diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5f62af3..6aeaa7f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,2 +1,13 @@
[Front facing homepage of the Species File Group](https://speciesfilegroup.org)
+## Updating
+Use the `main` branch.
+bundle install
+jekyll serve
+Pages are built *not* with Github pages Jekyll pipeline but with our own configuration on GH. This allows us to use more recent versions of Jekyll, etc.
diff --git a/feed.xml b/feed.xml
index 3c35dde..131e5cb 100644
--- a/feed.xml
+++ b/feed.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
With 15 presentations bringing us wildly different perspectives, our Narrowing The Gaps Symposium offered something for everyone at SPNHC2023. Access to our biodiversity-related data and to knowledge derived from that information and to relevant human expertise vary widely. It can be difficult (impossible?) to measure impact or provide recognition and insightful metrics without access. In our symposium, we asked our presenters to share how the distance between gathering (specimen) information and publishing accessible information might be changing. As organizers, we also asked our presenters to address how the role of the collection manager may be changing with respect to getting to publication faster. Here we summarize a few highlights from these talks.