeout\": 600,\n",
+ " \"config_list\": realtime_config_list,\n",
+ " \"temperature\": 0.8,\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "assert realtime_config_list, (\n",
+ " \"No LLM found for the given model, please add the following lines to the OAI_CONFIG_LIST file:\"\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " {\n",
+ " \"model\": \"gpt-4o-mini-realtime-preview\",\n",
+ " \"api_key\": \"sk-prod*********************...*\",\n",
+ " \"tags\": [\"gpt-4o-mini-realtime\", \"realtime\"]\n",
+ " }\"\"\"\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Before you start the server\n",
+ "\n",
+ "To run uvicorn server inside the notebook, you will need to use nest_asyncio. This is because Jupyter uses the asyncio event loop, and uvicorn uses its own event loop. nest_asyncio will allow uvicorn to run in Jupyter.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Please install nest_asyncio by running the following cell."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "!pip install nest_asyncio"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import nest_asyncio\n",
+ "\n",
+ "nest_asyncio.apply()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Implementing and Running a Basic App\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Let us set up and execute a FastAPI application that integrates real-time agent interactions."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Define basic FastAPI app\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Define Port**: Sets the `PORT` variable to `5050`, which will be used for the server.\n",
+ "2. **Initialize FastAPI App**: Creates a `FastAPI` instance named `app`, which serves as the main application.\n",
+ "3. **Define Root Endpoint**: Adds a `GET` endpoint at the root URL (`/`). When accessed, it returns a JSON response with the message `\"WebRTC AG2 Server is running!\"`.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "This sets up a basic FastAPI server and provides a simple health-check endpoint to confirm that the server is operational."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "PORT = 5050\n",
+ "\n",
+ "app = FastAPI()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "@app.get(\"/\", response_class=JSONResponse)\n",
+ "async def index_page():\n",
+ " return {\"message\": \"WebRTC AG2 Server is running!\"}"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Prepare `start-chat` endpoint\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Set the Working Directory**: Define `notebook_path` as the current working directory using `os.getcwd()`.\n",
+ "2. **Mount Static Files**: Mount the `static` directory (inside `agentchat_realtime_webrtc`) to serve JavaScript, CSS, and other static assets under the `/static` path.\n",
+ "3. **Set Up Templates**: Configure Jinja2 to render HTML templates from the `templates` directory within `agentchat_realtime_webrtc`.\n",
+ "4. **Create the `/start-chat/` Endpoint**: Define a `GET` route that serves the `chat.html` template. Pass the client's `request` and the `port` variable to the template for rendering a dynamic page for the audio chat interface.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "This code sets up static file handling, template rendering, and a dedicated endpoint to deliver the chat interface.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "notebook_path = os.getcwd()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "app.mount(\"/static\", StaticFiles(directory=Path(notebook_path) / \"agentchat_realtime_webrtc\" / \"static\"), name=\"static\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Templates for HTML responses\n",
+ "\n",
+ "templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=Path(notebook_path) / \"agentchat_realtime_webrtc\" / \"templates\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "@app.get(\"/start-chat/\", response_class=HTMLResponse)\n",
+ "async def start_chat(request: Request):\n",
+ " \"\"\"Endpoint to return the HTML page for audio chat.\"\"\"\n",
+ " port = PORT # Extract the client's port\n",
+ " return templates.TemplateResponse(\"chat.html\", {\"request\": request, \"port\": port})"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Prepare endpoint for AG2 backend websocket\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. **Set Up the WebSocket Endpoint**: Define the `/session` WebSocket route to handle audio streaming.\n",
+ "2. **Accept WebSocket Connections**: Accept incoming WebSocket connections from clients.\n",
+ "3. **Initialize Logger**: Retrieve a logger instance for logging purposes.\n",
+ "4. **Set Up Realtime Agent**: Create a `RealtimeAgent` with the following:\n",
+ " - **Name**: `Weather Bot`.\n",
+ " - **System Message**: Introduces the AI assistant and its capabilities.\n",
+ " - **LLM Configuration**: Uses `realtime_llm_config` for language model settings.\n",
+ " - **Websocket**: Used by the RealtimeAgent backend to receive messages form WebRTC application.\n",
+ " - **Logger**: Logs activities for debugging and monitoring.\n",
+ "6. **Register a Realtime Function**: Add a function `get_weather` to the agent, allowing it to respond with basic weather information based on the provided `location`.\n",
+ "7. **Run the Agent**: Start the `realtime_agent` to handle interactions in real time.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "@app.websocket(\"/session\")\n",
+ "async def handle_media_stream(websocket: WebSocket):\n",
+ " \"\"\"Handle WebSocket connections providing audio stream and OpenAI.\"\"\"\n",
+ " await websocket.accept()\n",
+ "\n",
+ " logger = getLogger(\"uvicorn.error\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " realtime_agent = RealtimeAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"Weather Bot\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"Hello there! I am an AI voice assistant powered by Autogen and the OpenAI Realtime API. You can ask me about weather, jokes, or anything you can imagine. Start by saying 'How can I help you'?\",\n",
+ " llm_config=realtime_llm_config,\n",
+ " websocket=websocket,\n",
+ " logger=logger,\n",
+ " )\n",
+ "\n",
+ " @realtime_agent.register_realtime_function(name=\"get_weather\", description=\"Get the current weather\")\n",
+ " def get_weather(location: Annotated[str, \"city\"]) -> str:\n",
+ " logger.info(f\"Checking the weather: {location}\")\n",
+ " return \"The weather is cloudy.\" if location == \"Rome\" else \"The weather is sunny.\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ " await realtime_agent.run()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Run the app using uvicorn"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "uvicorn.run(app, host=\"\", port=PORT)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": []
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "front_matter": {
+ "description": "RealtimeAgent using websockets",
+ "tags": [
+ "realtime",
+ "websockets"
+ ]
+ },
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": ".venv-3.9",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.11.3"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc/static/WebRTC.js b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc/static/WebRTC.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..419bd461dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc/static/WebRTC.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+export async function init(webSocketUrl) {
+ let ws
+ const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
+ let dc = null; // data connection
+ async function openRTC(data) {
+ const EPHEMERAL_KEY = data.client_secret.value;
+ // Set up to play remote audio from the model
+ const audioEl = document.createElement("audio");
+ audioEl.autoplay = true;
+ pc.ontrack = e => audioEl.srcObject = e.streams[0];
+ // Add local audio track for microphone input in the browser
+ const ms = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
+ audio: true
+ });
+ pc.addTrack(ms.getTracks()[0]);
+ // Set up data channel for sending and receiving events
+ dc = pc.createDataChannel("oai-events");
+ dc.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
+ // Realtime server events appear here!
+ const message = JSON.parse(e.data)
+ if (message.type.includes("function")) {
+ console.log("WebRTC function message", message)
+ ws.send(e.data)
+ }
+ });
+ // Start the session using the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
+ const offer = await pc.createOffer();
+ await pc.setLocalDescription(offer);
+ const baseUrl = "https://api.openai.com/v1/realtime";
+ const model = data.model;
+ const sdpResponse = await fetch(`${baseUrl}?model=${model}`, {
+ method: "POST",
+ body: offer.sdp,
+ headers: {
+ Authorization: `Bearer ${EPHEMERAL_KEY}`,
+ "Content-Type": "application/sdp"
+ },
+ });
+ const answer = {
+ type: "answer",
+ sdp: await sdpResponse.text(),
+ };
+ await pc.setRemoteDescription(answer);
+ console.log("Connected to OpenAI WebRTC")
+ }
+ ws = new WebSocket(webSocketUrl);
+ ws.onopen = event => {
+ console.log("web socket opened")
+ }
+ ws.onmessage = async event => {
+ const message = JSON.parse(event.data)
+ console.info("Received Message from AG2 backend", message)
+ const type = message.type
+ if (type == "ag2.init") {
+ await openRTC(message.config)
+ return
+ }
+ const messageJSON = JSON.stringify(message)
+ if (dc) {
+ dc.send(messageJSON)
+ } else {
+ console.log("DC not ready yet", message)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc/static/main.js b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc/static/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b44401d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc/static/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { init } from './WebRTC.js';
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc/templates/chat.html b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc/templates/chat.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aee1ee6abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_webrtc/templates/chat.html
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Ag2 WebRTC Chat
+ Ag2 WebRTC Chat
+ Ensure microphone and speaker access is enabled.
+ You may try asking about weather in some cities.
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_realtime_websocket.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_websocket.ipynb
index ddd77663b2..78eb5572ab 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_realtime_websocket.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_websocket.ipynb
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "!pip install \"ag2\" \"fastapi>=0.115.0,<1\" \"uvicorn>=0.30.6,<1\""
+ "!pip install \"ag2\" \"fastapi>=0.115.0,<1\" \"uvicorn>=0.30.6,<1\" \"jinja2\""
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
"1. **Define Port**: Sets the `PORT` variable to `5050`, which will be used for the server.\n",
"2. **Initialize FastAPI App**: Creates a `FastAPI` instance named `app`, which serves as the main application.\n",
- "3. **Define Root Endpoint**: Adds a `GET` endpoint at the root URL (`/`). When accessed, it returns a JSON response with the message `\"Websocket Audio Stream Server is running!\"`.\n",
+ "3. **Define Root Endpoint**: Adds a `GET` endpoint at the root URL (`/`). When accessed, it returns a JSON response with the message `\"WebSocket Audio Stream Server is running!\"`.\n",
"This sets up a basic FastAPI server and provides a simple health-check endpoint to confirm that the server is operational."
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
"@app.get(\"/\", response_class=JSONResponse)\n",
"async def index_page():\n",
- " return {\"message\": \"Websocket Audio Stream Server is running!\"}"
+ " return {\"message\": \"WebSocket Audio Stream Server is running!\"}"
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
"kernelspec": {
- "display_name": ".venv-3.9",
+ "display_name": ".venv",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.9.20"
+ "version": "3.10.16"
"nbformat": 4,
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_realtime_websocket/templates/chat.html b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_websocket/templates/chat.html
index 2ee46eac24..916f9f85da 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_realtime_websocket/templates/chat.html
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_realtime_websocket/templates/chat.html
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
const port = {{ port }};
const socketUrl = `ws://localhost:${port}/media-stream`;
Audio Chat
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_reasoning_agent.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_reasoning_agent.ipynb
index 670044ea1e..bd67bab644 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_reasoning_agent.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_reasoning_agent.ipynb
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"import os\n",
"import random\n",
- "from autogen import AssistantAgent, ReasoningAgent, ThinkNode, UserProxyAgent, visualize_tree\n",
+ "from autogen import AssistantAgent, ReasoningAgent, ThinkNode, UserProxyAgent\n",
"api_key = os.environ.get(\"OPENAI_API_KEY\")\n",
@@ -3723,8 +3723,7 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "import json\n",
- "import pickle"
+ "import json"
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_society_of_mind.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_society_of_mind.ipynb
index 36fe67799c..61ab19144f 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_society_of_mind.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_society_of_mind.ipynb
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "import autogen # noqa: E402\n",
+ "import autogen\n",
"llm_config = {\n",
" \"timeout\": 600,\n",
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
"source": [
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.society_of_mind_agent import SocietyOfMindAgent # noqa: E402\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.society_of_mind_agent import SocietyOfMindAgent\n",
"task = \"On which days in 2024 was Microsoft Stock higher than $370?\"\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_sql_spider.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_sql_spider.ipynb
index bda12df06f..57f679a6fb 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_sql_spider.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_sql_spider.ipynb
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
" return False\n",
" json_str = msg[\"tool_responses\"][0][\"content\"]\n",
" obj = json.loads(json_str)\n",
- " return \"error\" not in obj or obj[\"error\"] is None and obj[\"reward\"] == 1\n",
+ " return \"error\" not in obj or (obj[\"error\"] is None and obj[\"reward\"] == 1)\n",
"sql_writer = ConversableAgent(\n",
@@ -295,11 +295,11 @@
"metadata": {
"front_matter": {
- "description": "Natural language text to SQL query using the Spider text-to-SQL benchmark.",
- "tags": [
- "SQL",
- "tool/function"
- ]
+ "description": "Natural language text to SQL query using the Spider text-to-SQL benchmark.",
+ "tags": [
+ "SQL",
+ "tool/function"
+ ]
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": ".venv",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_stream.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_stream.ipynb
index 2d404c6d1f..7b5fa8dd4b 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_stream.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_stream.ipynb
@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def get_market_news(ind, ind_upper):\n",
- " import json\n",
- "\n",
- " import requests\n",
- "\n",
" # replace the \"demo\" apikey below with your own key from https://www.alphavantage.co/support/#api-key\n",
" # url = 'https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=NEWS_SENTIMENT&tickers=AAPL&sort=LATEST&limit=5&apikey=demo'\n",
" # r = requests.get(url)\n",
@@ -350,14 +346,14 @@
"source": [
- "await user_proxy.a_initiate_chat( # noqa: F704\n",
+ "await user_proxy.a_initiate_chat(\n",
" assistant,\n",
" message=\"\"\"Give me investment suggestion in 3 bullet points.\"\"\",\n",
"while not data_task.done() and not data_task.cancelled():\n",
- " reply = await user_proxy.a_generate_reply(sender=assistant) # noqa: F704\n",
+ " reply = await user_proxy.a_generate_reply(sender=assistant)\n",
" if reply is not None:\n",
- " await user_proxy.a_send(reply, assistant) # noqa: F704"
+ " await user_proxy.a_send(reply, assistant)"
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_surfer.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_surfer.ipynb
index 5ab0450073..459d04fd81 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_surfer.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_surfer.ipynb
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "import autogen # noqa: E402\n",
+ "import autogen\n",
"llm_config = {\n",
" \"timeout\": 600,\n",
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "import os # noqa: E402\n",
+ "import os\n",
"bing_api_key = os.environ[\"BING_API_KEY\"]"
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.web_surfer import WebSurferAgent # noqa: E402\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.web_surfer import WebSurferAgent\n",
"web_surfer = WebSurferAgent(\n",
" \"web_surfer\",\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_swarm_enhanced.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_swarm_enhanced.ipynb
index 7645ea275d..46e18dfc03 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_swarm_enhanced.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_swarm_enhanced.ipynb
@@ -222,7 +222,6 @@
"def check_order_id(order_id: str, context_variables: dict) -> SwarmResult:\n",
" \"\"\"Check if the order ID is valid\"\"\"\n",
- "\n",
" # Restricts order to checking to the logged in user\n",
" if (\n",
" context_variables[\"logged_in_username\"]\n",
@@ -242,7 +241,6 @@
"def record_order_id(order_id: str, context_variables: dict) -> SwarmResult:\n",
" \"\"\"Record the order ID in the workflow context\"\"\"\n",
- "\n",
" if order_id not in ORDER_DATABASE:\n",
" return SwarmResult(\n",
" context_variables=context_variables,\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_swarm_graphrag_telemetry_trip_planner.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_swarm_graphrag_telemetry_trip_planner.ipynb
index 680f2b499d..259bca191d 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_swarm_graphrag_telemetry_trip_planner.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_swarm_graphrag_telemetry_trip_planner.ipynb
@@ -501,8 +501,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def _fetch_travel_time(origin: str, destination: str) -> dict:\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Retrieves route information using Google Maps Directions API.\n",
+ " \"\"\"Retrieves route information using Google Maps Directions API.\n",
" API documentation at https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/get-directions\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" endpoint = \"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json\"\n",
@@ -522,7 +521,6 @@
"def update_itinerary_with_travel_times(context_variables: dict) -> SwarmResult:\n",
" \"\"\"Update the complete itinerary with travel times between each event.\"\"\"\n",
- "\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Retrieves route information using Google Maps Directions API.\n",
" API documentation at https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/get-directions\n",
@@ -631,7 +629,6 @@
"def create_structured_itinerary(context_variables: Dict[str, Any], structured_itinerary: str) -> SwarmResult:\n",
" \"\"\"Once a structured itinerary is created, store it and pass on to the Route Timing agent.\"\"\"\n",
- "\n",
" # Ensure the itinerary is confirmed, if not, back to the Planner agent to confirm it with the customer\n",
" if not context_variables[\"itinerary_confirmed\"]:\n",
" return SwarmResult(\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_swarm_graphrag_trip_planner.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_swarm_graphrag_trip_planner.ipynb
index eb901a85aa..ca4ce1aa16 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_swarm_graphrag_trip_planner.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_swarm_graphrag_trip_planner.ipynb
@@ -397,8 +397,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def _fetch_travel_time(origin: str, destination: str) -> dict:\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Retrieves route information using Google Maps Directions API.\n",
+ " \"\"\"Retrieves route information using Google Maps Directions API.\n",
" API documentation at https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/get-directions\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" endpoint = \"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json\"\n",
@@ -418,7 +417,6 @@
"def update_itinerary_with_travel_times(context_variables: dict) -> SwarmResult:\n",
" \"\"\"Update the complete itinerary with travel times between each event.\"\"\"\n",
- "\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Retrieves route information using Google Maps Directions API.\n",
" API documentation at https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/get-directions\n",
@@ -527,7 +525,6 @@
"def create_structured_itinerary(context_variables: Dict[str, Any], structured_itinerary: str) -> SwarmResult:\n",
" \"\"\"Once a structured itinerary is created, store it and pass on to the Route Timing agent.\"\"\"\n",
- "\n",
" # Ensure the itinerary is confirmed, if not, back to the Planner agent to confirm it with the customer\n",
" if not context_variables[\"itinerary_confirmed\"]:\n",
" return SwarmResult(\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_tabular_data_rag_workflow.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_tabular_data_rag_workflow.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e34f03950c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_tabular_data_rag_workflow.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Agentic RAG workflow on tabular data from a PDF file\n",
+ "\n",
+ "In this notebook, we're building a workflow to extract accurate tabular data information from a PDF file.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The following bullets summarize the notebook, with highlights being:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- Parse the PDF file and extract tables into images (optional).\n",
+ "- A single RAG agent fails to get the accurate information from tabular data.\n",
+ "- An agentic workflow using a groupchat is able to extract information accurately:\n",
+ " - the agentic workflow uses a RAG agent to extract document metadata (e.g. the image of a data table using just the table name)\n",
+ " - the table image is converted to Markdown through a multi-modal agent\n",
+ " - finally, an assistant agent answers the original question with an LLM"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "````{=mdx}\n",
+ ":::info Requirements\n",
+ "Unstructured-IO is a dependency for this notebook to parse the PDF. Please install AG2 (with the neo4j extra) and the dependencies:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "- Install Poppler https://pdf2image.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html\n",
+ "- Install Tesseract https://tesseract-ocr.github.io/tessdoc/Installation.html\n",
+ "- pip install ag2[neo4j], unstructured==0.16.11, pi-heif==0.21.0, unstructured_inference==0.8.1, unstructured.pytesseract==0.3.13, pytesseract==0.3.13\n",
+ ":::\n",
+ "````\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Set Configuration and OpenAI API Key"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import os\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import autogen\n",
+ "\n",
+ "config_list = autogen.config_list_from_json(\n",
+ " \"OAI_CONFIG_LIST\",\n",
+ " filter_dict={\n",
+ " \"model\": [\"gpt-4o\"],\n",
+ " },\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "os.environ[\"OPENAI_API_KEY\"] = config_list[0][\"api_key\"]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Parse PDF file\n",
+ "\n",
+ "**Skip and use parsed files to run the rest.**\n",
+ "This step is expensive and time consuming, please skip if you don't need to generate the full data set. The **estimated cost is from $10 to $15 to parse the pdf file and build the knowledge graph with entire parsed output**.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "For the notebook, we use a common finanical document, [Nvidia 2024 10-K](https://investor.nvidia.com/financial-info/sec-filings/sec-filings-details/default.aspx?FilingId=17293267) as an example ([file download link](https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001045810/1cbe8fe7-e08a-46e3-8dcc-b429fc06c1a4.pdf)).\n",
+ "\n",
+ "We use Unstructured-IO to parse the PDF, the table and image from the PDF are extracted out as .jpg files.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "All parsed output are saved in a JSON file."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from unstructured.partition.pdf import partition_pdf\n",
