1 minor enhancement:
Switched from erubis to erubi for erb processing. (clive-devops)
1 bug fix:
Minor cleanup and top-level error handling changes.
1 bug fix:
Fixed some sexp access under STRICT_SEXP=1.
1 minor enhancement:
Switched node filtering to happen before processing to avoid subtrees getting processed. Thanks to codeclimate.com for funding this effort!
2 minor enhancements:
Added ‘filters` option to skip processing subtrees that match given patterns.
Switched structural_hash to use crc32 to calculate node type values. Thanks to codeclimate.com!
1 bug fix:
Merge options w/ defaults. Mostly to fix testing.
1 minor enhancement:
Added sexp tree filtering via :filters option.
1 minor enhancement:
Added Sexp#pure_ruby_hash from flay-persistent and switched structural_hash to it. Faster than ruby’s #hash and stable.
1 bug fix:
Accidentally removed require from flay_task.rb. (ajacques)
1 minor enhancement:
Switched to path_expander to deal with cmdline args. See path_expander for details.
2 bug fixes:
Added dev deps and bundler plugin to make flavorjones happy. (flavorjones)
Explicitly require rake/tasklib in flay_task.rb. (jasonkarns)
1 minor enhancement:
Switched to erubis to make more compatible w/ rails usage.
1 bug fix:
Fixed frozen string modification error on ruby 2.0+. (apiology)
2 minor enhancements:
Added support for .flayignore files. (kcdragon)
Added Flay.filter_files(files, ignore_path_or_io).
6 minor enhancements:
Added Flay::Item and Flay::Location to encapsulate analysis.
Added ‘–only nodetype` filter flag.
Flay#analyze now returns a nice data structure you can walk over.
Flay#report is now much more dumb. :)
Flay#report now takes an optional IO object.
Removed unused prune arg in Flay#report.
1 minor enhancement:
Allow plugins to provide sexp to source converters for –diff. (UncleGene)
1 bug fix:
Fixed –diff outputting twice if there are no comments. (kalenkov)
2 minor enhancements:
Refactored n_way_diff into split_and_group, collapse_and_label, and pad_with_empty_strings.
n_way_diff now does leading comments separately from the code, to better align diffs.
1 bug fix:
Fixed code/home urls in readme/gem.
Semantic versioning doesn’t take into account how AWESOME a release is. In this case, it severely falls short. I’d jump to 4.0 if I could.
2 major enhancements:
Added –fuzzy (ie copy, paste, & modify) duplication detection.
Added –liberal, which changes the way prune works to identify more duplication.
12 minor enhancements:
Added -# to turn off item numbering. Helps with diffs to compare runs over time.
Added Sexp#+.
Added Sexp#code_index to specify where *code starts in some sexps.
Added Sexp#has_code?.
Added Sexp#initialize_copy to propagate file/line/modified info.
Added Sexp#modified, #modified=, and #modified?.
Added Sexp#split_at(n). (Something I’ve wanted in Array for ages).
Added Sexp#split_code.
Added mass and diff options to rake debug.
Added rake run task w/ mass, diff, and liberal options
Made report’s sort more stable, so I can do better comparison runs.
Wrapped Sexp#[] to propagate file/line/modified info.
5 minor enhancements:
Added –timeout option. Defaults to 10 seconds.
Added ability for plugins to define options_<pluginname> method to extend options.
Flay no longer defaults to ‘.’ if no args given. Allows plugins to do more
Moved #analyze down to #report. #process only processes, nothing more.
Sort output for more stable reporting. Better for diffing against, my dear.
2 bug fixes:
Avoid redefined warning for File::RUBY19. (svendahlstrand)
Relaxed the ruby_parser dependency.
1 minor enhancement:
Added a timeout handler to skip when RubyParser times out on a large file
2 major enhancements:
Parses ruby 1.9! (still in beta)
Moved Sexp#deep_each and Sexp#each_sexp to sexp_processor
1 minor enhancements:
Use File.binread (File.read in 1.8) to bypass encoding errors
1 bug fix:
Fixed failing tests against ruby_parser 3
1 bug fix:
Fixes for 1.9 with –diff. (mmullis)
2 bug fixes:
Added flay require in flay_task
Switched to minitest. (doh)
2 minor enhancements:
Added extra error handling for ERB flay to deal with tons of bad ERB
Skip plugin if another version already loaded (eg local vs gem).
1 bug fix:
Fixed all tests that were having problems on 1.9 due to unstable hashes
4 minor enhancements:
Pushed Sexp#mass up to sexp_processor.
Removed #similarity #compare_to, #intersection, #triangle, and other cruft.
Renamed all_subhashes to all_structural_subhashes.
Renamed fuzzy_hash to structural_hash.
5 minor enhancements:
Added –summary to display flay scores per file.
Added –verbose to display processing progress.
Protect against syntax errors in bad code and continue flaying.
Removed fuzzy matching. Never got it to feel right. Slow. Broken on 1.9
Renamed –verbose to –diff.
3 minor enhancements:
Added gauntlet_flay.rb
Cached value of plugins loaded.
Refactored and separated analysis phase from process phase
1 bug fix:
Added bin dir to default dirs list in FlayTask
2 major enhancements:
Added flay_task.rb
Added plugin system (any flay_(c,java,js,etc).rb files).
4 minor enhancements:
Added expand_dirs_to_files and made dirs valid arguments.
Added flay_erb.rb plugin.
Added optparse option processing.
Refactored to make using w/in rake and other CI systems clean and easy.
7 minor enhancement:
Added -v verbose mode to print out N-way diff of the detected code.
Added identical node scoring and reporting.
Added the start of copy/paste+edit detection, not even close yet.
Added more tests.
Added rcov tasks
Clarified output a bit
Refactored process_sexps to make doing other languages/systems easier.
1 major enhancement