Analysis of 'pulse-seq' lineage trace of 65,265 airway epithelial cells
Can be installed using 'install.packages'
library(NMF )
library(RColorBrewer )
library(statmod )
library(ggplot2 )
library(cowplot )
library(Seurat )
library(Matrix )
library(stringr )
library(plyr )
library(ggsignif )
library(reshape2 )
library(quantreg )
library(R.utils )
# ## Load all the required functions for this analysis
source(" Fxns.R" )
Load UMI count data from GEO and pre-computed clustering and dimensionality reduction
# # Downloading UMI count data
download.file("" , destfile = " PulseSeq_UMI_counts.rds.gz" )
gunzip(filename = " PulseSeq_UMI_counts.rds.gz" , destname = " PulseSeq_UMI_counts.rds" )
# # Reading UMI count data from file
# # Note that processed UMI data already has ~500 contaminating immune (dendritic) cells, and all low quality (<1000 genes detected) cells removed
ps_umis = readRDS(" PulseSeq_UMI_counts.rds" )
info(sprintf(" Data dimensions: %s" , paste(dim(ps_umis ), collapse = " x" )))
## 2018-07-29 15:05:45 INFO: Data dimensions: 27998x66265
ps = CreateSeuratObject( = ps_umis ,min.cells = 0 , min.genes = 0 )
ps = NormalizeData(object = ps ,normalization.method = " LogNormalize" , scale.factor = 10000 ,display.progress = TRUE )
ps @ dr = readRDS(" dr.rds" )
ps @ = read.delim(" md.txt.gz" )
rownames(ps @ ) = ps @ cell.names
rownames(ps @ dr $ tsne @ cell.embeddings ) = ps @ cell.names
Plot the t-SNE, with cells split by time-point (Fig 3b)
d = FetchData(ps , c(" timepoint" , " color" , " res.2_named" , " tSNE_1" , " tSNE_2" ))
g = ggplot(d , aes(x = tSNE_1 , y = tSNE_2 )) + geom_point(data = subset(d , color == " Tom" ), size = 0.45 , stroke = 0 , color = " grey92" ) + geom_point(data = subset(d , color != " Tom" ), size = 0.5 , stroke = 0 , color = default.cols(3 )[3 ]) + facet_wrap(~ timepoint )
print(g )
Estimate the fraction of lineage-positive (GFP+) cells of each type, at each timepoint
md = ps @
use_clust = " res.2_named"
d = $ batch , md [, use_clust ]))
d $ timepoint = as.numeric(gsub(" Tp" , " " , str_split_fixed(rownames(d ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,1 ]))
d $ color = str_split_fixed(rownames(d ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,3 ]
d $ batch = paste(str_split_fixed(rownames(d ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,1 ], str_split_fixed(rownames(d ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,2 ], sep = " _" )
d = melt(d , id.vars = c(" color" , " timepoint" , " batch" ))
colnames(d )[4 ] <- " celltype"
d $ celltype_batch = paste0(d $ celltype , d $ batch )
totals = aggregate(d $ value , by = list (d $ celltype_batch ), FUN = sum )
d = subset(d , color == " GFP" )
d $ total <- NA
d $ total [match(d $ celltype_batch , totals $ Group.1 )] <- totals $ x
d $ celltype_batch <- NULL
d $ green_frac = d $ value / d $ total
d $ green_frac [! is.finite(d $ green_frac )] <- 0
d $ tp_cell = paste(d $ celltype , d $ timepoint , sep = " _" )
d = plyr :: ddply(d , .(tp_cell ), summarize , gfp_frac_mean = mean(green_frac ), gfp_frac_sd = sd(green_frac ), gfp_frac_sem = sd(green_frac )/ sqrt(length(green_frac )),
gfp_frac_glmm = meta_prop(value , total )$ x , gfp_frac_glmm_ci95_low = meta_prop(value , total )$ ci95.low , gfp_frac_glmm_ci95_high = meta_prop(value , total )$ ci95.high )
d $ celltype = str_split_fixed(d $ tp_cell ,fixed(" _" ),2 )[,1 ]
d $ timepoint = str_split_fixed(d $ tp_cell ,fixed(" _" ),2 )[,2 ]
write.table(d , file = " pulse_seq_labeled_frac.txt" , sep = " \t " , quote = F , row.names = F )
Compute the p-values for increasing labeled fraction (using negative binomial regression)
cell.order = c(" Club" , " Ciliated" , " Goblet" , " Tuft" , " Neuroendocrine" , " Ionocyte" )
cl = as.character(ps @ $ res.2_named )
cols = material.cols [c(3 ,5 ,8 ,10 , 13 ,16 ,17 ,18 )]
x = $ batch , md [, use_clust ]))
x $ timepoint = str_split_fixed(rownames(x ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,1 ]
x $ color = str_split_fixed(rownames(x ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,3 ]
x $ batch = paste(str_split_fixed(rownames(x ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,1 ], str_split_fixed(rownames(x ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,2 ], sep = " _" )
