This container is designed to be as small as possible and host a SoftEther VPN Server It´s based on Alpine so resulting Image is kept as small as 15MB!
- bridging to a physical Ethernet adapter
- OpenVPN
- L2tp
- SecureNAT
Image | Description |
softethervpn/vpnserver:stable | Latest stable release from |
softethervpn/vpnserver:v4.39-9772-beta | Tagged build |
softethervpn/vpnserver:latest | Latest commits from |
You should always specify your wanted version like softethervpn/vpnserver:5.02.5180
This will keep your config and Logfiles in the docker volume softetherdata
docker run -d --rm --name softether-vpn-server -v softetherdata:/mnt -p 443:443/tcp -p 992:992/tcp -p 1194:1194/udp -p 5555:5555/tcp -p 500:500/udp -p 4500:4500/udp -p 1701:1701/udp --cap-add NET_ADMIN softethervpn/vpnserver:stable
As there are different operating modes for SoftetherVPN there is a variety of ports that might or might not be needed. For operation with Softether Clients at least 443, 992 or 5555 is needed. See for reference on the Softether ports. Others are commented out in the docker-compose example.
The same command can be achieved by docker-compose, the docker compose file is in the repository. You can specify the respective docker-compose.yaml like so:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.vpnclient.yaml up -d
By default the docker-compose.yaml is used:
version: '3'
image: softethervpn/vpnserver:latest
restart: always
#- 53:53 #DNS tunneling
- 443:443 #Management and HTTPS tunneling
#- 992:992 #HTTPS tunneling
#- 1194:1194/udp #OpenVPN
#- 5555:5555 #HTTPS tunneling
#- 500:500/udp #IPsec/L2TP
#- 4500:4500/udp #IPsec/L2TP
#- 1701:1701/udp #IPsec/L2TP
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro"
- "./softether_data:/var/lib/softether"
- "./softether_log:/var/log/softether"
# - "./adminip.txt:/var/lib/softether/adminip.txt:ro"
With newer releases vpncmd is directly in the container so you can use it to configure vpn. You can can run it once the container is running :
docker exec -it softether-vpn-server vpncmd localhost
example to configure a vpnclient
docker exec -it softether-vpn-server vpncmd localhost /client
VPN Client> AccountSet homevpn /SERVER: /HUB:VPN
VPN Client> AccountPasswordSet homevpn /PASSWORD:verysecurepassword /TYPE:standard
VPN Client> AccountConnect homevpn
#Automatically connect once container starts
VPN Client> AccountStartupSet homevpn
#Checking State
VPN Client> AccountStatusGet homevpn
docker build --target vpnclient -t softethevpn:latest .