The purpose of this guide is to showcase how you can extend the functionality of CodeCompanion by adding your own prompts to the config that are reflected in the Action Palette. The Action Palette is a lua table which is parsed by the plugin and displayed as a
component. By specifying certain keys, the behaviour of the table can be customised further.
A prompt can be added via the setup
prompt_library = {
["My New Prompt"] = {
strategy = "chat",
description = "Some cool custom prompt you can do",
prompts = {
role = "system",
content = "You are an experienced developer with Lua and Neovim",
role = "user",
content = "Can you explain why ..."
In this example, if you run :CodeCompanionActions
, you should see "My New Prompt" in the bottom of the Prompts section of the palette. Clicking on your new action will initiate the chat strategy and set the value of the chat buffer based on the role and content that's been specified in the prompt.
In the following sections, we'll explore how you can customise your prompts even more.
As the years go by, I find myself writing less and less HTML. So when it comes to quickly scaffolding out a HTML page, I inevitably turn to a search engine. It would be great if I could have an action that could quickly generate some boilerplate HTML from the Action Palette.
Let's take a look at how we can achieve that:
prompt_library = {
["Boilerplate HTML"] = {
strategy = "inline",
description = "Generate some boilerplate HTML",
opts = {
mapping = "<LocalLeader>ch"
prompts = {
role = "system",
content = "You are an expert HTML programmer",
role = "user",
content = "Please generate some HTML boilerplate for me. Return the code only and no markdown codeblocks",
Nice! We've used some careful prompting to ensure that we get HTML boilerplate back from the LLM. Oh...and notice that I added a key map too!
To make this example complete, we can leverage a pre-hook to create a new buffer and set the filetype to be html:
["Boilerplate HTML"] = {
strategy = "inline",
description = "Generate some boilerplate HTML",
opts = {
pre_hook = function()
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, false)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "filetype", "html")
return bufnr
For the inline strategy, the plugin will detect a number being returned from the pre_hook
and assume that is the buffer number you wish any code to be streamed into.
Whilst this example was useful at demonstrating the functionality of the Action Palette and your custom prompts, it's not using LLMs to add any real value to your workflow (this boilerplate could be a snippet after all!). So let's step things up in the next section.
Now let's look at how we can use an LLM to advise us on some code that we have visually selected in a buffer. Infact, this very example used to be builtin to the plugin as the Code Advisor action:
prompt_library = {
["Code Expert"] = {
strategy = "chat",
description = "Get some special advice from an LLM",
opts = {
mapping = "<LocalLeader>ce",
modes = { "v" },
short_name = "expert",
auto_submit = true,
stop_context_insertion = true,
user_prompt = true,
prompts = {
role = "system",
content = function(context)
return "I want you to act as a senior "
.. context.filetype
.. " developer. I will ask you specific questions and I want you to return concise explanations and codeblock examples."
role = "user",
content = function(context)
local text = require("codecompanion.helpers.actions").get_code(context.start_line, context.end_line)
return "I have the following code:\n\n```" .. context.filetype .. "\n" .. text .. "\n```\n\n"
opts = {
contains_code = true,
At first glance there's a lot of new stuff in this. Let's break it down.
opts = {
mapping = "<LocalLeader>ce",
modes = { "v" },
short_name = "expert",
auto_submit = true,
stop_context_insertion = true,
user_prompt = true,
In the opts
table we're specifying that we only want this action to appear in the Action Palette if we're in visual mode. We're also asking the chat strategy to automatically submit the prompts to the LLM via the auto_submit = true
value. We're also telling the picker that we want to get the user's input before we action the response with user_prompt = true
. With the short_name = "expert"
option, the user can run :CodeCompanion /expert
from the cmdline in order to trigger this prompt. Finally, as we define a prompt to add any visually selected text to the chat buffer, we need to add the stop_context_insertion = true
option to prevent the chat buffer from duplicating this. Remember that visually selcting text and opening a chat buffer will result in that selection from being adding as a codeblock.
In the example below you can see how we've structured the prompts to get advice on the code:
prompts = {
role = "system",
content = function(context)
return "I want you to act as a senior "
.. context.filetype
.. " developer. I will ask you specific questions and I want you to return concise explanations and codeblock examples."
role = "user",
content = function(context)
local text = require("codecompanion.helpers.actions").get_code(context.start_line, context.end_line)
return "I have the following code:\n\n```" .. context.filetype .. "\n" .. text .. "\n```\n\n"
opts = {
contains_code = true,
One of the most useful features of the custom prompts is the ability to receive context about the current buffer and any lines of code we've selected. An example context table looks like:
bufnr = 7,
buftype = "",
cursor_pos = { 10, 3 },
end_col = 3,
end_line = 10,
filetype = "lua",
is_normal = false,
is_visual = true,
lines = { "local function fire_autocmd(status)", ' vim.api.nvim_exec_autocmds("User", { pattern = "CodeCompanionInline", data = { status = status } })', "end" },
mode = "V",
start_col = 1,
start_line = 8,
winnr = 1000
Using the context above, our first prompt then makes more sense:
role = "system",
content = function(context)
return "I want you to act as a senior "
.. context.filetype
.. " developer. I will ask you specific questions and I want you to return concise explanations and codeblock examples."
