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File metadata and controls

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SQL for Ethereum

This repo hosts tools to help analyze data of Ethereum and other EVM blockchains by databases Postgres, Amazon Redshift, DuckDb.

  • User defined SQL functions to decode ABI encoded data emitted by smart contracts.
  • Utilities to parse ABI files to extract event metadata and create SQL scripts to query contract logs.

SQL functions to decode with ABI

Smart contracts notify their users by emitting event logs with payloads encoded according to the ABI spec. Their attributes are encoded as hex and passed in three fields called topics and one field data. The first topic is a hash of the event's name and the types of its attributes.

Token Transfer event for example, carries to, from as addresses and amount as uint256, packed in a log like this:

  "address": "0xcd3b51d98478d53f4515a306be565c6eebef1d58",
  "topics": [
  "data": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000aad50c474db4eb50"


  • topic0 is the hash of Transfer(address,address,uint256)
  • topic1 is from address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  • topic2 is to address 0xf78031c993afb43e79f017938326ff34418ec36e
  • data is value uint256 12309758656873032448

We store events as raw logs in relational databases like Postgres or Redshift, or in Parquet files to analyze with SQL queries. Their encoded attributes however are hard to consume. If we need to sum up numeric attributes and read addresses and text, we need to see them decoded in our queries.

Fortunately, databases have rich libraries of built-in functions that can be combined into user defined functions to decode these values. We just need to know how they are defined and to follow the ABI spec.

For example, to decode the above value attribute we can use function to_uint256:

select to_uint256(2, '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000aad50c474db4eb50')

to get its decimal representation 12309758656873032448 which can now be used in calculations.

This user defined function to_uint256 uses built-in functions

Postgres and Redshift built-in functions differ, so we define low level functions like to_uint256 separately for each database, and then define common high level functions like to_array. To create the full library we need to create low functions specific to our database with functions-postgres.sql then high functions with functions.sql.

The library has functions to decode the vast majority of attribute types:

  • to_uint256, to_uint128, to_uint64, to_in64, to_int32 etc.
  • to_address, to_string, to_bytes
  • to_array, to_fixed array

and others.

They correspond to types defined by the ABI spec:

  • address: to_address()
  • uint256: to_uint256()
  • string: to_string()
  • uint256[]: to_array('uint256')
  • address[]: to_array('address')
  • address[2]: to_fixed_array('address', 2)

and so on. For the full list see supportedTypesDict in util.js. Please note this is WIP and we may lack a function to decode some rare type in which case we'll return its raw value.

Now armed with the functions we can decode logs if we know their attribute types and names. From this row with a raw log:

address topic0 topic1 topic2 topic3 data block_hash block_number transaction_hash transaction_index log_index transaction_log_index removed block_timestamp
0xcd3b51d98478d53f4515a306be565c6eebef1d58 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0x000000000000000000000000f78031c993afb43e79f017938326ff34418ec36e 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000aad50c474db4eb50 0x09f1e5619fcbfaa873fcf4e924b724dac6b84e0f9c02341f75c11393d586792b 222431 0xf9a7cefb1ab525781aac1b0ca29bf76b90cd2f16e22ee9e91cf7d2dcae78aa08 6 18 1 false

You can get to this row of a decoded Transfer event:

from to value contract_address
0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0xf78031c993afb43e79f017938326ff34418ec36e 12309758656873032448 0xcd3b51d98478d53f4515a306be565c6eebef1d58

With a SQL query like this:

select to_address(topic1) "from",
       to_address(topic2) "to",
       to_uint256(data)   "value",
       address            contract_address
from data.logs
where topic0 = '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef';

ABI parser to create SQL views for events

The functions introduced above are sufficient to decode events we know well together with their attributes' location, types and names, like for the ubiquitous Transfer. A Dapp however can run with a dozen contracts emitting dozens of various events, and crafting correct SQL selects for each of them may become unmanageable. Let's wrap these selects into database views one per event, so they give us convenient abstractions of events. Then a view for our Transfer event can be used in a query like so:

select sum(value), "to" from Transfer_address_from_address_to_uint256_value_d group by 2 order by 1 desc

This view was created out of the select statement in the previous section and the source of its data is still raw logs in data.logs. Note its name Transfer_address_from_address_to_uint256_value_d contains event attributes as there may be other Transfer events with different attributes, like the one for erc721: Transfer_address_from_address_to_uint256_tokenId.

