- author: 星夜神花、羽学
- source: github
- This is a Tshock server plug-in mainly used to issue random online rewards to online players in the server.
- After adding items to the [在线礼包.json] file, the game can automatically calculate the total probability of obtaining it by sending/reloading it.
Command | Permissions | Description |
/在线礼包 | OnlineGiftPackage | Shows the probability table for all items in the gift pack |
/reload | none | Automatically calculate the total probability |
Configuration file located: tshock/在线礼包.json
"启用": true, //enable
"总概率(自动更新)": 60, //Total probability (automatically updated)
"发放间隔/秒": 1800, //Issue interval/second
"跳过生命上限": 500, //Skip life limit
"每次发放礼包记录后台": false, //Record background for each gift package issued
"礼包列表": [ //Gift package list
"物品名称": "铂金币", //Item name
"物品ID": 74, //Item ID
"所占概率": 1, //Probability
"物品数量": [ //Item quantity
"触发序列": { //Trigger sequence
"1": "[c/55CDFF:服主]送了你1个礼包"
- Github Issue -> TShockPlugin Repo: https://github.com/UnrealMultiple/TShockPlugin
- TShock QQ Group: 816771079
- China Terraria Forum: trhub.cn, bbstr.net, tr.monika.love