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const s = a }, 1194: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; n.d(t, { Z: () => s }); var r = n(4015), i = n.n(r), o = n(3645), a = n.n(o)()(i()); a.push([e.id, ":root{--main-font:normal 11px Verdana,sans-serif}#app,body,html{height:100%;margin:0;overflow:hidden;padding:0;width:100%}body.resizing{-webkit-user-select:none!important;user-select:none!important}body.resizing *{pointer-events:none}body.resizing.col{cursor:col-resize!important}", "", { version: 3, sources: ["webpack://./client/viewer.css"], names: [], mappings: "AAAA,MACE,0CACF,CAEA,eAGE,WAAY,CACZ,QAAS,CACT,eAAgB,CAChB,SAAU,CACV,UACF,CAEA,cACE,kCAA4B,CAA5B,0BACF,CAEA,gBACE,mBACF,CAEA,kBACE,2BACF", sourcesContent: [":root {\n --main-font: normal 11px Verdana, sans-serif;\n}\n\n:global html,\n:global body,\n:global #app {\n height: 100%;\n margin: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n padding: 0;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n:global body.resizing {\n user-select: none !important;\n}\n\n:global body.resizing * {\n pointer-events: none;\n}\n\n:global body.resizing.col {\n cursor: col-resize !important;\n}\n"], sourceRoot: "" }]); const s = a }, 3645: e => { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { var t = []; return t.toString = function () { return this.map((function (t) { var n = e(t); return t[2] ? "@media ".concat(t[2], " {").concat(n, "}") : n })).join("") }, t.i = function (e, n, r) { "string" == typeof e && (e = [[null, e, ""]]); var i = {}; if (r) for (var o = 0; o < this.length; o++) { var a = this[o][0]; null != a && (i[a] = !0) } for (var s = 0; s < e.length; s++) { var u = [].concat(e[s]); r && i[u[0]] || (n && (u[2] ? u[2] = "".concat(n, " and ").concat(u[2]) : u[2] = n), t.push(u)) } }, t } }, 4015: e => { "use strict"; function t(e, t) { return function (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e }(e) || function (e, t) { var n = e && ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator] || e["@@iterator"]); if (null == n) return; var r, i, o = [], a = !0, s = !1; try { for (n = n.call(e); !(a = (r = n.next()).done) && (o.push(r.value), !t || o.length !== t); a = !0); } catch (u) { s = !0, i = u } finally { try { a || null == n.return || n.return() } finally { if (s) throw i } } return o }(e, t) || function (e, t) { if (!e) return; if ("string" == typeof e) return n(e, t); var r = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); "Object" === r && e.constructor && (r = e.constructor.name); if ("Map" === r || "Set" === r) return Array.from(e); if ("Arguments" === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)) return n(e, t) }(e, t) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function n(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(t); n < t; n++)r[n] = e[n]; return r } e.exports = function (e) { var n = t(e, 4), r = n[1], i = n[3]; if ("function" == typeof btoa) { var o = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(i)))), a = "sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,".concat(o), s = "/*# ".concat(a, " */"), u = i.sources.map((function (e) { return "/*# sourceURL=".concat(i.sourceRoot || "").concat(e, " */") })); return [r].concat(u).concat([s]).join("\n") } return [r].join("\n") } }, 1667: e => { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e, t) { return t || (t = {}), "string" != typeof (e = e && e.__esModule ? e.default : e) ? e : (/^['"].*['"]$/.test(e) && (e = e.slice(1, -1)), t.hash && (e += t.hash), /["'() \t\n]/.test(e) || t.needQuotes ? '"'.concat(e.replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/\n/g, "\\n"), '"') : e) } }, 6755: function (e) { e.exports = function () { "use strict"; var e = /^(b|B)$/, t = { iec: { bits: ["b", "Kib", "Mib", "Gib", "Tib", "Pib", "Eib", "Zib", "Yib"], bytes: ["B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"] }, jedec: { bits: ["b", "Kb", "Mb", "Gb", "Tb", "Pb", "Eb", "Zb", "Yb"], bytes: ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"] } }, n = { iec: ["", "kibi", "mebi", "gibi", "tebi", "pebi", "exbi", "zebi", "yobi"], jedec: ["", "kilo", "mega", "giga", "tera", "peta", "exa", "zetta", "yotta"] }, r = { floor: Math.floor, ceil: Math.ceil }; function i(i) { var o, a, s, u, l, c, h, f, d, p, g, b, v, m, y, C, _, w, x, A, S = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, M = [], T = 0; if (isNaN(i)) throw new TypeError("Invalid number"); if (s = !0 === S.bits, y = !0 === S.unix, b = !0 === S.pad, a = S.base || 2, v = void 0 !== S.round ? S.round : y ? 1 : 2, h = void 0 !== S.locale ? S.locale : "", f = S.localeOptions || {}, C = void 0 !== S.separator ? S.separator : "", _ = void 0 !== S.spacer ? S.spacer : y ? "" : " ", x = S.symbols || {}, w = 2 === a && S.standard || "jedec", g = S.output || "string", l = !0 === S.fullform, c = S.fullforms instanceof Array ? S.fullforms : [], o = void 0 !== S.exponent ? S.exponent : -1, A = r[S.roundingMethod] || Math.round, u = a > 2 ? 1e3 : 1024, (d = (p = Number(i)) < 0) && (p = -p), (-1 === o || isNaN(o)) && (o = Math.floor(Math.log(p) / Math.log(u))) < 0 && (o = 0), o > 8 && (o = 8), "exponent" === g) return o; if (0 === p) M[0] = 0, m = M[1] = y ? "" : t[w][s ? "bits" : "bytes"][o]; else { T = p / (2 === a ? Math.pow(2, 10 * o) : Math.pow(1e3, o)), s && (T *= 8) >= u && o < 8 && (T /= u, o++); var k = Math.pow(10, o > 0 ? v : 0); M[0] = A(T * k) / k, M[0] === u && o < 8 && void 0 === S.exponent && (M[0] = 1, o++), m = M[1] = 10 === a && 1 === o ? s ? "kb" : "kB" : t[w][s ? "bits" : "bytes"][o], y && (M[1] = "jedec" === w ? M[1].charAt(0) : o > 0 ? M[1].replace(/B$/, "") : M[1], e.test(M[1]) && (M[0] = Math.floor(M[0]), M[1] = "")) } if (d && (M[0] = -M[0]), M[1] = x[M[1]] || M[1], !0 === h ? M[0] = M[0].toLocaleString() : h.length > 0 ? M[0] = M[0].toLocaleString(h, f) : C.length > 0 && (M[0] = M[0].toString().replace(".", C)), b && !1 === Number.isInteger(M[0]) && v > 0) { var z = C || ".", D = M[0].toString().split(z), j = D[1] || "", L = j.length, B = v - L; M[0] = "".concat(D[0]).concat(z).concat(j.padEnd(L + B, "0")) } return l && (M[1] = c[o] ? c[o] : n[w][o] + (s ? "bit" : "byte") + (1 === M[0] ? "" : "s")), "array" === g ? M : "object" === g ? { value: M[0], symbol: M[1], exponent: o, unit: m } : M.join(_) } return i.partial = function (e) { return function (t) { return i(t, e) } }, i }() }, 2705: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(5639).Symbol; e.exports = r }, 9932: e => { e.exports = function (e, t) { for (var n = -1, r = null == e ? 0 : e.length, i = Array(r); ++n < r;)i[n] = t(e[n], n, e); return i } }, 4286: e => { e.exports = function (e) { return e.split("") } }, 4239: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(2705), i = n(9607), o = n(2333), a = r ? r.toStringTag : void 0; e.exports = function (e) { return null == e ? void 0 === e ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]" : a && a in Object(e) ? i(e) : o(e) } }, 8674: e => { e.exports = function (e) { return function (t) { return null == e ? void 0 : e[t] } } }, 4259: e => { e.exports = function (e, t, n) { var r = -1, i = e.length; t < 0 && (t = -t > i ? 0 : i + t), (n = n > i ? i : n) < 0 && (n += i), i = t > n ? 0 : n - t >>> 0, t >>>= 0; for (var o = Array(i); ++r < i;)o[r] = e[r + t]; return o } }, 531: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(2705), i = n(9932), o = n(1469), a = n(3448), s = r ? r.prototype : void 0, u = s ? s.toString : void 0; e.exports = function e(t) { if ("string" == typeof t) return t; if (o(t)) return i(t, e) + ""; if (a(t)) return u ? u.call(t) : ""; var n = t + ""; return "0" == n && 1 / t == -Infinity ? "-0" : n } }, 7561: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(7990), i = /^\s+/; e.exports = function (e) { return e ? e.slice(0, r(e) + 1).replace(i, "") : e } }, 180: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(4259); e.exports = function (e, t, n) { var i = e.length; return n = void 0 === n ? i : n, !t && n >= i ? e : r(e, t, n) } }, 8805: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(180), i = n(2689), o = n(3140), a = n(9833); e.exports = function (e) { return function (t) { t = a(t); var n = i(t) ? o(t) : void 0, s = n ? n[0] : t.charAt(0), u = n ? r(n, 1).join("") : t.slice(1); return s[e]() + u } } }, 9464: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(8674)({ "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'" }); e.exports = r }, 1957: e => { e.exports = !1 }, 9607: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(2705), i = Object.prototype, o = i.hasOwnProperty, a = i.toString, s = r ? r.toStringTag : void 0; e.exports = function (e) { var t = o.call(e, s), n = e[s]; try { e[s] = void 0; var r = !0 } catch (u) { } var i = a.call(e); return r && (t ? e[s] = n : delete e[s]), i } }, 2689: e => { var t = RegExp("[\\u200d\\ud800-\\udfff\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]"); e.exports = function (e) { return t.test(e) } }, 2333: e => { var t = Object.prototype.toString; e.exports = function (e) { return t.call(e) } }, 5639: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(1957), i = "object" == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self, o = r || i || Function("return this")(); e.exports = o }, 3140: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(4286), i = n(2689), o = n(676); e.exports = function (e) { return i(e) ? o(e) : r(e) } }, 7990: e => { var t = /\s/; e.exports = function (e) { for (var n = e.length; n-- && t.test(e.charAt(n));); return n } }, 676: e => { var t = "[\\ud800-\\udfff]", n = "[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff]", r = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]", i = "[^\\ud800-\\udfff]", o = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}", a = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]", s = "(?:" + n + "|" + r + ")" + "?", u = "[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?", l = u + s + ("(?:\\u200d(?:" + [i, o, a].join("|") + ")" + u + s + ")*"), c = "(?:" + [i + n + "?", n, o, a, t].join("|") + ")", h = RegExp(r + "(?=" + r + ")|" + c + l, "g"); e.exports = function (e) { return e.match(h) || [] } }, 3279: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(3218), i = n(7771), o = n(4841), a = Math.max, s = Math.min; e.exports = function (e, t, n) { var u, l, c, h, f, d, p = 0, g = !1, b = !1, v = !0; if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Expected a function"); function m(t) { var n = u, r = l; return u = l = void 0, p = t, h = e.apply(r, n) } function y(e) { return p = e, f = setTimeout(_, t), g ? m(e) : h } function C(e) { var n = e - d; return void 0 === d || n >= t || n < 0 || b && e - p >= c } function _() { var e = i(); if (C(e)) return w(e); f = setTimeout(_, function (e) { var n = t - (e - d); return b ? s(n, c - (e - p)) : n }(e)) } function w(e) { return f = void 0, v && u ? m(e) : (u = l = void 0, h) } function x() { var e = i(), n = C(e); if (u = arguments, l = this, d = e, n) { if (void 0 === f) return y(d); if (b) return clearTimeout(f), f = setTimeout(_, t), m(d) } return void 0 === f && (f = setTimeout(_, t)), h } return t = o(t) || 0, r(n) && (g = !!n.leading, c = (b = "maxWait" in n) ? a(o(n.maxWait) || 0, t) : c, v = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : v), x.cancel = function () { void 0 !== f && clearTimeout(f), p = 0, u = d = l = f = void 0 }, x.flush = function () { return void 0 === f ? h : w(i()) }, x } }, 7187: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(9464), i = n(9833), o = /[&<>"']/g, a = RegExp(o.source); e.exports = function (e) { return (e = i(e)) && a.test(e) ? e.replace(o, r) : e } }, 3522: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(9833), i = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, o = RegExp(i.source); e.exports = function (e) { return (e = r(e)) && o.test(e) ? e.replace(i, "\\$&") : e } }, 1469: e => { var t = Array.isArray; e.exports = t }, 3218: e => { e.exports = function (e) { var t = typeof e; return null != e && ("object" == t || "function" == t) } }, 7005: e => { e.exports = function (e) { return null != e && "object" == typeof e } }, 3448: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(4239), i = n(7005); e.exports = function (e) { return "symbol" == typeof e || i(e) && "[object Symbol]" == r(e) } }, 7771: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(5639); e.exports = function () { return r.Date.now() } }, 4841: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(7561), i = n(3218), o = n(3448), a = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, s = /^0b[01]+$/i, u = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, l = parseInt; e.exports = function (e) { if ("number" == typeof e) return e; if (o(e)) return NaN; if (i(e)) { var t = "function" == typeof e.valueOf ? e.valueOf() : e; e = i(t) ? t + "" : t } if ("string" != typeof e) return 0 === e ? e : +e; e = r(e); var n = s.test(e); return n || u.test(e) ? l(e.slice(2), n ? 2 : 8) : a.test(e) ? NaN : +e } }, 9833: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(531); e.exports = function (e) { return null == e ? "" : r(e) } }, 1700: (e, t, n) => { var r = n(8805)("toUpperCase"); e.exports = r }, 3379: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; var r, i = function () { return void 0 === r && (r = Boolean(window && document && document.all && !window.atob)), r }, o = function () { var e = {}; return function (t) { if (void 0 === e[t]) { var n = document.querySelector(t); if (window.HTMLIFrameElement && n instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement) try { n = n.contentDocument.head } catch (r) { n = null } e[t] = n } return e[t] } }(), a = []; function s(e) { for (var t = -1, n = 0; n < a.length; n++)if (a[n].identifier === e) { t = n; break } return t } function u(e, t) { for (var n = {}, r = [], i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var o = e[i], u = t.base ? o[0] + t.base : o[0], l = n[u] || 0, c = "".concat(u, " ").concat(l); n[u] = l + 1; var h = s(c), f = { css: o[1], media: o[2], sourceMap: o[3] }; -1 !== h ? (a[h].references++, a[h].updater(f)) : a.push({ identifier: c, updater: b(f, t), references: 1 }), r.push(c) } return r } function l(e) { var t = document.createElement("style"), r = e.attributes || {}; if (void 0 === r.nonce) { var i = n.nc; i && (r.nonce = i) } if (Object.keys(r).forEach((function (e) { t.setAttribute(e, r[e]) })), "function" == typeof e.insert) e.insert(t); else { var a = o(e.insert || "head"); if (!a) throw new Error("Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insert' parameter is invalid."); a.appendChild(t) } return t } var c, h = (c = [], function (e, t) { return c[e] = t, c.filter(Boolean).join("\n") }); function f(e, t, n, r) { var i = n ? "" : r.media ? "@media ".concat(r.media, " {").concat(r.css, "}") : r.css; if (e.styleSheet) e.styleSheet.cssText = h(t, i); else { var o = document.createTextNode(i), a = e.childNodes; a[t] && e.removeChild(a[t]), a.length ? e.insertBefore(o, a[t]) : e.appendChild(o) } } function d(e, t, n) { var r = n.css, i = n.media, o = n.sourceMap; if (i ? e.setAttribute("media", i) : e.removeAttribute("media"), o && "undefined" != typeof btoa && (r += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,".concat(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(o)))), " */")), e.styleSheet) e.styleSheet.cssText = r; else { for (; e.firstChild;)e.removeChild(e.firstChild); e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(r)) } } var p = null, g = 0; function b(e, t) { var n, r, i; if (t.singleton) { var o = g++; n = p || (p = l(t)), r = f.bind(null, n, o, !1), i = f.bind(null, n, o, !0) } else n = l(t), r = d.bind(null, n, t), i = function () { !function (e) { if (null === e.parentNode) return !1; e.parentNode.removeChild(e) }(n) }; return r(e), function (t) { if (t) { if (t.css === e.css && t.media === e.media && t.sourceMap === e.sourceMap) return; r(e = t) } else i() } } e.exports = function (e, t) { (t = t || {}).singleton || "boolean" == typeof t.singleton || (t.singleton = i()); var n = u(e = e || [], t); return function (e) { if (e = e || [], "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e)) { for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { var i = s(n[r]); a[i].references-- } for (var o = u(e, t), l = 0; l < n.length; l++) { var c = s(n[l]); 0 === a[c].references && (a[c].updater(), a.splice(c, 1)) } n = o } } } }, 4150: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; n.d(t, { Z: () => r }); const r = "" }, 8752: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; n.d(t, { Z: () => r }); const r = "" }, 8868: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; n.d(t, { Z: () => r }); const r = "" }, 4911: (e, t, n) => { "use strict"; n.d(t, { Z: () => r }); const r = "" }
}, t = {}; function n(r) { var i = t[r]; if (void 0 !== i) return i.exports; var o = t[r] = { id: r, exports: {} }; return e[r].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, n), o.exports } n.n = e => { var t = e && e.__esModule ? () => e.default : () => e; return n.d(t, { a: t }), t }, n.d = (e, t) => { for (var r in t) n.o(t, r) && !n.o(e, r) && Object.defineProperty(e, r, { enumerable: !0, get: t[r] }) }, n.o = (e, t) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t), (() => {
"use strict"; var e, t, r, i, o, a = {}, s = [], u = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera/i; function l(e, t) { for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n]; return e } function c(e) { var t = e.parentNode; t && t.removeChild(e) } function h(e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a = arguments, s = {}; for (o in t) "key" == o ? r = t[o] : "ref" == o ? i = t[o] : s[o] = t[o]; if (arguments.length > 3) for (n = [n], o = 3; o < arguments.length; o++)n.push(a[o]); if (null != n && (s.children = n), "function" == typeof e && null != e.defaultProps) for (o in e.defaultProps) void 0 === s[o] && (s[o] = e.defaultProps[o]); return f(e, s, r, i, null) } function f(t, n, r, i, o) { var a = { type: t, props: n, key: r, ref: i, __k: null, __: null, __b: 0, __e: null, __d: void 0, __c: null, __h: null, constructor: void 0, __v: null == o ? ++e.__v : o }; return null != e.vnode && e.vnode(a), a } function d(e) { return e.children } function p(e, t) { this.props = e, this.context = t } function g(e, t) { if (null == t) return e.__ ? g(e.__, e.__.__k.indexOf(e) + 1) : null; for (var n; t < e.__k.length; t++)if (null != (n = e.__k[t]) && null != n.__e) return n.__e; return "function" == typeof e.type ? g(e) : null } function b(e) { var t, n; if (null != (e = e.__) && null != e.__c) { for (e.__e = e.__c.base = null, t = 0; t < e.__k.length; t++)if (null != (n = e.__k[t]) && null != n.__e) { e.__e = e.__c.base = n.__e; break } return b(e) } } function v(n) { (!n.__d && (n.__d = !0) && t.push(n) && !m.__r++ || i !== e.debounceRendering) && ((i = e.debounceRendering) || r)(m) } function m() { for (var e; m.__r = t.length;)e = t.sort((function (e, t) { return e.__v.__b - t.__v.__b })), t = [], e.some((function (e) { var t, n, r, i, o, a; e.__d && (o = (i = (t = e).__v).__e, (a = t.__P) && (n = [], (r = l({}, i)).__v = i.__v + 1, T(a, i, r, t.__n, void 0 !== a.ownerSVGElement, null != i.__h ? [o] : null, n, null == o ? g(i) : o, i.__h), k(n, i), i.__e != o && b(i))) })) } function y(e, t, n, r, i, o, u, l, c, h) { var p, b, v, m, y, _, x, A = r && r.__k || s, S = A.length; for (n.__k = [], p = 0; p < t.length; p++)if (null != (m = n.__k[p] = null == (m = t[p]) || "boolean" == typeof m ? null : "string" == typeof m || "number" == typeof m || "bigint" == typeof m ? f(null, m, null, null, m) : Array.isArray(m) ? f(d, { children: m }, null, null, null) : m.__b > 0 ? f(m.type, m.props, m.key, null, m.__v) : m)) { if (m.__ = n, m.__b = n.__b + 1, null === (v = A[p]) || v && m.key == v.key && m.type === v.type) A[p] = void 0; else for (b = 0; b < S; b++) { if ((v = A[b]) && m.key == v.key && m.type === v.type) { A[b] = void 0; break } v = null } T(e, m, v = v || a, i, o, u, l, c, h), y = m.__e, (b = m.ref) && v.ref != b && (x || (x = []), v.ref && x.push(v.ref, null, m), x.push(b, m.__c || y, m)), null != y ? (null == _ && (_ = y), "function" == typeof m.type && null != m.__k && m.__k === v.__k ? m.__d = c = C(m, c, e) : c = w(e, m, v, A, y, c), h || "option" !== n.type ? "function" == typeof n.type && (n.__d = c) : e.value = "") : c && v.__e == c && c.parentNode != e && (c = g(v)) } for (n.__e = _, p = S; p--;)null != A[p] && ("function" == typeof n.type && null != A[p].__e && A[p].__e == n.__d && (n.__d = g(r, p + 1)), j(A[p], A[p])); if (x) for (p = 0; p < x.length; p++)D(x[p], x[++p], x[++p]) } function C(e, t, n) { var r, i; for (r = 0; r < e.__k.length; r++)(i = e.__k[r]) && (i.__ = e, t = "function" == typeof i.type ? C(i, t, n) : w(n, i, i, e.__k, i.__e, t)); return t } function _(e, t) { return t = t || [], null == e || "boolean" == typeof e || (Array.isArray(e) ? e.some((function (e) { _(e, t) })) : t.push(e)), t } function w(e, t, n, r, i, o) { var a, s, u; if (void 0 !== t.__d) a = t.__d, t.__d = void 0; else if (null == n || i != o || null == i.parentNode) e: if (null == o || o.parentNode !== e) e.appendChild(i), a = null; else { for (s = o, u = 0; (s = s.nextSibling) && u < r.length; u += 2)if (s == i) break e; e.insertBefore(i, o), a = o } return void 0 !== a ? a : i.nextSibling } function x(e, t, n) { "-" === t[0] ? e.setProperty(t, n) : e[t] = null == n ? "" : "number" != typeof n || u.test(t) ? n : n + "px" } function A(e, t, n, r, i) { var o; e: if ("style" === t) if ("string" == typeof n) e.style.cssText = n; else { if ("string" == typeof r && (e.style.cssText = r = ""), r) for (t in r) n && t in n || x(e.style, t, ""); if (n) for (t in n) r && n[t] === r[t] || x(e.style, t, n[t]) } else if ("o" === t[0] && "n" === t[1]) o = t !== (t = t.replace(/Capture$/, "")), t = t.toLowerCase() in e ? t.toLowerCase().slice(2) : t.slice(2), e.l || (e.l = {}), e.l[t + o] = n, n ? r || e.addEventListener(t, o ? M : S, o) : e.removeEventListener(t, o ? M : S, o); else if ("dangerouslySetInnerHTML" !== t) { if (i) t = t.replace(/xlink[H:h]/, "h").replace(/sName$/, "s"); else if ("href" !== t && "list" !== t && "form" !== t && "tabIndex" !== t && "download" !== t && t in e) try { e[t] = null == n ? "" : n; break e } catch (e) { } "function" == typeof n || (null != n && (!1 !== n || "a" === t[0] && "r" === t[1]) ? e.setAttribute(t, n) : e.removeAttribute(t)) } } function S(t) { this.l[t.type + !1](e.event ? e.event(t) : t) } function M(t) { this.l[t.type + !0](e.event ? e.event(t) : t) } function T(t, n, r, i, o, a, s, u, c) { var h, f, g, b, v, m, C, _, w, x, A, S = n.type; if (void 0 !== n.constructor) return null; null != r.__h && (c = r.__h, u = n.__e = r.__e, n.__h = null, a = [u]), (h = e.__b) && h(n); try { e: if ("function" == typeof S) { if (_ = n.props, w = (h = S.contextType) && i[h.__c], x = h ? w ? w.props.value : h.__ : i, r.__c ? C = (f = n.__c = r.__c).__ = f.__E : ("prototype" in S && S.prototype.render ? n.__c = f = new S(_, x) : (n.__c = f = new p(_, x), f.constructor = S, f.render = L), w && w.sub(f), f.props = _, f.state || (f.state = {}), f.context = x, f.__n = i, g = f.__d = !0, f.__h = []), null == f.__s && (f.__s = f.state), null != S.getDerivedStateFromProps && (f.__s == f.state && (f.__s = l({}, f.__s)), l(f.__s, S.getDerivedStateFromProps(_, f.__s))), b = f.props, v = f.state, g) null == S.getDerivedStateFromProps && null != f.componentWillMount && f.componentWillMount(), null != f.componentDidMount && f.__h.push(f.componentDidMount); else { if (null == S.getDerivedStateFromProps && _ !== b && null != f.componentWillReceiveProps && f.componentWillReceiveProps(_, x), !f.__e && null != f.shouldComponentUpdate && !1 === f.shouldComponentUpdate(_, f.__s, x) || n.__v === r.__v) { f.props = _, f.state = f.__s, n.__v !== r.__v && (f.__d = !1), f.__v = n, n.__e = r.__e, n.__k = r.__k, n.__k.forEach((function (e) { e && (e.__ = n) })), f.__h.length && s.push(f); break e } null != f.componentWillUpdate && f.componentWillUpdate(_, f.__s, x), null != f.componentDidUpdate && f.__h.push((function () { f.componentDidUpdate(b, v, m) })) } f.context = x, f.props = _, f.state = f.__s, (h = e.__r) && h(n), f.__d = !1, f.__v = n, f.__P = t, h = f.render(f.props, f.state, f.context), f.state = f.__s, null != f.getChildContext && (i = l(l({}, i), f.getChildContext())), g || null == f.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (m = f.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(b, v)), A = null != h && h.type === d && null == h.key ? h.props.children : h, y(t, Array.isArray(A) ? A : [A], n, r, i, o, a, s, u, c), f.base = n.__e, n.__h = null, f.__h.length && s.push(f), C && (f.__E = f.__ = null), f.__e = !1 } else null == a && n.__v === r.__v ? (n.__k = r.__k, n.__e = r.__e) : n.__e = z(r.__e, n, r, i, o, a, s, c); (h = e.diffed) && h(n) } catch (t) { n.__v = null, (c || null != a) && (n.__e = u, n.__h = !!c, a[a.indexOf(u)] = null), e.__e(t, n, r) } } function k(t, n) { e.__c && e.__c(n, t), t.some((function (n) { try { t = n.__h, n.__h = [], t.some((function (e) { e.call(n) })) } catch (t) { e.__e(t, n.__v) } })) } function z(e, t, n, r, i, o, u, l) { var h, f, d, p, g = n.props, b = t.props, v = t.type, m = 0; if ("svg" === v && (i = !0), null != o) for (; m < o.length; m++)if ((h = o[m]) && (h === e || (v ? h.localName == v : 3 == h.nodeType))) { e = h, o[m] = null; break } if (null == e) { if (null === v) return document.createTextNode(b); e = i ? document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", v) : document.createElement(v, b.is && b), o = null, l = !1 } if (null === v) g === b || l && e.data === b || (e.data = b); else { if (o = o && s.slice.call(e.childNodes), f = (g = n.props || a).dangerouslySetInnerHTML, d = b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML, !l) { if (null != o) for (g = {}, p = 0; p < e.attributes.length; p++)g[e.attributes[p].name] = e.attributes[p].value; (d || f) && (d && (f && d.__html == f.__html || d.__html === e.innerHTML) || (e.innerHTML = d && d.__html || "")) } if (function (e, t, n, r, i) { var o; for (o in n) "children" === o || "key" === o || o in t || A(e, o, null, n[o], r); for (o in t) i && "function" != typeof t[o] || "children" === o || "key" === o || "value" === o || "checked" === o || n[o] === t[o] || A(e, o, t[o], n[o], r) }(e, b, g, i, l), d) t.__k = []; else if (m = t.props.children, y(e, Array.isArray(m) ? m : [m], t, n, r, i && "foreignObject" !== v, o, u, e.firstChild, l), null != o) for (m = o.length; m--;)null != o[m] && c(o[m]); l || ("value" in b && void 0 !== (m = b.value) && (m !== e.value || "progress" === v && !m) && A(e, "value", m, g.value, !1), "checked" in b && void 0 !== (m = b.checked) && m !== e.checked && A(e, "checked", m, g.checked, !1)) } return e } function D(t, n, r) { try { "function" == typeof t ? t(n) : t.current = n } catch (t) { e.__e(t, r) } } function j(t, n, r) { var i, o, a; if (e.unmount && e.unmount(t), (i = t.ref) && (i.current && i.current !== t.__e || D(i, null, n)), r || "function" == typeof t.type || (r = null != (o = t.__e)), t.__e = t.__d = void 0, null != (i = t.__c)) { if (i.componentWillUnmount) try { i.componentWillUnmount() } catch (t) { e.__e(t, n) } i.base = i.__P = null } if (i = t.__k) for (a = 0; a < i.length; a++)i[a] && j(i[a], n, r); null != o && c(o) } function L(e, t, n) { return this.constructor(e, n) } function B(t, n, r) { var i, o, u; e.__ && e.__(t, n), o = (i = "function" == typeof r) ? null : r && r.__k || n.__k, u = [], T(n, t = (!i && r || n).__k = h(d, null, [t]), o || a, a, void 0 !== n.ownerSVGElement, !i && r ? [r] : o ? null : n.firstChild ? s.slice.call(n.childNodes) : null, u, !i && r ? r : o ? o.__e : n.firstChild, i), k(u, t) } function E(e, t) { B(e, t, E) } function O(e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a = arguments, s = l({}, e.props); for (o in t) "key" == o ? r = t[o] : "ref" == o ? i = t[o] : s[o] = t[o]; if (arguments.length > 3) for (n = [n], o = 3; o < arguments.length; o++)n.push(a[o]); return null != n && (s.children = n), f(e.type, s, r || e.key, i || e.ref, null) } function I(e, t, n, r) { n && Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: n.enumerable, configurable: n.configurable, writable: n.writable, value: n.initializer ? n.initializer.call(r) : void 0 }) } function N(e, t, n, r, i) { var o = {}; return Object.keys(r).forEach((function (e) { o[e] = r[e] })), o.enumerable = !!o.enumerable, o.configurable = !!o.configurable, ("value" in o || o.initializer) && (o.writable = !0), o = n.slice().reverse().reduce((function (n, r) { return r(e, t, n) || n }), o), i && void 0 !== o.initializer && (o.value = o.initializer ? o.initializer.call(i) : void 0, o.initializer = void 0), void 0 === o.initializer && (Object.defineProperty(e, t, o), o = null), o } e = { __e: function (e, t) { for (var n, r, i; t = t.__;)if ((n = t.__c) && !n.__) try { if ((r = n.constructor) && null != r.getDerivedStateFromError && (n.setState(r.getDerivedStateFromError(e)), i = n.__d), null != n.componentDidCatch && (n.componentDidCatch(e), i = n.__d), i) return n.__E = n } catch (t) { e = t } throw e }, __v: 0 }, p.prototype.setState = function (e, t) { var n; n = null != this.__s && this.__s !== this.state ? this.__s : this.__s = l({}, this.state), "function" == typeof e && (e = e(l({}, n), this.props)), e && l(n, e), null != e && this.__v && (t && this.__h.push(t), v(this)) }, p.prototype.forceUpdate = function (e) { this.__v && (this.__e = !0, e && this.__h.push(e), v(this)) }, p.prototype.render = d, t = [], r = "function" == typeof Promise ? Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve()) : setTimeout, m.__r = 0, o = 0; const P = []; Object.freeze(P); const F = {}; function R() { return ++ot.mobxGuid } function G(e) { throw U(!1, e), "X" } function U(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error("[mobx] " + (t || "An invariant failed, however the error is obfuscated because this is a production build.")) } Object.freeze(F); function H(e) { let t = !1; return function () { if (!t) return t = !0, e.apply(this, arguments) } } const V = () => { }; function q(e) { return null !== e && "object" == typeof e } function W(e) { if (null === e || "object" != typeof e) return !1; const t = Object.getPrototypeOf(e); return t === Object.prototype || null === t } function Z(e, t, n) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0, value: n }) } function $(e, t) { const n = "isMobX" + e; return t.prototype[n] = !0, function (e) { return q(e) && !0 === e[n] } } function K(e) { return e instanceof Map } function Y(e) { return e instanceof Set } function J(e) { const t = new Set; for (let n in e) t.add(n); return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e).forEach((n => { Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n).enumerable && t.add(n) })), Array.from(t) } function X(e) { return e && e.toString ? e.toString() : new String(e).toString() } function Q(e) { return null === e ? null : "object" == typeof e ? "" + e : e } const ee = "undefined" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.ownKeys ? Reflect.ownKeys : Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? e => Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)) : Object.getOwnPropertyNames, te = Symbol("mobx administration"); class ne { constructor(e = "Atom@" + R()) { this.name = e, this.isPendingUnobservation = !1, this.isBeingObserved = !1, this.observers = new Set, this.diffValue = 0, this.lastAccessedBy = 0, this.lowestObserverState = De.NOT_TRACKING } onBecomeObserved() { this.onBecomeObservedListeners && this.onBecomeObservedListeners.forEach((e => e())) } onBecomeUnobserved() { this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners && this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners.forEach((e => e())) } reportObserved() { return ht(this) } reportChanged() { lt(), function (e) { if (e.lowestObserverState === De.STALE) return; e.lowestObserverState = De.STALE, e.observers.forEach((t => { t.dependenciesState === De.UP_TO_DATE && (t.isTracing !== je.NONE && ft(t, e), t.onBecomeStale()), t.dependenciesState = De.STALE })) }(this), ct() } toString() { return this.name } } const re = $("Atom", ne); function ie(e, t = V, n = V) { const r = new ne(e); var i; return t !== V && Dt("onBecomeObserved", r, t, i), n !== V && zt(r, n), r } const oe = { identity: function (e, t) { return e === t }, structural: function (e, t) { return _n(e, t) }, default: function (e, t) { return Object.is(e, t) }, shallow: function (e, t) { return _n(e, t, 1) } }, ae = Symbol("mobx did run lazy initializers"), se = Symbol("mobx pending decorators"), ue = {}, le = {}; function ce(e, t) { const n = t ? ue : le; return n[e] || (n[e] = { configurable: !0, enumerable: t, get() { return he(this), this[e] }, set(t) { he(this), this[e] = t } }) } function he(e) { if (!0 === e[ae]) return; const t = e[se]; if (t) { Z(e, ae, !0); const n = [...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t), ...Object.keys(t)]; for (const r of n) { const n = t[r]; n.propertyCreator(e, n.prop, n.descriptor, n.decoratorTarget, n.decoratorArguments) } } } function fe(e, t) { return function () { let n; const r = function (r, i, o, a) { if (!0 === a) return t(r, i, o, r, n), null; if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, se)) { const e = r[se]; Z(r, se, Object.assign({}, e)) } return r[se][i] = { prop: i, propertyCreator: t, descriptor: o, decoratorTarget: r, decoratorArguments: n }, ce(i, e) }; return de(arguments) ? (n = P, r.apply(null, arguments)) : (n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), r) } } function de(e) { return (2 === e.length || 3 === e.length) && ("string" == typeof e[1] || "symbol" == typeof e[1]) || 4 === e.length && !0 === e[3] } function pe(e, t, n) { return Ft(e) ? e : Array.isArray(e) ? Se.array(e, { name: n }) : W(e) ? Se.object(e, void 0, { name: n }) : K(e) ? Se.map(e, { name: n }) : Y(e) ? Se.set(e, { name: n }) : e } function ge(e) { return e } function be(e) { U(e); const t = fe(!0, ((t, n, r, i, o) => { const a = r ? r.initializer ? r.initializer.call(t) : r.value : void 0; fn(t).addObservableProp(n, a, e) })), n = t; return n.enhancer = e, n } const ve = { deep: !0, name: void 0, defaultDecorator: void 0, proxy: !0 }; function me(e) { return null == e ? ve : "string" == typeof e ? { name: e, deep: !0, proxy: !0 } : e } Object.freeze(ve); const ye = be(pe), Ce = be((function (e, t, n) { return null == e || vn(e) || tn(e) || an(e) || cn(e) ? e : Array.isArray(e) ? Se.array(e, { name: n, deep: !1 }) : W(e) ? Se.object(e, void 0, { name: n, deep: !1 }) : K(e) ? Se.map(e, { name: n, deep: !1 }) : Y(e) ? Se.set(e, { name: n, deep: !1 }) : G(!1) })), _e = be(ge), we = be((function (e, t, n) { return _n(e, t) ? t : e })); function xe(e) { return e.defaultDecorator ? e.defaultDecorator.enhancer : !1 === e.deep ? ge : pe } const Ae = { box(e, t) { arguments.length > 2 && Me("box"); const n = me(t); return new Je(e, xe(n), n.name, !0, n.equals) }, array(e, t) { arguments.length > 2 && Me("array"); const n = me(t); return function (e, t, n = "ObservableArray@" + R(), r = !1) { const i = new Xt(n, t, r); o = i.values, a = te, s = i, Object.defineProperty(o, a, { enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0, value: s }); var o, a, s; const u = new Proxy(i.values, Jt); if (i.proxy = u, e && e.length) { const t = Ke(!0); i.spliceWithArray(0, 0, e), Ye(t) } return u }(e, xe(n), n.name) }, map(e, t) { arguments.length > 2 && Me("map"); const n = me(t); return new on(e, xe(n), n.name) }, set(e, t) { arguments.length > 2 && Me("set"); const n = me(t); return new ln(e, xe(n), n.name) }, object(e, t, n) { "string" == typeof arguments[1] && Me("object"); const r = me(n); if (!1 === r.proxy) return Lt({}, e, t, r); { const n = Bt(r), i = function (e) { const t = new Proxy(e, Vt); return e[te].proxy = t, t }(Lt({}, void 0, void 0, r)); return Et(i, e, t, n), i } }, ref: _e, shallow: Ce, deep: ye, struct: we }, Se = function (e, t, n) { if ("string" == typeof arguments[1] || "symbol" == typeof arguments[1]) return ye.apply(null, arguments); if (Ft(e)) return e; const r = W(e) ? Se.object(e, t, n) : Array.isArray(e) ? Se.array(e, t) : K(e) ? Se.map(e, t) : Y(e) ? Se.set(e, t) : e; if (r !== e) return r; G(!1) }; function Me(e) { G(`Expected one or two arguments to observable.${e}. Did you accidentally try to use observable.${e} as decorator?`) } Object.keys(Ae).forEach((e => Se[e] = Ae[e])); const Te = fe(!1, ((e, t, n, r, i) => { const { get: o, set: a } = n, s = i[0] || {}; fn(e).addComputedProp(e, t, Object.assign({ get: o, set: a, context: e }, s)) })), ke = Te({ equals: oe.structural }), ze = function (e, t, n) { if ("string" == typeof t) return Te.apply(null, arguments); if (null !== e && "object" == typeof e && 1 === arguments.length) return Te.apply(null, arguments); const r = "object" == typeof t ? t : {}; return r.get = e, r.set = "function" == typeof t ? t : r.set, r.name = r.name || e.name || "", new Xe(r) }; var De, je; ze.struct = ke, function (e) { e[e.NOT_TRACKING = -1] = "NOT_TRACKING", e[e.UP_TO_DATE = 0] = "UP_TO_DATE", e[e.POSSIBLY_STALE = 1] = "POSSIBLY_STALE", e[e.STALE = 2] = "STALE" }(De || (De = {})), function (e) { e[e.NONE = 0] = "NONE", e[e.LOG = 1] = "LOG", e[e.BREAK = 2] = "BREAK" }(je || (je = {})); class Le { constructor(e) { this.cause = e } } function Be(e) { return e instanceof Le } function Ee(e) { switch (e.dependenciesState) { case De.UP_TO_DATE: return !1; case De.NOT_TRACKING: case De.STALE: return !0; case De.POSSIBLY_STALE: { const t = Ge(!0), n = Fe(), r = e.observing, i = r.length; for (let o = 0; o < i; o++) { const i = r[o]; if (Qe(i)) { if (ot.disableErrorBoundaries) i.get(); else try { i.get() } catch (u) { return Re(n), Ue(t), !0 } if (e.dependenciesState === De.STALE) return Re(n), Ue(t), !0 } } return He(e), Re(n), Ue(t), !1 } } } function Oe(e) { const t = e.observers.size > 0; ot.computationDepth > 0 && t && G(!1), ot.allowStateChanges || !t && "strict" !== ot.enforceActions || G(!1) } function Ie(e, t, n) { const r = Ge(!0); He(e), e.newObserving = new Array(e.observing.length + 100), e.unboundDepsCount = 0, e.runId = ++ot.runId; const i = ot.trackingDerivation; let o; if (ot.trackingDerivation = e, !0 === ot.disableErrorBoundaries) o = t.call(n); else try { o = t.call(n) } catch (u) { o = new Le(u) } return ot.trackingDerivation = i, function (e) { const t = e.observing, n = e.observing = e.newObserving; let r = De.UP_TO_DATE, i = 0, o = e.unboundDepsCount; for (let a = 0; a < o; a++) { const e = n[a]; 0 === e.diffValue && (e.diffValue = 1, i !