Once the source code is ready, we can start to setup the environment and run the test script.
This artifact requires Python 3.7+, pip, npm, and Node.js 12+. If you are using Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04, you can simply install them by running:
$ ./ubuntu_setup.sh
At the same time, other Unix-like operating systems(e.g., macOS) are also supported, to install Python, simply follow the instructions from the official website of Python. For Node.js, please check out the official website of Node.js to install it.
After the packages are successfully installed, you can setup the environment by cd into the source code folder and run
$ ./install.sh
The script install.sh will install a list of required Python and Nodejs dependencies. Once finished, the environment is setup and we are ready to go.
You can run the script ObjLupAnsys_test.py to verify the installation. The command is:
$ python3 ./ObjLupAnsys_test.py
If the environment is successfully set up, you should be able to see the tests are finished without errors. The end of the outputs should be like:
Ran 3 tests in XXXs