- #1113 Webhook event error.
- #986 Showing in which charles version you are
- #1023 Feature: deploy logs
- #996 Sync circle matcher information when creating or deleting.
- #982 [Hermes] - Webhook module
- #726 Added percentage deployment strategy
- #922 Butler executions filters
- #970 Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 in /ui
- #872 Bump node-notifier from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1 in /ui
- #955 Custom virtual service
- #962 Add Mock Service Worker on UI
- #1021 Upgrade react-scripts from 4.0.1 to 4.0.3
- #1011 Removing actions from module tab when creating it
- #981 Improving advanced options at component screen.
- #907 [Hypotheses] Removing hypotheses feature.
- #918 [UserGroups] Prevent duplicate list after updates
- #966 Fix button enabled/disabled when creating a new user
- #971 Fixing watch log on octopipe
- #963 Fixing circle creation from CSV file.
- #930 [UserGroups] Permission to Maintainer remove Groups from Workspace
- #1036 [HERMES] Checking if subscription is null.
- #1016 Fix showing username undefined in the initial screen
- #1013 Fix list metric prometheus error
- #942 Fix inconsistently displaying the menu after go to root path
- #1004 Getting circle percentage at repository.
- #810 Change butler steps on pipeline
- #953 Fix showing required for an optional field when registering a module
- #940 Removing unused chart
- #939 Feature/get system token
- #954 fix moove not returning circle deployment
- #941 Validation error messages - Error responses pattern
- #948 charts adjustments
- #906 Add infinite scroll in Workspace
- #902 Remove microfrontend
- #937 Fixing keycloak public client id.
- #885 Add Form whitespace validation
- #874 Adding issue and pull request templates.
- #681 Validate resources with other ids
- #935 Update hermes install helm
- #832 Improve error details
- #926 Fix field array default values
- #932 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #883 Helm chart refactor
- #870 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #928 Enhancement/hermes tests
- #925 Resources whitelist adr
- #929 refactoring last status health check endpoint
- #927 Removing mem param from dockerfile.
- #920 Hermes - rabbit consumer
- #915 Fix butler operator namespace issues
- #831 Fix override clean routes
- #912 Butler operator health status
- #914 Remove totalPages from executions response
- #916 Fix show Compass error messages
- #923 Creating gate domain
- #913 Update Metrics Bug
- #779 Added new validation in the createModuleRequest
- #611 Identify only active circles
- #613 User flow with external IDM
- #884 Bug fixes and improvements.
- #919 fix codecov version
- #910 Updating typeorm version
- #908 Bump apexcharts from 3.23.0 to 3.25.0 in /ui
- #898 Adding initial structure for new ext auth server (gate)
- #852 Moove webhook not found error event
- #824 Users: Pagination and infinite scroll
- #882 Fix search workspaces by name
- #892 Deployments pagination: adding max page length.
- #763 Updating prerelease and prodrelease workflows
- #903 adding subscription register limit
- #864 Add pagination to Modules menu
- #880 Improvements for Workspace list menu in IDM flow
- #900 User Group modal multi-selection lost the selection after a search
- #901 Workspaces users endpoint
- #888 Fixing find user by email
- #899 fixing updatr webhook endpoint
- #851 Adding pagination for User Groups menu items
- #897 Adding ci for alpha images
- #749 Butler operator hooks
- #827 Configure timeout for charts download from github and gitlab
- #894 fix webhook checkpoint endpoint details and response
- #893 putting null apikey
- #887 Hermes publish
- #891 remove unused dependency
- #889 Butler operator cleanup
- #871 Add data-testid
- #890 Fixing hermes build workflow
- #886 change response paylod from event history webhook service
- #881 Hermes dockerfile fix
- #879 Improvements for IDM flow
- #878 HOTFIX: getting workspaces when user is authenticated with external IDM and is not root.
- #877 Update Dockerfile
- #873 Fix workspace list in external IDM flow
- #876 Update Dockerfile
- #775 Update Front end dependencies
- #857 Verify git configuration is is null on git configuration mapper
- #841 Fix infinite scroll when page zoom is above 80%
- #861 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #863 fix git payload build
- #867 fixing tests
- #866 fix bean error
- #834 Moove webhook workspace service
- #862 Fixing circle matcher devrelease workflow.
- #860 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #836 Hermes charts
- #859 Setting a variable to save the version name (gitction workflow)
- #858 Fixing circle matcher graalvm version.
- #842 rabbit client
- #838 Moove webhook history events
- #856 Fixing lint of CI workflow
- #854 Validate butler ci integration tests
- #853 Fixed regex URL validation
- #850 Fixing all CM workflows.
- #849 Fixing workflow.
- #848 Fixing circle matcher prod release workflow.
- #847 Fixig graalvm image.
- #846 Fixing prodrelease: circle matcher.
- #845 Fixing cm workflow.
