diff --git a/.github/workflows/pfi-exemplar-container-image.yaml b/.github/workflows/pfi-exemplar-container-image.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4500ccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/pfi-exemplar-container-image.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+name: PFI Exemplar Container Image Build
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ build-image:
+ name: ${{ matrix.directory }}
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ permissions:
+ contents: read
+ packages: write
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ - directory: javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar
+ image: ghcr.io/tbd54566975/tbd-examples-tbdex-pfi-exemplar
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Log in to the container registry
+ uses: docker/login-action@0d4c9c5ea7693da7b068278f7b52bda2a190a446 # v3.2.0
+ with:
+ registry: ghcr.io
+ username: ${{ github.actor }}
+ password: ${{ github.token }}
+ - name: Extract metadata (tags, labels)
+ id: meta
+ uses: docker/metadata-action@8e5442c4ef9f78752691e2d8f8d19755c6f78e81 # v5.5.1
+ with:
+ images: ${{ matrix.image }}
+ - name: Build and push container image
+ uses: docker/build-push-action@94f8f8c2eec4bc3f1d78c1755580779804cb87b2 # v6.0.1
+ with:
+ context: ${{ matrix.directory }}
+ push: true
+ target: ${{ matrix.target }}
+ tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
+ labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.codesandbox/tasks.json b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.codesandbox/tasks.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac260a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.codesandbox/tasks.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "setupTasks": [
+ {
+ "name": "Install Node dependencies",
+ "command": "npm install"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Install dbmate",
+ "command": "curl -fsSL -o /usr/local/bin/dbmate https://github.com/amacneil/dbmate/releases/latest/download/dbmate-linux-amd64 && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dbmate"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "prepare scripts",
+ "command": "chmod +x ./db/scripts/*"
+ }
+ ],
+ "tasks" : {
+ "install": {
+ "name": "Install deps",
+ "command": "npm install"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19f7f683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// For format details, see https://aka.ms/devcontainer.json. For config options, see the
+// README at: https://github.com/devcontainers/templates/tree/main/src/typescript-node
+ "name": "Node.js & TypeScript",
+ // Or use a Dockerfile or Docker Compose file. More info: https://containers.dev/guide/dockerfile
+ "image": "mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/typescript-node:1-20-bullseye"
+ // Features to add to the dev container. More info: https://containers.dev/features.
+ // "features": {},
+ // Use 'forwardPorts' to make a list of ports inside the container available locally.
+ // "forwardPorts": [],
+ // Use 'postCreateCommand' to run commands after the container is created.
+ // "postCreateCommand": "yarn install",
+ // Configure tool-specific properties.
+ // "customizations": {},
+ // Uncomment to connect as root instead. More info: https://aka.ms/dev-containers-non-root.
+ // "remoteUser": "root"
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.dockerignore b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.dockerignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ac4c6b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.dockerignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.env.example b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.env.example
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ae03b80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.env.example
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# environment info
+# DB info
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.eslintrc.cjs b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.eslintrc.cjs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cd87f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.eslintrc.cjs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/** @type {import('eslint').ESLint.ConfigData} */
+module.exports = {
+ root: true,
+ extends: ['eslint:recommended', 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended'],
+ parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
+ parserOptions: {
+ ecmaVersion : 2022,
+ sourceType : 'module'
+ },
+ ignorePatterns: ['dist'],
+ plugins : ['@typescript-eslint'],
+ env : {
+ node : true,
+ es2022 : true
+ },
+ rules: {
+ 'quotes': [
+ 'error',
+ 'single',
+ { 'allowTemplateLiterals': true }
+ ],
+ 'indent' : ['error', 2, { 'SwitchCase': 1 }],
+ 'no-unused-vars' : 'off',
+ 'prefer-const' : 'off',
+ '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars' : [
+ 'error',
+ {
+ 'vars' : 'all',
+ 'args' : 'after-used',
+ 'ignoreRestSiblings' : true,
+ 'argsIgnorePattern' : '^_',
+ 'varsIgnorePattern' : '^_'
+ }
+ ],
+ '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any' : 'off',
+ '@typescript-eslint/semi' : ['error', 'never'],
+ 'no-trailing-spaces' : ['error'],
+ '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment' : 'off',
+ 'space-infix-ops' : ['warn']
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.gitignore b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dce605e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.mocharc.json b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.mocharc.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..319178aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.mocharc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "enable-source-maps": true,
+ "exit": true,
+ "spec": ["dist/test/**/*.spec.js"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.npmrc b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.npmrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38f11c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.npmrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.nvmrc b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.nvmrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd0fe95c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.nvmrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.tbd-example.json b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.tbd-example.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..459a87a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/.tbd-example.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "name": "TBDex PFI",
+ "tests": {
+ "pre": [
+ "npm install",
+ "wget https://github.com/amacneil/dbmate/releases/download/v1.12.1/dbmate-linux-amd64 && echo 36430799fa4a4265e05593adf6b5705339c8ddc1d0bcc94040f548c0304c5cf4 dbmate-linux-amd64 | sha256sum -c",
+ "chmod +x dbmate-linux-amd64",
+ "sudo mv dbmate-linux-amd64 /usr/bin/dbmate",
+ "./db/scripts/start-pg",
+ "./db/scripts/migrate"
+ ],
+ "commands": ["npm run test:ci"]
+ }
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/Dockerfile b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5eed53c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Use the official Node.js image as the base image
+FROM node:lts
+# Set the working directory inside the container
+WORKDIR /home/node/app
+# Copy package.json and package-lock.json to the working directory
+COPY --chown=node:node . /home/node/app/
+# Install the application dependencies
+RUN npm i
+# Download and install dbmate
+RUN curl -fsSL https://github.com/amacneil/dbmate/releases/download/v1.12.1/dbmate-linux-amd64 -o dbmate \
+ && chmod +x dbmate \
+ && mv dbmate /usr/local/bin
+EXPOSE 9000
+CMD [ "npm", "run", "server" ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/README.md b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a12d289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+# Example tbDEX implementation
+This is a starter kit for building a **Participating Financial Institution (PFI)**
+gateway to provide liquidity services on the
+**[tbDEX](https://developer.tbd.website/projects/tbdex/) network**. You can fork
+this and use it (or use it as inspiration!). Contains mock implementations of
+some features of a PFI, as well as a **Verifiable Credential (VC)** issuer using a
+**Decentralized Identifier (DID)**.
+Mock TypeScript PFI implementation for example purposes using:
+* [@tbdex/http-server](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@tbdex/http-server)
+* PostgreSQL as underlying DB
+## Running in codesandbox
+You can run try this example in codesandbox, or locally.
+To run in codesandbox, use the link below and then open a terminal. Then
+continue on from the preparing server section below.
+Open sandbox
+### Local Development Prerequisites
+* [`node`/`npm`](#node-and-npm)
+* [`docker`](#docker)
+* [`dbmate`](#dbmate)
+#### `node` and `npm`
+This project is using `node v20.3.1` and `npm >=v7.0.0`. You can verify your
+`node` and `npm` installation via the terminal:
+$ node --version
+$ npm --version
+If you don't have `node` installed, feel free to choose whichever installation
+approach you feel the most comfortable with.
+We recommend using `nvm` (aka node version manager) since it allows you to run
+multiple versions of `node` and select the appropriate runtime for your
+specific project via `nvm use`. This ensures what you're running locally
+matches what we've tested against ourselves. Follow installation instructions
+for `nvm` [here](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm?tab=readme-ov-file#about).
+Once you have installed `nvm`, install the desired node version with `nvm
+install`, defined in the `.nvmrc` file in the root of the project.
+#### Docker
+Docker is used to spin up a local PostgreSQL container. Most major platforms
+are supported and you can find the installation instructions
+[here](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) .
+#### `dbmate`
+`dbmate` is used to run database migrations.
+Follow these [install
+based on your OS' package manager.
+## Preparing the server database (one time)
+> Make sure you have all the [prerequisites](#development-prerequisites)
+1. Clone the repo and `cd` into the project directory
+2. `./db/scripts/start-pg` from your command line to start a `psql` container
+3. `./db/scripts/migrate` to perform database setup or migrations
+ * This only needs to be done once and then whenever changes are made in
+ `db/migrations`.