Most deployed contracts publish their ABI in json files to help interpret their logs. Our Transfer event is defined in ABI as:

  "anonymous": false,
  "inputs": [
      "indexed": true,
      "name": "from",
      "type": "address"
      "indexed": true,
      "name": "to",
      "type": "address"
      "indexed": false,
      "name": "value",
      "type": "uint256"
  "name": "Transfer",
  "type": "event"

From this snippet we know the attribute from is of type address and comes in the second topic as it's indexed and so on. This definition is sufficient to create a query for a view to decode all raw Transfer logs.

We can parse an ABI file of any contract and create view definitions for every event described in it. If we gather ABI files for all the contracts we extracted logs for, we can create views for all of their events. Our database of raw logs will then become user friendly with event views with recognizable names and columns, returning decoded values we can analyze.


Metadata to create SQL views for contracts

Event views we just introduced work well to query events of contracts whose addresses we know. For example, to select Transfers of USDC we filter on its address we got from Etherscan.

select * from event.Transfer_address_from_address_to_uint256_value_d 
where contract_address = '0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48';

But beyond popular tokens and addresses we would also like to explore Dapps and the events they emit even if we don't know their addresses and names.

There are sources like block explorers and Github repos that publish names and labels for contracts, usually together with their ABI files. These labels are better suited to navigate Dapps and their contracts: labels can be project names like aave, uniswap, beamswap or standards like erc20, erc721, and names of contracts are descriptive like AmmFactory or Staking or USDT.

We can gather contracts' names and labels from open sources and use them to create additional event views per contract, then group them into schemas named like their labels. For example, Transfer events of a contract identified as USDT and labeled erc20 can be found in a view named erc20.USDT_evt_Transfer. A great number of Dapp events can be explored by selecting from views like beamswap.AmmFactoryV1_evt_PairCreated and the like.

Note that these contract views like erc20.USDT_evt_Transfer still select from event views like event.Transfer_address_from_address_to_uint256_value_d with a filter on a known contract address.



We can now show how to parse ABI files and contract metadata to create event and contract views for Dapp Beamswap deployed to Polkadot EVM parachain Moonbeam.

Please see our other repo evm-archive for an ETL tool to extract raw logs from an EVM full node and load them into data.logs table of your database.

Beamswap publishes addresses and names of its 12 smart contracts. Their ABIs can be downloaded from block explorer Moonscan.

We added the files to this repo in input/beamswap; their names are concatenations of contract addresses and names (like 0x2fc63231f734850c4b8c6b80c275fdb66983846fStable Pool Nomad V1.json) as extra inputs to the parser. TODO there must be a better way to organize this.

Generate view definitions and metadata

Run the parser to read the ABI files. It's a standalone js script and requires Node.js installed.

node parse-abi-files.js

The parser will produce:

  • definitions of contract label schemas parse-abi-create-label-schema.sql
  • event view definitions parse-abi-event-view.sql
  • contract view definitions parse-abi-contract-view.sql
  • records of metadata in CSV files to be loaded into tables in schema metadata
    • abi: event names, signatures, parsing logic parse-abi-abi.csv
    • event: many-to-many relationship of events to contracts parse-abi-event.csv
    • contract: addresses, names, labels parse-abi-contract.csv
    • label: contract labels parse-abi-label.csv

Take a peek into these scripts to see the SQL statements we talked about.

Statements to create event views in schema event. These views define logic to parse raw logs and don't depend on any metadata tables. You can create event schema, execute this file and start exploring decoded events right away.

