diff --git a/src/runtime_src/core/edge/user/aie/common_layer/adf_runtime_api.cpp b/src/runtime_src/core/edge/user/aie/common_layer/adf_runtime_api.cpp index 8e2221d1253..abaa7b9f555 100755 --- a/src/runtime_src/core/edge/user/aie/common_layer/adf_runtime_api.cpp +++ b/src/runtime_src/core/edge/user/aie/common_layer/adf_runtime_api.cpp @@ -703,9 +703,12 @@ err_code gmio_api::enqueueBD(XAie_MemInst *memInst, uint64_t offset, size_t size driverStatus |= XAie_DmaChannelPushBdToQueue(config->get_dev(), gmioTileLoc, convertLogicalToPhysicalDMAChNum(pGMIOConfig->channelNum), (pGMIOConfig->type == gmio_config::gm2aie ? DMA_MM2S : DMA_S2MM), bdNumber); enqueuedBDs.push(bdNumber); + /* Commenting out as this is increasing overhead of the performance */ + /* debugMsg(static_cast(std::stringstream() << "gmio_api::enqueueBD: (id " << pGMIOConfig->id << ") enqueue BD num " << bdNumber << " to shim DMA channel " << pGMIOConfig->channelNum << ", DDR offset " << std::hex << offset << ", transaction size " << std::dec << size).str()); + */ // Update status after using AIE driver if (driverStatus != AieRC::XAIE_OK)