: file is under vcs.
: example file for local one, which isn't used in
configuration but some of them are copied when setuping because of they are
: Name is without point and only use lower camel case style.
Note: Local files don't load by default except some special ones, so you should import them by yourselves. It can make file content more clearful.
- nix and system configuration: nixpkgs, log, exfat, etc.
- basic tools: zip, interpreter, htop, etc.
- machine usage scope definition
- some useful file structures definition
- editor, lib, compiler, vcs, etc.
- basic network tools: mail, browser, curl, wget, etc.
- tools relative to net self: iftop, wireshark, etc.
- shell own configuration
- tools to enhance the original feature: fzf, thefuck, etc.
- only play in terminal or with terminal self: neofetch, asciinema, etc.
- window c/s
- windows manager
- tools effect on it: notify, tray, etc.
NB: none of above and it is only for each user.
- applications on a topic: music, file manager, video, etc.
- trival subjects
- none of above
All dirs is named as singular word, which represents a category.
: nix scripts are used in configure.
Most packages are installed for user, only some really useful packages are installed in system, to keep minimal.
Some features in home-manager are duplicated with NixOS and the NixOS ones are used, specially for xsession and nixpkgs. Home-manager is designed for private computer, so no compatible configs are coded.