creator names in archon in lastname, firstname order are incorrectly coded as "direct" order in ASpace #21
creator record
issues related to the creator record (called agent record in aspace)
Based on the tooltips in ASpace, I believe a name written as lastName, firstName should be coded as "indirect" name order. However, the migration code is listing it as "direct". It's not clear whether this affects anything at this point, so I would leave it alone for now (but am noting it as an issue so we remember it in case there are related side effects noted later).
namesJS.put("name_order", "direct");
If we try to fix it, we'd have to check whether the creator is a person (and has a comma in their name -- sometimes we don't know a first and last name for a person) or a corporate entity first.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: