From quantum chemical calculations, we can obtain a few lowest adiabatic states, i.e. eigenvectors of electronic Hamiltonian operator. The goal of diabatization is to get a diabatic representation that can reproduce the ab initio quantities.
Naturally, there appears to be 2 ways to perform diabatization:
- Start from the ab initio adiabatic states, rotate them to diabatic
- Start from a model diabatic representation, fit it to the ab initio quantities
Way 1 has been proven to be impossible:
- Consider
electronic states - The sufficient and necessary condition of a diabatic representation is
the gradient of basis vectors = 0
, which corresponds tocoordinate dimension * N (N - 1) / 2
equations - To rotate
states, we need to define an orthogonal matrix, which hasN (N - 1) / 2
independent elements - As a result, only when
coordinate dimension = 1
can the sufficient and necessary condition be satisfied
Way 2 rigorously satisfies te diabatic condition, although it may not be able to reproduce ab initio adiabatic quantities as precise as way 1. This is a tolerable trade off, since we can always reduce the fitting error with more flexible fitting expansion
Concretely, way 2 fits the adiabatic energy, energy gradient and nonadiabatic coupling. Energy must be fitted, of course. Nonadiabatic coupling has to be included as well, otherwise we can end up with N uncoupled potential energy surfaces. Energy gradient is of same complexity as nonadiabatic coupling, so it is included as a why not.
Standard machine learning works only on how to fit target function (energy); since we are also fitting the target derivative (energy gradient and nonadiabatic coupling), we will need slightly difference experience
For now we consider a neural network with only 1 hidden layer, no bias. Let Ain
be the input layer weights (which is a matrix), Aout
be the output layer weights (which is a vector), x
be the features (which is a vector), y
be the target, a
be the activation function, a standard machine learning target is
z = Ain . x (1)
y = Aout . a(z)
Now we also want the target derivative over r
▽_r y = (▽_r x)^T . Ain^T . ▽_z a(z) . Aout (2)
To some extent, we can consider a derivative network, where ▽_r y
is the target, ▽_r x
is the feature, ▽_z a(z)
is the activation:
- feature scaling needs to consider
▽_r x
- given
,Ain^T . ▽_z a(z) . Aout
is the key to fitting▽_r y
Feature scaling has the form of X = (x - shift) / width
. shift
does not affect ▽_r X
, only width
▽_r X = (▽_r x) / width (3)
To normalize ▽_r X
, we need metric to define width
. S = (▽_r x) . (▽_r x)^T)
is an appropriate candidate as S[i][i] = ||▽_r x[i]||^2
, so we let width[i]
be the square root of the maximum of S[i][i]
among the training set
Assume ▽_z a(z) = 1
(which is true for tanh when z = 0
), equation (2) tells us that Ain^T . Aout = ▽_r y / (▽_r x)^T
- when there is only 1 hidden neuron,
Ain^T[i] * Aout = (▽_r y / (▽_r x)^T)[i]
, which means that even with regularizationAin^T[i]
cannot be very small simultaneously - so the only way to produce small weight elements is to increase the number of hidden neurons: the more terms involved in the
ofAin^T . Aout
, the smaller each term can possibly be