We are telling the LLM to act as a "senior Lua developer" based on the filetype of the buffer we initiated the action from.
Lets now take a look at the second prompt:
role = "user",
content = function(context)
local text = require("codecompanion.helpers.actions").get_code(context.start_line, context.end_line)
return "I have the following code:\n\n```" .. context.filetype .. "\n" .. text .. "\n```\n\n"
opts = {
contains_code = true,
You can see that we're using a handy helper to get the code between two lines and formatting it into a markdown code block.
We've also specifed a contains_code = true
flag. If you've turned off the sending of code to LLMs then the plugin will block this from happening.
It's also possible to conditionally set prompts via a condition
function that returns a boolean:
role = "user",
condition = function(context)
return context.is_visual
And to determine the visibility of actions in the palette itself:
name = "Open chats ...",
strategy = " ",
description = "Your currently open chats",
condition = function()
return #require("codecompanion").buf_get_chat() > 0
picker = {
Allowing a Prompt to appear as a Slash Command
It can be useful to have a prompt from the prompt library appear as a slash command in the chat buffer, like with the Generate a Commit Message
action. This can be done by specifiying a is_slash_cmd = true
option to the prompt:
["Generate a Commit Message"] = {
strategy = "chat",
description = "Generate a commit message",
opts = {
index = 9,
is_default = true,
is_slash_cmd = true,
short_name = "commit",
auto_submit = true,
prompts = {
-- Prompts go here
In the chat buffer, if you type /
you will see the value of opts.short_name
appear in the completion menu for you to expand.
Specifying an Adapter and Model
["Your_New_Prompt"] = {
strategy = "chat",
description = "Your Special Prompt",
opts = {
adapter = {
name = "ollama",
model = "deepseek-coder:6.7b",
-- Your prompts here
Specifying a Placement for Inline Prompts
As outlined in the README, an inline prompt can place its response in many different ways. To override this, you can specify a specific placement:
["Your_New_Prompt"] = {
strategy = "inline",
description = "Your Special Inline Prompt",
opts = {
placement = "new|false"
-- Your prompts here
In this example, the LLM response will be placed in a new buffer and the user's code will not be returned back to them.
Workflows, at their core, are simply multiple prompts which are sent to the LLM in a turn-based manner. I fully recommend reading Issue 242 of The Batch to understand their use. Workflows are setup in exactly the same way as prompts in the prompt library. Take the code workflow
as an example:
["Code workflow"] = {
strategy = "workflow",
description = "Use a workflow to guide an LLM in writing code",
opts = {
index = 4,
is_default = true,
short_name = "workflow",
prompts = {
-- We can group prompts together to make a workflow
-- This is the first prompt in the workflow
role = constants.SYSTEM_ROLE,
content = function(context)
return fmt(
"You carefully provide accurate, factual, thoughtful, nuanced answers, and are brilliant at reasoning. If you think there might not be a correct answer, you say so. Always spend a few sentences explaining background context, assumptions, and step-by-step thinking BEFORE you try to answer a question. Don't be verbose in your answers, but do provide details and examples where it might help the explanation. You are an expert software engineer for the %s language",
opts = {
visible = false,
role = constants.USER_ROLE,
content = "I want you to ",
opts = {
auto_submit = false,
-- This is the second group of prompts
role = constants.USER_ROLE,
content = "Great. Now let's consider your code. I'd like you to check it carefully for correctness, style, and efficiency, and give constructive criticism for how to improve it.",
opts = {
auto_submit = false,
-- This is the final group of prompts
role = constants.USER_ROLE,
content = "Thanks. Now let's revise the code based on the feedback, without additional explanations.",
opts = {
auto_submit = false,
You'll notice that the comments use the notion of "groups". These are collections of prompts which are added to a chat buffer in a timely manner. Infact, the second group will only be added once the LLM has responded to the first group...and so on.
Hopefully this serves as a useful introduction on how you can expand CodeCompanion to create prompts that suit your workflow. It's worth checking out the actions.lua and config.lua files for more complex examples.