The Morse Potential constitutes an interatomic interaction model describing the potential energy of a diatomic molecule. The expression for the Morse potential is
In this equation,
Near equilibrium (
Moreover, the first derivative of the Morse potential is
The Morse Potential is implemented as follows
double exponent = 1.0 /6.0;
double R = pow(2.0, exponent) * sys->sigma;
double alpha = 6.0 / R;
double coeffs = 2.0 * sys->epsilon * alpha;
for the constant variables.
The potential and force are implemented as follows
epot += sys->epsilon * (1.0 - expoterm) * (1.0 - expoterm);
double expoterm = exp(-alpha * (r - R));
ffac = coeffs * expoterm * (expoterm - 1.0)
To compile using Morse potential, use the following commands:
cmake -S . -B build -DUSE_MORSE=ON
cmake --build build
Figure 1. Visualization of the trajectory of 108 Ar atoms using Morse potential. The behavior of atoms here are comparable to that of the atoms with Lennard-Jones potential.