Symbolic execution is not straightforward when floating point arithmetic is involved. KLEE-float is a good tool to combat this problem. Please refer to our project report for more details on the topic, including references.
To run this project,
- Test code is provided in the Artifacts_Test_Evidence folder as test1_code(simple tutorial code) and test2_code(CUBIC_TCP_Snippet). CUBIC_Original is just for reference.
- KLEE software needs to be run on a docker container. Instructions to run KLEE:
- Install Ubuntu on your system from Microsoft store after making sure that WSL latest version is active on your windows system.
- Install docker on your Ubuntu Machine using following commands (fastest way: Watch the youtube video:- “Docker tutorial - Install Docker on Ubuntu fast”) a. sudo apt-get update b. sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software�properties-common c. curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88 d. sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" e. sudo apt-get update f. sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli g. sudo docker run hello-world
- After installing docker, use sudo dockerd command on bash shell to start a docker daemon.
- Run the following shell commands to install KLEE on your system: a. docker pull klee/klee b. docker run –rm -ti –ulimit=’stack=-1:-1’ klee/klee
- After installing KLEE, and entering the docker KLEE container, create a file and paste the contents of the test files into a file (test.c) and execute the following commands to analyze the code: a. clang -emit-llvm -g -c test.c b. llvm-dis ./test.bc c. klee test.bc After running test.bc, you should see an output file with the generated test cases, you can check those test cases using d. ktest-tool klee-last/test000001.ktest where test000001.ktest is the test file name. Running KLEE-Float: To pull the KLEE-Float into your Ubuntu machine, use the following commads: a. docker pull comsys/klee-dev-fpbench-prebuilt:latest b. git clone -b tool_exchange_03.05.2017_rebase_extra_bug_fixes�imperial/klee-float.git c. cd klee-float d. scripts/ Problems while installing KLEE-Float:
- You might experience errors during the run of where you might need to run as a non-root user, easiest way is to create a non-root user and run this build.
- Also, one more issue we faced was that while running the build, one step tries to connect to a website which has it’s certificate expired. So, in order to override the certificate check of this website, we downloaded the project from GitHub to PyCharm IDE and modified the scripts/patch_aachen.Dockerfile line number 26 where we gave the command “—no-check-certificate”. Otherwise, installation will be halted. e. After building, run this in the same way as original KLEE. Limitations of the project: We faced some errors where a symbolic input is used to call a different function of the code. Although there is a method klee --libc=uclibc --posix-runtime test.bc, we are yet to completely explore this and for now considering this as future work