fun all_except_option (str, xs) =
case xs of
[] => NONE
| x :: xs' =>
if same_string(str, x)
then SOME xs'
else case all_except_option(str, xs') of
| SOME ls => SOME (x :: ls)
It's a bit like remove dulicates' algorithm. Since the problem assume the string is in the list at most once, we can just return SOME tail
if the head
is same with the given string, and recursive call all_except_option
function if the head
is not the same as the given string.
This problem is very simple with part(a) already solved.
fun get_substitutions1(xs, s) =
case xs of
[] => []
| x :: xs' => case all_except_option(s, x) of
NONE => get_substitutions1(xs', s)
| SOME ls => ls @ get_substitutions1(xs', s)
Tail recursion : use accumulators as a technique to make some functions tail recursive.
fun get_substitutions2(xs, s) =
fun aux(xs, s, acc) =
case xs of
[] => acc
| x :: xs' => case all_except_option(s, x) of
NONE => aux(xs', s, acc)
| SOME ls => aux(xs', s, ls @ acc)
aux(xs, s, [])
The base case in the non-accumulator style(Partb) becomes the initial accumulator and the base case in the accumulator style(Partc) just returns the accumulator.
Why might get_substitutions2 be preferred when it is clearly more complicated?
We need to understand a little bit about how function calls are implemented. Conceptually, there is a call stack, which is a stack (the data structure with push and pop operations) with one element for each function call that has been started but has not yet completed. Each element stores things like the value of local variables and what part of the function has not been evaluated yet. When the evaluation of one function body calls another function, a new element is pushed on the call stack and it is popped off when the called function completes.
So for get_substitutions1, there will be one call-stack element (sometimes just called a “stack frame”) for each recursive call to get_substitutions1, i.e., the stack will be as big as the list. This is necessary because after each stack frame is popped off the caller has to, “do the rest of the body” — namely add y to the recursive result and return.
Given the description so far, get_substitutions2 is no better: get_substitutions2 makes a call to f which then makes one recursive call for each list element. However, when f makes a recursive call to f, there is nothing more for the caller to do after the callee returns except return the callee’s result. This situation is called a tail call (let’s not try to figure out why it’s called this) and functional languages like ML typically promise an essential optimization: When a call is a tail call, the caller’s stack-frame is popped before the call — the callee’s stack-frame just replaces the caller’s. This makes sense: the caller was just going to return the callee’s result anyway. Therefore, calls to get_substitutions2 never use more than 1 stack frame.
Why do implementations of functional languages include this optimization? By doing so, recursion can sometimes be as efficient as a while-loop, which also does not make the call-stack bigger. The “sometimes” is exactly when calls are tail calls, something you the programmer can reason about since you can look at the code and identify which calls are tail calls.
Tail calls do not need to be to the same function (f can call g), so they are more flexible than while-loops that always have to “call” the same loop. Using an accumulator is a common way to turn a recursive function into a “tail-recursive function”(one where all recursive calls are tail calls), but not always. For example, functions that process trees (instead of lists) typically have call stacks that grow as big as the depth of a tree, but that’s true in any language: while-loops are not very useful for processing trees.
Nothing but records and pattern matching.
fun similar_names (substitutions,name) =
val {first=f, middle=m, last=l} = name
fun make_names xs =
case xs of
[] => []
| x::xs' => {first=x, middle=m, last=l}::(make_names(xs'))
officiate_challenge: Your function returns an incorrect result when the game should end due to the sum of cards in the player's hand exceeding the goal. [incorrect answer]
officiate_challenge: Your function returns an incorrect result when an ace is in the players hand. [incorrect answer]
officiate_challenge: Your function returns an incorrect result when the game should end due to an empty move list with low score. [incorrect answer]
fun card_color(the_suit, the_rank) =
case the_suit of
Clubs => Black
| Spades => Black
| Diamonds => Red
| Hearts => Red
where we can also use the wildcard pattern make it like this:
fun card_color card =
case card of
(Clubs,_) => Black
| (Diamonds,_) => Red
| (Hearts,_) => Red
| (Spades,_) => Black
fun card_value card =
case card of
(_,Jack) => 10
| (_,Queen) => 10
| (_,King) => 10
| (_,Ace) => 11
| (_,Num n) => n
Very simple recurision.
fun remove_card(cs, c, e) =
case cs of
[] => raise IllegalMove
| head::tail =>
if head = c
then tail
else head :: remove_card(tail, c, e)
My version:
fun all_same_color cards =
case cards of
[] => true
| c::cs => case cs of
[] => true
| c'::cs' => card_color c = card_color c' andalso all_same_color cs
Even more concise: use wildcard to match lists only has one element:
fun all_same_color cs =
case cs of
[] => true
| [_] => true
| head::neck::tail => card_color head = card_color neck
andalso all_same_color(neck::tail)
Another tail recursion example.