+4. `npm install` to install all project dependencies
+5. `cp .env.example .env`.
+ * This is where you can set any necessary environment variables.
+ `.env.example` contains all environment variables that you _can_ set.
+## Running end-to-end PFI tutorial
+In this tutorial we will set up an issuer to issue Sanction Check VCs, as well
+as create a customer called "Alice" to interact with the PFI server.
+### Step 1: Local development is setup
+Ensure [prerequisites](#local-development-prerequisites) are installed and
+check the database [prepared and
+### Step 2: Create a VC issuer
+npm run example-create-issuer
+Creates a new VC issuer, which will be needed by the PFI.
+> [!NOTE]
+>`issuer.json` stores the private key info for the issuer, `issuerDid.txt` has the public DID which will be trusted by the PFI.
+### Step 3: Configure the PFI database with offerings and VC issuer
+npm run seed-offerings
+Prepares the PFI with the issuer DID and the offerings it will provide, and what issuer it will trust for the VC.
+### Step 4: Create the identity for customer "Alice"
+npm run example-create-customer
+Create a new "customer" DID (customer is called Alice, think of it as her
+wallet). **Take note of her DID which will be used in the next step**.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Alice's private wallet info is stored in `alice.json`, and her public DID is in `aliceDid.txt`
+### Step 5: Issue a sanctions check VC to "Alice"
+Issue the credential to Alice, which ensures Alice is a non-sanctioned
+individual. Use the DID from in Step 4. **Take note of the signed VC that is
+npm run example-issue-credential
+### Step 6: Run the PFI server
+Run the server (or restart it) in another terminal window:
+npm run server
+> [!NOTE]
+> (optional) If you want to run this over a network, please set HOST environment to an appropriate name that clients can connect to, as this will be set in the PFIs did as a `serviceEndpoint` (otherwise it defaults to http://localhost:9000)
+### Step 7: Run a tbDEX exchange
+Run a tbDEX transaction (or exchange):
+npm run example-e2e-exchange
+You will see the server print out the
+interaction between the customer and the PFI. This will look up offers, ask for
+a quote, place an order, and finally check for status.
+Each interaction happens in the context of an "Exchange" which is a record of
+the interaction between the customer and the PFI.
+This PFI has support for "stored balances", to try this out:
+npm run example-stored-balance
+This uses the special "STORED_BALANCE" payin and payout offerings to add/remove/send funds from the PFI's stored balance.
+## Implementing a PFI
+### The PFI server
+Start the server with
+npm run server
+The server business logic (such as it is!) is in `src/main.ts` which you can
+see, doesn't do a lot, but it is something you can start with. Also look in
+`src/db/exchange-repository.ts` which out of the box has some simple built in
+For server implementers `_ExchangeRepository` is an interesting class to
+lookup: `getExchange` or `getExchanges` is how order statuses and quotes can be
+exposed to the client.
+Some interesting example parts of the code are `getOfferings` which returns
+what offers the PFI currently has, and `rfq` which creates a message to send to
+the PFI to request a quote for a particular offering (with the issuer saying
+that the customer 'Alice' is not a sanctioned individual). `getExchanges` shows
+the current state of the interaction between Alice and the PFI.
+`seed-offerings.ts` also sets up the PFI with the offerings and requirements
+for the client to be able to make a request for a quote.
+You also should use a non-ephemeral DID (using the `env` vars config as
+described above).
+## DB stuff
+Contains sections that highlight convenience scripts that'll help start a
+PostgreSQL, create/run migration scripts, and a `psql` shell that's useful for
+### Convenience Scripts
+| Script | Description |
+| ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `./db/scripts/start-pg` | Starts dockerized `psql` if it isn't already running. |
+| `./db/scripts/stop-pg` | Stops dockerized `psql` if it is running. Passing `-rm` will delete the container as well. |
+| `./db/scripts/use-pg` | Drops you into a `psql` shell. |
+| `./db/scripts/new-migration` | Creates a new migration file. |
+| `./db/scripts/migrate` | Runs DB migrations. |
+### Migration files
+Migration files live in the `db/migrations` directory. This is where all of our
+database schemas live.
+#### Adding a migration file
+To create a new migration file, run the following command from the command
+./db/scripts/new-migration replace_with_file_name
+This will generate a barebones migration template file for you.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The above example assumes you're in the root directory of the project.
+> adjust the path to the script if you're not in the root.
+> [!TIP]
+> for `replace_with_file_name`, our convention is `__table`
+> (e.g. if you're wanting to create a migration file to create a `quotes` table
+> it would be `create_quotes_table.sql` as the filename. `dbmate` prefixes these
+> with a timestamp so they can be applied linearly.
+#### Running migrations
+Migrations can be applied by running `./db/scripts/migrate` from the command
+#### Running Manual Queries & Debugging
+From the command line, run:
+This will drop you into an interactive db session.
+## Configuration
+Configuration can be set using environment variables. Defaults are set in
+## Project Resources
+| Resource | Description |
+| ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| [CODEOWNERS](./CODEOWNERS) | Outlines the project lead(s) |
+| [CODE\_OF\_CONDUCT.md](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) | Expected behavior for project contributors, promoting a welcoming environment |
+| [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) | Developer guide to build, test, run, access CI, chat, discuss, file issues |
+| [GOVERNANCE.md](./GOVERNANCE.md) | Project governance |
+| [LICENSE](./LICENSE) | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/migrations/20230910041108_create-offering-table.sql b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/migrations/20230910041108_create-offering-table.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..318f1895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/migrations/20230910041108_create-offering-table.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+-- migrate:up
+CREATE TABLE offering (
+ offeringid VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ basecurrency VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ quotecurrency VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ offering JSON NOT NULL,
+ CONSTRAINT offeringid_idx UNIQUE (offeringid)
+-- migrate:down
+DROP TABLE offering;
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/migrations/20230910225142_create-exchange-table.sql b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/migrations/20230910225142_create-exchange-table.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a79692a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/migrations/20230910225142_create-exchange-table.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+-- migrate:up
+CREATE TABLE exchange (
+ exchangeid VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ messageid VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
+ subject VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ messagekind TEXT CHECK (messageKind IN ('rfq', 'quote', 'order', 'close', 'orderstatus')) NOT NULL,
+ message JSON NOT NULL
+CREATE INDEX exchangeid_idx ON exchange(exchangeid);
+CREATE INDEX subject_idx ON exchange(subject);
+CREATE INDEX messagekind_idx ON exchange(messagekind);
+-- migrate:down
+DROP TABLE exchange;
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/migrations/20231023212935_change-base-and-quote.sql b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/migrations/20231023212935_change-base-and-quote.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f17ed0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/migrations/20231023212935_change-base-and-quote.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+-- migrate:up
+ALTER TABLE offering RENAME COLUMN basecurrency TO payoutcurrency;
+ALTER TABLE offering RENAME COLUMN quotecurrency TO payincurrency;
+-- migrate:down
+ALTER TABLE offering RENAME COLUMN payoutcurrency TO basecurrency;
+ALTER TABLE offering RENAME COLUMN payincurrency TO quotecurrency;
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/common b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/common
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5b988821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/common
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script contains variables used in all of the other scripts in this directory
+# neckbeard bash used to get the value of _this_ directory.
