You can add custom links to different community elements like the header, space menu, user profile etc.
add_action('fluent_community/before_header_menu_items', function ($currentProfile) {
if($currentProfile) {
return; // we want to show this only for non-logged in users
<li class="top_menu_item">
<a href="">
<div class="chat_icon">
<i class="el-icon">
<!--SVG COde -->
add_filter('fluent_community/space_header_links', function ($links, $space) {
// $space->membership will be null if the user is not a member of the space
$links[] = [
'title' => 'Custom Link',
'url' => ''
return $links;
}, 10, 2);
add_filter('fluent_community/profile_view_data', function ($data, $xprofile) {
$data['profile_nav_actions'][] = [
'css_class' => 'YOUR_CSS_CLASS',
'title' => 'custom link',
'svg_icon' => '<svg>...</svg>', // optional
'url' => '',
return $data;
}, 10, 2);