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Story Protocol Validator Node Guide

Vps Configuration

Component Requirement
CPU 4 Cores
Disk 200 GB
Bandwidth 10 MBit/s

Installation Commands

  • First create 2 directories using the below command
mkdir -p ~/.story/geth ~/.story/story
  • Install necessary dependencies
sudo apt install screen curl git make jq build-essential gcc unzip wget lz4 aria2 pv -y
  • Download and extract geth binary file in ~/.story/geth directory
cd ~/.story/geth && wget && tar -xvf geth-linux-amd64-0.9.2-ea9f0d2.tar.gz
  • Create a screen session named geth
screen -S geth
  • Start geth using the below command
geth-linux-amd64-0.9.2-ea9f0d2/geth --iliad --syncmode full
  • Now press Ctrl+A+D to detach from geth screen session
  • Go to your Home directory
  • Download and extract story binary file in ~/.story/story directory
cd ~/.story/story && wget && tar -xvf story-linux-amd64-0.9.11-2a25df1.tar.gz
  • Create another screen session named story
screen -S story
  • Initialise and then run story using below 2 commands
story-linux-amd64-0.9.11-2a25df1/story init --network iliad --force
story-linux-amd64-0.9.11-2a25df1/story run
  • After running this command, you may face problem, so to resolve this use the below commands
  • First use Ctrl+C to stop this
  • Now, change directory to home
  • Now use the below command
sed -i.bak -e "s/^persistent_peers *=.*/persistent_peers = \"$(curl -sS | jq -r '.result.peers[] | "\(\(.remote_ip):\(.node_info.listen_addr)"' | awk -F ':' '{print $1":"$(NF)}' | paste -sd, -)\"/" $HOME/.story/story/config/config.toml
  • Now again change directory to .story/story and run story using below command
story-linux-amd64-0.9.11-2a25df1/story run
  • If you check now, you'll notice a significant difference between your node and the latest block. Your node needs to synchronize with the most recent block
echo $(( $(curl -s | jq -r '.msg.consensus_block_height') - $(curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq -r '.result.sync_info.latest_block_height') ))
  • So, I would recommend you to use snapshot, it does not mean that your node will be synchronised with latest block immedietly, there will be still some gap
  • So to use snapshot first stop the story using Ctrl+C and then detach from the screen session Ctrl+A+D
  • Move to the home directory using the below command
  • Reattach with geth screen session now using screen -r geth command , and then use Ctrl+C to stop it and then detach from this screen session using Ctrl+A+D
  • Now visit this docs by Joseph Tran, You don't need to stop node using his command, as our command is different, you just do these things from that doc Download Geth-data and Story-data , Backup priv_validator_state.json , Remove old data , Extract Story-data and geth-data , Move priv_validator_state.json back
  • Now come back to my guide and use this command to restart again
screen -r geth
  • Now use this command to start geth again
geth-linux-amd64-0.9.2-ea9f0d2/geth --iliad --syncmode full
  • Detach from this screen session again using Ctrl+A+D
  • Use the below command to reattach to story screen session
screen -r story
  • Use this command to start story
story-linux-amd64-0.9.11-2a25df1/story run
  • Detach from this screen session using Ctrl+A+D
  • You need to wait until your node sync with latest block, you can check how many blocks are still left to synchronised with your node using below command
echo $(( $(curl -s | jq -r '.msg.consensus_block_height') - $(curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq -r '.result.sync_info.latest_block_height') ))


  • If you see block number is reducing in each checking, you are good
  • You can also simply use the below command to check catching_up is false
curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq
  • You need to wait until you see catching_up is false
  • You can close your terminal now and check the status after 3-5 hrs using above 2 commands
  • By default, when you initialised story in above steps, a validator key is created for you. To view your validator key, run the following command:
$HOME/.story/story/story-linux-amd64-0.9.11-2a25df1/story validator export
  • Request some faucet (atleast 3 $IP) to this EVM Public Key
  • In addition, if you want to export the derived EVM private key of your validator into the default data config directory, please run the following:
$HOME/.story/story/story-linux-amd64-0.9.11-2a25df1/story validator export --export-evm-key
  • View your this EVM wallet private key and save it somewhere
cat $HOME/.story/story/config/private_key.txt
  • Now create a validator using this command
$HOME/.story/story/story-linux-amd64-0.9.11-2a25df1/story validator create --stake 1000000000000000000 --private-key PRIVATE_KEY_OF_EVM_YOU_COPIED_IN_THE_AVOBE_STEP
  • Now copy this validator wallet's pruvate key as well and save it
cat $HOME/.story/story/config/priv_validator_key.json
  • To participate in consensus, at least 1024 IP must be staked (equivalent to 1000000000000000000 wei) as of now lol
$HOME/.story/story/story-linux-amd64-0.9.11-2a25df1/story validator stake --validator-pubkey "VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_BASE64" --stake 1024000000000000000000 --private-key PRIVATE_KEY_OF_EVM_YOU_COPIED_EARLIER
  • Replace VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_BASE64 with the value you will get after running this command
curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq -r '.result.validator_info.pub_key.value'