+ "from unstructured.staging.base import elements_to_json\n",
+ "\n",
+ "file_elements = partition_pdf(\n",
+ " filename=\"./input_files/nvidia_10k_2024.pdf\",\n",
+ " strategy=\"hi_res\",\n",
+ " languages=[\"eng\"],\n",
+ " infer_table_structure=True,\n",
+ " extract_images_in_pdf=True,\n",
+ " extract_image_block_output_dir=\"./parsed_pdf_info\",\n",
+ " extract_image_block_types=[\"Image\", \"Table\"],\n",
+ " extract_forms=False,\n",
+ " form_extraction_skip_tables=False,\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "elements_to_json(elements=file_elements, filename=\"parsed_elements.json\", encoding=\"utf-8\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "#### Create sample dataset"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import json\n",
+ "\n",
+ "output_elements = []\n",
+ "keys_to_extract = [\"element_id\", \"text\", \"type\"]\n",
+ "metadata_keys = [\"page_number\", \"parent_id\", \"image_path\"]\n",
+ "text_types = set([\"Text\", \"UncategorizedText\", \"NarrativeText\"])\n",
+ "element_length = len(file_elements)\n",
+ "for idx in range(element_length):\n",
+ " data = file_elements[idx].to_dict()\n",
+ " new_data = {key: data[key] for key in keys_to_extract}\n",
+ " metadata = data[\"metadata\"]\n",
+ " for key in metadata_keys:\n",
+ " if key in metadata:\n",
+ " new_data[key] = metadata[key]\n",
+ " if data[\"type\"] == \"Table\":\n",
+ " if idx > 0:\n",
+ " pre_data = file_elements[idx - 1].to_dict()\n",
+ " if pre_data[\"type\"] in text_types:\n",
+ " new_data[\"text\"] = pre_data[\"text\"] + new_data[\"text\"]\n",
+ " if idx < element_length - 1:\n",
+ " post_data = file_elements[idx + 1].to_dict()\n",
+ " if post_data[\"type\"] in text_types:\n",
+ " new_data[\"text\"] = new_data[\"text\"] + post_data[\"text\"]\n",
+ " output_elements.append(new_data)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "with open(\"proessed_elements.json\", \"w\", encoding=\"utf-8\") as file:\n",
+ " json.dump(output_elements, file, indent=4)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Imports\n",
+ "\n",
+ "**If you want to skip the parsing of the PDF file, you can start here.**"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# This is needed to allow nested asyncio calls for Neo4j in Jupyter\n",
+ "import nest_asyncio\n",
+ "\n",
+ "nest_asyncio.apply()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from llama_index.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbedding\n",
+ "from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI\n",
+ "\n",
+ "from autogen import AssistantAgent, ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# load documents\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.document import Document, DocumentType\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_graph_query_engine import Neo4jGraphQueryEngine\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_graph_rag_capability import Neo4jGraphCapability\n",
+ "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.multimodal_conversable_agent import MultimodalConversableAgent"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Create a knowledge graph with sample data\n",
+ "\n",
+ "To save time and cost, we use a small subset of the data for the notebook.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "**This does not change the fact that the native RAG agent solution failed to provide the correct answer.**"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 8,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "22c02a975b784c5db13ea02163bd140a",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Parsing nodes: 0%| | 0/1 [00:00, ?it/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Extracting paths from text with schema: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:06<00:00, 6.96s/it]\n",
+ "Extracting and inferring knowledge graph from text: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:06<00:00, 6.77s/it]\n",
+ "Generating embeddings: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 3.30it/s]\n",
+ "Generating embeddings: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:03<00:00, 3.54s/it]\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "input_path = \"./agentchat_pdf_rag/sample_elements.json\"\n",
+ "input_documents = [\n",
+ " Document(doctype=DocumentType.JSON, path_or_url=input_path),\n",
+ "]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "query_engine = Neo4jGraphQueryEngine(\n",
+ " username=\"neo4j\", # Change if you reset username\n",
+ " password=\"password\", # Change if you reset password\n",
+ " host=\"bolt://\", # Change\n",
+ " port=7687, # if needed\n",
+ " llm=OpenAI(model=\"gpt-4o\", temperature=0.0), # Default, no need to specify\n",
+ " embedding=OpenAIEmbedding(model_name=\"text-embedding-3-small\"), # except you want to use a different model\n",
+ " database=\"neo4j\", # Change if you want to store the graphh in your custom database\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# query_engine._clear()\n",
+ "# Ingest data and create a new property graph\n",
+ "query_engine.init_db(input_doc=input_documents)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Connect to knowledge graph if it is built"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "query_engine = Neo4jGraphQueryEngine(\n",
+ " username=\"neo4j\",\n",
+ " password=\"password\",\n",
+ " host=\"bolt://\",\n",
+ " port=7687,\n",
+ " database=\"neo4j\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "query_engine.connect_db()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Native RAG Agent Solution\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The following shows that when use a native RAG agent for parsed data, the agent failed to get the right information (5,282 instead of 4,430).\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Our best guess is that RAG agent fails to understand the table structure from text."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to nvidia_rag):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Could you list all tables from the document and its image_path?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mnvidia_rag\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Certainly! Here is the table from the document along with its image path:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "1. Table: NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets (In millions, except value)\n",
+ " - Image Path: ./parsed_pdf_info/table-52-17.jpg\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33muser_proxy\u001b[0m (to nvidia_rag):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "what is goodwill asset (in millions) for 2024?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[33mnvidia_rag\u001b[0m (to user_proxy):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The goodwill asset for NVIDIA Corporation in 2024 is $5,282 million.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "ChatResult(chat_id=None, chat_history=[{'content': 'Could you list all tables from the document and its image_path?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': 'Certainly! Here is the table from the document along with its image path:\\n\\n1. Table: NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets (In millions, except value)\\n - Image Path: ./parsed_pdf_info/table-52-17.jpg', 'role': 'user', 'name': 'nvidia_rag'}, {'content': 'what is goodwill asset (in millions) for 2024?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': 'The goodwill asset for NVIDIA Corporation in 2024 is $5,282 million.', 'role': 'user', 'name': 'nvidia_rag'}], summary='The goodwill asset for NVIDIA Corporation in 2024 is $5,282 million.', cost={'usage_including_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}, 'usage_excluding_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}}, human_input=['what is goodwill asset (in millions) for 2024?', 'exit'])"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "rag_agent = ConversableAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"nvidia_rag\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Associate the capability with the agent\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability = Neo4jGraphCapability(query_engine)\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability.add_to_agent(rag_agent)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Create a user proxy agent to converse with our RAG agent\n",
+ "user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"user_proxy\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"ALWAYS\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "user_proxy.initiate_chat(rag_agent, message=\"Could you list all tables from the document and its image_path?\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Agentic RAG workflow for tabular data\n",
+ "From the above example, when asked the goodwill asset (in millions) of the table NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets, the answer was wrong.\n",
+ "The correct figure from the table is $4,430 million instead of $4,400 million. \n",
+ "To enhance the RAG performance from the tabular data, we introduce the enhanced workflow.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The workflow consists a group of agent and use groupchat to coordinate. It breaks the RAG into 3 mains steps,\n",
+ "1. it finds the parsed image of the corresponding table.\n",
+ "2. it converts the image to table in structured Markdown format.\n",
+ "3. With the table in Markdown, the workflow answer the question with the correct data."
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "llm_config = {\n",
+ " \"cache_seed\": 42, # change the cache_seed for different trials\n",
+ " \"temperature\": 1,\n",
+ " \"config_list\": config_list,\n",
+ " \"timeout\": 120,\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"User_proxy\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"A human admin.\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"ALWAYS\", # Try between ALWAYS or NEVER\n",
+ " code_execution_config=False,\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "table_assistant = AssistantAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"table_assistant\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"\"\"You are a helpful assistant.\n",
+ " You will extract the table name from the message and reply with \"Find image_path for Table: {table_name}\".\n",
+ " For example, when you got message \"What is column data in table XYZ?\",\n",
+ " you will reply \"Find image_path for Table: XYZ\"\n",
+ " \"\"\",\n",
+ " llm_config=llm_config,\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\", # Never ask for human input.\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "rag_agent = ConversableAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"nvidia_rag\",\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Associate the capability with the agent\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability = Neo4jGraphCapability(query_engine)\n",
+ "graph_rag_capability.add_to_agent(rag_agent)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "img_folder = \"/workspaces/ag2/notebook/agentchat_pdf_rag/parsed_pdf_info\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "img_request_format = ConversableAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"img_request_format\",\n",
+ " system_message=f\"\"\"You are a helpful assistant.\n",
+ " You will extract the table_file_name from the message and reply with \"Please extract table from the following image and convert it to Markdown.\n",
+ " .\".\n",
+ " For example, when you got message \"The image path for the table titled XYZ is \"./parsed_pdf_info/abcde\".\",\n",
+ " you will reply \"Please extract table from the following image and convert it to Markdown.\n",
+ " .\"\n",
+ " \"\"\",\n",
+ " llm_config=llm_config,\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "image2table_convertor = MultimodalConversableAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"image2table_convertor\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"\"\"\n",
+ " You are an image to table convertor. You will process an image of one or multiple consecutive tables.\n",
+ " You need to follow the following steps in sequence,\n",
+ " 1. extract the complete table contents and structure.\n",
+ " 2. Make sure the structure is complete and no information is left out. Otherwise, start from step 1 again.\n",
+ " 3. Correct typos in the text fields.\n",
+ " 4. In the end, output the table(s) in Markdown.\n",
+ " \"\"\",\n",
+ " llm_config={\"config_list\": config_list, \"max_tokens\": 300},\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\",\n",
+ " max_consecutive_auto_reply=1,\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "conclusion = AssistantAgent(\n",
+ " name=\"conclusion\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"\"\"You are a helpful assistant.\n",
+ " Base on the history of the groupchat, answer the original question from User_proxy.\n",
+ " \"\"\",\n",
+ " llm_config=llm_config,\n",
+ " human_input_mode=\"NEVER\", # Never ask for human input.\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 15,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\u001b[33mUser_proxy\u001b[0m (to chat_manager):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "What is goodwill asset (in millions) for 2024 in table NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[32m\n",
+ "Next speaker: table_assistant\n",
+ "\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mtable_assistant\u001b[0m (to chat_manager):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Find image_path for Table: NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[32m\n",
+ "Next speaker: nvidia_rag\n",
+ "\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mnvidia_rag\u001b[0m (to chat_manager):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The image path for the table titled \"NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets\" is \"./parsed_pdf_info/table-52-17.jpg\".\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[32m\n",
+ "Next speaker: img_request_format\n",
+ "\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mimg_request_format\u001b[0m (to chat_manager):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Please extract table from the following image and convert it to Markdown.\n",
+ " .\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[32m\n",
+ "Next speaker: image2table_convertor\n",
+ "\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mimage2table_convertor\u001b[0m (to chat_manager):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Here is the extracted table from the image in Markdown format:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "```markdown\n",
+ "| | Jan 28, 2024 | Jan 29, 2023 |\n",
+ "|------------------------------------------|--------------|--------------|\n",
+ "| **Assets** | | |\n",
+ "| Current assets: | | |\n",
+ "| Cash and cash equivalents | $7,280 | $3,389 |\n",
+ "| Marketable securities | $18,704 | $9,907 |\n",
+ "| Accounts receivable, net | $9,999 | $3,827 |\n",
+ "| Inventories | $5,282 | $5,159 |\n",
+ "| Prepaid expenses and other current assets | $3,080 | $791 |\n",
+ "| Total current assets | $44,345 | $23,073 |\n",
+ "| Property and equipment, net | $3,914 | $3,807 |\n",
+ "| Operating lease assets | $1,346 | $1,038 |\n",
+ "| Goodwill | $4,430 | $4,372 |\n",
+ "| Intangible assets, net | $1,112 | $1,676 |\n",
+ "| Deferred income tax assets | $6,081 | $3,396 |\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[32m\n",
+ "Next speaker: conclusion\n",
+ "\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mconclusion\u001b[0m (to chat_manager):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The goodwill asset for NVIDIA Corporation as of January 28, 2024, is $4,430 million.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[32m\n",
+ "Next speaker: User_proxy\n",
+ "\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mUser_proxy\u001b[0m (to chat_manager):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "What is the total current assets from the table NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets?\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[32m\n",
+ "Next speaker: table_assistant\n",
+ "\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mtable_assistant\u001b[0m (to chat_manager):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "The total current assets from the table \"NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets\" are $44,345 million as of January 28, 2024.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[32m\n",
+ "Next speaker: nvidia_rag\n",
+ "\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mnvidia_rag\u001b[0m (to chat_manager):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Yes, that's correct! The total current assets for NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries as of January 28, 2024, are $44,345 million, according to the table \"NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets.\" If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
+ "\u001b[32m\n",
+ "Next speaker: img_request_format\n",
+ "\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[33mimg_request_format\u001b[0m (to chat_manager):\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Great, if you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!\n",
+ "\n",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "groupchat = autogen.GroupChat(\n",
+ " agents=[\n",
+ " user_proxy,\n",
+ " table_assistant,\n",
+ " rag_agent,\n",
+ " img_request_format,\n",
+ " image2table_convertor,\n",
+ " conclusion,\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " messages=[],\n",
+ " speaker_selection_method=\"round_robin\",\n",
+ ")\n",
+ "manager = autogen.GroupChatManager(groupchat=groupchat, llm_config=llm_config)\n",
+ "chat_result = user_proxy.initiate_chat(\n",
+ " manager,\n",
+ " message=\"What is goodwill asset (in millions) for 2024 in table NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets?\",\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "front_matter": {
+ "description": "Agentic RAG workflow on tabular data from a PDF file",
+ "tags": [
+ "RAG",
+ "groupchat"
+ ]
+ },
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.11.10"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_teachable_oai_assistants.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_teachable_oai_assistants.ipynb
index ce4a599374..d7c0e0e7a6 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_teachable_oai_assistants.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_teachable_oai_assistants.ipynb
@@ -173,9 +173,7 @@
"def get_ossinsight(question):\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Retrieve the top 10 developers with the most followers on GitHub.\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
+ " \"\"\"Retrieve the top 10 developers with the most followers on GitHub.\"\"\"\n",
" url = \"https://api.ossinsight.io/explorer/answer\"\n",
" headers = {\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"}\n",
" data = {\"question\": question, \"ignoreCache\": True}\n",
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_video_transcript_translate_with_whisper.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_video_transcript_translate_with_whisper.ipynb
index 4da24e20cb..ea3189092a 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_video_transcript_translate_with_whisper.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_video_transcript_translate_with_whisper.ipynb
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
" except FileNotFoundError:\n",
" return \"The specified audio file could not be found.\"\n",
" except Exception as e:\n",
- " return f\"An unexpected error occurred: {str(e)}\""
+ " return f\"An unexpected error occurred: {e!s}\""
diff --git a/notebook/agentchat_websockets.ipynb b/notebook/agentchat_websockets.ipynb
index b3f7e87879..00d421d2ce 100644
--- a/notebook/agentchat_websockets.ipynb
+++ b/notebook/agentchat_websockets.ipynb
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"Some extra dependencies are needed for this notebook, which can be installed via pip:\n",
- "pip install autogen[websockets] fastapi uvicorn\n",
+ "pip install ag2[websockets] fastapi uvicorn\n",
"For more information, please refer to the [installation guide](/docs/installation/Installation).\n",
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"config_list = autogen.config_list_from_json(\n",
" env_or_file=\"OAI_CONFIG_LIST\",\n",
" filter_dict={\n",
- " \"model\": [\"gpt-4o\", \"gpt-4o-mini\"],\n",
+ " \"model\": [\"gpt-4o-mini\"],\n",
" },\n",
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
"source": [
"## Defining `on_connect` function\n",
- "An `on_connect` function is a crucial part of applications that utilize websockets, acting as an event handler that is called whenever a new client connection is established. This function is designed to initiate any necessary setup, communication protocols, or data exchange procedures specific to the newly connected client. Essentially, it lays the groundwork for the interactive session that follows, configuring how the server and the client will communicate and what initial actions are to be taken once a connection is made. Now, let's delve into the details of how to define this function, especially in the context of using the AutoGen framework with websockets.\n",
+ "An `on_connect` function is a crucial part of applications that utilize websockets, acting as an event handler that is called whenever a new client connection is established. This function is designed to initiate any necessary setup, communication protocols, or data exchange procedures specific to the newly connected client. Essentially, it lays the groundwork for the interactive session that follows, configuring how the server and the client will communicate and what initial actions are to be taken once a connection is made. Now, let's delve into the details of how to define this function, especially in the context of using the AG2 framework with websockets.\n",
"Upon a client's connection to the websocket server, the server automatically initiates a new instance of the [`IOWebsockets`](https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/reference/io/websockets#iowebsockets) class. This instance is crucial for managing the data flow between the server and the client. The `on_connect` function leverages this instance to set up the communication protocol, define interaction rules, and initiate any preliminary data exchanges or configurations required for the client-server interaction to proceed smoothly.\n"
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
" f\" - on_connect(): Initiating chat with agent {agent} using message '{initial_msg}'\",\n",
" flush=True,\n",
" )\n",
- " user_proxy.initiate_chat( # noqa: F704\n",
+ " user_proxy.initiate_chat(\n",
" agent,\n",
" message=initial_msg,\n",
" )\n",
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
"source": [
"## Testing websockets server running inside FastAPI server with HTML/JS client\n",
- "The code snippets below outlines an approach for testing an `on_connect` function in a web environment using [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/) to serve a simple interactive HTML page. This method allows users to send messages through a web interface, which are then processed by the server running the AutoGen framework via websockets. Here's a step-by-step explanation:\n",
+ "The code snippets below outlines an approach for testing an `on_connect` function in a web environment using [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/) to serve a simple interactive HTML page. This method allows users to send messages through a web interface, which are then processed by the server running the AG2 framework via websockets. Here's a step-by-step explanation:\n",
"1. **FastAPI Application Setup**: The code initiates by importing necessary libraries and setting up a FastAPI application. FastAPI is a modern, fast web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints.\n",
@@ -246,21 +246,21 @@
"5. **Starting the FastAPI Application**: Lastly, the FastAPI application is started using Uvicorn, an ASGI server, configured with the app and additional parameters as needed. The server is then launched to serve the FastAPI application, making the interactive HTML page accessible to users.\n",
- "This method of testing allows for interactive communication between the user and the server, providing a practical way to demonstrate and evaluate the behavior of the on_connect function in real-time. Users can send messages through the webpage, and the server processes these messages as per the logic defined in the on_connect function, showcasing the capabilities and responsiveness of the AutoGen framework's websocket handling in a user-friendly manner."