+THIS_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)
+# variables with defaults. these are overridden by our deployment infra in staging and prod
+: "${DP_SEC_DB_USER:="postgres"}"
+: "${DP_SEC_DB_PASSWORD:="tbd"}"
+: "${DP_SEC_DB_HOST:="localhost"}"
+: "${DP_SEC_DB_PORT:="5432"}"
+: "${DP_SEC_DB_NAME:="mockpfi"}"
+# these are exported because they're used by child processes (e.g. dbmate)
+export DBMATE_MIGRATIONS_DIR=$THIS_DIR/../migrations
+# colors that can be used in bash scripts when echoing
+RED="$(tput bold && tput setaf 1)"
+YELLOW="$(tput bold && tput setaf 3)"
+RESET="$(tput sgr0)"
+_logger() {
+ local color="$1"
+ local level="$2"
+ shift 2
+ local message="$*"
+ local current_datetime="$(date +'%F %T')"
+ printf "%s%s%10s%s%s\n" "$color" "$current_datetime" "$level - " "$message" "$RESET"
+error() {
+ _logger "$RED" "ERROR" "$*"
+warn() {
+ _logger "$YELLOW" "WARN" "$*"
+info() {
+ _logger "$RESET" "INFO" "$*"
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/local b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/local
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..27e0ce6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/local
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script contains variables used in scripts that are for running locally
+get_container() {
+ local name=$1
+ local status=$2
+ docker ps \
+ --all \
+ --quiet \
+ --filter name="$name" \
+ --filter status="$status"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+RUNNING_CONTAINER="$(get_container $CONTAINER_NAME running)"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+STOPPED_CONTAINER="$(get_container $CONTAINER_NAME exited)"
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/migrate b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/migrate
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f12264fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/migrate
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script runs db migrations. environment variables can be found in `common`
+THIS_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)
+source "$THIS_DIR/common"
+if [ -d "$DBMATE_MIGRATIONS_DIR" ]; then
+ if [ -z "$(command ls -A1 "$DBMATE_MIGRATIONS_DIR")" ]; then
+ info "No migrations found."
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ info "Running migrations for postgres://$DP_SEC_DB_USER:****@$DP_SEC_DB_HOST:$DP_SEC_DB_PORT/$DP_SEC_DB_NAME?sslmode=disable"
+ if dbmate --wait --wait-timeout=60s up; then
+ info "Migrations completed successfully."
+ else
+ error "Migrations failed."
+ fi
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/new-migration b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/new-migration
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b06a5cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/new-migration
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script creates a new migration file
+THIS_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)
+source "$THIS_DIR/common"
+dbmate new "$@"
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/start-pg b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/start-pg
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1358ba04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/start-pg
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# this script starts dockerized mysql if it isn't already running.
+THIS_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)
+source "$THIS_DIR/common"
+source "$THIS_DIR/local"
+if [ -n "$RUNNING_CONTAINER" ]; then
+ echo "Container $CONTAINER_NAME is already running"
+elif [ -n "$STOPPED_CONTAINER" ]; then
+ echo "Starting $CONTAINER_NAME"
+ docker start $CONTAINER_NAME
+ echo "Creating & starting $CONTAINER_NAME"
+ docker run --detach \
+ --name "$CONTAINER_NAME" \
+ --env "PGSSLMODE=disable" \
+ --publish "$DP_SEC_DB_PORT:5432" \
+ postgres:15.4
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/stop-pg b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/stop-pg
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6b5cbaac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/stop-pg
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script stops dockerized mysql if it isn't already running. passing -rm will delete the
+# container as well
+THIS_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)
+source "$THIS_DIR/common"
+source "$THIS_DIR/local"
+if [ -z "$STOPPED_CONTAINER" ]; then
+ echo "stopping $CONTAINER_NAME"
+ docker container stop $CONTAINER_NAME
+if [[ " $* " =~ " -rm " ]]; then
+ echo "Removing $CONTAINER_NAME"
+ docker rm $CONTAINER_NAME
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/use-pg b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/use-pg
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8357c362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/db/scripts/use-pg
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script drops you into a mysql shell.
+THIS_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)
+source "$THIS_DIR/common"
+source "$THIS_DIR/local"
+if [ -n "$RUNNING_CONTAINER" ]; then
+ echo "Using $CONTAINER_NAME"
+ docker exec --interactive --tty "$CONTAINER_NAME" psql --username "$DP_SEC_DB_USER"
+ echo "$CONTAINER_NAME is not currently running, use the start-pg command first"
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/docker-compose.yaml b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/docker-compose.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43867789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/docker-compose.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+version: "3.8"
+ postgresdb:
+ image: postgres:latest
+ environment:
+ POSTGRES_USER: postgres
+ POSTGRES_DB: mockpfi
+ ports:
+ - "5432:5432"
+ healthcheck:
+ test: ["CMD-SHELL", "postgres", "--health-cmd", "pg_isready"]
+ interval: 2s
+ timeout: 1s
+ retries: 5
+ pfi-app:
+ build:
+ context: .
+ dockerfile: Dockerfile
+ ports:
+ - "9000:9000"
+ environment:
+ NODE_ENV: production
+ # environment info
+ ENV: production
+ LOG_LEVEL: info
+ HOST: localhost
+ PORT: 9000
+ # DB info
+ SEC_DB_HOST: localhost
+ SEC_DB_PORT: 5432
+ SEC_DB_USER: postgres
+ SEC_DB_NAME: mockpfi
+ depends_on:
+ - postgresdb
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/package-lock.json b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/package-lock.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e73ce492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/package-lock.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6438 @@
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+ }
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/package.json b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fb4e2f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "name": "tbdex-mock-pfi",
+ "type": "module",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "@tbdex/http-server": "^2.0.0",
+ "@web5/common": "1.0.2",
+ "@web5/credentials": "1.0.3",
+ "@web5/crypto": "1.0.2",
+ "@web5/dids": "1.1.1",
+ "ajv": "8.17.1",
+ "cborg": "^4.2.3",
+ "dotenv": "16.4.5",
+ "express": "4.19.2",
+ "kysely": "0.27.4",
+ "loglevel": "1.9.1",
+ "loglevel-plugin-prefix": "0.8.4",
+ "ms": "2.1.3",
+ "pg": "8.12.0"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "@sphereon/pex-models": "2.0.3",
+ "@sphereon/ssi-types": "0.15.1",
+ "@types/chai": "4.3.4",
+ "@types/chai-as-promised": "7.1.5",
+ "@types/chai-string": "1.4.2",
+ "@types/eslint": "8.37.0",
+ "@types/express": "4.17.17",
+ "@types/mocha": "10.0.1",
+ "@types/node": "20.3.1",
+ "@types/pg": "8.10.2",
+ "@types/sinon": "10.0.15",
+ "@types/supertest": "2.0.12",
+ "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "6.2.1",
+ "@typescript-eslint/parser": "6.2.1",
+ "chai": "4.3.7",
+ "chai-as-promised": "7.1.1",
+ "chai-string": "1.5.0",
+ "eslint": "8.46.0",
+ "kysely-codegen": "0.10.1",
+ "mocha": "10.2.0",
+ "rimraf": "5.0.1",
+ "sinon": "15.2.0",
+ "start-server-and-test": "^2.0.5",
+ "supertest": "6.3.3",
+ "typescript": "5.2.2"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "_debug": "npm run _start -- --enable-source-maps",
+ "_start": "npm run clean && npm run compile && node",
+ "clean": "rimraf dist",
+ "compile": "tsc",
+ "example-create-customer": "npm run _debug -- dist/example/create-customer.js",
+ "example-create-issuer": "npm run _debug -- dist/example/create-issuer.js",
+ "example-issue-credential": "npm run _debug -- dist/example/issue-credential.js",
+ "example-e2e-exchange": "npm run _debug -- dist/example/full-tbdex-exchange.js",
+ "example-stored-balance": "npm run _debug -- dist/example/full-stored-balances.js",
+ "lint": "eslint . --ext .ts --max-warnings 0",
+ "lint:fix": "eslint . --ext .ts --fix",
+ "seed-offerings": "npm run _start -- dist/seed-offerings.js",
+ "server": "npm run _start -- dist/main.js",
+ "docker:up": "docker-compose up -d",
+ "docker:down": "docker-compose down",
+ "docker:logs": "docker-compose logs -f",
+ "docker:build": "docker-compose build",
+ "test": "npm run example-create-issuer && npm run seed-offerings && npm run example-create-customer && npm run example-issue-credential && npm run example-e2e-exchange",