== a && (n[i] = e), i++), e.dependenciesState > r && (r = e.dependenciesState) } n.length = i, e.newObserving = null, o = t.length; for (; o--;) { const n = t[o]; 0 === n.diffValue && st(n, e), n.diffValue = 0 } for (; i--;) { const t = n[i]; 1 === t.diffValue && (t.diffValue = 0, at(t, e)) } r !== De.UP_TO_DATE && (e.dependenciesState = r, e.onBecomeStale()) }(e), Ue(r), o } function Ne(e) { const t = e.observing; e.observing = []; let n = t.length; for (; n--;)st(t[n], e); e.dependenciesState = De.NOT_TRACKING } function Pe(e) { const t = Fe(); try { return e() } finally { Re(t) } } function Fe() { const e = ot.trackingDerivation; return ot.trackingDerivation = null, e } function Re(e) { ot.trackingDerivation = e } function Ge(e) { const t = ot.allowStateReads; return ot.allowStateReads = e, t } function Ue(e) { ot.allowStateReads = e } function He(e) { if (e.dependenciesState === De.UP_TO_DATE) return; e.dependenciesState = De.UP_TO_DATE; const t = e.observing; let n = t.length; for (; n--;)t[n].lowestObserverState = De.UP_TO_DATE } let Ve = 0, qe = 1; const We = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor((() => { }), "name"); We && We.configurable; function Ze(e, t, n) { const r = function () { return $e(e, t, n || this, arguments) }; return r.isMobxAction = !0, r } function $e(e, t, n, r) { const i = function (e, t, n) { const r = !1; let i = 0; 0; const o = Fe(); lt(); const a = Ke(!0), s = Ge(!0), u = { prevDerivation: o, prevAllowStateChanges: a, prevAllowStateReads: s, notifySpy: r, startTime: i, actionId: qe++, parentActionId: Ve }; return Ve = u.actionId, u }(); try { return t.apply(n, r) } catch (o) { throw i.error = o, o } finally { !function (e) { Ve !== e.actionId && G("invalid action stack. did you forget to finish an action?"); Ve = e.parentActionId, void 0 !== e.error && (ot.suppressReactionErrors = !0); Ye(e.prevAllowStateChanges), Ue(e.prevAllowStateReads), ct(), Re(e.prevDerivation), e.notifySpy && !1; ot.suppressReactionErrors = !1 }(i) } } function Ke(e) { const t = ot.allowStateChanges; return ot.allowStateChanges = e, t } function Ye(e) { ot.allowStateChanges = e } class Je extends ne { constructor(e, t, n = "ObservableValue@" + R(), r = !0, i = oe.default) { super(n), this.enhancer = t, this.name = n, this.equals = i, this.hasUnreportedChange = !1, this.value = t(e, void 0, n) } dehanceValue(e) { return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e } set(e) { this.value; if ((e = this.prepareNewValue(e)) !== ot.UNCHANGED) { 0, this.setNewValue(e) } } prepareNewValue(e) { if (Oe(this), qt(this)) { const t = Zt(this, { object: this, type: "update", newValue: e }); if (!t) return ot.UNCHANGED; e = t.newValue } return e = this.enhancer(e, this.value, this.name), this.equals(this.value, e) ? ot.UNCHANGED : e } setNewValue(e) { const t = this.value; this.value = e, this.reportChanged(), $t(this) && Yt(this, { type: "update", object: this, newValue: e, oldValue: t }) } get() { return this.reportObserved(), this.dehanceValue(this.value) } intercept(e) { return Wt(this, e) } observe(e, t) { return t && e({ object: this, type: "update", newValue: this.value, oldValue: void 0 }), Kt(this, e) } toJSON() { return this.get() } toString() { return `${this.name}[${this.value}]` } valueOf() { return Q(this.get()) } [Symbol.toPrimitive]() { return this.valueOf() } } $("ObservableValue", Je); class Xe { constructor(e) { this.dependenciesState = De.NOT_TRACKING, this.observing = [], this.newObserving = null, this.isBeingObserved = !1, this.isPendingUnobservation = !1, this.observers = new Set, this.diffValue = 0, this.runId = 0, this.lastAccessedBy = 0, this.lowestObserverState = De.UP_TO_DATE, this.unboundDepsCount = 0, this.__mapid = "#" + R(), this.value = new Le(null), this.isComputing = !1, this.isRunningSetter = !1, this.isTracing = je.NONE, U(e.get, "missing option for computed: get"), this.derivation = e.get, this.name = e.name || "ComputedValue@" + R(), e.set && (this.setter = Ze(this.name + "-setter", e.set)), this.equals = e.equals || (e.compareStructural || e.struct ? oe.structural : oe.default), this.scope = e.context, this.requiresReaction = !!e.requiresReaction, this.keepAlive = !!e.keepAlive } onBecomeStale() { !function (e) { if (e.lowestObserverState !== De.UP_TO_DATE) return; e.lowestObserverState = De.POSSIBLY_STALE, e.observers.forEach((t => { t.dependenciesState === De.UP_TO_DATE && (t.dependenciesState = De.POSSIBLY_STALE, t.isTracing !== je.NONE && ft(t, e), t.onBecomeStale()) })) }(this) } onBecomeObserved() { this.onBecomeObservedListeners && this.onBecomeObservedListeners.forEach((e => e())) } onBecomeUnobserved() { this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners && this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners.forEach((e => e())) } get() { this.isComputing && G(`Cycle detected in computation ${this.name}: ${this.derivation}`), 0 !== ot.inBatch || 0 !== this.observers.size || this.keepAlive ? (ht(this), Ee(this) && this.trackAndCompute() && function (e) { if (e.lowestObserverState === De.STALE) return; e.lowestObserverState = De.STALE, e.observers.forEach((t => { t.dependenciesState === De.POSSIBLY_STALE ? t.dependenciesState = De.STALE : t.dependenciesState === De.UP_TO_DATE && (e.lowestObserverState = De.UP_TO_DATE) })) }(this)) : Ee(this) && (this.warnAboutUntrackedRead(), lt(), this.value = this.computeValue(!1), ct()); const e = this.value; if (Be(e)) throw e.cause; return e } peek() { const e = this.computeValue(!1); if (Be(e)) throw e.cause; return e } set(e) { if (this.setter) { U(!this.isRunningSetter, `The setter of computed value '${this.name}' is trying to update itself. Did you intend to update an _observable_ value, instead of the computed property?`), this.isRunningSetter = !0; try { this.setter.call(this.scope, e) } finally { this.isRunningSetter = !1 } } else U(!1, !1) } trackAndCompute() { const e = this.value, t = this.dependenciesState === De.NOT_TRACKING, n = this.computeValue(!0), r = t || Be(e) || Be(n) || !this.equals(e, n); return r && (this.value = n), r } computeValue(e) { let t; if (this.isComputing = !0, ot.computationDepth++, e) t = Ie(this, this.derivation, this.scope); else if (!0 === ot.disableErrorBoundaries) t = this.derivation.call(this.scope); else try { t = this.derivation.call(this.scope) } catch (u) { t = new Le(u) } return ot.computationDepth--, this.isComputing = !1, t } suspend() { this.keepAlive || (Ne(this), this.value = void 0) } observe(e, t) { let n, r = !0; return Mt((() => { let i = this.get(); if (!r || t) { const t = Fe(); e({ type: "update", object: this, newValue: i, oldValue: n }), Re(t) } r = !1, n = i })) } warnAboutUntrackedRead() { } toJSON() { return this.get() } toString() { return `${this.name}[${this.derivation.toString()}]` } valueOf() { return Q(this.get()) } [Symbol.toPrimitive]() { return this.valueOf() } } const Qe = $("ComputedValue", Xe); class et { constructor() { this.version = 5, this.UNCHANGED = {}, this.trackingDerivation = null, this.computationDepth = 0, this.runId = 0, this.mobxGuid = 0, this.inBatch = 0, this.pendingUnobservations = [], this.pendingReactions = [], this.isRunningReactions = !1, this.allowStateChanges = !0, this.allowStateReads = !0, this.enforceActions = !1, this.spyListeners = [], this.globalReactionErrorHandlers = [], this.computedRequiresReaction = !1, this.reactionRequiresObservable = !1, this.observableRequiresReaction = !1, this.computedConfigurable = !1, this.disableErrorBoundaries = !1, this.suppressReactionErrors = !1 } } const tt = {}; function nt() { return "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : tt } let rt = !0, it = !1, ot = function () { const e = nt(); return e.__mobxInstanceCount > 0 && !e.__mobxGlobals && (rt = !1), e.__mobxGlobals && e.__mobxGlobals.version !== (new et).version && (rt = !1), rt ? e.__mobxGlobals ? (e.__mobxInstanceCount += 1, e.__mobxGlobals.UNCHANGED || (e.__mobxGlobals.UNCHANGED = {}), e.__mobxGlobals) : (e.__mobxInstanceCount = 1, e.__mobxGlobals = new et) : (setTimeout((() => { it || G("There are multiple, different versions of MobX active. Make sure MobX is loaded only once or use `configure({ isolateGlobalState: true })`") }), 1), new et) }(); function at(e, t) { e.observers.add(t), e.lowestObserverState > t.dependenciesState && (e.lowestObserverState = t.dependenciesState) } function st(e, t) { e.observers.delete(t), 0 === e.observers.size && ut(e) } function ut(e) { !1 === e.isPendingUnobservation && (e.isPendingUnobservation = !0, ot.pendingUnobservations.push(e)) } function lt() { ot.inBatch++ } function ct() { if (0 == --ot.inBatch) { bt(); const e = ot.pendingUnobservations; for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { const n = e[t]; n.isPendingUnobservation = !1, 0 === n.observers.size && (n.isBeingObserved && (n.isBeingObserved = !1, n.onBecomeUnobserved()), n instanceof Xe && n.suspend()) } ot.pendingUnobservations = [] } } function ht(e) { const t = ot.trackingDerivation; return null !== t ? (t.runId !== e.lastAccessedBy && (e.lastAccessedBy = t.runId, t.newObserving[t.unboundDepsCount++] = e, e.isBeingObserved || (e.isBeingObserved = !0, e.onBecomeObserved())), !0) : (0 === e.observers.size && ot.inBatch > 0 && ut(e), !1) } function ft(e, t) { if (console.log(`[mobx.trace] '${e.name}' is invalidated due to a change in: '${t.name}'`), e.isTracing === je.BREAK) { const n = []; dt(Ot(e), n, 1), new Function(`debugger;\n/*\nTracing '${e.name}'\n\nYou are entering this break point because derivation '${e.name}' is being traced and '${t.name}' is now forcing it to update.\nJust follow the stacktrace you should now see in the devtools to see precisely what piece of your code is causing this update\nThe stackframe you are looking for is at least ~6-8 stack-frames up.\n\n${e instanceof Xe ? e.derivation.toString().replace(/[*]\//g, "/") : ""}\n\nThe dependencies for this derivation are:\n\n${n.join("\n")}\n*/\n `)() } } function dt(e, t, n) { t.length >= 1e3 ? t.push("(and many more)") : (t.push(`${new Array(n).join("\t")}${e.name}`), e.dependencies && e.dependencies.forEach((e => dt(e, t, n + 1)))) } class pt { constructor(e = "Reaction@" + R(), t, n, r = !1) { this.name = e, this.onInvalidate = t, this.errorHandler = n, this.requiresObservable = r, this.observing = [], this.newObserving = [], this.dependenciesState = De.NOT_TRACKING, this.diffValue = 0, this.runId = 0, this.unboundDepsCount = 0, this.__mapid = "#" + R(), this.isDisposed = !1, this._isScheduled = !1, this._isTrackPending = !1, this._isRunning = !1, this.isTracing = je.NONE } onBecomeStale() { this.schedule() } schedule() { this._isScheduled || (this._isScheduled = !0, ot.pendingReactions.push(this), bt()) } isScheduled() { return this._isScheduled } runReaction() { if (!this.isDisposed) { if (lt(), this._isScheduled = !1, Ee(this)) { this._isTrackPending = !0; try { this.onInvalidate(), this._isTrackPending } catch (u) { this.reportExceptionInDerivation(u) } } ct() } } track(e) { if (this.isDisposed) return; lt(); this._isRunning = !0; const t = Ie(this, e, void 0); this._isRunning = !1, this._isTrackPending = !1, this.isDisposed && Ne(this), Be(t) && this.reportExceptionInDerivation(t.cause), ct() } reportExceptionInDerivation(e) { if (this.errorHandler) return void this.errorHandler(e, this); if (ot.disableErrorBoundaries) throw e; const t = `[mobx] Encountered an uncaught exception that was thrown by a reaction or observer component, in: '${this}'`; ot.suppressReactionErrors ? console.warn(`[mobx] (error in reaction '${this.name}' suppressed, fix error of causing action below)`) : console.error(t, e), ot.globalReactionErrorHandlers.forEach((t => t(e, this))) } dispose() { this.isDisposed || (this.isDisposed = !0, this._isRunning || (lt(), Ne(this), ct())) } getDisposer() { const e = this.dispose.bind(this); return e[te] = this, e } toString() { return `Reaction[${this.name}]` } trace(e = !1) { !function (...e) { let t = !1; "boolean" == typeof e[e.length - 1] && (t = e.pop()); const n = function (e) { switch (e.length) { case 0: return ot.trackingDerivation; case 1: return mn(e[0]); case 2: return mn(e[0], e[1]) } }(e); if (!n) return G(!1); n.isTracing === je.NONE && console.log(`[mobx.trace] '${n.name}' tracing enabled`); n.isTracing = t ? je.BREAK : je.LOG }(this, e) } } let gt = e => e(); function bt() { ot.inBatch > 0 || ot.isRunningReactions || gt(vt) } function vt() { ot.isRunningReactions = !0; const e = ot.pendingReactions; let t = 0; for (; e.length > 0;) { 100 == ++t && (console.error(`Reaction doesn't converge to a stable state after 100 iterations. Probably there is a cycle in the reactive function: ${e[0]}`), e.splice(0)); let n = e.splice(0); for (let e = 0, t = n.length; e < t; e++)n[e].runReaction() } ot.isRunningReactions = !1 } const mt = $("Reaction", pt); function yt(e) { const t = gt; gt = n => e((() => t(n))) } function Ct(e) { return console.warn("[mobx.spy] Is a no-op in production builds"), function () { } } function _t() { G(!1) } function wt(e) { return function (t, n, r) { if (r) { if (r.value) return { value: Ze(e, r.value), enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }; const { initializer: t } = r; return { enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, writable: !0, initializer() { return Ze(e, t.call(this)) } } } return xt(e).apply(this, arguments) } } function xt(e) { return function (t, n, r) { Object.defineProperty(t, n, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, get() { }, set(t) { Z(this, n, At(e, t)) } }) } } const At = function (e, t, n, r) { return 1 === arguments.length && "function" == typeof e ? Ze(e.name || "<unnamed action>", e) : 2 === arguments.length && "function" == typeof t ? Ze(e, t) : 1 === arguments.length && "string" == typeof e ? wt(e) : !0 !== r ? wt(t).apply(null, arguments) : void Z(e, t, Ze(e.name || t, n.value, this)) }; function St(e, t, n) { Z(e, t, Ze(t, n.bind(e))) } function Mt(e, t = F) { const n = t && t.name || e.name || "Autorun@" + R(); let r; if (!t.scheduler && !t.delay) r = new pt(n, (function () { this.track(i) }), t.onError, t.requiresObservable); else { const e = kt(t); let o = !1; r = new pt(n, (() => { o || (o = !0, e((() => { o = !1, r.isDisposed || r.track(i) }))) }), t.onError, t.requiresObservable) } function i() { e(r) } return r.schedule(), r.getDisposer() } At.bound = function (e, t, n, r) { return !0 === r ? (St(e, t, n.value), null) : n ? { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, get() { return St(this, t, n.value || n.initializer.call(this)), this[t] }, set: _t } : { enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, set(e) { St(this, t, e) }, get() { } } }; const Tt = e => e(); function kt(e) { return e.scheduler ? e.scheduler : e.delay ? t => setTimeout(t, e.delay) : Tt } function zt(e, t, n) { return Dt("onBecomeUnobserved", e, t, n) } function Dt(e, t, n, r) { const i = "function" == typeof r ? mn(t, n) : mn(t), o = "function" == typeof r ? r : n, a = `${e}Listeners`; i[a] ? i[a].add(o) : i[a] = new Set([o]); return "function" != typeof i[e] ? G(!1) : function () { const e = i[a]; e && (e.delete(o), 0 === e.size && delete i[a]) } } function jt(e) { const { enforceActions: t, computedRequiresReaction: n, computedConfigurable: r, disableErrorBoundaries: i, reactionScheduler: o, reactionRequiresObservable: a, observableRequiresReaction: s } = e; if (!0 === e.isolateGlobalState && ((ot.pendingReactions.length || ot.inBatch || ot.isRunningReactions) && G("isolateGlobalState should be called before MobX is running any reactions"), it = !0, rt && (0 == --nt().__mobxInstanceCount && (nt().__mobxGlobals = void 0), ot = new et)), void 0 !== t) { let e; switch (t) { case !0: case "observed": e = !0; break; case !1: case "never": e = !1; break; case "strict": case "always": e = "strict"; break; default: G(`Invalid value for 'enforceActions': '${t}', expected 'never', 'always' or 'observed'`) }ot.enforceActions = e, ot.allowStateChanges = !0 !== e && "strict" !== e } void 0 !== n && (ot.computedRequiresReaction = !!n), void 0 !== a && (ot.reactionRequiresObservable = !!a), void 0 !== s && (ot.observableRequiresReaction = !!s, ot.allowStateReads = !ot.observableRequiresReaction), void 0 !== r && (ot.computedConfigurable = !!r), void 0 !== i && (!0 === i && console.warn("WARNING: Debug feature only. MobX will NOT recover from errors when `disableErrorBoundaries` is enabled."), ot.disableErrorBoundaries = !!i), o && yt(o) } function Lt(e, t, n, r) { const i = Bt(r = me(r)); return he(e), fn(e, r.name, i.enhancer), t && Et(e, t, n, i), e } function Bt(e) { return e.defaultDecorator || (!1 === e.deep ? _e : ye) } function Et(e, t, n, r) { lt(); try { const i = ee(t); for (const o of i) { const i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, o); 0; 0; const a = (n && o in n ? n[o] : i.get ? Te : r)(e, o, i, !0); a && Object.defineProperty(e, o, a) } } finally { ct() } } function Ot(e, t) { return It(mn(e, t)) } function It(e) { const t = { name: e.name }; return e.observing && e.observing.length > 0 && (t.dependencies = function (e) { const t = []; return e.forEach((e => { -1 === t.indexOf(e) && t.push(e) })), t }(e.observing).map(It)), t } function Nt() { this.message = "FLOW_CANCELLED" } function Pt(e, t) { return null != e && (void 0 !== t ? !!vn(e) && e[te].values.has(t) : vn(e) || !!e[te] || re(e) || mt(e) || Qe(e)) } function Ft(e) { return 1 !== arguments.length && G(!1), Pt(e) } function Rt(e, t, n) { if (2 !== arguments.length || cn(e)) if (vn(e)) { const r = e[te]; r.values.get(t) ? r.write(t, n) : r.addObservableProp(t, n, r.defaultEnhancer) } else if (an(e)) e.set(t, n); else if (cn(e)) e.add(t); else { if (!tn(e)) return G(!1); "number" != typeof t && (t = parseInt(t, 10)), U(t >= 0, `Not a valid index: '${t}'`), lt(), t >= e.length && (e.length = t + 1), e[t] = n, ct() } else { lt(); const n = t; try { for (let t in n) Rt(e, t, n[t]) } finally { ct() } } } Nt.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); function Gt(e, t) { lt(); try { return e.apply(t) } finally { ct() } } function Ut(e) { return e[te] } function Ht(e) { return "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e || "symbol" == typeof e } const Vt = { has(e, t) { if (t === te || "constructor" === t || t === ae) return !0; const n = Ut(e); return Ht(t) ? n.has(t) : t in e }, get(e, t) { if (t === te || "constructor" === t || t === ae) return e[t]; const n = Ut(e), r = n.values.get(t); if (r instanceof ne) { const e = r.get(); return void 0 === e && n.has(t), e } return Ht(t) && n.has(t), e[t] }, set: (e, t, n) => !!Ht(t) && (Rt(e, t, n), !0), deleteProperty(e, t) { if (!Ht(t)) return !1; return Ut(e).remove(t), !0 }, ownKeys: e => (Ut(e).keysAtom.reportObserved(), Reflect.ownKeys(e)), preventExtensions: e => (G("Dynamic observable objects cannot be frozen"), !1) }; function qt(e) { return void 0 !== e.interceptors && e.interceptors.length > 0 } function Wt(e, t) { const n = e.interceptors || (e.interceptors = []); return n.push(t), H((() => { const e = n.indexOf(t); -1 !== e && n.splice(e, 1) })) } function Zt(e, t) { const n = Fe(); try { const r = [...e.interceptors || []]; for (let e = 0, n = r.length; e < n && (U(!(t = r[e](t)) || t.type, "Intercept handlers should return nothing or a change object"), t); e++); return t } finally { Re(n) } } function $t(e) { return void 0 !== e.changeListeners && e.changeListeners.length > 0 } function Kt(e, t) { const n = e.changeListeners || (e.changeListeners = []); return n.push(t), H((() => { const e = n.indexOf(t); -1 !== e && n.splice(e, 1) })) } function Yt(e, t) { const n = Fe(); let r = e.changeListeners; if (r) { r = r.slice(); for (let e = 0, n = r.length; e < n; e++)r[e](t); Re(n) } } const Jt = { get: (e, t) => t === te ? e[te] : "length" === t ? e[te].getArrayLength() : "number" == typeof t ? Qt.get.call(e, t) : "string" != typeof t || isNaN(t) ? Qt.hasOwnProperty(t) ? Qt[t] : e[t] : Qt.get.call(e, parseInt(t)), set: (e, t, n) => ("length" === t && e[te].setArrayLength(n), "number" == typeof t && Qt.set.call(e, t, n), "symbol" == typeof t || isNaN(t) ? e[t] = n : Qt.set.call(e, parseInt(t), n), !0), preventExtensions: e => (G("Observable arrays cannot be frozen"), !1) }; class Xt { constructor(e, t, n) { this.owned = n, this.values = [], this.proxy = void 0, this.lastKnownLength = 0, this.atom = new ne(e || "ObservableArray@" + R()), this.enhancer = (n, r) => t(n, r, e + "[..]") } dehanceValue(e) { return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e } dehanceValues(e) { return void 0 !== this.dehancer && e.length > 0 ? e.map(this.dehancer) : e } intercept(e) { return Wt(this, e) } observe(e, t = !1) { return t && e({ object: this.proxy, type: "splice", index: 0, added: this.values.slice(), addedCount: this.values.length, removed: [], removedCount: 0 }), Kt(this, e) } getArrayLength() { return this.atom.reportObserved(), this.values.length } setArrayLength(e) { if ("number" != typeof e || e < 0) throw new Error("[mobx.array] Out of range: " + e); let t = this.values.length; if (e !== t) if (e > t) { const n = new Array(e - t); for (let r = 0; r < e - t; r++)n[r] = void 0; this.spliceWithArray(t, 0, n) } else this.spliceWithArray(e, t - e) } updateArrayLength(e, t) { if (e !== this.lastKnownLength) throw new Error("[mobx] Modification exception: the internal structure of an observable array was changed."); this.lastKnownLength += t } spliceWithArray(e, t, n) { Oe(this.atom); const r = this.values.length; if (void 0 === e ? e = 0 : e > r ? e = r : e < 0 && (e = Math.max(0, r + e)), t = 1 === arguments.length ? r - e : null == t ? 0 : Math.max(0, Math.min(t, r - e)), void 0 === n && (n = P), qt(this)) { const r = Zt(this, { object: this.proxy, type: "splice", index: e, removedCount: t, added: n }); if (!r) return P; t = r.removedCount, n = r.added } n = 0 === n.length ? n : n.map((e => this.enhancer(e, void 0))); const i = this.spliceItemsIntoValues(e, t, n); return 0 === t && 0 === n.length || this.notifyArraySplice(e, n, i), this.dehanceValues(i) } spliceItemsIntoValues(e, t, n) { if (n.length < 1e4) return this.values.splice(e, t, ...n); { const r = this.values.slice(e, e + t); return this.values = this.values.slice(0, e).concat(n, this.values.slice(e + t)), r } } notifyArrayChildUpdate(e, t, n) { const r = !this.owned && !1, i = $t(this), o = i || r ? { object: this.proxy, type: "update", index: e, newValue: t, oldValue: n } : null; this.atom.reportChanged(), i && Yt(this, o) } notifyArraySplice(e, t, n) { const r = !this.owned && !1, i = $t(this), o = i || r ? { object: this.proxy, type: "splice", index: e, removed: n, added: t, removedCount: n.length, addedCount: t.length } : null; this.atom.reportChanged(), i && Yt(this, o) } } const Qt = { intercept(e) { return this[te].intercept(e) }, observe(e, t = !1) { return this[te].observe(e, t) }, clear() { return this.splice(0) }, replace(e) { const t = this[te]; return t.spliceWithArray(0, t.values.length, e) }, toJS() { return this.slice() }, toJSON() { return this.toJS() }, splice(e, t, ...n) { const r = this[te]; switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return []; case 1: return r.spliceWithArray(e); case 2: return r.spliceWithArray(e, t) }return r.spliceWithArray(e, t, n) }, spliceWithArray(e, t, n) { return this[te].spliceWithArray(e, t, n) }, push(...e) { const t = this[te]; return t.spliceWithArray(t.values.length, 0, e), t.values.length }, pop() { return this.splice(Math.max(this[te].values.length - 1, 0), 1)[0] }, shift() { return this.splice(0, 1)[0] }, unshift(...e) { const t = this[te]; return t.spliceWithArray(0, 0, e), t.values.length }, reverse() { const e = this.slice(); return e.reverse.apply(e, arguments) }, sort(e) { const t = this.slice(); return t.sort.apply(t, arguments) }, remove(e) { const t = this[te], n = t.dehanceValues(t.values).indexOf(e); return n > -1 && (this.splice(n, 1), !0) }, get(e) { const t = this[te]; if (t) { if (e < t.values.length) return t.atom.reportObserved(), t.dehanceValue(t.values[e]); console.warn(`[mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index (${e}) that is out of bounds (${t.values.length}). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX`) } }, set(e, t) { const n = this[te], r = n.values; if (e < r.length) { Oe(n.atom); const i = r[e]; if (qt(n)) { const r = Zt(n, { type: "update", object: n.proxy, index: e, newValue: t }); if (!r) return; t = r.newValue } (t = n.enhancer(t, i)) !== i && (r[e] = t, n.notifyArrayChildUpdate(e, t, i)) } else { if (e !== r.length) throw new Error(`[mobx.array] Index out of bounds, ${e} is larger than ${r.length}`); n.spliceWithArray(e, 0, [t]) } } };["concat", "flat", "includes", "indexOf", "join", "lastIndexOf", "slice", "toString", "toLocaleString"].forEach((e => { "function" == typeof Array.prototype[e] && (Qt[e] = function () { const t = this[te]; t.atom.reportObserved(); const n = t.dehanceValues(t.values); return n[e].apply(n, arguments) }) })), ["every", "filter", "find", "findIndex", "flatMap", "forEach", "map", "some"].forEach((e => { "function" == typeof Array.prototype[e] && (Qt[e] = function (t, n) { const r = this[te]; r.atom.reportObserved(); return r.dehanceValues(r.values)[e](((e, r) => t.call(n, e, r, this)), n) }) })), ["reduce", "reduceRight"].forEach((e => { Qt[e] = function () { const t = this[te]; t.atom.reportObserved(); const n = arguments[0]; return arguments[0] = (e, r, i) => (r = t.dehanceValue(r), n(e, r, i, this)), t.values[e].apply(t.values, arguments) } })); const en = $("ObservableArrayAdministration", Xt); function tn(e) { return q(e) && en(e[te]) } var nn; const rn = {}; class on { constructor(e, t = pe, n = "ObservableMap@" + R()) { if (this.enhancer = t, this.name = n, this[nn] = rn, this._keysAtom = ie(`${this.name}.keys()`), this[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Map", "function" != typeof Map) throw new Error("mobx.map requires Map polyfill for the current browser. Check babel-polyfill or core-js/es6/map.js"); this._data = new Map, this._hasMap = new Map, this.merge(e) } _has(e) { return this._data.has(e) } has(e) { if (!ot.trackingDerivation) return this._has(e); let t = this._hasMap.get(e); if (!t) { const n = t = new Je(this._has(e), ge, `${this.name}.${X(e)}?`, !1); this._hasMap.set(e, n), zt(n, (() => this._hasMap.delete(e))) } return t.get() } set(e, t) { const n = this._has(e); if (qt(this)) { const r = Zt(this, { type: n ? "update" : "add", object: this, newValue: t, name: e }); if (!r) return this; t = r.newValue } return n ? this._updateValue(e, t) : this._addValue(e, t), this } delete(e) { if (Oe(this._keysAtom), qt(this)) { if (!Zt(this, { type: "delete", object: this, name: e })) return !1 } if (this._has(e)) { const t = !1, n = $t(this), r = n || t ? { type: "delete", object: this, oldValue: this._data.get(e).value, name: e } : null; return Gt((() => { this._keysAtom.reportChanged(), this._updateHasMapEntry(e, !1); this._data.get(e).setNewValue(void 0), this._data.delete(e) })), n && Yt(this, r), !0 } return !1 } _updateHasMapEntry(e, t) { let n = this._hasMap.get(e); n && n.setNewValue(t) } _updateValue(e, t) { const n = this._data.get(e); if ((t = n.prepareNewValue(t)) !== ot.UNCHANGED) { const r = !1, i = $t(this), o = i || r ? { type: "update", object: this, oldValue: n.value, name: e, newValue: t } : null; 0, n.setNewValue(t), i && Yt(this, o) } } _addValue(e, t) { Oe(this._keysAtom), Gt((() => { const n = new Je(t, this.enhancer, `${this.name}.${X(e)}`, !1); this._data.set(e, n), t = n.value, this._updateHasMapEntry(e, !0), this._keysAtom.reportChanged() })); const n = !1, r = $t(this), i = r ? { type: "add", object: this, name: e, newValue: t } : null; r && Yt(this, i) } get(e) { return this.has(e) ? this.dehanceValue(this._data.get(e).get()) : this.dehanceValue(void 0) } dehanceValue(e) { return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e } keys() { return this._keysAtom.reportObserved(), this._data.keys() } values() { const e = this, t = this.keys(); return Sn({ next() { const { done: n, value: r } = t.next(); return { done: n, value: n ? void 0 : e.get(r) } } }) } entries() { const e = this, t = this.keys(); return Sn({ next() { const { done: n, value: r } = t.next(); return { done: n, value: n ? void 0 : [r, e.get(r)] } } }) } [(nn = te, Symbol.iterator)]() { return this.entries() } forEach(e, t) { for (const [n, r] of this) e.call(t, r, n, this) } merge(e) { return an(e) && (e = e.toJS()), Gt((() => { const t = Ke(!0); try { W(e) ? J(e).forEach((t => this.set(t, e[t]))) : Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach((([e, t]) => this.set(e, t))) : K(e) ? (e.constructor !== Map && G("Cannot initialize from classes that inherit from Map: " + e.constructor.name), e.forEach(((e, t) => this.set(t, e)))) : null != e && G("Cannot initialize map from " + e) } finally { Ye(t) } })), this } clear() { Gt((() => { Pe((() => { for (const e of this.keys()) this.delete(e) })) })) } replace(e) { return Gt((() => { const t = function (e) { if (K(e) || an(e)) return e; if (Array.isArray(e)) return new Map(e); if (W(e)) { const t = new Map; for (const n in e) t.set(n, e[n]); return t } return G(`Cannot convert to map from '${e}'`) }(e), n = new Map; let r = !1; for (const e of this._data.keys()) if (!t.has(e)) { if (this.delete(e)) r = !0; else { const t = this._data.get(e); n.set(e, t) } } for (const [e, i] of t.entries()) { const t = this._data.has(e); if (this.set(e, i), this._data.has(e)) { const i = this._data.get(e); n.set(e, i), t || (r = !0) } } if (!r) if (this._data.size !== n.size) this._keysAtom.reportChanged(); else { const e = this._data.keys(), t = n.keys(); let r = e.next(), i = t.next(); for (; !r.done;) { if (r.value !== i.value) { this._keysAtom.reportChanged(); break } r = e.next(), i = t.next() } } this._data = n })), this } get size() { return this._keysAtom.reportObserved(), this._data.size } toPOJO() { const e = {}; for (const [t, n] of this) e["symbol" == typeof t ? t : X(t)] = n; return e } toJS() { return new Map(this) } toJSON() { return this.toPOJO() } toString() { return this.name + "[{ " + Array.from(this.keys()).map((e => `${X(e)}: ${"" + this.get(e)}`)).join(", ") + " }]" } observe(e, t) { return Kt(this, e) } intercept(e) { return Wt(this, e) } } const an = $("ObservableMap", on); var sn; const un = {}; class ln { constructor(e, t = pe, n = "ObservableSet@" + R()) { if (this.name = n, this[sn] = un, this._data = new Set, this._atom = ie(this.name), this[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Set", "function" != typeof Set) throw new Error("mobx.set requires Set polyfill for the current browser. Check babel-polyfill or core-js/es6/set.js"); this.enhancer = (e, r) => t(e, r, n), e && this.replace(e) } dehanceValue(e) { return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e } clear() { Gt((() => { Pe((() => { for (const e of this._data.values()) this.delete(e) })) })) } forEach(e, t) { for (const n of this) e.call(t, n, n, this) } get size() { return this._atom.reportObserved(), this._data.size } add(e) { if (Oe(this._atom), qt(this)) { if (!Zt(this, { type: "add", object: this, newValue: e })) return this } if (!this.has(e)) { Gt((() => { this._data.add(this.enhancer(e, void 0)), this._atom.reportChanged() })); const t = !1, n = $t(this), r = n || t ? { type: "add", object: this, newValue: e } : null; 0, n && Yt(this, r) } return this } delete(e) { if (qt(this)) { if (!Zt(this, { type: "delete", object: this, oldValue: e })) return !1 } if (this.has(e)) { const t = !1, n = $t(this), r = n || t ? { type: "delete", object: this, oldValue: e } : null; return Gt((() => { this._atom.reportChanged(), this._data.delete(e) })), n && Yt(this, r), !0 } return !1 } has(e) { return this._atom.reportObserved(), this._data.has(this.dehanceValue(e)) } entries() { let e = 0; const t = Array.from(this.keys()), n = Array.from(this.values()); return Sn({ next() { const r = e; return e += 1, r < n.length ? { value: [t[r], n[r]], done: !1 } : { done: !0 } } }) } keys() { return this.values() } values() { this._atom.reportObserved(); const e = this; let t = 0; const n = Array.from(this._data.values()); return Sn({ next: () => t < n.length ? { value: e.dehanceValue(n[t++]), done: !1 } : { done: !0 } }) } replace(e) { return cn(e) && (e = e.toJS()), Gt((() => { const t = Ke(!0); try { Array.isArray(e) || Y(e) ? (this.clear(), e.forEach((e => this.add(e)))) : null != e && G("Cannot initialize set from " + e) } finally { Ye(t) } })), this } observe(e, t) { return Kt(this, e) } intercept(e) { return Wt(this, e) } toJS() { return new Set(this) } toString() { return this.name + "[ " + Array.from(this).join(", ") + " ]" } [(sn = te, Symbol.iterator)]() { return this.values() } } const cn = $("ObservableSet", ln); class hn { constructor(e, t = new Map, n, r) { this.target = e, this.values = t, this.name = n, this.defaultEnhancer = r, this.keysAtom = new ne(n + ".keys") } read(e) { return this.values.get(e).get() } write(e, t) { const n = this.target, r = this.values.get(e); if (r instanceof Xe) r.set(t); else { if (qt(this)) { const r = Zt(this, { type: "update", object: this.proxy || n, name: e, newValue: t }); if (!r) return; t = r.newValue } if ((t = r.prepareNewValue(t)) !== ot.UNCHANGED) { const i = $t(this), o = !1, a = i || o ? { type: "update", object: this.proxy || n, oldValue: r.value, name: e, newValue: t } : null; 0, r.setNewValue(t), i && Yt(this, a) } } } has(e) { const t = this.pendingKeys || (this.pendingKeys = new Map); let n = t.get(e); if (n) return n.get(); { const r = !!this.values.get(e); return n = new Je(r, ge, `${this.name}.${X(e)}?`, !1), t.set(e, n), n.get() } } addObservableProp(e, t, n = this.defaultEnhancer) { const { target: r } = this; if (qt(this)) { const n = Zt(this, { object: this.proxy || r, name: e, type: "add", newValue: t }); if (!n) return; t = n.newValue } const i = new Je(t, n, `${this.name}.${X(e)}`, !1); this.values.set(e, i), t = i.value, Object.defineProperty(r, e, function (e) { return dn[e] || (dn[e] = { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get() { return this[te].read(e) }, set(t) { this[te].write(e, t) } }) }(e)), this.notifyPropertyAddition(e, t) } addComputedProp(e, t, n) { const { target: r } = this; n.name = n.name || `${this.name}.${X(t)}`, this.values.set(t, new Xe(n)), (e === r || function (e, t) { const n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t); return !n || !1 !== n.configurable && !1 !== n.writable }(e, t)) && Object.defineProperty(e, t, function (e) { return pn[e] || (pn[e] = { configurable: ot.computedConfigurable, enumerable: !1, get() { return gn(this).read(e) }, set(t) { gn(this).write(e, t) } }) }(t)) } remove(e) { if (!this.values.has(e)) return; const { target: t } = this; if (qt(this)) { if (!Zt(this, { object: this.proxy || t, name: e, type: "remove" })) return } try { lt(); const n = $t(this), r = !1, i = this.values.get(e), o = i && i.get(); if (i && i.set(void 0), this.keysAtom.reportChanged(), this.values.delete(e), this.pendingKeys) { const t = this.pendingKeys.get(e); t && t.set(!1) } delete this.target[e]; const a = n || r ? { type: "remove", object: this.proxy || t, oldValue: o, name: e } : null; 0, n && Yt(this, a) } finally { ct() } } illegalAccess(e, t) { console.warn(`Property '${t}' of '${e}' was accessed through the prototype chain. Use 'decorate' instead to declare the prop or access it statically through it's owner`) } observe(e, t) { return Kt(this, e) } intercept(e) { return Wt(this, e) } notifyPropertyAddition(e, t) { const n = $t(this), r = n ? { type: "add", object: this.proxy || this.target, name: e, newValue: t } : null; if (n && Yt(this, r), this.pendingKeys) { const t = this.pendingKeys.get(e); t && t.set(!0) } this.keysAtom.reportChanged() } getKeys() { this.keysAtom.reportObserved(); const e = []; for (const [t, n] of this.values) n instanceof Je && e.push(t); return e } } function fn(e, t = "", n = pe) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, te)) return e[te]; W(e) || (t = (e.constructor.name || "ObservableObject") + "@" + R()), t || (t = "ObservableObject@" + R()); const r = new hn(e, new Map, X(t), n); return Z(e, te, r), r } const dn = Object.create(null), pn = Object.create(null); function gn(e) { const t = e[te]; return t || (he(e), e[te]) } const bn = $("ObservableObjectAdministration", hn); function vn(e) { return !!q(e) && (he(e), bn(e[te])) } function mn(e, t) { if ("object" == typeof e && null !== e) { if (tn(e)) return void 0 !== t && G(!1), e[te].atom; if (cn(e)) return e[te]; if (an(e)) { const n = e; if (void 0 === t) return n._keysAtom; const r = n._data.get(t) || n._hasMap.get(t); return r || G(!1), r } if (he(e), t && !e[te] && e[t], vn(e)) { if (!t) return G(!1); const n = e[te].values.get(t); return n || G(!1), n } if (re(e) || Qe(e) || mt(e)) return e } else if ("function" == typeof e && mt(e[te])) return e[te]; return G(!1) } function yn(e, t) { return e || G("Expecting some object"), void 0 !== t ? yn(mn(e, t)) : re(e) || Qe(e) || mt(e) || an(e) || cn(e) ? e : (he(e), e[te] ? e[te] : void G(!1)) } const Cn = Object.prototype.toString; function _n(e, t, n = -1) { return wn(e, t, n) } function wn(e, t, n, r, i) { if (e === t) return 0 !== e || 1 / e == 1 / t; if (null == e || null == t) return !1; if (e != e) return t != t; const o = typeof e; if ("function" !== o && "object" !== o && "object" != typeof t) return !1; const a = Cn.call(e); if (a !== Cn.call(t)) return !1; switch (a) { case "[object RegExp]": case "[object String]": return "" + e == "" + t; case "[object Number]": return +e != +e ? +t != +t : 0 == +e ? 1 / +e == 1 / t : +e == +t; case "[object Date]": case "[object Boolean]": return +e == +t; case "[object Symbol]": return "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.valueOf.call(e) === Symbol.valueOf.call(t); case "[object Map]": case "[object Set]": n >= 0 && n++ }e = xn(e), t = xn(t); const s = "[object Array]" === a; if (!s) { if ("object" != typeof e || "object" != typeof t) return !1; const n = e.constructor, r = t.constructor; if (n !== r && !("function" == typeof n && n instanceof n && "function" == typeof r && r instanceof r) && "constructor" in e && "constructor" in t) return !1 } if (0 === n) return !1; n < 0 && (n = -1), i = i || []; let u = (r = r || []).length; for (; u--;)if (r[u] === e) return i[u] === t; if (r.push(e), i.push(t), s) { if (u = e.length, u !== t.length) return !1; for (; u--;)if (!wn(e[u], t[u], n - 1, r, i)) return !1 } else { const o = Object.keys(e); let a; if (u = o.length, Object.keys(t).length !== u) return !1; for (; u--;)if (a = o[u], !An(t, a) || !wn(e[a], t[a], n - 1, r, i)) return !1 } return r.pop(), i.pop(), !0 } function xn(e) { return tn(e) ? e.slice() : K(e) || an(e) || Y(e) || cn(e) ? Array.from(e.entries()) : e } function An(e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) } function Sn(e) { return e[Symbol.iterator] = Mn, e } function Mn() { return this } if ("undefined" == typeof Proxy || "undefined" == typeof Symbol) throw new Error("[mobx] MobX 5+ requires Proxy and Symbol objects. If your environment doesn't support Symbol or Proxy objects, please downgrade to MobX 4. For React Native Android, consider upgrading JSCore."); function Tn(e) { return "number" == typeof e.parsedSize } function kn(e, t) { for (const n of e) { if (!1 === t(n)) return !1; if (n.groups && !1 === kn(n.groups, t)) return !1 } } "object" == typeof __MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ && __MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.injectMobx({ spy: Ct, extras: { getDebugName: function (e, t) { let n; return n = void 0 !== t ? mn(e, t) : vn(e) || an(e) || cn(e) ? yn(e) : mn(e), n.name } }, $mobx: te }); const zn = { getItem(e) { try { return JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(`wba.${e}`)) } catch (t) { return null } }, setItem(e, t) { try { window.localStorage.setItem(`wba.${e}`, JSON.stringify(t)) } catch (n) { } }, removeItem(e) { try { window.localStorage.removeItem(`wba.${e}`) } catch (t) { } } }; var Dn, jn, Ln, Bn, En, On, In, Nn, Pn; const Fn = new (Dn = Se.ref, jn = Se.shallow, Bn = N((Ln = class { constructor() { this.cid = 0, this.sizes = new Set(["statSize", "parsedSize", "gzipSize"]), I(this, "allChunks", Bn, this), I(this, "selectedChunks", En, this), I(this, "searchQuery", On, this), I(this, "defaultSize", In, this), I(this, "selectedSize", Nn, this), I(this, "showConcatenatedModulesContent", Pn, this) } setModules(e) { kn(e, (e => { e.cid = this.cid++ })), this.allChunks = e, this.selectedChunks = this.allChunks } get hasParsedSizes() { return this.allChunks.some(Tn) } get activeSize() { const e = this.selectedSize || this.defaultSize; return this.hasParsedSizes && this.sizes.has(e) ? e : "statSize" } get visibleChunks() { const e = this.allChunks.filter((e => this.selectedChunks.includes(e))); return this.filterModulesForSize(e, this.activeSize) } get allChunksSelected() { return this.visibleChunks.length === this.allChunks.length } get totalChunksSize() { return this.allChunks.reduce(((e, t) => e + (t[this.activeSize] || 0)), 0) } get searchQueryRegexp() { const e = this.searchQuery.trim(); if (!e) return null; try { return new RegExp(e, "iu") } catch (t) { return null } } get isSearching() { return !!this.searchQueryRegexp } get foundModulesByChunk() { if (!this.isSearching) return []; const e = this.searchQueryRegexp; return this.visibleChunks.map((t => { let n = []; kn(t.groups, (t => { let r = 0; if (e.test(t.label) ? r += 3 : t.path && e.test(t.path) && r++, !r) return; t.groups || (r += 1); (n[r - 1] = n[r - 1] || []).push(t) })); const { activeSize: r } = this; return n = n.filter(Boolean).reverse(), n.forEach((e => e.sort(((e, t) => t[r] - e[r])))), { chunk: t, modules: [].concat(...n) } })).filter((e => e.modules.length > 0)).sort(((e, t) => e.modules.length - t.modules.length)) } get foundModules() { return this.foundModulesByChunk.reduce(((e, t) => e.concat(t.modules)), []) } get hasFoundModules() { return this.foundModules.length > 0 } get hasConcatenatedModules() { let e = !1; return kn(this.visibleChunks, (t => { if (t.concatenated) return e = !0, !1 })), e } get foundModulesSize() { return this.foundModules.reduce(((e, t) => e + t[this.activeSize]), 0) } filterModulesForSize(e, t) { return e.reduce(((e, n) => { if (n[t]) { if (n.groups) { const e = !n.concatenated || this.showConcatenatedModulesContent; n = { ...n, groups: e ? this.filterModulesForSize(n.groups, t) : null } } n.weight = n[t], e.push(n) } return e }), []) } }).prototype, "allChunks", [Dn], { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0, initializer: null }), En = N(Ln.prototype, "selectedChunks", [jn], { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0, initializer: null }), On = N(Ln.prototype, "searchQuery", [Se], { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0, initializer: function () { return "" } }), In = N(Ln.prototype, "defaultSize", [Se], { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0, initializer: null }), Nn = N(Ln.prototype, "selectedSize", [Se], { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0, initializer: null }), Pn = N(Ln.prototype, "showConcatenatedModulesContent", [Se], { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, writable: !0, initializer: function () { return !0 === zn.getItem("showConcatenatedModulesContent") } }), N(Ln.prototype, "hasParsedSizes", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "hasParsedSizes"), Ln.prototype), N(Ln.prototype, "activeSize", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "activeSize"), Ln.prototype), N(Ln.prototype, "visibleChunks", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "visibleChunks"), Ln.prototype), N(Ln.prototype, "allChunksSelected", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "allChunksSelected"), Ln.prototype), N(Ln.prototype, "totalChunksSize", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "totalChunksSize"), Ln.prototype), N(Ln.prototype, "searchQueryRegexp", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "searchQueryRegexp"), Ln.prototype), N(Ln.prototype, "isSearching", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "isSearching"), Ln.prototype), N(Ln.prototype, "foundModulesByChunk", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "foundModulesByChunk"), Ln.prototype), N(Ln.prototype, "foundModules", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "foundModules"), Ln.prototype), N(Ln.prototype, "hasFoundModules", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "hasFoundModules"), Ln.prototype), N(Ln.prototype, "hasConcatenatedModules", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "hasConcatenatedModules"), Ln.prototype), N(Ln.prototype, "foundModulesSize", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Ln.prototype, "foundModulesSize"), Ln.prototype), Ln); var Rn, Gn, Un, Hn = n(6755), Vn = n.n(Hn), qn = 0, Wn = [], Zn = e.__b, $n = e.__r, Kn = e.diffed, Yn = e.__c, Jn = e.unmount; function Xn(t, n) { e.__h && e.__h(Gn, t, qn || n), qn = 0; var r = Gn.__H || (Gn.__H = { __: [], __h: [] }); return t >= r.__.length && r.__.push({}), r.__[t] } function Qn(e) { return qn = 1, er(lr, e) } function er(e, t, n) { var r = Xn(Rn++, 2); return r.t = e, r.__c || (r.__ = [n ? n(t) : lr(void 0, t), function (e) { var t = r.t(r.__[0], e); r.__[0] !== t && (r.__ = [t, r.__[1]], r.__c.setState({})) }], r.__c = Gn), r.__ } function tr(t, n) { var r = Xn(Rn++, 4); !e.__s && ur(r.__H, n) && (r.__ = t, r.__H = n, Gn.__h.push(r)) } function nr(e, t) { var n = Xn(Rn++, 7); return ur(n.__H, t) && (n.__ = e(), n.__H = t, n.__h = e), n.__ } function rr(e, t) { return qn = 8, nr((function () { return e }), t) } function ir() { Wn.forEach((function (n) { if (n.__P) try { n.__H.__h.forEach(ar), n.__H.__h.forEach(sr), n.__H.__h = [] } catch (t) { n.__H.__h = [], e.__e(t, n.__v) } })), Wn = [] } e.__b = function (e) { Gn = null, Zn && Zn(e) }, e.__r = function (e) { $n && $n(e), Rn = 0; var t = (Gn = e.__c).__H; t && (t.__h.forEach(ar), t.__h.forEach(sr), t.__h = []) }, e.diffed = function (t) { Kn && Kn(t); var n = t.__c; n && n.__H && n.__H.__h.length && (1 !== Wn.push(n) && Un === e.requestAnimationFrame || ((Un = e.requestAnimationFrame) || function (e) { var t, n = function () { clearTimeout(r), or && cancelAnimationFrame(t), setTimeout(e) }, r = setTimeout(n, 100); or && (t = requestAnimationFrame(n)) })(ir)), Gn = void 0 }, e.__c = function (t, n) { n.some((function (t) { try { t.__h.forEach(ar), t.__h = t.__h.filter((function (e) { return !e.__ || sr(e) })) } catch (a) { n.some((function (e) { e.__h && (e.__h = []) })), n = [], e.__e(a, t.__v) } })), Yn && Yn(t, n) }, e.unmount = function (t) { Jn && Jn(t); var n = t.__c; if (n && n.__H) try { n.__H.__.forEach(ar) } catch (t) { e.__e(t, n.__v) } }; var or = "function" == typeof requestAnimationFrame; function ar(e) { var t = Gn; "function" == typeof e.__c && e.__c(), Gn = t } function sr(e) { var t = Gn; e.__c = e.__(), Gn = t } function ur(e, t) { return !e || e.length !== t.length || t.some((function (t, n) { return t !== e[n] })) } function lr(e, t) { return "function" == typeof t ? t(e) : t } function cr(e, t) { for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n]; return e } function hr(e, t) { for (var n in e) if ("__source" !== n && !(n in t)) return !0; for (var r in t) if ("__source" !== r && e[r] !== t[r]) return !0; return !1 } function fr(e) { this.props = e } function dr(e, t) { function n(e) { var n = this.props.ref, r = n == e.ref; return !r && n && (n.call ? n(null) : n.current = null), t ? !t(this.props, e) || !r : hr(this.props, e) } function r(t) { return this.shouldComponentUpdate = n, h(e, t) } return r.displayName = "Memo(" + (e.displayName || e.name) + ")", r.prototype.isReactComponent = !0, r.__f = !0, r } (fr.prototype = new p).isPureReactComponent = !0, fr.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function (e, t) { return hr(this.props, e) || hr(this.state, t) }; var pr = e.__b; e.__b = function (e) { e.type && e.type.__f && e.ref && (e.props.ref = e.ref, e.ref = null), pr && pr(e) }; var gr = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.for && Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") || 3911; function br(e) { function t(t, n) { var r = cr({}, t); return delete r.ref, e(r, (n = t.ref || n) && ("object" != typeof n || "current" in n) ? n : null) } return t.$$typeof = gr, t.render = t, t.prototype.isReactComponent = t.__f = !0, t.displayName = "ForwardRef(" + (e.displayName || e.name) + ")", t } var vr = function (e, t) { return null == e ? null : _(_(e).map(t)) }, mr = { map: vr, forEach: vr, count: function (e) { return e ? _(e).length : 0 }, only: function (e) { var t = _(e); if (1 !== t.length) throw "Children.only"; return t[0] }, toArray: _ }, yr = e.__e; e.__e = function (e, t, n) { if (e.then) for (var r, i = t; i = i.__;)if ((r = i.__c) && r.__c) return null == t.__e && (t.__e = n.__e, t.__k = n.__k), r.__c(e, t); yr(e, t, n) }; var Cr = e.unmount; function _r() { this.__u = 0, this.t = null, this.__b = null } function wr(e) { var t = e.__.__c; return t && t.__e && t.__e(e) } function xr() { this.u = null, this.o = null } e.unmount = function (e) { var t = e.__c; t && t.__R && t.__R(), t && !0 === e.__h && (e.type = null), Cr && Cr(e) }, (_r.prototype = new p).__c = function (e, t) { var n = t.__c, r = this; null == r.t && (r.t = []), r.t.push(n); var i = wr(r.__v), o = !1, a = function () { o || (o = !0, n.__R = null, i ? i(s) : s()) }; n.__R = a; var s = function () { if (!--r.__u) { if (r.state.__e) { var e = r.state.__e; r.__v.__k[0] = function e(t, n, r) { return t && (t.__v = null, t.__k = t.__k && t.__k.map((function (t) { return e(t, n, r) })), t.__c && t.__c.__P === n && (t.__e && r.insertBefore(t.__e, t.__d), t.__c.__e = !0, t.__c.__P = r)), t }(e, e.__c.__P, e.__c.__O) } var t; for (r.setState({ __e: r.__b = null }); t = r.t.pop();)t.forceUpdate() } }, u = !0 === t.__h; r.__u++ || u || r.setState({ __e: r.__b = r.__v.__k[0] }), e.then(a, a) }, _r.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this.t = [] }, _r.prototype.render = function (e, t) { if (this.__b) { if (this.__v.__k) { var n = document.createElement("div"), r = this.__v.__k[0].__c; this.__v.__k[0] = function e(t, n, r) { return t && (t.__c && t.__c.__H && (t.__c.__H.__.forEach((function (e) { "function" == typeof e.__c && e.__c() })), t.__c.__H = null), null != (t = cr({}, t)).__c && (t.__c.__P === r && (t.__c.__P = n), t.__c = null), t.__k = t.__k && t.__k.map((function (t) { return e(t, n, r) }))), t }(this.__b, n, r.__O = r.__P) } this.__b = null } var i = t.__e && h(d, null, e.fallback); return i && (i.__h = null), [h(d, null, t.__e ? null : e.children), i] }; var Ar = function (e, t, n) { if (++n[1] === n[0] && e.o.delete(t), e.props.revealOrder && ("t" !== e.props.revealOrder[0] || !e.o.size)) for (n = e.u; n;) { for (; n.length > 3;)n.pop()(); if (n[1] < n[0]) break; e.u = n = n[2] } }; function Sr(e) { return this.getChildContext = function () { return e.context }, e.children } function Mr(e) { var t = this, n = e.i; t.componentWillUnmount = function () { B(null, t.l), t.l = null, t.i = null }, t.i && t.i !== n && t.componentWillUnmount(), e.__v ? (t.l || (t.i = n, t.l = { nodeType: 1, parentNode: n, childNodes: [], appendChild: function (e) { this.childNodes.push(e), t.i.appendChild(e) }, insertBefore: function (e, n) { this.childNodes.push(e), t.i.appendChild(e) }, removeChild: function (e) { this.childNodes.splice(this.childNodes.indexOf(e) >>> 1, 1), t.i.removeChild(e) } }), B(h(Sr, { context: t.context }, e.__v), t.l)) : t.l && t.componentWillUnmount() } (xr.prototype = new p).__e = function (e) { var t = this, n = wr(t.__v), r = t.o.get(e); return r[0]++, function (i) { var o = function () { t.props.revealOrder ? (r.push(i), Ar(t, e, r)) : i() }; n ? n(o) : o() } }, xr.prototype.render = function (e) { this.u = null, this.o = new Map; var t = _(e.children); e.revealOrder && "b" === e.revealOrder[0] && t.reverse(); for (var n = t.length; n--;)this.o.set(t[n], this.u = [1, 0, this.u]); return e.children }, xr.prototype.componentDidUpdate = xr.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { var e = this; this.o.forEach((function (t, n) { Ar(e, n, t) })) }; var Tr = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.for && Symbol.for("react.element") || 60103, kr = /^(?:accent|alignment|arabic|baseline|cap|clip(?!PathU)|color|fill|flood|font|glyph(?!R)|horiz|marker(?!H|W|U)|overline|paint|stop|strikethrough|stroke|text(?!L)|underline|unicode|units|v|vector|vert|word|writing|x(?!C))[A-Z]/, zr = function (e) { return ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol() ? /fil|che|rad/i : /fil|che|ra/i).test(e) }; p.prototype.isReactComponent = {}, ["componentWillMount", "componentWillReceiveProps", "componentWillUpdate"].forEach((function (e) { Object.defineProperty(p.prototype, e, { configurable: !0, get: function () { return this["UNSAFE_" + e] }, set: function (t) { Object.defineProperty(this, e, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) } }) })); var Dr = e.event; function jr() { } function Lr() { return this.cancelBubble } function Br() { return this.defaultPrevented } e.event = function (e) { return Dr && (e = Dr(e)), e.persist = jr, e.isPropagationStopped = Lr, e.isDefaultPrevented = Br, e.nativeEvent = e }; var Er, Or = { configurable: !0, get: function () { return this.class } }, Ir = e.vnode; e.vnode = function (e) { var t = e.type, n = e.props, r = n; if ("string" == typeof t) { for (var i in r = {}, n) { var o = n[i]; "value" === i && "defaultValue" in n && null == o || ("defaultValue" === i && "value" in n && null == n.value ? i = "value" : "download" === i && !0 === o ? o = "" : /ondoubleclick/i.test(i) ? i = "ondblclick" : /^onchange(textarea|input)/i.test(i + t) && !zr(n.type) ? i = "oninput" : /^on(Ani|Tra|Tou|BeforeInp)/.test(i) ? i = i.toLowerCase() : kr.test(i) ? i = i.replace(/[A-Z0-9]/, "-$&").toLowerCase() : null === o && (o = void 0), r[i] = o) } "select" == t && r.multiple && Array.isArray(r.value) && (r.value = _(n.children).forEach((function (e) { e.props.selected = -1 != r.value.indexOf(e.props.value) }))), "select" == t && null != r.defaultValue && (r.value = _(n.children).forEach((function (e) { e.props.selected = r.multiple ? -1 != r.defaultValue.indexOf(e.props.value) : r.defaultValue == e.props.value }))), e.props = r } t && n.class != n.className && (Or.enumerable = "className" in n, null != n.className && (r.class = n.className), Object.defineProperty(r, "className", Or)), e.$$typeof = Tr, Ir && Ir(e) }; var Nr = e.__r; e.__r = function (e) { Nr && Nr(e), Er = e.__c }; var Pr = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: { current: { readContext: function (e) { return Er.__n[e.__c].props.value } } } }; "object" == typeof performance && "function" == typeof performance.now && performance.now.bind(performance); function Fr(e) { return !!e && e.$$typeof === Tr } var Rr = function (e, t) { return e(t) }; const Gr = { useState: Qn, useReducer: er, useEffect: function (t, n) { var r = Xn(Rn++, 3); !e.__s && ur(r.__H, n) && (r.__ = t, r.__H = n, Gn.__H.__h.push(r)) }, useLayoutEffect: tr, useRef: function (e) { return qn = 5, nr((function () { return { current: e } }), []) }, useImperativeHandle: function (e, t, n) { qn = 6, tr((function () { "function" == typeof e ? e(t()) : e && (e.current = t()) }), null == n ? n : n.concat(e)) }, useMemo: nr, useCallback: rr, useContext: function (e) { var t = Gn.context[e.__c], n = Xn(Rn++, 9); return n.__c = e, t ? (null == n.__ && (n.__ = !0, t.sub(Gn)), t.props.value) : e.__ }, useDebugValue: function (t, n) { e.useDebugValue && e.useDebugValue(n ? n(t) : t) }, version: "16.8.0", Children: mr, render: function (e, t, n) { return null == t.__k && (t.textContent = ""), B(e, t), "function" == typeof n && n(), e ? e.__c : null }, hydrate: function (e, t, n) { return E(e, t), "function" == typeof n && n(), e ? e.__c : null }, unmountComponentAtNode: function (e) { return !!e.__k && (B(null, e), !0) }, createPortal: function (e, t) { return h(Mr, { __v: e, i: t }) }, createElement: h, createContext: function (e, t) { var n = { __c: t = "__cC" + o++, __: e, Consumer: function (e, t) { return e.children(t) }, Provider: function (e) { var n, r; return this.getChildContext || (n = [], (r = {})[t] = this, this.getChildContext = function () { return r }, this.shouldComponentUpdate = function (e) { this.props.value !== e.value && n.some(v) }, this.sub = function (e) { n.push(e); var t = e.componentWillUnmount; e.componentWillUnmount = function () { n.splice(n.indexOf(e), 1), t && t.call(e) } }), e.children } }; return n.Provider.__ = n.Consumer.contextType = n }, createFactory: function (e) { return h.bind(null, e) }, cloneElement: function (e) { return Fr(e) ? O.apply(null, arguments) : e }, createRef: function () { return { current: null } }, Fragment: d, isValidElement: Fr, findDOMNode: function (e) { return e && (e.base || 1 === e.nodeType && e) || null }, Component: p, PureComponent: fr, memo: dr, forwardRef: br, unstable_batchedUpdates: Rr, StrictMode: d, Suspense: _r, SuspenseList: xr, lazy: function (e) { var t, n, r; function i(i) { if (t || (t = e()).then((function (e) { n = e.default || e }), (function (e) { r = e })), r) throw r; if (!n) throw t; return h(n, i) } return i.displayName = "Lazy", i.__f = !0, i }, __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: Pr }; if (!Qn) throw new Error("mobx-react-lite requires React with Hooks support"); if (!Ct) throw new Error("mobx-react-lite requires mobx at least version 4 to be available"); var Ur = function (e, t) { var n = "function" == typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator]; if (!n) return e; var r, i, o = n.call(e), a = []; try { for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(r = o.next()).done;)a.push(r.value) } catch (s) { i = { error: s } } finally { try { r && !r.done && (n = o.return) && n.call(o) } finally { if (i) throw i.error } } return a }; function Hr() { var e = Ur(Qn(0), 2)[1]; return rr((function () { e((function (e) { return e + 1 })) }), []) } var Vr = {}; var qr, Wr = (qr = "observerBatching", "function" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for(qr) : "__$mobx-react " + qr + "__"); function Zr(e) { e() } var $r = !1; function Kr() { return $r } function Yr(e) { return Ot(e) } var Jr, Xr = 1e4, Qr = new Set; function ei() { void 0 === Jr && (Jr = setTimeout(ti, 1e4)) } function ti() { Jr = void 0; var e = Date.now(); Qr.forEach((function (t) { var n = t.current; n && e >= n.cleanAt && (n.reaction.dispose(), t.current = null, Qr.delete(t)) })), Qr.size > 0 && ei() } var ni = !1, ri = []; var ii = {}; function oi(e) { return "observer" + e } function ai(e, t, n) { if (void 0 === t && (t = "observed"), void 0 === n && (n = ii), Kr()) return e(); var r, i = function (e) { return function () { ni ? ri.push(e) : e() } }((n.useForceUpdate || Hr)()), o = Gr.useRef(null); if (!o.current) { var a = new pt(oi(t), (function () { s.mounted ? i() : (a.dispose(), o.current = null) })), s = function (e) { return { cleanAt: Date.now() + Xr, reaction: e } }(a); o.current = s, r = o, Qr.add(r), ei() } var l = o.current.reaction; return Gr.useDebugValue(l, Yr), Gr.useEffect((function () { var e; return e = o, Qr.delete(e), o.current ? o.current.mounted = !0 : (o.current = { reaction: new pt(oi(t), (function () { i() })), cleanAt: 1 / 0 }, i()), function () { o.current.reaction.dispose(), o.current = null } }), []), function (e) { ni = !0, ri = []; try { var t = e(); ni = !1; var n = ri.length > 0 ? ri : void 0; return Gr.useLayoutEffect((function () { n && n.forEach((function (e) { return e() })) }), [n]), t } finally { ni = !1 } }((function () { var t, n; if (l.track((function () { try { t = e() } catch (u) { n = u } })), n) throw n; return t })) } var si = function () { return (si = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)for (var i in t = arguments[n]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i]); return e }).apply(this, arguments) }; function ui(e, t) { if (Kr()) return e; var n, r, i, o = si({ forwardRef: !1 }, t), a = e.displayName || e.name, s = function (t, n) { return ai((function () { return e(t, n) }), a) }; return s.displayName = a, n = o.forwardRef ? dr(br(s)) : dr(s), r = e, i = n, Object.keys(r).forEach((function (e) { li[e] || Object.defineProperty(i, e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e)) })), n.displayName = a, n } var li = { $$typeof: !0, render: !0, compare: !0, type: !0 }; function ci(e) { var t = e.children, n = e.render, r = t || n; return "function" != typeof r ? null : ai(r) } function hi(e, t, n, r, i) { var o = "children" === t ? "render" : "children", a = "function" == typeof e[t], s = "function" == typeof e[o]; return a && s ? new Error("MobX Observer: Do not use children and render in the same time in`" + n) : a || s ? null : new Error("Invalid prop `" + i + "` of type `" + typeof e[t] + "` supplied to `" + n + "`, expected `function`.") } ci.propTypes = { children: hi, render: hi }, ci.displayName = "Observer"; !function (e) { e || (e = Zr), jt({ reactionScheduler: e }), ("undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : Vr)[Wr] = !0 }(Rr); var fi = 0; var di = {}; function pi(e) { return di[e] || (di[e] = function (e) { if ("function" == typeof Symbol) return Symbol(e); var t = "__$mobx-react " + e + " (" + fi + ")"; return fi++, t }(e)), di[e] } function gi(e, t) { if (bi(e, t)) return !0; if ("object" != typeof e || null === e || "object" != typeof t || null === t) return !1; var n = Object.keys(e), r = Object.keys(t); if (n.length !== r.length) return !1; for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n[i]) || !bi(e[n[i]], t[n[i]])) return !1; return !0 } function bi(e, t) { return e === t ? 0 !== e || 1 / e == 1 / t : e != e && t != t } function vi(e, t, n) { Object.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) ? e[t] = n : Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n }) } var mi = pi("patchMixins"), yi = pi("patchedDefinition"); function Ci(e, t) { for (var n = this, r = arguments.length, i = new Array(r > 2 ? r - 2 : 0), o = 2; o < r; o++)i[o - 2] = arguments[o]; t.locks++; try { var a; return null != e && (a = e.apply(this, i)), a } finally { t.locks--, 0 === t.locks && t.methods.forEach((function (e) { e.apply(n, i) })) } } function _i(e, t) { return function () { for (var n = arguments.length, r = new Array(n), i = 0; i < n; i++)r[i] = arguments[i]; Ci.call.apply(Ci, [this, e, t].concat(r)) } } function wi(e, t, n) { var r = function (e, t) { var n = e[mi] = e[mi] || {}, r = n[t] = n[t] || {}; return r.locks = r.locks || 0, r.methods = r.methods || [], r }(e, t); r.methods.indexOf(n) < 0 && r.methods.push(n); var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t); if (!i || !i[yi]) { var o = e[t], a = xi(e, t, i ? i.enumerable : void 0, r, o); Object.defineProperty(e, t, a) } } function xi(e, t, n, r, i) { var o, a = _i(i, r); return (o = {})[yi] = !0, o.get = function () { return a }, o.set = function (i) { if (this === e) a = _i(i, r); else { var o = xi(this, t, n, r, i); Object.defineProperty(this, t, o) } }, o.configurable = !0, o.enumerable = n, o } var Ai = te || "$mobx", Si = pi("isMobXReactObserver"), Mi = pi("isUnmounted"), Ti = pi("skipRender"), ki = pi("isForcingUpdate"); function zi(e) { var t = e.prototype; if (e[Si]) { var n = Di(t); console.warn("The provided component class (" + n + ") \n has already been declared as an observer component.") } else e[Si] = !0; if (t.componentWillReact) throw new Error("The componentWillReact life-cycle event is no longer supported"); if (e.__proto__ !== fr) if (t.shouldComponentUpdate) { if (t.shouldComponentUpdate !== Li) throw new Error("It is not allowed to use shouldComponentUpdate in observer based components.") } else t.shouldComponentUpdate = Li; Bi(t, "props"), Bi(t, "state"); var r = t.render; return t.render = function () { return ji.call(this, r) }, wi(t, "componentWillUnmount", (function () { var e; if (!0 !== Kr() && (null === (e = this.render[Ai]) || void 0 === e || e.dispose(), this[Mi] = !0, !this.render[Ai])) { var t = Di(this); console.warn("The reactive render of an observer class component (" + t + ") \n was overriden after MobX attached. This may result in a memory leak if the \n overriden reactive render was not properly disposed.") } })), e } function Di(e) { return e.displayName || e.name || e.constructor && (e.constructor.displayName || e.constructor.name) || "<component>" } function ji(e) { var t = this; if (!0 === Kr()) return e.call(this); vi(this, Ti, !1), vi(this, ki, !1); var n = Di(this), r = e.bind(this), i = !1, o = new pt(n + ".render()", (function () { if (!i && (i = !0, !0 !== t[Mi])) { var e = !0; try { vi(t, ki, !0), t[Ti] || p.prototype.forceUpdate.call(t), e = !1 } finally { vi(t, ki, !1), e && o.dispose() } } })); function a() { i = !1; var e = void 0, t = void 0; if (o.track((function () { try { t = function (e, t) { const n = Ke(e); let r; try { r = t() } finally { Ye(n) } return r }(!1, r) } catch (u) { e = u } })), e) throw e; return t } return o.reactComponent = this, a[Ai] = o, this.render = a, a.call(this) } function Li(e, t) { return Kr() && console.warn("[mobx-react] It seems that a re-rendering of a React component is triggered while in static (server-side) mode. Please make sure components are rendered only once server-side."), this.state !== t || !gi(this.props, e) } function Bi(e, t) { var n = pi("reactProp_" + t + "_valueHolder"), r = pi("reactProp_" + t + "_atomHolder"); function i() { return this[r] || vi(this, r, ie("reactive " + t)), this[r] } Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: function () { var e = !1; return Ge && Ue && (e = Ge(!0)), i.call(this).reportObserved(), Ge && Ue && Ue(e), this[n] }, set: function (e) { this[ki] || gi(this[n], e) ? vi(this, n, e) : (vi(this, n, e), vi(this, Ti, !0), i.call(this).reportChanged(), vi(this, Ti, !1)) } }) } var Ei = "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.for, Oi = Ei ? Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") : br((function (e) { return null })).$$typeof, Ii = Ei ? Symbol.for("react.memo") : dr((function (e) { return null })).$$typeof; function Ni(e) { if (!0 === e.isMobxInjector && console.warn("Mobx observer: You are trying to use 'observer' on a component that already has 'inject'. Please apply 'observer' before applying 'inject'"), Ii && e.$$typeof === Ii) throw new Error("Mobx observer: You are trying to use 'observer' on a function component wrapped in either another observer or 'React.memo'. The observer already applies 'React.memo' for you."); if (Oi && e.$$typeof === Oi) { var t = e.render; if ("function" != typeof t) throw new Error("render property of ForwardRef was not a function"); return br((function () { var e = arguments; return h(ci, null, (function () { return t.apply(void 0, e) })) })) } return "function" != typeof e || e.prototype && e.prototype.render || e.isReactClass || Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf.call(p, e) ? zi(e) : ui(e) } if (!p) throw new Error("mobx-react requires React to be available"); if (!Se) throw new Error("mobx-react requires mobx to be available");
* Carrot Search FoamTree HTML5 (demo variant)
* v3.5.0, bugfix/3.5.x/e3b91c8e, build FOAMTREE-SOFTWARE5-DIST-3, Jan 18, 2021
* Carrot Search confidential.
* Copyright 2002-2021, Carrot Search s.c, All Rights Reserved.
!function () { var e, t = function () { var e = window.navigator.userAgent; try { window.localStorage.setItem("ftap5caavc", "ftap5caavc"), window.localStorage.removeItem("ftap5caavc"); var n = !0 } catch (r) { n = !1 } return { Se: function () { return /webkit/i.test(e) }, Lh: function () { return /Mac/.test(e) }, Qe: function () { return /iPad|iPod|iPhone/.test(e) }, Kh: function () { return /Android/.test(e) }, Gh: function () { return "ontouchstart" in window || !!window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch }, Fh: function () { return n }, Eh: function () { var e = document.createElement("canvas"); return !(!e.getContext || !e.getContext("2d")) }, md: function (e, n) { return [].forEach && t.Eh() ? e && e() : n && n() } } }(), n = function () { function e() { return window.performance && (window.performance.now || window.performance.mozNow || window.performance.msNow || window.performance.oNow || window.performance.webkitNow) || Date.now } var t = e(); return { create: function () { return { now: function () { var t = e(); return function () { return t.call(window.performance) } }() } }, now: function () { return t.call(window.performance) } } }(); function r() { function r() { if (!u) throw "AF0"; var e = n.now(); 0 !== l && (o.sd = e - l), l = e, s = s.filter((function (e) { return null !== e })), o.frames++; for (var t = 0; t < s.length; t++) { var r = s[t]; null !== r && (!0 === r.ee.call(r.context) ? s[t] = null : y.zc(r.repeat) && (r.repeat = r.repeat - 1, 0 >= r.repeat && (s[t] = null))) } s = s.filter((function (e) { return null !== e })), u = !1, i(), 0 !== (e = n.now() - e) && (o.rd = e), o.totalTime += e, o.ue = 1e3 * o.frames / o.totalTime, l = 0 === s.length ? 0 : n.now() } function i() { 0 < s.length && !u && (u = !0, a(r)) } var o = this.Wf = { frames: 0, totalTime: 0, rd: 0, sd: 0, ue: 0 }; e = o; var a = t.Qe() ? function (e) { window.setTimeout(e, 0) } : window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function () { var e = n.create(); return function (t) { var n = 0; window.setTimeout((function () { var r = e.now(); t(), n = e.now() - r }), 16 > n ? 16 - n : 0) } }(), s = [], u = !1, l = 0; this.repeat = function (e, t, n) { this.cancel(e), s.push({ ee: e, context: n, repeat: t }), i() }, this.once = function (e, t) { this.repeat(e, 1, t) }, this.cancel = function (e) { for (var t = 0; t < s.length; t++) { var n = s[t]; null !== n && n.ee === e && (s[t] = null) } }, this.i = function () { s = [] } } var i = t.md((function () { function e() { this.buffer = [], this.ma = 0, this.current = y.extend({}, s) } function t(e) { return function () { var t, n = this.buffer, r = this.ma; for (n[r++] = "call", n[r++] = e, n[r++] = arguments.length, t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++)n[r++] = arguments[t]; this.ma = r } } function n(e) { return function () { return o[e].apply(o, arguments) } } var r = document.createElement("canvas"); r.width = 1, r.height = 1; var o = r.getContext("2d"); r = ["font"]; var a = "fillStyle globalAlpha globalCompositeOperation lineCap lineDashOffset lineJoin lineWidth miterLimit shadowBlur shadowColor shadowOffsetX shadowOffsetY strokeStyle textAlign textBaseline".split(" "), s = {}; return a.concat(r).forEach((function (e) { s[e] = o[e] })), e.prototype.clear = function () { this.ma = 0 }, e.prototype.Ga = function () { return 0 === this.ma }, e.prototype.Na = function (e) { e instanceof i ? function (e, t, n) { for (var r = 0, i = e.ma, o = e.buffer; r < n;)o[i++] = t[r++]; e.ma = i }(e, this.buffer, this.ma) : function (e, t, n, r) { for (var i = 0; i < n;)switch (t[i++]) { case "set": e[t[i++]] = t[i++]; break; case "setGlobalAlpha": e[t[i++]] = t[i++] * r; break; case "call": var o = t[i++]; switch (t[i++]) { case 0: e[o](); break; case 1: e[o](t[i++]); break; case 2: e[o](t[i++], t[i++]); break; case 3: e[o](t[i++], t[i++], t[i++]); break; case 4: e[o](t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++]); break; case 5: e[o](t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++]); break; case 6: e[o](t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++]); break; case 7: e[o](t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++]); break; case 8: e[o](t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++]); break; case 9: e[o](t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++], t[i++]); break; default: throw "CB0" } } }(e, this.buffer, this.ma, y.I(e.globalAlpha, 1)) }, e.prototype.replay = e.prototype.Na, e.prototype.i = function () { return new e }, e.prototype.scratch = e.prototype.i, "arc arcTo beginPath bezierCurveTo clearRect clip closePath drawImage fill fillRect fillText lineTo moveTo putImageData quadraticCurveTo rect rotate scale setLineDash setTransform stroke strokeRect strokeText transform translate".split(" ").forEach((function (n) { e.prototype[n] = t(n) })), ["measureText", "createLinearGradient", "createRadialGradient", "createPattern", "getLineDash"].forEach((function (t) { e.prototype[t] = n(t) })), ["save", "restore"].forEach((function (r) { var i = n(r), o = t(r); e.prototype[r] = function (e, t) { return function () { e.apply(this, arguments), t.apply(this, arguments) } }(o, i) })), r.forEach((function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, t, { set: function (e) { o[t] = e, this.current[t] = e; var n = this.buffer; n[this.ma++] = "set", n[this.ma++] = t, n[this.ma++] = e }, get: function () { return this.current[t] } }) })), a.forEach((function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, t, { set: function (e) { this.current[t] = e; var n = this.buffer; n[this.ma++] = "globalAlpha" === t ? "setGlobalAlpha" : "set", n[this.ma++] = t, n[this.ma++] = e }, get: function () { return this.current[t] } }) })), e.prototype.roundRect = function (e, t, n, r, i) { this.beginPath(), this.moveTo(e + i, t), this.lineTo(e + n - i, t), this.quadraticCurveTo(e + n, t, e + n, t + i), this.lineTo(e + n, t + r - i), this.quadraticCurveTo(e + n, t + r, e + n - i, t + r), this.lineTo(e + i, t + r), this.quadraticCurveTo(e, t + r, e, t + r - i), this.lineTo(e, t + i), this.quadraticCurveTo(e, t, e + i, t), this.closePath() }, e.prototype.fillPolygonWithText = function (e, t, n, r, o) { o || (o = {}); var a = { hb: y.I(o.maxFontSize, j.ya.hb), Gc: y.I(o.minFontSize, j.ya.Gc), lineHeight: y.I(o.lineHeight, j.ya.lineHeight), cb: y.I(o.horizontalPadding, j.ya.cb), Ua: y.I(o.verticalPadding, j.ya.Ua), ib: y.I(o.maxTotalTextHeight, j.ya.ib), fontFamily: y.I(o.fontFamily, j.ya.fontFamily), fontStyle: y.I(o.fontStyle, j.ya.fontStyle), fontVariant: y.I(o.fontVariant, j.ya.fontVariant), fontWeight: y.I(o.fontWeight, j.ya.fontWeight), verticalAlign: y.I(o.verticalAlign, j.ya.verticalAlign) }, s = o.cache; if (s && y.has(o, "area")) { s.Qc || (s.Qc = new i); var u = o.area, l = y.I(o.cacheInvalidationThreshold, .05); e = j.de(a, this, r, e, M.F(e, {}), { x: t, y: n }, o.allowForcedSplit || !1, o.allowEllipsis || !1, s, u, l, o.invalidateCache) } else e = j.re(a, this, r, e, M.F(e, {}), { x: t, y: n }, o.allowForcedSplit || !1, o.allowEllipsis || !1); return e.ka ? { fit: !0, lineCount: e.bc, fontSize: e.fontSize, box: { x: e.box.x, y: e.box.y, w: e.box.w, h: e.box.o }, ellipsis: e.Ub } : { fit: !1 } }, e })), o = t.md((function () { function e(e) { this.S = e, this.canvas = e.canvas, this.i = [], this.zb = [void 0], this.vc = ["#SIZE#px sans-serif"], this.td = [0], this.ud = [1], this.Rd = [0], this.Sd = [0], this.Td = [0], this.yd = [10], this.Xb = [10], this.Hb = [this.zb, this.vc, this.Xb, this.td, this.ud, this.Rd, this.yd, this.Sd, this.Td], this.da = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] } function t(e) { var t = e.S, n = e.Hb[0].length - 1; e.zb[n] && (t.setLineDash(e.zb[n]), t.lineDashOffset = e.td[n]), t.miterLimit = e.yd[n], t.lineWidth = e.ud[n], t.shadowBlur = e.Rd[n], t.shadowOffsetX = e.Sd[n], t.shadowOffsetY = e.Td[n], t.font = e.vc[n].replace("#SIZE#", e.Xb[n].toString()) } function n(e, t, n) { return e * n[0] + t * n[2] + n[4] } function r(e, t, n) { return e * n[1] + t * n[3] + n[5] } function i(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)e[n] *= t[0]; return e } e.prototype.save = function () { this.i.push(this.da.slice(0)); for (var e = 0; e < this.Hb.length; e++) { var t = this.Hb[e]; t.push(t[t.length - 1]) } this.S.save() }, e.prototype.restore = function () { this.da = this.i.pop(); for (var e = 0; e < this.Hb.length; e++)this.Hb[e].pop(); this.S.restore(), t(this) }, e.prototype.scale = function (e, n) { var r = this.da; r[0] *= e, r[1] *= e, r[2] *= n, r[3] *= n, e = this.da, r = (n = this.Hb)[0].length - 1; var o = this.zb[r]; for (o && i(o, e), o = 2; o < n.length; o++) { n[o][r] *= e[0] } t(this) }, e.prototype.translate = function (e, t) { var n = this.da; n[4] += n[0] * e + n[2] * t, n[5] += n[1] * e + n[3] * t }, ["moveTo", "lineTo"].forEach((function (t) { e.prototype[t] = function (e) { return function (t, i) { var o = this.da; return this.S[e].call(this.S, n(t, i, o), r(t, i, o)) } }(t) })), ["clearRect", "fillRect", "strokeRect", "rect"].forEach((function (t) { e.prototype[t] = function (e) { return function (t, i, o, a) { var s = this.da; return this.S[e].call(this.S, n(t, i, s), r(t, i, s), o * s[0], a * s[3]) } }(t) })), "fill stroke beginPath closePath clip createImageData createPattern getImageData putImageData getLineDash setLineDash".split(" ").forEach((function (t) { e.prototype[t] = function (e) { return function () { return this.S[e].apply(this.S, arguments) } }(t) })), [{ p: "lineDashOffset", a: function (e) { return e.td } }, { p: "lineWidth", a: function (e) { return e.ud } }, { p: "miterLimit", a: function (e) { return e.yd } }, { p: "shadowBlur", a: function (e) { return e.Rd } }, { p: "shadowOffsetX", a: function (e) { return e.Sd } }, { p: "shadowOffsetY", a: function (e) { return e.Td } }].forEach((function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, t.p, { set: function (e) { var n = t.a(this); e *= this.da[0], n[n.length - 1] = e, this.S[t.p] = e } }) })); var o = /(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)px/; return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "font", { set: function (e) { var t = o.exec(e); if (1 < t.length) { var n = this.Xb.length - 1; this.Xb[n] = parseFloat(t[1]), this.vc[n] = e.replace(o, "#SIZE#px"), e = this.S, n = this.vc[n].replace("#SIZE#", (this.Xb[n] * this.da[0]).toString()), e.font = n } } }), "fillStyle globalAlpha globalCompositeOperation lineCap lineJoin shadowColor strokeStyle textAlign textBaseline".split(" ").forEach((function (t) { Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, t, { set: function (e) { this.S[t] = e } }) })), e.prototype.arc = function (e, t, i, o, a, s) { var u = this.da; this.S.arc(n(e, t, u), r(e, t, u), i * u[0], o, a, s) }, e.prototype.arcTo = function (e, t, i, o, a) { var s = this.da; this.S.arc(n(e, t, s), r(e, t, s), n(i, o, s), r(i, o, s), a * s[0]) }, e.prototype.bezierCurveTo = function (e, t, i, o, a, s) { var u = this.da; this.S.bezierCurveTo(n(e, t, u), r(e, t, u), n(i, o, u), r(i, o, u), n(a, s, u), r(a, s, u)) }, e.prototype.drawImage = function (e, t, i, o, a, s, u, l, c) { function h(t, i, o, a) { d.push(n(t, i, f)), d.push(r(t, i, f)), o = y.V(o) ? e.width : o, a = y.V(a) ? e.height : a, d.push(o * f[0]), d.push(a * f[3]) } var f = this.da, d = [e]; y.V(s) ? h(t, i, o, a) : h(s, u, l, c), this.S.drawImage.apply(this.S, d) }, e.prototype.quadraticCurveTo = function (e, t, i, o) { var a = this.da; this.S.quadraticCurveTo(n(e, t, a), r(e, t, a), n(i, o, a), r(i, o, a)) }, e.prototype.fillText = function (e, t, i, o) { var a = this.da; this.S.fillText(e, n(t, i, a), r(t, i, a), y.zc(o) ? o * a[0] : 1e20) }, e.prototype.setLineDash = function (e) { e = i(e.slice(0), this.da), this.zb[this.zb.length - 1] = e, this.S.setLineDash(e) }, e })), a = function () { var e = !t.Se() || t.Qe() || t.Kh() ? 