+ "This method of testing allows for interactive communication between the user and the server, providing a practical way to demonstrate and evaluate the behavior of the on_connect function in real-time. Users can send messages through the webpage, and the server processes these messages as per the logic defined in the on_connect function, showcasing the capabilities and responsiveness of the AG2 framework's websocket handling in a user-friendly manner."
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
+ "execution_count": 5,
"id": "5e55dc06",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "from contextlib import asynccontextmanager # noqa: E402\n",
- "from pathlib import Path # noqa: E402\n",
+ "from contextlib import asynccontextmanager\n",
+ "from pathlib import Path\n",
- "from fastapi import FastAPI # noqa: E402\n",
- "from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse # noqa: E402\n",
+ "from fastapi import FastAPI\n",
+ "from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse\n",
"PORT = 8000\n",
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
" \n",
- " Autogen websocket test \n",
+ " AG2 websocket test \n",
" \n",
" \n",
" WebSocket Chat \n",
@@ -322,11 +322,11 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "import uvicorn # noqa: E402\n",
+ "import uvicorn\n",
"config = uvicorn.Config(app)\n",
"server = uvicorn.Server(config)\n",
- "await server.serve() # noqa: F704"
+ "await server.serve()"
@@ -380,18 +380,101 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler # noqa: E402\n",
+ "from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler\n",
"PORT = 8000\n",
- "html = \"\"\"\n",
+ "# Format JSON-based messages for display\n",
+ "js_formatters = \"\"\"\n",
+ "function formatMessageContent(content) {\n",
+ " if (content && typeof content === 'object') {\n",
+ " // Create a copy without uuid\n",
+ " const formatted = {};\n",
+ " for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(content)) {\n",
+ " if (key !== 'uuid') {\n",
+ " formatted[key] = value;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " return JSON.stringify(formatted, null, 2);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " return String(content);\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "function format_message(data) {\n",
+ " try {\n",
+ " let msg = typeof data === 'string' ? JSON.parse(data) : data;\n",
+ " let formatted = {\n",
+ " type: msg.type || '',\n",
+ " content: formatMessageContent(msg.content)\n",
+ " };\n",
+ "\n",
+ " // Add any additional fields\n",
+ " for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(msg)) {\n",
+ " if (key !== 'type' && key !== 'content') {\n",
+ " formatted[key] = value;\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return JSON.stringify(formatted, null, 2);\n",
+ " } catch (e) {\n",
+ " return String(data);\n",
+ " }\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "html = f\"\"\"\n",
" \n",
- " Autogen websocket test \n",
+ " AG2 websocket \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
" \n",
" \n",
- " WebSocket Chat \n",
+ " AG2 Structured Messages w/ websockets \n",
' in actual
+ assert 'Davor Runje
' not in actual
+ # Verify content of second blog post
+ post2_path = generated_blog_dir / "2023-06-28-MathChat" / "index.mdx"
+ actual = post2_path.read_text()
+ assert ' Mark Sze' in actual
+ assert 'Tvrtko Sternak
' in actual
+ assert 'Davor Runje
' in actual
+ assert 'Davorin
' in actual
+ assert 'Chi Wang
' not in actual
diff --git a/website/.gitignore b/website/.gitignore
index 59441e2942..f50e629dbf 100644
--- a/website/.gitignore
+++ b/website/.gitignore
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
diff --git a/website/README.md b/website/README.md
index 7bdd03be4e..b38480cd6b 100644
--- a/website/README.md
+++ b/website/README.md
@@ -31,24 +31,16 @@ pip install pydoc-markdown pyyaml termcolor nbclient
The last command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window.
Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
-## Build with Docker
+## Build with devcontainer
-To build and test documentation within a docker container, run the following commands from your project root directory:
+To build and test documentation using devcontainer, open the project using [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/), press `Ctrl+Shift+P` and select `Dev Containers: Reopen in Container`.
-docker build -f .devcontainer/dev/Dockerfile -t ag2ai_dev_img https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2.git#main
-Then start the container like so, this will log you in and ensure that Docker port 3000 is mapped to port 8081 on your local machine:
-docker run -it -p 8081:3000 -v $(pwd):/home/autogen/ag2 ag2ai_dev_img bash
+This will open the project in a devcontainer with all the required dependencies installed.
-Once at the CLI in Docker run the following commands:
+Open a terminal and run the following command to build and serve the documentation:
-Once done you should be able to access the documentation at ``
+Once done you should be able to access the documentation at `http://localhost:3000/`.
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level2algebra.png b/website/_blogs/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level2algebra.png
similarity index 100%
rename from website/blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level2algebra.png
rename to website/_blogs/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level2algebra.png
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level3algebra.png b/website/_blogs/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level3algebra.png
similarity index 100%
rename from website/blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level3algebra.png
rename to website/_blogs/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level3algebra.png
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level4algebra.png b/website/_blogs/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level4algebra.png
similarity index 100%
rename from website/blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level4algebra.png
rename to website/_blogs/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level4algebra.png
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level5algebra.png b/website/_blogs/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level5algebra.png
similarity index 100%
rename from website/blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level5algebra.png
rename to website/_blogs/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/img/level5algebra.png
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/index.mdx b/website/_blogs/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/index.mdx
similarity index 93%
rename from website/blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/index.mdx
rename to website/_blogs/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/index.mdx
index f75ff3b59f..c8c97f9308 100644
--- a/website/blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/index.mdx
+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/index.mdx
@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: sonichi
tags: [LLM, GPT, research]
Chi Wang
Founder of AutoGen (now AG2) & FLAML
![level 2 algebra](img/level2algebra.png)
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-05-18-GPT-adaptive-humaneval/img/design.png b/website/_blogs/2023-05-18-GPT-adaptive-humaneval/img/design.png
similarity index 100%
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@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: sonichi
tags: [LLM, GPT, research]
Chi Wang
Founder of AutoGen (now AG2) & FLAML
![An adaptive way of using GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 outperforms GPT-4 in both coding success rate and inference cost](img/humaneval.png)
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-06-28-MathChat/img/mathchatflow.png b/website/_blogs/2023-06-28-MathChat/img/mathchatflow.png
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-06-28-MathChat/index.mdx
@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: yiranwu
tags: [LLM, GPT, research]
Yiran Wu
PhD student at Pennsylvania State University
![MathChat WorkFlow](img/mathchatflow.png)
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-07-14-Local-LLMs/index.mdx b/website/_blogs/2023-07-14-Local-LLMs/index.mdx
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-07-14-Local-LLMs/index.mdx
@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: jialeliu
tags: [LLM]
Jiale Liu
PhD student at Pennsylvania State University
We demonstrate how to use autogen for local LLM application. As an example, we will initiate an endpoint using [FastChat](https://github.com/lm-sys/FastChat) and perform inference on [ChatGLMv2-6b](https://github.com/THUDM/ChatGLM2-6B).
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-10-18-RetrieveChat/index.mdx
@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: thinkall
tags: [LLM, RAG]
Li Jiang
Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft
*Last update: August 14, 2024; AutoGen version: v0.2.35*
![RAG Architecture](img/retrievechat-arch.png)
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-10-26-TeachableAgent/img/teachable-arch.png b/website/_blogs/2023-10-26-TeachableAgent/img/teachable-arch.png
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-10-26-TeachableAgent/index.mdx
@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: rickyloynd-microsoft
tags: [LLM, teach]
Ricky Loynd
Senior Research Engineer at Microsoft
![Teachable Agent Architecture](img/teachable-arch.png)
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-11-06-LMM-Agent/index.mdx
@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: beibinli
tags: [LMM, multimodal]
Beibin Li
Senior Research Engineer at Microsoft
![LMM Teaser](img/teaser.png)
**In Brief:**
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-11-09-EcoAssistant/index.mdx
@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: jieyuz2
tags: [LLM, RAG, cost-effectiveness]
Jieyu Zhang
PhD student at University of Washington
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-11-13-OAI-assistants/img/teaser.jpg b/website/_blogs/2023-11-13-OAI-assistants/img/teaser.jpg
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-11-13-OAI-assistants/index.mdx
@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: gagb
tags: [openai-assistant]
Gagan Bansal
Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research
![OpenAI Assistant](img/teaser.jpg)
AutoGen enables collaboration among multiple ChatGPTs for complex tasks.
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-11-20-AgentEval/index.mdx
@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ authors:
tags: [LLM, GPT, evaluation, task utility]
Julia Kiseleva
Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research
Negar Arabzadeh
PhD student at the University of Waterloo
![Fig.1: A verification framework](img/agenteval-CQ.webp)
Fig.1 illustrates the general flow of AgentEval
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-11-26-Agent-AutoBuild/img/agent_autobuild.webp b/website/_blogs/2023-11-26-Agent-AutoBuild/img/agent_autobuild.webp
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-11-26-Agent-AutoBuild/index.mdx
@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ authors:
tags: [LLM, research]
Linxin Song
PhD student at the University of Southern California
Jieyu Zhang
PhD student at University of Washington
![Overall structure of AutoBuild](img/agent_autobuild.webp)
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-12-01-AutoGenStudio/index.mdx
@@ -7,45 +7,6 @@ authors:
tags: [AutoGen, UI, web, UX]
Victor Dibia
Principal RSDE at Microsoft Research
Gagan Bansal
Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research
Saleema Amershi
Senior Principal Research Manager at Microsoft Research
![AutoGen Studio Playground View: Solving a task with multiple agents that generate a pdf document with images.](img/autogenstudio_home.png)
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-12-23-AgentOptimizer/index.mdx
@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ authors:
tags: [LLM, research]
Shaokun Zhang
PhD student at the Pennsylvania State University
Jieyu Zhang
PhD student at University of Washington
![Overall structure of AgentOptimizer](img/agentoptimizer.webp)
diff --git a/website/blog/2023-12-29-AgentDescriptions/index.mdx b/website/_blogs/2023-12-29-AgentDescriptions/index.mdx
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2023-12-29-AgentDescriptions/index.mdx
@@ -5,23 +5,6 @@ authors:
tags: [AutoGen]
Adam Fourney
Principal Researcher Microsoft Research
## TL;DR
AutoGen 0.2.2 introduces a [description](https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/reference/agentchat/conversable_agent#init) field to ConversableAgent (and all subclasses), and changes GroupChat so that it uses agent `description`s rather than `system_message`s when choosing which agents should speak next.
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-01-23-Code-execution-in-docker/index.mdx
@@ -5,23 +5,6 @@ authors:
tags: [AutoGen]
Olga Vrousgou
Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft Research
## TL;DR
AutoGen 0.2.8 enhances operational safety by making 'code execution inside a Docker container' the default setting, focusing on informing users about its operations and empowering them to make informed decisions regarding code execution.
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-01-25-AutoGenBench/index.mdx
@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ authors:
tags: [AutoGen]
Adam Fourney
Principal Researcher Microsoft Research
Qingyun Wu
Co-Founder of AutoGen/AG2 & FLAML, Assistant Professor at Penn State University
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-01-26-Custom-Models/index.mdx b/website/_blogs/2024-01-26-Custom-Models/index.mdx
similarity index 94%
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-01-26-Custom-Models/index.mdx
@@ -5,23 +5,6 @@ authors:
tags: [AutoGen]
Olga Vrousgou
Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft Research
## TL;DR
AutoGen now supports custom models! This feature empowers users to define and load their own models, allowing for a more flexible and personalized inference mechanism. By adhering to a specific protocol, you can integrate your custom model for use with AutoGen and respond to prompts any way needed by using any model/API call/hardcoded response you want.
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-02-02-AutoAnny/index.mdx
@@ -5,23 +5,6 @@ authors:
tags: [AutoGen]
Gagan Bansal
Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-02-11-FSM-GroupChat/img/FSM_logic.webp b/website/_blogs/2024-02-11-FSM-GroupChat/img/FSM_logic.webp
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-02-11-FSM-GroupChat/index.mdx
@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ authors:
tags: [AutoGen]
Joshua Kim
AI Freelancer at SpectData
Yishen Sun
Data Scientist at PingCAP LAB
![FSM Group Chat](img/teaser.webp)
Finite State Machine (FSM) Group Chat allows the user to constrain agent transitions.
