####reyes architecture
- Reyes architecture, Alexander Boswell (blogposts)
- Reyes architecture and Implementation, Kayvon Fatahalian (slides)
- A real-time micropolygon rendering, Kayvon Fatahalian (slides, SIGGRAPH 2009)
- Parallel micropolygon rendering (slides, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/15418-s12/www/lectures/25_micropolygons.pdf)
- Implementing a modern, RenderMan compliant, REYES renderer, Davide Pasca (slides, http://www.slideshare.net/davidepasca/implementing-a-modern-renderman-compliant-reyes-renderer)
- The Reyes Image Rendering Architecture, Cook, Carpenter, Catmull (original paper '87')
- Real-time Reyes-style Adaptive Surface Subdivision, Patney and Owens (slides)
- RenderAnts: Interactive Reyes rendering on GPUs, Kun Zhou et al. (paper)
####stochastic sampling, dof and motion blur
- Micropolygon Raytracing with Defocus and Motion Blur, Quiming Hou et al. (paper)
- Interactive DOF using simulated diffusion on a GPU, Michael Kass et al. (paper, @Pixar)
- Motionblur, Max Liani (blogpost, http://glimpse-rt.blogspot.rs/2012/09/motionblur.html)
- Real-time Stochastic Rasterization on Conventional GPU Architectures, McGuire et al. (paper)
- Toward a Blurry Rasterizer, Jacob Munkberg (slides, SIGGRAPH 2011)
####bezier surfaces
- scratchapixel, http://scratchapixel.com/lessons/advanced-rendering/bezier-curve-rendering-utah-teapot/bezier-surface
- Philip Rideout, http://prideout.net/blog/?p=46#patch
####towards raytracing of subdivision surfaces
- Direct ray tracing of full-featured subdivison surfaces using Bezier clipping, Takahito Tejima et al. (paper, @jcgt)
- Curve intersection using Bezier clipping, Sederberg and Nishita (paper)