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A Python implementation from scratch of a neural network (using NumPy for matrix operations), made primarily for learning purposes. It is nowhere near optimized, so expect bugs, redundant and duplicate code, slow performance, high memory usage, out-of-place/obsolete comments, and things of the sort.

The example datasets, and their labeled versions of the image datasets are in the folder datasets.

The model architectures used in the video Examples are described in the section Example model architectures.

Tested with Python 3.10.6

The models tested and uploaded here are not necessarily the best models and haven't thoroughly tested, they are mostly a proof of concept.

Used python modules

NumPy (2.0.1)
Pillow  (10.4.0)
Matplotlib (3.9.1)

To install these modules, you can execute pip install -r requirements.txt in this project's root folder (the one with the and


The following example videos are sped-up and low quality due to GitHub's file size limit of 10MB. Also, the option "Use grayscale images" is not needed anymore

Linear regression (houses.csv)


Logistic regression (framingham.csv)


Multi-label classification (3-folds cross-validation) (framingham.csv)

The plots disappear here because I minimized them


Multi-class classification (mnist_png.rar)


Multi-class classification (RGB) (cars.rar)


Labeling images


Resizing images


How to use

Training a model (from scratch or by retraining an already existing model):

  1. Setup the model - Model setup
  2. Adjust the hyperparameters - Setting up the hyperparameters
  3. Run the script and adjust the settings according to the prompts - Running the script
  4. Wait for the training to finish
  5. (Optional) Predict and/or evaluate metrics on the final model - Prediction
  6. (Optional) Save the model - Model loading and saving

Loading a model for prediction only:

  1. Load the model (must be within the folder models)
  2. Type 1 for prediction only when prompted

Defining a model from scratch

You can setup the model architecture in the script, right below the line if not loaded_model: and before model.setup_done(). There you need to run the relevant setup functions of the model variable.

A Layer instance defines a layer.

Layer class

num: Layer number (starts at 0)
dim: Number of nodes
type: 0 (input), 1 (hidden), 2 (output)
activation_function: One of the [Activation functions](#activation-functions
regularize: Whether the layer uses regularization
l1_rate: L1 Regularization rate
l2_rate: L2 Regularization rate

Activation functions

linear: Linear
relu: Rectified Linear Unit
sigmoid: Sigmoid
softmax: Softmax

Loss functions

loss_mse: Mean squared error
loss_binary_crossentropy: Binary cross-entropy
loss_categorical_crossentropy: Categorical cross-entropy

Model setup

There needs to be exactly 1 input layer and 1 output layer, and they can only be added once.

The output layer and every hidden layer each need their respective activation function

The model needs a loss function

  1. Add however many layers you want by calling model.add_layer(num, dim, type)
  2. An activation function can be set by calling model.set_activation_function(num, activation_function)
  3. Every model needs a loss function, which can be set by calling model.set_loss_function(loss_function)
  4. Lastly, you need to call model.setup_done(is_loaded_model=False) to ensure that the model architecture is valid (i.e. if there are no missing layers, the layer types are correct, the layers also get sorted by their num at this point, etc.)

Setting up the hyperparameters

There are six hyperparameters:

lr: Learning rate
batch_size: Batch size
steps: Steps
(Optional) plot_update_every_n_batches: Plot update interval (if enabled, and in number of batches)
(Optional) model.set_regularization(num, l1_rate, l2_rate): L1 & L2 regularization rates

Dataset setup

Comma-delimited ',' dataset

The dataset must be within the datasets folder, be comma-separated (i.e. each variable is separated by a comma ','), and each sample must be separated by a newline or \n. You can also optionally filter a dataset at runtime.

The dataset loading/filtering process is further explained in the sections Setting up a comma-delimited dataset and (Optional) Filtering a comma-delimited dataset.

If enabled, the test and/or hold-out set(s) will be sampled from the dataset based on the user-given percentage.

Setting up a comma-delimited dataset

Each possible feature/class is a separate column, separated by a comma.

  1. Input the dataset filename, including the extension (must be within the datasets folder)
  2. Type in 0 to select by column/feature name, or 1 to select by the number (column index)
  3. Type in the feature identifier by whichever mean you chose to
  4. Type in i to select the variable as independent (used to predict) or d as dependent (to be predicted)
  5. Now you choose whether to keep choosing independent and/or dependent variables or continue running the script. Type in y to choose another feature/class or n to continue the script.
    • You can keep doing this as many times as you need. Each model needs at least one independent variable and one dependent variable.

  6. Type in y to filter the dataset or n otherwise. More information on dataset filtering available in the below section (Optional) Filtering a comma-delimited dataset

(Optional) Filtering a comma-delimited dataset

The following are valid comparison operators: ==, !=, <, <=, >=, >

Here you can filter out samples from the dataset by comparing using the comparison operators listed above. This works for both independent and dependent variables. You can also do it multiple times. The filtered variables do not need to be the independent or dependent variables, as long as they are in the dataset.

  1. Select which variable(s) to filter, by typing in the variable(s) name, while separated by commas if filtering more than one variable at once.

    i.e. 'area_m2', 'area_m2,price_brl', 'lat,lon', etc...

  2. Type the target number which will be compared against the given variable
  3. Type in a valid comparison operator (one of ==, !=, <, <=, >= or >)
  4. Type in y to keep filtering or n to continue the script.

Image dataset

I have only tested 3 types of images so far - RGB, RGBA, and byte-sized.

If you are not on Windows and need to resize images and/or write labels, you can simply execute the Python files directly (i.e. python and/or python This is what the .bat file does.

For an image dataset, you need 3 things:

  1. Images for the training set, of the same dimension (do not need to be square)
  2. Unique filenames and labels for each of these images in a file called labels.txt
  3. Place all of the images, as well as the respective labels.txt, in the images/train folder

As for the (optional) test set, you either choose a percentage of the images within the train folder as the test set or store them separately in the images/test folder. If you choose the latter, the images in images/test also need their respective labels.txt file.

Label images

A video example on how to automatically label images is shown in Labeling images

The labels.txt file is in the format filename,class, where filename is the image filename, and class is an integer in the range [0, k], where k is the number of classes in the model, and each newline or \n represents a separate image.

You can manually fill in the labels.txt file or automatically generate it.

The latter requires that you are able to separate all class images into their individual folders. (i.e. if you're using MNIST, you would separate all images of a 0 in a folder called 0, of a 1 in a folder called 1, and so on...)

For automatic labeling:

  1. Separate each image pertaining to an individual class into their own folder
  2. Give each folder a unique integer as the name, where the integer ranges from 0 to the number of classes (i.e. 0-9 for MNIST)
  3. Copy and paste the file(s) utils/ (and utils/write_labels.bat if on Windows), and paste on each of these class folders
  4. If on Windows, run write_labels.bat on each folder, otherwise directly execute python This creates a labels.txt file for each folder
  5. Copy all of those images into the images/train folder
  6. Concatenate the contents of each labels.txt into a new labels.txt that also goes into images/train

(Optional) Resize all images to the same dimension

A video example of how to resize images is shown in Resizing images

  1. Place the files utils/ and utils/resize.bat in the same folder as the images that you want to resize
  2. Open with a text editor and change the variables WIDTH and HEIGHT to the width and height you're targeting for all the images
  3. Execute the file resize.bat. (Or directly call python if not on Windows)
  4. A new folder called resized will be created with all of the resized images inside of it.

Running the script

Once everything is setup, you can run

Firstly, you will be prompted whether you want to load a .json model config file.

  • If you type in y, you will then be prompted for the name of the model file (excluding the .json extension), which can be re-trained and/or used for predictions.
  • If you type in n, the model architecture will be the one defined in the file. If you're training a model from scratch you will always need to define a model architecture in this file beforehand.

Then you can choose in which probability distribution you want the weights to be initialized in, 0 for a normal distribution or 1 for a uniform distribution.

Now you will be prompted whether this model will be trained on images or not. Type y for yes or n for no.

Then you need to choose whether to train the model or go straight into predicting. Type 0 for training or 1 for predicting.

You will be asked whether to plot any model metrics (i.e. training cost, r^2, accuracy, etc..). Type y for yes or n for no.

Similarly, you will be prompted whether to perform cross-validation (hold-out (0) or k-folds (1)), whether to use a test set, and whether to shuffle the dataset (all of it, including the subsets).

Now, if you choose to train the model, you will be prompted about the dataset.

If it is an image model you will be prompted whether you want to give names to the classes, as by default they're integers in the range [0, c], where c is the number of classes in the last layer of the model.

If it is a dataset that is comma-delimited, you will need to choose the independent and dependent variables, as can be seen in the section Setting up a comma-delimited dataset above.

Then, finally, and similarly, you will be prompted whether to normalize the dataset.

Now you have to wait for the model to finish training.

Meanwhile, if you choose to plot anything, you will see the relevant graph(s), which includes the training set(s) loss(es) side by side with the performance metric(s) (i.e. r^2 for regression models, or accuracy, precision, recall and f1-score for classification models).

Once finished, you can optionally make predictions and also optionally save the model.

  • If you are making predictions on a model trained on a comma-delimited ',' dataset, you will have to input the feature values manually for each of them.
  • If it is an image model, you will have to input the filename of your desired image within the images/predict folder.

The function randomize_dataset shuffles the dataset by swapping column vectors at random from the given samples and dependent_values matrices, before they are (optionally) partitioned into a test set or hold-out set.

Normalizing puts all of the input features of each sample in the entire dataset within the range [-1, 1]. Then it subtracts their mean (which is calculated after normalizing to this range), then divides by the standard deviation (calculated at the same time as the mean).

Implementation details

The script has the class implementation of Dataset, which is meant to hold information about a raw comma-delimited dataset, though not yet ready to work with in the main script, so some further processing is done in after loading it.

Whenever an instance of the class is created, the user will be prompted for a comma-delimited dataset file within the datasets folder, which gets parsed internally and has other setup related prompts for use with the main script, such as choosing independent and dependent variables for training (which ideally should be encapsulated within the Model class implementation, but my focus was on functionality first). This setup is further explained in the section Setting up a comma-delimited dataset.

It also contains the static function Dataset.normalize_helper, which is used to put features within the range [-1, 1] when normalizing. The function takes as arguments the previous value, previous minimum feature value, previous maximum feature value, new minimum feature value, and new maximum feature value.

The matrix multiplication order is left-to-right. (i.e. weights * input, where input is a row vector)

The loss functions are executed on the predicted value and the observed value (correct label/dependent variable).

Their derivatives are implemented the same way, except that they also take into account the (current batch) number of training samples for averaging.

The activation functions and their derivatives are implemented taking z (node input) as the input, except for softmax, which also takes z_l, which is the input to all of the current layer's nodes, as well as its derivative.

Network class

total_batches: each batch, used for plotting
costs: each batch cost, used for plotting and printing
crossvalidation_costs: cost for holdout/k-folds average
finished_training: keeps track of whether the model has finished training

Model class

The class that defines a model is Model, and you can make as many instances as you want. An instance of this class stores information relevant to the model and the setup functions. However, since throughout this entire time I have only experimented with an individual model (outside of k-folds cross-validation), I have made a global variable model which defines the model to be defined/loaded_into, so you may encounter issues doing otherwise without making changes to the code.

It stores the layers, weights, loss function, independent and dependent variables, their types, normalization status, whether the model is an image model, among other things.

You can instantiate as many models as you want. However, as it currently stands, unless you manually modify the code, the only instance of the Model class that will be relevant is instantiated as the variable model. (Copies of that model are also instantiated when using k-folds)

Once instantiated, you will need to setup the model. This is explained in detail in the section Model setup.

Model loading and saving

You can load a model by calling load_model with the model name (excluding the extension), which must be within the models/ folder.

You can save a model by calling save_model with the model instance and the model name (excluding the extension), which will be stored in the models/ folder.

JSON model format

Image model files have an extra property, right after is_image_model, called image_dim, which is a 2-element list of the width and height of images like [106, 80]

Model configuration file format example

    "normalized": `true`,
    "is_image_model": `false`,
    "layers": {
        "0": {
            "dimension": 1,
            "activation": null,
            "regularization": {
                "regularize": false,
                "l1_rate": 0,
                "l2_rate": 0
        "1": {
            "dimension": 1,
            "activation": "linear",
            "regularization": {
                "regularize": false,
                "l1_rate": 0,
                "l2_rate": 0
    "loss": "mse",
    "class_list": [
    "feature_list": [
    "feature_types": [
    "feature_min_maxes": [
    "sample_features_mean": [
    "sample_dependent_variables_mean": [
    "sample_features_variance": [
    "sample_features_std": [
    "weights": {
        "0": [


The feedforward function goes through the model starting at the given layer, with the given input, then returns the last layer's output.

If cache is True, which is the case when training, each layer's outputs and inputs are stored (primarily for backpropagation) then reset for the next sample. Otherwise, which is the case when predicting, cache is False, and those values are not stored.

  1. If starting at layer 0, with cache being True, it stores the input in the list of inputs and outputs for the current sample.

  2. Multiplies the current layer's weights by the previous layer's outputs (the input to the function), and stores the output in z_l.

  3. The current layer's activation function is executed for each of the inputs in z_l, with the input to the node itself as the argument, and also the entire layer z_l in the case of softmax. The result is stored in the output matrix a_l.

  4. The function is recursively called with the current layer's output as the next layer's input and layer_num gets incremented by 1, until it reaches the last layer and then returns the final output.

Layer weight matrices model.weights[-1][layer_num - 1] are of dimension m x (1 + n), where m is the number of nodes in the current layer and n is the number of nodes in the previous layer (+ 1 for the bias)

Layer inputs (z_l) are a matrix of dimension m x 1, where m is the number of nodes in the given layer

Layer outputs (a_l) are a matrix of dimension n x 1, where n is the number of nodes in the given layer
z_l and a_l are supposed to always have the same dimension - that of the current layer


The backpropagation function goes over the network backward and calculates relevant values for the calculation of the partial derivatives for each weight variable of each layer, then returns that list.

The following steps are looped through each node, then through each layer backward, starting at the last layer. Most of the node indexing notation is omitted for readability but is implemented in the code.

First, the given node's errors are calculated.

The error of a particular node in layer k and index i is defined as dC/dz_k[i] (the derivative of the cost with respect to the input of the node i within the layer k)

The weight indexing is 1 less than the layer indexing. (i.e. if at layer 1, the weights that connect the input layer 0 to layer 1 are stored in model.weights[0])

When at the last layer, dC/dz_k is calculated, by separating the steps through the chain rule.

  1. dC/da_k is calculated (derivative of the cost wrt the layer's output)

    The derivatives for the loss functions are individually implemented as the functions binary_crossentropy_derivative, categorical_crossentropy_derivative, and mse_derivative.

  2. The result gets added to the node_error variable.

  3. da_k/dz_k is calculated (derivative of the layer's activation function wrt to the layer's input)

Similarly, the activation function derivatives are also individually implemented as the functions linear_derivative, relu_derivative, sigmoid_derivative, and softmax_derivative.

  1. The node_error variable gets multiplied by it, for the chain rule.

If at a hidden layer, the dC/da_k calculation is replaced by the calculation of dz_k/da_k-1 (derivative of the current layer's input wrt the previous layer's output), as the derivative with respect to the cost only needs to be calculated once.

The value of k decreases for every layer in the loop (though in the script the variable that keeps track of the current layer increases).

That is it for the error calculation of a given node in a given layer k.

In order to get dC/W_k (partial derivatives of the cost wrt the weights in the given layer) after already calculating dC/dz_k we just need to multiply it by dz_k/dW_k (derivative of the layer's input wrt that layer's connection weights).

dz_k/dW_k happens to be the previous layer's output nodes (a_lm1[prev_node - 1, 0], the - 1 accounts for the bias).

Finally, the error of each node in the current layer must be multiplied by the previous layer's output to get the final partial derivatives for that layer/node.

The process repeats for all hidden layers and their nodes until the input layer is reached, and then the partials are returned.

Note that I mentioned that the implementation of the chain rule is done separately for each function and derivative, but this is not the case for the softmax function combined with loss_categorical_crossentropy (so for multi-class classification model, such as MNIST).

When working out the math, certain variables cancel out, but since in the script it's done in separate steps, one of the derivatives (dC/da_k) always returns 0 and as the chain rule is just multiplication, all partials and errors become 0. So I decided to directly solve this edge case by implementing the simplified alternative which includes both derivatives.

For this reason, when the combination is softmax as the last layer's activation function and loss_categorical_crossentropy for the loss function, the node error calculation is implemented in a single line: node_error = (a_l[node, 0] - observed[0, node]) / n_training_samples.

The error itself is the layer's output a_l minus the real observed value for the given input sample. The division by n_training_samples is there to average the partial derivatives over the batch size. This should be done within the loss function derivative when at the last layer, but since for this specific case it was simplified to one step, this needs to be done directly.

Image loading

Pillow is used for image loading whenever using an image model. You can get the pixel matrix of an image by calling get_image_pixel_matrix, and passing the absolute or relative folder path and the image filename. If the model argument to this function is not None and it doesn't have a previously set image_bit_depth variable, the function will set this member variable to be whatever the bit depth for this image has.

The function load_image_dataset loads the image dataset from the given folder. This folder must have a labels.txt file with unique filenames and correct formatting, as well as the respective images.

The images are all assumed to have the same dimension (not necessary to be square) and the same bit depth.

This function reads and parses all images and labels into matrices, retrieves other model relevant information, and also allows you to name each image class if called with a given model as an argument along with unique_dataset = True, and stores them in the local variables samples, labels, feature_list, feature_types, class_list, image_dim, image_bit_depth, which the function returns.

If you are only interested in loading the dataset irrespective of the model, which is the general case if you only want to load the samples and labels but already have a model with the relevant information (i.e. image bit depth, image dimension, pixel count and classes), you can run it with the argument unique_dataset = False. This is the case for the hold-out and test sets, for example.

You can plot an image from a sample matrix retrieved by calling get_image_pixel_matrix with the function plot_image_from_sample, by passing the model as argument and the sample matrix.


If normalizing, the dataset is first normalized to the range [-1, 1], then the mean and standard deviation are measured

When ran with update_min_maxes as True, the function mean_n_variance_normalize goes through the given dataset and stores the minimum and maximum values for each of the features and this is what feature_min_maxes is used for. feature_min_maxes is a 2-dimensional array where the first column is the feature index, and in the second column the minimum (index 0) and maximum (index 1) value for that feature.

If the model is an image model, as of right now, the minimum and maximum value for each feature is hardcoded to, respectively, 0 and 255.

The function new_normalize uses the feature_min_maxes and the Dataset.normalize_helper function in order to normalize the samples to the range [-1 ,1].

If ran with update_min_maxes as False (which is the case when normalization is enabled), the dataset will be mean normalized (subtracts the mean of the given feature for each feature), and standardized (divides by the standard deviation of the given feature for each feature). (Even then it is still called with update_min_maxes = False beforehand, in order to store the minimum and maximum values for the normalization),

Dataset metrics evaluation

The function measure_model_on_dataset can be called with the relevant data after loading a dataset and a model, in order to measure the performance of the model on that dataset. The resulting measures are stored in the model_metrics, micro_metrics, macro_metrics, and class_metrics dictionaries and list that are passed as arguments.

This function gets called k times for the k models if using k-folds cross-validation, for every batch.
It gets called at least once when training finishes if a test set is present.
The total cost is always measured.
For regression models, r^2 is measured
For classification models, accuracy, recall, precision, and f1-score are measured.

Once a model has been measured for some dataset, you can call print_model_metrics to print the relevant metrics, with the model_metrics, micro_metrics, macro_metrics, and class_metrics that hold the metrics as arguments to the function.


The predict_prompt function handles the prediction of values for a model. It initializes an input matrix of the same dimension as the input layer and prepends a 1 to account for the bias.
If the model used a regular comma-delimited dataset, you will then be prompted for the inputs for each feature.
If the model used an image dataset, it will load the image given as input by the user within the images/predict folder for prediction.
Once the input is properly loaded, if the model is normalized, the input also gets normalized by normalizing the features to [-1, 1], then subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation that were measured for the training set after also normalizing the training set to [-1, 1]. Finally, it performs forward propagation on the model with this matrix as the input, and then prints the result to the console. If the model is an image model, the image is also plotted.

The function nn.predict runs the forward propagation while ignoring first layer.


The function nn.train starts the actual training process. It initializes some variables that will be filled during training, then loops through the number of training steps and calls the nn.step function. Whenever a step finishes, the current step, training cost, and optionally cross-validation cost are printed to the console. Once all steps are done, the variable finished_training is set to True.

It takes as arguments the training parameters, training samples, and the model to be trained (the model argument defaults to None if performing k-folds cross-validation), and initializes empty lists for the variables total_batches, costs, crossvalidation_costs, models_model_metrics, models_micro_metrics, models_macro_metrics, models_class_metrics, as those are filled during training.

The step function performs the training step. The behavior when k-folds is slightly different from a regular model, as multiple models are measured at once.

For a regular model, the following is the process for each sample, as it goes through all of the training sample:

  1. The model's layers_a and layers_z member variables are initialized to empty lists, as this information is necessary for backpropagation and is different for each sample.
  2. Forward propagation is performed on the model, starting from the input layer, with the current training sample.
  3. The sample loss is then calculated based on the model, the output of the forward propagation, and the observed values (correct dependent values/labels).
  4. The sample loss is added to the average_cost variable, which will later be averaged for the total batch loss.
  5. Backpropagation is performed, and the resulting partial derivatives are stored in the sample_partials variable, which gets appended to the batch_partials[0] list variable (the 0 index here stands for 0th model, as for k-folds there is more than one model). This will also get averaged for the total batch loss.
  6. Whenever the number of batch samples is reached:
    1. The total_batches variable which is used for plotting gets appended with the number of the current batch.
    2. The batch cost gets averaged over the number of samples in the current batch.
    3. The batch cost gets appended to the costs variable, which holds the cost of each batch and is used for plotting and printing the cost to the console (as of right now, the last batch's average cost is always the one printed and plotted).
    4. (Optional) If enabled, the model gets evaluated on the hold-out set.
    5. (Optional) If enabled and the desired number of batches set through the variable plot_update_every_n_batches have been iterated, the plot is drawn
    6. The batch partials get averaged over the number of samples in the current batch, and the list gets cleared for the next batch.
    7. Gradient descent is performed on the model, with the given partial derivatives, learning rate, and number of samples processed in the current batch

The behavior for k-folds is similar, except that for each sample the process also loops through each of the k models.

The function sample_loss calculates the sample loss for a given model, prediction, and observation. It basically goes through each output node and calls the model's loss function with the prediction and observation. The total sample loss is the accumulation of each output node's individual loss. Regularization is then accounted for if enabled.

The gradient_descent function updates the model's weights given the partial derivatives, learning rate, and number of samples in the current batch. It also takes into account the regularization if enabled.

Though both terms are somewhat interchangeable, I mostly reserved the Network class to handle the training, predicting, plotting, and sometimes performance measuring of arbitrary models. Meanwhile, the Model instance holds information pertaining to the model architecture, its weights, and the dataset it is trained on.

The model architecture is defined beforehand, as explained in further detail in the section Model setup.

When running the script, a few prompts will ask you for your preferences on certain settings.

The training set is always present, while the test and hold-out sets are optional. In the case of k-folds, the entire training set gets split into k models, where each of the k models have their own subsets of the training set as their training set and test set.

The training, test, and hold-out sets are all matrices of dimension (n + 1) x m, where n is the number of features the dataset has plus a prepended 1 at the beginning, which accounts for the bias weight, while m is the number of samples.

As for the dependent/observed values, they are matrices of dimension m x n, where m is the number of samples and n is the number of classes/dependent variables. Depending on the context, it may be internally transposed in certain functions or sections of the code, but generally it is m x n (i.e. in the case of dependent_values).

The dataset is loaded by the script (but called in, although some other things are done in It just parses through a comma-delimited file, separates the features, and stores the relevant information.

Whenever running k-folds cross-validation, the models are not saved and you are not able to predict anything after training, which is by design as it is mostly used as a form of evaluating the model performance. Ideally, you should still be able to do these things since there's no real downside to allowing them, but combining this with the time spent implementing everything else I decided to leave it as is, for now.

The function nn.reset_training_info resets the member variables which keep track of the training progress. As it stands the script doesn't use this, but you could add it as you please. This could be useful for training a model after another one has already been trained.

Example model architectures

Below are the models that were used for testing and experimenting, which are seemingly somewhat accurate

Linear regression (houses.csv)

  • Independent variable: area_m2 (Area in m^2 of a house)
  • Dependent variable: price_brl (Price in Brazilian reais)



  • Input
    • Nodes: 1
  • Output
    • Nodes: 1
    • Activation function: linear

Loss function: loss_mse

  • Normalized
  • lr: 0.1
  • batch_size: 11293
  • steps: 25

Logistic regression (framingham.csv)

  • Independent variable: sysBP (Systolic blood pressure)
  • Dependent variable: prevalentHyp (Whether the person has a hypertension diagnosis or not)



  • Input
    • Nodes: 1
  • Hidden
    • Nodes: 5
    • Activation function: relu
  • Output
    • Nodes: 1
    • Activation function: sigmoid

Loss function: loss_binary_crossentropy

  • Normalized
  • lr: 1
  • batch_size: 300
  • steps: 50

Multi-label classification (framingham.csv)

  • Independent variables: age, totChol, sysBP, glucose (Person age, cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, and glucose)
  • Dependent variables: prevalentHyp, prevalentStroke, currentSmoker, diabetes (Whether the person is diagnosed with hypertension, has had a stroke, is currently a smoker, and has diabetes)



  • Input
    • Nodes: 4
  • Hidden
    • Nodes: 50
    • Activation function: relu
  • Output
    • Nodes: 4
    • Activation function: sigmoid

Loss function: loss_binary_crossentropy

  • Normalized
  • lr: 1
  • batch_size: 300
  • steps: 230

Multi-class classification (mnist_labeled.rar/mnist.rar)

  • Independent variables: Image pixels (28*28, byte-sized color channel)
  • Dependent variables: Integers in range [0, 9]



  • Input
    • Nodes: 784 (28x28)
  • Hidden
    • Nodes: 50
    • Activation function: relu
  • Output
    • Nodes: 10
    • Activation function: softmax

Loss function: loss_categorical_crossentropy

  • Normalized
  • lr: 0.03
  • batch_size: 32
  • steps: 5
  • Only used 50% of the entire training set by reserving the other 50% for a test set

Multi-class classification (RGB) (cars_labeled.rar/cars.rar)

  • Independent variable: Image pixels (106803, 3 RGB color channels)
  • Dependent variables: Integers in range [0, 2] that I renamed to the respective car colors ["black", "blue", "red"]



  • Input
    • Nodes: 25440 (106x80x3)
  • Hidden
    • Nodes: 50
    • Activation function: relu
  • Output
    • Nodes: 3
    • Activation function: softmax

Loss function: loss_categorical_crossentropy

  • Normalized
  • lr: 0.005
  • batch_size: 32
  • steps: 5


  • Model types
    • Linear regression
    • Logistic regression
    • Multi-label classification
    • Multi-class classification
  • Activation functions
    • Linear: linear
    • Rectified Linear Unit: relu
    • Sigmoid: sigmoid
    • Softmax: softmax
  • Loss functions
    • Mean squared error: loss_mse
    • Binary cross-entropy: loss_binary_crossentropy
    • Categorical cross-entropy: loss_categorical_crossentropy
  • Accepts comma-delimited ',' files and images
  • (Optional) Save and load models (.json files with model/dataset metadata)
  • (Optional) Normalization (normalizes to range [-1, 1], mean normalizes, then standardizes)
  • (Optional) L1 & L2 regularization
  • Arbitrary batch size
  • Arbitrary number of layers and nodes
  • Xavier (linear, sigmoid, softmax) and HE (relu) weight initialization (optionally normally or uniformly distributed)
  • Loading and filtering dataset (comma-delimited ',') by column names or column numbers, choose dependent or independent variable, and (optionally) filter by comparison operators (i.e. keep only the values for the given column which are >, <, ==, or != to a certain value)
  • (Optional) Shuffle dataset
  • (Optional) Measuring/evaluating the dataset for performance metrics on an arbitrary model (the function responsible for this is measure_model_on_dataset
  • (Optional) Hold-out, k-folds cross-validation, and test sets
  • (Optional) Plotting cost graphs and test/hold-out set performance metrics (i.e. r^2 for regression models, or accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score for classification models)
  • (Optional) Arbitrary names for classes of image multi-class classification models


  • Currently, the only accepted datasets are files delimited by a comma ',' and images

  • Normalization (prior to mean normalization and standardizing) gets the features within the range [-1, 1], by design choice

  • The dataset loader skips the first row (which should be the column/variable names) and assumes that each variable is a different column

  • The class names for a model trained on a comma-delimited ',' dataset will be whatever column names they had. Meanwhile, for images, they will be integers increasing from 0 to k, where k is the number of classes. You can optionally manually input a label for each of those classes, in the case of an image dataset

  • Expect bugs, inaccuracies, lack of speed, high memory consumption, and general lack of optimization

  • A practical example of the script exceeding available memory and crashing, for me with 32GB RAM, was running the MNIST example, but instead of using a batch size of 32 as shown in the example video, using a batch size of 1 caused it to crash in between the 4th and 5th steps

  • Currently, the script needs images of the same dimension (no need to be square), as the input layer's dimension is pre-defined

  • If the batch size is set to a value that is greater than the number of training samples, it is clipped to be the number of training samples. (You can also use this to force batch gradient descent when you don't know the exact number of training samples, as any value greater than that will suffice)

  • Do not normalize input if the model is trained on images and the images are not in the range [0, 255]. For example if every pixel is 0 or 1. This is because I hardcoded all normalized images' pixels/features to assume to be in the range [0, 255]

  • When training a model with k-folds cross-validation, you won't be able to make predictions afterward, nor will you be prompted to save a model. It is only used as a means of performance metrics evaluation. This is by design

  • The script expects all images to have pixel colors in the range [0, 255] for normalization. This can be changed within the function mean_n_variance_normalize, by changing the feature min maxes from 0 and 255 to whatever minimum and maximum values you're using, respectively

  • When training a model with k-folds, if the number of training samples is not exactly divisible by the number of folds, the spare sample will be ignored

  • Image labels cannot have duplicate filenames in the labels.txt text file, as they are uniquely identified by them

  • You can print a model's performance metrics (if it has been measured prior) with the function print_model_metrics

  • Strings as inputs haven't been properly implemented or tested

  • The model class members sample_features_mean, sample_features_std, sample_features_variance, are measured over the training samples (if normalization was enabled, this is done after the input is in the range [-1, 1], but before mean normalizing and standardizing).
    Meanwhile, the non model class members, such as training_features_mean and test_features_mean, are measured after the input is normalized (if that is the case, otherwise model.sample_features_mean is the same as training_features_mean, for example). That is because whenever the input needs to be re-normalized, such as in the case of predicting an arbitrary user input once the model is trained, you need to know the mean and std before mean normalizing and standardizing, but after normalizing to [-1, 1], as well as the minimum and maximum values of each input feature in order to normalize it to [-1 ,1], which is what the variable model.feature_min_maxes is used for. These are also used for performance measurements and reversing the normalization process.

  • Regularization has not been extensively tested

  • I could not make a model that performs well when predicting different car brands of the same color (RGB), using a similar architecture to the model that predict s car colors. I don't know the exact reason for this, although it is evidently a more complex task than the other examples. Possibly solvable with convolutional layers?


  • Implement the same behavior of optionally storing images in a separate holdout folder as can be done with the test folder

  • Option to convert images that are RGB/RGBA into grayscale

  • Separate the bias from the normal weights and separately calculate/update it, or leave it as is?

  • Estimate time remaining for training to finish based on how long it took for the last step to finish

  • Refactor code and standardize variable names

  • Decouple and isolate functions, settings, models, and datasets

  • Separate into multiple scripts for better isolation/readability

  • Option to evalute model on a given test set without the need to train it

  • Let user arbitrarily choose how often they want the cross-validation model(s) to be evaluated during training, instead of automatically doing it for every single batch

  • Implement exponentially moving averages for plotting and let user choose how much to smoothen the graph(s) (if at all)

  • Implement means to achieve better performance, such as vectorizing everything, using Jacobian matrices, CUDA (NVIDIA only), and SIMD instructions? I probably won't do this, as the primary goal of this project was learning, and readability is much preferred over performance

  • Implement gradient checking

  • Implement gradient clipping

  • Implement dropout

  • Implement layer batch normalization

  • Implement convolutional layers

  • Implement other optimizers/adaptive learning rates such as adagrad/adam/rmsprop, etc...

  • Let user save/predict any chosen model(s) with k-folds cross-validation once training ends

  • Improve performance of the plots

  • Automatically save or allow user to choose whether to keep checkpoints of the model at specific points/intervals during training (i.e. save model every 100 steps, or once steps are 500, etc.)

  • Let user run script with "default settings" (i.e. the values already defined in the script, such as to normalize, shuffle dataset, no cross-validation, and a test set which is 25% of the training samples) mainly for avoiding repetition when testing things out

  • Implement hyperparameter tweaking during cross-validation

  • Properly implement strings as input and experiment with a sentiment analysis dataset

  • Prompt user whether to calculate and store micro statistics, macro statistics and/or model statistics? The prompt might become too cumbersome as it's already bloated with a lot of settings. This can already be done manually, though not tested, by passing model_metrics, micro_metrics, macro_metrics and/or class_metrics as None to the function measure_model_on_dataset, instead of the former 3 being a dictionary and the latter a list. This would be particularly useful in order to increase speed and decrease memory usage for models trained with cross-validation

  • Let user input the learning rate, regularization rate including the type (L1 or L2), batch size, and the frequency at which the plot (if enabled) is updated? Also worried about too many settings