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FastAPI User Authentication

Focuses on security, performance, and standard.

FastAPI User Authentication: An open-source Python and FastAPI project for user authentication, designed to handle user authentication system with role-based access control (RBAC), scheduled jobs, device and IP address detection, rate limiting, account lockout, IP blacklisting, refresh token rotation, uses Alembic for database migrations to ensure smooth schema updates and more. It leverages Async SQLAlchemy for asynchronous database operations, allowing for improved performance and scalability in handling multiple concurrent requests.


  1. User Registration: Allows new users to create an account and verify with 6-digit code via email verification.
  2. User Authentication: Enables users to log in securely using their credentials.
  3. Password Reset: Facilitates password recovery and verify with 6-digit code via email verification.
  4. Device Limitation: Allows users to log in on up to specific number of devices per account (e.g., 5 devices log in on 1 account), removing the oldest device upon exceeding the limit.
  5. Refresh Token Rotation: Provides secure, rotating access and refresh tokens for session management.
  6. Role Base Access Control (RBAC): Permissions and access levels within the application
  7. Rate Limiting: Restricts repeated requests within a defined period to prevent abuse.
  8. Account Lockout: Temporarily locks user accounts after multiple failed login attempts.
  9. IP Blacklisting: Blocks requests from specific IPs to enhance security.
  10. Periodic Cleanup: Schedule background jobs for tasks like cleanup. This keeps the database clean and prevents it from growing uncontrollably.
  11. Temporary Storage: Store registration data in a temporary location (e.g., a separate database table) until the user verifies their email. Once verified, move the data to the main user table. This keeps the primary user table free from unverified accounts.
  12. Async SQLAlchemy: for asynchronous database operations, allowing for improved performance and scalability in handling multiple concurrent requests.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Usage
  4. Project Structure
  5. Testing
  6. License
  7. Contributing


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd fastapi-user-authentication
  2. Install Dependencies: Make sure you have Python installed, then install the required packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Setup Database: Configure a database (e.g., PostgreSQL) for user authentication data storage. Update your .env file with the database URI.

Redis Setup

This authentication module requires Redis for rate limiting, account lockout, and IP blacklisting features. Redis acts as a fast, in-memory database to manage these features efficiently.

Installation Instructions

To install Redis, follow the instructions for your operating system:

  • macOS:

    brew install redis

    Then start Redis:

    brew services start Redis
  • Linux (Ubuntu/Debian):

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install redis-server

    To start the Redis service:

    sudo systemctl start redis
    sudo systemctl enable redis
  • Windows:

    1. Download the latest Redis release for Windows.

    2. Extract the downloaded file, then open the extracted folder in Command Prompt.

    3. Run Redis with the following command:





Role Setup

Initialize Roles

In app/config/

def initialize_roles(session: Session):
   print("Generating role")
   roles = ["normal_user", "education_user", "business_user", "admin"]
   for role_name in roles:
       role = session.query(Role).filter_by(role_name=role_name).first()
       if not role:
           new_role = Role(role_name=role_name)

Routes Dependencies

In app/routes/

auth_router = APIRouter(
    responses={404: {"description": "Not found"}},
    dependencies=[Depends(oauth2_scheme), Depends(get_current_user)]

business_router = APIRouter(
    responses={404: {"description": "Not found"}},
    dependencies=[Depends(oauth2_scheme), Depends(get_role_dependency(required_role="business_user"))]

admin_router = APIRouter(
    responses={404: {"description": "Not found"}},
    dependencies=[Depends(oauth2_scheme), Depends(get_role_dependency(required_role="admin"))]

Periodic Cleanup Setup

Start the background jobs scheduler

In app/

from import start_scheduler, shutdown_scheduler


def shutdown_event():

Environment Variables

You can configure database, email, rate limits, lockout settings, token secret, and other settings via environment variables or by modifying the .env file format.

App Environment Variables

Sample .env File:


FRONTEND_HOST=http://localhost:3000 #local host for frontend

REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES=25920 #18 days = 25920 minutes

Secret Environment Variables

Note: Change base on your credentials

Sample .env.settings File:


# JWT Secret Key

# App Secret Key

Mail Environment Variables

Note: We highly encourage to use your own customized email address.

