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STAT 215A Course Information, Fall 2021 |
TU, TH 11:00 am - 12:29 pm
- Labs
- Final Projects.
- Midterm during class time on Thursday October 29 No substitutes except as required by university rules. More info to come.
- 55% assignments (homework and labs)
- 5% class/discussion and participation
- 15% midterm (written exam remotely over Gradescope within a set time interval; more details to come)
- 25% final project
No late homework or lab, no make-up midterm.
Bin believes that academic integrity and honesty are imperative bedrocks for learning and academic fulfillment. She will zoom-meet with every student to get personal commitment to academic integrity and honesty from each student. Students are encouraged to collaborate on hw and labs and it is required that collaborative credits are clearly acknowledged in turned-in hw and lab reports on the front page of a lab report.
STAT 215A materials including exams and solutions are the intellectual property of the course developers. From the campus statement on Academic Integrity: "... students may not circulate or post materials (handouts, exams, syllabi,–any class materials) from their classes without the written permission of the instructor."