Download link:
Download with shell command
cd model
cd python
python <tensorFlow_model> <TARGET_PLATFORM> <dtype(optional)> <output_rknn_path(optional)>
# such as: python ../model/deeplab-v3-plus-mobilenet-v2.pb rk3588
# output model will be saved as ../model/deeplab-v3-plus-mobilenet-v2.rknn
- <tensorFlow_model> should be the TensorFlow model path.
- <TARGET_PLATFORM> could be specified as RK3562, RK3566, RK3568, RK3588, RK1808, RV1109, RV1126 according to board SOC version.
- <dtype> is optional, could be specified as
means to do quantization,fp
means no to do quantization, default isi8
. - <output_rknn_path> is optional, used to specify the saving path of the RKNN model, default save in the same directory as TensorFlow model with name
cd python
python --model_path <rknn_model> --target <TARGET_PLATFORM>
# such as: python ../model/deeplab-v3-plus-mobilenet-v2.pb rk3566
# output model will be saved as ../model/deeplab-v3-plus-mobilenet-v2.rknn
- <TARGET_PLATFORM>: Specified as the NPU platform name. Such as 'rk3588'.
- <rknn_model>: Specified as the model path.
Note: Due to post-processing for reszie and argmax, the model needs to be cropped to run on the C demo. This is shown below by python scripts.
Where logits/semantic/BiasAdd
are selected as output node for deeplabv3 model rather than the original model output node.
Expected Results
This example will print the segmentation result on the testing image, as follows:
Note: RK1808, RV1109, RV1126 does not support Android.
Please refer to the Compilation_Environment_Setup_Guide document to setup a cross-compilation environment and complete the compilation of C/C++ Demo.
Note: Please replace the model name with deeplabv3
Connect the USB port to PC, then push all demo files to the board.
For example, on RK3588,
adb root
adb remount
adb push install/rk3588_android_arm64-v8a/rknn_deeplabv3_demo/ /data/
adb shell
cd /data/rknn_deeplabv3_demo/lib/
# cp to lib
cp /vendor/lib64/ .
# go to demo path
cd /data/rknn_deeplabv3_demo/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib
./rknn_deeplabv3_demo ./model/deeplab-v3-plus-mobilenet-v2.rknn model/test_image.jpg
Note: The segmentation results will be saved in the out.png
Please refer to the Compilation_Environment_Setup_Guide document to setup a cross-compilation environment and complete the compilation of C/C++ Demo.
Note: Please replace the model name with deeplabv3
Push install/<TARGET_PLATFORM>_linux_aarch64/rknn_deeplabv3_demo/ to the board.
- If use adb via the EVB board:
adb push install/<TARGET_PLATFORM>_linux_aarch64/rknn_deeplabv3_demo/ /data
- For other boards, use the scp or other different approaches to push all files under install/rknn_Deeplabv3_demo_<TARGET_PLATFORM>_linux_aarch64 to '/userdata'.
Please use the specific platform instead of <TARGET_PLATFORM> above and make sure that there is a on the '/usr/lib' path or somewhere else on the board!
adb shell
cd /data/rknn_deeplabv3_demo/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib
./rknn_deeplabv3_demo model/deeplab-v3-plus-mobilenet-v2.rknn model/test_image.jpg
For error message: can't find
This error can be fixed by creating a soft link to ARM mali library /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
ln -s /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
Then copy to path of your lib in demo and run it again.
Note: If the cannot be found on the path of /usr/lib, please try to search this library in whole system or upgrade firmware to make sure there is a file named on the board.
Note: RK1808, RV1109, and RV1126 platforms do not have a GPU. The CPP demo under the cpp/rknpu1
folder do not use GPU implementation, so there won't be an issue of not finding
if user wants to use other deeplabv3 model with differrnt size, please modify the following variables.
// Modify it accroding to required label for your model
const size_t NUM_LABEL = 21;
Also. if user need to have different color table for converting model output to RGB or other color space, the FULL_COLOR_MAP should be modified according to your color table used in the post-processing.
The expected result comes from C Demo.
Note: Different platforms, different versions of tools and drivers may have slightly different results.