Sample .env.mail File:

MAIL_USERNAME[email protected]
MAIL_PASSWORD=avvx yapu kbko nbzg
MAIL_FROM[email protected]

Rate Limiting Environment Variables

Sample .env.ratelimiting File: By using the value below, the cooldown will apply after the operation exceed the limit

  • Device: 4 requests in 30 seconds will cooldown for 5 minutes
  • IP Address: 10 requests in 30 seconds will cooldown for 10 minutes

Lockout Environment Variables

Sample .env.lockout File: By using the value below, lockout will apply after the operation exceed the limit

  • Device: 5 failed in 3 minutes will lockout for 30 minutes
  • IP Address: 15 failed in 3 minutes will lockout for 3 hours



To manage database schema changes, this project utilizes Alembic. Ensure you have Alembic installed and configured. You can run migrations with the following command:

alembic upgrade head


alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Your message here"

This module can be tested and used via Postman. Below is example of how to interact with the user authentication API using Postman.

Register a User

Endpoint: POST /user

  • URL: http://localhost:8000/user

  • Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json
    • device-id: your_device_id_here
  • Body (JSON):

      "user_name": "User Name",
      "email": "[email protected]"
      "password": "password",

Postman Collection

To make it easier, you can use the provided Postman collection that includes all the requests for this user authentication module.

Importing the Postman Collection

  1. Download the Postman collection file from the link below:

  2. Open Postman and click on "Import" in the top left corner.

  3. Choose the downloaded collection file and click "Open."

  4. The collection will appear in your Postman app, ready to use.

Sending Emails from the Shared Account

This application is configured to send emails from a dedicated account: [email protected]. This account is specifically created for application use and utilizes an app password for secure authentication.

Note: It is perfectly fine to use your own customized email address.

If you use the provided account, you may want to read Email Usage.

Check Rate Limit and Account Lockout

For routes that implement rate limiting and lockout, you can make requests to that endpoint multiple times to test the functionality.

  1. Successful Login: Make repeated requests with valid credentials to trigger rate limiting.
  2. Failed Login Attempts: Make repeated requests with invalid credentials to trigger lockout and rate limiting.

Scheduler Configuration for Multi-Worker Environments

When using the AsyncIOScheduler in a FastAPI application, special care is needed to avoid duplicate task execution in multi-worker environments. This issue arises because each worker process initializes its own instance of the scheduler, leading to multiple instances running simultaneously.

Important Note for Contributors

If you are deploying this project in a multi-worker environment (e.g., using Gunicorn or Uvicorn with multiple workers), be aware that the scheduler may cause duplicate execution of tasks. To address this, consider one of the following approaches:

  1. Run the Scheduler as a Dedicated Process: Create a standalone script for the scheduler and run it separately from the main application.

  2. Use a Distributed Lock: Implement a distributed lock mechanism (e.g., Redis-based locking) to ensure that only one instance of the scheduler executes tasks.

  3. Configure the Scheduler for a Single Worker: Use process management tools to restrict the scheduler to a single-worker process.

Project Structure

Here’s an overview of the project directory structure:

├── .github/              # GitHub templates and settings
├── alembic/              # Database migrations
├── app/                  # Main application code
│   ├── config/           # Configuration files (database, email, roles, security)
│   ├── jobs/             # Background tasks and schedulers
│   ├── models/           # Database models
│   ├── responses/        # API response schemas
│   ├── routes/           # API route handlers
│   ├── schemas/          # Pydantic schemas for validation
│   ├── services/         # Service logic (e.g., email, security)
│   ├── templates/        # Email templates
│   ├── utils/            # Utility functions
│   └──           # Entry point for starting the FastAPI application
├── env/                  # Environment variables
├── .gitignore            # Files and directories to be ignored by Git
├──    # Project Code of conduct documentation
├──       # Project contribution information
├── LICENSE               # Project license
├──             # Project documentation
├──      # Project Release notes
├──           # Project security vulnerabilities
├── alembic.ini           # Alembic configuration
├── requirements.txt      # Python dependencies
└── user_authentication_VannySothea.postman_collection   # Postman API collection


Testing is planned for future updates. Contributions are welcome to help us implement a comprehensive testing suite for this project!

If you're interested in contributing, here are some ways you can help:

  • Write Unit Tests: Help us create unit tests for existing features.
  • Integration Tests: Consider writing integration tests to ensure components work together seamlessly.
  • Test Documentation: Assist in documenting the testing process and how to run tests.

Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request to discuss your contributions!


VannySothea/fastapi-user-authentication is open source and free to use based on MIT License and can be used for commercial purposes for free, but please clearly display the copyright information about VannySothea/fastapi-user-authentication in the display interface.

  • This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Please see for details on reporting security vulnerabilities.

Code of Conduct:

Please review the file for community guidelines and best practices when contributing.

Release Notes

See for a detailed changelog of the project's versions.


Contributions are welcome! Please read for details on how to contribute to this project.


Thanks to the following developers for their contributions to fastapi-user-authentication:

Project Contributor