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-02-29-StateFlow/index.mdx
@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: yiranwu
tags: [LLM, research]
Yiran Wu
PhD student at Pennsylvania State University
**TL;DR:** Introduce Stateflow, a task-solving paradigm that conceptualizes complex task-solving processes backed by LLMs as state machines.
Introduce how to use GroupChat to realize such an idea with a customized speaker selection function.
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-03-03-AutoGen-Update/index.mdx
@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: sonichi
tags: [news, summary, roadmap]
Chi Wang
Founder of AutoGen (now AG2) & FLAML
![autogen is loved](img/love.png)
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-03-11-AutoDefense/index.mdx
@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ authors:
tags: [LLM, GPT, research]
Yifan Zeng
PhD student at Oregon State University
Yiran Wu
PhD student at Pennsylvania State University
## TL;DR
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-05-24-Agent/index.mdx
@@ -4,23 +4,6 @@ authors: sonichi
tags: [thoughts, interview notes]
Chi Wang
Founder of AutoGen (now AG2) & FLAML
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-06-21-AgentEval/img/agenteval_ov_v3.webp b/website/_blogs/2024-06-21-AgentEval/img/agenteval_ov_v3.webp
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-06-21-AgentEval/index.mdx
@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ authors:
tags: [LLM, GPT, evaluation, task utility]
James Woffinden-Luey
Senior Research Engineer at Microsoft Research
Julia Kiseleva
Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research
![Fig.1: An AgentEval framework with verification step](img/agenteval_ov_v3.webp)
Fig.1 illustrates the general flow of AgentEval with verification step
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-06-24-AltModels-Classes/img/agentstogether.jpeg b/website/_blogs/2024-06-24-AltModels-Classes/img/agentstogether.jpeg
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-06-24-AltModels-Classes/index.mdx
@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ authors:
tags: [mistral ai,anthropic,together.ai,gemini]
Mark Sze
Software Engineer at AG2.ai
Hrushikesh Dokala
CS Undergraduate Based in India
## TL;DR
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-07-25-AgentOps/img/autogen-integration.png b/website/_blogs/2024-07-25-AgentOps/img/autogen-integration.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from website/blog/2024-07-25-AgentOps/img/dashboard.png
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-07-25-AgentOps/index.mdx
@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ authors:
tags: [LLM,Agent,Observability,AutoGen,AgentOps]
Alex Reibman
Co-founder/CEO at AgentOps
Braelyn Boynton
AI Engineer at AgentOps
## TL;DR
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-10-23-NOVA/img/nexla_autogen.webp b/website/_blogs/2024-10-23-NOVA/img/nexla_autogen.webp
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-10-23-NOVA/index.mdx
@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ authors:
tags: [data automation, agents, Autogen, Nexla]
Noel Nebu Panicker
AI Engineer at Nexla
Amey Desai
Head of AI at Nexla
In today’s fast-paced GenAI landscape, organizations are constantly searching for smarter, more efficient ways to manage and transform data. [Nexla](https://nexla.com/) is a platform dedicated to the automation of data engineering, enabling users to get ready-to-use data with minimal hassle. Central to Nexla’s approach are [Nexsets](https://nexla.com/nexsets-modern-data-building-blocks/)—data products that streamline the process of integrating, transforming, delivering, and monitoring data. Our mission is to make data ready-to-use for everyone, eliminating the complexities traditionally associated with data workflows.
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-11-15-CaptainAgent/img/build.webp b/website/_blogs/2024-11-15-CaptainAgent/img/build.webp
similarity index 100%
rename from website/blog/2024-11-15-CaptainAgent/img/build.webp
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diff --git a/website/blog/2024-11-15-CaptainAgent/img/chat.webp b/website/_blogs/2024-11-15-CaptainAgent/img/chat.webp
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-11-15-CaptainAgent/index.mdx
@@ -8,66 +8,6 @@ authors:
- qingyunwu
tags: [LLM, GPT, AutoBuild]
Jiale Liu
PhD student at Pennsylvania State University
Linxin Song
PhD student at the University of Southern California
Jieyu Zhang
PhD student at University of Washington
Shaokun Zhang
PhD student at the Pennsylvania State University
Qingyun Wu
Co-Founder of AutoGen/AG2 & FLAML, Assistant Professor at Penn State University
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-11-17-Swarm/index.mdx b/website/_blogs/2024-11-17-Swarm/index.mdx
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-11-17-Swarm/index.mdx
@@ -6,34 +6,6 @@ authors:
tags: [groupchat, swarm]
Yiran Wu
PhD student at Pennsylvania State University
Mark Sze
Software Engineer at AG2.ai
AG2 now provides an implementation of the swarm orchestration from OpenAI's [Swarm](https://github.com/openai/swarm) framework, with some additional features!
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-11-27-Prompt-Leakage-Probing/img/probing_flow.webp b/website/_blogs/2024-11-27-Prompt-Leakage-Probing/img/probing_flow.webp
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-11-27-Prompt-Leakage-Probing/index.mdx
@@ -7,45 +7,6 @@ authors:
tags: [LLM, security]
Tvrtko Sternak
Machine Learning Engineer at Airt
Davor Runje
CTO at Airt
Chi Wang
Founder of AutoGen (now AG2) & FLAML
![Prompt leakage social img](img/prompt_leakage_social_img.webp)
## Introduction
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-12-02-ReasoningAgent2/index.mdx
@@ -9,67 +9,6 @@ authors:
tags: [LLM, GPT, research]
Hrushikesh Dokala
CS Undergraduate Based in India
AG2 Contributor
Shaokun Zhang
PhD student at the Pennsylvania State University
Chi Wang
Founder of AutoGen (now AG2) & FLAML
Qingyun Wu
Co-Founder of AutoGen/AG2 & FLAML, Assistant Professor at Penn State University
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-12-06-FalkorDB-Structured/img/falkordb.png b/website/_blogs/2024-12-06-FalkorDB-Structured/img/falkordb.png
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+++ b/website/_blogs/2024-12-06-FalkorDB-Structured/index.mdx
@@ -9,67 +9,6 @@ authors:
tags: [RAG, Graph RAG, Structured Outputs, swarm, nested chat]
Mark Sze
Software Engineer at AG2.ai
Tvrtko Sternak
Machine Learning Engineer at Airt
Davor Runje
CTO at Airt
AG2 Contributor
Qingyun Wu
Co-Founder of AutoGen/AG2 & FLAML, Assistant Professor at Penn State University
![FalkorDB Web](img/falkordb.png)
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-12-20-RealtimeAgent/img/1_service_running.png b/website/_blogs/2024-12-20-RealtimeAgent/img/1_service_running.png
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@@ -9,56 +9,6 @@ tags: [Realtime API, Voice Agents, Swarm Teams, Twilio, AI Tools]
Mark Sze
Software Engineer at AG2.ai
Tvrtko Sternak
Machine Learning Engineer at Airt
Davor Runje
CTO at Airt
Davorin Ruševljan
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+size 366499
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@@ -8,56 +8,6 @@ authors:
tags: [LLM, GPT, research, tutorial]
AG2 Contributor
Hrushikesh Dokala
CS Undergraduate Based in India
Chi Wang
Founder of AutoGen (now AG2) & FLAML
Qingyun Wu
Co-Founder of AutoGen/AG2 & FLAML, Assistant Professor at Penn State University
**Key Updates in this Release:**
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@@ -5,23 +5,6 @@ authors:
tags: [LLM, tools, langchain, crewai, pydanticai]
Robert Jambrecic
Machine Learning Engineer at Airt
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+title: Tools Dependency Injection
+ - rjambrecic
+tags: [tools, tool calling, dependency injection]
+[Dependency Injection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_injection) is a secure way to connect external functions to agents without exposing sensitive data such as passwords, tokens, or personal information. This approach ensures that sensitive information remains protected while still allowing agents to perform their tasks effectively, even when working with large language models (LLMs).
+In this guide, we’ll explore how to build secure workflows that handle sensitive data safely.
+As an example, we’ll create an agent that retrieves user's account balance. The best part is that sensitive data like username and password are never shared with the LLM. Instead, it’s securely injected directly into the function at runtime, keeping it safe while maintaining seamless functionality.
+## Why Dependency Injection Is Essential
+Here’s why dependency injection is a game-changer for secure LLM workflows:
+- **Enhanced Security**: Your sensitive data is never directly exposed to the LLM.
+- **Simplified Development**: Secure data can be seamlessly accessed by functions without requiring complex configurations.
+- **Unmatched Flexibility**: It supports safe integration of diverse workflows, allowing you to scale and adapt with ease.
+In this guide, we’ll explore how to set up dependency injection and build secure workflows. Let’s dive in!
+**Note:** This blog builds upon the concepts covered in the following [notebook](/notebooks/tools_dependency_injection).
+## Installation
+To install `AG2`, simply run the following command:
+pip install ag2
+## Imports
+The functionality demonstrated in this guide is located in the [`autogen.tools.dependency_injection`](/docs/reference/tools/dependency_injection) module. This module provides key components for dependency injection:
+- [`BaseContext`](/docs/reference/tools/dependency_injection#basecontext): abstract base class used to define and encapsulate data contexts, such as user account information, which can then be injected into functions or agents securely.
+- [`Depends`](/docs/reference/tools/dependency_injection#depends): a function used to declare and inject dependencies, either from a context (like [`BaseContext`](/docs/reference/tools/dependency_injection#basecontext)) or a function, ensuring sensitive data is provided securely without direct exposure.
+import os
+from typing import Annotated, Literal
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from autogen import GroupChat, GroupChatManager
+from autogen.agentchat import ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent
+from autogen.tools.dependency_injection import BaseContext, Depends
+## Define a BaseContext Class
+We start by defining a [`BaseContext`](/docs/reference/tools/dependency_injection#basecontext) class for accounts. This will act as the base structure for dependency injection. By using this approach, sensitive information like usernames and passwords is never exposed to the LLM.
+class Account(BaseContext, BaseModel):
+ username: str
+ password: str
+ currency: Literal["USD", "EUR"] = "USD"
+alice_account = Account(username="alice", password="password123")
+bob_account = Account(username="bob", password="password456")
+account_ballace_dict = {
+ (alice_account.username, alice_account.password): 300,
+ (bob_account.username, bob_account.password): 200,
+## Helper Functions
+To ensure that the provided account is valid and retrieve its balance, we create two helper functions.
+def _verify_account(account: Account):
+ if (account.username, account.password) not in account_ballace_dict:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid username or password")
+def _get_balance(account: Account):
+ _verify_account(account)
+ return f"Your balance is {account_ballace_dict[(account.username, account.password)]}{account.currency}"
+## Injecting BaseContext Parameter
+Dependency injection simplifies passing data to a function. Here, we'll inject an `Account` instance into a function automatically.
+### Agent Configuration
+Configure the agents for the interaction.
+- `config_list` defines the LLM configurations, including the model and API key.
+- [`UserProxyAgent`](/docs/reference/agentchat/user_proxy_agent) simulates user inputs without requiring actual human interaction (set to `NEVER`).
+- [`AssistantAgent`](/docs/reference/agentchat/assistant_agent) represents the AI agent, configured with the LLM settings.
+config_list = [{"model": "gpt-4o-mini", "api_key": os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]}]
+assistant = ConversableAgent(
+ name="assistant",
+ llm_config={"config_list": config_list},
+user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(
+ name="user_proxy_1",
+ human_input_mode="NEVER",
+ llm_config=False,
+### Register the Function with Dependency Injection
+We register a function where the account information for `bob` is injected as a dependency.
+**Note:** You can also use `account: Account = Depends(bob_account)` as an alternative syntax.
+@assistant.register_for_llm(description="Get the balance of the account")
+def get_balance_1(
+ # Account which will be injected to the function
+ account: Annotated[Account, Depends(bob_account)],
+ # It is also possible to use the following syntax to define the dependency
+ # account: Account = Depends(bob_account),
+) -> str:
+ return _get_balance(account)
+### Initiate the Chat
+Finally, we initiate a chat to retrieve the balance.
+user_proxy.initiate_chat(assistant, message="Get users balance", max_turns=2)
+user_proxy_1 (to assistant):
+Get users balance
+>>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
+assistant (to user_proxy_1):
+***** Suggested tool call (call_ognvIidhVCUdxvH0vnJEPxzk): get_balance_1 *****
+>>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION get_balance_1...
+user_proxy_1 (to assistant):
+***** Response from calling tool (call_ognvIidhVCUdxvH0vnJEPxzk) *****
+Your balance is 200USD
+>>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
+assistant (to user_proxy_1):
+Your balance is 200 USD.
+## Injecting Parameters Without BaseContext
+Sometimes, you might not want to use [`BaseContext`](/docs/reference/tools/dependency_injection#basecontext). Here's how to inject simple parameters directly.
+### Agent Configuration
+Configure the agents for the interaction.
+- `config_list` defines the LLM configurations, including the model and API key.
+- [`UserProxyAgent`](/docs/reference/agentchat/user_proxy_agent) simulates user inputs without requiring actual human interaction (set to `NEVER`).
+- [`AssistantAgent`](/docs/reference/agentchat/assistant_agent) represents the AI agent, configured with the LLM settings.
+config_list = [{"model": "gpt-4o-mini", "api_key": os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]}]
+assistant = ConversableAgent(
+ name="assistant",
+ llm_config={"config_list": config_list},
+user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(
+ name="user_proxy_1",
+ human_input_mode="NEVER",
+ llm_config=False,
+### Register the Function with Direct Parameter Injection
+Instead of injecting a full context like `Account`, you can directly inject individual parameters, such as the username and password, into a function. This allows for more granular control over the data injected into the function, and still ensures that sensitive information is managed securely.
+Here’s how you can set it up:
+def get_username() -> str:
+ return "bob"
+def get_password() -> str:
+ return "password456"
+@assistant.register_for_llm(description="Get the balance of the account")
+def get_balance_2(
+ username: Annotated[str, Depends(get_username)],
+ password: Annotated[str, Depends(get_password)],
+ # or use lambdas
+ # username: Annotated[str, Depends(lambda: "bob")],
+ # password: Annotated[str, Depends(lambda: "password456")],
+) -> str:
+ account = Account(username=username, password=password)
+ return _get_balance(account)
+### Initiate the Chat
+As before, initiate a chat to test the function.
+user_proxy.initiate_chat(assistant, message="Get users balance", max_turns=2)
+user_proxy_1 (to assistant):
+Get users balance
+>>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
+assistant (to user_proxy_1):
+***** Suggested tool call (call_REyBiQkznsd2JzNr4i7Z2N7q): get_balance_2 *****
+>>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION get_balance_2...
+user_proxy_1 (to assistant):
+***** Response from calling tool (call_REyBiQkznsd2JzNr4i7Z2N7q) *****
+Your balance is 200USD
+>>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
+assistant (to user_proxy_1):
+Your balance is 200 USD.
+## Assigning Different Contexts to Multiple Agents
+You can assign different contexts, such as distinct account data, to different agents within the same group chat. This ensures that each assistant works with its own unique set of data—e.g., one assistant can use `alice_account`, while another can use `bob_account`.
+### GroupChat Configuration
+Let's configure a `GroupChat` with two assistant agents.
+config_list = [{"model": "gpt-4o-mini", "api_key": os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]}]
+llm_config = {"config_list": config_list}
+assistant_1 = ConversableAgent(
+ name="assistant_1",
+ llm_config={"config_list": config_list},
+assistant_2 = ConversableAgent(
+ name="assistant_2",
+ llm_config={"config_list": config_list},
+user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(
+ name="user_proxy_1",
+ human_input_mode="NEVER",
+ llm_config=False,
+groupchat = GroupChat(agents=[user_proxy, assistant_1, assistant_2], messages=[], max_round=5)
+manager = GroupChatManager(groupchat=groupchat, llm_config=llm_config)
+### Register Functions for Each Assistant
+- For `assistant_1`, we inject the `alice_account` context using `Depends(alice_account)`, ensuring that it retrieves the balance for Alice’s account.
+- For `assistant_2`, we inject the `bob_account` context using `Depends(bob_account)`, ensuring that it retrieves the balance for Bob’s account.
+@assistant_1.register_for_llm(description="Get the balance of the account")
+def get_balance_for_assistant_1(
+ account: Annotated[Account, Depends(alice_account)],
+) -> str:
+ return _get_balance(account)
+@assistant_2.register_for_llm(description="Get the balance of the account")
+def get_balance_for_assistant_2(
+ account: Annotated[Account, Depends(bob_account)],
+) -> str:
+ return _get_balance(account)
+### Initiate the Chat
+Finally, initiate the group chat where both assistants respond by using their respective contexts. Each assistant will handle its own task — one will retrieve Alice’s balance, and the other will retrieve Bob’s balance
+message = "Both assistants, please get the balance of the account"
+user_proxy.initiate_chat(manager, message=message, max_turns=1)
+user_proxy_1 (to chat_manager):
+Both assistants, please get the balance of the account
+Next speaker: assistant_1
+>>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
+assistant_1 (to chat_manager):
+***** Suggested tool call (call_wfTGOY4O9mEDBuIOrajJDSNj): get_balance_for_assistant_1 *****
+Next speaker: user_proxy_1
+>>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION get_balance_for_assistant_1...