+ "test:ci": "start-server-and-test server http://localhost:9000 test",
+ "docker:down-wipe": "docker-compose down -v"
+ }
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/config.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..793d8d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import type { PoolConfig } from 'pg'
+import type { LogLevelDesc } from 'loglevel'
+import fs from 'node:fs'
+import 'dotenv/config'
+import { BearerDid } from '@web5/dids'
+import { createOrLoadDid } from './example/utils.js'
+export type Environment = 'local' | 'staging' | 'production'
+const host = process.env['HOST'] || 'http://localhost:9000'
+export type Config = {
+ env: Environment
+ logLevel: LogLevelDesc
+ host: string;
+ port: number;
+ db: PoolConfig
+ pfiDid: BearerDid
+ allowlist: string[]
+export const config: Config = {
+ env : (process.env['ENV'] as Environment) || 'local',
+ logLevel : (process.env['LOG_LEVEL'] as LogLevelDesc) || 'info',
+ host: host,
+ port : parseInt(process.env['PORT'] || '9000'),
+ db: {
+ host : process.env['SEC_DB_HOST'] || 'localhost',
+ port : parseInt(process.env['SEC_DB_PORT'] || '5432'),
+ user : process.env['SEC_DB_USER'] || 'postgres',
+ password : process.env['SEC_DB_PASSWORD'] || 'tbd',
+ database : process.env['SEC_DB_NAME'] || 'mockpfi'
+ },
+ pfiDid: await createOrLoadDid('pfi.json', host),
+ allowlist: JSON.parse(process.env['SEC_ALLOWLISTED_DIDS'] || '[]')
+fs.writeFileSync('pfiDid.txt', config.pfiDid.uri)
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/balances-repository.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/balances-repository.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ff09dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/balances-repository.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import type { BalancesApi, Quote } from '@tbdex/http-server'
+import { Balance } from '@tbdex/http-server'
+import { config } from '../config.js'
+let available = '1000'
+export class _BalancesRepository implements BalancesApi {
+ async getBalances({ requesterDid }): Promise {
+ console.log('getBalances for:', requesterDid)
+ const bal = Balance.create({
+ data: {
+ currencyCode: 'USDC',
+ available: available,
+ },
+ metadata: {
+ from: config.pfiDid.uri,
+ }
+ })
+ return [bal]
+ }
+ withdraw(quote: Quote) {
+ // subtract this from available
+ available = (parseFloat(available) - parseFloat(quote.data.payout.total)).toString()
+ }
+ deposit(quote: Quote) {
+ // add this to available
+ available = (parseFloat(available) + parseFloat(quote.data.payin.total)).toString()
+ }
+export const BalancesRepository = new _BalancesRepository()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/exchange-repository.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/exchange-repository.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7e0fdb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/exchange-repository.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+import { Message, Close, Order, OrderStatus, Quote, ExchangesApi, Rfq, Parser, Exchange, OrderStatusEnum } from '@tbdex/http-server'
+import type { MessageModel, MessageKind, GetExchangesFilter } from '@tbdex/http-server'
+import { Postgres } from './postgres.js'
+import { config } from '../config.js'
+import { BalancesRepository } from './balances-repository.js'
+class _ExchangeRepository implements ExchangesApi {
+ async getExchanges(opts: { filter: GetExchangesFilter }): Promise {
+ // TODO: try out GROUP BY! would do it now, just unsure what the return structure looks like
+ const exchangeIds = opts.filter.from?.length ? opts.filter.from : []
+ if (exchangeIds.length == 0) {
+ return await this.getAllExchanges()
+ }
+ const exchanges: Exchange[] = []
+ for (let id of exchangeIds) {
+ console.log('calling id', id)
+ // TODO: handle error property
+ try {
+ const exchange = await this.getExchange({ id })
+ if (exchange.messages.length) exchanges.push(exchange)
+ else console.error(`Could not find exchange with exchangeId ${id}`)
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error(err)
+ }
+ }
+ return exchanges
+ }
+ async getAllExchanges(): Promise {
+ const results = await Postgres.client.selectFrom('exchange')
+ .select(['message'])
+ .orderBy('createdat', 'asc')
+ .execute()
+ return this.composeMessages(results)
+ }
+ async getExchange(opts: { id: string }): Promise {
+ const results = await Postgres.client.selectFrom('exchange')
+ .select(['message'])
+ .where(eb => eb.and({
+ exchangeid: opts.id,
+ }))
+ .orderBy('createdat', 'asc')
+ .execute()
+ const messages = await this.composeMessages(results)
+ return messages[0] ?? undefined
+ }
+ private async composeMessages(results: { message: MessageModel }[]): Promise {
+ const exchangeMap: Map = new Map()
+ for (let result of results) {
+ const message = await Parser.parseMessage(result.message)
+ const exchangeId = message.metadata.exchangeId
+ if (!exchangeMap.get(exchangeId)) {
+ exchangeMap.set(exchangeId, new Exchange())
+ }
+ try {
+ exchangeMap.get(exchangeId).addNextMessage(message)
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(`Error adding message to exchange ${exchangeId}:`, error)
+ }
+ }
+ return Array.from(exchangeMap.values())
+ }
+ async getRfq(opts: { exchangeId: string }): Promise {
+ return await this.getMessage({ exchangeId: opts.exchangeId, messageKind: 'rfq' }) as Rfq
+ }
+ async getQuote(opts: { exchangeId: string }): Promise {
+ return await this.getMessage({ exchangeId: opts.exchangeId, messageKind: 'quote' }) as Quote
+ }
+ async getOrder(opts: { exchangeId: string }): Promise {
+ return await this.getMessage({ exchangeId: opts.exchangeId, messageKind: 'order' }) as Order
+ }
+ async getOrderStatuses(opts: { exchangeId: string }): Promise {
+ const results = await Postgres.client.selectFrom('exchange')
+ .select(['message'])
+ .where(eb => eb.and({
+ exchangeid: opts.exchangeId,
+ messagekind: 'orderstatus'
+ }))
+ .execute()
+ const orderStatuses: OrderStatus[] = []
+ for (let result of results) {
+ const orderStatus = await Parser.parseMessage(result.message) as OrderStatus
+ orderStatuses.push(orderStatus)
+ }
+ return orderStatuses
+ }
+ async getClose(opts: { exchangeId: string }): Promise {
+ return await this.getMessage({ exchangeId: opts.exchangeId, messageKind: 'close' }) as Close
+ }
+ async getMessage(opts: { exchangeId: string, messageKind: MessageKind }) {
+ const result = await Postgres.client.selectFrom('exchange')
+ .select(['message'])
+ .where(eb => eb.and({
+ exchangeid: opts.exchangeId,
+ messagekind: opts.messageKind
+ }))
+ .limit(1)
+ .executeTakeFirst()
+ if (result) {
+ return await Parser.parseMessage(result.message)
+ }
+ }
+ async addMessage(opts: { message: Message }) {
+ const { message } = opts
+ const subject = aliceMessageKinds.has(message.kind) ? message.from : message.to
+ const result = await Postgres.client.insertInto('exchange')
+ .values({
+ exchangeid: message.exchangeId,
+ messagekind: message.kind,
+ messageid: message.id,
+ subject,
+ message: JSON.stringify(message)
+ })
+ .execute()
+ console.log(`Add ${message.kind} Result: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}`)
+ if (message.kind == 'rfq') {
+ const rfq = message as Rfq
+ let quote: Quote
+ if (rfq.data.payin.kind == 'STORED_BALANCE' && rfq.data.payout.kind == 'WIRE_TRANSFER') {
+ quote = await this.createQuoteForWithdrawal(rfq)
+ }
+ if (rfq.data.payin.kind == 'WIRE_TRANSFER' && rfq.data.payout.kind == 'STORED_BALANCE') {
+ quote = await this.createQuoteForDeposit(rfq)
+ }
+ else {
+ quote = await this.createBtcToKesQuote(rfq)
+ }
+ this.addMessage({ message: quote as Quote})
+ }
+ if (message.kind == 'order') {
+ let orderStatus = OrderStatus.create({
+ metadata: {
+ from: config.pfiDid.uri,
+ to: message.from,
+ exchangeId: message.exchangeId
+ },
+ data: {
+ status: OrderStatusEnum.PayinPending
+ }
+ })
+ await orderStatus.sign(config.pfiDid)
+ this.addMessage({ message: orderStatus as OrderStatus})
+ const quote = await this.getQuote({ exchangeId: message.exchangeId })
+ if (quote.data.payout.currencyCode == 'STORED_BALANCE') {
+ BalancesRepository.deposit(quote)
+ } else if (quote.data.payin.currencyCode == 'STORED_BALANCE') {
+ BalancesRepository.withdraw(quote)
+ }
+ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) // 1 second delay
+ // simulate order completion
+ orderStatus = OrderStatus.create({
+ metadata: {
+ from: config.pfiDid.uri,
+ to: message.from,
+ exchangeId: message.exchangeId
+ },
+ data: {
+ status: OrderStatusEnum.PayoutSettled
+ }
+ })
+ await orderStatus.sign(config.pfiDid)
+ this.addMessage({ message: orderStatus as OrderStatus})
+ // finally close the exchange
+ const close = Close.create({
+ metadata: {
+ from: config.pfiDid.uri,
+ to: message.from,
+ exchangeId: message.exchangeId
+ },
+ data: {
+ reason: 'Order fulfilled',
+ success: true
+ }
+ })
+ await close.sign(config.pfiDid)
+ this.addMessage({ message: close as Close })
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a quote for a deposit into the PFI as a stored balance.