x = melt(x , id.vars = c(" color" , " timepoint" , " batch" ))
x = subset(x , x $ variable %in% cell.order )
x $ variable = factor (x $ variable )
pv_tp30 = vector()
pv_tp60 = vector()
for (i in 1 : length(unique(x $ variable )))
cell = levels(x $ variable )[i ]
d = data.frame (subset(x , variable == cell ))
totals = aggregate(d $ value , by = list (d $ batch ), FUN = sum )
totals = totals [rep(1 : nrow(totals ),each = 2 ),]
d $ total = totals $ x
d = subset(d , color == " GFP" )
if (any(d $ total == 0 )){warn(" Removing mice that didn't detect this celltype" ); d = subset(d , total > 0 )}
# # test timepoint 30 against tp 0
x1 = subset(d , timepoint != " Tp60" )
nb = MASS :: glm.nb(formula = value ~ timepoint + offset(log(as.numeric(x1 $ total ))), data = x1 , maxit = 1000 )# , control=glm.control(trace = 3))
pv_tp30 [i ] = anova(nb , test = " LRT" )$ `Pr(>Chi)` [2 ]
# # test timepoint 60 against tp 0
x2 = subset(d , timepoint != " Tp30" )
nb = MASS :: glm.nb(formula = value ~ timepoint + offset(log(as.numeric(x2 $ total ))), data = x2 , maxit = 1000 ) # , control=glm.control(trace = 3))
pv_tp60 [i ] = anova(nb , test = " LRT" )$ `Pr(>Chi)` [2 ]
pv = , pv_tp60 )
rownames(pv ) = levels(x $ variable )
write.table(pv , file = " NB_pvals_timepoint.txt" , sep = " \t " , quote = F )
Draw bar plots showing these fractions (Fig 3c)
x = $ mouse , md [, use_clust ]))
y = $ batch , md [, use_clust ]))
y $ color = str_split_fixed(rownames(y ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,3 ]
y = subset(y , color == " GFP" )
y $ color <- NULL
z <- data.frame (mapply(" /" , y , x ))
z $ batch = rownames(x )
z $ timepoint = gsub(" Tp" , " " , str_split_fixed(z $ batch ,fixed(" _" ),2 )[,1 ])
z = melt(z , id.vars = c(" timepoint" , " batch" ))
colnames(z )[3 ] <- " cell"
z = subset(z , cell %in% (cell.order ))
z $ cell = factor (z $ cell , levels = cell.order )
w = 0.5
pd = position_dodge(width = w )
# ## compute the locations for significance bars
ann_df = pv
ann_df $ cell = rownames(pv )
ann_df = melt(ann_df [,c(" pv_tp30" , " pv_tp60" , " cell" )], id.vars = " cell" )
colnames(ann_df )[2 : 3 ] <- c(" end" , " p.value" )
ann_df $ end <- gsub(" pv_tp" , " " , ann_df $ end )
ann_df $ start <- " 0"
ann_df $ label = signif(ann_df $ p.value , 3 )
# ann_df$label = symnum(ann_df$p.value, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1), symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", "NS"))
ann_df $ y = compute_signif_height(ann_df , z )
ann_df = subset(ann_df , cell %in% cell.order )
sb = geom_signif(data = ann_df , aes(xmin = start , xmax = end , annotations = label , y_position = y ), textsize = 3 , vjust = - 0.2 , manual = TRUE , tip_length = 0.025 )
g = ggplot(z , aes(x = timepoint , y = value ))
bar_color = " grey60"
bar_width = 0.75
d = read.delim(" pulse_seq_labeled_frac.txt" )
d [ )] <- 0
d $ timepoint = as.character(d $ timepoint )
colnames(d )[grep(" celltype" , colnames(d ))] <- " cell"
d = subset(d , cell %in% cell.order )
g = g + geom_errorbar(data = d , aes(x = timepoint , y = gfp_frac_glmm , ymin = gfp_frac_glmm_ci95_low , ymax = gfp_frac_glmm_ci95_high ), width = .1 ) + geom_bar(data = d , aes(x = timepoint , y = gfp_frac_glmm ),color = NA , fill = bar_color , stat = " identity" , position = pd , width = bar_width , color = NA )
g = g + geom_jitter(width = 0.1 , size = 1 , shape = 15 , color = " black" ) + facet_wrap(~ cell , scales = " free" ) + ylab(" Lineage-labeled fraction of each cell-type (%)" ) + xlab(" " ) + theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 11 ), strip.background = element_blank()) + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales :: percent , expand = c(0 ,0 )) + xlab(" Days after tamoxifen-induced labeling" )
print(g + sb )
Estimating the turnover rate of the cells and inferring their lineage (Fig 3d)
d = $ batch , md [, use_clust ]))
d $ timepoint = as.numeric(gsub(" Tp" , " " , str_split_fixed(rownames(d ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,1 ]))
d $ color = str_split_fixed(rownames(d ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,3 ]
d $ batch = paste(str_split_fixed(rownames(d ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,1 ], str_split_fixed(rownames(d ),fixed(" _" ),3 )[,2 ], sep = " _" )
