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Here is some notes while review my homework and my classmates'.

Problem 1

My initial version:

fun is_older(date1 : int * int * int, date2 : int * int * int) =
    if (#1 date1) < (#1 date2) 
    then true
    else if(#1 date1) > (#1 date2)
    then false
        if (#2 date1) < (#2 date2)
        then true
        else if(#2 date1) > (#2 date2)
        then false
            if(#3 date1) < (#3 date2)
            then true
            else false

Here is a sample solution on coursera:

fun is_older (date1 : int * int * int, date2 : int * int * int) =
        val y1 = #1 date1
        val m1 = #2 date1
        val d1 = #3 date1
        val y2 = #1 date2
        val m2 = #2 date2
        val d2 = #3 date2
        y1 < y2 orelse (y1=y2 andalso m1 < m2)
                orelse (y1=y2 andalso m1=m2 andalso d1 < d2)


  • use let expression binding values to make the program more clear and readable.
  • try to use functional programming paradigm to evaluate the result instead of using imperative programming paradigm to list all the logic and steps.

Problem 2

fun number_in_month(dates : (int * int * int) list, month : int) =
    if null dates
    then 0
    else if #2 (hd dates) = month
    then number_in_month(tl dates, month) + 1
    else number_in_month(tl dates, month)

Make sure the solution has clear recursive calls and clearly evaluates to 0 if dates is null.

Problem 3

My version:

fun number_in_months (dates: (int * int * int) list, months: int list) =
    if null months
    then 0
    else if null(tl(months)) 
    then number_in_month(dates, hd(months))
    else number_in_month(dates, hd(months)) + number_in_months(dates, tl(months))

Sample solution:

fun number_in_months(dates : (int * int * int) list, months : int list) =
    if null months
    then 0
    else number_in_month(dates, hd months) + number_in_months(dates, tl months)
  • Since the list months results 0 if has no tail, the last two condition can merge.
  • Remember to concern about when the list is null.

Problem 4

fun dates_in_month (dates : (int * int * int) list, month : int) =
    if null dates
    then []
    else if #2 (hd dates) = month
    then (hd dates)::dates_in_month(tl dates, month)
    else dates_in_month(tl dates, month)

Problem 5

My version:

fun dates_in_months(dates: (int * int * int) list, months: int list) =
    if null months
    then []
    else if null(tl(months)) 
    then dates_in_month(dates, hd(months))
    else dates_in_month(dates, hd(months)) @ dates_in_months(dates, tl(months))

where the last two conditions can merge to one.(see the sample solution)

Sample solution:

fun dates_in_months(dates : (int * int * int) list, months : int list) =
    if null months
    then []
    else dates_in_month(dates, hd months) @ dates_in_months(dates, tl months)

Problem 6*

fun get_nth(string_list: string list, n: int) =
    if n = 1
    then hd(string_list)
    else get_nth(tl(string_list), n-1)

This problem is not so easy as it looks...The thoughts for this get_nth algorithm is not to select the right one, but wait until the right one come, since you only know how to "select" the head(first one) of a list in ML.

Problem 7

fun date_to_string (date : int * int * int) =
        val names = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
		                 "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
	    get_nth(names,#2 date) ^ " " ^ Int.toString(#3 date) 
	    ^ ", " ^ Int.toString(#1 date)

Problem 8*

fun number_before_reaching_sum(sum: int, numbers: int list) =
    if hd(numbers) < sum
    then 1 + number_before_reaching_sum(sum - (hd(numbers)), tl(numbers))
    else 0

What you want to find is the number before reaching sum, the thoughts is similar to problem 6: if the first one of the list(head) is already reaching(larger than) the sum, then you can "find" the position is 0; if after adding the second it reaches the sum, then the number is 1. And you can think like this: it is because the second one of the given list is greater than the (sum - hd numbers)...and so on. Such the algorithm is: if current number is not reaching the sum, then the target position is 1 + the next number reaching sum - current number.