+ */
+ private async createQuoteForDeposit(rfq: Rfq) {
+ const quote = Quote.create({
+ metadata: {
+ from: config.pfiDid.uri,
+ to: rfq.from,
+ exchangeId: rfq.exchangeId
+ },
+ data: {
+ expiresAt: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 60 * 60000).toISOString(),
+ payoutUnitsPerPayinUnit: '1',
+ payin: {
+ currencyCode: 'WIRE_TRANSFER',
+ subtotal: rfq.data.payin.amount,
+ total: rfq.data.payin.amount
+ },
+ payout: {
+ currencyCode: 'STORED_BALANCE',
+ subtotal: rfq.data.payin.amount,
+ total: rfq.data.payin.amount
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ await quote.sign(config.pfiDid)
+ return quote
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a quote for a withdrawal from the PFI stored balance.
+ */
+ private async createQuoteForWithdrawal(rfq: Rfq) {
+ const quote = Quote.create({
+ metadata: {
+ from: config.pfiDid.uri,
+ to: rfq.from,
+ exchangeId: rfq.exchangeId
+ },
+ data: {
+ expiresAt: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 60 * 60000).toISOString(),
+ payoutUnitsPerPayinUnit: '1',
+ payin: {
+ currencyCode: 'STORED_BALANCE',
+ subtotal: rfq.data.payin.amount,
+ total: rfq.data.payin.amount
+ },
+ payout: {
+ currencyCode: 'WIRE_TRANSFER',
+ subtotal: rfq.data.payin.amount,
+ total: rfq.data.payin.amount
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ await quote.sign(config.pfiDid)
+ return quote
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a quote for a BTC to KES (Kenyan Shilling) exchange.
+ */
+ private async createBtcToKesQuote(rfq: Rfq) {
+ const quote = Quote.create({
+ metadata: {
+ from: config.pfiDid.uri,
+ to: rfq.from,
+ exchangeId: rfq.exchangeId
+ },
+ data: {
+ expiresAt: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 60 * 60000).toISOString(),
+ payoutUnitsPerPayinUnit: '123456.789',
+ payin: {
+ currencyCode: 'BTC',
+ subtotal: '1000.00',
+ total: '1000.00'
+ },
+ payout: {
+ currencyCode: 'KES',
+ subtotal: '123456789.00',
+ total: '123456789.00'
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ await quote.sign(config.pfiDid)
+ return quote
+ }
+const aliceMessageKinds = new Set(['rfq', 'order'])
+export const ExchangeRepository = new _ExchangeRepository()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/index.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c608dd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export * from './offering-repository.js'
+export * from './exchange-repository.js'
+export * from './balances-repository.js'
+export * from './postgres.js'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/offering-repository.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/offering-repository.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4d60e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/offering-repository.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import type { OfferingsApi } from '@tbdex/http-server'
+import { Offering, Parser } from '@tbdex/http-server'
+import { Postgres } from './postgres.js'
+export class _OfferingRepository implements OfferingsApi {
+ async create(offering: Offering) {
+ let result = await Postgres.client
+ .insertInto('offering')
+ .values({
+ offeringid: offering.id,
+ payoutcurrency: offering.data.payout.currencyCode,
+ payincurrency: offering.data.payin.currencyCode,
+ offering: JSON.stringify(offering),
+ })
+ .execute()
+ console.log(`create offering result: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}`)
+ }
+ async getOffering(opts: { id: string }): Promise {
+ const [result] = await Postgres.client
+ .selectFrom('offering')
+ .select(['offering'])
+ .where('offeringid', '=', opts.id)
+ .execute()
+ if (!result) {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ return (await Parser.parseResource(result.offering)) as Offering
+ }
+ async getOfferings(): Promise {
+ const results = await Postgres.client
+ .selectFrom('offering')
+ .select(['offering'])
+ .execute()
+ const offerings: Offering[] = []
+ for (let result of results) {
+ const offering = (await Parser.parseResource(
+ result.offering,
+ )) as Offering
+ offerings.push(offering)
+ }
+ return offerings
+ }
+export const OfferingRepository = new _OfferingRepository()
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/postgres.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/postgres.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..baf3a94e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/postgres.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import type { Database } from './types.js' // this is the Database interface we defined earlier
+import { Kysely, PostgresDialect } from 'kysely'
+import { config } from '../config.js'
+import pg from 'pg'
+export class PostgresClient {
+ pool: pg.Pool
+ client: Kysely
+ /**
+ * establishes connection to mysql if not already connected
+ */
+ connect() {
+ if (this.pool === undefined) {
+ this.pool = new pg.Pool(config.db)
+ const dialect = new PostgresDialect({ pool: this.pool })
+ this.client = new Kysely({ dialect, log: ['query'] })
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * pings mysql to test connection
+ */
+ // async ping() {
+ // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ // log.info('connecting to posgres..')
+ // this.pool.getConnection((err, conn) => {
+ // if (err) {
+ // return reject(err)
+ // }
+ // log.info('mysql connection established! pinging mysql...')
+ // conn.query('select 1+1 as test', (err) => {
+ // if (err) {
+ // return reject(err)
+ // } else {
+ // log.info('pong!')
+ // return resolve()
+ // }
+ // })
+ // })
+ // })
+ // }
+ /**
+ * closes all connections to mysql
+ */
+ close() {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ // no-op if not connected
+ if (!this.pool) {
+ return resolve()
+ }
+ this.pool.end(() => {
+ this.pool = undefined
+ this.client = undefined
+ return resolve()
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ /**
+ * clears all tables
+ */
+ async clear() {
+ await this.client.deleteFrom('exchange').execute()
+ await this.client.deleteFrom('offering').execute()
+ }
+export const Postgres = new PostgresClient()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/types.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96542c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/db/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import type { MessageModel, Offering } from '@tbdex/http-server'
+import type { Generated, JSONColumnType } from 'kysely'
+export interface DbOffering {
+ id: Generated;
+ offeringid: string;
+ payoutcurrency: string;
+ payincurrency: string;
+ offering: JSONColumnType | null;
+export interface DbExchange {
+ id: Generated;
+ exchangeid: string;
+ messageid: string;
+ subject: string;
+ createdat: Generated;
+ messagekind: 'close' | 'order' | 'orderstatus' | 'quote' | 'rfq';
+ message: JSONColumnType;
+export interface Database {
+ exchange: DbExchange;
+ offering: DbOffering;
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/create-customer.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/create-customer.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb624e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/create-customer.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { createOrLoadDid } from './utils.js'
+import fs from 'fs'
+// Create a did for Alice, who is the customer of the PFI in this case.
+// this will effectively be alices wallet:
+const alice = await createOrLoadDid('alice.json')
+// write did to aliceDid.txt
+console.log('DID for alice:', alice.uri)
+fs.writeFileSync('aliceDid.txt', alice.uri)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/create-issuer.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/create-issuer.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0c668a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/create-issuer.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { createOrLoadDid } from './utils.js'
+import fs from 'fs'
+// We need to create an issuer, which will issue VCs to the customer, and is trusted by the PFI.
+const issuer = await createOrLoadDid('issuer.json')
+console.log('\nIssuer did:', issuer.uri)
+// write issuer.uri to issuer.txt
+fs.writeFileSync('issuerDid.txt', issuer.uri)
+now run:
+> npm run seed-offerings
+to seed the PFI with the list of offerings along with this sanctions issuer did.