fun sum_cards cards =
fun aux(cards, acc) =
case cards of
[] => acc
| c::cs => aux(cs, card_value c + acc)
aux(cards, 0)
My version:
fun score (held_cards, goal) =
val sum = sum_cards held_cards
fun pre_score(sum, goal) =
if sum > goal
then 3 * (sum - goal)
else goal - sum
if all_same_color held_cards
then pre_score(sum, goal) div 2
else pre_score(sum, goal)
More clearly and functional(Note if
expression itself is an expression in SML):
fun score (cs,goal) =
val sum = sum_cards cs
(if sum >= goal then 3 * (sum - goal) else goal - sum)
div (if all_same_color cs then 2 else 1)
My solution:
fun officiate (card_list, moves, goal) =
fun play(card_list, current_helds, remain_moves) =
case remain_moves of
[] => current_helds
| head::tail => case head of
Discard c => play(card_list, remove_card(current_helds, c, IllegalMove), tail)
| Draw => case card_list of
[] => current_helds
| c::cs =>
if sum_cards (c::current_helds) > goal
then c::current_helds
else play(cs, c::current_helds, tail)
score (play(card_list,[], moves), goal)
More clearly case expression in sample solution:
fun officiate (cards,plays,goal) =
fun loop (current_cards,cards_left,plays_left) =
case plays_left of
[] => score(current_cards,goal)
| (Discard c)::tail =>
loop (remove_card(current_cards,c,IllegalMove),cards_left,tail)
| Draw::tail =>
(* note: must score immediately if go over goal! *)
case cards_left of
[] => score(current_cards,goal)
| c::rest => if sum_cards (c::current_cards) > goal
then score(c::current_cards,goal)
else loop (c::current_cards,rest,tail)
loop ([],cards,plays)
The basic idea of my score_challenge
function is when we find the sum
greater than the goal
, we would find out the better socre by revalue the Ace
cards. If we decide to revalue an Ace
to 1
(before it is 11
), then the total sum
decline 10
, and so on.
fun score_challenge (held_cards, goal) =
val sum = sum_cards held_cards
fun better_score(held_cards, sum) =
case held_cards of
[] => 3 * (sum - goal)
| (the_suit, the_rank)::cs =>
case the_rank of
Ace =>
if sum - 10 > goal
then better_score(cs, sum - 10)
else Int.min(goal - (sum - 10), 3 * (sum - goal))
| _ => better_score(cs, sum)
fun pre_score(sum, goal) =
if sum > goal
then better_score(held_cards, sum)
else goal - sum
if all_same_color held_cards
then pre_score(sum, goal) div 2
else pre_score(sum, goal)
The officiate_challenge
function even simpler. Note the game-ends-if-sum-exceeds-goal rule should apply only if there is no sum that is less than or equal to the goal. (That is, only when we find there is no Ace
can we use to decline the sum)
Here I re-define the card_value
caculation function and sum_cards
function in officiate_challenge
fun card_value_min (the_suit, the_rank)=
case the_rank of
Ace => 1
| Num n => n
| _ => 10
fun sum_cards_min cards =
fun aux(cards, acc) =
case cards of
[] => acc
| c::cs => aux(cs, card_value_min c + acc)
aux(cards, 0)
fun officiate_challenge (card_list, moves, goal) =
fun play(card_list, current_helds, remain_moves) =
case remain_moves of
[] => current_helds
| head::tail => case head of
Discard c => play(card_list, remove_card(current_helds, c, IllegalMove), tail)
| Draw => case card_list of
[] => current_helds
| c::cs =>
if sum_cards_min (c::current_helds) > goal
then c::current_helds
else play(cs, c::current_helds, tail)
score_challenge (play(card_list,[], moves), goal)
The confusion in my mind before is what we should do if my held-card value is 10 points or less behind the goal? Actually, there is not a rule and it depends on ourselves. Here is the guide on Coursera:
- If held-card value is more than 10 points behind the goal, you must draw. (It is guaranteed to be safe, make sure you understand why.)
- If your held-card value is 10 points or less behind the goal, then you have a choice on your algorithm as to whether you should draw or not. But you must ensure that you do not exceed the goal. So you can either say "No I won't draw" or you can say "let me sneak a peak into the next card, and if it is safe to draw it then I will (which is sort of cheating, but valid from the assignment's point of view)" or something in-between. These are all valid approaches. But you must make sure that the held-card value never exceeds the goal. And you also must make sure to follow 4 below.
- If your score is 0, you must not make any more moves.
- If your score is not 0, but you can reach a zero by discarding a card and then drawing a card, this must be done. In order to achieve this, your algorithm will need to look ahead and see what the next card is.
- Your code may choose to discard cards if it wants to, or do any other things it wants almost, as long as it satisfies conditions 1-4 above. So say your held-card value is 6 points behind the goal and the next card would be a 2. Then you have some leeway in what to do. You can choose to discard a card, you can choose to just stop, you can choose draw pretending you have looked ahead at that 2. (If the next card was a 5-6 though, note case 4 above.)
fun careful_player (card_list, goal) =
fun careful_moves(card_list, helds, moves) =
fun remove_reach_zero (cards, goal) =
case cards of
[] => NONE
| c::cs => if sum_cards(remove_card (cards, c, IllegalMove)) = goal then SOME c
else remove_reach_zero (cs, goal - card_value c)
case card_list of
[] => moves
| c::cs =>
if goal - sum_cards helds > 10
then careful_moves (cs, c::helds, moves @ [Draw])
else if goal = sum_cards helds
then moves
else case remove_reach_zero (c::helds, goal) of
NONE => if sum_cards (c::helds) > goal then moves
else careful_moves(cs, c::helds, moves @ [Draw])
| SOME cd => moves @ [Discard cd, Draw]
careful_moves(card_list, [], [])
The critical part is the use of remove_reach_zero
helper function. It checks if it is possible to reach a score of 0
by discarding a card followed by drawing a card and return the card should discard.