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File metadata and controls

76 lines (62 loc) · 2.91 KB

Toolbox overview

base package: components

  • rainflow counting (generally applicable, move further upstream in to scipy?)
  • fatigue_tools: Fatigue calculation, rainflow counting binned on amplitude (and mean). Based on cases, rainflow counting, and corresponding distribution of hours: calculate an equivalent load
  • signal processing (sonic spikes, find time shift) (Mads)
  • euler geomotry, rad2deg, rpm2rads, deg_mean, deg_std (Mads)
  • DLC definitions:
    • highlevel: Script for reading highlevel code independent pre- and postprocessing input (xlsx-workbook)
  • wind (might move to a separate one if it gets bigger?)
    • turbulence
      • Mann parameters estimation
    • wsp_dir2uv, wsp_dir_tilt2uvw
  • gtsdf (Mads): General Time Series Data Format. Data format for time series based on the binary hdf5. Is there a specific reason why not using pandas.timeseries and the h5 data store from pandas?
  • general torque/pbs cluster tools (David)

base package: folder structure

For inspiration, look at

|-- doc
|-- examples
|-- src
|   |-- dlcgenerator
|   |-- cluster
|   |-- control
|   |-- gtsdf (General Time Series Data Format) (own module?)
|   |-- signal (signal processing, see also scipy.signal)
|   |   |-- rainflow counting (1D or nD? If nD, same principle as numpy)
|   |   |-- statistics
|   |-- tools (engineering tools)
|   |   |-- euler geomotry, rad2deg, rpm2rads, deg_mean, deg_std
|   |   |-- fatigue
|   |   |-- damping tuning
|   |-- wind (very general, not bound to HAWC2 formats)
|   |-- wrappers (larger components should move into their own module)
|   |   |-- hawc2
|   |   |-- becas
|   |   |-- hawcstab2

Data structures and classes

Case (model agnostic: HAWC2, BLADED, HawcStab2, FAST)
|-- model input: tag representation or a pre-defined variable tree?
|-- results
|-- calculate statistics
|-- rainflow counting
|-- calculate fatigue (1Hz equivalent load)

|-- Inherits from the Case class
|-- Is a collection of cases, in a DataFrame. How to set which columns (or searchable values from the Case data structure)? Note that these columns need to be user definable.
|-- Besides model inputs, also statistics and rainflow cycles should be part of it
|-- calculate fatigue lifetime


  • ascii2bin: Converting HAWC2 ascii files into the HAWC2 binary format
  • hawc2io: Script for reading and writing Hawc2 result files
  • cmp_test_cases: script to compare release test load cases
  • dlc: scripts for generating htc files from highlevel dlc input
  • IO scripts for HAWC2 input/output files: htc, Aerodynamic, structure, at-time, shear, .sel
  • converters: results as Pandas DataFrame H5/CSV/FLEX/BLADED, turbulence formats: FLEX/FAST/BLADED
  • run HAWC2 cases on Torque/PBS cluster