- #843 Fixing circle matcher workflow devrelease and ci.
- #830 Moove webhook publish events
- #761 Improve git usability
- #796 Input validation on the screens: workspace, users, user group and account.
- #797 Fix octopipe cd configuration
- #815 Fix duplicated circle list after delete a circle
- #837 Registry and git improvements (settings page)
- #835 Fix filter workspaces
- #820 Butler operator routes
- #833 Fix metrics endpoint
- #825 Update graalvm image
- #739 Fix octopipe overriding helm objects
- #770 Update engine matcher
- #823 Datasource test connection error
- #724 Security restrict access users data
- #822 Hermes workflows
- #821 Automation data testid
- #750 Compass structured error
- #781 UI improvement in Metric Action
- #817 Registry and git improvements
- #814 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #813 Compass token bug hotfix
- #811 Fix: link menu size
- #808 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #806 Change aws secret key text field to password field
- #807 Added configmaps to octopipe
- #772 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #805 Hotfix: adding authorId when creating cd configuration.
- #798 UI improvement in workspace configuration screen
- #801 Moove webhook crud apis
- #788 Feature registry connection (Azure, dockerhub, GCP, Harbor and AWS)
- #791 Default Radio component
- #782 User group improvements
- #762 Update typescript and jest dependencies
- #793 Stale bot
- #795 Fixing Timezone action
- #783 Datasource improvements
- #771 Bump axios from 0.19.2 to 0.21.1 in /utils/matcher-s3-sync
- #759 Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 in /utils/matcher-s3-sync
- #758 Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 in /ui
- #794 Changing master to main
- #792 Changing master to main
- #789 Fix moove public paths
- #695 Git branch name validations
- #787 Hotfix: registry connection test.
- #780 Checkbox - New core/component
- #738 Payload validation
- #774 Butler operator manifests
- #704 Adding Transactional to create user
- #719 Adding Infinite scroll at Circle Page
- #766 Butler k8s tests
- #768 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #769 Fixing rate limit variables at moove chart
- #767 Hotfix: fixing moove chart and updating circle matcher readme
- #764 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #670 Vulnerabilites fixes
- #623 removing unused legacy code
- #686 Creating rate limit of APIs access
- #706 The 'delete' button should be inactive when the circle is active
- #756 Ingress envoy
- #730 Circle-matcher should allow create only one default circle by workspace
- #755 Hotfix compass secret installation
- #619 Delete card options and edit branchName
- #707 Update of the ConnectionStatus component to be generic
- #754 Envoy k8s nginx ingress
- #747 fix metrics groups button
- #740 Butler operator install
- #746 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #672 validate default circle
- #745 changing compass limit rate
- #680 Fix workspace infinite loading
- #666 Api authorization refactor
- #627 Test registry connectivity gcr
- #741 Restore healthcheck module and map it on the v2 base module
- #732 Delete v1 dir
- #688 Compass http limit
- #644 add request limiter octopipe
- #727 Butler k8s client
- #736 Removing workflow
- #735 General security static analysis
- #690 OpenResty version in header disabled
- #725 Butler operator crd
- #700 Compass encrypt
- #674 Compass authorization
- #721 Remove old components when deploying on a circle (Override deployment)
- #722 Butler helm strategy
- #734 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #728 Patch user and database error handler
- #733 Implementing gitlab ignore certificate errors.
- #731 Adding workflow configs for new environments
- #715 Fix multicluster/opensea bugs
- #693 accepted adr
- #691 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #718 Adding running options to README
- #716 Readme on compass
No changelog for this release.
- #659 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #614 Fixing Docker Hub Bearer Authentication and Deploy
- #664 Fix warning on test
- #648 Bugfix: Service adjusted to accept merging with "master" and "main"
- #615 Changing Octopipe name to CharlesCD at CD Configuration
- #612 Fix wrong failed build status
- #663 compass-pkg-url
- #630 Git not required hypothesis board
- #643 fix workspace search bug
- #650 Update Testing Library
- #636 Update React Hook Form
- #656 fix responsive layout
- #657 create typeorm cli config file
- #655 Fixing horus calls
- #651 Adding services security scan CI step
- #609 Metric actions v 2
- #608 Compass actions health
- #649 Ends_with, matchers and contains conditions
- #640 Add Log component into core
- #605 Butler v2
- #639 Add BUTLER_URL env var
- #638 Fixing matcher s3 pipeline for devrelease.