+This will ensure that the PFI will trust SanctionsCredentials issued by this issuer for RFQs against those offerings.
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/full-stored-balances.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/full-stored-balances.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70fc0e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/full-stored-balances.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+import {
+ TbdexHttpClient,
+ Rfq,
+ Quote,
+ Order,
+ OrderStatus,
+ Close,
+} from '@tbdex/http-client'
+import { createOrLoadDid } from './utils.js'
+import { BearerDid } from '@web5/dids'
+import fs from 'fs'
+// load pfiDid from pfiDid.txt
+const pfiDid = fs.readFileSync('pfiDid.txt', 'utf-8').trim()
+const signedCredential = fs.readFileSync('signedCredential.txt', 'utf-8').trim()
+// Connect to the PFI and get the list of offerings (offerings are resources - anyone can ask for them)
+const offerings = await TbdexHttpClient.getOfferings({ pfiDid: pfiDid })
+console.log('got offerings:', JSON.stringify(offerings, null, 2))
+// Load alice's private key to sign RFQ
+const alice = await createOrLoadDid('alice.json')
+const [balances] = await TbdexHttpClient.getBalances({ pfiDid: pfiDid, did: alice })
+console.log('got balances:', JSON.stringify(balances, null, 2))
+// lets make a deposit
+let offering = offerings[1]
+console.log('deposit offering', offering)
+const rfq = Rfq.create({
+ metadata: { from: alice.uri, to: pfiDid },
+ data: {
+ offeringId: offerings[1].id,
+ payin: {
+ kind: 'WIRE_TRANSFER',
+ amount: '100.00',
+ paymentDetails: {},
+ },
+ payout: {
+ paymentDetails: {},
+ },
+ claims: [signedCredential],
+ },
+await rfq.sign(alice)
+try {
+ await TbdexHttpClient.createExchange(rfq)
+} catch (error) {
+ console.log('Can\'t create:', error)
+console.log('sent RFQ: ', JSON.stringify(rfq, null, 2))
+let quote
+// Wait for Quote message to appear in the exchange
+while (!quote) {
+ const exchange = await TbdexHttpClient.getExchange({
+ pfiDid: pfiDid,
+ did: alice,
+ exchangeId: rfq.exchangeId
+ })
+ quote = exchange.find(msg => msg instanceof Quote)
+ if (!quote) {
+ // Wait 2 seconds before making another request
+ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000))
+ }
+// All interaction with the PFI happens in the context of an exchange.
+// This is where for example a quote would show up in result to an RFQ:
+const exchange = await TbdexHttpClient.getExchange({
+ pfiDid: pfiDid,
+ did: alice,
+ exchangeId: rfq.exchangeId
+console.log('got exchange:', JSON.stringify(exchange, null, 2))
+// Place an order against that quote:
+const order = Order.create({
+ metadata: {
+ from: alice.uri,
+ to: pfiDid,
+ exchangeId: quote.exchangeId
+ },
+await order.sign(alice)
+await TbdexHttpClient.submitOrder(order)
+console.log('Sent order: ', JSON.stringify(order, null, 2))
+await pollForStatus(order, pfiDid, alice)
+ * This is a very simple polling function that will poll for the status of an order.
+ */
+async function pollForStatus(order: Order, pfiDid: string, did: BearerDid) {
+ let close: Close
+ while (!close) {
+ const exchange = await TbdexHttpClient.getExchange({
+ pfiDid: pfiDid,
+ did: did,
+ exchangeId: order.exchangeId
+ })
+ for (const message of exchange) {
+ if (message instanceof OrderStatus) {
+ console.log('we got a new order status')
+ const orderStatus = message as OrderStatus
+ console.log('orderStatus', JSON.stringify(orderStatus, null, 2))
+ } else if (message instanceof Close) {
+ console.log('we have a close message')
+ close = message as Close
+ console.log('close', JSON.stringify(close, null, 2))
+ return close
+ }
+ }
+ }
+const [end_balances] = await TbdexHttpClient.getBalances({ pfiDid: pfiDid, did: alice })
+console.log('starting balances:', JSON.stringify(balances, null, 2))
+console.log('end balances:', JSON.stringify(end_balances, null, 2))
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/full-tbdex-exchange.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/full-tbdex-exchange.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a756e7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/full-tbdex-exchange.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+import {
+ TbdexHttpClient,
+ Rfq,
+ Quote,
+ Order,
+ OrderStatus,
+ Close,
+} from '@tbdex/http-client'
+import { createOrLoadDid } from './utils.js'
+import { BearerDid } from '@web5/dids'
+import fs from 'fs'
+// load pfiDid from pfiDid.txt
+const pfiDid = fs.readFileSync('pfiDid.txt', 'utf-8').trim()
+const signedCredential = fs.readFileSync('signedCredential.txt', 'utf-8').trim()
+// Connect to the PFI and get the list of offerings (offerings are resources - anyone can ask for them)
+const [offering] = await TbdexHttpClient.getOfferings({ pfiDid: pfiDid })
+console.log('got offering:', JSON.stringify(offering, null, 2))
+// Load alice's private key to sign RFQ
+const alice = await createOrLoadDid('alice.json')
+const [balances] = await TbdexHttpClient.getBalances({ pfiDid: pfiDid, did: alice })
+console.log('got balances:', JSON.stringify(balances, null, 2))
+// And here we go with tbdex-protocol!
+// First, Create an RFQ
+const rfq = Rfq.create({
+ metadata: { from: alice.uri, to: pfiDid },
+ data: {
+ offeringId: offering.id,
+ payin: {
+ kind: 'USD_LEDGER',
+ amount: '100.00',
+ paymentDetails: {},
+ },
+ payout: {
+ paymentDetails: {
+ accountNumber: '0x1234567890',
+ reason: 'I got kids',
+ },
+ },
+ claims: [signedCredential],
+ },
+await rfq.sign(alice)
+try {
+ await TbdexHttpClient.createExchange(rfq)
+} catch (error) {
+ console.log('Can\'t create:', error)
+console.log('sent RFQ: ', JSON.stringify(rfq, null, 2))
+let quote
+//Wait for Quote message to appear in the exchange
+while (!quote) {
+ const exchange = await TbdexHttpClient.getExchange({
+ pfiDid: pfiDid,
+ did: alice,
+ exchangeId: rfq.exchangeId
+ })
+ quote = exchange.find(msg => msg instanceof Quote)
+ if (!quote) {
+ // Wait 2 seconds before making another request
+ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000))
+ }
+// All interaction with the PFI happens in the context of an exchange.
+// This is where for example a quote would show up in result to an RFQ:
+const exchange = await TbdexHttpClient.getExchange({
+ pfiDid: pfiDid,
+ did: alice,
+ exchangeId: rfq.exchangeId
+console.log('got exchange:', JSON.stringify(exchange, null, 2))
+// Now lets get the quote out of the returned exchange
+for (const message of exchange) {
+ if (message instanceof Quote) {
+ const quote = message as Quote
+ console.log('we have received a quote!', JSON.stringify(quote, null, 2))
+ // Place an order against that quote:
+ const order = Order.create({
+ metadata: {
+ from: alice.uri,
+ to: pfiDid,
+ exchangeId: quote.exchangeId
+ },
+ })
+ await order.sign(alice)
+ await TbdexHttpClient.submitOrder(order)
+ console.log('Sent order: ', JSON.stringify(order, null, 2))
+ // poll for order status updates
+ await pollForStatus(order, pfiDid, alice)
+ }
+ * This is a very simple polling function that will poll for the status of an order.
