This is useful on documents where text is handwritten into a grid on the page. You need to use the Advanced Zone Locator to read the cells of the table, but you want the results put into a table locator.
The subfields in the Advanced Zone Locator need to be of the form SF_R05C25 (for row 5, column 25).
This script customizes the Table Locator, so that you can use the Test button in the Locator to test it.
- Make an Advanced Zone Locator called AZL
- Give it Zones called R01C01, etc.
- Make a Table Locator called TL
- Give the Table Locator a table model that matches the "Columns" in the AZL.
- Copy the Script into the Class Script
- Test the AZL.
- Test the Table Locator. If you don't directly test the Table Locator after the AZL, the designer may "forget" the AZL results.
Note: Both the Table Locator and the Advanced Zone Locator store their results within Alternatives(0)
Private Sub Document_AfterLocate(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal LocatorName As String)
If LocatorName = "TL" Then Table_CopySubfields(pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName(LocatorName).Alternatives(0).Table,pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("AZL").Alternatives(0).SubFields)
End Sub
Public Sub Table_CopySubfields(Table As CscXDocTable, Zones As CscXDocSubFields)
'Copy Subfields into a table. The subfields need to be of format SF_R0xC0y, where x=row number, c=column number
Dim R As Long, C As Long, Row As CscXDocTableRow, Zone As CscXDocSubField, Word As CscXDocWord, Blank As Boolean
Dim ZoneName As String
Table.Rows.Clear ' delete anything in the table from automatic or manual table learning
While True
ZoneName="SF_R" & Format(R,"00") & "C" & Format(C,"00")
If Not Zones.Exists(ZoneName) Then Exit While
Set Row=Table.Rows.Append
While True
If Not Zones.Exists(ZoneName) Then Exit While
Set Zone=Zones.ItemByName(ZoneName)
Set Word=New CscXDocWord ' The only way to add coordinates to a table cell is to append a Word.
Row.Cells(C-1).ExtractionConfident= Zone.ExtractionConfident
ZoneName="SF_R" & Format(R,"0") & "C" & Format(C,"0")
'Delete Blank Rows
For R=Table.Rows.Count To 0 Step -1 ' you need to count backwards when deleting
For C=0 To Table.Rows(R).Cells.Count-1
If Table.Rows(R).Cells(C).Text<>"" Then Blank =False :Exit For
If Empty Then Table.Rows.Remove(R)
End Sub