1 : 7; return { estimate: function () { function t(e) { e.beginPath(), s.Ud(e, l) } var r = document.createElement("canvas"); r.width = 800, r.height = 600; var i = r.getContext("2d"), o = r.width; r = r.height; var a, u = 0, l = [{ x: 0, y: 100 }]; for (a = 1; 6 >= a; a++)u = 2 * a * Math.PI / 6, l.push({ x: 100 * Math.sin(u), y: 100 * Math.cos(u) }); a = { polygonPlainFill: [t, function (e) { e.fillStyle = "rgb(255, 0, 0)", e.fill() }], polygonPlainStroke: [t, function (e) { e.strokeStyle = "rgb(128, 0, 0)", e.lineWidth = 2, e.closePath(), e.stroke() }], polygonGradientFill: [t, function (e) { var t = e.createRadialGradient(0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 60); t.addColorStop(0, "rgb(255, 0, 0)"), t.addColorStop(1, "rgb(255, 255, 0)"), e.fillStyle = t, e.fill() }], polygonGradientStroke: [t, function (e) { var t = e.createLinearGradient(-100, -100, 100, 100); t.addColorStop(0, "rgb(224, 0, 0)"), t.addColorStop(1, "rgb(32, 0, 0)"), e.strokeStyle = t, e.lineWidth = 2, e.closePath(), e.stroke() }], polygonExposureShadow: [t, function (e) { e.shadowBlur = 50, e.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)", e.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)", e.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over", e.fill(), e.shadowBlur = 0, e.shadowColor = "transparent", e.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out", e.fill() }], labelPlainFill: [function (e) { e.fillStyle = "#000", e.font = "24px sans-serif", e.textAlign = "center" }, function (e) { e.fillText("Some text", 0, -16), e.fillText("for testing purposes", 0, 16) }] }, u = 100 / Object.keys(a).length; var c, h = n.now(), f = {}; for (c in a) { var d = a[c], p = n.now(), g = 0; do { i.save(), i.translate(Math.random() * o, Math.random() * r); var b = 3 * Math.random() + .5; for (i.scale(b, b), b = 0; b < d.length; b++)d[b](i); i.restore(), g++, b = n.now() } while (b - p < u); f[c] = e * (b - p) / g } return f.total = n.now() - h, f } } }(), s = { Ud: function (e, t) { var n = t[0]; e.moveTo(n.x, n.y); for (var r = t.length - 1; 0 < r; r--)n = t[r], e.lineTo(n.x, n.y) }, Ti: function (e, t, n, r) { var i, o = [], a = 0, s = t.length; for (i = 0; i < s; i++) { var u = t[i], l = t[(i + 1) % s]; u = M.i(u, l), u = Math.sqrt(u), o.push(u), a += u } n = r * (n + .5 * r * a / s), a = {}; var c = {}, h = {}; for (i = 0; i < s; i++) { u = t[i], l = t[(i + 1) % s], r = t[(i + 2) % s]; var f = o[(i + 1) % s]; f = Math.min(.5, n / f), M.ga(1 - f, l, r, c), M.ga(f, l, r, h), 0 == i && (M.ga(Math.min(.5, n / o[0]), u, l, a), e.moveTo(a.x, a.y)), e.quadraticCurveTo(l.x, l.y, c.x, c.y), e.lineTo(h.x, h.y) } return !0 } }; function u(e) { function t() { return "embedded" === i.getAttribute("data-foamtree") } function n(e) { h[e] && (h[e].style.opacity = d * f[e]) } function r(e) { e.width = Math.round(a * e.B), e.height = Math.round(s * e.B) } var i, o, a, s, u, l, c = [], h = {}, f = {}, d = 0; this.M = function (n) { 0 !== (i = n).clientWidth && 0 !== i.clientHeight || E.i("element has zero dimensions: " + i.clientWidth + " x " + i.clientHeight + "."), i.innerHTML = "", a = i.clientWidth, s = i.clientHeight, u = 0 !== a ? a : void 0, l = 0 !== s ? s : void 0, t() && E.i("visualization already embedded in the element."), i.setAttribute("data-foamtree", "embedded"), (o = document.createElement("div")).style.width = "100%", o.style.height = "100%", o.style.position = "relative", i.appendChild(o), e.j.D("stage:initialized", this, o, a, s) }, this.Za = function () { t() && (i.removeAttribute("data-foamtree"), c = [], h = {}, i.removeChild(o), e.j.D("stage:disposed", this, o)) }, this.u = function () { if (a = i.clientWidth, s = i.clientHeight, 0 !== a && 0 !== s && (a !== u || s !== l)) { for (var t = c.length - 1; 0 <= t; t--)r(c[t]); e.j.D("stage:resized", u, l, a, s), u = a, l = s } }, this.Hi = function (e, t) { e.B = t, r(e) }, this.dc = function (t, i, a) { var s = document.createElement("canvas"); return s.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none;"), s.B = i, r(s), c.push(s), h[t] = s, f[t] = 1, n(t), a || o.appendChild(s), e.j.D("stage:newLayer", t, s), s }, this.$b = function (e, t) { return y.V(t) || (f[e] = t, n(e)), f[e] }, this.i = function (e) { return y.V(e) || (d = e, y.Aa(h, (function (e, t) { n(t) }))), d } } function l(e) { function t(e, t, n) { return m = !0, p.x = 0, p.y = 0, g.x = 0, g.y = 0, a = f, s.x = d.x, s.y = d.y, t(), u *= e, l = n ? u / a : e, l = Math.max(.25 / a, l), !0 } function n(e, t) { return t.x = e.x / f + d.x, t.y = e.y / f + d.y, t } function r(e, t, n, r, i, o, a, s, u) { var l = (e - n) * (o - s) - (t - r) * (i - a); return !(1e-5 > Math.abs(l)) && (u.x = ((e * r - t * n) * (i - a) - (e - n) * (i * s - o * a)) / l, u.y = ((e * r - t * n) * (o - s) - (t - r) * (i * s - o * a)) / l, !0) } var i, o, a = 1, s = { x: 0, y: 0 }, u = 1, l = 1, c = 1, h = { x: 0, y: 0 }, f = 1, d = { x: 0, y: 0 }, p = { x: 0, y: 0 }, g = { x: 0, y: 0 }, b = { x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, o: 0 }, v = { x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, o: 0, scale: 1 }, m = !0; e.j.subscribe("stage:initialized", (function (e, t, n, r) { i = n, o = r, b.x = 0, b.y = 0, b.w = n, b.o = r, v.x = 0, v.y = 0, v.w = n, v.o = r, v.scale = 1 })), e.j.subscribe("stage:resized", (function (e, t, n, r) { function a(e) { e.x *= l, e.y *= c } function u(e) { a(e), e.w *= l, e.o *= c } i = n, o = r; var l = n / e, c = r / t; a(s), a(d), a(h), a(p), a(g), u(b), u(v) })), this.Nb = function (e, r) { return t(r, (function () { n(e, h) }), !0) }, this.ga = function (e, n) { if (1 == Math.round(1e4 * n) / 1e4) { n = b.x - d.x; var i = b.y - d.y; return t(1, (function () { }), !0), this.i(-n, -i) } return t(n, (function () { for (var t = !1; !t;) { t = Math.random(); var n = Math.random(), i = Math.random(), o = Math.random(); t = r(e.x + t * e.w, e.y + n * e.o, b.x + t * b.w, b.y + n * b.o, e.x + i * e.w, e.y + o * e.o, b.x + i * b.w, b.y + o * b.o, h) } }), !0) }, this.ic = function (e, n) { var a = e.w / e.o, s = i / o; if (a < s) { var u = e.o * s, l = e.o; a = e.x - .5 * (u - e.w), s = e.y } else a > s ? (u = e.w, l = e.w * o / i, a = e.x, s = e.y - .5 * (l - e.o)) : (a = e.x, s = e.y, u = e.w, l = e.o); return a -= u * n, u *= 1 + 2 * n, r(a, s -= l * n, d.x, d.y, a + u, s, d.x + i / f, d.y, h) ? t(i / f / u, y.qa, !1) : (m = !1, this.i(f * (d.x - a), f * (d.y - s))) }, this.i = function (e, t) { return e = Math.round(1e4 * e) / 1e4, t = Math.round(1e4 * t) / 1e4, g.x += e / f, g.y += t / f, 0 !== e || 0 !== t }, this.reset = function (e) { return e && this.content(0, 0, i, o), this.ga({ x: b.x + d.x, y: b.y + d.y, w: b.w / f, o: b.o / f }, c / u) }, this.Fb = function (e) { c = Math.min(1, Math.round(1e4 * (e || u)) / 1e4) }, this.u = function () { return d.x < b.x ? (b.x - d.x) * f : d.x + i / f > b.x + b.w ? -(d.x + i / f - b.x - b.w) * f : 0 }, this.H = function () { return d.y < b.y ? (b.y - d.y) * f : d.y + o / f > b.y + b.o ? -(d.y + o / f - b.y - b.o) * f : 0 }, this.update = function (e) { var t = Math.abs(Math.log(l)); 6 > t ? t = 2 : (t /= 4, t += 3 * t * (1 < l ? e : 1 - e)), t = 1 < l ? Math.pow(e, t) : 1 - Math.pow(1 - e, t), f = a * (t = (m ? t : 1) * (l - 1) + 1), d.x = h.x - (h.x - s.x) / t, d.y = h.y - (h.y - s.y) / t, d.x -= p.x * (1 - e) + g.x * e, d.y -= p.y * (1 - e) + g.y * e, 1 === e && (p.x = g.x, p.y = g.y), v.x = d.x, v.y = d.y, v.w = i / f, v.o = o / f, v.scale = f }, this.T = function (e) { return e.x = v.x, e.y = v.y, e.scale = v.scale, e }, this.absolute = function (e, t) { return n(e, t || {}) }, this.Uc = function (e, t) { return (t = t || {}).x = (e.x - d.x) * f, t.y = (e.y - d.y) * f, t }, this.pc = function (e) { return this.scale() < c / e }, this.zd = function () { return y.od(f, 1) }, this.scale = function () { return Math.round(1e4 * f) / 1e4 }, this.content = function (e, t, n, r) { b.x = e, b.y = t, b.w = n, b.o = r }, this.rc = function (e, t) { var n; for (n = e.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--) { var r = e[n]; r.save(), r.scale(f, f), r.translate(-d.x, -d.y) } for (t(v), n = e.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--)(r = e[n]).restore() } } var c = new function () { function e(e) { if ("hsl" == e.model || "hsla" == e.model) return e; var t = e.r /= 255, n = e.g /= 255, r = e.b /= 255, i = Math.max(t, n, r), o = Math.min(t, n, r), a = (i + o) / 2; if (i == o) var s = o = 0; else { var u = i - o; switch (o = .5 < a ? u / (2 - i - o) : u / (i + o), i) { case t: s = (n - r) / u + (n < r ? 6 : 0); break; case n: s = (r - t) / u + 2; break; case r: s = (t - n) / u + 4 }s /= 6 } return e.h = 360 * s, e.s = 100 * o, e.l = 100 * a, e.model = "hsl", e } var t = { h: 0, s: 0, l: 0, a: 1, model: "hsla" }; this.u = function (n) { return y.Ac(n) ? e(c.ga(n)) : y.wb(n) ? e(n) : t }, this.ga = function (e) { var n; return (n = /rgba\(\s*([^,\s]+)\s*,\s*([^,\s]+)\s*,\s*([^,\s]+)\s*,\s*([^,\s]+)\s*\)/.exec(e)) && 5 == n.length ? { r: parseFloat(n[1]), g: parseFloat(n[2]), b: parseFloat(n[3]), a: parseFloat(n[4]), model: "rgba" } : (n = /hsla\(\s*([^,\s]+)\s*,\s*([^,%\s]+)%\s*,\s*([^,\s%]+)%\s*,\s*([^,\s]+)\s*\)/.exec(e)) && 5 == n.length ? { h: parseFloat(n[1]), s: parseFloat(n[2]), l: parseFloat(n[3]), a: parseFloat(n[4]), model: "hsla" } : (n = /rgb\(\s*([^,\s]+)\s*,\s*([^,\s]+)\s*,\s*([^,\s]+)\s*\)/.exec(e)) && 4 == n.length ? { r: parseFloat(n[1]), g: parseFloat(n[2]), b: parseFloat(n[3]), a: 1, model: "rgb" } : (n = /hsl\(\s*([^,\s]+)\s*,\s*([^,\s%]+)%\s*,\s*([^,\s%]+)%\s*\)/.exec(e)) && 4 == n.length ? { h: parseFloat(n[1]), s: parseFloat(n[2]), l: parseFloat(n[3]), a: 1, model: "hsl" } : (n = /#([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/.exec(e)) && 4 == n.length ? { r: parseInt(n[1], 16), g: parseInt(n[2], 16), b: parseInt(n[3], 16), a: 1, model: "rgb" } : (n = /#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])/.exec(e)) && 4 == n.length ? { r: 17 * parseInt(n[1], 16), g: 17 * parseInt(n[2], 16), b: 17 * parseInt(n[3], 16), a: 1, model: "rgb" } : t }, this.T = function (e) { function t(e, t, n) { return 0 > n && (n += 1), 1 < n && --n, n < 1 / 6 ? e + 6 * (t - e) * n : .5 > n ? t : n < 2 / 3 ? e + (t - e) * (2 / 3 - n) * 6 : e } function n(e, t, n) { return Math.sqrt(e * e * .241 + t * t * .691 + n * n * .068) / 255 } if ("rgb" == e.model || "rgba" == e.model) return n(e.r, e.g, e.b); var r = e.l / 100, i = e.s / 100, o = e.h / 360; if (0 == e.zj) r = e = o = r; else { var a = 2 * r - (i = .5 > r ? r * (1 + i) : r + i - r * i); r = t(a, i, o + 1 / 3), e = t(a, i, o), o = t(a, i, o - 1 / 3) } return n(255 * r, 255 * e, 255 * o) }, this.wa = function (e) { if (y.Ac(e)) return e; if (!y.wb(e)) return "#000"; switch (e.model) { case "hsla": return c.sa(e); case "hsl": return c.H(e); case "rgba": return c.ua(e); case "rgb": return c.ta(e); default: return "#000" } }, this.ua = function (e) { return "rgba(" + (.5 + e.r | 0) + "," + (.5 + e.g | 0) + "," + (.5 + e.b | 0) + "," + e.a + ")" }, this.ta = function (e) { return "rgba(" + (.5 + e.r | 0) + "," + (.5 + e.g | 0) + "," + (.5 + e.b | 0) + ")" }, this.sa = function (e) { return "hsla(" + (.5 + e.h | 0) + "," + (.5 + e.s | 0) + "%," + (.5 + e.l | 0) + "%," + e.a + ")" }, this.H = function (e) { return "hsl(" + (.5 + e.h | 0) + "," + (.5 + e.s | 0) + "%," + (.5 + e.l | 0) + "%)" }, this.i = function (e, t, n) { return "hsl(" + (.5 + e | 0) + "," + (.5 + t | 0) + "%," + (.5 + n | 0) + "%)" } }; function h() { var e, t = !1, n = [], r = this, i = new function () { this.then = function (i) { return i && (t ? i.apply(r, e) : n.push(i)), this }, this.Fg = function (e) { return r = e, { then: this.then } } }; this.resolve = function () { e = arguments; for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)n[i].apply(r, e); return t = !0, this }, this.promise = function () { return i } } function f(e) { var t = new h, n = e.length; if (0 < e.length) for (var r = e.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--)e[r].then((function () { 0 == --n && t.resolve() })); else t.resolve(); return t.promise() } function d(e) { var t = 0; this.i = function () { t++ }, this.u = function () { 0 === --t && e() }, this.clear = function () { t = 0 }, this.initial = function () { return 0 === t } } var g = { oe: function (e, t, n, r) { r = r || {}; try { var i = e.getBoundingClientRect() } catch (p) { if (!g.Ih) { g.Ih = !0, window.console.log("getBoundingClientRect() failed."), window.console.log("Element", e); for (var o = (i = window.console).log; null !== e.parentElement;)e = e.parentElement; o.call(i, "Attached to DOM", e === document.body.parentElement) } i = { left: 0, top: 0 } } return r.x = t - i.left, r.y = n - i.top, r } }; function b() { var e = document, t = {}; this.addEventListener = function (n, r, i) { var o = t[n]; o || (o = [], t[n] = o), o.push(r), e.addEventListener(n, r, i) }, this.i = function () { y.Aa(t, (function (t, n) { for (var r = t.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--)e.removeEventListener(n, t[r]) })) } } function v(e) { function t(e) { return function (t) { n(t) && e.apply(this, arguments) } } function n(t) { for (t = t.target; t;) { if (t === e) return !0; t = t.parentElement } return !1 } function r(e, t, n) { i(e, n = n || {}); for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)t[r].call(e.target, n); return i(e, n), (void 0 === n.Db && n.$h || "prevent" === n.Db) && e.preventDefault(), n } function i(t, n) { return g.oe(e, t.clientX, t.clientY, n), n.altKey = t.altKey, n.metaKey = t.metaKey, n.ctrlKey = t.ctrlKey, n.shiftKey = t.shiftKey, n.lb = 3 === t.which, n } var o = new b, a = [], s = [], u = [], l = [], c = [], h = [], f = [], d = [], p = [], v = [], m = []; this.i = function (e) { a.push(e) }, this.u = function (e) { c.push(e) }, this.sa = function (e) { s.push(e) }, this.wa = function (e) { u.push(e) }, this.Ka = function (e) { l.push(e) }, this.ua = function (e) { m.push(e) }, this.ta = function (e) { h.push(e) }, this.Ja = function (e) { f.push(e) }, this.ga = function (e) { d.push(e) }, this.H = function (e) { p.push(e) }, this.T = function (e) { v.push(e) }, this.Za = function () { o.i() }; var y, C, _, w, x = { x: 0, y: 0 }, A = { x: 0, y: 0 }, S = !1, T = !1; o.addEventListener("mousedown", t((function (t) { if (t.target !== e) { var n = r(t, u); A.x = n.x, A.y = n.y, x.x = n.x, x.y = n.y, S = !0, r(t, d), C = !1, y = window.setTimeout((function () { 100 > M.i(x, n) && (window.clearTimeout(w), r(t, s), C = !0) }), 400) } }))), o.addEventListener("mouseup", (function (e) { var t = r(e, l); S && (T && r(e, v), window.clearTimeout(y), C || T || !n(e) || (t = { x: t.x, y: t.y }, _ && 100 > M.i(t, _) ? r(e, c) : r(e, a), _ = t, w = window.setTimeout((function () { _ = null }), 350)), T = S = !1) })), o.addEventListener("mousemove", (function (e) { var t = i(e, {}); n(e) && r(e, h, { type: "move" }), x.x = t.x, x.y = t.y, S && !T && 100 < M.i(A, x) && (T = !0), T && r(e, p, t) })), o.addEventListener("mouseout", t((function (e) { r(e, f, { type: "out" }) }))), o.addEventListener("wheel", t((function (e) { if ("deltaY" in e) var t = e.deltaY; else t = 0, "detail" in e && (t = e.detail), "wheelDelta" in e && (t = -e.wheelDelta / 120), "wheelDeltaY" in e && (t = -e.wheelDeltaY / 120), "axis" in e && e.axis === e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS && (t = 0), t *= 10; t && e.deltaMode && (t = 1 === e.deltaMode ? 67 * t : 800 * t), r(e, m, { ed: -t / 200, $h: !0 }) })), { passive: !1 }), o.addEventListener("contextmenu", t((function (e) { e.preventDefault() }))) } var m = function () { function e(e) { return function (t) { return Math.pow(t, e) } } function t(e) { return function (t) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, e) } } function n(e) { return function (t) { return 1 > (t *= 2) ? .5 * Math.pow(t, e) : 1 - .5 * Math.abs(Math.pow(2 - t, e)) } } function r(e) { return function (t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)t = (0, e[n])(t); return t } } return { ia: function (e) { switch (e) { case "linear": return m.Ab; case "bounce": return m.tg; case "squareIn": return m.Tf; case "squareOut": return m.Gb; case "squareInOut": return m.Uf; case "cubicIn": return m.wg; case "cubicOut": return m.fe; case "cubicInOut": return m.xg; case "quadIn": return m.si; case "quadOut": return m.ui; case "quadInOut": return m.ti; default: return m.Ab } }, Ab: function (e) { return e }, tg: r([n(2), function (e) { return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : e * (e * (e * (e * (25.9425 * e - 85.88) + 105.78) - 58.69) + 13.8475) }]), Tf: e(2), Gb: t(2), Uf: n(2), wg: e(3), fe: t(3), xg: n(3), si: e(2), ui: t(2), ti: n(2), oj: r } }(), y = { V: function (e) { return void 0 === e }, Re: function (e) { return null === e }, zc: function (e) { return "[object Number]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e) }, Ac: function (e) { return "[object String]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e) }, Pe: function (e) { return "function" == typeof e }, wb: function (e) { return e === Object(e) }, od: function (e, t) { return 1e-6 > e - t && -1e-6 < e - t }, Ne: function (e) { return y.V(e) || y.Re(e) || y.Ac(e) && !/\S/.test(e) }, has: function (e, t) { return e && e.hasOwnProperty(t) }, bb: function (e, t) { if (e) for (var n = t.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--)if (e.hasOwnProperty(t[n])) return !0; return !1 }, extend: function (e) { return y.Bg(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), (function (t) { if (t) for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]) })), e }, xj: function (e, t) { return e.map((function (e) { return e[t] }), []) }, Bg: function (e, t, n) { null != e && (e.forEach ? e.forEach(t, n) : y.Aa(e, t, n)) }, Aa: function (e, t, n) { for (var r in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(r) && !1 === t.call(n, e[r], r, e)) break }, I: function () { for (var e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) { var t = arguments[e]; if (!(y.V(t) || y.zc(t) && isNaN(t) || y.Ac(t) && y.Ne(t))) return t } }, If: function (e, t) { 0 <= (t = e.indexOf(t)) && e.splice(t, 1) }, yg: function (e, t, n) { var r; return function () { var i = this, o = arguments, a = n && !r; clearTimeout(r), r = setTimeout((function () { r = null, n || e.apply(i, o) }), t), a && e.apply(i, o) } }, defer: function (e) { setTimeout(e, 1) }, vj: function (e) { return e }, qa: function () { } }, C = function (e, n, r) { return t.Fh() ? function () { var t = n + ":" + JSON.stringify(arguments), i = window.localStorage.getItem(t); return i && (i = JSON.parse(i)), i && Date.now() - i.t < r ? i.v : (i = e.apply(this, arguments), window.localStorage.setItem(t, JSON.stringify({ v: i, t: Date.now() })), i) } : e }, _ = function (e, t) { function n() { var n = []; if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var i = e[r]; i && n.push(i.apply(t, arguments)) } else e && n.push(e.apply(t, arguments)); return n } return n.empty = function () { return 0 === e.length && !y.Pe(e) }, n }; function w() { var e = {}; this.subscribe = function (t, n) { var r = e[t]; r || (r = [], e[t] = r), r.push(n) }, this.D = function (t, n) { var r = e[t]; if (r) for (var i = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), o = 0; o < r.length; o++)r[o].apply(this, i) } } var x = function (e) { for (var t = "", n = 0; n < e.length; n++)t += String.fromCharCode(1 ^ e.charCodeAt(n)); return t }; function A(e) { function t(t, n, u) { var l, c = this, h = 0; this.id = o++, this.name = u || "{unnamed on " + t + "}", this.target = function () { return t }, this.xb = function () { return -1 != s.indexOf(c) }, this.start = function () { if (!c.xb()) { if (-1 == s.indexOf(c)) { var t = a.now(); !0 === c.af(t) && (s = s.slice()).push(c) } 0 < s.length && e.repeat(r) } return this }, this.stop = function () { for (i(c); l < n.length; l++) { var e = n[l]; e.Xa && e.gb.call() } return this }, this.af = function (e) { if (h++, 0 !== n.length) { if (y.V(l)) { var t = n[l = 0]; t.before && t.before.call(t, e, h, c) } else t = n[l]; for (; l < n.length;) { if (t.gb && t.gb.call(t, e, h, c)) return !0; t.after && t.after.call(t, e, h, c), y.V(l) && (l = -1), ++l < n.length && ((t = n[l]).before && t.before.call(t, e, h, c)) } } return !1 } } function r() { !function () { var e = a.now(); s.forEach((function (t) { !0 !== t.af(e) && i(t) })) }(), 0 == s.length && e.cancel(r) } function i(e) { s = s.filter((function (t) { return t !== e })) } var o = 0, a = n.create(), s = []; this.i = function () { for (var e = s.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--)s[e].stop(); s = [] }, this.K = function () { function e() { } function n(e) { function t(e) { return y.Pe(e) ? e.call(void 0) : e } var n, r, i = e.target, o = e.duration, s = e.ba; this.before = function () { for (var o in n = {}, e.P) i.hasOwnProperty(o) && (n[o] = { start: y.V(e.P[o].start) ? i[o] : t(e.P[o].start), end: y.V(e.P[o].end) ? i[o] : t(e.P[o].end), easing: y.V(e.P[o].easing) ? m.Ab : e.P[o].easing }); r = a.now() }, this.gb = function () { var e = a.now() - r; for (var t in e = 0 === o ? 1 : Math.min(o, e) / o, n) { var u = n[t]; i[t] = u.start + (u.end - u.start) * u.easing(e) } return s && s.call(i, e), 1 > e } } function r(e, t, n) { this.Xa = n, this.gb = function () { return e.call(t), !1 } } function i(e) { var t; this.before = function (n, r) { t = r + e }, this.gb = function (e, n) { return n < t } } function o(e) { var t; this.before = function (n) { t = n + e }, this.gb = function (e) { return e < t } } function u(e) { this.before = function () { e.forEach((function (e) { e.start() })) }, this.gb = function () { for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++)if (e[t].xb()) return !0; return !1 } } return e.A = function (e, a) { return new function () { function s(t, n, i, o) { return n ? (y.V(i) && (i = e), t.Mb(new r(n, i, o))) : t } var l = []; this.Mb = function (e) { return l.push(e), this }, this.wait = function (e) { return this.Mb(new o(e)) }, this.Xd = function (e) { return this.Mb(new i(e || 1)) }, this.call = function (e, t) { return s(this, e, t, !1) }, this.Xa = function (e, t) { return s(this, e, t, !0) }, this.fa = function (t) { return y.V(t.target) && (t.target = e), this.Mb(new n(t)) }, this.Qa = function (e) { return this.Mb(new u(e)) }, this.done = function () { return new t(e, l, a) }, this.start = function () { return this.done().start() }, this.i = function () { var e = new h; return this.Xd().call(e.resolve).done(), e.promise() }, this.Ta = function () { var e = this.i(); return this.start(), e } } }, e.jc = function (t) { return function (e) { return y.V(e) ? s.slice() : s.filter((function (t) { return t.target() === e })) }(t).forEach((function (e) { e.stop() })), e.A(t, void 0) }, e }() } var S = function () { var e = { ne: function (e, t) { if (e.m) { e = e.m; for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)t(e[n], n) } }, sc: function (t, n) { if (t.m) { t = t.m; for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)if (!1 === e.sc(t[r], n) || !1 === n(t[r], r)) return !1 } } }; return e.L = e.sc, e.tc = function (t, n) { if (t.m) { t = t.m; for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)if (!1 === n(t[r], r) || !1 === e.tc(t[r], n)) return !1 } }, e.za = function (t, n) { if (t.m) for (var r = t.m, i = 0; i < r.length; i++)if (!1 === e.za(r[i], n)) return !1; return n(t) }, e.pj = e.za, e.fd = function (t, n) { !1 !== n(t) && e.tc(t, n) }, e.uc = function (t, n) { var r = []; return e.tc(t, (function (e) { r.push(e) })), n ? r.filter(n) : r }, e.me = function (e, t) { for (e = e.parent; e && !1 !== t(e);)e = e.parent }, e.Jh = function (e, t) { for (e = e.parent; e && e !== t;)e = e.parent; return !!e }, e }(), M = new function () { function e(e, t) { var n = e.x - t.x; return n * n + (e = e.y - t.y) * e } function t(e, t, n) { for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var i = M.T(e[r], e[r + 1] || e[0], t, n, !0); if (i) return i } } return this.T = function (e, t, n, r, i) { var o = e.x; e = e.y; var a = t.x - o; t = t.y - e; var s = n.x, u = n.y; n = r.x - s; var l = r.y - u; if (!(1e-12 >= (r = a * l - n * t) && -1e-12 <= r) && (n = ((s -= o) * l - n * (u -= e)) / r, 0 <= (r = (s * t - a * u) / r) && (i || 1 >= r) && 0 <= n && 1 >= n)) return { x: o + a * n, y: e + t * n } }, this.Lb = function (e, t, n, r) { var i = e.x; e = e.y; var o = t.x - i; t = t.y - e; var a = n.x; n = n.y; var s = r.x - a, u = o * (r = r.y - n) - s * t; if (!(1e-12 >= u && -1e-12 <= u) && (0 <= (r = ((a - i) * r - s * (n - e)) / u) && 1 >= r)) return { x: i + o * r, y: e + t * r } }, this.wa = function (e, n, r) { var i = M.u(n, {}), o = M.u(r, {}), a = o.x - i.x, s = o.y - i.y, u = []; for (o = 0; o < r.length; o++) { var l = r[o]; u.push({ x: l.x - a, y: l.y - s }) } for (r = [], l = [], o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var c = e[o], h = t(n, i, c); h ? (r.push(h), l.push(t(u, i, c))) : (r.push(null), l.push(null)) } for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++)if (h = r[o], c = l[o], h && c) { n = e[o], u = i; var f = h.x - i.x; if (h = h.y - i.y, 1e-12 < (h = Math.sqrt(f * f + h * h))) { f = n.x - i.x; var d = n.y - i.y; h = Math.sqrt(f * f + d * d) / h, n.x = u.x + h * (c.x - u.x), n.y = u.y + h * (c.y - u.y) } else n.x = u.x, n.y = u.y } for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++)(l = e[o]).x += a, l.y += s }, this.F = function (e, t) { if (0 !== e.length) { for (var n, r, i = n = e[0].x, o = r = e[0].y, a = e.length; 0 < --a;)i = Math.min(i, e[a].x), n = Math.max(n, e[a].x), o = Math.min(o, e[a].y), r = Math.max(r, e[a].y); return t.x = i, t.y = o, t.w = n - i, t.o = r - o, t } }, this.H = function (e) { return [{ x: e.x, y: e.y }, { x: e.x + e.w, y: e.y }, { x: e.x + e.w, y: e.y + e.o }, { x: e.x, y: e.y + e.o }] }, this.u = function (e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = 0, i = e.length, o = e[0], a = 0, s = 1; s < i - 1; s++) { var u = e[s], l = e[s + 1], c = o.y + u.y + l.y, h = (u.x - o.x) * (l.y - o.y) - (l.x - o.x) * (u.y - o.y); n += h * (o.x + u.x + l.x), r += h * c, a += h } return t.x = n / (3 * a), t.y = r / (3 * a), t.ha = a / 2, t }, this.Ja = function (e, t) { this.u(e, t), t.r = Math.sqrt(t.ha / Math.PI) }, this.sa = function (e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n], i = e[n + 1] || e[0]; if (0 > (t.y - r.y) * (i.x - r.x) - (t.x - r.x) * (i.y - r.y)) return !1 } return !0 }, this.Vc = function (e, t, n) { var r = e.x, i = t.x; if (e.x > t.x && (r = t.x, i = e.x), i > n.x + n.w && (i = n.x + n.w), r < n.x && (r = n.x), r > i) return !1; var o = e.y, a = t.y, s = t.x - e.x; return 1e-7 < Math.abs(s) && (o = (a = (t.y - e.y) / s) * r + (e = e.y - a * e.x), a = a * i + e), o > a && (r = a, a = o, o = r), a > n.y + n.o && (a = n.y + n.o), o < n.y && (o = n.y), o <= a }, this.Ka = function (n, r, i, o, a) { var s; function u(i, o, a) { if (r.x === h.x && r.y === h.y) return a; var u = t(n, r, h), f = Math.sqrt(e(u, r) / (i * i + o * o)); return f < l ? (l = f, s = u.x, c = u.y, 0 !== o ? Math.abs(c - r.y) / Math.abs(o) : Math.abs(s - r.x) / Math.abs(i)) : a } o = y.I(o, .5), a = y.I(a, .5), i = y.I(i, 1); var l = Number.MAX_VALUE, c = s = 0, h = { x: 0, y: 0 }, f = o * i; i *= 1 - o, o = 1 - a, h.x = r.x - f, h.y = r.y - a; var d = u(f, a, d); return h.x = r.x + i, h.y = r.y - a, d = u(i, a, d), h.x = r.x - f, h.y = r.y + o, d = u(f, o, d), h.x = r.x + i, h.y = r.y + o, u(i, o, d) }, this.pb = function (e, t) { function n(e, t, n) { var r = t.x, i = n.x; t = t.y; var o = i - r, a = (n = n.y) - t; return Math.abs(a * e.x - o * e.y - r * n + i * t) / Math.sqrt(o * o + a * a) } for (var r = e.length, i = n(t, e[r - 1], e[0]), o = 0; o < r - 1; o++) { var a = n(t, e[o], e[o + 1]); a < i && (i = a) } return i }, this.ua = function (e, t, n) { var r; n = { x: t.x + Math.cos(n), y: t.y - Math.sin(n) }; var i = [], o = [], a = e.length; for (r = 0; r < a; r++) { var s = M.Lb(e[r], e[(r + 1) % a], t, n); if (s && (i.push(s), 2 == o.push(r))) break } if (2 == i.length) { s = i[0], i = i[1]; var u = o[0]; o = o[1]; var l = [i, s]; for (r = u + 1; r <= o; r++)l.push(e[r]); for (r = [s, i]; o != u;)o = (o + 1) % a, r.push(e[o]); return e = [l, r], a = n.x - t.x, r = i.x - s.x, 0 === a && (a = n.y - t.y, r = i.y - s.y), (0 > a ? -1 : 0 < a ? 1 : 0) != (0 > r ? -1 : 0 < r ? 1 : 0) && e.reverse(), e } }, this.ga = function (e, t, n, r) { return r.x = e * (t.x - n.x) + n.x, r.y = e * (t.y - n.y) + n.y, r }, this.i = e, this.ta = function (e, n, r) { if (y.zc(n)) var i = 2 * Math.PI * n / 360; else switch (i = M.F(e, {}), n) { case "random": i = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2; break; case "top": i = Math.atan2(-i.o, 0); break; case "bottom": i = Math.atan2(i.o, 0); break; case "left": i = Math.atan2(0, -i.w); break; case "right": i = Math.atan2(0, i.w); break; case "topleft": i = Math.atan2(-i.o, -i.w); break; case "topright": i = Math.atan2(-i.o, i.w); break; case "bottomleft": i = Math.atan2(i.o, -i.w); break; default: i = Math.atan2(i.o, i.w) }return e = t(e, n = M.u(e, {}), { x: n.x + Math.cos(i), y: n.y + Math.sin(i) }), M.ga(r, e, n, {}) }, this }, T = new function () { function e(e, t) { this.face = e, this.Rc = t, this.ec = this.Lc = null } function t(e, t, n) { this.la = [e, t, n], this.J = Array(3); var r = t.y - e.y, i = n.z - e.z, o = t.x - e.x; t = t.z - e.z; var a = n.x - e.x; e = n.y - e.y, this.Ha = { x: r * i - t * e, y: t * a - o * i, z: o * e - r * a }, this.Ya = [], this.ad = this.visible = !1 } this.i = function (r) { function o(t, n, r) { var i = t.la[0], o = t.Ha, a = o.x, l = o.y; o = o.z; var c = Array(u), h = (n = n.Ya).length; for (s = 0; s < h; s++) { var f = n[s].Rc; c[f.index] = !0, 0 > a * (f.x - i.x) + l * (f.y - i.y) + o * (f.z - i.z) && e.add(t, f) } for (h = (n = r.Ya).length, s = 0; s < h; s++)!0 !== c[(f = n[s].Rc).index] && 0 > a * (f.x - i.x) + l * (f.y - i.y) + o * (f.z - i.z) && e.add(t, f) } var a, s, u = r.length; for (a = 0; a < u; a++)r[a].index = a, r[a].Pb = null; var l, c = []; if (0 < (l = function () { function n(e, n, r, i) { var o = { x: n.x - e.x, y: n.y - e.y, z: n.z - e.z }, a = r.x - e.x, s = r.y - e.y, u = r.z - e.z, l = o.y * u - o.z * s, c = o.z * a - o.x * u; return o = o.x * s - o.y * a, l * i.x + c * i.y + o * i.z > l * e.x + c * e.y + o * e.z ? new t(e, n, r) : new t(r, n, e) } function i(e, t, n, r) { function i(e, t, n) { return (e = e.la)[((t = e[0] == t ? 0 : e[1] == t ? 1 : 2) + 1) % 3] != n ? (t + 2) % 3 : t } t.J[i(t, n, r)] = e, e.J[i(e, r, n)] = t } if (4 > u) return 0; var o = r[0], a = r[1], s = r[2], l = r[3], h = n(o, a, s, l), f = n(o, s, l, a), d = n(o, a, l, s), p = n(a, s, l, o); for (i(h, f, s, o), i(h, d, o, a), i(h, p, a, s), i(f, d, l, o), i(f, p, s, l), i(d, p, l, a), c.push(h, f, d, p), o = 4; o < u; o++)for (a = r[o], s = 0; 4 > s; s++)h = (l = c[s]).la[0], 0 > (f = l.Ha).x * (a.x - h.x) + f.y * (a.y - h.y) + f.z * (a.z - h.z) && e.add(l, a); return 4 }())) { for (; l < u;) { var h = r[l]; if (h.Pb) { for (a = h.Pb; null !== a;)a.face.visible = !0, a = a.ec; a = 0; e: for (; a < c.length; a++) { var f = c[a]; if (!1 === f.visible) { var d = f.J; for (s = 0; 3 > s; s++)if (!0 === d[s].visible) { var p = f, g = s; break e } } } f = [], d = []; var b = p, v = g; do { if (f.push(b), d.push(v), v = (v + 1) % 3, !1 === b.J[v].visible) do { for (a = b.la[v], b = b.J[v], s = 0; 3 > s; s++)b.la[s] == a && (v = s) } while (!1 === b.J[v].visible && (b !== p || v !== g)) } while (b !== p || v !== g); var m = null, y = null; for (a = 0; a < f.length; a++) { b = f[a], v = d[a]; var C = b.J[v], _ = b.la[(v + 1) % 3], w = b.la[v], x = _.y - h.y, A = w.z - h.z, S = _.x - h.x, M = _.z - h.z, T = w.x - h.x, k = w.y - h.y; if (0 < i.length) { var z = i.pop(); z.la[0] = h, z.la[1] = _, z.la[2] = w, z.Ha.x = x * A - M * k, z.Ha.y = M * T - S * A, z.Ha.z = S * k - x * T, z.Ya.length = 0, z.visible = !1, z.ad = !0 } else z = { la: [h, _, w], J: Array(3), Ha: { x: x * A - M * k, y: M * T - S * A, z: S * k - x * T }, Ya: [], visible: !1 }; c.push(z), b.J[v] = z, z.J[1] = b, null !== y && (y.J[0] = z, z.J[2] = y), y = z, null === m && (m = z), o(z, b, C) } for (y.J[0] = m, m.J[2] = y, a = [], s = 0; s < c.length; s++)if (!0 === (f = c[s]).visible) { for (b = (d = f.Ya).length, h = 0; h < b; h++)m = (v = d[h]).Lc, y = v.ec, null !== m && (m.ec = y), null !== y && (y.Lc = m), null === m && (v.Rc.Pb = y), n.push(v); f.ad && i.push(f) } else a.push(f); c = a } l++ } for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++)(f = c[a]).ad && i.push(f) } return { pe: c } }, e.add = function (t, r) { if (0 < n.length) { var i = n.pop(); i.face = t, i.Rc = r, i.ec = null, i.Lc = null } else i = new e(t, r); t.Ya.push(i), null !== (t = r.Pb) && (t.Lc = i), i.ec = t, r.Pb = i }; for (var n = Array(2e3), r = 0; r < n.length; r++)n[r] = new e(null, null); var i = Array(1e3); for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++)i[r] = { la: Array(3), J: Array(3), Ha: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, Ya: [], visible: !1 } }, k = new function () { function e(e, t, n, r, i, o, a, s) { var u = (e - n) * (o - s) - (t - r) * (i - a); if (!(1e-12 > Math.abs(u))) return { x: ((e * r - t * n) * (i - a) - (e - n) * (i * s - o * a)) / u, y: ((e * r - t * n) * (o - s) - (t - r) * (i * s - o * a)) / u } } return this.i = function (t, n) { for (var r = t[0], i = r.x, o = r.y, a = r.x, s = r.y, u = t.length - 1; 0 < u; u--)r = t[u], i = Math.min(i, r.x), o = Math.min(o, r.y), a = Math.max(a, r.x), s = Math.max(s, r.y); if (!(a - i < 3 * n || s - o < 3 * n)) { e: { for (null == (r = !0) && (r = !1), i = [], o = t.length, a = 0; a <= o; a++) { s = t[a % o], u = t[(a + 1) % o]; var l = t[(a + 2) % o], c = u.x - s.x, h = u.y - s.y, f = Math.sqrt(c * c + h * h), d = n * c / f, p = n * h / f; if (c = l.x - u.x, h = l.y - u.y, c = n * c / (f = Math.sqrt(c * c + h * h)), h = n * h / f, (s = e(s.x - p, s.y + d, u.x - p, u.y + d, u.x - h, u.y + c, l.x - h, l.y + c)) && (i.push(s), l = i.length, r && 3 <= l && (s = i[l - 3], u = i[l - 2], l = i[l - 1], 0 > (u.x - s.x) * (l.y - s.y) - (l.x - s.x) * (u.y - s.y)))) { r = void 0; break e } } i.shift(), r = 3 > i.length ? void 0 : i } if (!r) e: { for (i = t.slice(0), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { if (a = t[r % t.length], l = (u = t[(r + 1) % t.length]).x - a.x, o = u.y - a.y, l = n * l / (s = Math.sqrt(l * l + o * o)), s = n * o / s, o = a.x - s, a = a.y + l, s = u.x - s, l = u.y + l, 0 != i.length) { for (p = o - s, h = a - l, d = [], c = f = !0, u = 0; u < i.length; u++) { var g = p * (a - i[u].y) - (o - i[u].x) * h; 1e-12 >= g && -1e-12 <= g && (g = 0), d.push(g), 0 < g && (f = !1), 0 > g && (c = !1) } if (f) i = []; else if (!c) { for (p = [], u = 0; u < i.length; u++)h = (u + 1) % i.length, f = d[u], c = d[h], 0 <= f && p.push(i[u]), (0 < f && 0 > c || 0 > f && 0 < c) && p.push(e(i[u].x, i[u].y, i[h].x, i[h].y, o, a, s, l)); i = p } } if (3 > i.length) { r = void 0; break e } } r = i } return r } }, this }, z = new function () { function e(e) { for (var t = e[0].x, n = e[0].y, r = t, i = n, o = 1; o < e.length; o++) { var a = e[o]; t = Math.min(t, a.x), n = Math.min(n, a.y), r = Math.max(r, a.x), i = Math.max(i, a.y) } return [{ x: t + 2 * (e = r - t), y: n + 2 * (i -= n), w: 0 }, { x: t + 2 * e, y: n - 2 * i, w: 0 }, { x: t - 2 * e, y: n + 2 * i, w: 0 }] } this.i = function (t, n) { function r(e) { var t = [e[0]], n = e[0][0], r = e[0][1], i = e.length, o = 1; e: for (; o < i; o++)for (var a = 1; a < i; a++) { var s = e[a]; if (null !== s) { if (s[1] === n) { if (t.unshift(s), n = s[0], e[a] = null, t.length === i) break e; continue } if (s[0] === r && (t.push(s), r = s[1], e[a] = null, t.length === i)) break e } } return t[0][0] != t[i - 1][1] && t.push([t[i - 1][1], t[0][0]]), t } function i(e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a = [], s = [], u = n.length, l = t.length, c = 0, h = -1, f = -1, d = r; for (r = 0; r < u; r++) { var p = (d + 1) % u, g = n[d][0], b = n[p][0]; if (1e-12 < M.i(g.ea, b.ea)) if (g.jb && b.jb) { var v = [], m = []; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { var y = (c + 1) % l; if ((o = M.T(t[c], t[y], g.ea, b.ea, !1)) && (m.push(c), 2 === v.push(o))) break; c = y } if (2 === v.length) { if (i = v[1], g = (o = M.i(g.ea, v[0])) < (i = M.i(g.ea, i)) ? 0 : 1, o = o < i ? 1 : 0, i = m[g], -1 === h && (h = i), -1 !== f) for (; i != f;)f = (f + 1) % l, a.push(t[f]), s.push(null); a.push(v[g], v[o]), s.push(n[d][2], null), f = m[o] } } else if (g.jb && !b.jb) for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (y = (c + 1) % l, o = M.T(t[c], t[y], g.ea, b.ea, !1)) { if (-1 !== f) for (v = f; c != v;)v = (v + 1) % l, a.push(t[v]), s.push(null); a.push(o), s.push(n[d][2]), -1 === h && (h = c); break } c = y } else if (!g.jb && b.jb) for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (y = (c + 1) % l, o = M.T(t[c], t[y], g.ea, b.ea, !1)) { a.push(g.ea, o), s.push(n[d][2], null), f = c; break } c = y } else a.push(g.ea), s.push(n[d][2]); d = p } if (0 == a.length) s = a = null; else if (-1 !== f) for (; h != f;)f = (f + 1) % l, a.push(t[f]), s.push(null); e.C = a, e.J = s } if (1 === t.length) t[0].C = n.slice(0), t[0].J = []; else { var o, a = e(n), s = []; for (o = 0; o < a.length; o++) { var u = a[o]; s.push({ x: u.x, y: u.y, z: u.x * u.x + u.y * u.y - u.w }) } for (o = 0; o < t.length; o++)(u = t[o]).C = null, s.push({ x: u.x, y: u.y, z: u.x * u.x + u.y * u.y - u.w }); var l = T.i(s).pe; for (function () { for (o = 0; o < l.length; o++) { var e = l[o], t = e.la, n = t[0], r = t[1], i = t[2]; t = n.x; var a = n.y; n = n.z; var s = r.x, u = r.y; r = r.z; var c = i.x, h = i.y; i = i.z; var f = t * (u - h) + s * (h - a) + c * (a - u); e.ea = { x: -(a * (r - i) + u * (i - n) + h * (n - r)) / f / 2, y: -(n * (s - c) + r * (c - t) + i * (t - s)) / f / 2 } } }(), function (e) { for (o = 0; o < l.length; o++) { var t = l[o]; t.jb = !M.sa(e, t.ea) } }(n), s = function (e, t) { var n, r = Array(t.length); for (n = 0; n < r.length; n++)r[n] = []; for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var i = e[n]; if (!(0 > i.Ha.z)) for (var o = i.J, a = 0; a < o.length; a++) { var s = o[a]; if (!(0 > s.Ha.z)) { var u = i.la, l = u[(a + 1) % 3].index; u = u[a].index, 2 < l && r[l - 3].push([i, s, 2 < u ? t[u - 3] : null]) } } } return r }(l, t), o = 0; o < t.length; o++)if (0 !== (u = s[o]).length) { var c = t[o], h = (u = r(u)).length, f = -1; for (a = 0; a < h; a++)u[a][0].jb && (f = a); if (0 <= f) i(c, n, u, f); else { f = []; var d = []; for (a = 0; a < h; a++)1e-12 < M.i(u[a][0].ea, u[(a + 1) % h][0].ea) && (f.push(u[a][0].ea), d.push(u[a][2])); c.C = f, c.J = d } c.C && 3 > c.C.length && (c.C = null, c.J = null) } } }, this.u = function (t, n) { var r, i = !1, o = t.length; for (r = 0; r < o; r++) { var a = t[r]; null === a.C && (i = !0), a.Yd = a.w } if (i) { i = e(n); var s = []; for (r = t.length, a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { var u = i[a]; s.push({ x: u.x, y: u.y, z: u.x * u.x + u.y * u.y }) } for (a = 0; a < r; a++)u = t[a], s.push({ x: u.x, y: u.y, z: u.x * u.x + u.y * u.y }); for (u = T.i(s).pe, i = Array(r), a = 0; a < r; a++)i[a] = {}; for (s = u.length, a = 0; a < s; a++) { var l = u[a]; if (0 < l.Ha.z) { var c = l.la, h = c.length; for (l = 0; l < h - 1; l++) { var f = c[l].index - 3, d = c[l + 1].index - 3; 0 <= f && 0 <= d && (i[f][d] = !0, i[d][f] = !0) } l = c[0].index - 3, 0 <= d && 0 <= l && (i[d][l] = !0, i[l][d] = !0) } } for (a = 0; a < r; a++) { for (var p in l = i[a], u = t[a], d = Number.MAX_VALUE, s = null, l) l = t[p], d > (c = M.i(u, l)) && (d = c, s = l); u.wj = s, u.Ze = Math.sqrt(d) } for (r = 0; r < o; r++)a = t[r], p = Math.min(Math.sqrt(a.w), .95 * a.Ze), a.w = p * p; for (this.i(t, n), r = 0; r < o; r++)(a = t[r]).Yd !== a.w && 0 < a.kc && (n = Math.min(a.kc, a.Yd - a.w), a.w += n, a.kc -= n) } } }, D = new function () { this.H = function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = (e = e.m).length, r = 0; r < n; r++) { var i = e[r]; if (i.C) { var o = i.x, a = i.y; M.u(i.C, i), t < (i = (0 < (o -= i.x) ? o : -o) + (0 < (i = a - i.y) ? i : -i)) && (t = i) } } return t }, this.i = function (e, t) { var n = e.m; switch (t) { case "random": return e.m[Math.floor(n.length * Math.random())]; case "topleft": var r = (e = n[0]).x + e.y; for (t = 1; t < n.length; t++) { var i = n[t], o = i.x + i.y; o < r && (r = o, e = i) } return e; case "bottomright": for (r = (e = n[0]).x + e.y, t = 1; t < n.length; t++)(o = (i = n[t]).x + i.y) > r && (r = o, e = i); return e; default: for (i = n[0], r = o = M.i(e, i), t = n.length - 1; 1 <= t; t--) { var a = n[t]; (o = M.i(e, a)) < r && (r = o, i = a) } return i } }, this.u = function (e, t, n) { var r = e.m; if (r[0].J) { var i, o = r.length; for (e = 0; e < o; e++)r[e].Sc = !1, r[e].Zb = 0; var a = i = 0; for ((o = [])[i++] = t || r[0], t = t.Zb = 0; a < i;)if (!(r = o[a++]).Sc && r.J) { n(r, t++, r.Zb), r.Sc = !0; var s = r.J, u = s.length; for (e = 0; e < u; e++) { var l = s[e]; l && !0 !== l.Sc && (0 === l.Zb && (l.Zb = r.Zb + 1), o[i++] = l) } } } else for (e = 0; e < r.length; e++)n(r[e], e, 1) } }, j = function () { function e(e, i, u, l, c, d, p, g) { var b = y.extend({}, a, e); 1 > e.lineHeight && (e.lineHeight = 1), e = b.fontFamily; var v = b.fontStyle + " " + b.fontVariant + " " + b.fontWeight, m = b.hb, C = b.Gc, _ = v + " " + e; b.te = _; var w = { ka: !1, bc: 0, fontSize: 0 }; if (i.save(), i.font = v + " 100px " + e, i.textBaseline = "middle", i.textAlign = "center", function (e, t) { t = t.te; var n = s[t]; void 0 === n && (n = {}, s[t] = n), n[" "] = e.measureText(" ").width, n["…"] = e.measureText("…").width }(i, b), u = u.trim(), h.text = u, function (e, t, n, r) { for (var i, o, a = 0; a < e.length; a++)e[a].y === t.y && (void 0 === i ? i = a : o = a); void 0 === o && (o = i), i !== o && e[o].x < e[i].x && (a = i, i = o, o = a), r.C = e, r.F = t, r.cd = n, r.Xe = i, r.Ye = o }(l, c, d, f), /[\u3000-\u303f\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\uff00-\uff9f\u4e00-\u9faf\u3400-\u4dbf]/.test(u) ? (n(h), t(i, h, _), r(b, h, f, C, m, !0, w)) : (t(i, h, _), r(b, h, f, C, m, !1, w), !w.ka && (p && (n(h), t(i, h, _)), g || p) && (g && (w.Ub = !0), r(b, h, f, C, C, !0, w))), w.ka) { var x = "", A = 0, S = Number.MAX_VALUE, M = Number.MIN_VALUE; o(b, h, w.bc, w.fontSize, f, w.Ub, (function (e, t) { 0 < x.length && " " === t && (x += " "), x += e }), (function (e, t, n, r, o) { "" === r && (x += "‐"), i.save(), i.translate(d.x, t), e = w.fontSize / 100, i.scale(e, e), i.fillText(x, 0, 0), i.restore(), x = n, A < o && (A = o), S > t && (S = t), M < t && (M = t) })), w.box = { x: d.x - A / 2, y: S - w.fontSize / 2, w: A, o: M - S + w.fontSize }, i.restore() } else i.clear && i.clear(); return w } function t(e, t, n) { var r, i = t.text.split(/(\n|[ \f\r\t\v\u2028\u2029]+|\u00ad+|\u200b+)/), o = [], a = [], u = i.length >>> 1; for (r = 0; r < u; r++)o.push(i[2 * r]), a.push(i[2 * r + 1]); for (2 * r < i.length && (o.push(i[2 * r]), a.push(void 0)), n = s[n], r = 0; r < o.length; r++)void 0 === (u = n[i = o[r]]) && (u = e.measureText(i).width, n[i] = u); t.Tc = o, t.Qf = a } function n(e) { for (var t = e.text.split(/\s+/), n = [], r = { ".": !0, ",": !0, ";": !0, "?": !0, "!": !0, ":": !0, "。": !0 }, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { var o = t[i]; if (3 < o.length) { var a = ""; a += o.charAt(0), a += o.charAt(1); for (var s = 2; s < o.length - 2; s++) { var u = o.charAt(s); r[u] || (a += ""), a += u } a += "", a += o.charAt(o.length - 2), a += o.charAt(o.length - 1), n.push(a) } else n.push(o) } e.text = n.join(" ") } function r(e, t, n, r, i, a, s) { var u = e.lineHeight, l = Math.max(e.Ua, .001), c = e.ib, h = t.Tc, f = n.cd, d = n.F, p = void 0, g = void 0; switch (e.verticalAlign) { case "top": f = d.y + d.o - f.y; break; case "bottom": f = f.y - d.y; break; default: f = 2 * Math.min(f.y - d.y, d.y + d.o - f.y) }if (!(0 >= (c = Math.min(f, c * n.F.o)))) { f = r, i = Math.min(i, c), d = Math.min(1, c / Math.max(20, t.Tc.length)); do { var b = (f + i) / 2, v = Math.min(h.length, Math.floor((c + b * (u - 1 - 2 * l)) / (b * u))), m = void 0; if (0 < v) for (var y = 1, C = v; ;) { var _ = Math.floor((y + C) / 2); if (o(e, t, _, b, n, a && b === r && _ === v, null, null)) { if (y === (C = p = m = _)) break } else if ((y = _ + 1) > C) break } void 0 !== m ? f = g = b : i = b } while (i - f > d); return void 0 === g ? (s.ka = !1, s.fontSize = 0) : (s.ka = !0, s.fontSize = g, s.bc = p, s.Ub = a && b === f), s } s.ka = !1 } function o(e, t, n, r, i, o, a, h) { var f = e.cb, d = r * (e.lineHeight - 1), p = Math.max(e.Ua, .001), g = s[e.te], b = t.Tc; t = t.Qf; var v = i.C, m = i.cd, y = i.Xe, C = i.Ye; switch (e.verticalAlign) { case "top": i = m.y + r / 2 + r * p; var _ = 1; break; case "bottom": i = m.y - (r * n + d * (n - 1)) + r / 2 - r * p, _ = -1; break; default: i = m.y - (r * (n - 1) / 2 + d * (n - 1) / 2), _ = 1 }for (e = i, p = 0; p < n; p++)u[2 * p] = i - r / 2, u[2 * p + 1] = i + r / 2, i += _ * r, i += _ * d; for (; l.length < u.length;)l.push(Array(2)); p = u, i = 2 * n, _ = l; var w = v.length, x = y; y = (y - 1 + w) % w; var A = C; C = (C + 1) % w; for (var S = 0; S < i;) { for (var M = p[S], T = v[y]; T.y < M;)x = y, T = v[y = (y - 1 + w) % w]; for (var k = v[C]; k.y < M;)A = C, k = v[C = (C + 1) % w]; var z = v[x], D = v[A]; k = D.x + (k.x - D.x) * (M - D.y) / (k.y - D.y), _[S][0] = z.x + (T.x - z.x) * (M - z.y) / (T.y - z.y), _[S][1] = k, S++ } for (p = 0; p < n; p++)v = 2 * p, _ = (_ = (i = m.x) - l[v][0]) < (w = l[v][1] - i) ? _ : w, v = (w = i - l[v + 1][0]) < (v = l[v + 1][1] - i) ? w : v, c[p] = 2 * (_ < v ? _ : v) - f * r; for (x = g[" "] * r / 100, _ = g["…"] * r / 100, y = c[f = 0], m = 0, v = void 0, p = 0; p < b.length; p++) { if (i = b[p], A = t[p], m + (w = g[i] * r / 100) < y && b.length - p >= n - f && "\n" != v) m += w, " " === A && (m += x), a && a(i, v); else { if (w > y && (f !== n - 1 || !o)) return !1; if (f + 1 >= n) return !!o && (((n = y - m - _) > _ || w > _) && (0 < (n = Math.floor(i.length * n / w)) && a && a(i.substring(0, n), v)), a && a("…", void 0), h && h(f, e, i, v, m), !0); if (f++, h && h(f, e, i, v, m), e += r, e += d, m = w, " " === A && (m += x), w > (y = c[f]) && (f !== n || !o)) return !1 } v = A } return h && h(f, e, void 0, void 0, m), !0 } var a = { hb: 72, Gc: 0, lineHeight: 1.05, cb: 1, Ua: .5, ib: .9, fontFamily: "sans-serif", fontStyle: "normal", fontWeight: "normal", fontVariant: "normal", verticalAlign: "center" }, s = {}, u = [], l = [], c = [], h = { text: "", Tc: void 0, Qf: void 0 }, f = { C: void 0, F: void 0, cd: void 0, Xe: 0, Ye: 0 }; return { re: e, de: function (t, n, r, i, o, a, s, u, l, c, h, f) { var d = 0, p = 0; if (r = r.toString().trim(), !f && l.result && r === l.Xf && Math.abs(c - l.Zd) / c <= h) { var g = l.result; g.ka && (d = a.x - l.eg, p = a.y - l.fg, h = l.Qc, n.save(), n.translate(d, p), h.Na(n), n.restore()) } return g || ((h = l.Qc).clear(), (g = e(t, h, r, i, o, a, s, u)).ka && h.Na(n), l.Zd = c, l.eg = a.x, l.fg = a.y, l.result = g, l.Xf = r), g.ka ? { ka: !0, bc: g.bc, fontSize: g.fontSize, box: { x: g.box.x + d, y: g.box.y + p, w: g.box.w, o: g.box.o }, Ub: g.Ub } : { ka: !1 } }, Zh: function () { return { Zd: 0, eg: 0, fg: 0, result: void 0, Qc: new i, Xf: void 0 } }, ya: a } }(), L = new function () { function e(e, t) { return function (r, i, o, a) { function s(e, t, n, r, i) { e.C = [{ x: t, y: n }, { x: t + r, y: n }, { x: t + r, y: n + i }, { x: t, y: n + i }] } var u = i.x, l = i.y, c = i.w; if (i = i.o, 0 != r.length) if (1 == r.length) r[0].x = u + c / 2, r[0].y = l + i / 2, r[0].nd = 0, o && s(r[0], u, l, c, i); else { r = r.slice(0); for (var h = 0, f = 0; f < r.length; f++)h += r[f].weight; for (h = c * i / h, f = 0; f < r.length; f++)r[f].lc = r[f].weight * h; (function e(r, i, a, u, l) { if (0 != r.length) { var c = r.shift(), h = n(c); if (t(u, l)) { var f = i, d = h / u; do { var p = (h = c.shift()).lc, g = p / d, b = a, v = d; (p = h).x = f + g / 2, p.y = b + v / 2, o && s(h, f, a, g, d), f += g } while (0 < c.length); return e(r, i, a + d, u, l - d) } f = a, g = h / l; do { b = f, v = d = (p = (h = c.shift()).lc) / g, (p = h).x = i + g / 2, p.y = b + v / 2, o && s(h, i, f, g, d), f += d } while (0 < c.length); return e(r, i + g, a, u - g, l) } })(a = e(r, c, i, [[r.shift()]], a), u, l, c, i) } } } function t(e, t, r, i) { function o(e) { return Math.max(Math.pow(u * e / s, r), Math.pow(s / (u * e), i)) } var a = n(e), s = a * a, u = t * t; for (t = o(e[0].lc), a = 1; a < e.length; a++)t = Math.max(t, o(e[a].lc)); return t } function n(e) { for (var t = 0, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)t += e[n].lc; return t } this.u = e((function (e, r, i, o, a) { for (var s = 1 / (a = Math.pow(2, a)), u = r < i; 0 < e.length;) { var l = o[o.length - 1], c = e.shift(), h = u ? r : i, f = u ? a : s, d = u ? s : a, p = t(l, h, f, d); l.push(c), p < (h = t(l, h, f, d)) && (l.pop(), o.push([c]), u ? i -= n(l) / r : r -= n(l) / i, u = r < i) } return o }), (function (e, t) { return e < t })), this.i = e((function (e, n, r, i, o) { function a(e) { if (1 < i.length) { for (var r = i[i.length - 1], o = i[i.length - 2].slice(0), a = 0; a < r.length; a++)o.push(r[a]); t(o, n, s, u) < e && i.splice(-2, 2, o) } } for (var s = Math.pow(2, o), u = 1 / s; 0 < e.length;) { if (o = t(r = i[i.length - 1], n, s, u), 0 == e.length) return; var l = e.shift(); r.push(l), o < t(r, n, s, u) && (r.pop(), a(o), i.push([l])) } return a(t(i[i.length - 1], n, s, u)), i }), (function () { return !0 })) }; function B(e) { var t, n = {}, r = e.Cd; e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (e) { t = e })), this.M = function () { e.j.D("api:initialized", this) }, this.nc = function (e, t, i, o) { this.Xc(n, t), this.Yc(n, t), this.Wc(n, t, !1), o && o(n), e(r, n, i) }, this.bd = function (e, n, r, i, o, a, s) { if (e) { for (e = n.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) { var u = n[e], l = y.extend({ group: u.group }, o); l[r] = i(u), a(l) } 0 < n.length && s(y.extend({ groups: S.uc(t, i).map((function (e) { return e.group })) }, o)) } }, this.Yc = function (e, t) { return e.selected = t.selected, e.hovered = t.ub, e.open = t.open, e.openness = t.Cb, e.exposed = t.U, e.exposure = t.ja, e.transitionProgress = t.ra, e.revealed = !t.aa.Ga(), e.browseable = t.Ia ? t.R : void 0, e.visible = t.Y, e.labelDrawn = t.oa && t.oa.ka, e }, this.Xc = function (e, t) { var n = t.parent; return e.group = t.group, e.parent = n && n.group, e.weightNormalized = t.cg, e.level = t.level - 1, e.siblingCount = n && n.m.length, e.hasChildren = !t.empty(), e.index = t.index, e.indexByWeight = t.nd, e.description = t.description, e.attribution = t.attribution, e }, this.Wc = function (e, t, n) { if (e.polygonCenterX = t.O.x, e.polygonCenterY = t.O.y, e.polygonArea = t.O.ha, e.boxLeft = t.F.x, e.boxTop = t.F.y, e.boxWidth = t.F.w, e.boxHeight = t.F.o, t.oa && t.oa.ka) { var r = t.oa.box; e.labelBoxLeft = r.x, e.labelBoxTop = r.y, e.labelBoxWidth = r.w, e.labelBoxHeight = r.o, e.labelFontSize = t.oa.fontSize } return n && t.$ && (e.polygon = t.$.map((function (e) { return { x: e.x, y: e.y } })), e.neighbors = t.J && t.J.map((function (e) { return e && e.group }))), e } } var E = new function () { var e = window.console; this.i = function (e) { throw "FoamTree: " + e }, this.info = function (t) { e.info("FoamTree: " + t) }, this.warn = function (t) { e.warn("FoamTree: " + t) } }; function O(e) { function t(t, r) { t.m = [], t.Ea = !0; var o = i(r), a = 0; if (("flattened" === e.mb || "always" === e.zg && t.group && t.group.description) && 0 < r.length && 0 < t.level) { var s = r.reduce((function (e, t) { return e + y.I(t.weight, 1) }), 0), u = n(t.group, !1); u.description = !0, u.weight = s * e.Sb, u.index = a++, u.parent = t, u.level = t.level + 1, u.id = u.id + "_d", t.m.push(u) } for (s = 0; s < r.length; s++) { var l = r[s]; if (0 >= (u = y.I(l.weight, 1))) { if (!e.Wi) continue; u = .9 * o } (l = n(l, !0)).weight = u, l.index = a, l.parent = t, l.level = t.level + 1, t.m.push(l), a++ } } function n(e, t) { var n = new ee; return r(e), n.id = e.__id, n.group = e, t && (l[e.__id] = n), n } function r(e) { y.has(e, "__id") || (Object.defineProperty(e, "__id", { enumerable: !1, configurable: !1, writable: !1, value: u }), u++) } function i(e) { for (var t = Number.MAX_VALUE, n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n].weight; 0 < r && t > r && (t = r) } return t === Number.MAX_VALUE && (t = 1), t } function o(e) { if (!e.empty()) { var t, n = 0; for (t = (e = e.m).length - 1; 0 <= t; t--) { var r = e[t].weight; n < r && (n = r) } for (t = e.length - 1; 0 <= t; t--)(r = e[t]).cg = r.weight / n } } function a(e) { if (!e.empty()) { e = e.m.slice(0).sort((function (e, t) { return e.weight < t.weight ? 1 : e.weight > t.weight ? -1 : e.index - t.index })); for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++)e[t].nd = t } } function s() { for (var t = p.m.reduce((function (e, t) { return e + t.weight }), 0), n = 0; n < p.m.length; n++) { var r = p.m[n]; r.attribution && (r.weight = Math.max(.025, e.sg) * t) } } var u, l, c, h, f, d = this, p = new ee; this.M = function () { return p }, this.T = function (n) { var r = n.group.groups, i = e.Rh; return !!(!n.m && !n.description && r && 0 < r.length && f + r.length <= i) && (f += r.length, t(n, r), o(n), a(n), !0) }, this.load = function (e) { p.group = e, p.xa = !1, p.R = !1, p.Ia = !1, p.open = !0, p.Cb = 1, u = function e(t, n) { if (!t) return n; if (n = Math.max(n, t.__id || 0), (t = t.groups) && 0 < t.length) for (var r = t.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--)n = e(t[r], n); return n }(e, 0) + 1, l = {}, c = {}, h = {}, f = 0, e && (r(e), l[e.__id] = p, y.V(e.id) || (c[e.id] = e), function e(t) { var n = t.groups; if (n) for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { var o = n[i]; r(o); var a = o.__id; l[a] = null, h[a] = t, a = o.id, y.V(a) || (c[a] = o), e(o) } }(e)), t(p, e && e.groups || []), function (e) { if (!e.empty()) { var t = n({ attribution: !0 }); t.index = e.m.length, t.parent = e, t.level = e.level + 1, t.attribution = !0, e.m.push(t) } }(p), o(p), s(), a(p) }, this.update = function (e) { e.forEach((function (e) { S.za(e, (function (e) { if (!e.empty()) for (var t = i((e = e.m).map((function (e) { return e.group }))), n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.weight = 0 < r.group.weight ? r.group.weight : .9 * t } })), o(e), e === p && s(), a(e) })) }, this.u = function (e) { return function () { if (y.V(e) || y.Re(e)) return []; if (Array.isArray(e)) return e.map(d.i, d); if (y.wb(e)) { if (y.has(e, "__id")) return [d.i(e)]; if (y.has(e, "all")) { var t = []; return S.L(p, (function (e) { t.push(e) })), t } if (y.has(e, "groups")) return d.u(e.groups) } return [d.i(e)] }().filter((function (e) { return void 0 !== e })) }, this.i = function (e) { if (y.wb(e) && y.has(e, "__id")) { if (e = e.__id, y.has(l, e)) { if (null === l[e]) { for (var t = h[e], n = []; t && (t = t.__id, n.push(t), !l[t]);)t = h[t]; for (t = n.length - 1; 0 <= t; t--)this.T(l[n[t]]) } return l[e] } } else if (y.has(c, e)) return this.i(c[e]) }, this.H = function (e, t, n) { return { m: d.u(e), Ca: y.I(e && e[t], !0), Ba: y.I(e && e.keepPrevious, n) } } } function I(e, t, n) { var r = {}; t.Ba && S.L(e, (function (e) { n(e) && (r[e.id] = e) })), e = t.m, t = t.Ca; for (var i = e.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { var o = e[i]; r[o.id] = t ? o : void 0 } var a = []; return y.Aa(r, (function (e) { void 0 !== e && a.push(e) })), a } function N(e) { function t(e, t) { e = e.ja, t.opacity = 1, t.Da = 1, t.va = 0 > e ? 1 - A.Ch / 100 * e : 1, t.saturation = 0 > e ? 1 - A.Dh / 100 * e : 1, t.ca = 0 > e ? 1 + .5 * e : 1 } function n(e) { return e = e.ja, Math.max(.001, 0 === e ? 1 : 1 + e * (A.Pa - 1)) } function r(t, n, r, u) { var l = o(); if (0 === t.length && !l) return (new h).resolve().promise(); var v = t.reduce((function (e, t) { return e[t.id] = !0, e }), {}), y = []; if (t = [], C.reduce((function (e, t) { return e || v[t.id] && (!t.U || 1 !== t.ja) || !v[t.id] && !t.parent.U && (t.U || -1 !== t.ja) }), !1)) { var M = [], T = {}; C.forEach((function (e) { v[e.id] && (e.U || y.push(e), e.U = !0, S.za(e, (function (e) { M.push(a(e, 1)), T[e.id] = !0 }))) })), 0 < M.length ? (S.L(c, (function (e) { v[e.id] || (e.U && y.push(e), e.U = !1), T[e.id] || M.push(a(e, -1)) })), t.push(b.K.A({}).Qa(M).call(s).Ta()), i(v), t.push(function (t) { return t || !g.zd() ? b.K.A(d).fa({ duration: .7 * A.Oa, P: { x: { end: _.x + _.w / 2, easing: m.ia(A.Wb) }, y: { end: _.y + _.o / 2, easing: m.ia(A.Wb) } }, ba: function () { e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", !0) } }).Ta() : (d.x = _.x + _.w / 2, d.y = _.y + _.o / 2, (new h).resolve().promise()) }(l)), r && (g.ic(_, A.Yb, A.Oa, m.ia(A.Wb)), g.Fb())) : (t.push(function (e) { var t = [], n = []; return S.L(c, (function (e) { 0 !== e.ja && n.push(a(e, 0, (function () { this.U = !1 }))) })), t.push(b.K.A({}).Qa(n).Ta()), g.content(0, 0, w, x), e && (t.push(g.reset(A.Oa, m.ia(A.Wb))), g.Fb()), f(t) }(r)), n && S.L(c, (function (e) { e.U && y.push(e) }))) } return f(t).then((function () { p.bd(n, y, "exposed", (function (e) { return e.U }), { indirect: u }, e.options.hf, e.options.gf) })) } function i(e) { C.reduce(u(!0, void 0, (function (t) { return t.U || e[t.id] })), l(_)), _.x -= _.w * (A.Pa - 1) / 2, _.y -= _.o * (A.Pa - 1) / 2, _.w *= A.Pa, _.o *= A.Pa } function o() { return !!C && C.reduce((function (e, t) { return e || 0 !== t.ja }), !1) } function a(n, r, i) { var o = b.K.A(n); return 0 === n.ja && 0 !== r && o.call((function () { this.mc(M), this.qb(t) })), o.fa({ duration: A.Oa, P: { ja: { end: r, easing: m.ia(A.Wb) } }, ba: function () { c.N = !0, c.Fa = !0, e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", !0) } }), 0 === r && o.call((function () { this.vd(), this.cc(), this.Nc(M), this.Mc(t) })), o.call(i).done() } function s() { var e = c.m.reduce(u(!1, M.transformPoint, void 0), l({})).box, t = A.Yb, n = Math.min(e.x, _.x - _.w * t), r = Math.min(e.y, _.y - _.o * t); g.content(n, r, Math.max(e.x + e.w, _.x + _.w * (1 + t)) - n, Math.max(e.y + e.o, _.y + _.o * (1 + t)) - r) } function u(e, t, n) { var r = {}; return function (i, o) { if (!n || n(o)) { for (var a, s = e && o.$ || o.C, u = s.length - 1; 0 <= u; u--)a = void 0 !== t ? t(o, s[u], r) : s[u], i.Hc = Math.min(i.Hc, a.x), i.wd = Math.max(i.wd, a.x), i.Ic = Math.min(i.Ic, a.y), i.xd = Math.max(i.xd, a.y); i.box.x = i.Hc, i.box.y = i.Ic, i.box.w = i.wd - i.Hc, i.box.o = i.xd - i.Ic } return i } } function l(e) { return { Hc: Number.MAX_VALUE, wd: Number.MIN_VALUE, Ic: Number.MAX_VALUE, xd: Number.MIN_VALUE, box: e } } var c, d, p, g, b, v, C, _, w, x, A = e.options, M = { Ve: function (e, t) { return t.scale = n(e), !1 }, Ib: function (e, t) { e = n(e); var r = d.x, i = d.y; t.translate(r, i), t.scale(e, e), t.translate(-r, -i) }, Jb: function (e, t, r) { e = n(e); var i = d.x, o = d.y; r.x = (t.x - i) / e + i, r.y = (t.y - o) / e + o }, transformPoint: function (e, t, r) { e = n(e); var i = d.x, o = d.y; return r.x = (t.x - i) * e + i, r.y = (t.y - o) * e + o, r } }; e.j.subscribe("stage:initialized", (function (e, t, n, r) { d = { x: n / 2, y: r / 2 }, _ = { x: 0, y: 0, w: w = n, o: x = r } })), e.j.subscribe("stage:resized", (function (e, t, n, r) { d.x *= n / e, d.y *= r / t, w = n, x = r })), e.j.subscribe("api:initialized", (function (e) { p = e })), e.j.subscribe("zoom:initialized", (function (e) { g = e })), e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (e, t) { c = e, C = t })), e.j.subscribe("model:childrenAttached", (function (e) { C = e })), e.j.subscribe("timeline:initialized", (function (e) { b = e })), e.j.subscribe("openclose:initialized", (function (e) { v = e })); var T = ["groupExposureScale", "groupUnexposureScale", "groupExposureZoomMargin"]; e.j.subscribe("options:changed", (function (e) { y.bb(e, T) && o() && (i({}), g.cj(_, A.Yb), g.Fb()) })), this.M = function () { e.j.D("expose:initialized", this) }, this.Vb = function (e, t, n, i) { var o = e.m.reduce((function (e, t) { for (; t = t.parent;)e[t.id] = !0; return e }), {}), a = I(c, e, (function (e) { return e.U && !e.open && !o[e.id] })), s = new h; return function (e, t) { for (var n = e.reduce((function (e, t) { return e[t.id] = t, e }), {}), r = e.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--)S.L(e[r], (function (e) { n[e.id] = void 0 })); var i = []; y.Aa(n, (function (e) { e && S.me(e, (function (e) { e.open || i.push(e) })) })); var o = []; return y.Aa(n, (function (e) { e && e.open && o.push(e) })), e = [], 0 !== i.length && e.push(v.Bb({ m: i, Ca: !0, Ba: !0 }, t, !0)), f(e) }(a, t).then((function () { r(a.filter((function (e) { return e.C && e.$ })), t, n, i).then(s.resolve) })), s.promise() } } function P(e) { var t, n, r = [], i = new d(y.qa); e.j.subscribe("stage:initialized", (function () { })), e.j.subscribe("stage:resized", (function () { })), e.j.subscribe("stage:newLayer", (function (e, t) { r.push(t) })), e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (e) { t = e, i.clear() })), e.j.subscribe("zoom:initialized", (function () { })), e.j.subscribe("timeline:initialized", (function (e) { n = e })); var o = !1; e.j.subscribe("render:renderers:resolved", (function (e) { o = e.labelPlainFill || !1 })); var a = new function () { var e = 0, t = 0, n = 0, r = 0, i = 0, o = 0; this.i = function (a, s, u, l, c) { t = 1 - (e = 1 + s), n = u, r = l, i = c, o = a }, this.Ve = function (o, a) { return a.scale = e + t * o.ra, 0 !== i || 0 !== n || 0 !== r }, this.Ib = function (a, s) { var u = e + t * a.ra, l = a.parent, c = o * a.x + (1 - o) * l.x, h = o * a.y + (1 - o) * l.y; s.translate(c, h), s.scale(u, u), a = 1 - a.ra, s.rotate(i * Math.PI * a), s.translate(-c, -h), s.translate(l.F.w * n * a, l.F.o * r * a) }, this.Jb = function (i, a, s) { var u = e + t * i.ra, l = o * i.x + (1 - o) * i.parent.x, c = o * i.y + (1 - o) * i.parent.y, h = 1 - i.ra; i = i.parent, s.x = (a.x - l) / u + l - i.F.w * n * h, s.y = (a.y - c) / u + c - i.F.o * r * h }, this.transformPoint = function (i, a, s) { var u = e + t * i.ra, l = o * i.x + (1 - o) * i.parent.x, c = o * i.y + (1 - o) * i.parent.y, h = 1 - i.ra; i = i.parent, s.x = (a.x - l) * u + l - i.F.w * n * h, s.y = (a.y - c) * u + c - i.F.o * r * h } }; this.M = function () { }, this.u = function () { function r(e, t) { var n = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, e.ra)); t.opacity = n, t.va = 1, t.saturation = n, t.Da = n, t.ca = e.yb } function s(e, t) { var n = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, e.Hd)); t.opacity = n, t.Da = n, t.va = 1, t.saturation = 1, t.ca = e.yb } var u = e.options, l = u.Gd, c = u.ii, h = u.ji, f = u.ki, d = u.ei, p = u.fi, g = u.gi, b = u.ai, v = u.bi, y = u.ci, C = d + p + g + b + v + y + c + h + f, _ = 0 < C ? l / C : 0, w = []; return i.initial() ? a.i(u.oi, u.mi, u.pi, u.ri, u.li) : a.i(u.Mf, u.Lf, u.Nf, u.Of, u.Kf), D.u(t, D.i(t, e.options.ni), (function (t, i, l) { var C = "groups" === e.options.hi ? l : i; w.push(n.K.A(t).call((function () { this.qb(r) })).wait(o ? _ * (d + C * p) : 0).fa({ duration: o ? _ * g : 0, P: { yb: { end: 0, easing: m.Ab } }, ba: function () { this.N = !0, e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", !0) } }).done()), S.L(t, (function (t) { w.push(n.K.A(t).call((function () { this.mc(a), this.qb(s) })).wait(_ * (b + v * C)).fa({ duration: _ * y, P: { Hd: { end: 0, easing: m.Ab } }, ba: function () { this.N = !0, e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", !0) } }).Xa((function () { this.selected = !1, this.Nc(a) })).done()) })), w.push(n.K.A(t).call((function () { this.mc(a) })).wait(_ * (c + h * C)).fa({ duration: _ * f, P: { ra: { end: 0, easing: m.ia(u.di) } }, ba: function () { this.N = !0, e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", !0) } }).Xa((function () { this.selected = !1, this.Nc(a) })).done()) })), n.K.A({}).Qa(w).Ta() }, this.i = function (t) { return function (t) { function r(e, t) { var n = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, e.ra)); t.opacity = n, t.va = 1, t.saturation = n, t.Da = n, t.ca = e.yb } var s = e.options, u = s.Ri, l = s.Si, c = s.Oi, f = s.Pi, d = s.Qi, p = s.Od, g = u + l + c + f + d, b = 0 < g ? p / g : 0, v = []; if (a.i(s.Mf, s.Lf, s.Nf, s.Of, s.Kf), 0 === b && t.m && t.R) { for (p = t.m, g = 0; g < p.length; g++) { var y = p[g]; y.ra = 1, y.yb = 1, y.qb(r), y.cc(), y.Mc(r) } return t.N = !0, e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", 0 < b), (new h).resolve().promise() } if (t.m && t.R) { D.u(t, D.i(t, e.options.Qd), (function (t, i, h) { t.mc(a), t.qb(r), h = "groups" === e.options.Pd ? h : i, i = n.K.A(t).wait(h * b * u).fa({ duration: b * l, P: { ra: { end: 1, easing: m.ia(s.Ni) } }, ba: function () { this.N = !0, e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", 0 < b) } }).done(), h = n.K.A(t).wait(o ? b * (c + h * f) : 0).fa({ duration: o ? b * d : 0, P: { yb: { end: 1, easing: m.Ab } }, ba: function () { this.N = !0, e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", 0 < b) } }).done(), t = n.K.A(t).Qa([i, h]).Xd().Xa((function () { this.vd(), this.cc(), this.Nc(a), this.Mc(r) })).done(), v.push(t) })), i.i(); var C = new h; return n.K.A({}).Qa(v).call((function () { i.u(), C.resolve() })).start(), C.promise() } return (new h).resolve().promise() }(t) } } function F(e) { function t(t, i, s) { function u(e, t) { t.opacity = 1 - e.Cb, t.va = 1, t.saturation = 1, t.ca = 1, t.Da = 1 } var l = [], c = []; return S.L(o, (function (i) { if (i.R && i.X) { var o = y.has(t, i.id), a = n[i.id]; if (a && a.xb()) a.stop(); else if (i.open === o) return; i.Va = o, o || (i.open = o, i.Bd = !1), c.push(i), l.push(function (t, i) { t.qb(u); var o = r.K.A(t).fa({ duration: e.options.Kc, P: { Cb: { end: i ? 1 : 0, easing: m.fe } }, ba: function () { this.N = !0, e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", !0) } }).call((function () { this.open = i, t.Va = !1 })).Xa((function () { this.cc(), this.Mc(u), delete n[this.id] })).done(); return n[t.id] = o }(i, o)) } })), 0 < l.length ? (e.j.D("openclose:changing"), r.K.A({}).Qa(l).Ta().then((function () { a.bd(i, c, "open", (function (e) { return e.open }), { indirect: s }, e.options.rf, e.options.qf) }))) : (new h).resolve().promise() } var n, r, i, o, a; e.j.subscribe("api:initialized", (function (e) { a = e })), e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (e) { o = e, n = {} })), e.j.subscribe("timeline:initialized", (function (e) { r = e })), e.j.subscribe("expose:initialized", (function (e) { i = e })), this.M = function () { e.j.D("openclose:initialized", this) }, this.Bb = function (n, r, a) { if ("flattened" == e.options.mb) return (new h).resolve().promise(); n = I(o, n, (function (e) { return e.open || e.Va })); for (var s = new h, u = 0; u < n.length; u++)n[u].Va = !0; 0 < n.length && e.j.D("foamtree:attachChildren", n); var l = n.reduce((function (e, t) { return e[t.id] = !0, e }), {}); return function (e, t) { var n, r = []; if (S.L(o, (function (t) { if (t.m) { var n = y.has(e, t.id); t.open !== n && (n || t.U || S.L(t, (function (e) { if (e.U) return r.push(t), !1 }))) } })), 0 === r.length) return (new h).resolve().promise(); for (n = r.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--)r[n].open = !1; for (t = i.Vb({ m: r, Ca: !0, Ba: !0 }, t, !0, !0), n = r.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--)r[n].open = !0; return t }(l, r).then((function () { t(l, r, a).then(s.resolve) })), s.promise() } } function R(e) { var t, n; e.j.subscribe("api:initialized", (function (e) { n = e })), e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (e) { t = e })), this.M = function () { e.j.D("select:initialized", this) }, this.select = function (r, i) { return function (r, i) { var o; for (r = I(t, r, (function (e) { return e.selected })), S.L(t, (function (e) { !0 === e.selected && (e.selected = !e.selected, e.N = !e.N, e.Sa = !e.Sa) })), o = r.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--) { var a = r[o]; a.selected = !a.selected, a.N = !a.N, a.Sa = !a.Sa } var s = []; S.L(t, (function (e) { e.N && s.push(e) })), 0 < s.length && e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", !1), n.bd(i, s, "selected", (function (e) { return e.selected }), {}, e.options.tf, e.options.sf) }(r, i) } } function G(e) { function n(e) { return function (t) { e.call(this, { x: t.x, y: t.y, scale: t.scale, ed: t.delta, ctrlKey: t.ctrlKey, metaKey: t.metaKey, altKey: t.altKey, shiftKey: t.shiftKey, lb: t.secondary, touches: t.touches }) } } function r() { u.pc(2) ? e.j.D("interaction:reset") : u.normalize(N.ob, m.ia(N.Kb)) } function i(e) { return function () { p.empty() || e.apply(this, arguments) } } function o(e, t, n) { var r = {}, i = {}; return function (o) { switch (e) { case "click": var s = N.bf; break; case "doubleclick": s = N.cf; break; case "hold": s = N.jf; break; case "hover": s = N.kf; break; case "mousemove": s = N.mf; break; case "mousewheel": s = N.pf; break; case "mousedown": s = N.lf; break; case "mouseup": s = N.nf; break; case "dragstart": s = N.ff; break; case "drag": s = N.df; break; case "dragend": s = N.ef; break; case "transformstart": s = N.wf; break; case "transform": s = N.uf; break; case "transformend": s = N.vf }var l = !1, c = !s.empty(), h = u.absolute(o, r), f = (t || c) && a(h), d = (t || c) && function (e) { var t = void 0, n = 0; return S.sc(p, (function (r) { !0 === r.open && r.Y && r.scale > n && U(r, e) && (t = r, n = r.scale) })), t }(h); c && (c = f ? f.group : null, h = f ? f.Jb(h, i) : h, o.Db = void 0, s = s({ type: e, group: c, topmostClosedGroup: c, bottommostOpenGroup: d ? d.group : null, x: o.x, y: o.y, xAbsolute: h.x, yAbsolute: h.y, scale: y.I(o.scale, 1), secondary: o.lb, touches: y.I(o.touches, 1), delta: y.I(o.ed, 0), ctrlKey: o.ctrlKey, metaKey: o.metaKey, altKey: o.altKey, shiftKey: o.shiftKey, preventDefault: function () { l = !0 }, preventOriginalEventDefault: function () { o.Db = "prevent" }, allowOriginalEventDefault: function () { o.Db = "allow" } }), l = l || 0 <= s.indexOf(!1), f && f.attribution && "click" === e && (l = !1)), l || n && n({ dd: f, ug: d }, o) } } function a(e, t) { if ("flattened" === N.mb) e = function (e) { function t(e, n) { var r = n.m; if (r) { for (var i, o = -Number.MAX_VALUE, a = 0; a < r.length; a++) { var s = r[a]; !s.description && s.Y && U(s, e) && s.scale > o && (i = s, o = s.scale) } var u; return i && (u = t(e, i)), u || i || n } return n } for (var n = E.length, r = E[0].scale, i = E[0].scale, o = 0; o < n; o++) { var a = E[o]; (a = a.scale) < r && (r = a), a > i && (i = a) } if (r !== i) for (o = 0; o < n; o++)if ((a = E[o]).scale === i && a.Y && U(a, e)) return t(e, a); return t(e, p) }(e); else { t = t || 0; for (var n = E.length, r = void 0, i = 0; i < n; i++) { var o = E[i]; o.scale > t && !1 === o.open && o.Y && U(o, e) && (r = o, t = o.scale) } e = r } return e && e.description && (e = e.parent), e } var s, u, l, c, h, f, d, p, C, _, w, A, T, k, z, D, j, L, B, E, O = t.Lh(), I = this, N = e.options, P = !1; e.j.subscribe("stage:initialized", (function (t, n, r, i) { s = n, L = r, B = i, function () { function t(e) { return function (t) { return t.x *= L / s.clientWidth, t.y *= B / s.clientHeight, e(t) } } "external" !== N.Me && ("hammerjs" === N.Me && y.has(window, "Hammer") && (G.M(s), G.A("tap", t(I.i), !0), G.A("doubletap", t(I.u), !0), G.A("hold", t(I.sa), !0), G.A("touch", t(I.ua), !0), G.A("release", t(I.wa), !1), G.A("dragstart", t(I.ga), !0), G.A("drag", t(I.H), !0), G.A("dragend", t(I.T), !0), G.A("transformstart", t(I.pb), !0), G.A("transform", t(I.transform), !0), G.A("transformend", t(I.Ka), !0)), D = new v(s), j = new b, D.i(t(I.i)), D.u(t(I.u)), D.sa(t(I.sa)), D.wa(t(I.ua)), D.Ka(t(I.wa)), D.ga(t(I.ga)), D.H(t(I.H)), D.T(t(I.T)), D.ta(t(I.ta)), D.Ja(t(I.ta)), D.ua(t(I.Ja)), j.addEventListener("keyup", (function (t) { var n = !1, r = void 0, i = N.xf({ keyCode: t.keyCode, preventDefault: function () { n = !0 }, preventOriginalEventDefault: function () { r = "prevent" }, allowOriginalEventDefault: function () { r = "allow" } }); "prevent" === r && t.preventDefault(), (n = n || 0 <= i.indexOf(!1)) || 27 === t.keyCode && e.j.D("interaction:reset") }))) }() })), e.j.subscribe("stage:resized", (function (e, t, n, r) { L = n, B = r })), e.j.subscribe("stage:disposed", (function () { D.Za(), G.Za(), j.i() })), e.j.subscribe("expose:initialized", (function (e) { c = e })), e.j.subscribe("zoom:initialized", (function (e) { u = e })), e.j.subscribe("openclose:initialized", (function (e) { h = e })), e.j.subscribe("select:initialized", (function (e) { f = e })), e.j.subscribe("titlebar:initialized", (function (e) { d = e })), e.j.subscribe("timeline:initialized", (function (e) { l = e })), e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (e, t) { p = e, E = t })), e.j.subscribe("model:childrenAttached", (function (e) { E = e })), this.M = function () { }, this.ua = i(o("mousedown", !1, (function () { u.Wh() }))), this.wa = i(o("mouseup", !1, void 0)), this.i = i(o("click", !0, (function (e, t) { t.lb || t.shiftKey || !(e = e.dd) || (e.attribution ? t.ctrlKey ? document.location.href = x("iuuqr;..b`ssnurd`sbi/bnl.gn`lusdd") : (t = m.ia(N.Kb), e.be ? (u.reset(N.ob, t), e.be = !1) : (u.bg(e, N.Yb, N.ob, t), e.be = !0)) : f.select({ m: [e], Ca: !e.selected, Ba: t.metaKey || t.ctrlKey }, !0)) }))), this.u = i(o("doubleclick", !0, (function (t, n) { var r = t.dd; r && r.attribution || (n.lb || n.shiftKey ? r && (r.parent.U && (r = r.parent), t = { m: r.parent !== p ? [r.parent] : [], Ca: !0, Ba: !1 }, f.select(t, !0), c.Vb(t, !0, !0, !1)) : r && (t = { m: [r], Ca: !0, Ba: !1 }, r.Va = !0, e.j.D("foamtree:attachChildren", [r]), c.Vb(t, !0, !0, !1)), r && l.K.A({}).wait(N.Oa / 2).call((function () { h.Bb({ m: S.uc(p, (function (e) { return e.Bd && !S.Jh(r, e) })), Ca: !1, Ba: !0 }, !0, !0), r.Bd = !0, h.Bb({ m: [r], Ca: !(n.lb || n.shiftKey), Ba: !0 }, !0, !0) })).start()) }))), this.sa = i(o("hold", !0, (function (e, t) { (e = (t = !(t.metaKey || t.ctrlKey || t.shiftKey || t.lb)) ? e.dd : e.ug) && e !== p && h.Bb({ m: [e], Ca: t, Ba: !0 }, !0, !1) }))), this.ga = i(o("dragstart", !1, (function (e, t) { C = t.x, _ = t.y, w = Date.now(), P = !0 }))), this.H = i(o("drag", !1, (function (e, t) { if (P) { e = Date.now(), k = Math.min(1, e - w), w = e, e = t.x - C; var n = t.y - _; u.Uh(e, n), A = e, T = n, C = t.x, _ = t.y } }))), this.T = i(o("dragend", !1, (function () { if (P) { P = !1; var e = Math.sqrt(A * A + T * T) / k; 4 <= e ? u.Vh(e, A, T) : u.$e() } }))), this.pb = i(o("transformstart", !1, (function (e, t) { z = 1, C = t.x, _ = t.y }))); var F = 1, R = !1; this.transform = i(o("transform", !1, (function (e, t) { e = t.scale - .01, u.pg(t, e / z, t.x - C, t.y - _), z = e, C = t.x, _ = t.y, F = z, R = R || 2 < t.touches }))), this.Ka = i(o("transformend", !1, (function () { R && .8 > F ? e.j.D("interaction:reset") : r(), R = !1 }))), this.Ja = i(o("mousewheel", !1, function () { var e = y.yg((function () { r() }), 300); return function (t, n) { 1 !== (t = N.ij) && (t = Math.pow(t, n.ed), O ? (u.qg(n, t), e()) : u.Nb(n, t, N.ob, m.ia(N.Kb)).then(r)) } }())), this.ta = i(function () { var t, n = void 0, r = {}, i = !1, s = o("hover", !1, (function () { n && (n.ub = !1, 0 < n.level && (n.N = !0)), t && (t.ub = !0, 0 < t.level && (t.N = !0)), d.update(t), e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", !1) })), l = o("mousemove", !1, void 0); return function (e) { if ("out" === e.type) i = (t = void 0) !== n; else if (u.absolute(e, r), n && !n.open && U(n, r)) { var o = a(r, n.scale); o && o !== n ? (i = !0, t = o) : i = !1 } else t = a(r), i = t !== n; i && (s(e), n = t, i = !1), n && l(e) } }()), this.Lb = { click: n(this.i), doubleclick: n(this.u), hold: n(this.sa), mouseup: n(this.wa), mousedown: n(this.ua), dragstart: n(this.ga), drag: n(this.H), dragend: n(this.T), transformstart: n(this.pb), transform: n(this.transform), transformend: n(this.Ka), hover: n(this.ta), mousewheel: n(this.Ja) }; var G = function () { var e, t = {}; return { M: function (t) { e = window.Hammer(t, { doubletap_interval: 350, hold_timeout: 400, doubletap_distance: 10 }) }, A: function (n, r, i) { t[n] = r, e.on(n, function (e, t) { return function (n) { var r = (n = n.gesture).center; (r = g.oe(s, r.pageX, r.pageY, {})).scale = n.scale, r.lb = 1 < n.touches.length, r.touches = n.touches.length, e.call(s, r), (void 0 === r.Db && t || "prevent" === r.Db) && n.preventDefault() } }(r, i)) }, Za: function () { e && y.Aa(t, (function (t, n) { e.off(n, t) })) } } }(), U = function () { var e = {}; return function (t, n) { return t.Jb(n, e), t.$ && M.sa(t.$, e) } }() } function U(e) { function t(e, t, n, r) { var i, o = 0, a = []; for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { var s = Math.sqrt(M.i(t[i], t[(i + 1) % t.length])); a.push(s), o += s } for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++)a[i] /= o; e[0].x = n.x, e[0].y = n.y; var u = s = o = 0; for (i = 1; i < e.length; i++) { var l = e[i], c = .95 * Math.pow(i / e.length, r); for (o += .3819; s < o;)s += a[u], u = (u + 1) % a.length; var h = (u - 1 + a.length) % a.length, f = 1 - (s - o) / a[h], d = t[h].x; h = t[h].y; var p = t[u].x, g = t[u].y; d = (d - n.x) * c + n.x, h = (h - n.y) * c + n.y, p = (p - n.x) * c + n.x, g = (g - n.y) * c + n.y, l.x = d * (1 - f) + p * f, l.y = h * (1 - f) + g * f } } var n = { random: { vb: function (e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; r.x = t.x + Math.random() * t.w, r.y = t.y + Math.random() * t.o } }, Ob: "box" }, ordered: { vb: function (e, t) { e = e.slice(0), r.ac && e.sort(te), L.i(e, t, !1, r.Ld) }, Ob: "box" }, squarified: { vb: function (e, t) { e = e.slice(0), r.ac && e.sort(te), L.u(e, t, !1, r.Ld) }, Ob: "box" }, fisheye: { vb: function (e, n, i) { e = e.slice(0), r.ac && e.sort(te), t(e, n, i, .25) }, Ob: "polygon" }, blackhole: { vb: function (e, n, i) { e = e.slice(0), r.ac && e.sort(te).reverse(), t(e, n, i, 1) }, Ob: "polygon" } }; n.order = n.ordered, n.treemap = n.squarified; var r = e.options; this.i = function (e, t, i) { if (0 < e.length) { if ("box" === (i = n[i.relaxationInitializer || i.initializer || r.Ii || "random"]).Ob) { var o = M.F(t, {}); i.vb(e, o), M.wa(e, M.H(o), t) } else i.vb(e, t, M.u(t, {})); for (i = e.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { if ((o = e[i]).description) { var a = M.ta(t, r.qc, r.Ag); o.x = a.x, o.y = a.y } o.attribution && (a = M.ta(t, r.$d, r.rg), o.x = a.x, o.y = a.y), y.wb(o.group.initialPosition) && (a = o.group.initialPosition, a = M.ta(t, a.position || "bottomright", a.distanceFromCenter || 1), o.x = a.x, o.y = a.y) } } } } function H(e) { var t, n = e.options, r = new V(e, this), i = new q(e, this), o = { relaxed: r, ordered: i, squarified: i }, a = o[e.options.Dc] || r; this.jg = 5e-5, e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (e) { t = e })), e.j.subscribe("options:changed", (function (e) { e.layout && y.has(o, n.Dc) && (a = o[n.Dc]) })), this.step = function (e, t, n, r) { return a.step(e, t, n, r) }, this.complete = function (e) { a.complete(e) }, this.Oe = function (e) { return e === t || 2 * Math.sqrt(e.O.ha / (Math.PI * e.m.length)) >= Math.max(n.Be, 5e-5) }, this.gd = function (e, t) { var r = Math.pow(n.La, e.level), i = n.$a * r; r *= n.jd; for (var o = (e = e.m).length - 1; 0 <= o; o--) { var s = e[o]; a.ce(s, r); var u = s; u.$ = 0 < i ? k.i(u.C, i) : u.C, u.$ && (M.F(u.$, u.F), M.Ja(u.$, u.O)), s.m && t.push(s) } }, this.fc = function (e) { a.fc(e) }, this.Eb = function (e) { a.Eb(e) } } function V(e, t) { function n(e) { if (e.m) { e = e.m; for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { var n = e[t]; n.kc = n.hc * c.oh } } } function r(e, r) { t.Oe(e) && (e.G || (e.G = k.i(e.C, c.jd * Math.pow(c.La, e.level - 1)), e.G && e.m[0] && e.m[0].description && "stab" == c.Tb && s(e)), e.G && (l.Eb(e), h.i(i(e), e.G, e.group), e.R = !0, r(e)), n(e)) } function i(e) { return "stab" === c.Tb && 0 < e.m.length && e.m[0].description ? e.m.slice(1) : e.m } function o(e) { var t = i(e); return z.i(t, e.G), z.u(t, e.G), D.H(e) * Math.sqrt(u.O.ha / e.O.ha) } function a(e) { return e < c.Hf || 1e-4 > e } function s(e) { var t = c.Sb / (1 + c.Sb), n = M.F(e.G, {}), r = { x: n.x, y: 0 }, i = n.y, o = n.o, a = c.ie * Math.pow(c.La, e.level - 1), s = o * c.he, u = c.qc; "bottom" == u || 0 <= u && 180 > u ? (u = Math.PI, i += o, o = -1) : (u = 0, o = 1); var l = e.G, h = u, f = 0, d = 1, p = M.u(l, {}), g = p.ha; t *= g; for (var b = 0; f < d && 20 > b++;) { var v = (f + d) / 2; r.y = n.y + n.o * v; var m = M.ua(l, r, h); M.u(m[0], p); var y = p.ha - t; if (.01 >= Math.abs(y) / g) break; 0 < (0 == h ? 1 : -1) * y ? d = v : f = v } M.F(m[0], n), (n.o < a || n.o > s) && (r.y = n.o < a ? i + o * Math.min(a, s) : i + o * s, m = M.ua(e.G, r, u)), e.m[0].C = m[0], e.G = m[1] } var u, l = this, c = e.options, h = new U(e), f = 0; e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (e) { u = e, f = 0 })), this.step = function (e, n, s, l) { function h(n) { if (n.R && n.xa ? function (e) { e !== u && 2 * Math.sqrt(e.O.ha / (Math.PI * e.m.length)) < Math.max(.85 * c.Be, t.jg) && (e.R = !1, e.xa = !1, e.Ia = !0, e.G = null) }(n) : n.Ia && n.C && r(n, (function () { var t = i(n); z.i(t, n.G), z.u(t, n.G), e(n) })), !n.G || !n.R) return 0; if (n.parent && n.parent.Z || n.Ea) { var h = o(n); l && l(n), n.Ea = !a(h) && !s, n.Z = !0 } else h = 0; return t.gd(n, p), h } for (var d = 0, p = [u]; 0 < p.length;)d = Math.max(d, h(p.shift())); var g = a(d); return n && function (e, t, n) { f < e && (f = e); var r = c.Hf; c.Ad(t ? 1 : 1 - (e - r) / (f - r || 1), t, n), t && (f = 0) }(d, g, s), g }, this.complete = function (e) { for (var n = [u]; 0 < n.length;) { var i = n.shift(); if (!i.R && i.Ia && i.C && r(i, e), i.G) { if (i.parent && i.parent.Z || i.Ea) { for (var s = 1e-4 > i.O.ha, l = 0; !(a(o(i)) || s && 32 < l++);); i.Z = !0, i.Ea = !1 } t.gd(i, n) } } }, this.fc = function (e) { S.L(e, n) }, this.ce = function (e, t) { if (e.R) { var n = e.G; n && (e.Fd = n), e.G = k.i(e.C, t), e.G && e.m[0] && e.m[0].description && "stab" == c.Tb && s(e), n && !e.G && (e.Z = !0), e.G && e.Fd && M.wa(i(e), e.Fd, e.G) } }, this.Eb = function (e) { for (var t, n = i(e), r = e.ha, o = t = 0; o < n.length; o++)t += n[o].weight; for (e.Dj = t, e = 0; e < n.length; e++)(o = n[e]).Vf = o.w, o.hc = r / Math.PI * (0 < t ? o.weight / t : 1 / n.length) } } function q(e, t) { function n(e, n) { if (t.Oe(e)) { if (!e.G || e.parent && e.parent.Z) { var r = a.jd * Math.pow(a.La, e.level - 1); e.G = M.H(function (e, t) { var n = 2 * t; return e.x += t, e.y += t, e.w -= n, e.o -= n, e }(M.F(e.C, {}), r)) } e.G && (e.R = !0, n(e)) } else e.R = !1, S.za(e, (function (e) { e.G = null })) } function r(e) { if ("stab" == a.Tb && 0 < e.m.length && e.m[0].description) { var t = e.m.slice(1); !function (e) { function t() { r.C = M.H(i), r.x = i.x + i.w / 2, r.y = i.y + i.o / 2 } var n = a.Sb / (1 + a.Sb), r = e.m[0], i = M.F(e.G, {}), o = i.o; n = Math.min(Math.max(o * n, a.ie * Math.pow(a.La, e.level - 1)), o * a.he); var s = a.qc; "bottom" == s || 0 <= s && 180 > s ? (i.o = o - n, e.G = M.H(i), i.y += o - n, i.o = n, t()) : (i.o = n, t(), i.y += n, i.o = o - n, e.G = M.H(i)) }(e) } else t = e.m; a.ac && t.sort(te), "floating" == a.Tb && i(t, a.qc, (function (e) { return e.description })), i(t, a.$d, (function (e) { return e.attribution })); var n = M.F(e.G, {}); (s[a.Dc] || L.i)(t, n, !0, a.Ld), e.Ea = !1, e.Z = !0, e.N = !0, e.Fa = !0 } function i(e, t, n) { for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var i = e[r]; if (n(i)) { e.splice(r, 1), "topleft" == t || 135 <= t && 315 > t ? e.unshift(i) : e.push(i); break } } } var o, a = e.options, s = { squarified: L.u, ordered: L.i }; e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (e) { o = e })), this.step = function (e, t, n) { return this.complete(e), t && a.Ad(1, !0, n), !0 }, this.complete = function (e) { for (var i = [o]; 0 < i.length;) { var a = i.shift(); (!a.R || a.parent && a.parent.Z) && a.Ia && a.C && n(a, e), a.G && ((a.parent && a.parent.Z || a.Ea) && r(a), t.gd(a, i)) } }, this.Eb = this.fc = this.ce = y.qa } var W, Z, $, K, Y = new function () { this.u = function (e, t) { var n = e.globalAlpha; e.fillStyle = "dark" === t ? "white" : "#1d3557", e.globalAlpha = 1 * n, e.save(), e.transform(.94115, 0, 0, .94247, -78.54, -58), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(86.47, 533.3), e.bezierCurveTo(83.52, 531.5, 83.45, 530.6, 83.45, 488.3), e.bezierCurveTo(83.45, 444.6, 83.35, 445.7, 87.34, 443.7), e.bezierCurveTo(88.39, 443.1, 90.5, 442.5, 92.02, 442.4), e.bezierCurveTo(93.54, 442.2, 113, 441.7, 135.3, 441.4), e.bezierCurveTo(177.9, 440.7, 179.3, 440.7, 182.7, 443.4), e.bezierCurveTo(185.9, 445.9, 185.6, 445, 206.2, 510.7), e.bezierCurveTo(207.8, 515.8, 209.5, 521.3, 210.1, 522.9), e.bezierCurveTo(211.7, 528, 211.9, 531.3, 210.6, 532.7), e.bezierCurveTo(209.5, 534, 208.4, 534, 148.5, 534), e.bezierCurveTo(106.4, 533.9, 87.3, 533.7, 86.47, 533.2), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.globalAlpha = .8 * n, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(237.3, 533.3), e.bezierCurveTo(234.8, 532.5, 233.1, 530.9, 231.7, 528.1), e.bezierCurveTo(231, 526.8, 224.6, 507, 217.4, 484.1), e.bezierCurveTo(203.1, 438.8, 202.6, 436.7, 205, 431.4), e.bezierCurveTo(206.3, 428.5, 239.2, 383.2, 242.9, 379.3), e.bezierCurveTo(245, 377, 246.9, 376.7, 249.7, 378.2), e.bezierCurveTo(250.6, 378.7, 263.1, 390.8, 277.3, 405.2), e.bezierCurveTo(301.1, 429.2, 303.4, 431.6, 305.1, 435.5), e.bezierCurveTo(306.7, 439, 306.9, 440.4, 306.9, 445.2), e.bezierCurveTo(306.8, 455.3, 302.2, 526.4, 301.5, 528.9), e.bezierCurveTo(300.2, 533.7, 301, 533.6, 268.3, 533.7), e.bezierCurveTo(252.2, 533.8, 238.3, 533.6, 237.3, 533.3), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.globalAlpha = .05 * n, e.moveTo(329, 533.3), e.bezierCurveTo(326.2, 532.5, 323.1, 528.8, 322.6, 525.8), e.bezierCurveTo(322, 521.6, 327.2, 446.1, 328.4, 442.2), e.bezierCurveTo(330.6, 434.9, 332.8, 432.8, 368.5, 402.4), e.bezierCurveTo(387, 386.7, 403.9, 372.8, 406, 371.4), e.bezierCurveTo(413.1, 366.7, 416, 366.2, 436.5, 365.7), e.bezierCurveTo(456.8, 365.2, 463.6, 365.6, 470.2, 367.6), e.bezierCurveTo(476.2, 369.5, 546.1, 402.8, 549.1, 405.3), e.bezierCurveTo(550.4, 406.3, 552.2, 408.7, 553.2, 410.5), e.lineTo(555, 413.9), e.lineTo(555.2, 459.5), e.bezierCurveTo(555.3, 484.6, 555.2, 505.8, 555, 506.5), e.bezierCurveTo(554.4, 509.1, 548.1, 517.9, 543.8, 522.2), e.bezierCurveTo(537.7, 528.3, 534.2, 530.5, 527.8, 532.4), e.lineTo(522.3, 534), e.lineTo(426.6, 533.9), e.bezierCurveTo(371.1, 533.9, 330.1, 533.6, 328.9, 533.3), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.globalAlpha = .8 * n, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(87.66, 423), e.bezierCurveTo(86.23, 422.4, 85.02, 422, 84.97, 422), e.bezierCurveTo(84.91, 422, 84.55, 421.1, 84.16, 419.9), e.bezierCurveTo(83.67, 418.6, 83.45, 404.7, 83.45, 375.9), e.bezierCurveTo(83.45, 328.4, 83.27, 330.3, 88.12, 328.1), e.bezierCurveTo(90.22, 327.2, 101.7, 325.6, 135.4, 321.7), e.bezierCurveTo(159.9, 318.8, 181.1, 316.5, 182.5, 316.5), e.bezierCurveTo(183.9, 316.5, 187, 317.3, 189.4, 318.2), e.bezierCurveTo(193.5, 319.8, 194.7, 320.8, 210.1, 336.2), e.bezierCurveTo(226.6, 352.7, 229.1, 355.7, 229.1, 360), e.bezierCurveTo(229.1, 363, 226.8, 366.5, 212.9, 385.4), e.bezierCurveTo(187.3, 420.2, 189.3, 417.7, 183.4, 420.5), e.lineTo(179.5, 422.3), e.lineTo(155.3, 422.7), e.bezierCurveTo(89.91, 424, 90.39, 423.9, 87.65, 423), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.globalAlpha = .6 * n, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(314.6, 415), e.bezierCurveTo(311.4, 413.4, 213.2, 314.6, 210.9, 310.7), e.bezierCurveTo(208.9, 307.2, 208.5, 303.4, 209.9, 300), e.bezierCurveTo(211.2, 297, 241.3, 257, 244.2, 254.4), e.bezierCurveTo(247.3, 251.7, 252.9, 249.7, 257.4, 249.7), e.bezierCurveTo(261.1, 249.7, 344.7, 255.2, 350.8, 255.8), e.bezierCurveTo(358.5, 256.6, 363.1, 259.5, 366, 265.1), e.bezierCurveTo(368.7, 270.5, 394.3, 343.7, 394.7, 347.2), e.bezierCurveTo(395.1, 351.6, 393.6, 356.1, 390.5, 359.5), e.bezierCurveTo(389.1, 361, 375.7, 372.6, 360.5, 385.4), e.bezierCurveTo(326.7, 414, 327, 413.7, 324.5, 415), e.bezierCurveTo(321.8, 416.4, 317.4, 416.3, 314.6, 414.9), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.globalAlpha = .4 * n, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(547.9, 383.4), e.bezierCurveTo(547.1, 383.2, 533, 376.6, 516.5, 368.7), e.bezierCurveTo(497.2, 359.5, 485.7, 353.7, 484.3, 352.4), e.bezierCurveTo(481.6, 349.8, 480.2, 346.5, 480.2, 342.5), e.bezierCurveTo(480.2, 339.2, 499.2, 237, 500.4, 233.9), e.bezierCurveTo(502.2, 229.1, 506.2, 225.8, 511.3, 224.9), e.bezierCurveTo(516.2, 224, 545.8, 222.2, 548.2, 222.6), e.bezierCurveTo(551.5, 223.2, 553.7, 224.7, 555.1, 227.3), e.bezierCurveTo(556.2, 229.3, 556.3, 234, 556.5, 301.9), e.bezierCurveTo(556.6, 341.8, 556.5, 375.7, 556.3, 377.2), e.bezierCurveTo(555.6, 381.8, 552, 384.4, 547.8, 383.4), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.globalAlpha = .4 * n, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(418.7, 347), e.bezierCurveTo(416, 346.1, 413.6, 344.3, 412.3, 342.1), e.bezierCurveTo(411.6, 341, 404.4, 321.3, 396.3, 298.3), e.bezierCurveTo(382, 258.1, 381.5, 256.4, 381.5, 251.7), e.bezierCurveTo(381.5, 248.2, 381.8, 246.2, 382.7, 244.7), e.bezierCurveTo(383.4, 243.4, 389.5, 233.9, 396.5, 223.4), e.bezierCurveTo(412.6, 199, 411.3, 199.9, 430.6, 198.6), e.bezierCurveTo(445, 197.6, 449.5, 197.9, 454.2, 200.4), e.bezierCurveTo(460.5, 203.7, 479.6, 217.5, 481.3, 220.1), e.bezierCurveTo(484.3, 224.6, 484.3, 224.6, 473.1, 284), e.bezierCurveTo(465.3, 325.9, 462.4, 339.9, 461.3, 341.8), e.bezierCurveTo(458.7, 346.4, 457.1, 346.7, 437.5, 347.1), e.bezierCurveTo(428.1, 347.3, 419.6, 347.3, 418.7, 347), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.globalAlpha = .05 * n, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(89.33, 308.2), e.bezierCurveTo(88.1, 307.5, 86.5, 306.2, 85.77, 305.2), e.bezierCurveTo(84.42, 303.4, 84.42, 303.4, 84.24, 202.6), e.bezierCurveTo(84.11, 131.7, 84.27, 100.2, 84.77, 96.34), e.bezierCurveTo(85.65, 89.58, 87.91, 84.64, 92.77, 78.81), e.bezierCurveTo(96.86, 73.9, 103.2, 68.42, 107.1, 66.53), e.bezierCurveTo(108.6, 65.81, 112.8, 64.64, 116.5, 63.92), e.bezierCurveTo(122.7, 62.73, 125.4, 62.64, 148.5, 62.81), e.lineTo(173.7, 63), e.lineTo(177.4, 64.82), e.bezierCurveTo(179.5, 65.82, 182.1, 67.75, 183.3, 69.12), e.bezierCurveTo(185.6, 71.9, 228.8, 145.1, 231.3, 150.7), e.bezierCurveTo(234.5, 157.7, 234.9, 160.8, 234.9, 176.9), e.bezierCurveTo(234.8, 201.7, 233.8, 229.6, 232.8, 233.2), e.bezierCurveTo(232.3, 235, 231.1, 238.1, 230.2, 240), e.bezierCurveTo(228.3, 243.9, 196.9, 286.6, 192.7, 290.9), e.bezierCurveTo(189.8, 293.9, 184.3, 297.1, 180.2, 298.2), e.bezierCurveTo(177.6, 298.9, 95.84, 309.3, 93.04, 309.3), e.bezierCurveTo(92.22, 309.3, 90.55, 308.8, 89.33, 308.1), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.globalAlpha = .4 * n, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(305.7, 235.6), e.bezierCurveTo(254.5, 232, 256.5, 232.3, 253.9, 227.1), e.lineTo(252.4, 224.2), e.lineTo(253.1, 196.7), e.bezierCurveTo(253.8, 170.5, 253.8, 169.1, 255.2, 166.3), e.bezierCurveTo(257.7, 161.2, 256.9, 161.4, 309.3, 151.9), e.bezierCurveTo(354.1, 143.8, 356.8, 143.4, 359.7, 144.2), e.bezierCurveTo(361.4, 144.6, 363.8, 145.8, 365, 146.8), e.bezierCurveTo(367.3, 148.6, 389, 179.6, 391.9, 185.2), e.bezierCurveTo(393.8, 188.7, 394.1, 193.5, 392.6, 196.9), e.bezierCurveTo(391.5, 199.6, 370.6, 231.4, 368.4, 233.8), e.bezierCurveTo(365.4, 237, 362, 238.3, 356.3, 238.5), e.bezierCurveTo(353.5, 238.6, 330.7, 237.3, 305.7, 235.5), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.globalAlpha = .2 * n, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(497.1, 207.1), e.bezierCurveTo(496.2, 206.8, 494.4, 206, 493.2, 205.4), e.bezierCurveTo(490, 203.8, 472.7, 191.6, 469.7, 189), e.bezierCurveTo(467, 186.6, 465.7, 183.2, 466.2, 180.2), e.bezierCurveTo(466.5, 178.1, 482.4, 138.6, 484.9, 133.5), e.bezierCurveTo(486.5, 130.3, 488.4, 128.2, 490.9, 126.8), e.bezierCurveTo(492.6, 125.9, 496.3, 125.7, 522.2, 125.6), e.lineTo(551.5, 125.4), e.lineTo(553.7, 127.6), e.bezierCurveTo(555.2, 129.1, 556, 130.5, 556.3, 132.6), e.bezierCurveTo(556.5, 134.2, 556.6, 149.6, 556.5, 166.9), e.bezierCurveTo(556.3, 195.4, 556.2, 198.5, 555.1, 200.4), e.bezierCurveTo(553.1, 204.1, 551.7, 204.4, 529.8, 206.1), e.bezierCurveTo(509.2, 207.7, 499.9, 207.9, 497, 207.1), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.globalAlpha = .2 * n, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(412.5, 180.5), e.bezierCurveTo(410.9, 179.7, 408.7, 177.9, 407.5, 176.4), e.bezierCurveTo(403.5, 171.3, 380.5, 137.2, 379.2, 134.3), e.bezierCurveTo(377.2, 129.6, 377.1, 126.1, 378.9, 116.8), e.bezierCurveTo(386.5, 77.56, 388.4, 68.28, 389.5, 66.46), e.bezierCurveTo(390.1, 65.34, 391.7, 63.83, 392.9, 63.1), e.bezierCurveTo(395.1, 61.84, 396.2, 61.78, 419.4, 61.78), e.bezierCurveTo(443.4, 61.78, 443.7, 61.8, 446.5, 63.25), e.bezierCurveTo(448, 64.06, 449.9, 65.81, 450.7, 67.14), e.bezierCurveTo(452.3, 69.73, 468, 105.5, 470, 111.1), e.bezierCurveTo(471.4, 114.9, 471.6, 119.1, 470.5, 122.3), e.bezierCurveTo(470.1, 123.5, 465.2, 135.8, 459.7, 149.5), e.bezierCurveTo(446.7, 181.4, 448.1, 179.8, 431.5, 181.2), e.bezierCurveTo(419, 182.2, 415.7, 182, 412.5, 180.5), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.globalAlpha = .4 * n, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(253.6, 142.8), e.bezierCurveTo(250.2, 141.8, 246.6, 139.4, 244.7, 136.7), e.bezierCurveTo(242.1, 132.9, 207.4, 73.28, 206.2, 70.42), e.bezierCurveTo(205.1, 67.89, 205, 67.1, 205.7, 65.54), e.bezierCurveTo(207.3, 61.54, 202.3, 61.8, 284.4, 61.59), e.bezierCurveTo(325.7, 61.48, 360.8, 61.58, 362.4, 61.81), e.bezierCurveTo(366, 62.32, 369.3, 65.36, 369.9, 68.75), e.bezierCurveTo(370.4, 71.55, 362.4, 113.9, 360.5, 118.1), e.bezierCurveTo(359.1, 121.3, 355, 125, 351.4, 126.4), e.bezierCurveTo(348.9, 127.3, 267.1, 142.3, 259.5, 143.2), e.bezierCurveTo(257.9, 143.4, 255.2, 143.2, 253.6, 142.7), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.globalAlpha = .1 * n, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(493.4, 106.8), e.bezierCurveTo(490.3, 106, 488.2, 104.5, 486.5, 101.7), e.bezierCurveTo(483.8, 97.43, 471.8, 68.81, 471.8, 66.76), e.bezierCurveTo(471.8, 62.64, 470.7, 62.76, 512.1, 62.76), e.bezierCurveTo(553.3, 62.76, 552.3, 62.67, 554.4, 66.68), e.bezierCurveTo(555.2, 68.34, 555.3, 71.23, 555.2, 85.75), e.lineTo(555, 102.8), e.lineTo(551.4, 106.4), e.lineTo(534.1, 106.8), e.bezierCurveTo(510.7, 107.4, 495.9, 107.4, 493.3, 106.8), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.restore(), e.transform(.15905, 0, 0, .15905, -88.65, 443.2), e.globalAlpha = 1 * n, e.save(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(557.4, 564.9), e.lineTo(557.4, 98), e.lineTo(885.8, 98), e.lineTo(885.8, 185.1), e.lineTo(650.8, 185.1), e.lineTo(650.8, 284.7), e.lineTo(824.1, 284.7), e.lineTo(824.1, 371.6), e.lineTo(650.8, 371.6), e.lineTo(650.8, 564.9), e.lineTo(557.4, 564.9), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(1029, 568), e.quadraticCurveTo(961.1, 568, 915.7, 522.5), e.quadraticCurveTo(870.2, 476.7, 870.2, 409.2), e.quadraticCurveTo(870.2, 341.3, 915.7, 295.9), e.quadraticCurveTo(961.1, 250.4, 1029, 250.4), e.quadraticCurveTo(1096.8, 250.4, 1142.3, 295.9), e.quadraticCurveTo(1187.7, 341.3, 1187.7, 409.2), e.quadraticCurveTo(1187.7, 477.1, 1142.3, 522.5), e.quadraticCurveTo(1097.3, 568.1, 1029.3, 568.1), e.closePath(), e.moveTo(1028.6, 492.6), e.quadraticCurveTo(1064.1, 492.6, 1086.2, 469), e.quadraticCurveTo(1108.3, 445, 1108.3, 409.5), e.quadraticCurveTo(1108.3, 374, 1086.2, 350), e.quadraticCurveTo(1064.1, 326.1, 1028.3, 326.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(993.1, 326.1, 971, 350), e.quadraticCurveTo(948.9, 374, 948.9, 409.5), e.quadraticCurveTo(948.9, 445, 971, 469), e.quadraticCurveTo(993.1, 492.6, 1028.6, 492.6), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(1253, 291), e.quadraticCurveTo(1312.1, 253.6, 1390, 253.6), e.quadraticCurveTo(1446, 253.6, 1478.7, 284.7), e.quadraticCurveTo(1511.4, 315.9, 1511.4, 378.1), e.lineTo(1511.4, 564.9), e.lineTo(1424.2, 564.9), e.lineTo(1424.2, 540), e.quadraticCurveTo(1386.2, 564.9, 1355.7, 564.9), e.quadraticCurveTo(1293.5, 564.9, 1262.3, 538.5), e.quadraticCurveTo(1231.2, 512, 1231.2, 465.3), e.quadraticCurveTo(1231.2, 421.7, 1260.4, 387.5), e.quadraticCurveTo(1290, 353.3, 1355.7, 353.3), e.quadraticCurveTo(1385.9, 353.3, 1424.2, 371.9), e.lineTo(1424.2, 362.6), e.quadraticCurveTo(1423.6, 328.4, 1374.4, 325.2), e.quadraticCurveTo(1318.3, 325.2, 1287.2, 343.9), e.lineTo(1253, 291), e.closePath(), e.moveTo(1424.2, 471.5), e.lineTo(1424.2, 436.3), e.quadraticCurveTo(1411.7, 412.3, 1365, 412.3), e.quadraticCurveTo(1309, 418.5, 1305.9, 455.9), e.quadraticCurveTo(1309, 492.9, 1365, 496), e.quadraticCurveTo(1411.7, 496, 1424.2, 471.5), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(1675, 365.7), e.lineTo(1675, 564.9), e.lineTo(1587.8, 564.9), e.lineTo(1587.8, 262.5), e.lineTo(1675, 253.2), e.lineTo(1675, 280.9), e.quadraticCurveTo(1704.2, 253.5, 1749.7, 253.5), e.quadraticCurveTo(1808.8, 253.5, 1839.9, 289.3), e.quadraticCurveTo(1874.2, 253.5, 1942.6, 253.5), e.quadraticCurveTo(2001.8, 253.5, 2032.9, 289.3), e.quadraticCurveTo(2064, 325.1, 2064, 371.8), e.lineTo(2064, 564.8), e.lineTo(1976.9, 564.8), e.lineTo(1976.9, 393.6), e.quadraticCurveTo(1976.9, 362.5, 1962.9, 345.4), e.quadraticCurveTo(1948.8, 328.2, 1917.4, 327.3), e.quadraticCurveTo(1891.6, 329.2, 1872.6, 361.6), e.quadraticCurveTo(1871, 371.2, 1871, 381.2), e.lineTo(1871, 564.9), e.lineTo(1783.9, 564.9), e.lineTo(1783.9, 393.7), e.quadraticCurveTo(1783.9, 362.5, 1769.9, 345.4), e.quadraticCurveTo(1755.9, 328.3, 1724.4, 327.4), e.quadraticCurveTo(1695.8, 329.2, 1674.9, 365.7), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(2058, 97.96), e.lineTo(2058, 185.1), e.lineTo(2213.6, 185.1), e.lineTo(2213.6, 564.9), e.lineTo(2306.9, 564.9), e.lineTo(2306.9, 185.1), e.lineTo(2462.5, 185.1), e.lineTo(2462.5, 97.96), e.lineTo(2057.8, 97.96), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(2549, 287.8), e.quadraticCurveTo(2582.3, 253.5, 2630.2, 253.5), e.quadraticCurveTo(2645.5, 253.5, 2659.2, 256), e.lineTo(2645.5, 341.9), e.quadraticCurveTo(2630.2, 328.2, 2601.9, 327.3), e.quadraticCurveTo(2570.1, 329.5, 2549, 373.4), e.lineTo(2549, 564.8), e.lineTo(2461.8, 564.8), e.lineTo(2461.8, 262.5), e.lineTo(2549, 253.1), e.lineTo(2549, 287.7), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(2694, 409.2), e.quadraticCurveTo(2694, 340.7, 2737.5, 297.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(2781.1, 253.5, 2849.6, 253.5), e.quadraticCurveTo(2918.1, 253.5, 2958.5, 297.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(2999, 340.6, 2999, 409.2), e.lineTo(2999, 440.3), e.lineTo(2784.2, 440.3), e.quadraticCurveTo(2787.3, 465.2, 2806, 479.2), e.quadraticCurveTo(2824.7, 493.2, 2849.6, 493.2), e.quadraticCurveTo(2893.1, 493.2, 2927.4, 468.3), e.lineTo(2977.2, 518.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(2943, 564.8, 2849.6, 564.8), e.quadraticCurveTo(2781.1, 564.8, 2737.5, 521.2), e.quadraticCurveTo(2693.9, 477.6, 2693.9, 409.1), e.closePath(), e.moveTo(2911.9, 378), e.quadraticCurveTo(2911.9, 353.1, 2893.2, 339.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(2874.5, 325.1, 2849.6, 325.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(2824.7, 325.1, 2806, 339.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(2787.3, 353.1, 2787.3, 378), e.lineTo(2911.8, 378), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(3052, 409.2), e.quadraticCurveTo(3052, 340.7, 3095.5, 297.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(3139.1, 253.5, 3207.6, 253.5), e.quadraticCurveTo(3276.1, 253.5, 3316.5, 297.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(3357, 340.6, 3357, 409.2), e.lineTo(3357, 440.3), e.lineTo(3142.2, 440.3), e.quadraticCurveTo(3145.3, 465.2, 3164, 479.2), e.quadraticCurveTo(3182.7, 493.2, 3207.6, 493.2), e.quadraticCurveTo(3251.1, 493.2, 3285.4, 468.3), e.lineTo(3335.2, 518.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(3301, 564.8, 3207.6, 564.8), e.quadraticCurveTo(3139.1, 564.8, 3095.5, 521.2), e.quadraticCurveTo(3051.9, 477.6, 3051.9, 409.1), e.closePath(), e.moveTo(3269.9, 378), e.quadraticCurveTo(3269.9, 353.1, 3251.2, 339.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(3232.5, 325.1, 3207.6, 325.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(3182.7, 325.1, 3164, 339.1), e.quadraticCurveTo(3145.3, 353.1, 3145.3, 378), e.lineTo(3269.8, 378), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.restore() } }; function J(e, n) { function r(e, t) { var n = e.O.r, r = n / 15, i = .5 * n / 15; n /= 5; var o = e.O.x; e = e.O.y, t.fillRect(o - i, e - i, r, r), t.fillRect(o - i - n, e - i, r, r), t.fillRect(o - i + n, e - i, r, r) } function i(e, t, n, r) { null === e && n.clearRect(0, 0, D, j); var i, o = Array(te.length); for (i = te.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--)o[i] = te[i].na(n, r); for (i = te.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--)o[i] && te[i].before(n, r); for (B.rc([n, z], (function (r) { var i; if (null !== e) { for (n.save(), n.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out", n.fillStyle = n.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", i = e.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { var a = e[i], u = a.C; u && (n.save(), n.beginPath(), a.Ib(n), s.Ud(n, u), n.fill(), 0 < (a = V.$a * Math.pow(V.La, a.level - 1)) && (n.lineWidth = a / 2, n.stroke()), n.restore()) } n.restore() } if (r = r.scale, 0 !== t.length) { for (i = {}, u = te.length - 1; 0 <= u; u--)te[u].ng(i); for (a = ee.length - 1; 0 <= a; a--)if (i[(u = ee[a]).id]) { var l = u.Kd; for (u = 0; u < t.length; u++) { var c = t[u]; !c.parent || c.parent.xa && c.parent.R ? l(c, r) : c.aa.clear() } } } for (i = te.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--)a = te[i], o[i] && a.Nd(t, n, r) })), i = te.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--)o[i] && te[i].after(n); V.Zc && (n.canvas.style.opacity = .99, setTimeout((function () { n.canvas.style.opacity = 1 }), 1)) } function u() { function e(t, n, r) { t.sb = Math.floor(1e3 * t.scale) - r * n, 0 < t.opacity && !t.open && n++; var i = t.m; if (i) for (var o = i.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--)t.W && e(i[o], n, r) } var t = null, n = null, r = null; return B.rc([], (function (i) { !function (e) { b === _ ? e < .9 * G && (b = v, x = A, h()) : e >= G && (b = _, x = T, h()) }(i.scale); var o = !1; S.L(I, (function (e) { e.W && (o = e.vd() || o, e.cc(), e.Ma = U.i(e) || e.Ma) })), o && (I.N = !0); var a = "onSurfaceDirty" === V.Lg; S.fd(I, (function (e) { e.parent && e.parent.Z && (e.aa.clear(), e.Ma = !0, a || (e.oc = !0, e.Qb.clear())), a && (e.oc = !0, e.Qb.clear()) })); var s = i.scale * i.scale; if (S.fd(I, (function (e) { if (e.R) { for (var t = e.m, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)if (5 < t[n].O.ha * s) return void (e.X = !0); e.X = !1 } })), function (e) { I.Y = !0, S.fd(I, (function (t) { if (t.W && t.X && t.xa && t.R && (I.N || t.Z || t.Vd)) { t.Vd = !1; var n = t.m, r = { x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, o: 0 }, i = !!t.G; if (1 < D / e.w) { var o; for (o = n.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--)n[o].Y = !1; if (t.Y && i) for (o = n.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--)if (1 !== (t = n[o]).scale && (t.Jb(e, r), r.w = e.w / t.scale, r.o = e.o / t.scale), !1 === t.Y && t.C) { var a = (i = t.C).length; if (M.sa(t.C, 1 === t.scale ? e : r)) t.Y = !0; else for (var s = 0; s < a; s++)if (M.Vc(i[s], i[(s + 1) % a], 1 === t.scale ? e : r)) { t.Y = !0, t.J && (t = t.J[s]) && (n[t.index].Y = !0); break } } } else for (o = 0; o < n.length; o++)n[o].Y = i } })) }(i), r = [], S.tc(I, (function (e) { if (e.parent.X && e.Y && e.W) { r.push(e); for (var t = e.parent; t !== I && (t.open || 0 === t.opacity);)t = t.parent; t !== I && .02 > Math.abs(t.scale - e.scale) && (e.scale = Math.min(e.scale, t.scale)) } })), e(I, 0, "flattened" === V.mb ? -1 : 1), r.sort((function (e, t) { return e.sb - t.sb })), l()) t = r, n = null; else { var u = {}, c = {}, f = "none" != V.ld && V.$a < V.ab / 2, d = V.$a < V.yc / 2 + V.kd * V.De.a; S.L(I, (function (e) { if (e.W && !e.description && (e.Z || e.N || e.Fc && e.parent.X && e.Ma)) { var t, n, r, i = [e], o = e.J || e.parent.m; if (f) for (t = 0; t < o.length; t++)(n = o[t]) && i.push(n); else if (d) if (!e.selected && e.Sa) { for (n = !0, t = 0; t < o.length; t++)o[t] ? i.push(o[t]) : n = !1; !n && 1 < e.level && i.push(e.parent) } else for (t = 0; t < o.length; t++)(n = o[t]) && n.selected && i.push(n); for (t = e.parent; t != I;)t.selected && (r = t), t = t.parent; for (r && i.push(r), t = 0; t < i.length; t++) { for (e = (r = i[t]).parent; e && e !== I;)0 < e.opacity && (r = e), e = e.parent; c[r.id] = !0, S.za(r, (function (e) { u[e.id] = !0 })) } } })), t = r.filter((function (e) { return u[e.id] })), n = t.filter((function (e) { return c[e.id] })) } })), function () { var e = !1; V.Gf && S.L(I, (function (t) { if (t.W && 0 !== t.pa.a && 1 !== t.pa.a) return e = !0, !1 })), e ? (S.sc(I, (function (e) { if (e.W && (e.opacity !== e.Jc || e.Fa)) { var t = e.m; if (t) { for (var n = 0, r = t.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--)n = Math.max(n, t[r].Ec); e.Ec = n + e.opacity * e.pa.a } else e.Ec = e.opacity * e.pa.a } })), S.L(I, (function (e) { if (e.W && (e.opacity !== e.Jc || e.Fa)) { for (var t = e.Ec, n = e; (n = n.parent) && n !== I;)t += n.opacity * n.pa.a * V.Ef; e.$c = 0 < t ? 1 - Math.pow(1 - e.pa.a, 1 / t) : 0, e.Jc = e.opacity } }))) : S.L(I, (function (e) { e.W && (e.$c = 1, e.Jc = -1) })) }(), { ag: t, $f: n, Y: r } } function l() { var e = I.Z || I.N || "none" == V.Ke; if (!e && !I.empty()) { var t = I.m[0].scale; S.L(I, (function (n) { if (n.W && n.Y && n.scale !== t) return e = !0, !1 })) } return !e && 0 < V.xe && 1 != V.Pa && S.L(I, (function (t) { if (t.W && 0 < t.ja) return e = !0, !1 })), "accurate" == V.Ke && (!(e = (e = e || 0 === V.$a) || "none" != V.ld && V.$a < V.ab / 2) && V.$a < V.yc / 2 + V.kd * V.De.a && S.L(I, (function (t) { if (t.W && (t.selected && !t.Sa || !t.selected && t.Sa)) return e = !0, !1 }))), e } function h() { function e(e, n, r, i, o) { function a(e, t, n, r, i) { return e[r] && (t -= n * p[r], e[r] = !1, i && (t += n * p[i], e[i] = !0)), t } switch (e = y.extend({}, e), r) { case "never": e.labelPlainFill = !1; break; case "always": case "auto": e.labelPlainFill = !0 }if (V.xc) switch (i) { case "never": e.contentDecoration = !1; break; case "always": case "auto": e.contentDecoration = !0 } else e.contentDecoration = !1; var s = 0; return y.Aa(e, (function (e, t) { e && (s += n * p["contentDecoration" === t ? "labelPlainFill" : t]) })), e.polygonExposureShadow = t, (s += 2 * p.polygonExposureShadow) <= o || (s = a(e, s, 2, "polygonExposureShadow")) <= o || (s = a(e, s, n, "polygonGradientFill", "polygonPlainFill")) <= o || (s = a(e, s, n, "polygonGradientStroke")) <= o || (s = a(e, s, n, "polygonPlainStroke")) <= o || "auto" === i && (s = a(e, s, n, "contentDecoration")) <= o || "auto" === r && (s = a(e, s, n, "labelPlainFill")), e } var t = b === v, n = 0, r = 0; S.ne(I, (function (e) { var t = 1; S.L(e, (function () { t++ })), n += t, r = Math.max(r, t) })); var i = {}; switch (V.Ug) { case "plain": i.polygonPlainFill = !0; break; case "gradient": i.polygonPlainFill = !t, i.polygonGradientFill = t }switch (V.ld) { case "plain": i.polygonPlainStroke = !0; break; case "gradient": i.polygonPlainStroke = !t, i.polygonGradientStroke = t }P = e(i, n, V.gj, V.ej, V.fj), R = e(i, 2 * r, "always", "always", V.Eg), F = e(i, n, "always", "always", V.Dg) } function f(e) { return function (t, n) { return t === b ? !0 === P[e] : !0 === (n ? R : F)[e] } } function d(e, t) { return function (n, r) { return e(n, r) && t(n, r) } } var p, g, b, v, _, w, x, A, T, k, z, D, j, L, B, E, O, I, N, P, F, R, G = t.Se() ? 50 : 1e4, U = new X(e), H = new Q(e), V = e.options; e.j.subscribe("stage:initialized", (function (e, t, n, r) { D = n, j = r, g = (L = e).dc("wireframe", V.nb, !1), v = g.getContext("2d"), _ = new o(v), w = L.dc("hifi", V.B, !1), A = w.getContext("2d"), T = new o(A), b = v, x = A, v.B = V.nb, _.B = V.nb, A.B = V.B, T.B = V.B, k = L.dc("tmp", Math.max(V.B, V.nb), !0), (z = k.getContext("2d")).B = 1, [v, A, z].forEach((function (e) { e.scale(e.B, e.B) })) })), e.j.subscribe("stage:resized", (function (e, t, n, r) { D = n, j = r, [v, A, z].forEach((function (e) { e.scale(e.B, e.B) })) })), e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (t) { N = !0, function e(t) { var n = 0; if (!t.empty()) { for (var r = t.m, i = r.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--)n = Math.max(n, e(r[i])); n += 1 } return t.Sf = n }(I = t), h(), e.j.D("render:renderers:resolved", P, R, F) })); var q = "groupFillType groupStrokeType wireframeDrawMaxDuration wireframeLabelDrawing wireframeContentDecorationDrawing finalCompleteDrawMaxDuration finalIncrementalDrawMaxDuration groupContentDecorator".split(" "), J = ["groupLabelLightColor", "groupLabelDarkColor", "groupLabelColorThreshold", "groupUnexposureLabelColorThreshold"]; e.j.subscribe("options:changed", (function (e) { function t(e, t, n, r) { L.Hi(e, n), t.B = n, r && t.scale(n, n) } e.dataObject || (y.bb(e, q) && h(), y.bb(e, J) && S.L(I, (function (e) { e.hd = -1 }))); var n = y.has(e, "pixelRatio"); e = y.has(e, "wireframePixelRatio"), (n || e) && (n && t(w, x, V.B, !0), e && t(g, b, V.nb, !0), t(k, z, Math.max(V.B, V.nb), !1)) })), e.j.subscribe("zoom:initialized", (function (e) { B = e })), e.j.subscribe("timeline:initialized", (function (e) { E = e })), e.j.subscribe("api:initialized", (function (e) { O = e })); var ee = [{ id: "offsetPolygon", Kd: function (e) { if ((e.selected || 0 < e.opacity && !1 === e.open || !e.X) && e.aa.Ga()) { var t = e.aa; if (t.clear(), e.$) { var n = e.$, r = V.Gg; 0 < r ? s.Ti(t, n, e.parent.O.r / 32, Math.min(1, r * Math.pow(1 - V.Hg * r, e.Sf))) : s.Ud(t, n) } e.Dd = !0 } } }, { id: "label", Kd: function (e) { e.Ma && e.Fc && U.u(e) } }, { id: "custom", Kd: function (t, n) { if (t.$ && (0 < t.opacity && (!1 === t.open || !0 === t.selected) || !t.X) && t.oc && e.options.xc && !t.attribution) { var r = {}; O.Xc(r, t), O.Yc(r, t), O.Wc(r, t, !0), r.context = t.Qb, r.polygonContext = t.aa, r.labelContext = t.Bc, r.shapeDirty = t.Dd, r.viewportScale = n, n = { groupLabelDrawn: !0, groupPolygonDrawn: !0 }, e.options.Kg(e.Cd, r, n), t.Te = n.groupLabelDrawn, t.Ed = n.groupPolygonDrawn, t.Dd = !1, t.oc = !1 } } }].reverse(), te = [new function (e) { var t = Array(e.length); this.Nd = function (n, r, i) { if (0 !== n.length) { var o, a = [], s = n[0].sb; for (o = 0; o < n.length; o++) { var u = n[o]; u.sb !== s && (a.push(o), s = u.sb) } a.push(o); for (var l = s = 0; l < a.length; l++) { for (var c = a[l], h = e.length - 1; 0 <= h; h--)if (t[h]) { var f = e[h]; for (r.save(), o = s; o < c; o++)u = n[o], r.save(), u.Ib(r), f.kb.call(f, u, r, i), r.restore(); f.Wa.call(f, r, i), r.restore() } s = c } } }, this.na = function (n, r) { for (var i = !1, o = e.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--)t[o] = e[o].na(n, r), i |= t[o]; return i }, this.before = function (n, r) { for (var i = e.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--)if (t[i]) { var o = e[i]; o.before.call(o, n, r) } }, this.after = function (n) { for (var r = e.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--)if (t[r]) { var i = e[r]; i.after.call(i, n) } }, this.ng = function (n) { for (var r = e.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--) { var i = e[r]; if (t[r]) for (var o = i.Ra.