+ */
+async function pollForStatus(order: Order, pfiDid: string, did: BearerDid) {
+ let close: Close
+ while (!close) {
+ const exchange = await TbdexHttpClient.getExchange({
+ pfiDid: pfiDid,
+ did: did,
+ exchangeId: order.exchangeId
+ })
+ for (const message of exchange) {
+ if (message instanceof OrderStatus) {
+ console.log('we got a new order status')
+ const orderStatus = message as OrderStatus
+ console.log('orderStatus', JSON.stringify(orderStatus, null, 2))
+ } else if (message instanceof Close) {
+ console.log('we have a close message')
+ close = message as Close
+ console.log('close', JSON.stringify(close, null, 2))
+ return close
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/issue-credential.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/issue-credential.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0324fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/issue-credential.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import { BearerDid } from '@web5/dids'
+import { createOrLoadDid } from './utils.js'
+import { VerifiableCredential } from '@web5/credentials'
+import fs from 'fs'
+// get the did from the command line parameter or load from aliceDid.txt
+const customerDid = process.argv[2] || fs.readFileSync('aliceDid.txt', 'utf-8').trim()
+const issuer : BearerDid = await createOrLoadDid('issuer.json')
+// At this point we can check if the user is sanctioned or not and decide to issue the credential.
+// (ssh... ok lets just say we did and continue on....)
+// Create a sanctions credential so that the PFI knows that Alice is legit.
+const vc = await VerifiableCredential.create({
+ type : 'SanctionCredential',
+ issuer : issuer.uri,
+ subject : customerDid,
+ data : {
+ 'beep': 'boop'
+ }
+const vcJwt = await vc.sign({ did: issuer})
+console.log('The verifiable credential:\n\n', vcJwt)
+// write credential to file
+console.log('\n\nThis has been written to signedCredential.txt')
+fs.writeFileSync('signedCredential.txt', vcJwt)
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/utils.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22802388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/example/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { BearerDid, DidDht, PortableDid } from '@web5/dids'
+import fs from 'fs/promises'
+export async function createOrLoadDid(filename: string, serviceEndpoint: string = 'http://localhost:9000'): Promise {
+ // Check if the file exists
+ try {
+ const data = await fs.readFile(filename, 'utf-8')
+ const portableDid: PortableDid = JSON.parse(data)
+ const bearerDid = await DidDht.import({ portableDid })
+ return bearerDid
+ } catch (error) {
+ // If the file doesn't exist, generate a new DID
+ if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
+ const bearerDid = await DidDht.create(filename.includes('pfi') && {
+ options: {
+ services: [
+ {
+ id: 'pfi',
+ type: 'PFI',
+ serviceEndpoint: serviceEndpoint
+ }]
+ }})
+ const portableDid = await bearerDid.export()
+ await fs.writeFile(filename, JSON.stringify(portableDid, null, 2))
+ return bearerDid
+ }
+ console.error('Error reading from file:', error)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/fetch.d.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/fetch.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f4e79ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/fetch.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// polyfill for node's native fetch type. holdover until
+// https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/60924 is merged
+import * as undici_types from 'undici'
+declare global {
+ export const {
+ fetch,
+ FormData,
+ Headers,
+ Request,
+ Response,
+ }: typeof import('undici')
+ type FormData = undici_types.FormData
+ type Headers = undici_types.Headers
+ type HeadersInit = undici_types.HeadersInit
+ type BodyInit = undici_types.BodyInit
+ type Request = undici_types.Request
+ type RequestInit = undici_types.RequestInit
+ type RequestInfo = undici_types.RequestInfo
+ type RequestMode = undici_types.RequestMode
+ type RequestRedirect = undici_types.RequestRedirect
+ type RequestCredentials = undici_types.RequestCredentials
+ type RequestDestination = undici_types.RequestDestination
+ type ReferrerPolicy = undici_types.ReferrerPolicy
+ type Response = undici_types.Response
+ type ResponseInit = undici_types.ResponseInit
+ type ResponseType = undici_types.ResponseType
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/http-shutdown-handler.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/http-shutdown-handler.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db53f0d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/http-shutdown-handler.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import { Server } from 'http'
+import { Socket } from 'net'
+const SOCKET_IDLE_SYMBOL = Symbol('idle')
+export class HttpServerShutdownHandler {
+ private tcpSockets: { [socketId: number]: Socket }
+ private tcpSocketId: number
+ private server: Server
+ private stopping: boolean
+ constructor(server: Server) {
+ this.tcpSockets = {}
+ this.tcpSocketId = 1
+ this.server = server
+ this.stopping = false
+ // This event is emitted when a new TCP stream is established
+ this.server.on('connection', socket => {
+ // set socket to idle. this same socket will be accessible within the `http.on('request', (req, res))` event listener
+ // as `request.connection`
+ socket[SOCKET_IDLE_SYMBOL] = true
+ const tcpSocketId = this.tcpSocketId++
+ this.tcpSockets[tcpSocketId] = socket
+ // This event is emitted when a tcp stream is `destroy`ed
+ socket.on('close', () => {
+ delete this.tcpSockets[tcpSocketId]
+ })
+ })
+ // Emitted each time there is a request. There may be multiple requests
+ // per connection (in the case of HTTP Keep-Alive connections).
+ this.server.on('request', (request, response) => {
+ const { socket } = request
+ // set __idle to false because this socket is being used for an incoming request
+ socket[SOCKET_IDLE_SYMBOL] = false
+ // Emitted when the response has been sent. More specifically, this event is emitted
+ // when the last segment of the response headers and body have been handed off to the
+ // operating system for transmission over the network.
+ // It does not imply that the client has received anything yet.
+ response.on('finish', () => {
+ // set __idle back to true because the socket has finished facilitating a request. This socket may be used again without being
+ // destroyed if keep-alive is being leveraged
+ socket[SOCKET_IDLE_SYMBOL] = true
+ if (this.stopping) {
+ socket.destroy()
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ stop(callback) {
+ this.stopping = true
+ // Stops the server from accepting new connections and keeps existing connections. This function is asynchronous,
+ // the server is finally closed when all connections are ended and the server emits a 'close' event.
+ // The optional callback will be called once the 'close' event occurs. Unlike that event, it will be
+ // called with an Error as its only argument if the server was not open when it was closed.
+ this.server.close(() => {
+ this.tcpSocketId = 0
+ this.stopping = false
+ callback()
+ })
+ // close all idle sockets. the remaining sockets facilitating active requests
+ // will be closed after they've served responses back.
+ for (const tcpSocketId in this.tcpSockets) {
+ const socket = this.tcpSockets[tcpSocketId]
+ if (socket[SOCKET_IDLE_SYMBOL]) {
+ socket.destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/logger.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/logger.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40bf6644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/logger.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import log from 'loglevel'
+import prefix from 'loglevel-plugin-prefix'
+import { config } from './config.js'
+export default log
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/main.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91fa1d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import './polyfills.js'
+import type { Rfq, Order, Close } from '@tbdex/http-server'
+import log from './logger.js'
+import { config } from './config.js'
+import {
+ Postgres,
+ ExchangeRepository,
+ OfferingRepository,
+ BalancesRepository,
+} from './db/index.js'
+import { HttpServerShutdownHandler } from './http-shutdown-handler.js'
+import { TbdexHttpServer } from '@tbdex/http-server'
+import { DidDht } from '@web5/dids'
+import { BearerDid } from '@web5/dids'
+import { createOrLoadDid } from './example/utils.js'
+import { VerifiableCredential } from '@web5/credentials'
+await Postgres.connect()
+ * Republish the server DID to ensure it is fresh
+ */
+async function republish() {
+ await DidDht.publish({'did': config.pfiDid})
+ console.log('republished PFI DID')
+// and it may be a good idea to republish the server DID every hour
+setInterval(republish, 3600000)
+process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason: any, promise) => {
+ log.error(
+ `Unhandled promise rejection. Reason: ${reason}. Promise: ${JSON.stringify(promise)}. Stack: ${reason.stack}`,
+ )
+process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => {
+ log.error('Uncaught exception:', err.stack || err)
+// triggered by ctrl+c with no traps in between
+process.on('SIGINT', async () => {
+ log.info('exit signal received [SIGINT]. starting graceful shutdown')
+ gracefulShutdown()
+// triggered by docker, tiny etc.