+user_proxy_1 (to chat_manager):
+***** Response from calling tool (call_wfTGOY4O9mEDBuIOrajJDSNj) *****
+Your balance is 300USD
+Next speaker: assistant_2
+>>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
+assistant_2 (to chat_manager):
+***** Suggested tool call (call_QNO5v9vGRUfRsmUAjL9yV318): get_balance_for_assistant_2 *****
+Next speaker: user_proxy_1
+>>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION get_balance_for_assistant_2...
+user_proxy_1 (to chat_manager):
+***** Response from calling tool (call_QNO5v9vGRUfRsmUAjL9yV318) *****
+Your balance is 200USD
+## Conclusion
+In this blog post, we explore **Dependency Injection (DI)** as a secure and effective way to manage sensitive data in workflows involving LLMs. Dependency Injection ensures that sensitive data, such as passwords or personal information, remains protected by injecting necessary details at runtime instead of exposing them directly to the LLM.
+The post provides a comprehensive guide on setting up and using DI with agents, illustrating how to securely retrieve account balances without sharing sensitive data. It includes step-by-step instructions on configuring agents, defining contexts, and using the Depends function to inject account details directly into the functions. Various methods are demonstrated, such as injecting contexts, passing simple parameters, and even managing multiple contexts for different agents in group chats.
+By following this guide, developers can create secure and flexible workflows that prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data while leveraging LLMs' full potential.
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+title: Real-Time Voice Interactions with the WebSocket Audio Adapter
+ - marklysze
+ - sternakt
+ - davorrunje
+ - davorinrusevljan
+tags: [Realtime API, Voice Agents, AI Tools]
+![Realtime agent communication over websocket](img/websocket_communication_diagram.png)
+- **Demo implementation**: Implement a website using websockets and communicate using voice with the [**`RealtimeAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent)
+- **Introducing [**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter)**: Stream audio directly from your browser using [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/).
+- **Simplified Development**: Connect to real-time agents quickly and effortlessly with minimal setup.
+# **Realtime over WebSockets**
+In our [previous blog post](/blog/2024-12-20-RealtimeAgent/index), we introduced a way to interact with the [**`RealtimeAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent) using [**`TwilioAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/twilio_audio_adapter#twilioaudioadapter). While effective, this approach required a setup-intensive process involving [Twilio](https://www.twilio.com/) integration, account configuration, number forwarding, and other complexities. Today, we're excited to introduce the[**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter), a streamlined approach to real-time audio streaming directly via a web browser.
+This post explores the features, benefits, and implementation of the [**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter), showing how it transforms the way we connect with real-time agents.
+## **Why We Built the [**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter)**
+### **Challenges with Existing Solutions**
+Previously introduced [**`TwilioAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/twilio_audio_adapter#twilioaudioadapter) provides a robust way to cennect to your [**`RealtimeAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent), it comes with challenges:
+- **Browser Limitations**: For teams building web-first applications, integrating with a telephony platform can feel redundant.
+- **Complex Setup**: Configuring Twilio accounts, verifying numbers, and setting up forwarding can be time-consuming.
+- **Platform Dependency**: This solution requires developers to rely on external API, which adds latency and costs.
+### **Our Solution**
+The [**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter) eliminates these challenges by allowing direct audio streaming over [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/). It integrates seamlessly with modern web technologies, enabling real-time voice interactions without external telephony platforms.
+## **How It Works**
+At its core, the [**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter) leverages [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) to handle real-time audio streaming. This means your browser becomes the communication bridge, sending audio packets to a server where a [**`RealtimeAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent) agent processes them.
+Here’s a quick overview of its components and how they fit together:
+1. **WebSocket Connection**:
+ - The adapter establishes a [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) connection between the client (browser) and the server.
+ - Audio packets are streamed in real time through this connection.
+2. **Integration with FastAPI**:
+ - Using Python's [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/) framework, developers can easily set up endpoints for handling [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) traffic.
+3. **Powered by Realtime Agents**:
+ - The audio adapter integrates with an AI-powered [**`RealtimeAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent), allowing the agent to process audio inputs and respond intelligently.
+## **Key Features**
+### **1. Simplified Setup**
+Unlike [**`TwilioAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/twilio_audio_adapter#twilioaudioadapter), the [**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter) requires no phone numbers, no telephony configuration, and no external accounts. It's a plug-and-play solution.
+### **2. Real-Time Performance**
+By streaming audio over [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/), the adapter ensures low latency, making conversations feel natural and seamless.
+### **3. Browser-Based**
+Everything happens within the user's browser, meaning no additional software is required. This makes it ideal for web applications.
+### **4. Flexible Integration**
+Whether you're building a chatbot, a voice assistant, or an interactive application, the adapter can integrate easily with existing frameworks and AI systems.
+## **Example: Build a Voice-Enabled Weather Bot**
+Let’s walk through a practical example where we use the [**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter) to create a voice-enabled weather bot.
+You can find the full example [here](https://github.com/ag2ai/realtime-agent-over-websockets/tree/main).
+To run the demo example, follow these steps:
+### **1. Clone the Repository**
+git clone https://github.com/ag2ai/realtime-agent-over-websockets.git
+cd realtime-agent-over-websockets
+### **2. Set Up Environment Variables**
+Create a `OAI_CONFIG_LIST` file based on the provided `OAI_CONFIG_LIST_sample`:
+In the OAI_CONFIG_LIST file, update the `api_key` to your OpenAI API key.
+### (Optional) Create and use a virtual environment
+To reduce cluttering your global Python environment on your machine, you can create a virtual environment. On your command line, enter:
+python3 -m venv env
+source env/bin/activate
+### **3. Install Dependencies**
+Install the required Python packages using `pip`:
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+### **4. Start the Server**
+Run the application with Uvicorn:
+uvicorn realtime_over_websockets.main:app --port 5050
+After you start the server you should see your application running in the logs:
+INFO: Started server process [64425]
+INFO: Waiting for application startup.
+INFO: Application startup complete.
+INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
+### Ready to Chat? 🚀
+Now you can simply open [**localhost:5050/start-chat**](http://localhost:5050/start-chat) in your browser, and dive into an interactive conversation with the [**`RealtimeAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent)! 🎤✨
+To get started, simply speak into your microphone and ask a question. For example, you can say:
+**"What's the weather like in Seattle?"**
+This initial question will activate the agent, and it will respond, showcasing its ability to understand and interact with you in real time.
+## Code review
+Let’s dive in and break down how this example works—from setting up the server to handling real-time audio streaming with [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/).
+### **Set Up the FastAPI app**
+We use [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/) to serve the chat interface and handle WebSocket connections. A key part is configuring the server to load and render HTML templates dynamically for the user interface.
+- **Template Loading**: Use `Jinja2Templates` to load `chat.html` from the `templates` directory. The template is dynamically rendered with variables like the server's `port`.
+- **Static Files**: Serve assets (e.g., JavaScript, CSS) from the `static` directory.
+app = FastAPI()
+@app.get("/", response_class=JSONResponse)
+async def index_page() -> dict[str, str]:
+ return {"message": "WebSocket Audio Stream Server is running!"}
+website_files_path = Path(__file__).parent / "website_files"
+ "/static", StaticFiles(directory=website_files_path / "static"), name="static"
+templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=website_files_path / "templates")
+@app.get("/start-chat/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
+async def start_chat(request: Request) -> HTMLResponse:
+ """Endpoint to return the HTML page for audio chat."""
+ port = request.url.port
+ return templates.TemplateResponse("chat.html", {"request": request, "port": port})
+### Defining the WebSocket Endpoint
+The `/media-stream` WebSocket route is where real-time audio interaction is processed and streamed to the AI assistant. Let’s break it down step-by-step:
+1. **Accept the WebSocket Connection**
+ The WebSocket connection is established when a client connects to `/media-stream`. Using `await websocket.accept()`, we ensure the connection is live and ready for communication.
+async def handle_media_stream(websocket: WebSocket) -> None:
+ """Handle WebSocket connections providing audio stream and OpenAI."""
+ await websocket.accept()
+2. **Initialize Logging**
+ A logger instance (`getLogger("uvicorn.error")`) is set up to monitor and debug the server's activities, helping track events during the connection and interaction process.
+ logger = getLogger("uvicorn.error")
+3. **Set Up the `WebSocketAudioAdapter`**
+ The [**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter) bridges the client’s audio stream with the [**`RealtimeAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent). It streams audio data over [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) in real time, ensuring seamless communication between the browser and the agent.
+ audio_adapter = WebSocketAudioAdapter(websocket, logger=logger)
+4. **Configure the Realtime Agent**
+ The `RealtimeAgent` is the AI assistant driving the interaction. Key parameters include:
+ - **Name**: The agent identity, here called `"Weather Bot"`.
+ - **System Message**: System message for the agent.
+ - **Language Model Configuration**: Defined by `realtime_llm_config` for LLM settings.
+ - **Audio Adapter**: Connects the [**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter) for handling audio.
+ - **Logger**: Logs the agent's activities for better observability.
+ realtime_agent = RealtimeAgent(
+ name="Weather Bot",
+ system_message="Hello there! I am an AI voice assistant powered by Autogen and the OpenAI Realtime API. You can ask me about weather, jokes, or anything you can imagine. Start by saying 'How can I help you'?",
+ llm_config=realtime_llm_config,
+ audio_adapter=audio_adapter,
+ logger=logger,
+ )
+5. **Define a Custom Realtime Function**
+ The `get_weather` function is registered as a realtime callable function. When the user asks about the weather, the agent can call the function to get an accurate weather report and respond based on the provided information:
+ - Returns `"The weather is cloudy."` for `"Seattle"`.
+ - Returns `"The weather is sunny."` for other locations.
+ @realtime_agent.register_realtime_function( # type: ignore [misc]
+ name="get_weather", description="Get the current weather"
+ )
+ def get_weather(location: Annotated[str, "city"]) -> str:
+ return (
+ "The weather is cloudy."
+ if location == "Seattle"
+ else "The weather is sunny."
+ )
+6. **Run the Realtime Agent**
+ The `await realtime_agent.run()` method starts the agent, handling incoming audio streams, processing user queries, and responding in real time.
+Here is the full code for the `/media-stream` endpoint:
+async def handle_media_stream(websocket: WebSocket) -> None:
+ """Handle WebSocket connections providing audio stream and OpenAI."""
+ await websocket.accept()
+ logger = getLogger("uvicorn.error")
+ audio_adapter = WebSocketAudioAdapter(websocket, logger=logger)
+ realtime_agent = RealtimeAgent(
+ name="Weather Bot",
+ system_message="Hello there! I am an AI voice assistant powered by Autogen and the OpenAI Realtime API. You can ask me about weather, jokes, or anything you can imagine. Start by saying 'How can I help you'?",
+ llm_config=realtime_llm_config,
+ audio_adapter=audio_adapter,
+ logger=logger,
+ )
+ @realtime_agent.register_realtime_function( # type: ignore [misc]
+ name="get_weather", description="Get the current weather"
+ )
+ def get_weather(location: Annotated[str, "city"]) -> str:
+ return (
+ "The weather is cloudy."
+ if location == "Seattle"
+ else "The weather is sunny."
+ )
+ await realtime_agent.run()
+## **Benefits in Action**
+- **Quick Prototyping**: Spin up a real-time voice application in minutes.
+- **Cost Efficiency**: Eliminate third-party telephony costs.
+- **User-Friendly**: Runs in the browser, making it accessible to anyone with a microphone.
+## **Conclusion**
+The [**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter) marks a shift toward simpler, more accessible real-time audio solutions. It empowers developers to build and deploy voice applications faster and more efficiently. Whether you're creating an AI assistant, a voice-enabled app, or an experimental project, this adapter is your go-to tool for real-time audio streaming.
+Try it out and bring your voice-enabled ideas to life!
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--- /dev/null
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+title: Real-Time Voice Interactions over WebRTC
+ - marklysze
+ - sternakt
+ - davorrunje
+ - davorinrusevljan
+tags: [Realtime API, Voice Agents, AI Tools, WebRTC]
+![Realtime agent communication over WebRTC](img/webrtc_communication_diagram.png)
+- Build a real-time voice application using [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) and connect it with the [**`RealtimeAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent). [Demo implementation](https://github.com/ag2ai/realtime-agent-over-webrtc).
+- **Optimized for Real-Time Interactions**: Experience seamless voice communication with minimal latency and enhanced reliability.
+# **Realtime Voice Applications with WebRTC**
+In our [previous blog post](/blog/2025-01-08-RealtimeAgent-over-websocket), we introduced the [**`WebSocketAudioAdapter`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter#websocketaudioadapter), a simple way to stream real-time audio using [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/). While effective, [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) can face challenges with quality and reliability in high-latency or network-variable scenarios. Enter [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/).
+Today, we’re excited to showcase the integration with [OpenAI Realtime API with WebRTC](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/realtime-webrtc), leveraging WebRTC’s peer-to-peer communication capabilities to provide a robust, low-latency, high-quality audio streaming experience directly from the browser.
+## **Why WebRTC?**
+[WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) (Web Real-Time Communication) is a powerful technology for enabling direct peer-to-peer communication between browsers and servers. It was built with real-time audio, video, and data transfer in mind, making it an ideal choice for real-time voice applications. Here are some key benefits:
+### **1. Low Latency**
+[WebRTC's](https://webrtc.org/) peer-to-peer design minimizes latency, ensuring natural, fluid conversations.
+### **2. Adaptive Quality**
+[WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) dynamically adjusts audio quality based on network conditions, maintaining a seamless user experience even in suboptimal environments.
+### **3. Secure by Design**
+With encryption (DTLS and SRTP) baked into its architecture, [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) ensures secure communication between peers.
+### **4. Widely Supported**
+[WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) is supported by all major modern browsers, making it highly accessible for end users.
+## **How It Works**
+This example demonstrates using [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) to establish low-latency, real-time interactions with [OpenAI Realtime API with WebRTC](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/realtime-webrtc) from a web browser. Here's how it works:
+![Realtime agent communication over WebRTC](img/webrtc_connection_diagram.png)
+1. **Request an Ephemeral API Key**
+ - The browser connects to your backend via [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) to exchange configuration details, such as the ephemeral key and model information.
+ - [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) handle signaling to bootstrap the [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) session.
+ - The browser requests a short-lived API key from your server.
+2. **Generate an Ephemeral API Key**
+ - Your backend generates an ephemeral key via the OpenAI REST API and returns it. These keys expire after one minute to enhance security.
+3. **Initialize the WebRTC Connection**
+ - **Audio Streaming**: The browser captures microphone input and streams it to OpenAI while playing audio responses via an `` element.
+ - **DataChannel**: A `DataChannel` is established to send and receive events (e.g., function calls).
+ - **Session Handshake**: The browser creates an SDP offer, sends it to OpenAI with the ephemeral key, and sets the remote SDP answer to finalize the connection.
+ - The audio stream and events flow in real time, enabling interactive, low-latency conversations.
+## **Example: Build a Voice-Enabled Language Translator**
+Let’s walk through a practical example of using [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) to create a voice-enabled language translator.
+You can find the full example [here](https://github.com/ag2ai/realtime-agent-over-webrtc/tree/main).
+### **1. Clone the Repository**
+Start by cloning the example project from GitHub:
+git clone https://github.com/ag2ai/realtime-agent-over-webrtc.git
+cd realtime-agent-over-webrtc
+### **2. Set Up Environment Variables**
+Create a `OAI_CONFIG_LIST` file based on the provided `OAI_CONFIG_LIST_sample`:
+In the `OAI_CONFIG_LIST` file, update the `api_key` with your OpenAI API key.
+Supported key format
+Currently WebRTC can be used only by API keys the begin with:
+Other keys may result internal server error (500) on OpenAI server. For more details see [this issue](https://community.openai.com/t/realtime-api-create-sessions-results-in-500-internal-server-error/1060964/5)
+### (Optional) Create and Use a Virtual Environment
+To avoid cluttering your global Python environment:
+python3 -m venv env
+source env/bin/activate
+### **3. Install Dependencies**
+Install the required Python packages:
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+### **4. Start the Server**
+Run the application with Uvicorn:
+uvicorn realtime_over_webrtc.main:app --port 5050
+When the server starts, you should see:
+INFO: Started server process [12345]
+INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
+### **5. Open the Application**
+Navigate to [**localhost:5050/start-chat**](http://localhost:5050/start-chat) in your browser. The application will request microphone permissions to enable real-time voice interaction.
+### **6. Start Speaking**
+To get started, simply speak into your microphone and ask a question. For example, you can say:
+**"What's the weather like in Rome?"**
+This initial question will activate the agent, and it will respond, showcasing its ability to understand and interact with you in real time.