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--)n[i.Ra[o]] = !0 } } }([{ Ra: ["offsetPolygon"], na: f("polygonExposureShadow"), before: function (e) { z.save(), z.scale(e.B, e.B) }, after: function () { z.restore() }, rb: function () { }, Wa: function (e) { this.Rf && (this.Rf = !1, e.save(), e.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), e.drawImage(k, 0, 0, e.canvas.width, e.canvas.height, 0, 0, e.canvas.width, e.canvas.height), e.restore(), z.save(), z.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), z.clearRect(0, 0, k.width, k.height), z.restore()) }, kb: function (e, t, n) { if (!(e.open && e.X || e.aa.Ga())) { var r = V.xe * e.opacity * e.ja * ("flattened" === V.mb ? 1 - e.parent.ja : (1 - e.Cb) * e.parent.Cb) * (1.1 <= V.Pa ? 1 : (V.Pa - 1) / .1); 0 < r && (z.save(), z.beginPath(), e.Ib(z), e.aa.Na(z), z.shadowBlur = n * t.B * r, z.shadowColor = V.Mg, z.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)", z.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over", z.globalAlpha = e.opacity, z.fill(), z.shadowBlur = 0, z.shadowColor = "transparent", z.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out", z.fill(), z.restore(), this.Rf = !0) } } }, { Ra: ["offsetPolygon"], na: function () { return !0 }, before: function () { function e(e) { var n = e.pa, r = e.ub, i = e.selected, o = (n.h + (r ? V.Yg : 0) + (i ? V.ph : 0)) % 360, a = t(n.l * e.va + (r ? V.Zg : 0) + (i ? V.qh : 0)); return n = t(n.s * e.saturation + (r ? V.$g : 0) + (i ? V.rh : 0)), (e = e.we).h = o, e.s = n, e.l = a, e } function t(e) { return 100 < e ? 100 : 0 > e ? 0 : e } var n = [{ type: "fill", na: f("polygonPlainFill"), Pc: function (t, n) { n.fillStyle = c.H(e(t)) } }, { type: "fill", na: f("polygonGradientFill"), Pc: function (n, r) { var i = n.O.r, o = e(n); i = r.createRadialGradient(n.x, n.y, 0, n.x, n.y, i * V.Qg); var a = o.l, s = V.Og; i.addColorStop(0, c.i((o.h + V.Ng) % 360, t(o.s + V.Pg), t(a + s))), a = o.l, s = V.Sg, i.addColorStop(1, c.i((o.h + V.Rg) % 360, t(o.s + V.Tg), t(a + s))), n.aa.Na(r), r.fillStyle = i } }, { type: "stroke", na: d(f("polygonPlainStroke"), (function () { return 0 < V.ab })), Pc: function (e, n) { var r = e.pa, i = e.ub, o = e.selected, a = (r.h + V.He + (i ? V.ye : 0) + (o ? V.Ee : 0)) % 360, s = t(r.s * e.saturation + V.Je + (i ? V.Ae : 0) + (o ? V.Ge : 0)); r = t(r.l * e.va + V.Ie + (i ? V.ze : 0) + (o ? V.Fe : 0)), n.strokeStyle = c.i(a, s, r), n.lineWidth = V.ab * Math.pow(V.La, e.level - 1) } }, { type: "stroke", na: d(f("polygonGradientStroke"), (function () { return 0 < V.ab })), Pc: function (e, n) { var r = e.O.r * V.xh, i = e.pa, o = Math.PI * V.th / 180; r = n.createLinearGradient(e.x + r * Math.cos(o), e.y + r * Math.sin(o), e.x + r * Math.cos(o + Math.PI), e.y + r * Math.sin(o + Math.PI)); var a = e.ub, s = e.selected; o = (i.h + V.He + (a ? V.ye : 0) + (s ? V.Ee : 0)) % 360; var u = t(i.s * e.saturation + V.Je + (a ? V.Ae : 0) + (s ? V.Ge : 0)); i = t(i.l * e.va + V.Ie + (a ? V.ze : 0) + (s ? V.Fe : 0)), a = V.vh, r.addColorStop(0, c.i((o + V.uh) % 360, t(u + V.wh), t(i + a))), a = V.zh, r.addColorStop(1, c.i((o + V.yh) % 360, t(u + V.Ah), t(i + a))), n.strokeStyle = r, n.lineWidth = V.ab * Math.pow(V.La, e.level - 1) } }], r = Array(n.length); return function (e, t) { for (var i = n.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--)r[i] = n[i].na(e, t); this.Xi = n, this.vg = r } }(), after: function () { }, rb: function () { }, Wa: function () { }, kb: function (e, t) { if (!(!e.Ed || (0 === e.opacity || e.open) && e.X || e.aa.Ga() || !V.je && e.description)) { var n = this.Xi, r = this.vg; t.beginPath(), e.aa.Na(t); for (var i = !1, o = !1, a = n.length - 1; 0 <= a; a--) { var s = n[a]; if (r[a]) switch (s.Pc(e, t), s.type) { case "fill": i = !0; break; case "stroke": o = !0 } } n = (e.X ? e.opacity : 1) * e.pa.a, r = !e.empty(), a = V.Gf ? e.$c : 1, i && (e = r && e.X && e.R && e.m[0].W ? 1 - e.m.reduce((function (e, t) { return e + t.ra * t.Hd }), 0) / e.m.length * (1 - V.Ef) : 1, t.globalAlpha = n * e * a, W(t)), o && (t.globalAlpha = n * (r ? V.Xh : 1) * a, t.closePath(), Z(t), t.stroke()) } } }, { Ra: ["offsetPolygon"], na: function () { return 0 < V.yc }, before: function () { }, after: function () { }, rb: function () { }, Wa: function () { }, kb: function (e, t, n) { if (e.Ed && e.selected && !e.aa.Ga()) { t.globalAlpha = e.Da, t.beginPath(); var r = Math.pow(V.La, e.level - 1); t.lineWidth = V.yc * r, t.strokeStyle = V.sh; var i = V.kd; 0 < i && (t.shadowBlur = i * r * n * t.B, t.shadowColor = V.Ce), e.aa.Na(t), t.closePath(), t.stroke() } } }, { Ra: [], na: function () { return !0 }, before: function () { }, after: function () { }, rb: function () { }, Wa: function () { }, kb: function (e, t) { e.attribution && !e.aa.Ga() && function (n, r, i) { var o = M.Ka(e.$, e.O, n / r); o = Math.min(Math.min(.9 * o, .5 * e.F.o) / r, .5 * e.F.w / n), t.save(), t.translate(e.x, e.y), t.globalAlpha = e.opacity * e.ca, t.scale(o, o), t.translate(-n / 2, -r / 2), i(t), t.restore() }(Y.i.width, Y.i.height, (function (e) { Y.u(e, V.ae) })) } }, { Ra: [], na: function (e, t) { return function (n, r) { return e(n, r) || t(n, r) } }(f("labelPlainFill"), d(f("contentDecoration"), (function () { return V.xc }))), before: function () { }, after: function () { }, rb: function () { }, Wa: function () { }, kb: function (e, t, n) { (0 < e.opacity && 0 < e.ca && !e.open || !e.X) && !e.aa.Ga() && (e.Cc = e.oa && e.oa.ka && V.B * e.oa.fontSize * e.scale * n >= V.mh, "auto" === e.pd ? !V.je && e.description ? e.fb = e.parent.fb : (t = (n = e.we).h + (n.s << 9) + (n.l << 16), e.hd !== t && (n = c.T(n), e.fb = n > (0 > e.ja ? V.Bh : V.ah) ? V.bh : V.lh, e.hd = t)) : e.fb = e.pd) } }, { Ra: ["custom"], na: d(f("contentDecoration"), (function () { return V.xc })), before: function () { }, after: function () { }, rb: function () { }, Wa: function () { }, kb: function (e, t) { !(0 < e.opacity && 0 < e.ca && !e.open || !e.X) || e.Qb.Ga() || e.aa.Ga() || (e.Cc || void 0 === e.oa ? (t.globalAlpha = e.ca * (e.X ? e.opacity : 1) * (e.empty() ? 1 : V.Ff), t.fillStyle = e.fb, t.strokeStyle = e.fb, e.Qb.Na(t)) : r(e, t)) } }, { Ra: ["label"], na: f("labelPlainFill"), before: function () { }, after: function () { }, rb: function () { }, Wa: function () { }, kb: function (e, t, n) { e.Te && e.Fc && (0 < e.opacity && 0 < e.ca && !e.open || !e.X) && !e.aa.Ga() && e.oa && (t.fillStyle = e.fb, t.globalAlpha = e.ca * (e.X ? e.opacity : 1) * (e.empty() ? 1 : V.Ff), e.Cc ? K(e, t, n) : r(e, t)) } }].reverse())]; this.M = function () { p = C((function () { return a.estimate() }), "CarrotSearchFoamTree", 12096e5)({ version: "3.5.0", build: "bugfix/3.5.x/e3b91c8e", brandingAllowed: !1 }), H.M() }, this.clear = function () { b.clearRect(0, 0, D, j), x.clearRect(0, 0, D, j) }; var ne = !1, re = void 0; this.u = function (e) { ne ? re = e : e() }, this.Nd = function () { function e() { window.clearTimeout(t), ne = !0, t = setTimeout((function () { if (ne = !1, function () { if (V.B !== V.nb) return !0; var e = "polygonPlainFill polygonPlainStroke polygonGradientFill polygonGradientStroke labelPlainFill contentDecoration".split(" "); S.L(I, (function (t) { if (t.W && t.U) return e.push("polygonExposureShadow"), !1 })); for (var t = e.length - 1; 0 <= t; t--) { var n = e[t]; if (!!P[n] != !!R[n]) return !0 } return !1 }()) { var e = !l(); i(null, r.Y, x, e), y.defer((function () { ie.Ui(), re && (re(), re = void 0) })) } else re && (re(), re = void 0) }), Math.max(V.hj, 3 * n.Wf.sd, 3 * n.Wf.rd)) } var t, r; return function (t) { $(H); var n = null !== (r = u()).$f, o = 0 < L.$b("hifi"), a = o && (n || !t); t = n || N || !t, N = !1, o && !a && ie.Vi(), i(r.$f, r.ag, a ? x : b, t), S.za(I, (function (e) { e.Z = !1, e.N = !1, e.Sa = !1 })), a || e(), V.Af(n) } }(), this.i = function (e) { e = e || {}, $(H), I.N = !0; var t = u(), n = V.B; try { var r = y.I(e.pixelRatio, V.B); V.B = r; var a = L.dc("export", r, !0), s = a.getContext("2d"); b === _ && (s = new o(s)), s.scale(r, r); var l = y.has(e, "backgroundColor"); l && (s.save(), s.fillStyle = e.backgroundColor, s.fillRect(0, 0, D, j), s.restore()), i(l ? [] : null, t.ag, s, !0) } finally { V.B = n } return a.toDataURL(y.I(e.format, "image/png"), y.I(e.quality, .8)) }; var ie = function () { function e(e, t, r, i, o, a) { function s(e, t, n, r) { return E.K.A({ opacity: L.$b(e) }).fa({ duration: n, P: { opacity: { end: t, easing: r } }, ba: function () { L.$b(e, this.opacity) } }).done() } var u = y.od(L.$b(e), t), l = y.od(L.$b(i), o); if (!u || !l) { for (var c = n.length - 1; 0 <= c; c--)n[c].stop(); return n = [], u || n.push(s(e, t, r, m.Gb)), l || n.push(s(i, o, a, m.Tf)), E.K.A({}).Qa(n).start() } } var t, n = []; return { Vi: function () { V.Zc ? 1 !== g.style.opacity && (g.style.visibility = "visible", w.style.visibility = "hidden", g.style.opacity = 1, w.style.opacity = 0) : t && t.xb() || (t = e("wireframe", 1, V.se, "hifi", 0, V.se)) }, Ui: function () { V.Zc ? (w.style.visibility = "visible", g.style.visibility = "hidden", g.style.opacity = 0, w.style.opacity = 1) : e("hifi", 1, V.dg, "wireframe", 0, V.dg) } } }(); return $ = function (e) { e.apply() }, W = function (e) { e.fill() }, Z = function (e) { e.stroke() }, this } function X(e) { function t(e) { void 0 !== e.groupLabelFontFamily && (i.fontFamily = e.groupLabelFontFamily), void 0 !== e.groupLabelFontStyle && (i.fontStyle = e.groupLabelFontStyle), void 0 !== e.groupLabelFontVariant && (i.fontVariant = e.groupLabelFontVariant), void 0 !== e.groupLabelFontWeight && (i.fontWeight = e.groupLabelFontWeight), void 0 !== e.groupLabelLineHeight && (i.lineHeight = e.groupLabelLineHeight), void 0 !== e.groupLabelHorizontalPadding && (i.cb = e.groupLabelHorizontalPadding), void 0 !== e.groupLabelVerticalPadding && (i.Ua = e.groupLabelVerticalPadding), void 0 !== e.groupLabelMaxTotalHeight && (i.ib = e.groupLabelMaxTotalHeight), void 0 !== e.groupLabelMaxFontSize && (i.hb = e.groupLabelMaxFontSize) } var n, r = e.options, i = {}, o = {}, a = { groupLabel: "" }, s = {}; e.j.subscribe("api:initialized", (function (e) { n = e })), e.j.subscribe("options:changed", t), t(e.Cd), this.i = function (e) { if (!e.$) return !1; var t = e.group.label; return r.eh && !e.attribution && (a.labelText = t, n.nc(r.dh, e, a), t = a.labelText), e.Ue = t, e.qd !== t }, this.u = function (e) { var t = e.Ue; if (e.qd = t, e.Bc.clear(), e.oa = void 0, e.$ && !y.Ne(t) && ("flattened" !== r.mb || e.empty() || !e.R || !e.m[0].W)) { var a = j, u = a.de; if (r.kh) { s.fontFamily = i.fontFamily, s.fontStyle = i.fontStyle, s.fontVariant = i.fontVariant, s.fontWeight = i.fontWeight, s.lineHeight = i.lineHeight, s.horizontalPadding = i.cb, s.verticalPadding = i.Ua, s.maxTotalTextHeight = i.ib, s.maxFontSize = i.hb, n.nc(r.jh, e, s), o.fontFamily = s.fontFamily, o.fontStyle = s.fontStyle, o.fontVariant = s.fontVariant, o.fontWeight = s.fontWeight, o.lineHeight = s.lineHeight, o.cb = s.horizontalPadding, o.Ua = s.verticalPadding, o.ib = s.maxTotalTextHeight, o.hb = s.maxFontSize; var l = o } else l = i; e.oa = u.call(a, l, e.Bc, t, e.$, e.F, e.O, !1, !1, e.Mh, e.O.ha, r.nh, e.Ma) } e.Ma = !1 }, K = this.H = function (e, t) { e.Bc.Na(t) } } function Q(e) { function t(e, t) { var n, r = e.m, i = r.length, a = o.O.r; for (n = 0; n < i; n++) { var s = r[n]; s.tb = (180 * (Math.atan2(s.x - e.x, s.y - e.y) + t) / Math.PI + 180) / 360, s.wc = Math.min(1, Math.sqrt(M.i(s, e)) / a) } } function n(e, t) { var n = (e = e.m).length; if (1 === n || 2 === n && e[0].description) e[0].tb = .5; else { var r = 0, i = Number.MAX_VALUE, o = Math.sin(t), a = Math.cos(t); for (t = 0; t < n; t++) { var s = e[t], u = s.x * o + s.y * a; r < u && (r = u), i > u && (i = u), s.tb = u, s.wc = 1 } for (t = 0; t < n; t++)(s = e[t]).tb = (s.tb - i) / (r - i) } } function r(e, t, n, r) { return (t = t[r]) + (n[r] - t) * e } var i, o, a = { radial: t, linear: n }, s = e.options, u = { groupColor: null, labelColor: null }; return e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (e) { o = e })), e.j.subscribe("api:initialized", (function (e) { i = e })), this.M = function () { }, this.apply = function () { function e(e, t, n, r) { var i = l(e + n * r); return i + t * ((e = l(e - n * (1 - r))) - i) } function l(e) { return 0 > e ? 0 : 100 < e ? 100 : e } var h = a[s.vi] || t, f = n, d = s.Fi, p = s.yi, g = s.Ig, b = s.Jg, v = s.zi, m = s.Di; !function t(n) { if (n.R && n.xa) { var o, a = n.m; if (n.Z || n.Fa || b) { for (0 === n.level ? h(n, s.wi * Math.PI / 180) : f(n, s.Ai * Math.PI / 180), o = a.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--) { var l = a[o]; l.Fa = !0; var C = l.tb, _ = l.ve; if (0 === n.level) var w = r(C, d, p, "h"), x = (m + (1 - m) * l.wc) * r(C, d, p, "s"), A = (1 + (0 > l.ja ? v * (l.ja + 1) : v) * (1 - l.wc)) * r(C, d, p, "l"), S = r(C, d, p, "a"); else w = (A = n.pa).h, x = A.s, A = e(A.l, C, s.Bi, s.Ci), S = n.ve.a; _.h = w, _.s = x, _.l = A, _.a = S, w = l.pa, l.attribution ? (w.h = 0, w.s = 0, w.l = "light" == s.ae ? 90 : 10, w.a = 1) : (w.h = _.h, w.s = _.s, w.l = _.l, w.a = _.a), b && !l.attribution && (u.groupColor = w, u.labelColor = "auto", i.nc(g, l, u, (function (e) { e.ratio = C })), l.pa = c.u(u.groupColor), l.pa.a = y.has(u.groupColor, "a") ? u.groupColor.a : 1, "auto" !== u.labelColor && (l.pd = c.wa(u.labelColor))) } n.Fa = !1 } for (o = a.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--)t(a[o]) } }(o) }, this } function ee() { this.kc = this.Yd = this.hc = this.Vf = this.w = this.cg = this.weight = this.y = this.x = this.id = 0, this.C = this.parent = this.m = null, this.F = { x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, o: 0 }, this.J = null, this.qd = this.Ue = void 0, this.Sc = !1, this.wc = this.tb = 0, this.ve = { h: 0, s: 0, l: 0, a: 0, model: "hsla" }, this.pa = { h: 0, s: 0, l: 0, a: 0, model: "hsla" }, this.we = { h: 0, s: 0, l: 0, model: "hsl" }, this.hd = -1, this.pd = "auto", this.fb = "#000", this.Sf = this.level = this.nd = this.index = 0, this.attribution = !1, this.ha = this.Ze = 0, this.Y = !1, this.$ = null, this.O = { x: 0, y: 0, ha: 0, r: 0 }, this.Fd = this.G = null, this.Fc = this.W = this.Sa = this.oc = this.Vd = this.Dd = this.Ma = this.Fa = this.N = this.Z = this.Ea = this.xa = this.R = this.Ia = !1, this.saturation = this.va = this.Da = this.ca = this.opacity = this.scale = 1, this.ra = 0, this.Hd = 1, this.Cb = this.ja = this.yb = 0, this.description = this.selected = this.ub = this.Bd = this.open = this.U = !1, this.sb = 0, this.Te = this.Ed = this.X = !0, this.oa = void 0, this.Cc = !1, this.Bc = new i, this.aa = new i, this.Qb = new i, this.Mh = j.Zh(), this.Ec = 0, this.$c = 1, this.Jc = -1, this.empty = function () { return !this.m || 0 === this.m.length }; var e = []; this.mc = function (t) { e.push(t) }, this.Nc = function (t) { y.If(e, t) }; var t = { scale: 1 }; this.vd = function () { var n = !1; this.scale = 1; for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++)n = e[r].Ve(this, t) || n, this.scale *= t.scale; return n }, this.Ib = function (t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)e[n].Ib(this, t) }, this.transformPoint = function (t, n) { for (n.x = t.x, n.y = t.y, t = 0; t < e.length; t++)e[t].transformPoint(this, n, n); return n }, this.Jb = function (t, n) { for (n.x = t.x, n.y = t.y, t = 0; t < e.length; t++)e[t].Jb(this, n, n); return n }; var n = []; this.qb = function (e) { n.push(e) }, this.Mc = function (e) { y.If(n, e) }; var r = { opacity: 1, saturation: 1, va: 1, ca: 1, Da: 1 }; this.cc = function () { if (0 !== n.length) { this.Da = this.ca = this.va = this.saturation = this.opacity = 1; for (var e = n.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--)(0, n[e])(this, r), this.opacity *= r.opacity, this.va *= r.va, this.saturation *= r.saturation, this.ca *= r.ca, this.Da *= r.Da } } } function te(e, t) { return t.weight > e.weight ? 1 : t.weight < e.weight ? -1 : e.index - t.index } function ne(e) { var t, n, r, i, o, a, s = this, u = e.options; e.j.subscribe("stage:initialized", (function (o, a, l, c) { r = l, i = c, t = o.dc("titlebar", u.B, !1), (n = t.getContext("2d")).B = u.B, n.scale(n.B, n.B), e.j.D("titlebar:initialized", s) })), e.j.subscribe("stage:resized", (function (e, t, o, a) { r = o, i = a, n.scale(n.B, n.B) })), e.j.subscribe("zoom:initialized", (function (e) { a = e })), e.j.subscribe("api:initialized", (function (e) { o = e })), e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function () { n.clearRect(0, 0, r, i) })), this.update = function (e) { if (n.clearRect(0, 0, r, i), e) { !e.empty() && e.m[0].description && (e = e.m[0]); var t = u.bj, s = u.aj, l = Math.min(i / 2, u.Wd + 2 * t), c = l - 2 * t, h = r - 2 * s; if (!(0 >= c || 0 >= h)) { var f = e.Cc ? e.oa.fontSize * e.scale * a.scale() : 0, d = { titleBarText: e.qd, titleBarTextColor: u.Zf, titleBarBackgroundColor: u.Yf, titleBarMaxFontSize: u.Wd, titleBarShown: f < u.Sh }; if (e.attribution) var p = x("B`ssnu!Rd`sbi!Gn`lUsdd!whrt`mh{`uhno/!Busm,bmhbj!uid!mnfn!un!fn!un!iuuqr;..b`ssnurd`sbi/bnl.gn`lusdd!gns!lnsd!edu`hmr/"); else o.nc(u.Yi, e, d, (function (e) { e.titleBarWidth = h, e.titleBarHeight = c, e.labelFontSize = f, e.viewportScale = a.scale() })), p = d.titleBarText; p && 0 !== p.length && d.titleBarShown && (t = { x: s, y: (e = a.Uc(e.transformPoint(e, {}), {}).y > i / 2) ? t : i - l + t, w: h, o: c }, s = M.H(t), n.fillStyle = u.Yf, n.fillRect(0, e ? 0 : i - l, r, l), n.fillStyle = u.Zf, j.re({ fontFamily: u.Zi || u.fh, fontStyle: u.Aj || u.gh, fontWeight: u.Cj || u.ih, fontVariant: u.Bj || u.hh, hb: u.Wd, Gc: u.$i, cb: 0, Ua: 0, ib: 1 }, n, p, s, t, { x: t.x + t.w / 2, y: t.y + t.o / 2 }, !0, !0).ka || n.clearRect(0, 0, r, i)) } } } } function re(e) { function t(e, t, n) { return C = !0, u && u.stop(), c && c.stop(), a(p.reset(e), t, n).then((function () { C = !1 })) } function n(t) { p.update(t), f.N = !0, e.j.D("foamtree:dirty", !0) } function r(e, t) { return p.i((0 !== p.u() ? .35 : 1) * e, (0 !== p.H() ? .35 : 1) * t) } function i() { if (1 === g.ratio) { var e = Math.round(1e4 * p.u()) / 1e4; 0 !== e && (b.Id = e, u = d.K.jc(b).fa({ duration: 500, P: { x: { start: e, end: 0, easing: m.Gb } }, ba: function () { p.i(b.x - b.Id, 0), n(1), b.Id = b.x } }).start()) } } function o() { if (1 === g.ratio) { var e = Math.round(1e4 * p.H()) / 1e4; 0 !== e && (v.Jd = e, c = d.K.jc(v).fa({ duration: 500, P: { y: { start: e, end: 0, easing: m.Gb } }, ba: function () { p.i(0, v.y - v.Jd), n(1), v.Jd = v.y } }).start()) } } function a(e, t, r) { return e ? d.K.jc(g).fa({ duration: void 0 === t ? 700 : t, P: { ratio: { start: 0, end: 1, easing: r || m.Uf } }, ba: function () { n(g.ratio) } }).Ta() : (new h).resolve().promise() } function s(e) { return function () { return C ? (new h).resolve().promise() : e.apply(this, arguments) } } var u, c, f, d, p = new l(e), g = { ratio: 1 }, b = { ke: 0, x: 0, Id: 0 }, v = { le: 0, y: 0, Jd: 0 }, y = this, C = !1; e.j.subscribe("model:loaded", (function (e) { f = e, p.reset(!1), p.update(1) })), e.j.subscribe("timeline:initialized", (function (e) { d = e })), this.M = function () { e.j.D("zoom:initialized", this) }, this.reset = function (e, n) { return p.Fb(1), t(!0, e, n) }, this.normalize = s((function (e, n) { p.pc(1) ? t(!1, e, n) : y.$e() })), this.$e = function () { i(), o() }, this.bg = s((function (e, t, n, r) { return y.ic(e.F, t, n, r) })), this.Nb = s((function (e, t, n, r) { return a(p.Nb(e, t), n, r) })), this.ic = s((function (e, t, n, r) { return a(p.ic(e, t), n, r) })), this.cj = s((function (e, t) { p.ic(e, t) && n(1) })), this.Uh = s((function (e, t) { 1 === g.ratio && r(e, t) && n(1) })), this.qg = s((function (e, t) { p.Nb(e, t) && n(1) })), this.pg = s((function (e, t, i, o) { e = 0 | p.Nb(e, t), (e |= r(i, o)) && n(1) })), this.Vh = s((function (e, t, a) { 1 === g.ratio && (u = d.K.jc(b).fa({ duration: e / .03, P: { ke: { start: t, end: 0, easing: m.Gb } }, ba: function () { p.i(b.ke, 0) && n(1), i() } }).start(), c = d.K.jc(v).fa({ duration: e / .03, P: { le: { start: a, end: 0, easing: m.Gb } }, ba: function () { r(0, v.le) && n(1), o() } }).start()) })), this.Wh = function () { u && 0 === p.u() && u.stop(), c && 0 === p.H() && c.stop() }, this.rc = function (e, t) { p.rc(e, t) }, this.Fb = function (e) { return p.Fb(e) }, this.pc = function (e) { return p.pc(e) }, this.zd = function () { return p.zd() }, this.absolute = function (e, t) { return p.absolute(e, t) }, this.Uc = function (e, t) { return p.Uc(e, t) }, this.scale = function () { return p.scale() }, this.i = function (e) { return p.T(e) }, this.content = function (e, t, n, r) { p.content(e, t, n, r) } } function ie(t, i, o) { function a(e) { var t = []; return S.L(v, (function (n) { e(n) && t.push(n.group) })), { groups: t } } function s(e, t) { var n = _.options, r = n.Mi, i = n.Li; n = n.Od; var o = 0 < r + i ? n : 0, a = []; return D.u(e, D.i(e, _.options.Qd), (function (e, n, s) { n = "groups" === _.options.Pd ? s : n, e.m && (e = T.K.A(e).wait(o * (i + r * n)).call(t).done(), a.push(e)) })), T.K.A({}).Qa(a).Ta() } function l(e) { ce || (ce = !0, x.once((function () { ce = !1, _.j.D("repaint:before"), U.Nd(this.og) }), { og: e })) } function c(e) { function t(e, i) { var o = e.W; if (e.W = i <= n, e.Fc = i <= r, e.W !== o && S.me(e, (function (e) { e.Vd = !0 })), e.open || e.Va || i++, e = e.m) for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++)t(e[o], i) } var n = _.options.We, r = Math.min(_.options.We, _.options.Ph); if (e) for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { var o = e[i]; t(o, b(o)) } else t(v, 0) } function p(e, t) { var n = []; for ((e = g(e, t)).Th && _.j.D("model:childrenAttached", S.uc(v)), e.Gi && I.complete((function (e) { ue.eb(e), n.push(e) })), t = e = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var r = n[t]; r.m && (e += r.m.length), r.xa = !0, W.i(r) } return e } function g(e, t) { function n(e, t) { var n = !e.attribution && t - (e.Va ? 1 : 0) < o; s = s || n, e.Ia = e.Ia || n, e.open || e.Va || t++; var i = e.m; if (!i && n && (a = E.T(e) || a, i = e.m, u && (e.Ma = !0)), i) for (e = 0; e < i.length; e++)r.push(i[e], t) } var r, o = t || _.options.Qh, a = !1, s = !1, u = "flattened" === i.mb; for (r = e ? e.reduce((function (e, t) { return e.push(t, 1), e }), []) : [v, 1]; 0 < r.length;)n(r.shift(), r.shift()); return { Th: a, Gi: s } } function b(e) { for (var t = 0; e.parent;)e.open || e.Va || t++, e = e.parent; return t } var v, C = this, _ = { j: new w, options: i, Cd: o }, x = new r, T = new A(x), k = n.create(), z = new u(_), j = new re(_), L = new B(_), E = new O(_.options), I = new H(_), U = new J(_, x), V = new G(_); new ne(_); var q = new N(_), W = new P(_), Z = new F(_), $ = new R(_); _.j.subscribe("stage:initialized", (function (e, t, n, r) { ie.Le(n, r) })), _.j.subscribe("stage:resized", (function (e, t, n, r) { ie.Ki(e, t, n, r) })), _.j.subscribe("foamtree:attachChildren", p), _.j.subscribe("openclose:changing", c), _.j.subscribe("interaction:reset", (function () { le(!0) })), _.j.subscribe("foamtree:dirty", l), this.M = function () { _.j.D("timeline:initialized", T), v = E.M(), z.M(t), L.M(), U.M(), V.M(), q.M(), W.M(), j.M(), Z.M(), $.M() }, this.Za = function () { T.i(), se.stop(), x.i(), z.Za() }; var K = "groupLabelFontFamily groupLabelFontStyle groupLabelFontVariant groupLabelFontWeight groupLabelLineHeight groupLabelHorizontalPadding groupLabelVerticalPadding groupLabelDottingThreshold groupLabelMaxTotalHeight groupLabelMinFontSize groupLabelMaxFontSize groupLabelDecorator".split(" "), Y = "rainbowColorDistribution rainbowLightnessDistribution rainbowColorDistributionAngle rainbowLightnessDistributionAngle rainbowColorModelStartPoint rainbowLightnessCorrection rainbowSaturationCorrection rainbowStartColor rainbowEndColor rainbowHueShift rainbowHueShiftCenter rainbowSaturationShift rainbowSaturationShiftCenter rainbowLightnessShift rainbowLightnessShiftCenter attributionTheme".split(" "), X = !1, Q = ["groupBorderRadius", "groupBorderRadiusCorrection", "groupBorderWidth", "groupInsetWidth", "groupBorderWidthScaling"], ee = ["maxGroupLevelsDrawn", "maxGroupLabelLevelsDrawn"]; this.hg = function (e) { _.j.D("options:changed", e), y.bb(e, K) && S.L(v, (function (e) { e.Ma = !0 })), y.bb(e, Y) && (v.Fa = !0), y.bb(e, Q) && (X = !0), y.bb(e, ee) && (c(), p()) }, this.reload = function () { oe.reload() }, this.ig = function (e, t) { y.defer((function () { if (X) ie.Nh(e), X = !1; else { if (t) for (var n = E.u(t), r = n.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--)n[r].N = !0; else v.N = !0; l(e) } })) }, this.ga = function () { z.u() }, this.update = function (e) { var t = (e = e ? E.u(e) : [v]).reduce((function (e, t) { return e[t.id] = t, e }), {}); e = e.filter((function (e) { for (e = e.parent; e;) { if (y.has(t, e.id)) return !1; e = e.parent } return !0 })), E.update(e), ie.dj(e) }, this.reset = function () { return le(!1) }, this.T = U.i, this.Ja = function () { var e = {}; return function (t, n) { return (t = E.i(t)) ? L.Wc(e, t, n) : null } }(), this.wa = function () { var e = { x: 0, y: 0 }, t = { x: 0, y: 0 }; return function (n, r) { return (n = E.i(n)) ? (e.x = r.x, e.y = r.y, n.transformPoint(e, e), j.Uc(e, e), t.x = e.x, t.y = e.y, t) : null } }(), this.sa = function () { var e = {}; return function (t) { return (t = E.i(t)) ? L.Yc(e, t) : null } }(), this.gg = function () { var e = {}; return function (t) { return (t = E.i(t)) ? L.Xc(e, t) : null } }(), this.ta = function () { var e = {}; return function () { return j.i(e) } }(), this.kg = function () { this.H({ groups: a((function (e) { return e.group.selected })), newState: !0, keepPrevious: !1 }), this.u({ groups: a((function (e) { return e.group.open })), newState: !0, keepPrevious: !1 }), this.i({ groups: a((function (e) { return e.group.exposed })), newState: !0, keepPrevious: !1 }) }, this.Ka = function () { return a((function (e) { return e.U })) }, this.i = function (e) { return oe.submit((function () { return q.Vb(E.H(e, "exposed", !1), !1, !0, !1) })) }, this.pb = function () { return a((function (e) { return e.open })) }, this.u = function (e) { return oe.submit((function () { return Z.Bb(E.H(e, "open", !0), !1, !1) })) }, this.Lb = function () { return a((function (e) { return e.selected })) }, this.H = function (e) { return oe.submit((function () { return $.select(E.H(e, "selected", !0), !1), (new h).resolve().promise() })) }, this.mg = function (e) { return (e = E.i(e)) ? e === v ? j.reset(i.ob, m.ia(i.Kb)) : j.bg(e, i.Yb, i.ob, m.ia(i.Kb)) : (new h).resolve().promise() }, this.ua = function (e, t) { return (e = E.u(e)) ? (t = p(e, t), c(e), t) : 0 }, this.Vc = function (e) { return V.Lb[e] }, this.lg = function () { var t = e; return { frames: t.frames, totalTime: t.totalTime, lastFrameTime: t.rd, lastInterFrameTime: t.sd, fps: t.ue } }; var te, ie = function () { function e(e, o) { var a = e || n, s = o || r; n = a, r = s, (e = i.Rb && i.Rb.boundary) && 2 < e.length ? v.C = e.map((function (e) { return { x: a * e.x, y: s * e.y } })) : v.C = [{ x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: a, y: 0 }, { x: a, y: s }, { x: 0, y: s }], t() } function t() { v.Z = !0, v.G = v.C, v.F = M.F(v.C, v.F), v.O = v, M.Ja(v.C, v.O) } var n, r; return { Le: e, Ki: function (t, n, r, i) { ue.stop(); var o = r / t, a = i / n; S.ne(v, (function (e) { e.x = e.x * o + (Math.random() - .5) * r / 1e3, e.y = e.y * a + (Math.random() - .5) * i / 1e3 })), e(r, i), v.Ea = !0, I.step(ue.eb, !0, !1, (function (e) { var t = e.m; if (t) { I.Eb(e); for (var n = t.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--) { var r = t[n]; r.w = r.hc } e.Ea = !0 } })) ? l(!1) : (I.fc(v), _.options.Md ? (l(!1), se.Jf(), se.Oc()) : (I.complete(ue.eb), v.Fa = !0, l(!1))) }, Nh: function (e) { var n = !1; return v.empty() || (t(), se.xb() || (n = I.step(ue.eb, !1, !1), l(e))), n }, dj: function (e) { e.forEach((function (e) { S.za(e, (function (e) { e.empty() || I.Eb(e) })), I.fc(e), _.options.Md ? (se.Jf(), S.za(e, (function (e) { e.empty() || ue.grow(e) }))) : (S.za(e, (function (e) { e.empty() || ue.eb(e) })), I.complete(ue.eb), e.Fa = !0, l(!1)) })) } } }(), oe = function () { function e() { if (0 === i.Gd && j.reset(0), _.options.zf(i.Rb), ie.Le(), E.load(i.Rb), g(), c(), _.j.D("model:loaded", v, S.uc(v)), !v.empty()) { if (v.open = !0, v.Ia = !0, i.Md) var e = se.Oc(); else se.Yh(), e = function () { S.za(v, (function (e) { e.xa = !1 })); var e = new h, t = new d(e.resolve); return t.i(), v.xa = !0, W.i(v).then(t.u), s(v, (function e() { this.R && this.C && (this.Z = this.xa = !0, t.i(), W.i(this).then(t.u), t.i(), s(this, e).then(t.u)) })), e.promise() }(); !function () { var e = i.Oa, t = i.Kc; i.Oa = 0, i.Kc = 0, C.kg(), i.Oa = e, i.Kc = t }(), 0 < i.Od ? (U.clear(), z.i(1)) : e = f([e, t(1)]) } _.options.yf(i.Rb), e && (_.options.Cf(), e.then((function () { U.u((function () { x.once(_.options.Bf) })) }))) } function t(e, t) { return 0 === i.qe || t ? (z.i(e), (new h).resolve().promise()) : T.K.A({ opacity: z.i() }).Xd(2).fa({ duration: i.qe, P: { opacity: { end: e, easing: m.ia(i.Cg) } }, ba: function () { z.i(this.opacity) } }).Ta() } function n() { for (var e = 0; e < o.length; e++) { var t = o[e], n = t.action(); y.has(n, "then") ? n.then(t.ge.resolve) : t.ge.resolve() } o = [] } var r = !1, o = []; return { reload: function () { r || (v.empty() ? e() : (ue.stop(), T.i(), se.stop(), r = !0, f(0 < i.Gd ? [W.u(), le(!1)] : [t(0)]).then((function () { t(0, !0), r = !1, e(), y.defer(n) })))) }, submit: function (e) { if (r) { var t = new h; return o.push({ action: e, ge: t }), t.promise() } return e() } } }(), ae = new d((function () { te.resolve() })), se = function () { function e() { return o || (ae.initial() && (te = new h), ae.i(), t(), o = !0, x.repeat(n)), te.promise() } function t() { r = k.now() } function n() { var t = k.now() - r > i.Ji; return t = I.step((function (t) { t.xa = !0, ue.grow(t), ae.i(), W.i(t).then(ae.u), ae.i(), s(t, (function () { this.Ia = !0, e() })).then(ae.u) }), !0, t) || t, l(!0), t && (o = !1, ae.u()), t } var r, o = !1; return { Yh: function () { I.complete(ue.eb) }, Oc: e, Jf: t, xb: function () { return !ae.initial() }, stop: function () { x.cancel(n), o = !1, ae.clear() } } }(), ue = function () { function e(e) { var t = !e.empty(); if (e.xa = !0, t) { for (var n = e.m, r = n.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--) { var i = n[r]; i.w = i.hc } e.Ea = !0 } return t } var t = []; return { grow: function (n) { var r = _.options, i = r.Wg; 0 < i ? D.u(n, D.i(n, _.options.Qd), (function (e, n, o) { n = "groups" === _.options.Pd ? o : n, ae.i(), t.push(T.K.A(e).wait(n * r.Vg * i).fa({ duration: i, P: { w: { start: e.Vf, end: e.hc, easing: m.ia(r.Xg) } }, ba: function () { this.w = Math.max(0, this.w), this.parent.Ea = !0, se.Oc() } }).Xa(ae.u).start()) })) : e(n) && se.Oc() }, eb: e, stop: function () { for (var e = t.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--)t[e].stop(); t = [] } } }(), le = function () { var e = !1; return function (t) { if (e) return (new h).resolve().promise(); e = !0; var n = []; n.push(j.reset(i.ob, m.ia(i.Kb))); var r = new h; return q.Vb({ m: [], Ca: !1, Ba: !1 }, t, !1, !0).then((function () { Z.Bb({ m: [], Ca: !1, Ba: !1 }, t, !1).then(r.resolve) })), n.push(r.promise()), f(n).then((function () { e = !1, t && i.Df() })) } }(), ce = !1 } function oe() { return { version: "3.5.0", build: "bugfix/3.5.x/e3b91c8e", brandingAllowed: !1 } } Y.i = { width: 445.2, height: 533.5 }, t.md((function () { window.CarrotSearchFoamTree = function (e) { function t(e, t) { if (!s || s.exists(e)) switch (e) { case "selection": return h.Lb(); case "open": return h.pb(); case "exposure": return h.Ka(); case "state": return h.sa.apply(this, t); case "geometry": return h.Ja.apply(this, t); case "hierarchy": return h.gg.apply(this, t); case "containerCoordinates": return h.wa.apply(this, t); case "imageData": return h.T.apply(this, t); case "viewport": return h.ta(); case "times": return h.lg(); case "onModelChanged": case "onRedraw": case "onRolloutStart": case "onRolloutComplete": case "onRelaxationStep": case "onGroupHover": case "onGroupOpenOrCloseChanging": case "onGroupExposureChanging": case "onGroupSelectionChanging": case "onGroupSelectionChanged": case "onGroupClick": case "onGroupDoubleClick": case "onGroupHold": return e = u[e], Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]; default: return u[e] } } function n(e) { function t(e, t) { return y.has(n, e) ? (t(n[e]), delete n[e], 1) : 0 } if (0 === arguments.length) return 0; if (1 === arguments.length) var n = y.extend({}, arguments[0]); else 2 === arguments.length && ((n = {})[arguments[0]] = arguments[1]); s && s.validate(n, l.Oh); var r = 0; h && (r += t("selection", h.H), r += t("open", h.u), r += t("exposure", h.i)); var o = {}; return y.Aa(n, (function (e, t) { (u[t] !== e || y.wb(e)) && (o[t] = e, r++), u[t] = e })), 0 < r && i(o), r } function r(e, t) { e = "on" + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1); var n = u[e]; u[e] = t(Array.isArray(n) ? n : [n]), (t = {})[e] = u[e], i(t) } function i(e) { !function () { function t(t, n) { return y.has(e, t) || void 0 === n ? _(u[t], a) : n } l.Oh = u.logging, l.Rb = u.dataObject, l.B = u.pixelRatio, l.nb = u.wireframePixelRatio, l.mb = u.stacking, l.zg = u.descriptionGroup, l.Tb = u.descriptionGroupType, l.qc = u.descriptionGroupPosition, l.Ag = u.descriptionGroupDistanceFromCenter, l.Sb = u.descriptionGroupSize, l.ie = u.descriptionGroupMinHeight, l.he = u.descriptionGroupMaxHeight, l.je = u.descriptionGroupPolygonDrawn, l.Dc = u.layout, l.ac = u.layoutByWeightOrder, l.Wi = u.showZeroWeightGroups, l.Be = u.groupMinDiameter, l.Ld = u.rectangleAspectRatioPreference, l.Ii = u.initializer || u.relaxationInitializer, l.Ji = u.relaxationMaxDuration, l.Md = u.relaxationVisible, l.Hf = u.relaxationQualityThreshold, l.oh = u.groupResizingBudget, l.Wg = u.groupGrowingDuration, l.Vg = u.groupGrowingDrag, l.Xg = u.groupGrowingEasing, l.Gg = u.groupBorderRadius, l.$a = u.groupBorderWidth, l.La = u.groupBorderWidthScaling, l.jd = u.groupInsetWidth, l.Hg = u.groupBorderRadiusCorrection, l.ab = u.groupStrokeWidth, l.yc = u.groupSelectionOutlineWidth, l.sh = u.groupSelectionOutlineColor, l.kd = u.groupSelectionOutlineShadowSize, l.Ce = u.groupSelectionOutlineShadowColor, l.ph = u.groupSelectionFillHueShift, l.rh = u.groupSelectionFillSaturationShift, l.qh = u.groupSelectionFillLightnessShift, l.Ee = u.groupSelectionStrokeHueShift, l.Ge = u.groupSelectionStrokeSaturationShift, l.Fe = u.groupSelectionStrokeLightnessShift, l.Ug = u.groupFillType, l.Qg = u.groupFillGradientRadius, l.Ng = u.groupFillGradientCenterHueShift, l.Pg = u.groupFillGradientCenterSaturationShift, l.Og = u.groupFillGradientCenterLightnessShift, l.Rg = u.groupFillGradientRimHueShift, l.Tg = u.groupFillGradientRimSaturationShift, l.Sg = u.groupFillGradientRimLightnessShift, l.ld = u.groupStrokeType, l.ab = u.groupStrokeWidth, l.He = u.groupStrokePlainHueShift, l.Je = u.groupStrokePlainSaturationShift, l.Ie = u.groupStrokePlainLightnessShift, l.xh = u.groupStrokeGradientRadius, l.th = u.groupStrokeGradientAngle, l.yh = u.groupStrokeGradientUpperHueShift, l.Ah = u.groupStrokeGradientUpperSaturationShift, l.zh = u.groupStrokeGradientUpperLightnessShift, l.uh = u.groupStrokeGradientLowerHueShift, l.wh = u.groupStrokeGradientLowerSaturationShift, l.vh = u.groupStrokeGradientLowerLightnessShift, l.Yg = u.groupHoverFillHueShift, l.$g = u.groupHoverFillSaturationShift, l.Zg = u.groupHoverFillLightnessShift, l.ye = u.groupHoverStrokeHueShift, l.Ae = u.groupHoverStrokeSaturationShift, l.ze = u.groupHoverStrokeLightnessShift, l.Pa = u.groupExposureScale, l.Mg = u.groupExposureShadowColor, l.xe = u.groupExposureShadowSize, l.Yb = u.groupExposureZoomMargin, l.Ch = u.groupUnexposureLightnessShift, l.Dh = u.groupUnexposureSaturationShift, l.Bh = u.groupUnexposureLabelColorThreshold, l.Oa = u.exposeDuration, l.Wb = u.exposeEasing, l.Kc = u.openCloseDuration, l.Ig = _(u.groupColorDecorator, a), l.Jg = u.groupColorDecorator !== y.qa, l.dh = _(u.groupLabelDecorator, a), l.eh = u.groupLabelDecorator !== y.qa, l.jh = _(u.groupLabelLayoutDecorator, a), l.kh = u.groupLabelLayoutDecorator !== y.qa, l.Kg = _(u.groupContentDecorator, a), l.xc = u.groupContentDecorator !== y.qa, l.Lg = u.groupContentDecoratorTriggering, l.Ei = u.rainbowStartColor, l.xi = u.rainbowEndColor, l.vi = u.rainbowColorDistribution, l.wi = u.rainbowColorDistributionAngle, l.Ai = u.rainbowLightnessDistributionAngle, l.Bi = u.rainbowLightnessShift, l.Ci = u.rainbowLightnessShiftCenter, l.Di = u.rainbowSaturationCorrection, l.zi = u.rainbowLightnessCorrection, l.Ef = u.parentFillOpacity, l.Xh = u.parentStrokeOpacity, l.Ff = u.parentLabelOpacity, l.Gf = u.parentOpacityBalancing, l.nh = u.groupLabelUpdateThreshold, l.fh = u.groupLabelFontFamily, l.gh = u.groupLabelFontStyle, l.hh = u.groupLabelFontVariant, l.ih = u.groupLabelFontWeight, l.mh = u.groupLabelMinFontSize, l.sj = u.groupLabelMaxFontSize, l.rj = u.groupLabelLineHeight, l.qj = u.groupLabelHorizontalPadding, l.uj = u.groupLabelVerticalPadding, l.tj = u.groupLabelMaxTotalHeight, l.bh = u.groupLabelDarkColor, l.lh = u.groupLabelLightColor, l.ah = u.groupLabelColorThreshold, l.fj = u.wireframeDrawMaxDuration, l.gj = u.wireframeLabelDrawing, l.ej = u.wireframeContentDecorationDrawing, l.dg = u.wireframeToFinalFadeDuration, l.hj = u.wireframeToFinalFadeDelay, l.Dg = u.finalCompleteDrawMaxDuration, l.Eg = u.finalIncrementalDrawMaxDuration, l.se = u.finalToWireframeFadeDuration, l.Zc = u.androidStockBrowserWorkaround, l.Ke = u.incrementalDraw, l.Rh = u.maxGroups, l.Qh = u.maxGroupLevelsAttached, l.We = u.maxGroupLevelsDrawn, l.Ph = u.maxGroupLabelLevelsDrawn, l.Qd = u.rolloutStartPoint, l.Pd = u.rolloutMethod, l.Ni = u.rolloutEasing, l.Od = u.rolloutDuration, l.Lf = u.rolloutScalingStrength, l.Nf = u.rolloutTranslationXStrength, l.Of = u.rolloutTranslationYStrength, l.Kf = u.rolloutRotationStrength, l.Mf = u.rolloutTransformationCenter, l.Ri = u.rolloutPolygonDrag, l.Si = u.rolloutPolygonDuration, l.Oi = u.rolloutLabelDelay, l.Pi = u.rolloutLabelDrag, l.Qi = u.rolloutLabelDuration, l.Mi = u.rolloutChildGroupsDrag, l.Li = u.rolloutChildGroupsDelay, l.ni = u.pullbackStartPoint, l.hi = u.pullbackMethod, l.di = u.pullbackEasing, l.yj = u.pullbackType, l.Gd = u.pullbackDuration, l.mi = u.pullbackScalingStrength, l.pi = u.pullbackTranslationXStrength, l.ri = u.pullbackTranslationYStrength, l.li = u.pullbackRotationStrength, l.oi = u.pullbackTransformationCenter, l.ii = u.pullbackPolygonDelay, l.ji = u.pullbackPolygonDrag, l.ki = u.pullbackPolygonDuration, l.ei = u.pullbackLabelDelay, l.fi = u.pullbackLabelDrag, l.gi = u.pullbackLabelDuration, l.ai = u.pullbackChildGroupsDelay, l.bi = u.pullbackChildGroupsDrag, l.ci = u.pullbackChildGroupsDuration, l.qe = u.fadeDuration, l.Cg = u.fadeEasing, l.ij = u.zoomMouseWheelFactor, l.ob = u.zoomMouseWheelDuration, l.Kb = u.zoomMouseWheelEasing, l.Sh = u.maxLabelSizeForTitleBar, l.Zi = u.titleBarFontFamily, l.Yf = u.titleBarBackgroundColor, l.Zf = u.titleBarTextColor, l.