Chezmoi is the tool used to manage my dotfiles. I use it to keep track of my config files and bootstrap/re-install my softwares/tools on different machines effortlessly. Chezmoi allows the use of scripts which are triggered only once, on a file change or every time a sync is applied.
- Scripts and files are applied based on the machine OS. This is done through .chezmoiignore.tmpl
- Scripts are running in numerical order
- Some scripts are a bootstrap install of a few tools and will run only once
Rust tools are installed using rustup.
is installed automatically through chezmoi via the Brewfile_Basics.tmpl.
It is then run once via the script.
To uninstall :
rm -rf $CARGO_HOME
Default terminal is Kitty
Both personal and work browsers are installed. Default browser is set based on the machine type (personal or work).
Microsoft Edge is set as the default browser on work machines.
Brave is the default browser for personal use.
- Add Vimium key mappings
- When adding edge application, if it doesn't show in wofi, use the create shortcut from edge settings
- Finishing describing the chezmoi scripts
- Review the install of
with brew
To finish installation & run clamav you will need to edit
the example conf files at /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/etc/clamav/
To start clamav now and restart at startup:
sudo brew services start clamav
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/clamav/sbin/clamd --foreground