Release Date: 2024-08-29
fixed tags for galaxy
- fixed tags for galaxy
Release Date: 2024-08-29
lookup - reworked lookup plugin
- lookup - plugin returned nothing
Release Date: 2024-06-13
entry - fixed modify action.
- entry - fixed modify action.
Release Date: 2024-06-12
Added group - fixed modify action.
- group - fixed modify action.
Release Date: 2024-06-11
Added lookup plugin for entries and fixed docs
- added lookup plugin for entries
- entry and group examples added 'keyfile' example
- modifed to include changes
- torie_coding.keepass.lookup - Search for Entries in a KeePass Database
Release Date: 2024-02-04
Fixed behavior when no icon_id provided
- entry - None value for icon_id did result in a database error. None values are possible now. Thanks to @kism
- group - None value for icon_id did result in a database error. None values are possible now. Thanks to @kism
Release Date: 2023-10-25
Fixed creating group unter root group and added feature in entry to create custom notes
- entry - added feature to create custom notes
- group - creating a group under root directory results in nontype value
Release Date: 2023-10-24
Fixed wrong var type in the add_group and add_entry calls
- entry - icon_id var was called as 'id' but has to be 'str'
- group - icon_id var was called as 'id' but has to be 'str'
Release Date: 2023-10-24
Fixed docs and wrong var type
- entry,group, README - fixed
- entry - icon_id var was defined as 'str' but has to be 'int'
Release Date: 2023-10-24
Due to problems with Ansible Galaxy-NG we have to create a no Version to be able to upload to Galaxy-NG
Release Date: 2023-10-19
Added Feature nested group creation, added some code optimizations
- group - nested group creation is possible, if create_path was set to true
- entry - range for icon_id was specified
- entry - updated documetation
- group - updated documetation
- entry - Changed some keys of the return object from the Ansible module. Please check
- entry - The module entry requires the parameter group_path if entry is not located under the root directory. That way the module can make sure which entry should be touched, even if duplicate entries in different directories exist
- group - Changed some keys of the return object from the Ansible module. Please check
- group - The module group requires the parameter path if group is not located under the root directory. When creating a new group the parameter create_path must be set.
updated repo and hompage in galaxy.yml
- galaxy.yml - repo and hompage (iam sorry i really forgot everything)
updated tags in galaxy.yml
- galaxy.yml - updated tags
Added some Documentation for requirements and defaults
- - Added defaults and corrected Documentation
- - Added defaults and corrected Documentation
- runtime.yml - Added requirert Ansible Version
- torie_coding.keepass.torie_coding.entry - Manage entries in a KeePass (kdbx) database.
- - Manage groups in a KeePass (kdbx) database.