$i = u.titleBarMinFontSize, l.Wd = u.titleBarMaxFontSize, l.aj = u.titleBarTextPaddingLeftRight, l.bj = u.titleBarTextPaddingTopBottom, l.Yi = u.titleBarDecorator, l.mj = u.attributionText, l.jj = u.attributionLogo, l.lj = u.attributionLogoScale, l.nj = u.attributionUrl, l.$d = u.attributionPosition, l.rg = u.attributionDistanceFromCenter, l.sg = u.attributionWeight, l.ae = u.attributionTheme, l.Me = u.interactionHandler, l.zf = t("onModelChanging", l.zf), l.yf = t("onModelChanged", l.yf), l.Af = t("onRedraw", l.Af), l.Cf = t("onRolloutStart", l.Cf), l.Bf = t("onRolloutComplete", l.Bf), l.Ad = t("onRelaxationStep", l.Ad), l.Df = t("onViewReset", l.Df), l.rf = t("onGroupOpenOrCloseChanging", l.rf), l.qf = t("onGroupOpenOrCloseChanged", l.qf), l.hf = t("onGroupExposureChanging", l.hf), l.gf = t("onGroupExposureChanged", l.gf), l.tf = t("onGroupSelectionChanging", l.tf), l.sf = t("onGroupSelectionChanged", l.sf), l.kf = t("onGroupHover", l.kf), l.mf = t("onGroupMouseMove", l.mf), l.bf = t("onGroupClick", l.bf), l.cf = t("onGroupDoubleClick", l.cf), l.jf = t("onGroupHold", l.jf), l.pf = t("onGroupMouseWheel", l.pf), l.nf = t("onGroupMouseUp", l.nf), l.lf = t("onGroupMouseDown", l.lf), l.ff = t("onGroupDragStart", l.ff), l.df = t("onGroupDrag", l.df), l.ef = t("onGroupDragEnd", l.ef), l.wf = t("onGroupTransformStart", l.wf), l.uf = t("onGroupTransform", l.uf), l.vf = t("onGroupTransformEnd", l.vf), l.xf = t("onKeyUp", l.xf) }(), l.Fi = c.u(l.Ei), l.yi = c.u(l.xi), l.De = c.u(l.Ce), l.kj = null, h && (h.hg(e), y.has(e, "dataObject") && h.reload()) } function o(e) { return function () { return e.apply(this, arguments).Fg(a) } } var a = this, s = window.CarrotSearchFoamTree.asserts, u = y.extend({}, window.CarrotSearchFoamTree.defaults), l = {}; n(e), (e = u.element || document.getElementById(u.id)) || E.i("Element to embed FoamTree in not found."), u.element = e; var h = new ie(e, l, u); h.M(); var f = { get: function (e) { return 0 === arguments.length ? y.extend({}, u) : t(arguments[0], Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) }, set: n, on: function (e, t) { r(e, (function (e) { return e.push(t), e })) }, off: function (e, t) { r(e, (function (e) { return e.filter((function (e) { return e !== t })) })) }, resize: h.ga, redraw: h.ig, update: h.update, attach: h.ua, select: o(h.H), expose: o(h.i), open: o(h.u), reset: o(h.reset), zoom: o(h.mg), trigger: function (e, t) { (e = h.Vc(e)) && e(t) }, dispose: function () { function e() { throw "FoamTree instance disposed" } h.Za(), y.Aa(f, (function (t, n) { "dispose" !== n && (a[n] = e) })) } }; y.Aa(f, (function (e, t) { a[t] = e })), h.reload() }, window["CarrotSearchFoamTree.asserts"] && (window.CarrotSearchFoamTree.asserts = window["CarrotSearchFoamTree.asserts"], delete window["CarrotSearchFoamTree.asserts"]), window.CarrotSearchFoamTree.supported = !0, window.CarrotSearchFoamTree.version = oe, window.CarrotSearchFoamTree.defaults = Object.freeze({ id: void 0, element: void 0, logging: !1, dataObject: void 0, pixelRatio: 1, wireframePixelRatio: 1, layout: "relaxed", layoutByWeightOrder: !0, showZeroWeightGroups: !0, groupMinDiameter: 10, rectangleAspectRatioPreference: -1, relaxationInitializer: "fisheye", relaxationMaxDuration: 3e3, relaxationVisible: !1, relaxationQualityThreshold: 1, stacking: "hierarchical", descriptionGroup: "auto", descriptionGroupType: "stab", descriptionGroupPosition: 225, descriptionGroupDistanceFromCenter: 1, descriptionGroupSize: .125, descriptionGroupMinHeight: 35, descriptionGroupMaxHeight: .5, descriptionGroupPolygonDrawn: !1, maxGroups: 5e4, maxGroupLevelsAttached: 4, maxGroupLevelsDrawn: 4, maxGroupLabelLevelsDrawn: 3, groupGrowingDuration: 0, groupGrowingEasing: "bounce", groupGrowingDrag: 0, groupResizingBudget: 2, groupBorderRadius: .15, groupBorderWidth: 4, groupBorderWidthScaling: .6, groupInsetWidth: 6, groupBorderRadiusCorrection: 1, groupSelectionOutlineWidth: 5, groupSelectionOutlineColor: "#222", groupSelectionOutlineShadowSize: 0, groupSelectionOutlineShadowColor: "#fff", groupSelectionFillHueShift: 0, groupSelectionFillSaturationShift: 0, groupSelectionFillLightnessShift: 0, groupSelectionStrokeHueShift: 0, groupSelectionStrokeSaturationShift: 0, groupSelectionStrokeLightnessShift: -10, groupFillType: "gradient", groupFillGradientRadius: 1, groupFillGradientCenterHueShift: 0, groupFillGradientCenterSaturationShift: 0, groupFillGradientCenterLightnessShift: 20, groupFillGradientRimHueShift: 0, groupFillGradientRimSaturationShift: 0, groupFillGradientRimLightnessShift: -5, groupStrokeType: "plain", groupStrokeWidth: 1.5, groupStrokePlainHueShift: 0, groupStrokePlainSaturationShift: 0, groupStrokePlainLightnessShift: -10, groupStrokeGradientRadius: 1, groupStrokeGradientAngle: 45, groupStrokeGradientUpperHueShift: 0, groupStrokeGradientUpperSaturationShift: 0, groupStrokeGradientUpperLightnessShift: 20, groupStrokeGradientLowerHueShift: 0, groupStrokeGradientLowerSaturationShift: 0, groupStrokeGradientLowerLightnessShift: -20, groupHoverFillHueShift: 0, groupHoverFillSaturationShift: 0, groupHoverFillLightnessShift: 20, groupHoverStrokeHueShift: 0, groupHoverStrokeSaturationShift: 0, groupHoverStrokeLightnessShift: -10, groupExposureScale: 1.15, groupExposureShadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", groupExposureShadowSize: 50, groupExposureZoomMargin: .1, groupUnexposureLightnessShift: 65, groupUnexposureSaturationShift: -65, groupUnexposureLabelColorThreshold: .35, exposeDuration: 700, exposeEasing: "squareInOut", groupColorDecorator: y.qa, groupLabelDecorator: y.qa, groupLabelLayoutDecorator: y.qa, groupContentDecorator: y.qa, groupContentDecoratorTriggering: "onLayoutDirty", openCloseDuration: 500, rainbowColorDistribution: "radial", rainbowColorDistributionAngle: -45, rainbowLightnessDistributionAngle: 45, rainbowSaturationCorrection: .1, rainbowLightnessCorrection: .4, rainbowStartColor: "hsla(0, 100%, 55%, 1)", rainbowEndColor: "hsla(359, 100%, 55%, 1)", rainbowLightnessShift: 30, rainbowLightnessShiftCenter: .4, parentFillOpacity: .7, parentStrokeOpacity: 1, parentLabelOpacity: 1, parentOpacityBalancing: !0, wireframeDrawMaxDuration: 15, wireframeLabelDrawing: "auto", wireframeContentDecorationDrawing: "auto", wireframeToFinalFadeDuration: 500, wireframeToFinalFadeDelay: 300, finalCompleteDrawMaxDuration: 80, finalIncrementalDrawMaxDuration: 100, finalToWireframeFadeDuration: 200, androidStockBrowserWorkaround: !1, incrementalDraw: "fast", groupLabelFontFamily: "sans-serif", groupLabelFontStyle: "normal", groupLabelFontWeight: "normal", groupLabelFontVariant: "normal", groupLabelLineHeight: 1.05, groupLabelHorizontalPadding: 1, groupLabelVerticalPadding: 1, groupLabelMinFontSize: 6, groupLabelMaxFontSize: 160, groupLabelMaxTotalHeight: .9, groupLabelUpdateThreshold: .05, groupLabelDarkColor: "#000", groupLabelLightColor: "#fff", groupLabelColorThreshold: .35, rolloutStartPoint: "center", rolloutEasing: "squareOut", rolloutMethod: "groups", rolloutDuration: 2e3, rolloutScalingStrength: -.7, rolloutTranslationXStrength: 0, rolloutTranslationYStrength: 0, rolloutRotationStrength: -.7, rolloutTransformationCenter: .7, rolloutPolygonDrag: .1, rolloutPolygonDuration: .5, rolloutLabelDelay: .8, rolloutLabelDrag: .1, rolloutLabelDuration: .5, rolloutChildGroupsDrag: .1, rolloutChildGroupsDelay: .2, pullbackStartPoint: "center", pullbackEasing: "squareIn", pullbackMethod: "groups", pullbackDuration: 1500, pullbackScalingStrength: -.7, pullbackTranslationXStrength: 0, pullbackTranslationYStrength: 0, pullbackRotationStrength: -.7, pullbackTransformationCenter: .7, pullbackPolygonDelay: .3, pullbackPolygonDrag: .1, pullbackPolygonDuration: .8, pullbackLabelDelay: 0, pullbackLabelDrag: .1, pullbackLabelDuration: .3, pullbackChildGroupsDelay: .1, pullbackChildGroupsDrag: .1, pullbackChildGroupsDuration: .3, fadeDuration: 700, fadeEasing: "cubicInOut", zoomMouseWheelFactor: 1.5, zoomMouseWheelDuration: 500, zoomMouseWheelEasing: "squareOut", maxLabelSizeForTitleBar: 8, titleBarFontFamily: null, titleBarFontStyle: "normal", titleBarFontWeight: "normal", titleBarFontVariant: "normal", titleBarBackgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", titleBarTextColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", titleBarMinFontSize: 10, titleBarMaxFontSize: 40, titleBarTextPaddingLeftRight: 20, titleBarTextPaddingTopBottom: 15, titleBarDecorator: y.qa, attributionText: null, attributionLogo: null, attributionLogoScale: .5, attributionUrl: "http://carrotsearch.com/foamtree", attributionPosition: "bottomright", attributionDistanceFromCenter: 1, attributionWeight: .025, attributionTheme: "light", interactionHandler: t.Gh() ? "hammerjs" : "builtin", onModelChanging: [], onModelChanged: [], onRedraw: [], onRolloutStart: [], onRolloutComplete: [], onRelaxationStep: [], onViewReset: [], onGroupOpenOrCloseChanging: [], onGroupOpenOrCloseChanged: [], onGroupExposureChanging: [], onGroupExposureChanged: [], onGroupSelectionChanging: [], onGroupSelectionChanged: [], onGroupHover: [], onGroupMouseMove: [], onGroupClick: [], onGroupDoubleClick: [], onGroupHold: [], onGroupMouseWheel: [], onGroupMouseUp: [], onGroupMouseDown: [], onGroupDragStart: [], onGroupDrag: [], onGroupDragEnd: [], onGroupTransformStart: [], onGroupTransform: [], onGroupTransformEnd: [], onKeyUp: [], selection: null, open: null, exposure: null, imageData: null, hierarchy: null, geometry: null, containerCoordinates: null, state: null, viewport: null, times: null }), window.CarrotSearchFoamTree.geometry = Object.freeze({ rectangleInPolygon: function (e, t, n, r, i, o, a) { return i = y.I(i, 1), o = y.I(o, .5), a = y.I(a, .5), { x: t - (e = M.Ka(e, { x: t, y: n }, r, o, a) * i) * r * o, y: n - e * a, w: e * r, h: e } }, circleInPolygon: function (e, t, n) { return M.pb(e, { x: t, y: n }) }, stabPolygon: function (e, t, n, r) { return M.ua(e, { x: t, y: n }, r) }, polygonCentroid: function (e) { return { x: (e = M.u(e, {})).x, y: e.y, area: e.ha } }, boundingBox: function (e) { for (var t = e[0].x, n = e[0].y, r = e[0].x, i = e[0].y, o = 1; o < e.length; o++) { var a = e[o]; a.x < t && (t = a.x), a.y < n && (n = a.y), a.x > r && (r = a.x), a.y > i && (i = a.y) } return { x: t, y: n, w: r - t, h: i - n } } }) }), (function () { window.CarrotSearchFoamTree = function () { window.console.error("FoamTree is not supported on this browser.") }, window.CarrotSearchFoamTree.supported = !1 })) }(); const Pi = window.CarrotSearchFoamTree; function Fi(t, n, r, i, o) { var a = {}; for (var s in n) "ref" != s && (a[s] = n[s]); var u, l, c = { type: t, props: a, key: r, ref: n && n.ref, __k: null, __: null, __b: 0, __e: null, __d: void 0, __c: null, __h: null, constructor: void 0, __v: ++e.__v, __source: i, __self: o }; if ("function" == typeof t && (u = t.defaultProps)) for (l in u) void 0 === a[l] && (a[l] = u[l]); return e.vnode && e.vnode(c), c } class Ri extends p { constructor(e) { super(e), this.saveNodeRef = e => this.node = e, this.resize = () => { const { props: e } = this; this.treemap.resize(), e.onResize && e.onResize() }, this.treemap = null, this.zoomOutDisabled = !1 } componentDidMount() { this.treemap = this.createTreemap(), window.addEventListener("resize", this.resize) } componentWillReceiveProps(e) { if (e.data !== this.props.data) this.treemap.set({ dataObject: this.getTreemapDataObject(e.data) }); else if (e.highlightGroups !== this.props.highlightGroups) { const t = [...e.highlightGroups, ...this.props.highlightGroups]; setTimeout((() => this.treemap.redraw(!1, t))) } } shouldComponentUpdate() { return !1 } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener("resize", this.resize), this.treemap.dispose() } render() { return Fi("div", { ...this.props, ref: this.saveNodeRef }) } getTreemapDataObject(e = this.props.data) { return { groups: e } } createTreemap() { const e = this, { props: t } = this; return new Pi({ element: this.node, layout: "squarified", stacking: "flattened", pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || 1, maxGroups: 1 / 0, maxGroupLevelsDrawn: 1 / 0, maxGroupLabelLevelsDrawn: 1 / 0, maxGroupLevelsAttached: 1 / 0, wireframeLabelDrawing: "always", groupMinDiameter: 0, groupLabelVerticalPadding: .2, rolloutDuration: 0, pullbackDuration: 0, fadeDuration: 0, groupExposureZoomMargin: .2, zoomMouseWheelDuration: 300, openCloseDuration: 200, dataObject: this.getTreemapDataObject(), titleBarDecorator(e, t, n) { n.titleBarShown = !1 }, groupColorDecorator(t, n, r) { const { highlightGroups: i } = e.props, o = n.group; i && i.has(o) && (r.groupColor = { model: "rgba", r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: .8 }) }, onGroupClick(n) { Gi(n), (n.ctrlKey || n.secondary) && t.onGroupSecondaryClick ? t.onGroupSecondaryClick.call(e, n) : (e.zoomOutDisabled = !1, this.zoom(n.group)) }, onGroupDoubleClick: Gi, onGroupHover(n) { if (n.group && (n.group.attribution || n.group === this.get("dataObject"))) return n.preventDefault(), void (t.onMouseLeave && t.onMouseLeave.call(e, n)); t.onGroupHover && t.onGroupHover.call(e, n) }, onGroupMouseWheel(t) { const { scale: n } = this.get("viewport"); if (t.delta < 0) { if (e.zoomOutDisabled) return Gi(t); n < 1 && (e.zoomOutDisabled = !0, Gi(t)) } else e.zoomOutDisabled = !1 } }) } zoomToGroup(e) { for (this.zoomOutDisabled = !1; e && !this.treemap.get("state", e).revealed;)e = this.treemap.get("hierarchy", e).parent; e && this.treemap.zoom(e) } isGroupRendered(e) { const t = this.treemap.get("state", e); return !!t && t.revealed } update() { this.treemap.update() } } function Gi(e) { e.preventDefault() } var Ui = n(4184), Hi = n.n(Ui), Vi = n(3379), qi = n.n(Vi), Wi = n(7527), Zi = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(Wi.Z, Zi); const $i = Wi.Z.locals || {}; class Ki extends p { constructor(...e) { super(...e), this.mouseCoords = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this.state = { left: 0, top: 0 }, this.handleMouseMove = e => { Object.assign(this.mouseCoords, { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }), this.props.visible && this.updatePosition() }, this.saveNode = e => this.node = e } componentDidMount() { document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMouseMove, !0) } shouldComponentUpdate(e) { return this.props.visible || e.visible } componentWillUnmount() { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMouseMove, !0) } render() { const { children: e, visible: t } = this.props, n = Hi()({ [$i.container]: !0, [$i.hidden]: !t }); return Fi("div", { ref: this.saveNode, className: n, style: this.getStyle(), children: e }) } getStyle() { return { left: this.state.left, top: this.state.top } } updatePosition() { if (!this.props.visible) return; const e = { left: this.mouseCoords.x + Ki.marginX, top: this.mouseCoords.y + Ki.marginY }, t = this.node.getBoundingClientRect(); e.left + t.width > window.innerWidth && (e.left = window.innerWidth - t.width), e.top + t.height > window.innerHeight && (e.top = this.mouseCoords.y - Ki.marginY - t.height), this.setState(e) } } Ki.marginX = 10, Ki.marginY = 30; var Yi = n(3908), Ji = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(Yi.Z, Ji); const Xi = Yi.Z.locals || {}; class Qi extends p { shouldComponentUpdate(e, t) { return !eo(e, this.props) || !eo(this.state, t) } } function eo(e, t) { if (e === t) return !0; const n = Object.keys(e); if (n.length !== Object.keys(t).length) return !1; for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { const i = n[r]; if (e[i] !== t[i]) return !1 } return !0 } class to extends Qi { constructor(...e) { super(...e), this.handleClick = e => { this.elem.blur(), this.props.onClick(e) }, this.saveRef = e => this.elem = e } render({ active: e, toggle: t, className: n, children: r, ...i }) { const o = Hi()(n, { [Xi.button]: !0, [Xi.active]: e, [Xi.toggle]: t }); return Fi("button", { ...i, ref: this.saveRef, type: "button", className: o, disabled: this.disabled, onClick: this.handleClick, children: r }) } get disabled() { const { props: e } = this; return e.disabled || e.active && !e.toggle } } class no extends Qi { constructor(...e) { super(...e), this.handleClick = () => { this.props.onClick(this.props.item) } } render({ item: e, ...t }) { return Fi(to, { ...t, onClick: this.handleClick, children: e.label }) } } var ro = n(6897), io = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(ro.Z, io); const oo = ro.Z.locals || {}; class ao extends Qi { render() { const { label: e, items: t, activeItem: n, onSwitch: r } = this.props; return Fi("div", { className: oo.container, children: [Fi("div", { className: oo.label, children: [e, ":"] }), Fi("div", { children: t.map((e => Fi(no, { className: oo.item, item: e, active: e === n, onClick: r }, e.label))) })] }) } } var so = n(4826), uo = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(so.Z, uo); const lo = so.Z.locals || {}; var co = n(1746), ho = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(co.Z, ho); const fo = co.Z.locals || {}, po = { "arrow-right": { src: "", size: [7, 13] }, pin: { src: "", size: [12, 18] } }; class go extends Qi { render({ className: e }) { return Fi("i", { className: Hi()(fo.icon, e), style: this.style }) } get style() { const { name: e, size: t, rotate: n } = this.props, r = po[e]; if (!r) throw new TypeError(`Can't find "${e}" icon.`); let [i, o] = r.size; if (t) { const e = t / Math.max(i, o); i = Math.min(Math.ceil(i * e), t), o = Math.min(Math.ceil(o * e), t) } return { backgroundImage: `url(${r.src})`, width: `${i}px`, height: `${o}px`, transform: n ? `rotate(${n}deg)` : "" } } } const bo = parseInt(lo.toggleTime); class vo extends p { constructor(...e) { super(...e), this.allowHide = !0, this.toggling = !1, this.hideContentTimeout = null, this.width = null, this.state = { visible: !0, renderContent: !0 }, this.handleClick = () => { this.allowHide = !1 }, this.handleMouseEnter = () => { this.toggling || this.props.pinned || (clearTimeout(this.hideTimeoutId), this.toggleVisibility(!0)) }, this.handleMouseMove = () => { this.allowHide = !0 }, this.handleMouseLeave = () => { !this.allowHide || this.toggling || this.props.pinned || this.toggleVisibility(!1) }, this.handleToggleButtonClick = () => { this.toggleVisibility() }, this.handlePinButtonClick = () => { const e = !this.props.pinned; this.width = e ? this.node.getBoundingClientRect().width : null, this.updateNodeWidth(), this.props.onPinStateChange(e) }, this.handleResizeStart = e => { this.resizeInfo = { startPageX: e.pageX, initialWidth: this.width }, document.body.classList.add("resizing", "col"), document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.handleResize, !0), document.addEventListener("mouseup", this.handleResizeEnd, !0) }, this.handleResize = e => { this.width = this.resizeInfo.initialWidth + (e.pageX - this.resizeInfo.startPageX), this.updateNodeWidth() }, this.handleResizeEnd = () => { document.body.classList.remove("resizing", "col"), document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleResize, !0), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.handleResizeEnd, !0), this.props.onResize() }, this.saveNode = e => this.node = e } componentDidMount() { this.hideTimeoutId = setTimeout((() => this.toggleVisibility(!1)), 3e3) } componentWillUnmount() { clearTimeout(this.hideTimeoutId), clearTimeout(this.hideContentTimeout) } render() { const { position: e, pinned: t, children: n } = this.props, { visible: r, renderContent: i } = this.state, o = Hi()({ [lo.container]: !0, [lo.pinned]: t, [lo.left]: "left" === e, [lo.hidden]: !r, [lo.empty]: !i }); return Fi("div", { ref: this.saveNode, className: o, onClick: this.handleClick, onMouseLeave: this.handleMouseLeave, children: [r && Fi(to, { type: "button", title: "Pin", className: lo.pinButton, active: t, toggle: !0, onClick: this.handlePinButtonClick, children: Fi(go, { name: "pin", size: 13 }) }), Fi(to, { type: "button", title: r ? "Hide" : "Show sidebar", className: lo.toggleButton, onClick: this.handleToggleButtonClick, children: Fi(go, { name: "arrow-right", size: 10, rotate: r ? 180 : 0 }) }), t && r && Fi("div", { className: lo.resizer, onMouseDown: this.handleResizeStart }), Fi("div", { className: lo.content, onMouseEnter: this.handleMouseEnter, onMouseMove: this.handleMouseMove, children: i ? n : null })] }) } toggleVisibility(e) { clearTimeout(this.hideContentTimeout); const { visible: t } = this.state, { onToggle: n, pinned: r } = this.props; if (void 0 === e) e = !t; else if (e === t) return; this.setState({ visible: e }), this.toggling = !0, setTimeout((() => { this.toggling = !1 }), bo), r && this.updateNodeWidth(e ? this.width : null), e || r ? (this.setState({ renderContent: e }), n(e)) : e || (this.hideContentTimeout = setTimeout((() => { this.hideContentTimeout = null, this.setState({ renderContent: !1 }), n(!1) }), bo)) } updateNodeWidth(e = this.width) { this.node.style.width = e ? `${e}px` : "" } } vo.defaultProps = { pinned: !1, position: "left" }; var mo = n(2396), yo = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(mo.Z, yo); const Co = mo.Z.locals || {}; class _o extends p { constructor(...e) { super(...e), this.handleChange = () => { this.props.onChange(!this.props.checked) } } render() { const { checked: e, className: t, children: n } = this.props; return Fi("label", { className: Hi()(Co.label, t), children: [Fi("input", { className: Co.checkbox, type: "checkbox", checked: e, onChange: this.handleChange }), Fi("span", { className: Co.itemText, children: n })] }) } } var wo = n(3213), xo = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(wo.Z, xo); const Ao = wo.Z.locals || {}; class So extends p { constructor(...e) { super(...e), this.handleChange = () => { this.props.onChange(this.props.item) } } render() { return Fi("div", { className: Ao.item, children: Fi(_o, { ...this.props, onChange: this.handleChange, children: this.renderLabel() }) }) } renderLabel() { const { children: e, item: t } = this.props; return e ? e(t) : t === To.ALL_ITEM ? "All" : t.label } } const Mo = Symbol("ALL_ITEM"); class To extends Qi { constructor(e) { super(e), this.handleToggleAllCheck = () => { const e = this.isAllChecked() ? [] : this.props.items; this.setState({ checkedItems: e }), this.informAboutChange(e) }, this.handleItemCheck = e => { let t; t = this.isItemChecked(e) ? this.state.checkedItems.filter((t => t !== e)) : [...this.state.checkedItems, e], this.setState({ checkedItems: t }), this.informAboutChange(t) }, this.state = { checkedItems: e.checkedItems || e.items } } componentWillReceiveProps(e) { if (e.items !== this.props.items) { if (this.isAllChecked()) this.setState({ checkedItems: e.items }), this.informAboutChange(e.items); else if (this.state.checkedItems.length) { const t = e.items.filter((e => this.state.checkedItems.find((t => t.label === e.label)))); this.setState({ checkedItems: t }), this.informAboutChange(t) } } else e.checkedItems !== this.props.checkedItems && this.setState({ checkedItems: e.checkedItems }) } render() { const { label: e, items: t, renderLabel: n } = this.props; return Fi("div", { className: Ao.container, children: [Fi("div", { className: Ao.label, children: [e, ":"] }), Fi("div", { children: [Fi(So, { item: Mo, checked: this.isAllChecked(), onChange: this.handleToggleAllCheck, children: n }), t.map((e => Fi(So, { item: e, checked: this.isItemChecked(e), onChange: this.handleItemCheck, children: n }, e.label)))] })] }) } isItemChecked(e) { return this.state.checkedItems.includes(e) } isAllChecked() { return this.props.items.length === this.state.checkedItems.length } informAboutChange(e) { setTimeout((() => this.props.onChange(e))) } } To.ALL_ITEM = Mo; var ko = n(9270), zo = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(ko.Z, zo); const Do = ko.Z.locals || {}; function jo() { return !1 } function Lo({ children: e, disabled: t, onClick: n }) { return Fi("li", { className: Hi()({ [Do.item]: !0, [Do.disabled]: t }), onClick: t ? jo : n, children: e }) } var Bo = n(580), Eo = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(Bo.Z, Eo); const Oo = Bo.Z.locals || {}; class Io extends Qi { constructor(...e) { super(...e), this.handleClickHideChunk = () => { const { chunk: e } = this.props; if (e && e.label) { const t = Fn.selectedChunks.filter((t => t.label !== e.label)); Fn.selectedChunks = t } this.hide() }, this.handleClickFilterToChunk = () => { const { chunk: e } = this.props; if (e && e.label) { const t = Fn.allChunks.filter((t => t.label === e.label)); Fn.selectedChunks = t } this.hide() }, this.handleClickShowAllChunks = () => { Fn.selectedChunks = Fn.allChunks, this.hide() }, this.handleDocumentMousedown = e => { var t, n; e.ctrlKey || 2 === e.button || (t = e.target, n = this.node, t === n || n.contains(t)) || (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), this.hide()) }, this.saveNode = e => this.node = e } componentDidMount() { this.boundingRect = this.node.getBoundingClientRect() } componentDidUpdate(e) { this.props.visible && !e.visible ? document.addEventListener("mousedown", this.handleDocumentMousedown, !0) : e.visible && !this.props.visible && document.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.handleDocumentMousedown, !0) } render() { const { visible: e } = this.props, t = Hi()({ [Oo.container]: !0, [Oo.hidden]: !e }), n = Fn.selectedChunks.length > 1; return Fi("ul", { ref: this.saveNode, className: t, style: this.getStyle(), children: [Fi(Lo, { disabled: !n, onClick: this.handleClickHideChunk, children: "Hide chunk" }), Fi(Lo, { disabled: !n, onClick: this.handleClickFilterToChunk, children: "Hide all other chunks" }), Fi("hr", {}), Fi(Lo, { disabled: Fn.allChunksSelected, onClick: this.handleClickShowAllChunks, children: "Show all chunks" })] }) } hide() { this.props.onHide && this.props.onHide() } getStyle() { const { boundingRect: e } = this; if (!e) return; const { coords: t } = this.props, n = { left: t.x, top: t.y }; return n.left + e.width > window.innerWidth && (n.left = window.innerWidth - e.width), n.top + e.height > window.innerHeight && (n.top = t.y - e.height), n } } var No = n(2393), Po = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(No.Z, Po); const Fo = No.Z.locals || {}; var Ro = n(3279), Go = n.n(Ro), Uo = n(9976), Ho = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(Uo.Z, Ho); const Vo = Uo.Z.locals || {}; class qo extends Qi { constructor(...e) { super(...e), this.handleValueChange = Go()((e => { this.informChange(e.target.value) }), 400), this.handleInputBlur = () => { this.handleValueChange.flush() }, this.handleClearClick = () => { this.clear(), this.focus() }, this.handleKeyDown = e => { let t = !0; switch (e.key) { case "Escape": this.clear(); break; case "Enter": this.handleValueChange.flush(); break; default: t = !1 }t && e.stopPropagation() }, this.saveInputNode = e => this.input = e } componentDidMount() { this.props.autofocus && this.focus() } componentWillUnmount() { this.handleValueChange.cancel() } render() { const { label: e, query: t } = this.props; return Fi("div", { className: Vo.container, children: [Fi("div", { className: Vo.label, children: [e, ":"] }), Fi("div", { className: Vo.row, children: [Fi("input", { ref: this.saveInputNode, className: Vo.input, type: "text", value: t, placeholder: "Enter regexp", onInput: this.handleValueChange, onBlur: this.handleInputBlur, onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown }), Fi(to, { className: Vo.clear, onClick: this.handleClearClick, children: "x" })] })] }) } focus() { this.input && this.input.focus() } clear() { this.handleValueChange.cancel(), this.informChange(""), this.input.value = "" } informChange(e) { this.props.onQueryChange(e) } } var Wo = n(3784), Zo = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(Wo.Z, Zo); const $o = Wo.Z.locals || {}; var Ko = n(1700), Yo = n.n(Ko), Jo = n(7187), Xo = n.n(Jo), Qo = n(3522), ea = n.n(Qo), ta = n(697), na = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(ta.Z, na); const ra = ta.Z.locals || {}; class ia extends Qi { constructor(...e) { super(...e), this.state = { visible: !0 }, this.handleClick = () => this.props.onClick(this.props.module), this.handleMouseEnter = () => { this.props.isVisible && this.setState({ visible: this.isVisible }) } } render({ module: e, showSize: t }) { const n = !this.state.visible; return Fi("div", { className: Hi()(ra.container, ra[this.itemType], { [ra.invisible]: n }), title: n ? this.invisibleHint : null, onClick: this.handleClick, onMouseEnter: this.handleMouseEnter, onMouseLeave: this.handleMouseLeave, children: [Fi("span", { dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: this.titleHtml } }), t && [" (", Fi("strong", { children: Vn()(e[t]) }), ")"]] }) } get itemType() { const { module: e } = this.props; return e.path ? e.groups ? "folder" : "module" : "chunk" } get titleHtml() { let e; const { module: t } = this.props, n = t.path || t.label, r = this.props.highlightedText; if (r) { const t = r instanceof RegExp ? new RegExp(r.source, "igu") : new RegExp(`(?:${ea()(r)})+`, "iu"); let i, o; do { o = i, i = t.exec(n) } while (i); o && (e = Xo()(n.slice(0, o.index)) + `<strong>${Xo()(o[0])}</strong>` + Xo()(n.slice(o.index + o[0].length))) } return e || (e = Xo()(n)), e } get invisibleHint() { return `${Yo()(this.itemType)} is not rendered in the treemap because it's too small.` } get isVisible() { const { isVisible: e } = this.props; return !e || e(this.props.module) } } class oa extends Qi { constructor(...e) { super(...e), this.handleModuleClick = e => this.props.onModuleClick(e) } render({ modules: e, showSize: t, highlightedText: n, isModuleVisible: r, className: i }) { return Fi("div", { className: Hi()($o.container, i), children: e.map((e => Fi(ia, { module: e, showSize: t, highlightedText: n, isVisible: r, onClick: this.handleModuleClick }, e.cid))) }) } } var aa, sa; const ua = [{ label: "Stat", prop: "statSize" }, { label: "Parsed", prop: "parsedSize" }, { label: "Gzipped", prop: "gzipSize" }]; let la = Ni((N((sa = class extends p { constructor(...e) { super(...e), this.mouseCoords = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this.state = { selectedChunk: null, selectedMouseCoords: { x: 0, y: 0 }, sidebarPinned: !1, showChunkContextMenu: !1, showTooltip: !1, tooltipContent: null }, this.renderChunkItemLabel = e => { const t = e === To.ALL_ITEM, n = t ? "All" : e.label, r = t ? Fn.totalChunksSize : e[Fn.activeSize]; return [`${n} (`, Fi("strong", { children: Vn()(r) }), ")"] }, this.handleConcatenatedModulesContentToggle = e => { Fn.showConcatenatedModulesContent = e, e ? zn.setItem("showConcatenatedModulesContent", !0) : zn.removeItem("showConcatenatedModulesContent") }, this.handleChunkContextMenuHide = () => { this.setState({ showChunkContextMenu: !1 }) }, this.handleResize = () => { this.state.showChunkContextMenu && this.setState({ showChunkContextMenu: !1 }) }, this.handleSidebarToggle = () => { this.state.sidebarPinned && setTimeout((() => this.treemap.resize())) }, this.handleSidebarPinStateChange = e => { this.setState({ sidebarPinned: e }), setTimeout((() => this.treemap.resize())) }, this.handleSidebarResize = () => { this.treemap.resize() }, this.handleSizeSwitch = e => { Fn.selectedSize = e.prop }, this.handleQueryChange = e => { Fn.searchQuery = e }, this.handleSelectedChunksChange = e => { Fn.selectedChunks = e }, this.handleMouseLeaveTreemap = () => { this.setState({ showTooltip: !1 }) }, this.handleTreemapGroupSecondaryClick = e => { const { group: t } = e; t && t.isAsset ? this.setState({ selectedChunk: t, selectedMouseCoords: { ...this.mouseCoords }, showChunkContextMenu: !0 }) : this.setState({ selectedChunk: null, showChunkContextMenu: !1 }) }, this.handleTreemapGroupHover = e => { const { group: t } = e; t ? this.setState({ showTooltip: !0, tooltipContent: this.getTooltipContent(t) }) : this.setState({ showTooltip: !1 }) }, this.handleFoundModuleClick = e => this.treemap.zoomToGroup(e), this.handleMouseMove = e => { Object.assign(this.mouseCoords, { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }) }, this.isModuleVisible = e => this.treemap.isGroupRendered(e), this.saveTreemapRef = e => this.treemap = e } componentDidMount() { document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMouseMove, !0) } componentWillUnmount() { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMouseMove, !0) } render() { const { selectedChunk: e, selectedMouseCoords: t, sidebarPinned: n, showChunkContextMenu: r, showTooltip: i, tooltipContent: o } = this.state; return Fi("div", { className: Fo.container, children: [Fi(vo, { pinned: n, onToggle: this.handleSidebarToggle, onPinStateChange: this.handleSidebarPinStateChange, onResize: this.handleSidebarResize, children: [Fi("div", { className: Fo.sidebarGroup, children: [Fi(ao, { label: "Treemap sizes", items: this.sizeSwitchItems, activeItem: this.activeSizeItem, onSwitch: this.handleSizeSwitch }), Fn.hasConcatenatedModules && Fi("div", { className: Fo.showOption, children: Fi(_o, { checked: Fn.showConcatenatedModulesContent, onChange: this.handleConcatenatedModulesContentToggle, children: "Show content of concatenated modules" + ("statSize" === Fn.activeSize ? "" : " (inaccurate)") }) })] }), Fi("div", { className: Fo.sidebarGroup, children: [Fi(qo, { label: "Search modules", query: Fn.searchQuery, autofocus: !0, onQueryChange: this.handleQueryChange }), Fi("div", { className: Fo.foundModulesInfo, children: this.foundModulesInfo }), Fn.isSearching && Fn.hasFoundModules && Fi("div", { className: Fo.foundModulesContainer, children: Fn.foundModulesByChunk.map((({ chunk: e, modules: t }) => Fi("div", { className: Fo.foundModulesChunk, children: [Fi("div", { className: Fo.foundModulesChunkName, onClick: () => this.treemap.zoomToGroup(e), children: e.label }), Fi(oa, { className: Fo.foundModulesList, modules: t, showSize: Fn.activeSize, highlightedText: Fn.searchQueryRegexp, isModuleVisible: this.isModuleVisible, onModuleClick: this.handleFoundModuleClick })] }, e.cid))) })] }), this.chunkItems.length > 1 && Fi("div", { className: Fo.sidebarGroup, children: Fi(To, { label: "Show chunks", items: this.chunkItems, checkedItems: Fn.selectedChunks, renderLabel: this.renderChunkItemLabel, onChange: this.handleSelectedChunksChange }) })] }), Fi(Ri, { ref: this.saveTreemapRef, className: Fo.map, data: Fn.visibleChunks, highlightGroups: this.highlightedModules, weightProp: Fn.activeSize, onMouseLeave: this.handleMouseLeaveTreemap, onGroupHover: this.handleTreemapGroupHover, onGroupSecondaryClick: this.handleTreemapGroupSecondaryClick, onResize: this.handleResize }), Fi(Ki, { visible: i, children: o }), Fi(Io, { visible: r, chunk: e, coords: t, onHide: this.handleChunkContextMenuHide })] }) } renderModuleSize(e, t) { const n = `${t}Size`, r = e[n], i = ua.find((e => e.prop === n)).label, o = Fn.activeSize === n; return "number" == typeof r ? Fi("div", { className: o ? Fo.activeSize : "", children: [i, " size: ", Fi("strong", { children: Vn()(r) })] }) : null } get sizeSwitchItems() { return Fn.hasParsedSizes ? ua : ua.slice(0, 1) } get activeSizeItem() { return this.sizeSwitchItems.find((e => e.prop === Fn.activeSize)) } get chunkItems() { const { allChunks: e, activeSize: t } = Fn; let n = [...e]; return "statSize" !== t && (n = n.filter(Tn)), n.sort(((e, n) => n[t] - e[t])), n } get highlightedModules() { return new Set(Fn.foundModules) } get foundModulesInfo() { return Fn.isSearching ? Fn.hasFoundModules ? [Fi("div", { className: Fo.foundModulesInfoItem, children: ["Count: ", Fi("strong", { children: Fn.foundModules.length })] }), Fi("div", { className: Fo.foundModulesInfoItem, children: ["Total size: ", Fi("strong", { children: Vn()(Fn.foundModulesSize) })] })] : "Nothing found" + (Fn.allChunksSelected ? "" : " in selected chunks") : " " } getTooltipContent(e) { return e ? Fi("div", { children: [Fi("div", { children: Fi("strong", { children: e.label }) }), Fi("br", {}), this.renderModuleSize(e, "stat"), !e.inaccurateSizes && this.renderModuleSize(e, "parsed"), !e.inaccurateSizes && this.renderModuleSize(e, "gzip"), e.path && Fi("div", { children: ["Path: ", Fi("strong", { children: e.path })] }), e.isAsset && Fi("div", { children: [Fi("br", {}), Fi("strong", { children: Fi("em", { children: "Right-click to view options related to this chunk" }) })] })] }) : null } }).prototype, "sizeSwitchItems", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sa.prototype, "sizeSwitchItems"), sa.prototype), N(sa.prototype, "activeSizeItem", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sa.prototype, "activeSizeItem"), sa.prototype), N(sa.prototype, "chunkItems", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sa.prototype, "chunkItems"), sa.prototype), N(sa.prototype, "highlightedModules", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sa.prototype, "highlightedModules"), sa.prototype), N(sa.prototype, "foundModulesInfo", [ze], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sa.prototype, "foundModulesInfo"), sa.prototype), aa = sa)) || aa; var ca = n(1194), ha = { insert: "head", singleton: !1 }; qi()(ca.Z, ha); ca.Z.locals; let fa; try { window.enableWebSocket && (fa = new WebSocket(`ws://${location.host}`)) } catch (da) { console.warn("Couldn't connect to analyzer websocket server so you'll have to reload page manually to see updates in the treemap") } window.addEventListener("load", (() => { Fn.defaultSize = `${window.defaultSizes}Size`, Fn.setModules(window.chartData), B(Fi(la, {}), document.getElementById("app")), fa && fa.addEventListener("message", (e => { const t = JSON.parse(e.data); "chartDataUpdated" === t.event && Fn.setModules(t.data) })) }), !1)
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