create or replace view event."AddLiquidity_address_provider_uint256___tokenAmounts_d_uint256___fees_d_uint256_invariant_d_uint256_lpTokenSupply_d" as select to_address(2,topic1::text) "provider",to_array(2,data::text,'to_uint256') "tokenAmounts",to_array(66,data::text,'to_uint256') "fees",to_uint256(130,data::text) "invariant",to_uint256(194,data::text) "lpTokenSupply", address contract_address, transaction_hash evt_tx_hash, log_index evt_index, block_timestamp evt_block_time, block_number evt_block_number from data.logs where topic0 = '0x189c623b666b1b45b83d7178f39b8c087cb09774317ca2f53c2d3c3726f222a2';
create or replace view event."FlashLoan_address_receiver_uint8_tokenIndex_d_uint256_amount_d_uint256_amountFee_d_uint256_protocolFee_d" as select to_address(2,topic1::text) "receiver",to_uint32(2,data::text) "tokenIndex",to_uint256(66,data::text) "amount",to_uint256(130,data::text) "amountFee",to_uint256(194,data::text) "protocolFee", address contract_address, transaction_hash evt_tx_hash, log_index evt_index, block_timestamp evt_block_time, block_number evt_block_number from data.logs where topic0 = '0x7c186b2827b23e9024e7b29869cba58a97a4bac6567802a8ea6a8afa7b8c22f0';
create or replace view event."NewAdminFee_uint256_newAdminFee_d" as select to_uint256(2,data::text) "newAdminFee", address contract_address, transaction_hash evt_tx_hash, log_index evt_index, block_timestamp evt_block_time, block_number evt_block_number from data.logs where topic0 = '0xab599d640ca80cde2b09b128a4154a8dfe608cb80f4c9399c8b954b01fd35f38';

Statements to create contract views in schema beamswap (if you process ABI sources for contracts of other Dapps they will use their own schemas). These views depend on metadata tables to relate contracts and events.

create or replace view beamswap."StablePoolNomadV1_evt_AddLiquidity" as select v.* from event."AddLiquidity_address_provider_uint256___tokenAmounts_d_uint256___fees_d_uint256_invariant_d_uint256_lpTokenSupply_d" v left join metadata.event e on lower(e.contract_address) = lower(v.contract_address) left join metadata.contract c on lower(e.contract_address) = lower(c.address) where e.abi_signature = 'AddLiquidity(address indexed provider,uint256[] tokenAmounts,uint256[] fees,uint256 invariant,uint256 lpTokenSupply)' and c.label = 'beamswap' and = 'StablePoolNomadV1';
create or replace view beamswap."StablePoolNomadV1_evt_FlashLoan" as select v.* from event."FlashLoan_address_receiver_uint8_tokenIndex_d_uint256_amount_d_uint256_amountFee_d_uint256_protocolFee_d" v left join metadata.event e on lower(e.contract_address) = lower(v.contract_address) left join metadata.contract c on lower(e.contract_address) = lower(c.address) where e.abi_signature = 'FlashLoan(address indexed receiver,uint8 tokenIndex,uint256 amount,uint256 amountFee,uint256 protocolFee)' and c.label = 'beamswap' and = 'StablePoolNomadV1';
create or replace view beamswap."ShareTokenV1_evt_Approval" as select v.* from event."Approval_address_owner_address_spender_uint256_value_d" v left join metadata.event e on lower(e.contract_address) = lower(v.contract_address) left join metadata.contract c on lower(e.contract_address) = lower(c.address) where e.abi_signature = 'Approval(address indexed owner,address indexed spender,uint256 value)' and c.label = 'beamswap' and = 'ShareTokenV1';
create or replace view beamswap."ShareTokenV1_evt_Transfer" as select v.* from event."Transfer_address_from_address_to_uint256_value_d" v left join metadata.event e on lower(e.contract_address) = lower(v.contract_address) left join metadata.contract c on lower(e.contract_address) = lower(c.address) where e.abi_signature = 'Transfer(address indexed from,address indexed to,uint256 value)' and c.label = 'beamswap' and = 'ShareTokenV1';
create or replace view beamswap."StakingV1_evt_CycleStakingPercentUpdated" as select v.* from event."CycleStakingPercentUpdated_address_token_uint256_previousValue_d_uint256_newValue_d" v left join metadata.event e on lower(e.contract_address) = lower(v.contract_address) left join metadata.contract c on lower(e.contract_address) = lower(c.address) where e.abi_signature = 'CycleStakingPercentUpdated(address indexed token,uint256 previousValue,uint256 newValue)' and c.label = 'beamswap' and = 'StakingV1';

End to end with Postgres

Run a shell script to generate and apply SQL to your Postgres database, in the correct order:

  • generate view definitions and metadata from ABI files
  • create metadata schema in your Postgres database
  • copy metadata csv to Postgres tables
  • create schemas for contract labels
  • create low level functions
  • create high level functions
  • create event views
  • create contract views

Make sure Postgres client psql is installed and connection to your database is defined with env variables PGHOST et al.; see example.env.
