- RubyMine
- PyCharm
- phpStorm/webStorm
- Sublime Text 3
- Brackets
- Komodo
- Coda
- IDEs: (one of) Sublime Text 3, RubyMine, PyCharm, Komodo, Coda, phpStorm, webStorm, Brackets
- Languages: Ruby, Python, JS
- Technologies and Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Django, Node.js && Express
- Make a simple personal Web Site.
- Familiarize with HTML and CSS
- Javascript interactions.
This laboratory work will consist of both mandatory and optional tasks. In order to get a passing grade you will have to execute mandatory tasks, present a report, and pass the quiz, given the fact that your work is submitted before deadline.
When writing reports, please do not write it as if I need it, try to write it as if to share your experience with a colleague of yours. I would like to ask you to elaborate on issues you have encountered, logic behind your solutions, and interesting facts that you stumbled upon while executing this work(make sure the facts are relevant to the topic). Moreover, I am asking you to run your reports against a spell checker before submitting it. Please note that a well written report may earn you an extra point.
It is only natural for you to find out something new during this laboratory work, therefore do not hesitate to ask questions, however please consider googling first.
Please use as email subject the following pattern: [TUM][FAF Labs][MIDPS] Name Surname.
- Use MVC (Model–View–Controller) pattern
Mandatory tasks(mark = 6):
- Simple site with 3 static pages
Optional tasks:
Intermediate(each task is worth .5 points):
- Your site must keep all site data in a database.
- Write some unit tests and provide coverage.
Advanced(each task is worth 1.5 point):
- Your site must contain AJAX Requests.
- Your controllers must implement XHR or JSON responses. Some Data are dynamically loaded to the page.
- Consume some API in your web app, make it useful(ish).
Here must be links to some good Django/ASP.NET tutorials. You can suggest them.