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Charles Greene edited this page Jun 9, 2017 · 4 revisions

Core Plugin



Used to generate the initial configuration or edit the current configuration. used on its own will copy the example configuration from the gems root directory.

$ roku --configure

Using the config path option will change the location that the example config is copied to.

Using the Core#edit-params will allow you to change config values while configuring.


Allows you to validate the configuration without doing anything else. The configuration is also validated every time a command is run.

$ roku --validate --config ~/.roku_config.json

Update Manifest

Requires Source Increments the build version in the manifest file. Supports two types of build version.

Will support a date/increment build version of the format mmddyy.x where x is an integer of any length. When incrementing the build version it will update the date to the current date and then increment the integer portion.

It will also support a plain integer build number. The gem will determin the correct increment method based ont he current format of the buld number.

$ roku --update-manifest

Do Stage

Requires Source This command will perform the staging action. Any commands that require staging will do this automatically. This command is avaiable for scripting purposes.

$ roku --do-stage

Do Unstage

Requires Source This command will perform the unstagg action. Any commands that require staging will do this automatically when finished. This command is avaiable for scripting purposes.

$ roku --do-unstage


Config Options

Edit Params

Allows for the config file up be updated. Can only be used with the Core#configure command.

$ roku --configure --edit 'ip:'

Config Path

Set the path of the config file to use. Default is ~/.roku_config.json

$ roku --config ~/.roku_config.json

Source Options


Use the current directory for commands requiring a source. Ignores project config.

$ roku --sideload --current


Use the working directory for commands requiring a source. Uses project config to choose folders/files.

$ roku --sideload --working


Select stage to use for given command requiring a source. Uses project directory to choose files/folders and will stage using the configured method for the project (script/git).

$ roku --sideload --stage production


Sets the project to use. Will not satify the requirement for a source on its own.

$ roku --sideload --project project1 --stage production


Uses a get ref (branch/tag/ref) to stage the channel. Only works with projects that use the git staging method.

$ roku --sideload --ref master

Other Options


Define an out file. Used by various commands. You can define a folder or full path. The individual commands will set a default for the out file name. The default out folder is /tmp.

$ roku --build --out /tmp


Define an infile. Use by various commands. Must be a full path.

$ roku --sideload --in /tmp/


Choose the device that the command will be executed on. Only approiate for commands that require a device. If the command is not selected then the default device will be used. if the default device is not avaiable then the first device that is avaiable will be used. If you need the command to happen on a specific device then you should use this option.

$ roku --sideload --working --device roku1


Increase log output

$ roku --sideload --working --verbose


Increases log output above that of the verbose command. Also disable error catching so that stach traces can been seen on errors.

$ roku --sideload --working --debug


Print out all of the avaiable commands and options

$ roku --help


Print out the version of the gem

$ roku --version
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