- Social media Network
In this section you will know More bout this interesting project 😃
- overview
- An_open_source_Social_Network
- Current_Features
- Ai_model_on_heroku
- Homepage
- user_profile
- error_when_try_to_publish_empty_post
- recommendation_using_Ai
The idea of the project is summarized in how to make classify posts and determine which is spam or not and if spam, this post must be discarded else insert post in database Ai model run on database and use it to classify post, Make frontend form where each user can post in it and pass this post to ai model to classify it , and determine number of like in this post
Main goal of this project
To avoid posting fake and not important posts
Used Tech Stack
- Django
- Mysql database
- Web Socket (Django Channel)
- Workbensh
Create post and comment on the particular post
Receive love when someone comment on your post
recommendation when user publish post
see when someone comment on post
Natural language processing on posts to analyze it using arabic posts
User must has an account, supplying the following data:
Searching in database if email & password exists, the second form must be opened If not, display a message to allow a new user to sign up New user may click sign up, the sign up form must be opened
New user must has an account with the following data:
User name
Picture to user (if exist)
Date of birth
Detailed location information
each user have information that appear in homepage and easily can create this information this information appear in database and easily can change it
user can update information which belongs to it and if he want to upload image this link to image is saved in database
- we use this design in frontend using bootstrap to make social media responsive
users can comment to any post and appear to it , Users see posts from homepage
each website has an owner and easily can add multible owner to administrate social media website and database
- easily owner can change information that belongs to it and decide if he active or not
validation error when try to publish empty post and button to go home page
This page belongs to treat posts which publish in page using natural language processing
- Ai model we deploy it on heroku to try model
- 💕 team
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