d = melt(d , id.vars = c(" color" , " timepoint" , " batch" ))
colnames(d )[4 ] <- " celltype"
pv = vector()
plots = list ()
coeff = vector()
coeff_lwr = vector()
coeff_upr = vector()
pv_qr = vector()
coeff_qr = vector()
coeff_lwr_qr = vector()
coeff_upr_qr = vector() = " boot"
boot_ci = F
cols = default.cols(9 )
for (i in 1 : length(unique(d $ celltype )))
cell = unique(d $ celltype )[i ]
x = data.frame (subset(d , celltype == cell ))
totals = aggregate(x $ value , by = list (x $ batch ), FUN = sum )
totals = totals [rep(1 : nrow(totals ),each = 2 ),]
x $ total = totals $ x
x = subset(x , color == " GFP" )
x $ green_frac = x $ value / x $ total
x $ green_frac [! is.finite(x $ green_frac )] <- 0
# ## collect regression coefficient, confidence interval and p-value from a linear regression (conditional mean)
lin_model <- lm(green_frac ~ timepoint , data = x )
m = anova(lin_model , test = " LRT" )
pv [i ] = m $ `Pr(>F)` [1 ]
coeff [i ] <- lin_model $ coefficients [2 ]
ci = confint(lin_model ,level = 0.95 )
coeff_lwr [i ] = ci [" timepoint" ,][1 ]
coeff_upr [i ] = ci [" timepoint" ,][2 ]
# ## collect regression coefficient, confidence intervals and p-value from a quantile regression (conditional median)
qr_lin_model <- quantreg :: rq(green_frac ~ timepoint , data = x , tau = .5 , ci = T )
# ## compute confidence intervals for the slope using bootstrap
s = summary.rq(qr_lin_model )$ coefficient
coeff_qr [i ] <- s [" timepoint" , " coefficients" ]
coeff_lwr_qr [i ] = max(s [" timepoint" , " lower bd" ], 0 )
coeff_upr_qr [i ] = s [" timepoint" , " upper bd" ]
s = summary.rq(qr_lin_model , se = " boot" )$ coefficient
pv_qr [i ] = s [" timepoint" , " Pr(>|t|)" ]
# ## draw the plot for this celltype
plots [[i ]] <- make_plot(x , lin_model , quant_reg_model = qr_lin_model , title = sprintf(" %s (p=%s)" , cell , signif(pv_qr [i ], 3 )), pt.col = cols [i ], = , = F )
# ## Plot all the quantile regression fits. (Extended Data Fig 6c)
names(pv ) <- unique(d $ celltype )
fdr = p.adjust(pv )
title <- ggdraw() + draw_label(" Pulse-seq lineage trace (solid=QR, dotted=LM)" , fontface = ' bold' )
pg = cowplot :: plot_grid(plotlist = plots )
print(plot_grid(title , pg , ncol = 1 , rel_heights = c(0.1 , 1 )))
Test the difference in regression slope (rate of new lineage-labeled cells) to infer lineage (Fig 3d) = c(" Goblet" , " Ciliated" , " Ionocyte" , " Tuft" , " Club" , " Neuroendocrine" )
model_data = , coeff , coeff_lwr , coeff_upr )
model_data_qr = , coeff_qr , coeff_lwr_qr , coeff_upr_qr )
colnames(model_data_qr ) = colnames(model_data )
model_data $ fit = " lm"
model_data_qr $ fit = " qr"
md = , model_data_qr )
md $ celltype = factor (rep(unique(d $ celltype ), 2 ), levels = unique(d $ celltype )[order(model_data $ coeff )])
fit.use = " qr"
md_show = subset(md , celltype %in% & fit == fit.use )
annotation_df <- compute_pvals(d , show.pairs = to_all_pairs( ), test.use = " rank" , linear = F , se = " boot" )
annotation_df $ y <- compute_signif_height_slope(an_dt = annotation_df , full_dt = md_show , adj = 0.0005 )
annotation_df $ sig = symnum(annotation_df $ p.value , corr = FALSE , na = FALSE , cutpoints = c(0 , 0.001 , 0.01 , 0.05 , 0.1 , 1 ), symbols = c(" ***" , " **" , " *" , " ." , " NS" ))
annotation_df = subset(annotation_df , p.value < 0.05 )
annotation_df = annotation_df [c(3 ,7 ),]
dy = 0.0015 # cosmetics: move the significance bars around
annotation_df $ y [annotation_df $ start == " Goblet" ] = annotation_df $ y [annotation_df $ start == " Goblet" ] + dy * 1.5
g = ggplot(md_show , aes(x = celltype , y = coeff )) + geom_point(shape = 15 , size = 2 ) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = coeff_lwr , ymax = coeff_upr ), width = .1 ) + xlab(" " ) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45 , hjust = 1 )) + ylab(" Estimated rate of new\n GFP+ cells per day (%)" ) + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales :: percent ) + ggtitle(" Pulse-seq rate estimate" )
signif_bars = geom_signif(data = annotation_df , aes(xmin = start , xmax = end , y_position = y , annotations = signif(p.value ,3 )), textsize = 3.5 , vjust = - 0.2 , manual = TRUE , tip_length = 0.0002 )
print(g + signif_bars )