+## **Code review**
+### WebRTC connection
+A lot of the [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) connection logic happens in the [website_files/static
+/WebRTC.js](https://github.com/ag2ai/realtime-agent-over-webrtc/blob/main/realtime_over_webrtc/website_files/static/WebRTC.js), so lets take a look at the code there first.
+#### **WebSocket Initialization**
+The [WebSocket](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) is responsible for exchanging initialization data and signaling messages.
+ws = new WebSocket(webSocketUrl);
+ws.onmessage = async event => {
+ const message = JSON.parse(event.data);
+ console.info("Received Message from AG2 backend", message);
+ if (message.type === "ag2.init") {
+ await openRTC(message.config); // Starts the WebRTC connection
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dc) {
+ dc.send(JSON.stringify(message)); // Sends data via DataChannel
+ } else {
+ console.log("DC not ready yet", message);
+ }
+#### **WebRTC Setup**
+This block configures the [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) connection, adds audio tracks, and initializes the `DataChannel`.
+async function openRTC(data) {
+ const EPHEMERAL_KEY = data.client_secret.value;
+ // Set up to play remote audio
+ const audioEl = document.createElement("audio");
+ audioEl.autoplay = true;
+ pc.ontrack = e => audioEl.srcObject = e.streams[0];
+ // Add microphone input as local audio track
+ const ms = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true });
+ pc.addTrack(ms.getTracks()[0]);
+ // Create a DataChannel
+ dc = pc.createDataChannel("oai-events");
+ dc.addEventListener("message", e => {
+ const message = JSON.parse(e.data);
+ if (message.type.includes("function")) {
+ ws.send(e.data); // Forward function messages to WebSocket
+ }
+ });
+ // Create and send an SDP offer
+ const offer = await pc.createOffer();
+ await pc.setLocalDescription(offer);
+ // Send the offer to OpenAI
+ const baseUrl = "https://api.openai.com/v1/realtime";
+ const sdpResponse = await fetch(`${baseUrl}?model=${data.model}`, {
+ method: "POST",
+ body: offer.sdp,
+ headers: {
+ Authorization: `Bearer ${EPHEMERAL_KEY}`,
+ "Content-Type": "application/sdp"
+ },
+ });
+ // Set the remote SDP answer
+ const answer = { type: "answer", sdp: await sdpResponse.text() };
+ await pc.setRemoteDescription(answer);
+ console.log("Connected to OpenAI WebRTC");
+### Server implementation
+This server implementation uses [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/) to set up a [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) and [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) interaction, allowing clients to communicate with a chatbot powered by OpenAI's Realtime API. The server provides endpoints for a simple chat interface and real-time audio communication.
+#### Create an app using FastAPI
+First, initialize a [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/) app instance to handle HTTP requests and [WebSocket](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) connections.
+app = FastAPI()
+This creates an app instance that will be used to manage both regular HTTP requests and real-time [WebSocket](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) interactions.
+#### Define the root endpoint for status
+Next, define a root endpoint to verify that the server is running.
+@app.get("/", response_class=JSONResponse)
+async def index_page():
+ return {"message": "WebRTC AG2 Server is running!"}
+When accessed, this endpoint responds with a simple status message indicating that the [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) server is up and running.
+#### Set up static files and templates
+Mount a directory for static files (e.g., CSS, JavaScript) and configure templates for rendering HTML.
+website_files_path = Path(__file__).parent / "website_files"
+ "/static", StaticFiles(directory=website_files_path / "static"), name="static"
+templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=website_files_path / "templates")
+This ensures that static assets (like styling or scripts) can be served and that HTML templates can be rendered for dynamic responses.
+#### Serve the chat interface page
+Create an endpoint to serve the HTML page for the chat interface.
+@app.get("/start-chat/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
+async def start_chat(request: Request):
+ """Endpoint to return the HTML page for audio chat."""
+ port = request.url.port
+ return templates.TemplateResponse("chat.html", {"request": request, "port": port})
+This endpoint serves the `chat.html` page and provides the port number in the template, which is used for [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) connections.
+#### Handle WebSocket connections for media streaming
+Set up a [WebSocket](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) endpoint to handle real-time interactions, including receiving audio streams and responding with OpenAI's model output.
+async def handle_media_stream(websocket: WebSocket):
+ """Handle WebSocket connections providing audio stream and OpenAI."""
+ await websocket.accept()
+ logger = getLogger("uvicorn.error")
+ realtime_agent = RealtimeAgent(
+ name="Weather Bot",
+ system_message="Hello there! I am an AI voice assistant powered by Autogen and the OpenAI Realtime API. You can ask me about weather, jokes, or anything you can imagine. Start by saying 'How can I help you'?",
+ llm_config=realtime_llm_config,
+ websocket=websocket,
+ logger=logger,
+ )
+This [WebSocket](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) endpoint establishes a connection and creates a [**`RealtimeAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent) that will manage interactions with OpenAI’s Realtime API. It also includes logging for monitoring the process.
+#### Register and implement real-time functions
+Define custom real-time functions that can be called from the client side, such as fetching weather data.
+ @realtime_agent.register_realtime_function(
+ name="get_weather", description="Get the current weather"
+ )
+ def get_weather(location: Annotated[str, "city"]) -> str:
+ logger.info(f"Checking the weather: {location}")
+ return (
+ "The weather is cloudy." if location == "Rome" else "The weather is sunny."
+ )
+Here, a weather-related function is registered with the [**`RealtimeAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent). It responds with a simple weather message based on the input city.
+#### Run the RealtimeAgent
+Finally, run the [**`RealtimeAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent) to start handling the [WebSocket](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) interactions.
+ await realtime_agent.run()
+This starts the agent's event loop, which listens for incoming messages and responds accordingly.
+## **Conclusion**
+New integration of [OpenAI Realtime API with WebRTC](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/realtime-webrtc) unlocks the full potential of [WebRTC](https://webrtc.org/) for real-time voice applications. With its low latency, adaptive quality, and secure communication, it’s the perfect tool for building interactive, voice-enabled applications.
+Try it today and take your voice applications to the next level!
diff --git a/website/_blogs/2025-01-10-WebSockets/img/structured_messages_with_websockets.png b/website/_blogs/2025-01-10-WebSockets/img/structured_messages_with_websockets.png
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+oid sha256:01f84d1ba8c3fc80872e50258ccea962c1c69f0788e5c0537725e9f8d20b7057
+size 224403
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index 0000000000..cf31a981c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/_blogs/2025-01-10-WebSockets/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+title: Streaming input and output using WebSockets
+ - marklysze
+ - sternakt
+ - davorrunje
+tags: [WebSockets, Structured messages]
Mark Sze
Software Engineer at AG2.ai
Tvrtko Sternak
Machine Learning Engineer at Airt
Davor Runje
CTO at Airt
+![Structured messages with websockets client](img/structured_messages_with_websockets.png)
+## **TL;DR**
+- Learn how to build an agent chat application using [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) and [`IOStream`](/docs/reference/io/websockets)
+- Explore a hands-on example of connecting a web application to a responsive chat with agents over [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/).
+- **Streamlined Real-Time Interactions**: [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) offer a low-latency, persistent connection for sending and receiving data in real time.
+## **Real-Time Applications: Why WebSockets?**
+[WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) provide a powerful framework for real-time communication between a client and server. Unlike traditional HTTP requests, which require polling for updates, [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) establish a persistent, full-duplex connection that allows for continuous data exchange.
+This capability is critical for applications that use AG2, where seamless interaction is essential.
+### **Key Benefits of WebSockets**
+1. **Low Latency**: [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) reduce latency by maintaining a direct, open connection, avoiding the overhead of repeated HTTP handshakes.
+2. **Efficient Data Streaming**: Continuous, two-way data streams enable smooth user experiences in real-time applications.
+3. **Event-Driven Communication**: With WebSocket protocols, the server can "push" updates to the client as events occur.
+4. **Simplified Architecture**: [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) eliminate the need for separate polling mechanisms, reducing server load and complexity.
+## **Building a chat System**
+This example demonstrates how to create a WebSocket-based chat system that streams real-time input and output from AG2 Agents.
+### **How It Works**
+1. **WebSocket Connection**: The client establishes a persistent WebSocket connection to the server.
+2. **Real-Time Data Flow**: Events in the conversation are streamed over [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) to the browser where they can be displayed.
+## **Example: Creating a Weather chat app**
+Let’s walk through an example that integrates [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) with a weather-focused chat.
+You can explore the full example code [here](https://github.com/ag2ai/agentchat-over-websockets).
+### **1. Clone the Repository**
+git clone https://github.com/ag2ai/agentchat-over-websockets.git
+cd agentchat-over-websockets
+### **2. Set Up Environment Variables**
+Create a `OAI_CONFIG_LIST` file based on the provided `OAI_CONFIG_LIST_sample`:
+In the OAI_CONFIG_LIST file, update the `api_key` to your OpenAI API key.
+### (Optional) Create and use a virtual environment
+To reduce cluttering your global Python environment on your machine, you can create a virtual environment. On your command line, enter:
+python3 -m venv env
+source env/bin/activate
+### **3. Install Dependencies**
+Install the required Python packages using `pip`:
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+### **4. Start the Server**
+Run the `main.py` file:
+python agentchat-over-websockets/main.py
+### **Test the App**
+With the server running, open the client application in your browser by navigating to [http://localhost:8001/](http://localhost:8001/). And send a message to the chat and watch the conversation between agents roll out in your browser.
+## Code review
+### **Backend Code: [`main.py`](https://github.com/ag2ai/agentchat-over-websockets/blob/main/agentchat-over-websockets/main.py)**
+The backend is responsible for serving the frontend, managing WebSocket connections, and hosting the AI-powered conversational agent. Below is a step-by-step breakdown.
+#### **Setting Up the WebSocket Server**
+The `IOWebsockets.run_server_in_thread` utility is used to run a WebSocket server. The `on_connect` function handles new client connections and initializes the chatbot.
+from autogen.io.websockets import IOWebsockets
+from datetime import datetime
+def on_connect(iostream: IOWebsockets) -> None:
+ print(f"Connected to client: {iostream}")
+ initial_msg = iostream.input() # Receive the first message from the client.
+ print(f"Initial message: {initial_msg}")
+ # Define the agent
+ agent = autogen.ConversableAgent(
+ name="chatbot",
+ system_message="Complete tasks and reply TERMINATE when done. Use the 'weather_forecast' tool for weather-related queries.",
+ llm_config={"stream": False},
+ )
+ # Define the user proxy
+ user_proxy = autogen.UserProxyAgent(
+ name="user_proxy",
+ system_message="A proxy for the user.",
+ is_termination_msg=lambda msg: msg.get("content", "").endswith("TERMINATE"),
+ human_input_mode="NEVER",
+ )
+ # Register tool functions
+ def weather_forecast(city: str) -> str:
+ return f"The weather forecast for {city} is sunny as of {datetime.now()}."
+ autogen.register_function(
+ weather_forecast,
+ caller=agent,
+ executor=user_proxy,
+ description="Provides a mock weather forecast.",
+ )
+ # Initiate conversation
+ user_proxy.initiate_chat(agent, message=initial_msg)
+1. **`on_connect`**: Handles client connections and manages the interaction between the [**`ConversableAgent`**](/docs/reference/agentchat/conversable_agent#conversableagent) and the client.
+2. **Tool Registration**: The `weather_forecast` function provides a mock weather report and is linked to the agent for handling weather-related queries.
+#### **Serving the Frontend**
+The `SimpleHTTPRequestHandler` is used to serve HTML files. A custom handler class overrides the behavior for the root path to serve `chat.html`.
+class MyRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, directory=Path(__file__).parent / "website_files" / "templates", **kwargs)
+ def do_GET(self):
+ if self.path == "/":
+ self.path = "/chat.html"
+ return super().do_GET()
+- The `MyRequestHandler` class ensures that the default page served is `chat.html`.
+- Files are served from the `website_files/templates` directory.
+#### **Running the Servers**
+Finally, both the WebSocket and HTTP servers are started.
+from http.server import HTTPServer
+PORT = 8001
+handler = MyRequestHandler
+# Start WebSocket server
+with IOWebsockets.run_server_in_thread(on_connect=on_connect, port=8080) as uri:
+ print(f"WebSocket server started at {uri}")
+ # Start HTTP server
+ with HTTPServer(("", PORT), handler) as httpd:
+ print(f"HTTP server started at http://localhost:{PORT}")
+ try:
+ httpd.serve_forever()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print("HTTP server stopped.")
+- The WebSocket server listens on port `8080`, while the HTTP server listens on port `8001`.
+- The WebSocket server handles real-time communication, while the HTTP server serves static files.
+### **Frontend Code: [`chat.html`](https://github.com/ag2ai/agentchat-over-websockets/blob/main/agentchat-over-websockets/website_files/templates/chat.html)**
+The frontend provides a simple interface for users to interact with the chatbot.
+#### **HTML Structure**
+The HTML structure defines an input form for sending messages and a list for displaying them.
+ Chat Interface
+ AI Chat Interface
+#### **JavaScript Logic**
+The JavaScript code establishes a WebSocket connection, handles incoming messages, and sends user input to the backend.
+var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080");
+ws.onmessage = function(event) {
+ var messages = document.getElementById('messages');
+ var message = document.createElement('li');
+ message.textContent = event.data; // Display the message content.
+ messages.appendChild(message);
+function sendMessage(event) {
+ var input = document.getElementById("messageText");
+ ws.send(input.value); // Send the input value to the backend.
+ input.value = ''; // Clear the input field.
+ event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submission.
+1. **WebSocket Initialization**: Connects to the WebSocket server at `ws://localhost:8080`.
+2. **Message Display**: Appends incoming messages to the `#messages` list.
+3. **Sending Messages**: Captures user input, sends it to the server, and clears the input field.
+## **Conclusion**
+Building an AgentChat system with [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) unlocks the potential for real-time, interactive applications. By maintaining a persistent connection, [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) enable seamless communication, enhancing user experience with minimal latency.
+The example of a weather chatbot demonstrates the ease of integrating AG2 with [WebSockets](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/websockets/) to create dynamic conversational agents. Whether for customer support, virtual assistants, or personalized services, this architecture provides a robust foundation for building next-generation applications.
+**Ready to start building?** Explore the full example code [here](https://github.com/ag2ai/agentchat-over-websockets).
diff --git a/website/blog/authors.yml b/website/_blogs/authors.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from website/blog/authors.yml
rename to website/_blogs/authors.yml
diff --git a/website/blog/2024-12-20-Reasoning-Update/img/mcts_example.png b/website/blog/2024-12-20-Reasoning-Update/img/mcts_example.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 60b3712023..0000000000
--- a/website/blog/2024-12-20-Reasoning-Update/img/mcts_example.png
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:bd2590f0b7decd405e930d9d7b41d60d80ff94c252e2c27d98b233dfd18a4448
-size 525805
diff --git a/website/docs/contributor-guide/docker.mdx b/website/docs/contributor-guide/docker.mdx
index 2e0d1b1256..712ee89f85 100644
--- a/website/docs/contributor-guide/docker.mdx
+++ b/website/docs/contributor-guide/docker.mdx
@@ -2,52 +2,27 @@
title: Docker for Development
-For developers contributing to the AG2 project, we offer a specialized Docker environment. This setup is designed to streamline the development process, ensuring that all contributors work within a consistent and well-equipped environment.
+For developers contributing to the AG2 project, we offer a specialized devcontainer environment. This setup is designed to streamline the development process, ensuring that all contributors work within a consistent and well-equipped environment.
-## AG2 Developer Image (ag2_dev_img)
+## AG2 Devcontainer
-- **Purpose**: The `ag2_dev_img` is tailored for contributors to the AG2 project. It includes a suite of tools and configurations that aid in the development and testing of new features or fixes.
+- **Purpose**: The devcontainer is tailored for contributors to the AG2 project. It includes a suite of tools and configurations that aid in the development and testing of new features or fixes.
- **Usage**: This image is recommended for developers who intend to contribute code or documentation to AG2.
- **Forking the Project**: It's advisable to fork the AG2 GitHub project to your own repository. This allows you to make changes in a separate environment without affecting the main project.
-- **Updating Dockerfile**: Modify your copy of `Dockerfile` in the `dev` folder as needed for your development work.
- **Submitting Pull Requests**: Once your changes are ready, submit a pull request from your branch to the upstream AG2 GitHub project for review and integration. For more details on contributing, see the [AG2 Contributing](/docs/contributor-guide/contributing) page.
-## Building the Developer Docker Image
+## Developing AutoGen with Devcontainers
-- To build the developer Docker image (`ag2_dev_img`), use the following commands:
+1. Open the project in Visual Studio Code.
+2. Press `Ctrl+Shift+P` and select `Dev Containers: Reopen in Container`.
+3. Select the desired python environment and wait for the container to build.
+4. Once the container is built, you can start developing AutoGen.