Problem 9

fun what_month(day: int) =
        val days_in_months = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
        number_before_reaching_sum(day, days_in_months) + 1

Problem 10*

fun month_range(day1: int, day2: int)=
    if day1 > day2
    then []
    else what_month(day1) :: month_range(day1 + 1, day2)

The algorithm is a simple recurison. You want to know how to count the month from day1 to day2, and list all of them by myself is impossible. But if I know how to count the month from day1 + 1 to day2, I only need to add the month of day1 to the head, and so on. Such we can reduce the problem until day1 greater than or equal to day2.

Problem 11*

fun oldest(dates: (int * int * int) list) =
    if null dates
    then NONE
            val tl_oldest = oldest(tl(dates))
            if isSome tl_oldest andalso is_older(valOf tl_oldest, hd dates)
            then tl_oldest
            else SOME(hd dates)

Always save recurisive results to local if it will use in ifs.

Problem 12-0*

This problem is in an earlier version of the course, and I have spent much time finishing it, so I keep it here. The problem can be find in 16-spring-hw1.

fun cumulative_sum(numbers: int list) =
    if null (tl numbers)
    then hd numbers :: []
            fun sum_helper (sum, res_number: int list) = 
                if null (tl res_number)
                then sum :: [(sum + hd res_number)]
                else  sum :: sum_helper(sum + hd res_number, tl res_number)
            sum_helper (hd numbers, tl numbers)

An important thing is to use a helper function to enable recurisive call that caculate the sum list. The algorithm is almost like the count_from1 function in class:

fun countup_from1(x: int) =
      fun count (from: int) = 
        if from = x
        then x::[]
        else from ::count(from+1)
      count 1

Problem 12*

The most diffcult part of this problem is how to remove the duplicates in a list. Here only shows how to remove duplicates. The completed solution is in homework.

My initial version:

fun is_unique(a_month: int, months: int list) =
    if null(tl months)
    then not (a_month = hd months)
    else not (a_month = hd months) andalso is_unique(a_month, tl(months))

fun remove_duplicates(months: int list) =
    if null months
    then months
    else if null(tl months)
    then months
    else if(is_unique(hd months, tl months))
    then hd(months) :: remove_duplicates(tl months)
    else remove_duplicates(tl months)

The sample solution:

(* quadratic algorithm rather than sorting which is nlog n *)
fun mem(x : int, xs : int list) =
    not (null xs) andalso (x = hd xs orelse mem(x, tl xs))
fun remove_duplicates(xs : int list) =
    if null xs
    then []
            val tl_ans = remove_duplicates (tl xs)
            if mem(hd xs, tl_ans)
            then tl_ans
            else (hd xs)::tl_ans

The sample solution's algorithm is more clear. If I have got the none-duplicates list of tl list, then I only need to confirm if current head is in memory of tl list. Then concat them or remove the head.

Problem 13

My solution still too imperative:

fun reasonable_date(date: int * int * int) =
    if #1 date < 1
    then false
    else if (#2 date < 1) orelse (#2 date > 12)
    then false
    else if (#3 date < 1) orelse (#3 date > 31)
    then false
    else if (#3 date = 31)
    then not (#2 date = 2 orelse (#2 date = 4) orelse (#2 date = 6) orelse (#2 date = 9) orelse (#2 date = 11))
    else if (#3 date = 29) andalso (#2 date = 2)
        if not(#1 date mod 4 = 0)
        then false
        else if #1 date mod 100 = 0
        then #1 date mod 400 = 0
        else true
    else true

More functionsl solution like this:

fun reasonable_date (date : int * int * int) =
        fun get_nth (lst : int list, n : int) =
        if n=1
        then hd lst
        else get_nth(tl lst, n-1)
        val year  = #1 date
        val month = #2 date
        val day   = #3 date
        val leap  = year mod 400 = 0 orelse (year mod 4 = 0 andalso year mod 100 <> 0)
        val feb_len = if leap then 29 else 28
        val lengths = [31,feb_len,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
        year > 0 andalso month >= 1 andalso month <= 12
        andalso day >= 1 andalso day <= get_nth(lengths,month)