+process.on('SIGTERM', async () => {
+ log.info('exit signal received [SIGTERM]. starting graceful shutdown')
+ gracefulShutdown()
+const httpApi = new TbdexHttpServer({
+ exchangesApi: ExchangeRepository,
+ offeringsApi: OfferingRepository,
+ balancesApi: BalancesRepository,
+ pfiDid: config.pfiDid.uri,
+httpApi.onCreateExchange(async (ctx, rfq) => {
+ await ExchangeRepository.addMessage({ message: rfq as Rfq })
+httpApi.onSubmitOrder(async (ctx, order) => {
+ await ExchangeRepository.addMessage({ message: order as Order })
+httpApi.onSubmitClose(async (ctx, close) => {
+ await ExchangeRepository.addMessage({ message: close as Close })
+httpApi.api.post('/get-vc', async function(req, res) {
+ const issuer : BearerDid = await createOrLoadDid('issuer.json')
+ // Create a sanctions credential so that the PFI knows that Alice is legit.
+ const vc = await VerifiableCredential.create({
+ type : 'SanctionCredential',
+ issuer : issuer.uri,
+ subject : req.body.did,
+ data : {
+ 'beep': 'boop'
+ }
+ })
+ const vcJwt = await vc.sign({ did: issuer})
+ res.send(vcJwt)
+const server = httpApi.listen(config.port, () => {
+ log.info(`Mock PFI listening on port ${config.port}`)
+console.log('PFI DID FROM SERVER: ', config.pfiDid.uri)
+httpApi.api.get('/', (req, res) => {
+ res.send(
+ 'Please use the tbdex protocol to communicate with this server or a suitable library: https://github.com/TBD54566975/tbdex-protocol',
+ )
+const httpServerShutdownHandler = new HttpServerShutdownHandler(server)
+function gracefulShutdown() {
+ httpServerShutdownHandler.stop(async () => {
+ log.info('http server stopped.')
+ log.info('closing Postgres connections')
+ await Postgres.close()
+ process.exit(0)
+ })
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/polyfills.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/polyfills.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dabc6c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/polyfills.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+BigInt.prototype['toJSON'] = function () {
+ return this.toString()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/seed-offerings.ts b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/seed-offerings.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..829b8de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/src/seed-offerings.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+import './polyfills.js'
+import { Postgres, OfferingRepository } from './db/index.js'
+import { Offering } from '@tbdex/http-server'
+import { config } from './config.js'
+import { promises as fs } from 'fs'
+async function main() {
+ await Postgres.connect()
+ await Postgres.clear()
+ try {
+ // this is the issuer did (just the URI) that was created in the example/create-issuer.ts file
+ const issuerDid = await fs.readFile('issuerDid.txt', 'utf8')
+ const offering1 = Offering.create({
+ metadata: { from: config.pfiDid.uri },
+ data: {
+ cancellation: { enabled: false },
+ description: 'fake offering 1',
+ payoutUnitsPerPayinUnit: '0.0069', // ex. we send 100 dollars, so that means 14550.00 KES
+ payin: {
+ currencyCode: 'USD',
+ methods: [
+ {
+ kind: 'USD_LEDGER',
+ requiredPaymentDetails: {},
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ payout: {
+ currencyCode: 'KES',
+ methods: [
+ {
+ kind: 'MOMO_MPESA',
+ requiredPaymentDetails: {
+ $schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
+ title: 'Mobile Money Required Payment Details',
+ type: 'object',
+ required: ['phoneNumber', 'reason'],
+ additionalProperties: false,
+ properties: {
+ phoneNumber: {
+ title: 'Mobile money phone number',
+ description: 'Phone number of the Mobile Money account',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ reason: {
+ title: 'Reason for sending',
+ description:
+ 'To abide by the travel rules and financial reporting requirements, the reason for sending money',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ estimatedSettlementTime: 10
+ },
+ {
+ requiredPaymentDetails: {
+ $schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
+ title: 'Bank Transfer Required Payment Details',
+ type: 'object',
+ required: ['accountNumber', 'reason'],
+ additionalProperties: false,
+ properties: {
+ accountNumber: {
+ title: 'Bank account number',
+ description: 'Bank account of the recipient\'s bank account',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ reason: {
+ title: 'Reason for sending',
+ description:
+ 'To abide by the travel rules and financial reporting requirements, the reason for sending money',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ estimatedSettlementTime: 10
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ requiredClaims: {
+ id: '7ce4004c-3c38-4853-968b-e411bafcd945',
+ input_descriptors: [
+ {
+ id: 'bbdb9b7c-5754-4f46-b63b-590bada959e0',
+ constraints: {
+ fields: [
+ {
+ path: ['$.type[*]'],
+ filter: {
+ type: 'string',
+ pattern: '^SanctionCredential$',
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: ['$.issuer'],
+ filter: {
+ type: 'string',
+ const: issuerDid.trim() // Use the read issuer DID here
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ const offering2 = Offering.create({
+ metadata: { from: config.pfiDid.uri },
+ data: {
+ cancellation: { enabled: false },
+ description: 'USD to USDC wire transfer to stored balance',
+ payoutUnitsPerPayinUnit: '1.00',
+ payin: {
+ currencyCode: 'USD',
+ methods: [
+ {
+ kind: 'WIRE_TRANSFER',
+ requiredPaymentDetails: {},
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ payout: {
+ currencyCode: 'USDC',
+ methods: [
+ {
+ requiredPaymentDetails: {},
+ estimatedSettlementTime: 10
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ const offering3 = Offering.create({
+ metadata: { from: config.pfiDid.uri },
+ data: {
+ cancellation: { enabled: false },
+ description: 'USDC to USD wire transfer from stored balance',
+ payoutUnitsPerPayinUnit: '1.00',
+ payin: {
+ currencyCode: 'USDC',
+ methods: [
+ {
+ requiredPaymentDetails: {},
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ payout: {
+ currencyCode: 'USD',
+ methods: [
+ {
+ kind: 'WIRE_TRANSFER',
+ requiredPaymentDetails: {},
+ estimatedSettlementTime: 10
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ const offering4 = Offering.create({
+ metadata: { from: config.pfiDid.uri },
+ data: {
+ cancellation: { enabled: false },
+ description: 'Stored balance (in USDC) to MOMO_MPESA',
+ payoutUnitsPerPayinUnit: '0.0069', // ex. we send 100 dollars, so that means 14550.00 KES
+ payin: {
+ currencyCode: 'USDC',
+ methods: [
+ {
+ requiredPaymentDetails: {},
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ payout: {
+ currencyCode: 'KES',
+ methods: [
+ {
+ kind: 'MOMO_MPESA',
+ requiredPaymentDetails: {
+ $schema: 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#',
+ title: 'Mobile Money Required Payment Details',
+ type: 'object',
+ required: ['phoneNumber', 'reason'],
+ additionalProperties: false,
+ properties: {
+ phoneNumber: {
+ title: 'Mobile money phone number',
+ description: 'Phone number of the Mobile Money account',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ reason: {
+ title: 'Reason for sending',
+ description:
+ 'To abide by the travel rules and financial reporting requirements, the reason for sending money',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ estimatedSettlementTime: 10
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ requiredClaims: {
+ id: 'example-claim-3',
+ input_descriptors: [
+ {
+ id: 'example-descriptor-3',
+ constraints: {
+ fields: [
+ {
+ path: ['$.type[*]'],
+ filter: {
+ type: 'string',
+ pattern: '^SanctionCredential$',
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ path: ['$.issuer'],
+ filter: {
+ type: 'string',
+ const: issuerDid.trim() // Use the read issuer DID here
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ await offering1.sign(config.pfiDid)
+ await OfferingRepository.create(offering1)
+ await offering2.sign(config.pfiDid)
+ await OfferingRepository.create(offering2)
+ await offering3.sign(config.pfiDid)
+ await OfferingRepository.create(offering3)
+ await offering4.sign(config.pfiDid)
+ await OfferingRepository.create(offering4)
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error reading issuer DID or creating offering:', error)
+ }
diff --git a/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/tsconfig.json b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f76b346b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/tbdex-pfi-exemplar/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "lib": ["es2023"],
+ "target": "es2022",
+ "module": "node16",
+ "esModuleInterop": true,
+ "skipLibCheck": true,
+ "moduleResolution": "node16",
+ "outDir": "dist",
+ "declaration": true,
+ "declarationDir": "dist/types",
+ "sourceMap": true
+ },
+ "include": ["src"]
\ No newline at end of file