- ```bash
- docker build -f .devcontainer/dev/Dockerfile -t ag2_dev_img https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2.git#main
- ```
+## Developing Autogen with Codespaces
-- For building the developer image built from a specific Dockerfile in a branch other than main/master
+Provided devcontainer files can be used with GitHub Codespaces. To use the devcontainer with GitHub Codespaces, follow the steps below:
- ```bash
- # clone the branch you want to work out of
- git clone --branch {branch-name} https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2.git
- # cd to your new directory
- cd ag2
- # build your Docker image
- docker build -f .devcontainer/dev/Dockerfile -t autogen_dev-srv_img .
- ```
-## Using the Developer Docker Image
-Once you have built the `ag2_dev_img`, you can run it using the standard Docker commands. This will place you inside the containerized development environment where you can run tests, develop code, and ensure everything is functioning as expected before submitting your contributions.
-docker run -it -p 8081:3000 -v `pwd`/autogen-newcode:newstuff/ ag2_dev_img bash
-- Note that the `pwd` is shorthand for present working directory. Thus, any path after the pwd is relative to that. If you want a more verbose method you could remove the "`pwd`/autogen-newcode" and replace it with the full path to your directory
-docker run -it -p 8081:3000 -v /home/AutoGenDeveloper/autogen-newcode:newstuff/ ag2_dev_img bash
-## Develop in Remote Container
-If you use vscode, you can open the ag2 folder in a [Container](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/devcontainers/containers).
-We have provided the configuration in [devcontainer](https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2/blob/main/.devcontainer). They can be used in GitHub codespace too. Developing AG2 in dev containers is recommended.
+1. Open the AG2 repository in GitHub.
+2. Click on the `Code` button and select `Open with Codespaces`.
+3. Select the desired python environment and wait for the container to build.
+4. Once the container is built, you can start developing AutoGen.
diff --git a/website/docs/contributor-guide/documentation.mdx b/website/docs/contributor-guide/documentation.mdx
index 9c0bf36c46..2a71cbdb90 100644
--- a/website/docs/contributor-guide/documentation.mdx
+++ b/website/docs/contributor-guide/documentation.mdx
@@ -35,21 +35,13 @@ npm run mintlify:dev
The last command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window.
Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
-## Build with Docker
+## Build with devcontainer
-To build and test documentation within a docker container, run the following commands from your project root directory:
+To build and test documentation using devcontainer, open the project using [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/), press `Ctrl+Shift+P` and select `Dev Containers: Reopen in Container`.
-docker build -f .devcontainer/dev/Dockerfile -t ag2ai_dev_img https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2.git#main
-Then start the container like so, this will log you in and ensure that Docker port 3000 is mapped to port 8081 on your local machine:
-docker run -it -p 8081:3000 -v $(pwd):/home/autogen/ag2 ag2ai_dev_img bash
+This will open the project in a devcontainer with all the required dependencies installed.
-Once at the CLI in Docker run the following commands:
+Open a terminal and run the following command to build and serve the documentation:
cd website
@@ -59,4 +51,4 @@ npm install
npm run mintlify:dev
-Once done you should be able to access the documentation at ``
+Once done you should be able to access the documentation at `http://localhost:3000/`.
diff --git a/website/docs/contributor-guide/tests.mdx b/website/docs/contributor-guide/tests.mdx
index 975d0802df..e791156ccd 100644
--- a/website/docs/contributor-guide/tests.mdx
+++ b/website/docs/contributor-guide/tests.mdx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ pip install -e."[test]"
Then you can run the tests from the `test` folder using the following command:
-pytest test
+bash scripts/test.sh test
Tests for the `autogen.agentchat.contrib` module may be skipped automatically if the
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ See [here](https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2/blob/main/notebook/contributing.md#testi
## Skip flags for tests
-- `--skip-openai` for skipping tests that require access to OpenAI services.
+- `-m "not openai"` for skipping tests that require access to OpenAI services.
- `--skip-docker` for skipping tests that explicitly use docker
- `--skip-redis` for skipping tests that require a Redis server
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ For example, the following command will skip tests that require access to
OpenAI and docker services:
-pytest test --skip-openai --skip-docker
+bash scripts/test.sh test -m "not openai" --skip-docker
## Coverage
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Any code you commit should not decrease coverage. To ensure your code maintains
pip install -e ."[test]"
-pytest test --cov-report=html
+bash scripts/test.sh test --cov-report=html
Pytest generated a code coverage report and created a htmlcov directory containing an index.html file and other related files. Open index.html in any web browser to visualize and navigate through the coverage data interactively. This interactive visualization allows you to identify uncovered lines and review coverage statistics for individual files.
diff --git a/website/docs/topics/code-execution/.gitignore b/website/docs/topics/code-execution/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0230e42a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/docs/topics/code-execution/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/website/docs/topics/code-execution/custom-executor.ipynb b/website/docs/topics/code-execution/custom-executor.ipynb
index 8fae6aea19..a491f381d6 100644
--- a/website/docs/topics/code-execution/custom-executor.ipynb
+++ b/website/docs/topics/code-execution/custom-executor.ipynb
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"class NotebookExecutor(CodeExecutor):\n",
- "\n",
" @property\n",
" def code_extractor(self) -> CodeExtractor:\n",
" # Extact code from markdown blocks.\n",
diff --git a/website/docs/topics/code-execution/user-defined-functions.ipynb b/website/docs/topics/code-execution/user-defined-functions.ipynb
index ade02dfc08..0c05a9b287 100644
--- a/website/docs/topics/code-execution/user-defined-functions.ipynb
+++ b/website/docs/topics/code-execution/user-defined-functions.ipynb
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 2,
+ "execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import pandas as pd\n",
"from pandas import DataFrame\n",
- "from pandas import DataFrame as df\n",
+ "from pandas import DataFrame as Df\n",
"from autogen.coding.func_with_reqs import Alias, ImportFromModule, with_requirements\n",
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@
"def some_func2() -> DataFrame: ...\n",
- "@with_requirements(python_packages=[\"pandas\"], global_imports=[ImportFromModule(\"pandas\", Alias(\"DataFrame\", \"df\"))])\n",
- "def some_func3() -> df: ..."
+ "@with_requirements(python_packages=[\"pandas\"], global_imports=[ImportFromModule(\"pandas\", Alias(\"DataFrame\", \"Df\"))])\n",
+ "def some_func3() -> Df: ..."
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 3,
+ "execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -153,20 +153,12 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
+ "execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "exit_code=0 output='3\\n' code_file='/Users/jackgerrits/w/autogen/website/docs/topics/code-execution/coding/tmp_code_1958fe3aea3e8e3c6e907fe951b5f6ab.py'\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
+ "outputs": [],
"source": [
"code = f\"\"\"\n",
- "from {LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor.FUNCTIONS_MODULE} import add_two_numbers\n",
+ "from {LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor.functions_module} import add_two_numbers\n",
"print(add_two_numbers(1, 2))\n",
@@ -189,25 +181,12 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 5,
+ "execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- " name location age\n",
- "0 John New York 24\n",
- "1 Anna Paris 13\n",
- "2 Peter Berlin 53\n",
- "3 Linda London 33\n",
- "\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
+ "outputs": [],
"source": [
"code = f\"\"\"\n",
- "from {LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor.FUNCTIONS_MODULE} import load_data\n",
+ "from {LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor.functions_module} import load_data\n",
@@ -241,40 +220,9 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 6,
+ "execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "\n",
- "You have been given coding capability to solve tasks using Python code.\n",
- "In the following cases, suggest python code (in a python coding block) or shell script (in a sh coding block) for the user to execute.\n",
- " 1. When you need to collect info, use the code to output the info you need, for example, browse or search the web, download/read a file, print the content of a webpage or a file, get the current date/time, check the operating system. After sufficient info is printed and the task is ready to be solved based on your language skill, you can solve the task by yourself.\n",
- " 2. When you need to perform some task with code, use the code to perform the task and output the result. Finish the task smartly.\n",
- "Solve the task step by step if you need to. If a plan is not provided, explain your plan first. Be clear which step uses code, and which step uses your language skill.\n",
- "When using code, you must indicate the script type in the code block. The user cannot provide any other feedback or perform any other action beyond executing the code you suggest. The user can't modify your code. So do not suggest incomplete code which requires users to modify. Don't use a code block if it's not intended to be executed by the user.\n",
- "If you want the user to save the code in a file before executing it, put # filename: inside the code block as the first line. Don't include multiple code blocks in one response. Do not ask users to copy and paste the result. Instead, use 'print' function for the output when relevant. Check the execution result returned by the user.\n",
- "You have access to the following user defined functions. They can be accessed from the module called `functions` by their function names.\n",
- "\n",
- "For example, if there was a function called `foo` you could import it by writing `from functions import foo`\n",
- "\n",
- "def add_two_numbers(a: int, b: int) -> int:\n",
- " \"\"\"Add two numbers together.\"\"\"\n",
- " ...\n",
- "\n",
- "def load_data() -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame:\n",
- " \"\"\"Load some sample data.\n",
- "\n",
- " Returns:\n",
- " pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame with the following columns: name(str), location(str), age(int)\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " ...\n",
- "\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
+ "outputs": [],
"source": [
"nlnl = \"\\n\\n\"\n",
"code_writer_system_message = \"\"\"\n",
@@ -302,7 +250,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 7,
+ "execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -329,7 +277,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 8,
+ "execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -352,61 +300,9 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 13,
+ "execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "\u001b[33mcode_executor_agent\u001b[0m (to code_writer):\n",
- "\n",
- "Please use the load_data function to load the data and please calculate the average age of all people.\n",
- "\n",
- "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- "\u001b[33mcode_writer\u001b[0m (to code_executor_agent):\n",
- "\n",
- "Below is the python code to load the data using the `load_data()` function and calculate the average age of all people. \n",
- "\n",
- "```python\n",
- "# python code\n",
- "from functions import load_data\n",
- "import numpy as np\n",
- "\n",
- "# Load the data\n",
- "df = load_data()\n",
- "\n",
- "# Calculate the average age\n",
- "avg_age = np.mean(df['age'])\n",
- "\n",
- "print(\"The average age is\", avg_age)\n",
- "```\n",
- "\n",
- "This code starts by importing the `load_data()` function. It then uses this function to load the data into a variable `df`. Afterwards, it calculates the average (mean) of the 'age' column in the DataFrame, before printing the result.\n",
- "\n",
- "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- "\u001b[31m\n",
- ">>>>>>>> EXECUTING CODE BLOCK (inferred language is python)...\u001b[0m\n",
- "\u001b[33mcode_executor_agent\u001b[0m (to code_writer):\n",
- "\n",
- "exitcode: 0 (execution succeeded)\n",
- "Code output: The average age is 30.75\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- "\u001b[33mcode_writer\u001b[0m (to code_executor_agent):\n",
- "\n",
- "Great! The code worked fine. So, the average age of all people in the dataset is 30.75 years.\n",
- "\n",
- "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- "\u001b[33mcode_executor_agent\u001b[0m (to code_writer):\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
+ "outputs": [],
"source": [
"chat_result = code_executor_agent.initiate_chat(\n",
" code_writer_agent,\n",
@@ -424,17 +320,9 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 14,
+ "execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "The average age of all people in the dataset is 30.75 years.\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
+ "outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -442,7 +330,7 @@
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "autogen",
+ "display_name": ".venv-3.9",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
@@ -456,7 +344,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.11.8"
+ "version": "3.9.20"
"nbformat": 4,
diff --git a/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-bedrock.ipynb b/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-bedrock.ipynb
index 83a40dac71..e5cc5b8810 100644
--- a/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-bedrock.ipynb
+++ b/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-bedrock.ipynb
@@ -839,11 +839,8 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import autogen\n",
- "from autogen import Agent, AssistantAgent, ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.capabilities.vision_capability import VisionCapability\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.img_utils import get_pil_image, pil_to_data_uri\n",
+ "from autogen import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib.multimodal_conversable_agent import MultimodalConversableAgent\n",
- "from autogen.code_utils import content_str\n",
"image_agent = MultimodalConversableAgent(\n",
" name=\"image-explainer\",\n",
diff --git a/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-cerebras.ipynb b/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-cerebras.ipynb
index ddc4d1b2bc..03a987217e 100644
--- a/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-cerebras.ipynb
+++ b/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-cerebras.ipynb
@@ -118,8 +118,6 @@
"source": [
"import os\n",
- "from autogen.oai.cerebras import CerebrasClient, calculate_cerebras_cost\n",
- "\n",
"config_list = [{\"model\": \"llama-3.3-70b\", \"api_key\": os.environ.get(\"CEREBRAS_API_KEY\"), \"api_type\": \"cerebras\"}]"
diff --git a/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-gemini.ipynb b/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-gemini.ipynb
index a227582c59..64c925778d 100644
--- a/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-gemini.ipynb
+++ b/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-gemini.ipynb
@@ -83,19 +83,12 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "import os\n",
- "from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union\n",
- "\n",
- "import chromadb\n",
"from PIL import Image\n",
- "from termcolor import colored\n",
"import autogen\n",
- "from autogen import Agent, AssistantAgent, ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.img_utils import _to_pil, get_image_data\n",
+ "from autogen import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib.multimodal_conversable_agent import MultimodalConversableAgent\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.retrieve_user_proxy_agent import RetrieveUserProxyAgent\n",
- "from autogen.code_utils import DEFAULT_MODEL, UNKNOWN, content_str, execute_code, extract_code, infer_lang"
+ "from autogen.code_utils import content_str"
diff --git a/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-gemini_vertexai.ipynb b/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-gemini_vertexai.ipynb
index 67fac08a36..6f6b837ae5 100644
--- a/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-gemini_vertexai.ipynb
+++ b/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-gemini_vertexai.ipynb
@@ -175,19 +175,10 @@
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "import os\n",
- "from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union\n",
- "\n",
- "import chromadb\n",
- "from PIL import Image\n",
- "from termcolor import colored\n",
- "\n",
"import autogen\n",
- "from autogen import Agent, AssistantAgent, ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.img_utils import _to_pil, get_image_data\n",
+ "from autogen import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib.multimodal_conversable_agent import MultimodalConversableAgent\n",
- "from autogen.agentchat.contrib.retrieve_user_proxy_agent import RetrieveUserProxyAgent\n",
- "from autogen.code_utils import DEFAULT_MODEL, UNKNOWN, content_str, execute_code, extract_code, infer_lang"
+ "from autogen.code_utils import content_str"
diff --git a/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-mistralai.ipynb b/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-mistralai.ipynb
index 7337cae296..b209dde9eb 100644
--- a/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-mistralai.ipynb
+++ b/website/docs/topics/non-openai-models/cloud-mistralai.ipynb
@@ -436,13 +436,13 @@
"player_white = ConversableAgent(\n",
" name=\"Player White\",\n",
- " system_message=\"You are a chess player and you play as white. \" \"Always call make_move() to make a move\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"You are a chess player and you play as white. Always call make_move() to make a move\",\n",
" llm_config={\"config_list\": config_list, \"cache_seed\": None},\n",
"player_black = ConversableAgent(\n",
" name=\"Player Black\",\n",
- " system_message=\"You are a chess player and you play as black. \" \"Always call make_move() to make a move\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"You are a chess player and you play as black. Always call make_move() to make a move\",\n",
" llm_config={\"config_list\": config_list, \"cache_seed\": None},\n",
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"player_white = ConversableAgent(\n",
" name=\"Player White\",\n",
- " system_message=\"You are a chess player and you play as white. \" \"Always call make_move() to make a move\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"You are a chess player and you play as white. Always call make_move() to make a move\",\n",