- #637 Update moove-devrelease.yml
- #635 Release darwin ecr
- #632 Create styled components declaration file
- #631 Butler v1 endpoints
- #629 Feature ui test connection with gcr
- #621 Use butler v2 api
- #620 Removing contributors session
- #578 Fixed some typos in
- #610 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #606 Protected branches list configuration
- #349 Feature wizard
- #558 K3s docker compose
- #598 Unmatched x-circle-id header validation
- #596 Fix login error in password with special characters
- #548 Force redirect to refresh chunk references
- #595 Validate buildImageTag
- #594 Metric actions
- #593 Compass actions health
- #469 Create priority circles
- #591 Dont use typeorm .save for updating
- #590 validate undeployment on non existing deployment
- #588 Fix undeploy race condition
- #586 remove unmatched header when no circled is matched
- #585 Butler v2 explicit update
- #581 Return execution id on simultaneous deployment error message
- #560 Fix label and input text overlapping in login screen
- #575 Formatting
- #574 Including status badges
- #573 Including status badges
- #528 Octo butler v2
- #504 Format subset names to conform with k8s format
- #547 Remove mongodb
- #554 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #542 Create update name of metric groups operation
- #569 check execution on simultaneous-deployment pipe
- #563 Create NavTabs component
- #568 Add prefix in bucket
- #539 Fixing validation on PATCH at circle segments
- #565 New summary component
- #545 Workflow prod oidc
- #553 change npm to yarn in prodrelease
- #550 Matcher s3 sync
- #552 wrong react-select version change required props
- #534 Add dockerhub support
- #551 Matcher s3 sync keycloak login
- #519 Fixing filter when adding user groups at workspace
- #492 Filter within the metrics group
- #544 fix nginx error in single file installation
- #543 CharleCD code of conduct
- #541 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #537 Rename compass docker-repository name
- #536 Fix Create Workspace
- #533 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #535 Revert "Building villager native"
- #477 Support to Google Cloud Registry
- #531 Adding files for installation with new idm integration
- #529 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #532 Revert "Revert "[DevCraft] IDM and microfrontend feature""
- #530 Revert "[DevCraft] IDM and microfrontend feature"
- #507 [DevCraft] IDM and microfrontend feature
- #466 Charlescd adapter to work with devcraft
- #527 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #524 Add gcr support
- #526 Fixing variables at workflows.
- #525 Fix cd configuration eks form names
- #435 Building villager native
- #455 Upgrade Quarkus 1.2.1 to 1.7.1 and fix Test for new version of Quarkus
- #516 Issue workspace switch
- #522 Revert "Support to Google Cloud Registry"
- #481 Bump node-fetch from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 in /ui
- #506 Feature change login process
- #497 Using database permissions on moove filter
- #487 Remove proxy
- #480 Bump node-fetch from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 in /butler
- #510 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #512 fix-villager-swagger-path
- #503 fix users load workspace
- #511 Fix import csv bug
- #509 Change Octopipe to not update deployed resources
- #508 Updating java version of moove dev release
- #495 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #442 Fix multiple registry auth bug
- #502 Update
- #501 Fix chart error
- #500 Update Nginx Chart.yaml
- #499 Compass copyright
- #452 Removing authorization from keycloak
- #496 Fix compass installation
- #491 lock Casl version
- #494 fix compass chart
- #414 Fixing workspace permissions.
- #486 Notification transaction
- #488 Fix compass job
- #485 Adding compass chart
- #483 Transaction on create deployment use-case
- #463 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #473 Fix average time
- #476 Change on click expand for a redirect to that circle
- #474 fix hardcoded sandbox namespace
- #472 fix one deployment issues
- #470 Update link to documentation
- #428 Adding filter to UserGroup findAll
- #438 Circle segments validation on PATCH
- #348 Reset password - Root View
- #423 Segmentation view - Hide logical operator and vertical line
- #418 Create metrics groups
- #468 V2 one deployment circle
- #467 Removing comments on nginx-conf.yaml
- #462 Refinement UI
- #460 Butler stabilization version concat validation
- #459 validate componentName + imageTag cannot be greater than 63
- #456 Fix spinnaker tests, return hostValue and gatewayName on executions index
- #454 Add component name v2
- #453 Index pagination by 0, validate query string params
- #407 remove module controller
- #393 add label circleId
- #451 Fix ingress options v2
- #450 Add page indication on paginated response
- #443 Codecov upgrade 1.0.7 to 1.0.13
- #441 Butler stabilization execution list
- #437 Add circle label on deployment
- #439 Add new ingress options butler v2
- #434 use pgcrypto to generate uuid
- #429 No rollback when pod is shared
- #347 Change user password
- #433 create pg extension in case the database cant run uuid_generate_v4
- #432 dont run cleanup query if no expired executions are found
- #427 Butler stabilization fix undeployment callback
- #431 dont log entire objects on deploy
- #405 Hotfix: user can not edit profile picture.
- #375 Validating if email is already registered.
- #420 Update execution status and notify moove on undeployment
- #417 CI Update of charts and changelog
- #415 alter migrations and entities
- #419 Fix repeated drules v2
- #416 Fix incomingCircleId for callbacks
- #398 Hotfix: moove was allowing post and delete requests without token