The general structure of commands and responses is as follows:
Field |
Type |
Content |
Note |
byte (1) |
Application Identifier |
0x09 |
byte (1) |
Instruction ID |
P1 |
byte (1) |
Parameter 1 |
P2 |
byte (1) |
Parameter 2 |
L |
byte (1) |
Bytes in payload |
byte (L) |
Payload |
Field |
Type |
Content |
Note |
byte (?) |
Answer |
depends on the command |
SW1-SW2 |
byte (2) |
Return code |
see list of return codes |
Return code |
Description |
0x6400 |
Execution Error |
0x6982 |
Empty buffer |
0x6983 |
Output buffer too small |
0x6986 |
Command not allowed |
0x6D00 |
INS not supported |
0x6E00 |
CLA not supported |
0x6F00 |
Unknown |
0x9000 |
Success |
Field |
Type |
Content |
Expected |
byte (1) |
Application Identifier |
0x09 |
byte (1) |
Instruction ID |
0x00 |
P1 |
byte (1) |
Parameter 1 |
ignored |
P2 |
byte (1) |
Parameter 2 |
ignored |
L |
byte (1) |
Bytes in payload |
0 |
Field |
Type |
Content |
Note |
byte (1) |
Test Mode |
0xFF means test mode is enabled |
byte (1) |
Version Major |
byte (1) |
Version Minor |
byte (1) |
Version Patch |
byte (1) |
Device is locked |
SW1-SW2 |
byte (2) |
Return code |
see list of return codes |
Field |
Type |
Content |
Expected |
byte (1) |
Application Identifier |
0x09 |
byte (1) |
Instruction ID |
0x01 |
P1 |
byte (1) |
Request User confirmation |
No = 0 |
P2 |
byte (1) |
Parameter 2 |
ignored |
L |
byte (1) |
Bytes in payload |
(depends) |
Path[0] |
byte (4) |
Derivation Path Data |
0x8000002c |
Path[1] |
byte (4) |
Derivation Path Data |
0x8000167d |
Path[2] |
byte (4) |
Derivation Path Data |
? |
Path[3] |
byte (4) |
Derivation Path Data |
? |
Path[4] |
byte (4) |
Derivation Path Data |
? |
Field |
Type |
Content |
Note |
PK |
byte (65) |
Public Key |
byte (1) |
ADDR_RAW Length |
byte (??) |
Address as Raw Bytes |
byte (1) |
byte (??) |
Address as String |
SW1-SW2 |
byte (2) |
Return code |
see list of return codes |
Field |
Type |
Content |
Expected |
byte (1) |
Application Identifier |
0x09 |
byte (1) |
Instruction ID |
0x03 |
P1 |
byte (1) |
Retrieval mode |
0 (Only retrieve) |
P2 |
byte (1) |
Parameter 2 |
0 (ignored) |
L |
byte (1) |
Bytes in payload |
(depends) |
Path |
byte (?) |
Derivation Path Data |
(see below) |
- Starts with "m"
- Can be either 6 or 4 levels deep
- For 6 levels: "m/44'/5757'/5'/0/3"
- For 4 levels (Identity): "m/888'/0'/"
- Each level is serialized as a 4-byte little-endian unsigned integer
- Hardened levels (with ') have 0x80000000 added to their value
Field |
Type |
Content |
Note |
publicKey |
byte (??) |
Public Key |
address |
byte (??) |
Address as String |
SW1-SW2 |
byte (2) |
Return code |
0x9000 for success |
- The command is sent with the serialized derivation path as payload.
- The device derives the public key and address for the given path.
- The device returns the public key and address in the response.
- The CLA (0x09) is specific to this application.
- The INS (0x03) identifies this as a GET_AUTH_PUBKEY operation.
- P1 is set to 0, indicating "only retrieve" mode.
- P2 is ignored in this command.
- The expected successful return code is 0x9000.
- In case of an error, the response will include a return code and an error message instead of the public key and address.
Field |
Type |
Content |
Expected |
byte (1) |
Application Identifier |
0x09 |
byte (1) |
Instruction ID |
0x02 |
P1 |
byte (1) |
Payload desc |
0 = init |
1 = add |
2 = last |
P2 |
byte (1) |
---- |
not used |
L |
byte (1) |
Bytes in payload |
(depends) |
The first packet/chunk includes only the derivation path
All other packets/chunks contain data chunks that are described below
First Packet
Field |
Type |
Content |
Expected |
Path[0] |
byte (4) |
Derivation Path Data |
0x8000002c |
Path[1] |
byte (4) |
Derivation Path Data |
0x8000167d |
Path[2] |
byte (4) |
Derivation Path Data |
? |
Path[3] |
byte (4) |
Derivation Path Data |
? |
Path[4] |
byte (4) |
Derivation Path Data |
? |
Other Chunks/Packets
Field |
Type |
Content |
Expected |
Data |
bytes... |
Message |
Data is defined as:
Field |
Type |
Content |
Expected |
Message |
bytes.. |
Data to sign |
Field |
Type |
Content |
Note |
secp256k1 R |
byte (32) |
Signature |
secp256k1 S |
byte (32) |
Signature |
secp256k1 V |
byte (1) |
Signature |
byte (variable) |
Signature |
DER format |
SW1-SW2 |
byte (2) |
Return code |
see list of return codes |
Field |
Type |
Content |
Expected |
byte (1) |
Application Identifier |
0x09 |
byte (1) |
Instruction ID |
0x04 |
P1 |
byte (1) |
Chunk index |
1 to N |
P2 |
byte (1) |
Total chunks |
N |
L |
byte (1) |
Bytes in payload |
(depends) |
Path |
byte (?) |
Derivation Path Data |
(see below) |
Message |
byte (?) |
JWT message to sign |
(variable) |
- Starts with "m"
- Can be either 6 or 4 levels deep
- For 6 levels: "m/44'/5757'/5'/0/3"
- For 4 levels (Identity): "m/888'/0'/"
- Each level is serialized as a 4-byte little-endian unsigned integer
- Hardened levels (with ') have 0x80000000 added to their value
Field |
Type |
Content |
Note |
returnCode |
byte (2) |
Return code |
see list of return codes |
errorMessage |
byte (??) |
Error message string |
Optional |
postSignHash |
byte (32) |
Hash after signing |
Optional |
signatureCompact |
byte (65) |
Compact signature |
Optional |
signatureDER |
byte (??) |
DER-encoded signature |
Optional |
- The message is split into chunks of up to 250 bytes each.
- Each chunk is sent in a separate APDU command.
- P1 indicates the current chunk index (starting from 1).
- P2 indicates the total number of chunks.
- The first chunk includes the derivation path.
- Subsequent chunks only contain message data.
- The device processes all chunks and returns the final result.
- The CLA (0x09) is specific to this application.
- The INS (0x04) identifies this as a SIGN_JWT_SECP256K1 operation.
- The message length is determined by the total payload across all chunks.
- Error responses may not include all fields of the success response.