" llm_config={\"config_list\": config_list, \"cache_seed\": None},\n",
"player_black = ConversableAgent(\n",
" name=\"Player Black\",\n",
- " system_message=\"You are a chess player and you play as black. \" \"Always call make_move() to make a move\",\n",
+ " system_message=\"You are a chess player and you play as black. Always call make_move() to make a move\",\n",
" llm_config={\"config_list\": config_list, \"cache_seed\": None},\n",
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"from tavily import TavilyClient\n",
- "from autogen import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent, config_list_from_json, register_function\n",
+ "from autogen import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent, register_function\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib.capabilities import teachability\n",
"from autogen.cache import Cache\n",
- "from autogen.coding import DockerCommandLineCodeExecutor, LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor\n",
+ "from autogen.coding import LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor\n",
"config_list = [\n",
" {\"model\": \"gpt-4\", \"api_key\": os.environ[\"OPENAI_API_KEY\"]},\n",
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"source": [
"import os\n",
- "from autogen import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent, config_list_from_json\n",
+ "from autogen import AssistantAgent, UserProxyAgent\n",
"from autogen.cache import Cache\n",
- "from autogen.coding import DockerCommandLineCodeExecutor, LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor\n",
+ "from autogen.coding import LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor\n",
"config_list = [\n",
" {\"model\": \"gpt-4-1106-preview\", \"api_key\": os.environ[\"OPENAI_API_KEY\"]},\n",
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@@ -58,12 +58,11 @@
" GroupChat,\n",
" GroupChatManager,\n",
" UserProxyAgent,\n",
- " config_list_from_json,\n",
" register_function,\n",
"from autogen.agentchat.contrib import agent_builder\n",
"from autogen.cache import Cache\n",
- "from autogen.coding import DockerCommandLineCodeExecutor, LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor\n",
+ "from autogen.coding import LocalCommandLineCodeExecutor\n",
"config_list = [\n",
" {\"model\": \"gpt-4-1106-preview\", \"api_key\": os.environ[\"OPENAI_API_KEY\"]},\n",
@@ -1698,8 +1697,7 @@
"def run_meta_prompting(expert_name: str, expert_identity: str, task: str) -> str:\n",
- " \"\"\"\n",
- " Run Meta-prompting to solve the task.\n",
+ " \"\"\"Run Meta-prompting to solve the task.\n",
" The method is adapted from \"Meta-Prompting: Enhancing Language Models with Task-Agnostic Scaffolding\".\n",
" Paper available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.12954\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
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--- a/website/docs/tutorial/conversation-patterns.ipynb
+++ b/website/docs/tutorial/conversation-patterns.ipynb
@@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@
" {\n",
" \"recipient\": group_chat_manager_with_intros,\n",
" \"summary_method\": \"reflection_with_llm\",\n",
- " \"summary_prompt\": \"Summarize the sequence of operations used to turn \" \"the source number into target number.\",\n",
+ " \"summary_prompt\": \"Summarize the sequence of operations used to turn the source number into target number.\",\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" \"recipient\": code_writer_agent,\n",
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- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/captainagent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/gpt_assistant_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/img_utils",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/llamaindex_conversable_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/llava_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/math_user_proxy_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/multimodal_conversable_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/qdrant_retrieve_user_proxy_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/reasoning_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/retrieve_assistant_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/retrieve_user_proxy_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/society_of_mind_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/swarm_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/text_analyzer_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/tool_retriever",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/contrib/web_surfer"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "agentchat.realtime_agent",
- "pages": [
- "docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/client",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/function_observer",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/oai_realtime_client",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_client",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/realtime_observer",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/twilio_audio_adapter",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/twilio_observer",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_audio_adapter",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/realtime_agent/websocket_observer"
- ]
- },
- "docs/reference/agentchat/agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/assistant_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/chat",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/conversable_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/groupchat",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/user_proxy_agent",
- "docs/reference/agentchat/utils"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "cache",
- "pages": [
- "docs/reference/cache/abstract_cache_base",
- "docs/reference/cache/cache",
- "docs/reference/cache/cache_factory",
- "docs/reference/cache/cosmos_db_cache",
- "docs/reference/cache/disk_cache",
- "docs/reference/cache/in_memory_cache",
- "docs/reference/cache/redis_cache"
- ]
- },
- {
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- "pages": [
- {
- "group": "coding.jupyter",
- "pages": [
- "docs/reference/coding/jupyter/base",
- "docs/reference/coding/jupyter/docker_jupyter_server",
- "docs/reference/coding/jupyter/embedded_ipython_code_executor",
- "docs/reference/coding/jupyter/jupyter_client",
- "docs/reference/coding/jupyter/jupyter_code_executor",
- "docs/reference/coding/jupyter/local_jupyter_server"
- ]
- },
- "docs/reference/coding/base",
- "docs/reference/coding/docker_commandline_code_executor",
- "docs/reference/coding/factory",
- "docs/reference/coding/func_with_reqs",
- "docs/reference/coding/local_commandline_code_executor",
- "docs/reference/coding/markdown_code_extractor",
- "docs/reference/coding/utils"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "interop",
- "pages": [
- {
- "group": "interop.crewai",
- "pages": [
- "docs/reference/interop/crewai/crewai"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "interop.langchain",
- "pages": [
- "docs/reference/interop/langchain/langchain"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "interop.pydantic_ai",
- "pages": [
- "docs/reference/interop/pydantic_ai/pydantic_ai",
- "docs/reference/interop/pydantic_ai/pydantic_ai_tool"
- ]
- },
- "docs/reference/interop/interoperability",
- "docs/reference/interop/interoperable",
- "docs/reference/interop/registry"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "io",
- "pages": [
- "docs/reference/io/base",
- "docs/reference/io/console",
- "docs/reference/io/websockets"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "logger",
- "pages": [
- "docs/reference/logger/base_logger",
- "docs/reference/logger/file_logger"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "messages",
- "pages": [
- "docs/reference/messages/agent_messages"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "oai",
- "pages": [
- "docs/reference/oai/anthropic",
- "docs/reference/oai/bedrock",
- "docs/reference/oai/cerebras",
- "docs/reference/oai/client",
- "docs/reference/oai/client_utils",
- "docs/reference/oai/cohere",
- "docs/reference/oai/completion",
- "docs/reference/oai/gemini",
- "docs/reference/oai/groq",
- "docs/reference/oai/mistral",
- "docs/reference/oai/ollama",
- "docs/reference/oai/openai_utils",
- "docs/reference/oai/together"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "tools",
- "pages": [
- "docs/reference/tools/function_utils",
- "docs/reference/tools/tool"
- ]
- },
- "docs/reference/browser_utils",
- "docs/reference/code_utils",
- "docs/reference/exception_utils",
- "docs/reference/function_utils",
- "docs/reference/graph_utils",
- "docs/reference/math_utils",
- "docs/reference/retrieve_utils",
- "docs/reference/runtime_logging",
- "docs/reference/token_count_utils"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "AutoGen Studio",
- "pages": [
- "docs/autogen-studio/getting-started",
- "docs/autogen-studio/usage",
- "docs/autogen-studio/faqs"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "Ecosystem",
- "pages": [
- "docs/ecosystem/agentops",
- "docs/ecosystem/azure_cosmos_db",
- "docs/ecosystem/composio",
- "docs/ecosystem/databricks",
- "docs/ecosystem/llamaindex",
- "docs/ecosystem/mem0",
- "docs/ecosystem/memgpt",
- "docs/ecosystem/microsoft-fabric",
- "docs/ecosystem/ollama",
- "docs/ecosystem/pgvector",
- "docs/ecosystem/portkey",
- "docs/ecosystem/promptflow"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "Contributor Guide",
- "pages": [
- "docs/contributor-guide/contributing",
- "docs/contributor-guide/docker",
- "docs/contributor-guide/documentation",
- "docs/contributor-guide/file-bug-report",
- "docs/contributor-guide/maintainer",
- "docs/contributor-guide/pre-commit",
- "docs/contributor-guide/tests",
- "docs/Research",
- "docs/Migration-Guide"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "Talks",
- "pages": [
- "talks/future_talks/index",
- "talks/2024-12-19/index",
- "talks/2024-12-12/index",
- "talks/2024-11-28/index",
- "talks/2024-11-25/index",
- "talks/2024-11-18/index",
- "talks/2024-11-12/index",
- "talks/2024-11-11/index",
- "talks/2024-11-04/index",
- "talks/2024-10-15/index",
- "talks/2024-10-14/index",
- "talks/2024-09-30/index",
- "talks/2024-09-23/index",
- "talks/2024-08-26/index"
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "Blog",
- "pages": [
- {
- "group": "Recent posts",
- "pages": [
- "blog/2024-12-20-RealtimeAgent/index",
- "blog/2024-12-20-Tools-interoperability/index",
- "blog/2024-12-20-Reasoning-Update/index",
- "blog/2024-12-06-FalkorDB-Structured/index",
- "blog/2024-12-02-ReasoningAgent2/index",
- "blog/2024-11-27-Prompt-Leakage-Probing/index",
- "blog/2024-11-17-Swarm/index",
- "blog/2024-11-15-CaptainAgent/index",
- "blog/2024-10-23-NOVA/index",
- "blog/2024-07-25-AgentOps/index",
- "blog/2024-06-24-AltModels-Classes/index",
- "blog/2024-06-21-AgentEval/index",
- "blog/2024-05-24-Agent/index",
- "blog/2024-03-11-AutoDefense/index",
- "blog/2024-03-03-AutoGen-Update/index",
- "blog/2024-02-29-StateFlow/index",
- "blog/2024-02-11-FSM-GroupChat/index",
- "blog/2024-02-02-AutoAnny/index",
- "blog/2024-01-26-Custom-Models/index",
- "blog/2024-01-25-AutoGenBench/index",
- "blog/2024-01-23-Code-execution-in-docker/index",
- "blog/2023-12-29-AgentDescriptions/index",
- "blog/2023-12-23-AgentOptimizer/index",
- "blog/2023-12-01-AutoGenStudio/index",
- "blog/2023-11-26-Agent-AutoBuild/index",
- "blog/2023-11-20-AgentEval/index",
- "blog/2023-11-13-OAI-assistants/index",
- "blog/2023-11-09-EcoAssistant/index",
- "blog/2023-11-06-LMM-Agent/index",
- "blog/2023-10-26-TeachableAgent/index",
- "blog/2023-10-18-RetrieveChat/index",
- "blog/2023-07-14-Local-LLMs/index",
- "blog/2023-06-28-MathChat/index",
- "blog/2023-05-18-GPT-adaptive-humaneval/index",
- "blog/2023-04-21-LLM-tuning-math/index"
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "group": "Examples",
- "pages": [
- "notebooks/Examples",
- {
- "group": "Examples by Notebook",
- "pages": [
- "notebooks/Notebooks",
- "notebooks/agentchat_RetrieveChat_mongodb",
- "notebooks/JSON_mode_example",
- "notebooks/agentchat_MathChat",
- "notebooks/agentchat_RetrieveChat",
- "notebooks/agentchat_RetrieveChat_pgvector",
- "notebooks/agentchat_RetrieveChat_qdrant",
- "notebooks/agentchat_agentops",
- "notebooks/agentchat_agentoptimizer",
- "notebooks/agentchat_auto_feedback_from_code_execution",
- "notebooks/agentchat_azr_ai_search",
- "notebooks/agentchat_captainagent",
- "notebooks/agentchat_captainagent_crosstool",
- "notebooks/agentchat_cost_token_tracking",
- "notebooks/agentchat_custom_model",
- "notebooks/agentchat_dalle_and_gpt4v",
- "notebooks/agentchat_databricks_dbrx",
- "notebooks/agentchat_function_call",
- "notebooks/agentchat_function_call_async",
- "notebooks/agentchat_function_call_code_writing",
- "notebooks/agentchat_function_call_currency_calculator",
- "notebooks/agentchat_graph_rag_falkordb",
- "notebooks/agentchat_graph_rag_neo4j",
- "notebooks/agentchat_group_chat_with_llamaindex_agents",
- "notebooks/agentchat_groupchat",
- "notebooks/agentchat_groupchat_RAG",
- "notebooks/agentchat_groupchat_customized",
- "notebooks/agentchat_groupchat_finite_state_machine",
- "notebooks/agentchat_groupchat_research",
- "notebooks/agentchat_groupchat_stateflow",
- "notebooks/agentchat_groupchat_vis",
- "notebooks/agentchat_guidance",
- "notebooks/agentchat_human_feedback",
- "notebooks/agentchat_image_generation_capability",
- "notebooks/agentchat_inception_function",
- "notebooks/agentchat_langchain",
- "notebooks/agentchat_lmm_gpt-4v",
- "notebooks/agentchat_lmm_llava",
- "notebooks/agentchat_logging",
- "notebooks/agentchat_with_memory",
- "notebooks/agentchat_multi_task_async_chats",
- "notebooks/agentchat_multi_task_chats",
- "notebooks/agentchat_nested_chats_chess",
- "notebooks/agentchat_nested_chats_chess_altmodels",
- "notebooks/agentchat_nested_sequential_chats",
- "notebooks/agentchat_nestedchat",
- "notebooks/agentchat_nestedchat_optiguide",
- "notebooks/agentchat_oai_assistant_function_call",
- "notebooks/agentchat_oai_assistant_groupchat",
- "notebooks/agentchat_oai_assistant_retrieval",
- "notebooks/agentchat_oai_assistant_twoagents_basic",
- "notebooks/agentchat_oai_code_interpreter",
- "notebooks/agentchat_openlit",
- "notebooks/agentchat_planning",
- "notebooks/agentchat_realtime_swarm",
- "notebooks/agentchat_realtime_websocket",
- "notebooks/agentchat_reasoning_agent",
- "notebooks/agentchat_society_of_mind",
- "notebooks/agentchat_sql_spider",
- "notebooks/agentchat_stream",
- "notebooks/agentchat_structured_outputs",
- "notebooks/agentchat_surfer",
- "notebooks/agentchat_swarm",
- "notebooks/agentchat_swarm_enhanced",
- "notebooks/agentchat_swarm_graphrag_telemetry_trip_planner",
- "notebooks/agentchat_swarm_graphrag_trip_planner",
- "notebooks/agentchat_swarm_w_groupchat_legacy",
- "notebooks/agentchat_teachability",
- "notebooks/agentchat_teachable_oai_assistants",
- "notebooks/agentchat_teaching",
- "notebooks/agentchat_transform_messages",
- "notebooks/agentchat_two_users",
- "notebooks/agentchat_video_transcript_translate_with_whisper",
- "notebooks/agentchat_web_info",
- "notebooks/agentchat_webscraping_with_apify",
- "notebooks/agentchat_websockets",
- "notebooks/agentchats_sequential_chats",
- "notebooks/agenteval_cq_math",
- "notebooks/async_human_input",
- "notebooks/autobuild_agent_library",
- "notebooks/autobuild_basic",
- "notebooks/autogen_uniformed_api_calling",
- "notebooks/config_loader_utility_functions",
- "notebooks/gpt_assistant_agent_function_call",
- "notebooks/lats_search",
- "notebooks/tools_interoperability"
- ]
- },
- "notebooks/Gallery"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "footerSocials": {
- "x": "https://x.com/Chi_Wang_",
- "github": "https://github.com/ag2ai/ag2",
- "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/ag2ai",
- "discord": "https://discord.gg/pAbnFJrkgZ",
- "youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/@ag2ai"
- }
diff --git a/website/process_api_reference.py b/website/process_api_reference.py
index 4a3d911cfe..9c94bc4d1c 100755
--- a/website/process_api_reference.py
+++ b/website/process_api_reference.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any, List, Optional
+from typing import Any
def run_pydoc_markdown(config_file: Path) -> None:
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def convert_md_to_mdx(input_dir: Path) -> None:
def get_mdx_files(directory: Path) -> list[str]:
"""Get all MDX files in directory and subdirectories."""
- return [f"{str(p.relative_to(directory).with_suffix(''))}".replace("\\", "/") for p in directory.rglob("*.mdx")]
+ return [f"{p.relative_to(directory).with_suffix('')!s}".replace("\\", "/") for p in directory.rglob("*.mdx")]
def add_prefix(path: str, parent_groups: list[str] = None) -> str:
@@ -128,8 +128,7 @@ def create_nav_structure(paths: list[str], parent_groups: list[str] = None) -> l
def update_nav(mint_json_path: Path, new_nav_pages: list[Any]) -> None:
- """
- Update the 'API Reference' section in mint.json navigation with new pages.
+ """Update the 'API Reference' section in mint.json navigation with new pages.
mint_json_path: Path to mint.json file
@@ -174,6 +173,18 @@ def update_mint_json_with_api_nav(script_dir: Path, api_dir: Path) -> None:
update_nav(mint_json_path, nav_structure)
+def generate_mint_json_from_template(mint_json_template_path: Path, mint_json_path: Path) -> None:
+ # if mint.json already exists, delete it
+ if mint_json_path.exists():
+ os.remove(mint_json_path)
+ # Copy the template file to mint.json
+ mint_json_template_content = read_file_content(mint_json_template_path)
+ # Write content to mint.json
+ write_file_content(mint_json_path, mint_json_template_content)
def main() -> None:
script_dir = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
@@ -196,6 +207,13 @@ def main() -> None:
print("Converting MD files to MDX...")
+ # Create mint.json from the template file
+ mint_json_template_path = script_dir / "mint-json-template.json"
+ mint_json_path = script_dir / "mint.json"
+ print("Generating mint.json from template...")
+ generate_mint_json_from_template(mint_json_template_path, mint_json_path)
# Update mint.json
update_mint_json_with_api_nav(script_dir, args.api_dir)
diff --git a/website/process_notebooks.py b/website/process_notebooks.py
index 8a81d37bed..2868ba7ce0 100755
--- a/website/process_notebooks.py
+++ b/website/process_notebooks.py
@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@
import tempfile
import threading
import time
-import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing import current_process
from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from textwrap import dedent, indent
+from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from termcolor import colored
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@
- import nbclient
+ import nbclient # noqa: F401
from nbclient.client import (
@@ -88,7 +89,6 @@ def load_metadata(notebook: Path) -> dict:
def skip_reason_or_none_if_ok(notebook: Path) -> str | None:
"""Return a reason to skip the notebook, or None if it should not be skipped."""
if notebook.suffix != ".ipynb":
return "not a notebook"
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def skip_reason_or_none_if_ok(notebook: Path) -> str | None:
# must exists on lines on their own
if first_cell["cell_type"] == "markdown" and first_cell["source"][0].strip() == "